It is understood that at this point these events have not confirmed a direct connection to Mexican Drug Cartels, but due to the significance of events that may bear further implications and the involvement of law enforcement, who by the very nature of their existence will without doubt add to the increase in controversy of government involvement, or other factions other than the supposed students as has been suggested that might have been armed with grenades or AK-47s.
By Associated Press
Mexicans got a rare glimpse into the rough-and-tumble student organizations at many of Mexico’s universities Thursday, after five bodies were found buried at one group’s headquarters in the western city of Guadalajara.
Jalisco state Attorney General Tomas Coronado said relatives had identified three of the dead as high school students who were reported missing along with two other people last week after they complained that the student group was demanding protection money to sell snacks outside a campus.
Police uncovered three bodies in a pit late Wednesday and two more in another pit late Thursday. Investigators were trying to determine if the latest two were a fried-dough vendor and his son who went missing with the three teenagers, Coronado said.
The vendor, Armando Gomez, his son and three of his high school friends disappeared last Friday after going to the Federation of Guadalajara Students’ headquarters, where the bodies were found. They went to complain that the student group was demanding too much protection money for allowing him to sell snacks outside a high school campus.
The first three bodies were found two days after two college students in nearby Guerrero state were killed in a clash with police after student protesters hijacked buses, used them to block a highway and fought officers with rocks and sticks.
Highly organized, semiformal and often violent groups are commonplace at Mexican universities. It is a phenomenon that dates back at least to the 1950s, but swelled during student radicalization in the 1960s.
The organizations have become less ideological over the years, however, and are now often linked to, or protected by, political bosses known in Mexico as “caciques,” or chieftains. The groups sometimes act as enforcers to strong arm a politician’s rivals, or freelance in extortion or petty robbery.
Political analyst John Ackerman said Mexico’s current political atmosphere, with tension heating up before the July presidential election and a lame-duck central government distracted by the fight against drug cartels, may have emboldened such local groups.
“Cacique power is alive and well in Mexico,” said Ackerman, of the legal research institute at Mexico’s National Autonomous University. “This is another aspect in which democracy is still incomplete in Mexico.”

The FEG specialized in charging food and soft drink vendors to operate around the high schools, according to one university official familiar with the group. While the group was once leftist, the FEG switched decades ago to supporting the Institutional Revolutionary Party, which ruled Mexico for 71 years before losing the presidency in 2000, said the official, who agreed to discuss the group only if not quoted by name because he wasn’t authorized to speak about it.
The FEG has a website in which it describes itself as “a student political organization ... teaching the promotion of Democracy and Tolerance.” It lists no phone number or email contact.
On Monday, many Mexicans were shocked by the shooting deaths of two protesters at a demonstration by students from a rural teachers college in Guerrero state, but were not at all surprised students had hijacked buses, used them to block the toll highway leading to the Pacific coast resort of Acapulco and threw stones when police tried to clear the road.
The Guerrero state prosecutors office said students from the teachers college regularly block highways or take over toll booths to raise funds, but had acted with unusual violence in Monday’s protest, which was called to demand more funding for the college.
Police called in to clear the blockade apparently opened fire on the students. Federal police have said it was state police who fired the fatal shots, while Guerrero officials released video of federal officers kicking and beating detained protesters.
Lawyers for the students and rights groups, meanwhile, are accusing authorities of planting grenades at the scene and an assault rifle on one student to try to justify the shootings.
Ackerman, at the national university, said he considered the shootings unjustified. But he added there were indications that “outside forces,” perhaps directed by a former governor, may have infiltrated the protest in an attempt to create a politically embarrassing situation for current Guerrero Gov. Angel Aguirre.
“The long-standing tradition of using student ‘golpeadores’ (street fighters) to implement a strategy that authorities can’t carry out themselves is alive and well in Mexico,” Ackerman said.
you wrote: "students from the teachers college regularly block highways or take over toll booths to raise funds, but had acted with unusual violence"
ReplyDeleteoh my god, what kind of teachers you will get from such students ?! violent students, violent teachers, violent society
Mexicans, there is no hope for you. You ll are doomed unless you emigrate to USA.
It's sad to say it but the Mexican population is asking for a police state. Not openly but de facto. When you have the youth and future leaders on college campuses asking for extortion money, when you have such disregard for human life, when the government cannot contain the violence because there is SOOOO much of it, there's really no other alternative. Either the military will take over or the drug cartels. Either would be a disaster for the country.
ReplyDeleteYour economy is being detroyed by the drug trade because the violence is preventing legitimate businesses from operating. When all you have left to trade is violence and drugs, there will be a collapse of infrastructure. And the government cannot prevent it because its the PEOPLE, the citizens who hold together the threads of liberty and democracy. Just read history.
It is so ironic,the "students"try to blow a gas station up,steal buses,block highways,then when the police turn up,to restore order,student lawyers jump from the woodwork screaming "police abuse"?From what i have seen on that video,they were lucky they didn't get stood all over,and kicked to fuck.Where is police abuse on that video?That was nothing,the police were remarkably restrained in my view.With the shit going on,these little pussies must have bored with lessons.And now the police have been planting guns?Dig the story above?"Vendor complains about student group demanding to much money to operate a snack truck"Vendor and son turn up dead and burned in a pit?Fuckin rats.
ReplyDeleteThe strange thing to me is that companies are still locating in Mexico as the recently announced new car plants being built by Honda, Ford and GM indicate. I'm from Canada and I can't believe even student groups are engaging in widespread crimial activity down there. What is wrong with Mexico ? Where is the moral leadership ? All Mexicans can't be bad. They should relax the gun control down there so ordinary law abiding citizens can at least defend themselves against this madness. How do you save a society that seems rotten from the core on out. I'm surprised more people down there don't support USA intervention. While the USA if far from perfect, what alternative is there for the law abiding citizen ? these people need help and from what I read on this blog , that isn't coming from a corrupt police force or corrupt politicians or military forces. Who do honest law abiding Mexicans turn to ?
ReplyDeleteIts in the DNA,end of stoty.
ReplyDeleteGiven the situation it seems law enforcement was reasonably restrained. The scene was not safe and physical force was used to insure the burning gas station could be extinguished before it caused any death or serious injury.
ReplyDeleteThe Police didn't do much to the little violent basturds! They needed the shit kicked out of them for burning some one's truck and setting the gas station on fire! Hi-jacking buses extortion etc! Great Students!
ReplyDeleteI like how these blind sheep of people are surprised by this action by students.Its like not everywhere in the world are college students in a little perfect world like most are in the u.s or canada.Where the students throw fits about their parents getting them a 15,000 dollar car instead of a 30,000 dollar car.I will mention harvard cuz thats where its the worse dam spoiled pricks them kind of schools are infested with prudes.Its time to open your eyes and see how its like in other countries.Look up violent college student protests in Ecuador,Venezuela,chile and other parts in south america.Also in europe to with the recent violent college protest in London also the student protests in greece and other places.
ReplyDeletefucking wild west and behind it all as usual is some liberal lawyer or human rights group
ReplyDeleteDo the Mexicans have any moral values ?
ReplyDeleteCorrupted politicians.
Corrupted local officials.
Corrupted bussinessmen.
Corrupted teachers.
Corrupted federal police.
Corrupted municipal police.
Dec.19,2011 7;47pm "Do the Mexicans have any moral values?" Well yes we do, u ignorant redneck... "Do whiteboys ever stop crying like little bitches?" U know dam well that corruption is everywhere, maybe not as much as in Mexico but theres corruption here in the states 2. And U WANT 2 TALK ABOUT VALUES; AT LEAST HERE IN MEXICO U DONT HEAR ABOUT FATHERS OR MOTHERS RAPING OR KILLING THEIR OWN DAUGHTERS OR SONS, HERE IN THE STATES THATS ALL I HEAR...
ReplyDelete@12/19/11 7:47AM Well that's absolutely the same kind of corruption we have here in the USA at all levels of government and law enforcment, and I'm sure you know that. Do you really think that moral values here in the USA are really high? If you believe that you better quit using drugs!
ReplyDeleteYou really ought to read a little more. A sample from just today's news:
(Child molester from Chihuahua [that's in Mexico] arrested at POE.)
(Remember the guy who murders his girlfriend [Rubi], gets off, and then kills her mom [Marisela)in front of the governor's mansion?)
Raping kids, keeping the murdering all in the family....Yep, that's just what them there hillbillies do. Nosotros no....
Que elegante.
December 18, 2011 8:27 PM
ReplyDeleteLiberal? funny you mention that since Mexico is Ass Backwards Conservative, Mexico needs more Liberal Educated people to bring it out of the Dark ages Religion darkens it with.
@ December 19, 2011 3:13 PM ,Another Mexican talking about his beloved Mexico?Guess where he lives,,,USA.The place he voluntarily went to,and abandoned his beloved Mexico in its time of need?How could you do that?Mexico needs you,and you turned your back on it,to go to the USA.Please,please,go back and help your fellow Mexicans in their time of need,don't be another coward,and claim Mexico,while you are sitting safely in big bad USA.Mexico is calling you,can you not hear it?How can you live in the big bad USA,the USA that you hate,while your beloved Mexico goes down in blood?Mexico needs you,you turn your back on her.
ReplyDeleteYeh 12:30 pm yeh your saying all mexicans should join the mexican army and go into the current war in mexico well thats just a stupid ass ignorant thing to say its like saying every white boy or all americans should go join the army and go to war in afghanistan now you see how idiotic your comment looks next time really think stuff threw before your dumbass puts stupid shit down