As far as 75 miles north of the Mexican border, in a vast, faceless desert terrain, lies the worst county in the nation for drug smuggling and human trafficking. Sherriff Paul Babeu and the Pinal County SWAT team he commands spend long days in constant danger, protecting the integrity of our nation and the safety of our people.
Read more about Sheriff Paul Babeu and the Pinal County SWAT team in the fifth issue of the NRA American Warrior.
Our drug laws have destroyed Mexico and will also destroy the United States.
ReplyDeleteEven with alcohol now officially recognized as the most dangerous destructive and deadly drug of all the drugs, do not expect the misfits and morons in high places who desire a draconian police state to change their evil ways.
Our drug laws are the real enemy.
looks like a helluva jobs program ole shurff baboons got going there, lots of fancy rifles/trucks/helos etc. pity theres the need for poor campesinos to stumble along like beasts of burden destined for prison ... to make the buisness model work, not to worry boys, an hour in church on sunday negates all that predatory behavior eh? Or does it?
ReplyDeleteThis officer says use your brain boys, like the one young mexican deputy is starting to do ...
This made no sense
ReplyDeletePeople are not forced to do drugs
People want to get high.
This sounds like more nra feel good propaganda
WASHINGTON — Undercover American narcotics agents have laundered or smuggled millions of dollars in drug proceeds as part of Washington’s expanding role in Mexico’s fight against drug cartels, according to current and former federal law enforcement officials.
this is out of control.
blah blah blah
ReplyDelete@December 3, 2011 10:29 PM and December 4, 2011 5:05 AM the real problem is that most of the people who do drugs commit crimes.
I can not appreciate how many people are all about DRUGS,ILLEGAL ALIENS, etc. What ever happened to following the rules,obeying the law? I seems that a huge number of people feel its their duty to change the laws in the US (there are no laws in Mexico) by ignoring the rules. We have methods of changing laws USE THEM. Meanwhile the men and women of LOCAL law enforcement DESERVE all the respect you can give them. The US Fed Govt has REFUSED to enforce Fed law for Political Reasons (Get OBAMA Re-Elected) The Dems have sued Arizona and Alabama INSANITY,TREASON what has happened to the USA. THESE unintended consequences if the CIVIL RIGHTS movement have perverted what was once the most productive prosperous country in the WORLD, into a LAZY,ENTITLED,SOCIALIST,WELFARE STATE< Hell We are in FULL COLLAPSE.WTF
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThis made no sense
People are not forced to do drugs
People want to get high.
This sounds like more nra feel good propaganda
December 4, 2011 5:05 AM
"spoken like a true drug user".
Alcohol is the king of drugs.
ReplyDeleteNevermind the Cartels did you guys hear about Iran destorying a U.S spy drone?????
ReplyDeleteSo, if its about criminal users, then why the war? If Murrica wants to make this a war, begin by shooting your street level users.
ReplyDeletetake the money and reward your doughnut eaters with badges
This Video was sponsored by Dunkin doughnuts, the NRA and Geezer Baptists with nothing else to do but peddle fear.
ReplyDeletelike throwing water on a grease fire
ReplyDeleteMy local gun range requires potential members to purchase a membership to the NRA before they can join the gun range. Although I am an avid shooter and would save a ton of money by joining rather than going to another gun range that charges per hour, I choose not to support these organizations because my money would go towards producing this kind of propaganda....
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ! Are you guys fucking blind, or retarded? What line of BS did they say, or what lies and "propaganda" did they spew? NONE. Bottom line is that we are invaded every night by criminals. Period. What do you idiots not get about that? Yes, our drug laws are maybe even more stupid, and yes, it has some blame to this. But no one made these fuckers become criminals. Do you see other places falling apart like Mexico? It takes a supply to have the demand. There wouldn't be the drug problems we have if our streets weren't flooded with cheap and plentiful shit FROM MEXICO!! And these are the guys who are saving those poor souls who are left to die in the desert. Not Mexico or an agency of their government. We have to search cars coming out, and now going into Mexico BECAUSE MEXICO IS GREEDY! Mexico needs some Canadians to run for their presidency. Maybe if a Mexican wasn't running the shit hole, it might have a chance!
ReplyDeleteDecember 4, 2011 7:04 PM
hey dipshit.
Cocaine comes from Colombia
Meth precursors come from China
Xtacy comes from Europe by way of Mexico
the only thing grown in Mexico is pot
do you want to your whole rant?
Mexico is not falling appart, the only thing Mexico did was fight a retarded fight started by Nixon years ago, Calderon being the dumbfuck conservative he is, believed in the lies of onother Dumbfuck conservative (Bush) fed him
as for a Canadian running the place, that would be good if he is elected, why not.
and as far as a country falling appart before Mexico. it was Colombia, great job that was, over 1 trillion wasted and the Cocaine still comes north, in submarines even. and purer and cheaper than before
bullshit enough said
ReplyDeletetipical bullshit fed to the citizens to justify the millions of dollars spent on the so called war on drugssssssssss
Paul babeu, Nra, and fox are trying hard even lying to fear americans. They will moan and cry for political reasons and steal your money.
ReplyDeletearticles says:
"Sheriff Paul Babeu spend long days in constant danger, protecting the integrity of our nation and the safety of our people."
Sheriff Paul Babeu spend lots if time on gay hook up websites. He had a profile on adam4adam.com last year with undearwear pictures. the real baboon is coming out to the public scrutiny