Four suspects – two Mexicans, a Canadian and a Dane – involved in the scheme were arrested during “Operation Guest,” Government Secretary Alejandro Poire said.
The suspects were trying to provide 38-year-old Saadi Gadhafi and his family with false Mexican identification documents under the names Daniel Bejar Hanan, Amira Nayed Nader, Moad Bejar Sayed and Sofia Bejar Sayed, Poire said.
The plan called for the Libyan businessman to acquire properties in different parts of Mexico and establish his residence in Bahia de Banderas, a Pacific coastal town in Nayarit state.
The suspects were identified as Cynthia Ann Ranier, a Canadian who is allegedly the gang’s leader and ran its finances; Gabriela Davila Huerta, a Mexican living in the United States who also used the alias Gabriela Davila del Cueto, served as the “logistics link” and contacted the document forgers; and Pierre Christian Fleisborg, a Danish national who was in charge of logistics.
The fourth suspect was identified as Jose Luis Kennedy Prieto, a Mexican citizen who was in charge of obtaining the false documents.
Ranier was arrested on Nov. 10 in Mexico City, while the other suspects were detained a day later.
The suspects are all in preventive detention, allowing prosecutors to hold them for 40 days while they gather more evidence in the case.
The criminal organization chartered several flights between Mexico, the United States, Canada, Kosovo and various Middle Eastern countries “to coordinate the route and prepare the logistics for Gadhafi’s move,” Poire said.
The suspects face forgery, people trafficking, bank fraud and organized crime charges.

He was a professional soccer player but made it into only two Italian League matches before being penalized for doping.
Gadhafi, who crossed into Niger in September and requested asylum, is accused of being behind the killing of a 1980s Libyan soccer star.
An arrest order was issued for Gadhafi by Interpol on Sept. 29 at the request of Libya’s National Transitional Council, which accuses him of taking properties via force or intimidation while serving as head of the Libyan Soccer Federation.
Preventing Gadhafi from entering Mexico is “another demonstration of the capacity of the Mexican state’s institutions for protecting the integrity of national territory,” Poire said.
Foreign Relations Secretary Patricia Espinosa, who is visiting Brazil, praised the successful police operation.
“This is a matter we had been working on for some time and we are very happy that the plan was detected in an efficient manner and we prevented the entry of this person into Mexico,” Espinosa said during a press conference in Sao Paulo with her Brazilian counterpart, Antonio Patriota.
Source: EFE
DIS GOES OUT 2 THE BB REPORTERS OR ANYBODY WITH SOME GOOD KNOWLEDGE. Is Bahia de Banderas is been affected by all the drug violence goin on in Mexico? An if so wut catels r wkrin down there. Aint this town by Puerto Vallarta or Nayarit state? PLEASE DNT B A HATER AN LEAVE STUPID SARCASTIC RESPONSE; BORDERLAND BEAT REPORTERS I JUST WANT SAY YALL B GETTING DOWN ON YALL STORIES. @ H-TOWN @
ReplyDeleteThis guy they stop but what about the millions of scum-bags from mexico and south america that make it all the way into our country?
ReplyDelete@ H-TOWN @ . I wish i could help you hermano,gotta be someone here who can tell him something,and anyone feelin the need to be a prick,go troll on ytube.Mexico,got a lucky escape not gettin this clown,this is the culero who payed Inter Milan,millions of euros,so he could say he was a professional football player,he came on for 15 minutes,and that was it!He likes smacking his women around,always a sign of a real man,aint it guys.Fuckin lucky escape from this bell end.
ReplyDeleteWhy to stop him to enter Mexico? Maybe he can start the Gadhafi Cartel and wipe out the others.
ReplyDeleteI don't see why he can't go anywhere. What crimes has he been found guilty of. People can hate his father and say oh what a bad guy, but at least in recent years he was manageable and willing to work with the world community. One thing all those billions of dollars and man stuck to his word and would not back down until he was slaughtered like an animal by savage Islamic radicals who now are the ones holding the guns thanks to my stupid government who thinks freedom and democracy is a one size fits all. Time will prove what a mess we are in now in Egypt, Libya etc.
ReplyDelete@Dic7-8:33 what about the thousands of communist Vietnamese tba the USA brought to America, the same people that killed thousands of Americans in Viet Nam and Korea and I do not hear you complaining about it, is that because you love the fucking Viet Congs?
ReplyDeleteLos pobres politicos mexicanos quedando bien con los gringos boooooo, por que no le meten ganas estos gueyes a que les digan que ha pasado con los policias gringos que han matado mexicanos en la frontera ?? Me imagino que es un asunto incomodo de investigar verdaddd? ???
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous from 8:33PM
ReplyDelete"This guy they stop but what about the millions of scum-bags from mexico and south america that make it all the way into our country?"
There's a difference from stopping immigration and stopping emigration... and this guy is known internationally, the 'scum-bags' you mention are not.
744, lol. Have you seen the scenes of Lybia where thousands were being slaughtered? Or where planes were dropping bombs on protestors? His dad got what he deserved.
ReplyDelete"Preventing Gadhafi from entering Mexico is “another demonstration of the capacity of the Mexican state’s institutions for protecting the integrity of national territory,” Poire said."
ReplyDeleteThis is very unlikely, I strongly believe that the United Stated provided the tip. Which makes Mr Poire's declaration null and highlights the US shadow over Mexico.
I wonder what the ransom would be for this guy if the zetas get a hold of him
ReplyDeleteThere has to be a good reason why he decided for Mexico? Maybe they used to sell weapons to one of these groups? I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden he said "Mexico"! Especially considering the proximity with the US.
ReplyDelete@12:39pm how do you know that none of them were communist. Let's put it the other way: Then why almost 90% of Americans believe that every Mexican coming into the USA is a drug dealer.
ReplyDeleteBecause they are, the other 1% is either scratching his ass, burping chorizo, or gettin your daughter pregnant.
ReplyDeleteDecember 7, 2011 8:33 PM
ReplyDeleteim sure Cochise said the same thing about your anchor baby forefather
Another succesfull operation by mexican FBi ( fuerzas brutas indigenas) does anyone here actually beleieve all this horseshit first to call it an operation you need operators!! how many secret agents does mexico have in Lybia?? in Irak?? in afganistan?? maybe sinaloastan and thats a stretch, yes the mexicans did take him into custody poor fucker ( bribes for water , food and even a sleeping cot) dammn all those years kicking ass in the desert to get your ass kicked in by a mexican at the bequest of the USA well he served the purpose back in the day now he is gone like somoza like saddam like anyone who has worked for the USA and is no longer needed byeeeee your services are no longer needed byeeeeeee
ReplyDeletecapacity of the mexican government???
ReplyDeletedoes eating tacos and shitting chorizo count??
estan pero bien pendejos si piensan que les creemos una 1/4 parte de lo que los gobernantes dicen valen purititaaaa vergaaa
December 8, 2011 5:46 PM,good comment,it seems that some of the Pilgrims offspring forgot how they came upon their land of the free!they invaded a country & now want to be the only ones on this continent!The white man forced Africans onto ships for the cheap labor & now they complaint about them,The United States Of Addiction has a huge Drug problem & lay the blame on Mexico...if you in the U.S. didnt have so many fucking drug addicts Mexican Cartels would be out of for anon December 7, 2011 8:33 PM too bad the Native Americans didnt stop the scumbag that came in the Mayflower & landed in Patuxet back in November of 1620.
ReplyDelete@12/8/ 5:15PM Well you better give thanks to these Mexicans and kiss their ass , because thanks to these Mexicans your nose and your daughters nose are getting what they need, the same way the old women in your family got the ju-ju weed from the apaches. And I know that every time your nose bleeds because of the good old coke you are going to be happy!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't believe a word of this nonsensical fantasy. Pure and utter BS. I can only guess that Kim Kardashian is now in charge of all in the Mexican intelligence community, and that this is not a win, but a seriously shameful fail.
ReplyDeleteIs there anything Mexicans won't do for a dollar??
ReplyDeleteThe people that came to America in the Mayflower did not bring anything good with them. They brought VD (la purgacion) and the black pox. They even did not believe in showering every day. So when they came they infected everything.
ReplyDelete@6:58 According to BB post of Thurs 12/8/11 Torreon has a "thriving retail drug market". The cartels don't care where they sell their shit and they're selling it like crazy in Mexico. Meth is especially popular and the most lucrative.
ReplyDeleteRacist fuckin idiots are 20 times worse then the zetas hope you all die a slow extremely painful death thats what you all disgusting racist pigs deserve
ReplyDeleteAnon December 8, 2011 7:34 PM...yeah,your mom!!Anon December 8, 2011 11:54 PM "Racist fuckin idiots are 20 times worse then the zetas hope you all die a slow extremely painful death thats what you all disgusting racist pigs deserve" & by this you mean the Amurricans Im sure!
ReplyDelete@December 8, 2011 6:58 PM.Another bitch whining about the USA.Man,i didn't know you were this sad.Every story on BB,you got Mexicans blaming the USA for every little thing that has gone wrong?You name it,they blame USA,or they are racist losers whining about its everyone else,s fault but their own?They don't seem to be able to get past being hysterical bitches on the rag,raving about the USA?Can they grasp that it is Mexicans killing Mexicans ! Probably not.
ReplyDelete12/08 6:58PM,
ReplyDeleteLOL..first of all numb nuts, maybe you should go back and learn your history! The "white man" didn't invent slavery asshole, the Africans did. Whenever a conquering tribe took over a village they basically enslaved the ones they didn't kill or sold them to, as slaves, to the Europeans! Basically, the Africans sold their own people! The ancient Aztecs of Mexico did the same shit...sold their own people into slavery, amongst themselves... So fuck you! As far as US having a drug problem..huh..Mexico has one too dipshit, where do you think all these cartel members are coming from? The difference is the US isn't fucking torturing, dismembering, and leaving the body parts on the streets. BTW, the logic in your comment makes zero cents...your justifying the violence in Mexico (the killings, greed, and corruption) on the US demand for drugs? So in essence what your saying is Mexico has no sense of "right or wrong," no ethical or moral standards, its all about opportunities...
@12:32 LOL!!!
ReplyDelete@December 9, 2011 11:25 AM do you know for a fact its all Mexicans blaming the U.S. for OUR problems down here?As for anon December 9, 2011 12:53 PM you are right,the white man did not invent slavery,but it is a fact that they(whites)were benefitted the most.So fuck you!Read throughout these articles & comments & youll see your own ppl badmouthing your country & its government(the good ol'U.S)And no,the U.S. doesnt leave bodies laying all over its streets,it goes to other countries instead & does that just for their oil!!
ReplyDeleteThe reason this issue will never be solved is because of racism. Just read some of the comments that have been posted. Dumb and ignorant people in this world. Both sides have equal blame on all this BS. We need to stop all this dumb "MY RACE YOUR RACE CRAP!!!" you are the reason we are still in this mess.
ReplyDeleteAnon December 10, 2011 3:12 PM ,race has nothing to do with drug trafficking & drug use!as a matter of fact when it comes to dope there is no racial boundaries!
ReplyDeletenot so racist when the nazi biker gang gets their money on mexican heroin