Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Zetas Question and Execute Three Golfos

A video where Los Zetas question and execute three members of the Gulf Cartel, a Christmas gift to the CDG and Los Carteles Unidos.

Video graphic!


  1. STAAA cabron como dice mi apa al berga los zetas pinches lacras

  2. I don't understand why the sicarios post this type of videos, things like this will only upset people more.

    1. Speak for yourself! I love these videos and watch them 3 hours a day every day!!

  3. fuck man when will this shit end to much blood being spilled in mexico


  5. Well, this is what happens to all NARCOS eventually.

  6. @ December 26, 2011 7:46 AM .
    Are you fuckin havin a laugh? Dayum Boy.

  7. ya paren toda esta violensa somos raza mexicana y no nos podemos estar matando asi! ya nos paresemos a la gente en lybya. No somos animales ni nadie para mocherla cabeza a otra persona eso no es humano!

  8. Those 3 admitted to being the ones who detonated grenades in Zacatecas,in the city of Jerez,on behalf of the Cartel del Golfo,the third one on the left,(the chubby one) admitted to being an ex convict who had been locked up for homicide but when he got out he started working for the mexican goverment(he mentioned what he was I jus dont remember) he was like a police or something,the two on the sides admitted to being threatened into doing that,by C.D.G,they said they would kill their families if they didnt go to Zacatecas and throw grenades just to heat up the plaza,since its controlled by los zetas.

  9. The fifth Commandment says "YOU SHALL NOT MURDER", NOT(!!) "YOU SHALL NOT KILL" for "to kill" is "to take away life" while "to murder" is "to take away life ILLICITLY".

    No one is to take away life of a human without having right to do so.

    Everyone has the right to kill in self-defense when necessary (when no other way of stopping the attacker is possible) or in a war declared by lawful public authority.

    Also executioners of capital punishment authorized by law, lawful authority and death sentence issued by lawful authority have the right to take away life (kill) and can do so licitly, without being guilty of murder.

    The executioners on the above videos are murderers guilty of the three murders due to not being authorized by lawful authority to execute capital punishment.

  10. Sicarios de Mexico peor que Al-Qaeda, lla no hay demonios en el infierno todos estan en Mexico poseendo sicarios. Vivir como rey por cinco anos? que 60 anos como un buey? nada de esto, que tal el infierno por toda la eternidad? solamente Mexico estas probando un poquito de lo que es el infierno. Arrepientanse hijos Bestias de Satanas, tendras tu recompensa contigo cuando tu tambien te mueras.

  11. Is it me or does the guy in the middle look like he he could be handicapped like kind of retardation and I mean it in all seriosness why would they do that he prob don't understand. The magnitude of wat he got into but I guess no mercy applies in mx grandmas grandpas kids babies prego girls I've seen it all no one is spared In this drug war!!!!

  12. @ December 26, 2011 5:13 PM,yo!!law expert!?capital punishment isnt lawful in our country (Mexico)!although it should be,but anyhow,save that "you shall not murder shit"for the innocent victims,these dudes got involved somehow & they're number came up!its a fucked up way to go,but its the way the game is played!!

  13. @Dec.26,2011 8:07pm
    Youre a joke man. You can defend your argument unless you move to fowl language. Now for my defense. The mexican system capital punishment wouldnt be a "murder" even if it took effect. Now these men who are killing unlawfully, should they deserve a death any worse or any less worse then anyone who hasnt killed? No! But lile you said, its part of the game. In fact this game has no rules so a murder is a murder. Even in murder most ignorant mexicans are lazy to figure out. I btw of mexican descent and i love my people. But scum, how is it possible to show respect when they themselves cant do that.

  14. y do they do that? did they not pray to god? did they know the value of life? what right have they got to remove someone's life? do they know the consequence? do they have a heart? do they have family?

  15. @12/27 8:58AM,
    Enough with the rhetorical questions. It obvious the individuals, who commit such acts (butchering of human beings) are psychopaths. They sold their souls long ago for the false promise of material wealth..."For only man would kill his brother for profit."

  16. Francisco Ramirez aka El Panchito (mentioned in video) is from my hometown Jalpa, Zacatecas. He used to be a Zeta but switched sides to Carteles Unidos in 2010. Lived in Jalisco and Sinaloa for awhile after making the change. Here is an article from two years ago that mentions him too. He is a kidnapper. Check it out

  17. Oh man,do you know how boring and pathetic you people are for banging on about some imaginary god,and a shitty book,that some motherfucker wrote years ago.Just like the Iliad,Odyssey,Aenid,Sophocles,Suetonius etc.Just books that a man wrote.As for some imaginary god,grow up and deal with it,there is no god,and if there was what a prick he is,he must be taking an extended holiday,because the asshole is letting all kinds of so-called sin go on."Thou shalt not kill"who fuckin says so.I could kill you for one,and no motherfucking god is gonna do shit,so stop dreaming.Oh i forgot,this is part of his plan?He must be sicker than us.

  18. ...@ 12//27 5:04....
    ...Sorry to say, but, you've been warned about the bible and yes God is as real as you...
    ...You yourself is fulfilling prophecy by your rebelious, hateful, dark heart, it's not hard to feel all the hate you have in your black heart...
    ....When you die, maybe then you'll remember the warnings given to you on the earth..

  19. If you think god doesnt exist@5:04 ,you need serious help,or are you one of those that believes in the Big Bang Theory???? Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

    This world has been under the control of Satan for awhile,god has nothing to do with what happens on Earth.You should really get more educated,it will be good for you.

  20. @12/27 5:04PM,
    Your a real tough guy aren't you! Unfortunatley no one cares with regards to your lame theory or your doubt in the existance in God! Your a non-believer and are doomed to spend eternity in's unfortunate that you have elected to condemn your soul, while living in the material world. God holds no domain over man in the material world because God gave man "free will," to do what you will in the material world. It is in the "afterlife" you shall be judged...the greatest trick or act of deceit ever achieved was Satan convincing Man that he didn't exist!

  21. Poor guys, 2 of them look like they are teenagers and the other man almost looks like a grandfather. But.... they wanted to got his rode.

  22. American drug laws in action

  23. That just fucked my brain up in all sorts of ways...

  24. to all the people who go like "why would they do this, this is the result of supply and demmand of America and the cartels wanting the drug routes into America its terrisom and sooner or later I promise you its gonna spill into america hell it already has but what does america do? nothing and its just going to get alot worse hell americans are being abuducted all the time and america sits there and watches they help the people who doesnt want there help and leaves the people who need help to die

  25. MIERDA!

  26. Actauly the athiest blames it on God but i blame it on the Americans white, black, brown and yellow. For consuming the drugs..

  27. I have watched a few of these interrogations and subsequent executions; rarely have I seen the actual "act" of killing the hostage/captive - the footage always stops, a high dose of sedative or even lethal injection is administered, then once the footage resumes, you will see the "corpse" and the already lifeless body is THEN decapitated.

    This is not to diminish the way or method of death; it is sent to a "constituency" I will explain here in a moment. Injections are not always the case; I know... But the footage was stopped, wasn't it? It resumed only when the carving and hacking and sawing was taking place...

    Some of you are not "gentlemen", so listen up boys! This is Hezbollah; more evil and deadly than an al-Queda - trust me. So.....

    This is terrorism.

    Terrorism can only exist if there is a "constituency" (the folks who pay to have their agenda "moved forward" - a political or ideological agenda) so the cartels have a certain "political and ideological agenda, don't they?


    Terrorist groups CANNOT EXIST OR THRIVE without some MEDIA ATTENTION; that's us little guys here on Borderland Beat - at least for the moment. Just wait until this shit happens to "U.S." and Congressional leaders will be forced to watch and hear from experts and media attention will cease - and I suspect many have seen these gruesome displays - that's why the edict has gone down the line to major networks: "None of this is to be broadcast for National Security and Public Safety" because we can call our local police; we will take matters in to our own hands and guess what? Jurors in a criminal trial will "acquit" the accused "terrorist killers" (me) and tell us we are heroes.

    Or cops will "let us go" quietly and quickly.

    Police may look the other way and hide our "retaliation" with something like "alleged witnesses were notably absent in light of the volatile and gruesome nature of the 'homicidal act' probably for fear of retribution."

    Sending U.S. troops in to a sovereign, peaceful and friendly neighbor like Mexico will not happen....

    ...unless we are "asked by the Mexican government and the innocent citizens" who want a stop to this madness! If or when we come, it will be like our reception was in 1992 Kuwait - joyful and welcomed with open arms - and the bastards who belonged to Saddam elite forces ; the ones who were so "brave" and willing to fight to the death, will came out of their little hiding places (ranches, suburbs, and most of our intelligence will come from los vecinos of suspected cartel members.

    So that's what you guys get to look forward to; and stop fighting amongst yourselves (ourselves) across both borders.

    I am getting ready to come to Mexico under a "corporate" umbrella soon. I have a "lethal and legal surprise" for anyone who might seek my capture, and look forward to making some noise and media attention myself - all with the blessing of both the U.S. and Mexican governments. This is not a threat; it is not a warning - this is a PROMISE. It will be wonderful to work in a country that has not been to war for ages; where there are no "Rules of Engagement". My family and even my children know the high risk, but they know anything that I might do will benefit generations.

    I love the United States of North America and I am indebted to, and love, the fine and humble people who are citizens of the sixteen "United States of the Mexican Republic" (Estados Unidos de la Republica Mexicana).

    Can anyone spell "Asymmetrical Warfare"?????

  28. To the believers and non-believers. The god of the Abrahamic religions does not exist. We however do have a creator, the real god. God is too much for us to even understand, he does not have humanistic traits. Therefore god does not talk to you; he does not listen to you.
    God gave you the world, don't destroy it.
    México, necesitas que pelear por tu gente. México necesitas defenderte. Civiles en armas. Civiles en armas! Civiles en Armas! Civiles en Armas!
    Yo soporto a los Civiles de la Patria con 20% de mi salario para que se armen. Solo ustedes pueden tomar su país. Educen a la juventud.

    It is difficult to imagine

  29. there is no god, theres only science.

  30. Hey December 29, 2011 5:30 PM...

    I'm an American of Mexican blood. What can I do to help.

  31. y you gonna snitch when they gonna kill u any way thats wat died off n mexico a long time ago people taking secrets to the grave now every 1 talks wats a couple hours of torture if u gonna die anyways might as well go out knowin u kept a little honor and didnt talk rather than 2 snitch and be decapitated

  32. The Lord God of the universe is watching!!!

  33. For all of you who think God doesn`t exist, "YOU ARE DOOMED!" Sorry, some things have to be said like people depend on air ( oxygen ) to breathe! God is not your genie in a bottle to perform in the way YOU think He should? The reason these people are killing is because they believe the lie and reject the truth. The bible does teach that,"THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL SORTS OF EVIL" (1Tim 6:10)To bad all you geniuses with finite minds can`t figure it out...Vengeance is mine says the Lord (Rom 12:19-21)If peopl really cared about their fellow man, this would not happen. God made this country (America great so we could help those who could not help themselves.) We flunked the test and you better believe just like every other nation who rejected the Creator, there`s a price to pay!!! We have the means to help our neighbors ( Mark12:31) Love thy neighbor as thyself! It`s not God fault, He didn`t make April 1, so you would be reminded how you act the other 364 days of the year? Repent and be saved!!!

  34. this made me love the zetas. that zeta has pink shoes. haha

  35. I refuse to watch these disgusting videos. All I know is that such barbarism makes me hate you Zeta kunts. If there's a hell, I'm sure there's a fire waiting for you trash.

  36. I refuse to watch such shit. Fuck Zeta cunts. If there's a hell I'm sure there's a warm place for this trash.

  37. @ 11:58 PM

    oh yeh dude i'm sure the Zeta's are all worried about hurting our feelings!!

  38. I'm not taking any information as truthful, but at least this video will serve as a heads-up for all those who think the Gulf Cartel is a benevolent organization. They're not. They are full of shit, just like Los Zetas. They might be 'different' than them, but they're basically the same shit.

    In fact, the Gulf Cartel CREATED Los Zetas to kill and do some of the crazy shit they do now.

  39. En este mundo vivimos por un proposito: Para Servirle a dios por todas las cosas Hermosas que nos a dado.Quien eres tu para quitarle la vida y juzgar a los demas, si dios te perdona tus pecados, porque tu no perdona's a quien te ofende?. "Ya no mas violencia Porfavor acuerdate que cada que golpeas o torturas o estas a punto de matar a algien estas aciendo dan~o a quien nos dio la vida eterna (Nuestro padre que es Jesucristo). El dinero es la arma mas poderosa de los demonios que te quieren hacer dan~o.

  40. damn this shit happened in my state while i was over there thats fucked up , hope this shit doesnt spread all over zacatecas cuz everything is pretty damn calm from what i saw out there.

  41. I woudn't let myself get caught, hell no! And yet a sinner can still be forgiven. But Z are in there own little world of fear and terror, what else are they planning to do???

  42. Esos mendigos pinches ZETAS no velen verga caida esos putos...aqui esta su padre cabrones hijos de puta, mendigos ZETAS!!!

  43. Intense video, but I don't doubt it's far from the most gruesome. Everyone is obtainable, no one can hide for ever and no one man could ever possible defend against such a sick group of killers who value life as much as they do what's left in the toilet after taking a dump. You can't live the life and expect to live forever. It's really just a matter of how long you last not will you last forever. These men were not innocent, but who but the worst deserve such a death?

  44. Ora Se Cabrones Con El Satanaz se Juega

  45. All of these untold numbers of on camera and off camera murders that have involved traffickers, families, tourists, civilians etc should make us think about how much we admire Hollywood actors, sports figures and moguls. These are the drug users who indirectly cause so much death around the world and they could care less who dies in order for them to enjoy recreational drugs. Such a high price (extinction of lives) to enjoy addictive highs. Every time a celebrity dies it s a few more minutes of life for someone else

  46. jajajaja only the stupid ones get cought and cutted into pieces LOL in this game are rules and if you want to survive you have to follow them, theres is options and this motherfucker in the videos are the ones that taked wrong choices in the wrong moment, for example when the war started they asked us if we wanted to go to tamaulipas to fight the zetas but we refuse because going overthere was going to your own dead, eventually my operative group and me got send over there but thing were more light the zetas are almost extinct we are stronger yeah we take losses but we won the war


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