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Friday, January 13, 2012
Caballero Templario Banners appear in Michoacan
Wednesday morning Los Caballeros Templarios hung banners in several cities within the state of Michoacan that severely critized President Calderon and the Mexican Army for alleged human rights abuses in Michoacan.
At least 25 banners were hung in the cities of Morelia, Apatzingan, Huiramba and Lazaro Cardenas, and on the highway between Morelia and Patzcuaro.
The banners sought the support of the poet Javier Sicilila and his movement for peace to help end the federal government's violence against the state's population.
The message on the banners is included below:
“Senor Sicilia: la sociedad michoacana y en especial las mujeres, le pedimos observe las condiciones en que el gobierno federal y los militares han sumido en la opresión a los hogares michoacanos, los constantes atropellos de los cuales somos objeto, nos tienen al borde de la desesperación.
“Pedimos nos apoye para mostrarle al presidente Calderón que en Michoacán no solo viven delincuentes sino que la mayoría de la sociedad somos gente honesta, que trabaja dignamente todos los días para sostener a nuestras familias.
“Ayúdenos para lograr que el gobierno entienda que los hombres que toman las armas, lo hacen por sus propios motivos, y ellos son responsables de sus acciones, por eso solo ellos deben responder ante la justicia por sus actos.
“En Michoacán están ocurriendo una serie de atropellos que violentan los derechos humanos y que tienen a la sociedad en contra de las acciones que realiza el gobierno federal, a través del Ejército, no queremos más violencia, no queremos que tomen a nuestros hijos y esposas como chivos expiatorios para justificar su presencia en Michoacán, prefabricando delitos e inculpando a personas inocentes, sembrándoles armas y droga, para de manera injustificada encarcelarlos.
“Deseamos ser escuchados, el señor Felipe Calderón quien se ha ensañado con su propio pueblo, de manera sistemática el gobierno federal nos tacha de delincuentes a todos los michoacanos, primero utilizó a la PFP para atacarnos y ahora está usando al Ejército Mexicano para hacer lo mismo, quienes fuera de todo ordenamiento legal, llegan a catear domicilios, robar, violar y asesinar a ciudadanos inocentes.
“Investigue lo que están haciendo los militares, matando inocentes, actuando fuera de la ley y fabricando inocentes, cómo podemos hacerles entender que no todos los michoacanos somos delincuentes y que las mujeres michoacanas no deben ser violadas, ninguna más.
“El comportamiento agresivo, el abuso desmedido y sin apego a derecho por parte de los militares, que están denigrando a la institución a la que representan, dónde quedó el honor y la disciplina militar que generaba admiración y respeto en la sociedad mexicana, a tal punto que se les llegaba a considerar héroes, ahora con ese comportamiento tan corriente e indigno lo único que provocan es repudio en la sociedad, y a su vez provocan que las familias víctimas de los abusos de los militares simpaticen con los ideales de la supuesta delincuencia organizada que para muchos de nosotros no lo es, porque se preocupan más por proteger y apoyar a la sociedad más que las mismas autoridades.
“El pueblo mexicano exige respeto, a la ley por parte de las autoridades de todos los niveles y de todos los organismos de gobierno, si continúan con los abusos, el trato descriminatorio contra nosotros los michoacanos, solo nos están conduciendo al camino de la desobediencia civil y lo que sigue es una resolución porque ya estamos cansados de los abusos y que nuestras denuncias del pueblo oprimido por el gobierno no sean escuchadas.
“Esperemos señor Sicilia que nos escuche y apoye, que la asociación que usted dignamente representa tome cartas en el asunto y que no permita que el presidente Calderón continúe con sus abusos, en represalia porque su hermana no ganó las elecciones estatales, el pueblo es libre de elegir quien lo gobierna y no por ello debe ser oprimido y maltratado, exigimos respeto a la constitución y a los derechos humanos, Michoacán es un estado que quiere vivir en paz, dejen de atacarnos y ayúdenos a vivir tranquilamente.
Atentamente la sociedad michoacana, y próximamente los caballeros y damas templarios."
“Mr. Sicilia: Michoacan society, especially its women, asks that you monitor the conditions in which the federal government and the military have engulfed Michoacan’s homes in oppression. The constant outrages that we are subjected to have put us at the edge of desperation.
We ask your support to show President Calderon that Michoacan is not the home of criminals only, but that the majority of society are honest people with dignity that work every day to support their families.
Help us to make the government understand that the men who take up arms do so for their own reasons and that they are responsible for their actions. That is why only they should face justice for their crimes.
In Michoacan a string of human rights violations are occurring that have put society in opposition to the actions taken by the federal government, through the use of the Army. We want an end to the violence. We don’t want them to take our sons and wives as scapegoats to justify their presence in Michoacan, concocting crimes and accusing innocent people, planting weapons and drugs to unjustly imprison them.
We want to be heard, that Felipe Calderon is treating his own people cruelly. In a systematic manner the federal government is labeling all Michoacanos as criminals, first using the federal police (PFP) to attack us and now using the Mexican Army to do the same, who outside of any legal authority raid our homes, rob, rape and murder innocent civilians.
Investigate what the military is doing, killing innocents, acting outside the law and arresting innocents. How can we make them understand that not all Michoacanos are criminals, and that Michoacan women must not be violated, not one more.
The aggressive behavior and the excessive and unlawful abuse by the soldiers denigrates the institution that they represent. Where is the military honor and discipline that gave rise to admiration and respect from Mexican society that considered them heroes? Now with their vulgar and shameful behavior they only provoke condemnation from society, and in turn they cause families victimized by military abuses to sympathize with the ideals of the alleged organized crime that for many of us they are not criminals because they care more for the protection and support of society that our own authorities.
The Mexican people demand respect of the rule of law by the authorities of all levels and all branches of government. If they continue with the abuses and discrimination against Michoacan they are only driving us down the road to civil disobedience and what will follow will be determination because we are tired of the abuses and that the people’ denunciations of the oppression by the government are not heard.
We hope Mr. Sicilia that you will listen and support us. That the association that you honorably lead will take up this cause and prevent President Calderon from continuing his abuses as a reprisal because his sister was not victorious in the race for Governor. The people are free to elect whoever they want to govern them and not be oppressed and mistreated for their choice. We demand respect for the constitution and human rights. Michoacan is state that wants to live in peace, stop attacking us and help us to live peacefully.
Sincerely, Michoacan society, and presently the Knights and Ladies Templar.
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Pendejos attn los zetas
ReplyDeletewow, ya it must have been women look at all they had to say! make it short and sweet I wouldn't even read the whole banner way too much
ReplyDeletePor favor caballeros templarios como se hacen llamar ya dejense de pallasadas y de mentiras tratando de aserce pasar como los protectores de los michoacanos por aca en michoacan ya nadie les cree hijos de la gran puta que los pario ustedes son peores que los zetas por que se asen pasar como obejas buenas cuando en realidad sol lobos tratandose de disfrasar de estas y la espero el dia en que finalmente el cartel de sinaloa acabe con los zetas de una ves por todas para ya despues voltearseles a ustedes y aplastarlos como las cucarachas que son por que si el azul el mayo y el chapo decidieron hacer pacto o tregua con ustedes fue po mera estrategia de guerra para enfocarse en el principal peligro de mexico y de ellos que son los zetas
ReplyDeleteFirst they complain that the Government does not doing anything about the Drug Carteles. Now they complain that the Army is violating human rights, they are but the majority of the violations are against drug users, drug runners, lookouts, everybody involved in the inferstructure of the Cartels. Guest what? Thats becoming a bigger segment of the ¨honest hard working people¨. They cannot justify where their income comes from, but object highly to the Army and the soldiers for questioning its origen. Claiming they have a right to own fancy cars too...
ReplyDeleteand Javier Sicilia is a dreamer, who is looking for Utopia. He´s a nice guy and I wish him the best, but you wouldn´t make John Lennon president of the United States - Imagine that.
Long live los Caballeros Templarios
ReplyDeletePuro Michoacan!!!
Para mantener PAZ en Michoacan deben que matar a esos putos ridiculos Caballeros Traicioneros!..Darles piso a ellos y a sus chiles EL CHAPULIN y al Miado!...
ReplyDelete@ january 13, 2012 2:23 am: soo what you are saying, that it is ok for the govt. to severely abuse drug addicts? or if someone is soooo broke, and can't find work so they decide to be a watch out for the cartel it is ok to not only abuse them, but there family and friends too? because thats what they do. if the govt. comes to ya house looking for you and can't find you, but your wife/mom/sister is home the govt. can rape and beat them to "find out info about you"?
ReplyDeleteIf that is the case, and if you have kids.....god help them.....
Well said my friend it is sad but true and gruesome.
DeleteLa Caballeras Templadoras ya andan joteando como quinceaneras recien desquintadas!
ReplyDeleteHow funny, a drug trafficking organization asking for the forces fighting them to go easy on the people. The people need to start giving up the cartel affiliates and they will get the job done a leave. Or join the military and clean up your state yourself! It's the only way you're gonna legally get a gun in Mexico!
ReplyDeleteIf that aint the most intimidating cartel name ever lmfao what a fuking joke...... Please end these chicken sacerficing clowns they losers ..... K let me burn my state to ashes but were good guys
ReplyDeleteI guess winning hearts and minds, doesnt matter to the mexican army ,big mistake really huge mistake and the government will end up paying big time for it , the mexican people , used to trust the mexican army beacuase , it used to be trust worthy, now the are worst than the Narcos , they steal,searches of homes or businesses with no warrants,confiscation of homes and businesses , they kill inocent people, they rape and they make honest people into criminals , either by being less than truthfull in thier investigations or by plain derilection of duty ( they do not know how to conduct and investigation its not thier job) I used to support the efforts of the mexican army but I dont anymore ( and I used to me a soldier myself) the army has no right and no legal standing to be conducting police actions
ReplyDeleteShowed their true colors bola de jotos, y eso ke traen armas no ke muy valientes? La Tuta pinche raterillo de tercera y es lider, ke asi de pendejos son el resto? Robaba el.sueldo de teacher , la voz de ese c.le oye mas corriente ke la tlacuacha ke lo pario. Michoacan has always had their morea than their share of shitheads that will kill u for a pack of gum, they boast of having guevos ,but no brain. Anybody has huevos with a weapon and 20 jotos following. There still a lot of savages in this area, tierra caliente they call it ,it shoul be called la selva puro animal, algunos gueyes de estos todavia.caminan en 4patas. ,cut the shit their criminals and should disposed off like turds, all narcojotos should be sterelized to prevent them from multiplying and if a mother has more than 2 sons in this shit she should b given 20lashes for not giving them proper education and showing them how to earn their money honestly.
ReplyDeleteWhat a pathetic cartel! Crying like little girls! My 2 year old son has more balls then these pathetic loosers! Caballeros jotos!
ReplyDeleteParece que ay muchos enojados con los michoacanos!!!por que sera les abran quitado las novias.?
ReplyDeleteStfu u dunm ass no was mad at any normal cevilian were mad at stupied basterds like these ruining mexico
ReplyDeleteMichoacanos son jotos??????? tas bien perdido eso son los de jalisco. Los caballeros are made of michoacanos who stood for what they believe and will still be like if chayo or tuta is in the top
ReplyDeleteMexico is starting to sound a lot like America. Mexican government looks at cartels as terrorist, but won't call them that so it doesn't seem like a civil war down south. Detain people and there families for what drugs. Hahahaha. Even if Mexico succeeds at stopping them the drugs will move to some other country. In the 70s and 80s it was Columbia, 90s to now Mexico. People have a dire need to keep using drugs and until we stop trying to solve this problem with guns. Billions wasted on nothing but killing and locking people up. Spend that money on drug rehabilitation and this will all die down over time. When America goes broke for there stupid war's, American people will have no job's and then we will follow the same path as or Mexican counterparts. Drugs make money and when you can't work for it you have to turn to crime.
ReplyDelete@ anonymous 6:32
ReplyDeleteJalisco son jotos??? Estas bien pendejo.
No llores es la pura verdad
DeleteTarde o temprano le van a mamar la verga a las zzorraz. Eso es lo que quieren. Dejar que entren esas mierdazz a Michoacan pa que un cagado de NL, Tam, o Cahuila venga a cojerse a tu vieja o tu hermana. Peor cosa dejen que entren las maras de una vez tambien. Tan si quiera Michoacan sigue siendo de Michoacan. Jalisco ya esta perdiendo su estado como Zacatecas. Este canzzer va acabar con nuestro Mexico lindo y querido. Arriva la guardia Michoacana. Y al que no le paresca es que no son de Michoacan y en estos minutos una zzorra tiene a sus hermanas o novia dandole duro. Perrozz ardidozz!
ReplyDeleteLos de sinaloa usan tennis y botas en las manos, dizque para caminar mejor. (los narcos)
ReplyDeleteJajaja muerte a las zetas perras y sus perros mugrozoz. Maten mas zetaas lacraz . En michoacan ay huevos. Arriba michoacan hijos de la verga!
ReplyDeleteA los ZETAS michoacan y todos ya les pelaron la verga
ReplyDeleteJaja sigan matando zetas apestosas pinches lacrazz con un 20 de coca pisiotada y un dime de mota cafe y llena de semillas se sienten pesados. Jajaja pinches mierdas se matan por una mierda. En michoacan ay zetas perros pero estan en una fosa pudriendose los animales. Jajaja como ve cocho? Michoacan no de entrar zetitas. Jajaja y en sinaloa? Andan zetas mierdas.
DeletePobres Michiocanos(por lo menos los que estan en la mafia)quieren ser pesados,como los de Sinaloa.Nomas que son unos idiotas y sin guebos asi nunca le llegaran a la mafia mas pesada de mexico la de SINALOA.
ReplyDeleteI feel sad for los Caballero Templarios de Michoacan,they are trying way too hard to be respected and powerful,like mafias in Sinaloa but they just cant.Its embarrasing,a wanna be mafia from the South its never gunna compare to a real Mafia,criminal organization from the Northern States of Mexico,it just happens to be like that.
Caballero Templarios are best known for their extortions and kidnappings,lets not forget that LFM,and los Cavalleros Templarios were once ZETAS.
You talk alot of shit for someone behind a computer go say that in La Piedad, Michoacan . In sinaloa the Beltranes and Zetas are killing and laughing at sinaloa so whose the pesados now? Michoacan is able to keep intruders out unlike your short pimp daddy Chaputo
DeleteTas bien guey!! Michoacan y Sinaloa trabajan juntos. Michoacan no quiere ser el mas poderoso guey. Solo protejen su plaza pa que no entren las zzorraz. Pinche vato creido! Te as de creer bien narquillo eda guey. Ni sabes ni que onda.
DeleteA ver si las Damas Templarias Huarachudas y prietas vienen a templarnos el fierro a TamaulipaZ!
ReplyDeleteQue se dejen de puterias, bola de culos!!!
ReplyDeleteYo soy de sangre michoacana y te lo juro que todo el perro de tamualipas ,nl, coahuila que dice que es mafioso cuando me lo topo me pelan la verga. pinches perros se sientan .michoacan es el ejemplo para todo mexico. Aver perros traten de meterse ? Se los carga la verga. Zetas jotos sigan cobrandole cuotas a los que venden tacos de perro en la frontera. putos dejen la gente jalar que si jala ay les dejamos un viente de piedra cuando les pasemos mota. Puttttossss.!!!!!!!77
ReplyDeleteZi no zalimos de Maravatio y Huetamo! Viva TamaulipaZ!!!!!!
DeleteSimon compa puro Michoacan los de Tamaulipas siempre andan en busca de ayuda pa protejerlos porque son putas
DeletePuro Michoacan, ariba los caballeros templarios,culeros
DeleteThis is a joke! They're just screwing with peoples' heads, right?
ReplyDeleteMy family that lives in Mexico still supports the Army. They understand the sacrifice they are making going up against the animals who work for the cartel's. It makes me wonder if this is truly from a civilian. To date it is the cartels that like to hang banners and run back inside where their cartel rivals can't get them.
B. Garza
pinche michoacano feo y jediondo pendejon...cuando hables de tamaulipecos limpiar te el hosisco wei.somos de huevos y inteligencia.pinches michoancanos el chapo los agarra como carne de canon...aki entampzzz cuando entran culeros con sus carteles unidos les ponen una chinga.que sus restos se los damoos a los perros.y siempre me topo a un michacano siempre se la tira de verga pero nomas eso se la tira por k no trae ni vergas...respeta tamaulipas culero que a igual que en michoacan aki ustedes panochones no entran
ReplyDeleteNo me agas reir ..... Mejor para de decir mentiras porque nadien de los anonymous te estan defiendiendo....... Pura mentira
DeletePues Michoacan es el primer estado de la republica mexicana donde los pinches ojetes organizan a sus viejas en estas mamadas o las avientan por enfrente.como carne de canon! Damas Templarias jajajaja pinches huarachudas viciosas, en Tamaulipaz no las clavamos ni de a gratis!
ReplyDeleteVato la neta que Michaculos no valen verga y son lo mas gara de todo mexico volla de piejosos siempre an estado mamando le la verga ah algen primero ah c.d.g luego ah los zetas y ah hora al c.d.g y al c.d.s cual cartel vah salier ah hoara el cartel de superman y sus perros oh el cartel de los MICHUACULOS lol hahahahaha vola de mierdas ridiculos
ReplyDeleteMichaculos????? A nadien iso reir eso .... Q ridiculo
ReplyDeleteVete a la jodida compita el putote de Juan Gabriel es de Chihuahua, al parecer nacio en Ciudad Juarez. Asi que es la madrina del Cartel de Juanga, digo Cartel de Juarez, y ahi le da mochis o nachas a las artistas asesinas. Pero no mames no es de aca de Michoacan, chale con ese jotote, pero el jotito de RBD si es de Reynosa, Tamps, hasta parece que su papa es un zeton, apa pinche hijito que le toco, JAJAJAJA
DeleteIndios??? Todos de mexico salieron de indios idiota.... Tu tambien.... Azteca.. maya.. inca ....
ReplyDeleteJuanga si es de michoacan, ese guey tiene mas guevos que cualkier narco mierda,, no le miedo trabajar honestamente,
ReplyDeleteEs verdad y de seguro tiene mas dinero que la mayoria de esos narcos baratos, y ganado honestamente pues es de los mejores cantantes y compositores de Mexico. El estado donde nacio debe estar orgulloso de el.
DeleteAll you Motherfuckers that Comment here are Stupid incompetent Idiots!!! Michoacan is Better!!! no Sinaloa is LMFAO!!!! Pinches Vatos mas Estupidos de Verga!!! Se ponen a pelear como Ninos Cagados!!! No preguntes quien O porque Murio??? Tu nomas sigue la pinche Carroza!!!! Just worry about your Life and the People that matter!!! None of you Fuck Heads has anything to do with Cartels, but yet your here Barking and talking shit!!!! I Love reading all these Comments!!!! Good Job Guys!!!!