Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, January 30, 2012

Detained Zeta Cartel Member Says He Killed 75

A suspected member of the Los Zetas drug cartel was arrested and confessed to 75 murders, officials in the northern Mexican state of Nuevo Leon said Monday.

Enrique Aurelio Elizondo "El Arabe" confessed that he is a member of a Los Zetas cell that operated for the past three years in the cities of Cerralvo, Paras, Agualeguas and General Treviño,” state Security Council spokesman Jorge Domene said.

Elizondo “participated in the kidnappings and murders of 50 passengers who were on a bus that came from Reynosa, Tamaulipas, while it was passing through the bus station in Cerralvo” in January 2011, Domene said.

Elizondo’s Zetas cell kidnapped people from two other buses and murdered 44 passengers suspected of being gunmen from the rival Gulf cartel, the security official said.

The suspect confessed that he shot several passengers with his AR-15 assault rifle and burned others, killing a total of 75 people.

Investigators, however, suspect that Elizondo may have killed more than 100 people, Domene said.

Los Zetas targeted intercity buses in an effort to recruit gunmen, extort money from migrants headed to the United States and murder suspected members of rival drug cartels.

Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, known as “El Lazca,” deserted from the Mexican army in 1999 and formed Los Zetas with three other soldiers, all members of an elite special operations unit, becoming the armed wing of the Gulf drug cartel.

After several years as the armed wing of the Gulf cartel, Los Zetas, considered Mexico’s most violent criminal organization, went into the drug business on their own account and now control several lucrative territories.

Elizondo also confessed to the murders of a woman and a girl in the city of Cerralvo, Domene said.

Investigators used information provided by the suspect to arrest three other Zetas members and locate a property used to burn and bury bodies, the state security official said.

About 2,000 people died in drug-related violence last year in Nuevo Leon, where more than 300 people are listed as missing.

Los Zetas has been blamed for several massacres in recent years.

The cartel was accused of being behind the Aug. 23, 2010, massacre of 72 migrants, the majority of them from Latin America, at a ranch outside San Fernando, a city in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas.

Los Zetas has also been blamed for the massacre of 27 peasants in May 2011 at a ranch in Guatemala’s Peten province, which borders Mexico and Belize.

Zetas gunmen set fire to the Casino Royale in Monterrey, the capital of Nuevo Leon, on Aug. 25, killing 52 gamblers and employees trapped inside, most of whom died of smoke inhalation.

Source: EFE

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  1. This piece of shit looks retarded. All you zetaratazzz supporters this is the kind of shit scumbags. Lowlife crackheads who kill unarmed men women and little girls you all support and look up to? Is this a real man to you all? Pinche perro matenlo ala mierda . Arriba michoacan hijos de su puta madre . Saludos al chapo y el mayo tambien al golfo.

    1. EL CHAPUTO y EL MIADO son iguales los estupidos!...

      Comprendes Mendez?!...

    2. Really? Your going to give a great argument then fuck it up by supporting two other groups that do the exact same thing? Haha no wonder your all still in this never ending death circle. Stupidos all of you!! Bullet to the head. Case closed we got our guy. Read a book instead of inbreeding with your own blood

    3. Parese que es de michoacan el wey .

    4. U better tell billy bob n bo the same thing b4 the whole south becomes inbreed n smokes up all the meth n crack u hypcrite hillbilly whitetrash mothafuka!

      ~EL MOTERO~

  2. He is already snitching on everyone, can't make him stfu! He is saying that he didn't do shit, that Lazcana and z40 did.everything!

  3. I'm from the states, but have family that have lived all thier life in Cerralvo and they've been thru alot of "desmadre" since the Zetas took over that plaza.. Sure glad that "Arabe" looking puto finally got caught.

  4. A bullet in the head is all he deserves. Next!

  5. The sad thing about it is that 2 out of the next ten recruits which will happen by noon tomorrow will be more vicious then he is. It only gets worse. Did anyone in Sinaloa get arrested today?

  6. hes not a true bad guy,just a pretender who harmed innocents so you get NO respect at all from any American street lieutenant.This guy wouldnt get far in american streets killing that many people.We would check him at the gates when he entered the barrio an execute this punk on site.Its just disgusting to a gangster to see through someone who doesnt deserve any real stripes,FOR ALL OF YOU OUT THERE WHO TRY,YOU CANT BANG ON INNOCENT CIVILIANS YOU GET NO RESPECT IN PRISON AND CAN EASILY BECOME SOMEONES BITCH BY BREAKING THE RULES AND EVEN KILLED!

    1. Spoken like a true prodigy.

    2. He killed ppl like him not innocent ppl

  7. Hes not very masculine or handsome,but he would get fucked in the ass quickly.

  8. 9:26 all the cartels are bad pendejo. They do the same thing like the zetas. They are all criminals!!!

  9. Wow, he survived three years? Must be a Zeta record for longevity. Three weeks is the average life expectancy for these cockroaches.

    I wonder if he ever got paid. Probably a 'new' stolen car every year and all the crack he could smoke.

    1. No thats average about 2-3 years and den game over

  10. Todos son iguales pendejo

  11. Por eso estamos como estamos. Los nacos(narcos) siempre baja nuestro pais a la mierda.

  12. Whenever you see the cartel cockroaches in the bright light it never fails to amaze with how pathetic these gangsters are. With his dopey face and sad sack tattoos.

    It's hard to believe these calibre of cartel losers are holding a free society hostage with their greed & lust for violence.

    They should throw this murderous creep into a bottomless pit.

    There will be a reckoning at some point, and the filthy gangsters, with their stupid neck tattoos, are gonna hang from the trees. Guaranteed.

  13. The idea that Mexico does not liquidate these people is beyond me

  14. they should burn this guys balls for killing all them children

  15. Hmmm, I thought that the U.S. Attorney General and the White House as well as the Mexican President said that the American's 2nd Amendment rights to own and carry privately held firearms was to blame. I would never have guessed that it was actually an uncivil and immoral narcotics cartel and their henchmen. I thought that guns did this stuff all by themselves.

  16. Give him to me, i will fuck this dude up with a baseball bat. Annhilate his bitch zeta ass. Hes trying to look all hard. He aint shit. Let all the families of the victims torture this piece of shit....

  17. Omg, this guy's been eating free maruchanes for 3 years. That's what I call a record....... LLS

  18. All of these criminals are traitors to their country. They sre making Mexico ugly and its people look bad in the eyes of the world.

  19. buggs, an ar15 is not an assault rifle.

  20. El arabe, this fucker is an insult to muslim terrorists

  21. Probably a DEA/ICE Agent. That's why it took over 3 years to catch him.

  22. mmmm he got a pretty mouth!!! LOL

  23. I just noticed in the video that the two men behind the Zeta don't even show their eyes. They are wearing black masks AND sunglasses. They don't even want their eyes identified. That's how dangerous these psychopaths are.

    Captured Zetas always have a look on their face like they are dead inside. They have sold their souls. Hell awaits them.

  24. el regio wrote, Lots of Zetas from Nuevo Laredo and Zacatecas have been sent in to take care of the Gulf Cartel and Chapulines. Too many of these kids have been bought off by the Gulf Cartel and Zetas are cleaning house.
    Talk about being a cheerleader. This guy has no clue. CDG controls southern Monterrey and other municipalities near by.

  25. Just heard in multimedios monterrey that el arabe was responsible for zeta decaptitation videos in the states of tamaulipas and he is actually doin the decapitations himself!!!

  26. This guy truly has no soul, he has no regard for anyone. La Barbie said it right, " ni sus pinches madres los quieren a los putos Z's "

    I am not saying he was any better, but these guys have slaughtered innoncent folks on several occasions.

    The Z's definately have a lot of backing, foot soldiers per say. If you go back to the early turn of the century the Z's were only hired guns but they had already slowy but surely started making their territorial marks. By the time they split with CDG, they were already highly involved in pushing weight and other criminal activities. When the split happened people sided with them and other sided with CDG. They have a very unique way of recruiting soldiers, they may not pay well but they always seem to have disposable soldiers on call.

  27. 01/31 1:19PM,
    Really? Than what does the "AR" part in "AR-15" mean? It means "Assault Rifle!" LOL..common sense bro. BTW, what's your point?

  28. Give em to his rivals n let let them deal wit his ugly scrawny bitch ass... make em scream like a punk bitch that he is while they cut em piece by piece

  29. Rot in Hell Mother fucker!!!!

  30. Que feo mierda. I hope he gets castrated in prison.

  31. He isnt in jail...he is now under house arrest until trial..WHAT THE HELL?????

  32. Los zetas nomas atoran cuando andan en bola, pero andando solos son unas panochitas miedosas!!!! vallansen a la verga putos!!!!


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