New research shows that the Zetas cartel controls criminal
activity, drug trafficking, and extortion in over half of Mexico’s territory.
Cuitláhuac Salinas, head of the Assistant Attorney General’s Office for Special
Investigations on Organized Crime (Subprocuraduría de Investigación
Especializada en Delincuencia Organizada, SIEDO), presented a map at the
National Institute of Penal Sciences (Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales)
that indicates the territories in Mexico controlled by each cartel.
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FOTO Eduardo Salgado |
and lawyers from around the nation attended the event. The map shows that Los Zetas, which is led by
Heriberto Lazcano, alias “El Lazca,” controls most of Mexico’s southern regions
as well as the Gulf of Mexico. The cartel
has a presence in 17 out of the 31 Mexican states, which is a decrease from the
23 states it operated in during 2008. These states include Sonora, Chihuahua,
Durango, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí,
Hidalgo, Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Distrito Federal, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Chiapas,
Yucatán, and Quintana Roo.
According to the map, the Sinaloa Cartel comes in a close
second behind Los Zetas. The Sinaloa
cartel has a presence in 16 Mexican states and primarily conducts its activities
in northern regions, especially Nuevo León and Veracruz where they coexist with
Los Zetas members, which is a major source of violence and conflict in the
region. Sinaloa members can be found in
Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Durango, Sinaloa, Guanajuato, Querétaro,
Oaxaca, Chiapas, Veracruz, Quintana Roo, Baja California, Sonora, Jalisco,
Colima, and Guerrero. Other major and
powerful cartels featured on the map include the Juárez Cartel, La Familia Michoacana,
the Knights Templar, and Beltrán Leyva.
With the presentation of the above map at the conference,
SIEDO also explained how the structure of most of these cartels has changed
over the last two decades from a horizontal to pyramidal structure. When
cartels first formed, they were flatter, meaning a single leader was
responsible for commanding its members.
Now, most cartels have a pyramid
structure consisting of various cells controlled by a higher up official who
commands them to complete a specific assignment, reported SIEDO. Most of the lower level members never
actually meet their bosses, which creates a buffer between the drug runners on
the bottom and the cartel leaders on the top. As SIEDO continued to explain,
this makes it more difficult for authorities to actually charge higher up
cartel members with crimes since they are often physically removed from the
actual buying and selling of drugs and weapons.
Ansa. “Dos Carteles Dominan Zonas Claves de Mexico.”
AnsaLatina.Com. January 1, 2012.Mosso, Ruben. “”Los Zetas” dominan más territorios que “El Chapo.”" Milenio. January 1, 2012.
‘Los Zetas’ ganan territorio.” Impacto El Diario. January 2, 2012.
Mexico Institute
A freind of mine from san luis potosin works for the zetas and he says there is no money coming in not from drugs kidnaping or nothing because of the military and its getting nasty for them and he says there is starting to get into fights between them selfs. Some leaders are starting asking there workers that in case of a fight which leader wil you pick.
ReplyDeletethis article/map is bullshit, zetas dont control crap in sonora and chihuahua and in durango
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell? How accurate is this map and do you fellow BB-ers buy this? And someone explain this to me--I thought Northwestern Mexico, particularly Sonora was heavily dominated by Sinaloa. Here it shows otherwise, so when did Sinaloa lose the whole state? I thought Sinaloa was dug in deeper in that area than an Alabama tick.
LOL look at north Tamaulipas CDG controls reynosa etc(until nuevo laredo) this map is full of shit
ReplyDeleteCorrect me if I'm wrong but Zetas don't control Chihuahua and Sonora! And why isn't Cartel de Juarez on the map?
Why does lfm/ct only own half of Michoacan they have a tight grip on it
ReplyDeleteDid a STRATFOR genius make up this map?
ReplyDeleteI have not studied the map and it may be at odds with the written word. My take from the written word is there are instances of their activity in the area as opposed to an allegation they have control there. In regard to the Zetas, many of their incursions into areas of others have been as a result of alliances. They perform a mission and then withdraw. It is slightly misleading when taken as a whole. You have to wonder if that is based on lack of knowledge or serves a purpose.
ReplyDeleteAnother egg head intellectual probably from a university with a flawed theory and visual aids. Where is CDG, are they dead? Juarez?
ReplyDeleteThis does not compute with other postings on this site inn the past.
We all kno zetas dnt run northern Durango..if Dats the case,where's El chapo hiding out then?
ReplyDeleteIt looks like according to this map that if the Zetas have any presence at all they'll give them at least half the state. Notice they don't do that for other cartels in the states that they say the Zetas fully control.
ReplyDeleteAnd hey, there's no rataZ in Veracruz anymore?
Besides being inaccurate, this map is deceptive and biased.
My nephew painted that map hes 7 years old. Stratfor is trying to contact him because he knows more than stratfor specialists about this drug war. Inches gringos no saben que pendejadas dibujar para llamar la atencion.
ReplyDeletejajaja yes well...
This is not an American press article and map.
See at bottom? Mexican press and Mexican agencies. just translated from spanish.
That said,global think tanks have reported this information for more than 8 mos.
As for accuracy, I do have issue with some of the territory but I am just one person that does not have access to the info the agencies do. Because we post a story does not mean we fully support or even support something, just bringing you what is out there and this is a widely published story, then you decide for yourself. Paz Chivis
What game is the mexican government-media trying to play with this map? Maybe its called lets all kill all zetas for taking over mexico? PEOPLE WE CANT BELIEVE SHIT FROM MEXICAN MEDIA
ReplyDeleteFue el pendejo del Cuitlauac, and his the head of SIEDO. Es bueno ver que Mexico conserva sus costumbres, en especial esta de poner a cualquier pendejo en cargos publicos.
ReplyDeleteThe Mexican government is trying to make the Zetas look like a bigger threat than they are so it can continue its covert support of the Sinaloa Cartel. The real big event this year will be if/when the PRI takes back power. Will they change the strategy?
ReplyDeleteAbsoultely strategy will change. Pena, the frontrunner (by a mile) already says so. I have been following the election and posting on forum. I will try to put somehting together especially what Pena has said, which is not much as he only in "depth" spoke about this once. Paz Chivis
Yea im pretty sure la linea still has chihuahua on lock, over theholiday thats all people wuld talk about when i was in juarez, supposedly gn never had enough muscle.
ReplyDeleteWho we rooting for
ReplyDeleteCxDxG controls every part of Tamaulipas except Nuevo Laredo, Parts of Tampico, Victoria... This map is full of shiiit... Matamoros asta Mier its all CxDxG...
ReplyDeleteThe PRI party is behind the zetas. They mostly operate in states governed by the PRI.
ReplyDeleteC.d.g is alot bigger then most think and wtf id juarez they still have power also..... I smell the gov. Tryinh to jelp sinaloa by makin the zetas look bigger n more dangourse ima print this out then whipe my rear with this map
ReplyDeleteNo shit cdg controls most of tamps who ever made this map must live im alaska now were near mexico o live in tamps and zetas dont comtrol shit besides nuevo laredo if ur a zetas the common folks here rat u out to cdg or military
ReplyDeleteMexican Cartel Territories are a hot topic. These people want to present as if they know all the new trends and for the most part, almost everyone on this site has done more research or knows more then them first hand. The Zeta phenomenon has been the big horror or fear factor grabber for the past couple of years.They are growing and have made allies with CDJ and BLO but that does not mean they own the territory of the cartels that are allies. Take Chihuahua for instance. How would La Linea and the Barrio Astecas react to the Zetas kidnapping and extorting in their plaza? This whole thing is not real at all.
ReplyDelete10:58 AM...Chivis...Ya'll are both very on target about the Zeta Propaganda and political stances. PRI will require a truce and give power back to the states which in turn will return power to plaza bosses and local cartels. Things will change and the military will go back to their box.
"What game is the mexican government-media trying to play with this map? Maybe its called lets all kill all zetas for taking over mexico?"
ReplyDeleteThat sounds good to me. I think anyone who even talks to a Zeta should get a bullet in the head. FUCKING KILL ALL THE ZETAS!
SIEDO Made the states as much in the article.
ReplyDeleteIts obvious the mexican goverment is desperately screaming help us the Zetas and their allies are whooping our ass,we need Chapo to be on top,so we will make it seem like Zetas control all of Mexico incluiding their allies territories,seriously Zetas control Sonora and Chihuhua thats straight BS!!!!
ReplyDeletethis map is BS, and so is Borderlandbeat, for the past year this site has been pro-zetas de a madre... why isn't Juarez painted on the map? CDG is making heavy presence in Zacatecas yet this map shows none of it. Like a few comments above said, CDG owns most of tamaulipas with the exception of Nva.Cd.Guerrero, and Nuevo Laredo, and a few citys close to SLP... Just because there are roaches in your house doesn't mean they own it does it? same applies to the zetas, just because they are in a state doesnt mean they run it. Zetas are like the oxxo, where chapo is like walmart haha
ReplyDeleteSorry. Confused. It is a global waing map.
ReplyDeletejejeje pendejo calderon usa estratejias viejas de guerra para contratacar a sus enemigos ,todos sabemos que los Zetas no controlan todo ese territorio.
ReplyDeleteThe map is way of my name is EL TB and northern baja belongs to EL CAF and BAJA SUR they control over 85 percent including CALIFORNIA ALL OF SAN DIEGO that how they charge a fee for crossing anything going threw BAJA CALIFORNIA AND ALSO RENT OUT SPOT THREW OUT THE REGION PARA LA FAMILIA DE TIJUANA PURO PADELANTE
ReplyDeleteWho gives a fuck. Give me one good reason this is important.
ReplyDeleteSorry global warming map.
ReplyDeleteWOW! The Zetas OWN mexico
ReplyDeleteY wont U.S. wont send troops 2 Mexico and get rid of all this crackheads!!! We will have Mexico in peace within 2-3 yrs.
ReplyDelete6:37. In peace or pieces
ReplyDeleteCause all the crackheads are in the USA.
ReplyDeletePresident Calderon just needs to ask the U.S. and we will deliver.. We will have it cleaned up in half a year to a year guaranteed!
ReplyDeleteUSA! USA! USA!
10:17 PM...Deliver like we did in Iraq and Afghanistan? Nothing changed in either place but we went in debt 20 trillion.
ReplyDeleteThis map couldn't be more wrong.
ReplyDeleteFINALLY....Buela's on the main board....and still on the BB forum too.
ReplyDeleteThis is Borderland Beat at it's best.
I don't believe this stupid map either. Someone put's out an article and then it becomes the "holy grail"
ReplyDeleteMARIO ALEJANDRO,Brother i think he meant the map,not you.You sound as though you know what the fuck you talkin about,unlike most of these clowns who never done dirt in they life.
ReplyDeleteEither way the Z's are 2nd in Dominence.. I wonder for each state that Z controls, you guyz don't think they might have training camps for recruitments, besides using them drug addicts as pawns in a chess game??
DeleteThis map is much too simplistic and general.
ReplyDeleteStill, it shows the broad trend of the Z and Sinaloa as rivals, each taking dominance of Mexico.
still havent seen a regular map
ReplyDeletePuros ratas los zetas roban a los pobres y secruestan a los indijinos para aser SIS maldades
ReplyDeleteI'm an American that lives south of Guadalajuara, Lake Chapala. The Mexican government picks it' fights. When a murderer kills a murderer, it's a win-win situation. It' not as if there as many innocent citizens killed in major cities in Mexico as there is in the US. Keep the guns on the US side.