Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, January 30, 2012

Tinker Tailor Soldier Kingpin-Chapo's Operation to Manipulate ICE Agency

by Aram Rostom Newsweek

There are usually just three ways for a trafficker to leave a Mexican drug cartel: go to prison, get killed, or become a government informant.

Two weeks ago, I had dinner at an expensive restaurant near the Mexican border with a man who got out by the third route. He was, until recently, an important figure in the Sinaloa cartel’s drug-running operations, working indirectly for the boss, Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán. Casually dressed, he used a small fork to scrape the marrow from the shank bone on his platter of osso buco. He joked that he wished he had a soft tortilla on which to spread the marrow, the old Mexican way, the way his family did it with a butchered animal.
         USBP intercepted 627 lbs of Marijuana in Las Cruces Damian Dovarganes/AP
The informant, who did not want to be named for fear of reprisals, rattled off prices for the drugs he used to transport. They are surprisingly cheap in large volumes: $6,000 per kilo of cocaine in Ciudad Juarez $1,000 more to deliver the drugs to an El Paso stash house just across the border. Tack on another $1,000 to truck it onward—to New York, Baltimore, Chicago, or Atlanta, where it sells wholesale for around $30,000.
Most criminals who become informants do so because they’ve been arrested and squeezed, encouraged to betray their criminal employers in exchange for leniency. But this man had an unusual story to tell about his first encounter with U.S. federal agents. It was his boss, a top manager at the Sinaloa cartel, who encouraged him to help the Americans. Meet with the U.S. investigators, he was told. See how we can help them with information.
At the time, Guzmán’s huge Sinaloa organization was in the middle of a savage war, trying to crush the Vicente Carrillo Fuentes cartel, known as the VCF. And the Sinaloa cartel wanted to pass along information about its enemies to American agents.
The drug dealer told me how, acting with the full approval of his cartel, he strolled into the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office for an appointment with federal investigators. He walked through a metal detector and past the portrait of the American president on the wall, then into a room with a one-way mirror. The agents he met were very polite. He was surprised by what they had to say. “One of the ICE agents said they were here to help [the Sinaloa cartel]. And to fuck the Vicente Carrillo cartel. Sorry for the language. That’s exactly what they said.”
So began another small chapter in one of the most secretive aspects of the drug war: an extensive operation by Chapo Guzmán’s forces to manipulate American law enforcement to their own benefit.
Chapo—who acquired his nickname, which is Spanish for Shorty, because of his 5-foot-6 stature—is a 54-year-old fugitive who has made it to the FORBES billionaires’ list for three years running. He’s an antihero whose feats of criminality are as astonishing as they are brutal. Ten years after his escape from a Mexican prison, it’s widely believed by both Mexican and American law enforcement that he lives in Sinaloa, not far from where he was born. Each year, Guzmán has grown increasingly rich, and the cartel he runs has tightened its grip on the worldwide narcotics trade. A month ago the U.S. Treasury Department labeled him the “world’s most powerful drug trafficker.”
Guzmán’s broad strategy has been to knock off rivals and build his own cartel into the dominant criminal force south of the border. One of his tactics for achieving that has been to place his drug-dealing lieutenants as informants for the DEA and ICE. According to sources and court records, he has been carefully feeding intelligence to the Americans. Now, Newsweek has learned, there is a federal investigation into how ICE agents handled some Sinaloa informants near the border.
The implications are sobering: the Sinoloa cartel “is duping U.S. agencies into fighting its enemies,” says Prof. Tony Payan of the University of Texas at El Paso, who studies the cartel wars in Juárez. “Typical counterintelligence stuff. It’s smart. It’s so smart.”
Humberto Loya- Castro, a charming and erudite Mexican lawyer who served as Guzmán’s adviser, may have been his most intriguing agent. He became a key informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration during the last decade. A former DEA official describes Loya-Castro as “astute, witty. He was extremely charismatic.” His tips led to arrests, seizures, and headlines. Many of those law-enforcement victories, though, were also triumphs for the Sinaloa cartel.
Loya-Castro was indicted by the United States in 1995, along with Guzmán. Back then, the lawyer was known by the alias “Licenciado Perez”—Lawyer Perez. The charges say he “protected the drugs and money of the Guzmán organization in Mexico by paying money to Mexican authorities” and “ensured that if key members of the Guzmán organization were arrested they did not remain in custody.”
At the time of the indictment, Chapo Guzmán ran his Sinaloa operation from a Mexican prison. Being behind bars didn’t hamper the drug lord, who treated the jail as a private castle where prison guards scurried around like servants.
Five years after the indictment, while Guzmán was still locked up, Loya-Castro first approached American officials, offering to feed them information. To appreciate his potential value, imagine if the leader of North Korea or Iran had a lawyer who offered to become an undercover U.S. operative. As a compadre of the Sinaloa boss, Loya-Castro had information that most investigators could only fantasize about.
After Guzmán escaped from prison in 2001, Loya-Castro continued to feed U.S. agents information. In 2005 he made it formal, signing paperwork that made him an official confidential informant for the DEA. Because he was a fugitive from justice, facing an outstanding warrant, a special DEA committee had to sign off on the whole operation.
He was a productive spy, handing over what seemed like ever more vital information, mostly about the Sinaloa cartel’s enemies. The DEA agent assigned to handle him was a relatively new investigator named Manuel Castanon. He had spent five years working for the Border Patrol, then joined the DEA in 1999. He was assigned to a special task force based out of San Diego—a unit that wasn’t focused on the Sinaloa cartel. Rather, Castanon and his group were tasked with fighting one of Guzmán’s closest rivals, the Tijuana cartel, headed by the notoriously brutal Arellano Félix brothers.?
The Tijuana cartel was small, but it was important because it controlled the vital smuggling routes through Baja California and San Diego. Both the DEA and Chapo Guzmán had an interest in its demise.
One day Loya-Castro called Castanon to set up an urgent meeting. At a briefing with DEA officials, Loya-Castro warned them of a grave threat to their agents coming from one of Chapo’s enemies. He explained he had been dining with a former Mexican official when the official’s Nextel radio beeped. The caller was a member of the embattled Tijuana cartel who proceeded to outline a series of illegal plans. Loya-Castro could hear the whole conversation as if it were on a speakerphone. The Tijuana cartel was hiring a trained sniper nicknamed “the Monster,” Loya-Castro said, to shoot DEA agents and frighten them into leaving Tijuana. (A WikiLeaks cable describes the incident, and while Loya-Castro is not named in it, Newsweekhas learned that he was the confidential source called “CS-01-013562.”)
The intended effect of such a tip was almost surely to focus the DEA on Guzmán’s rivals. It apparently worked: the Tijuana cartel has been mostly dismantled, and Chapo Guzmán has taken over lucrative territory.
All along, Loya-Castro apparently insisted to his handlers that he had Guzmán wrapped around his finger. Guzmán, he said, was gulled into thinking that Loya-Castro was loyal to him. “His point to us,” says David Gaddis, a former top DEA official who oversaw operations in Mexico, Central America, and Canada, “was that ‘because of my position, Chapo has absolute, unfettered confidence in who I am and what I’m doing.’”
“I do think he was telling Chapo,‘Hey, I’m meeting these guys,’” Gaddis tells Newsweek, “and Chapo allowed him to do it.”
Loya-Castro’s material was so rich—so helpful in various cases—that in 2008 the U.S. attorney’s office in San Diego had the indictment against him thrown out.
 And the intelligence kept coming. In December 2009, in an operation trumpeted around the world, Mexican Marines encircled and killed Arturo Beltrán Leyva, a leading drug lord who had splintered away from the Sinaloa group. In Chapo’s hometown in Sinaloa, residents fired pistols in the air to celebrate, according to Malcolm Beith’s book on Guzmán, The Last Narco.
It’s been reported that the Americans provided intelligence that led to Beltrán’s death. They even coordinated the signal intercepts that allowed the Mexican Marines to move in, according to a source who was involved. A source close to the cartel leadership says intelligence for the operation also came from Loya-Castro. In essence, it seems he had helped the Americans put a feather in their cap, while killing off one of his master’s worst enemies.
By this time, some people in DEA management were beginning to ask questions. The top target for the DEA was supposed to be Chapo Guzmán, and Loya-Castro wasn’t doing anything at all on that front. Gaddis, who left the agency in 2011, says he spoke to the agents who handled Loya-Castro and pushed them to get information that would lead to Guzmán. The conversations went like this, Gaddis recalls: “I want you guys to turn up the heat and start having him work more and more effectively against the No. 1 guy.” But according to Gaddis, “that never came to fruition.”

Double- and triple-dealing is a danger in any spy operation, something to be guarded against. “You should not allow the informant to control you,” says John Fernandes, a 27-year veteran of the DEA whose last job was running the San Diego division. “That doesn’t mean they won’t try. Manipulation is part of life.” Still, Fernandes maintains, in general “the DEA does an outstanding job of applying stringent standards.”
Gaddis says Loya-Castro did occasionally provide intelligence about the Sinaloa cartel, but not about its top rungs. And at least one internal DEA exchange cited in court documents indicates he was chiefly providing intelligence about the Sinaloa’s opposition. Gaddis, who now runs a security company called G-Global Protection Solutions, says he had believed Loya-Castro was a “double agent” the DEA used against Guzmán, but he’s now convinced he was more like a “triple agent.”
In January, I rode in the back seat of a Policía Municipal de Ciudad Juárez truck, a twin-cab Ford F-150, to see how police patrol one of the most dangerous cities in the world. The drug business, like real estate, is all about location, and Ciudad Juárez is the drug trade’s Park Avenue. It is the gateway from which marijuana, cocaine, and industrial-grade meth move across the border and get loaded onto trucks that travel west or east along I-10, or north along I-85. The scale of the brutality in Ciudad Juárez has been obscene: beheadings, massacres, bodies left in oil drums. But now the city is quieter. During the police patrol, only a few people were out and about. Prostitutes posed in doorways along empty sidewalks, their heads turning to follow the police truck as we passed, red and blue lights flashing.
Chapo Guzmán made his move to wrest control of Ciudad Juárez from the local cartel roughly six years ago, and he did so with help. He eventually hired local police captain Manuel Fierro Méndez, who has since been sentenced to 27 years in a U.S. prison. Fierro Méndez was also one of the informants Guzmán planted in U.S. law enforcement. We know this because Fierro Méndez would later testify in U.S. federal court, as a prosecution witness, that he was sent by the cartel to the ICE office in El Paso to give up specific intelligence about the men Guzmán was trying to eliminate.
“You were on a mission from Chapo to come provide information, correct?” he was asked in court in 2010. “Yes,” he replied. Fierro Méndez said he was like a “spokesperson,” passing information to ICE from Chapo, “information we would, obviously, get from the levels high up.”
“Was the Sinaloa cartel trying to use ICE to eliminate its rivals in La Linea?” a prosecutor asked. “That’s right,” Fierro Méndez replied. “And was Chapo Guzmán aware?” came the question.“That’s right,” said the former police officer.
He made it plain that that the cartel strictly forbade him to give up anything about the Sinaloa cartel, however. “Were you allowed to give information about Chapo?” “It wasn’t allowed,” the dirty cop said, “and it wasn’t asked of me.” In other words, he testified, the ICE agents he spoke to never required him to provide intelligence about the boss of his own criminal organization.
Such information did lead to significant drug busts, which helps explain why American agents were so eager to play along. The costs, however, are clear. “Now the Sinaloa cartel understands how you work, who your agents are, and what you want,” says the University of Texas’s Payan. “They are using you, and in the end that particular cartel is going to come out of it strong. The Sinaloa cartel is not only virtually untouched but it is magnified ... They don’t have any Mexican competition. At home, they are king.”
In all, at least five important figures in the Sinaloa car-tel traipsed into the ICE offices in El Paso to relay infor-mation about the Juárez cartel. They provided tips about warehouses, drug routes, murders. They gave up information on who their enemies bribed and what their organizational charts were. And now, as Payan says, “the Juárez cartel is practically down to ashes, and to a large extent it was done with intelligence passed on by the Sinaloa cartel.”
A federal prosecutor based in San Antonio who has tried cases against some Sinaloa-cartel members, including those who helped ICE, concurs on that point. I asked him if the information campaign by Chapo Guzmán helped the Sinaloa cartel take over Juárez. “It did,”he said. “That’s what this was all about: because of the intensity of the struggle, they were trying to exploit every possible thing they could to get the upper hand.”
In a case ongoing in federal court in Chicago, lawyers for a top Sinaloa-cartel figure maintain that the DEA’s relationship with Guzmán’s lawyer was a virtual conspiracy to allow the Sinaloa cartel free rein. Arguing in front of the judge, one lawyer insisted that “this fellow Loya is not a normal informant. He’s an agent. He’s an agent for the Sinaloa cartel.”
Reached by phone, DEA agent Castanon declined to discuss the Loya-Castro case. DEA headquarters also said it could not comment. David Gaddis, the DEA official who oversaw Mexico operations, doesn’t dispute that the Sinaloa cartel may have been playing the DEA, but he says there was never any deal to cooperate: “I will categorically deny that at any point DEA was protecting the behavior of Chapo Guzmán.” With an investigation underway by ICE into the behavior of its agents in Ciudad Juárez, more details may soon emerge.
No spy story is simple. Nor are the Mexican cartel wars. Though unfathomable violence still flares up in much of Mexico, Ciudad Juárez is somewhat calm. So did a brutal Sinaloa victory over its rivals—achieved, it seems, with the unwitting help of U.S. agents—bring about a lull in the violence in this terrorized border town? If so, few believe it will last.

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  1. Pinches Ratas. Con tiempo se ase todo piche chango monta perros.

    1. Ahuevo!..asi trabaja esa RATA CHAPULIN!....

      Arriva Los Aretes!..

  2. This is definetly one of the more believable articles that I have read recently on BLB. Very informative, good find Chivis.

  3. awesome!!! standing ovation, great great article!! yes the sinaloa cartel is so smart that they were able to outwit the american govt.. no wonder they are such a powerful organization.. they have all my respects.. yet in juarez its hard to believe the juarez is down to ashes when the killings keep rising and they have a whole police department living in fear.. its hard to believe when after taking on so much the streets still have decades of cartel de juarez written in them refuse to allow outsiders come over their home.. what will be their response to the evolution of cartels the zetas that keep taking more and more of their territory? interesting topic

  4. Someone needs traffic crack to mexico so its all stays down there, turn it on them! Let El Chapos kids and family get cracked out too. American Gov is useless! Fools are going to call me El Cracker one of these days!

    1. I agree!..FUCK THE CDS!!!...(Cartel De Snitches!)...

  5. Snitch!!!!!! Now what u guys got to say now!!!!

  6. Ay ta el dedo!!!! Ojala q todos Los carteles miren esto.!!! Buscenlo y pongalen en su madre!!! I Los de tamaulipas ponganse verga!!!!

    1. Todos son putos relajes nomas que El chapo es mas verga que el z40,lazca,viceroy etc.. jugo a los guerros para que le quiten a Las mierdas de su Camino. Jajaja. Todos juegan igual mugrozo bola de culos .. les salio bravo el chapo Guzman.. jajaja.

    2. Desde cuando ser dedo es verga!!! Lo q pasa es q el wey es culo!!!

    3. No es ser culo pendejo es ser intelijente guey el USA a los de la dea y ice y no mete a sus sicario q el govierno aga el jale a va seguir fuerte el chapo y el cds los cdg ct cjng y toda la federacion Lo q son unos ardidos gueyes y todos los carteles tienen dedos y ayuda del govierno

    4. cayase chuntaro

    5. Pinche Pelo Pendejo les arde por q son culos!!! Muy chingones...aver si el USA los va salvar!!! Arriba mi Tamaulipas !!!! Andamos serca!! Pinches dedos!!

    6. Si muy inteligentes como el Pendejo de Valentin el gallo de oro!!! Lol on ta el wey? No pueden con Reynosa!!!!!! Nesesitan jente de Tamaulipas para ser lo q ustedes no pueden!!

  7. Great article. These are why I read BB. I think we've all kinda know this was going on all along, but its nice to finally see some actual proof. Nixon's war on drugs has never been the lily white crusade they force feed the american masses, but a dirty, clandestine, morally grey endeavor that at the end of the day always seems to punish the lower classes while profiting the higher ups on both sides, not to mention the private prisons and politicians who benefit from the billion dollar carcass that is The War on Drugs.
    If one was to read all the recent articles regarding "Fast and Furious", the money laundering of the cartel money through willing and greedy american banks and business's, and of course the DEA/ICE coercion with these so called informants one might start to paint a picture, and its not a pretty one. If mainstream media would report on these issues maybe the "Sheeple" would open their eyes a little and wake up.

    Eagerly waiting for the next article as always BB, Thanks.

    1. I feel it for border patrol agents who risk their lives while dea/ ice fuck things up.

  8. Another facet of this story is the DEA's facilitation of BILLIONS of dollars in money laundering, the FBI allowing multi-ton loads of coca to move north without any idea where they ended up, and of course, the now notorious ATF gun runner program.

    What's missing from this is the backstory of the CIA in all this. We know that important Mexican federal police commanders have been CIA assets, and that when it comes to federal agencies operating outside the United States, the CIA trumps all. If the CIA was running Humberto Loya Castro, the DEA and the FBI would have to give him immunity if they were told to, no if's and's or but's about it.

    The CIA has been involved with corrupt Mexican officials since the 1970's dirty war, up through the Iran/Contra nightmare, and it's likely they're involved with every facet of corruption today.

  9. JAJA i todavia no los acaban!JAJA NO Valen Verga!NO RESPONDAN NI HABLEN SI NO SON gn!

  10. Everyone have a price

  11. exactly what I said on here a couple days ago about how advanced and smart CDS is but everyone immediately attacked me and of course said I was a "cheerleader". As this article shows, the facts are the facts. Sinaloa moves more dope than any other cartel or gang in the world.

    1. Lol...Your PAPI CHULO CHAPULIN, ain't nothing but a BITCH!...

  12. I think everone should watch the movie Hero which is loosely based on the assination attempt on the King of Qin in the year 200 BC. Very similar to what should happen in Mexico but unfortunatly I feel the lesser cartels don't have the care and understanding to know what will bring unity and stability to the entire land of the once great Mexican empire.

  13. This is nothing new, I have read this before in two different stories but exactly the same thing. The Sinaloa has manipulated the system one way or another.

  14. Replies
    1. Ta weno Sinaloa se la come!!! CDG y Los zetas... Juntense otra vez!!! Pa q ya andemos en paz!!!! Tamaulipas no somos culos..

    2. En la punta de mi VERGA!!!!....

      Puro Baja CAF-lifornia!

    3. chinge su madre los de baja california puro tamaulipas

  15. The Snitchaloa Cartel jajajajajajajaaj

  16. Thanks for the post Chiv


  17. If I where a cop and a informant came in to snitch on their rival gang, I would act the same way. I would tell that snitch that I wanted to help his gang out. This way I get all the info I could get from the snitch. At the same time I would have agents working against the snitches gang also. This may be what happened. All we really got was the opinion of the snitches point of view.
    I pray that the officials are still on our side.

  18. Let this be a lesson to all the other cartels. Hey! cartels send in your own snitch! Do it fast before the other cartel snitches you to death.

  19. Who celebrated ABL's death ? He was more loved than Chapo will ever be . But good article this is what everybody knew already. I want to hear more about Mayo & el Azul , why do they always act like chapo is the only leader of that cartel they love to make him a God like person . Juarez cartel has the Zaragoza fam which controls oil in Mx they will never fall off Juarez

  20. @ January 30, 2012 6:13 PM: yes u r right on there!!!

    The big open question is: what motivates DEA and the ICE? Getting rid of drugs would be getting rid of themselves, so that is not a good thing.

    In my opinion what ICE and DEA want is a big and steady drug trade without violence. They can make busts and look like heroes without endangering their own folks.

  21. REALLY GOOD ARTICLE! I actually believe it.

  22. You can be sure most of the info gathered by the CDS was by brutal torture. And once again american agencies happily use info gained by torture. Sick values!

  23. I wonder was has happened in the relationship between Layo and the DEA. Anyone else noticed the recent arrests of high level CDS members? Were the DEA agents working with Loya fired? Did Loya break the relationship now that el chapo completed his goal?

  24. This is no different than what occurs on the streets of inner-city America. Cops rely on drug gangs to snitch on other drug gangs. It's a proven strategy and serves to reduce the playing field. It is much easier to combat a handful of drug organizations than it is to bring down several dozen gangs. The strategy of cutting off the heads of organizations has obviously failed. It only caused the splintering of drug organizations that has created so much violent and unpredictable competition, while resulting in fear and grief among honest Mexicans today. Consolidate and conquer.

  25. Jan 30 @ 8:13

    "someone needs to traffic crack into Mexico", sorry pal that is a pretty damn revolting comment and one I hope you did not mean. The Mexican Gov made a deal with the devil 30 yrs ago to look away as cartels trafficked drugs to the US. Oblivious or uncaring of the consequence. That was disgusting as well and I actually blame the Mex Gov for the mess both countries are in.

    BUT...Mexicos drug use problem is increasing at an alarming rate and some experts say they will become a user nation by 2020. once again a horrendous proposition for both countries, we are glued at the hip in case you did not know.

    Jan 30 @ 8:13
    jaja shrug it off, those who cannot argue intelligently resort to the ol cheerleading tactic. It means nothing, stick to what you believe the truth usually will prevail and will surface.

    Jan 30 @9:35PM "this is nothing new"
    I have seen articles that have suggested a component of this article but never one so well written and in depth. It is the best article I have seen on the subject. and I read countless per week. that said, can you remember where you read yours? share the link Joven.

    MY take on ICE..
    Following 9/11 there was a meshing of border and revenue agencies. ICE, under DHS became the 2nd largest investigative wing in the US. large does not mean better or more effective and in fact the opposite has happened. Drugs and immigrant issues should not be in the same agency. PERIOD! ICE by its structure was doomed to become the ineffective, incompetent, over worked agency it has become.unless you have experienced ICE first hand you can't appreciate that statement.

    As for deals cut w/CDS or any other cartel, it transcends political parties and continues today. I happen to believe that what Mayito states about promised immunity is probably true in full or part....Paz/Out Chivis

  26. This is a business for chapo, as much as everyone wants to get mad and hate because he's taking out his competition by any means.Just pay attention to every top drug lord they bust and theyre on camera opening there mouths but to what benefit if there already arrested. Chapo has his own army which are all his commandos ran buy a top sicario(hitman) fighting all there rivals, then he has all the corrupt police,mexican marines,federal etc. helping out throughout Mexico and on top of that corrupt ice, dea,police etc on the U.S helping clean out territory as well. Stop looking at this as snitching it's not a gang it's an organized drug business and chapo is the CEO

    1. Nicely said business is business ...

    2. All top mafias have done,this. Its all about the money.

    3. What gets me is how all these dumbass people post all over this blog how this is snitching like they where in fucking grade school or someshit like that. They fucking know Chapo has all the power and influence and is smart enough to use it just like any other organize criminal enterprise would if they had the means, next pendejo to say that shit is a strait up ball licking Chapo hating, Z/Blo/Ncj nutthugging cocklicking fagget ass panochudo

  27. Its just typical police work to protect confidential informants in exchange for information . It happens in every city.

  28. Chiv can tell me to shrug it off. Buggs can say don't read the comments if they upset you. OK

    The cartel/narco cheerleader comments should be edited out. In my opinion they lower the quality of the BB articles that represent a lot of hard, volunteer work. Like this one.

    For example - 5:13 PM, 8:13 PM, 9:45 PM, 10:02 PM, 10:09 PM, 3:05 AM, 5:00 AM, 5:02 AM, 5:11 AM, 5:14 AM should take their pissing contests elsewhere.

    My sympathies to whoever has to try to review what must be thousands of comments and then decide in seconds which are appropriate and which are not. I think most of these idiots used to hang out on BDN, etc.

    No one on BB has a problem with posts in Spanish but try posting in English on, say Proceso, for one and see what happens - !!! Yikes.

    Good, good work BB!!

  29. I think the US government clearly knew they were helping CDS. Why else would they not ask the informant for info on El Chapo.

    The US knows that drugs and crime will always be part of society so they rather have the most powerful cartel to be one that plays by most of the rules imo.

    If the US takes down El Chapo or El Mayo then the Zetas would move in and probably become the #1 cartel. So the US, CDS and the Mexican government are prob working together to prevent a Zeta takeover of the country. Just my two cents.

  30. Very good article, liked that movie too. One thing, if Humberto Loya was the one who told the DEA/Mex authorities about the conversation he overheard between Inge's people, (Jorquera) telling someone he wanted to kill two DEA agents....this would have been in 2008, what was a Sinaloa representative doing sitting at a meeting with Sanchez Arellano people?

  31. One of the ICE agents said they were here to help [the Sinaloa cartel]. And to fuck the Vicente Carrillo cartel. Sorry for the language.


  32. Chapo is no dummy,that's why he is in fortune 500.was useful info provided to ice and dea ,stopped a lotta shit coming in and a lotta cash going out.u can't expect these agencies to walk away from this info... I agree dea needs to b under homeland these agencies will get more done if they just Learn to play well together.

  33. there is no one here that when busted wouldent rat, on the person he is working for , yes you might all be tough and type all the shit you want, but when your facing 30 years in jail you will rat and you know it!!!

    cant blame el chapo for using the gringos its all business eventually someone is going to turn on him shit happens for personal reasons or simply beacuase its good business

    as far as the war on drugssssssss its all business simple as that

  34. Me January 30, 2012 9:35 PM Chivis the article is real good. When I said nothing new is because many criminal organizations have done that( manipulate the system in the U.S. ) The Juarez cartel did it, the Gulf Cartel did it, and all cartels have done the same on the Mexican side, they have manipulated the system to fight their enemies.

  35. Wasn't the plan all along to leave the CDS alone while attacking the smaller cartels to splinter them? If this was the plan, and it seems both the US and the Mexican Federal Government have followed it to a tee, when does the final stage fall into play? When will they both jump on CDS with both feet? 30 days? 60 days? 90 days? This year? It almost has to be this year. That is the only way Calderon walks out of office with any respect. Otherwise, he leaves with the reputation as being the most corrupt.

  36. January 31, 2012 5:19 PM Come on men grow up, Santa doesn't exist and Elvis is not alive. Can you post a link of the supposed plan to leave alone the CDS?

    Many Sinaloa capos have fallen, if you need a list let me know I will post one for you.

    You know how dogs get to know people? They usually smell their ass, they do it to know how full of shit they really are.

  37. Didn't amador did the same thing in the 90s when he had that mexican general in his payroll and he would fight his rivals?

  38. Good articlee....but i dont believe the price if cocaine to be at six or seven....even in mex they r atleast 12-18k..

  39. @ January 31, 2012 11:19 PM . 6 or 7 for a key?Don't know what kind of white that is?12 to 18 makes more sense.


  41. Hola Feb 1-5:12PM- Violence in Michoacan-

    The good news is Statistically the chances of your grandfather being harmed is very, very slim. The fact that he chose air travel rather than ground makes is travel much safer.

    A COUPLE OF HOURS AGO it was reported that the government is sending 4000 ADDITIONAL TROOPS DIRECTLY TO THE AREA YOUR GRANDFATHER WILL BE.
    read the following:

    MORELIA, Mexico February 3, 2012 (AP)

    A Mexican military official says thousands of additional troops are being sent to the violence-stricken western state of Michoacan.

    The official tells The Associated Press that some 4,000 soldiers have begun arriving in the state capital to prepare for an offensive in a mountainous western section of the state known as Tierra-Caliente. The area has been hit by a surge in violence in recent weeks.

    The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information. A military spokesman declined to comment.

    Authorities in Michoacan are battling quasi-religious drug cartels called La Familia and the Knights Templar that claim to be following divine will. (AP)


    What I know:

    Uruapan-Tumbiscatio & Morelia are the most important plazas, and hugely productive in the mountain regions, which causes a constant battle for territory. Apatzingan is the heart of the Tierra Caliente which encompases dozens of municipalites and is where Mex, Guerrero and Michoacan states intersect. Those routes are among those of the greatest importance, which is why there is a continuous violence in the struggle for control.

    KT and LFM are prominent with 6 or 7 others also in the mix.

    The Marina and Army are now stationed in my ciudad, you should know that can cause increased violence as the forces battle narcos, and innocents can get killed or hurt. We have had two shootouts directly in front of my offices which we personally had never seen a shootout in the town prior. During one of those in front of my office that day, 1 citize was killed and one badly injured. So though it is a good thing, it can cause more danger. Tell your grandfather this, please.

    Here is a video from a couple of days ago a shootout in Apatzingan

    I wish your grandfather a safe journey...paz, Chivis


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