Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mexico's Presidential Election: Drugwar Security Plan of Each Candidate

From Chivis :

The following will give a loose overview of each candidate's stance on tackling the drugwar and its violence.  I do not agree with the last paragraph as polls have reflected a majority support of Calderon's attempt to secure violent regions, such as the use of the  military.

The front runner and PRI candidate Enrique Peña Nieto has vacillated in his stance of withdrawal of forces.  He has stated very little regarding his plan of action but has stated he considers the presence of forces culpable in the escalation of violence. 

PAN party's nomination of the respected and popular Josefina Vazquez Mota, if successful in her bid to the presidency would be the nations first woman president. 

In election terms, there is ample amount of time to make it a horse race, and though Peña maintains a wide margin lead, that lead has tightened with a drop of over 10 points in the polls.  Following the Insight article I have posted information on each of the candidates.

Mexico Presidential Candidates Play it Safe with Security Plans

Written by Tim Wilson for INSIGHT

Now that Mexico's ruling right-of-centre National Action Party (PAN) has chosen Josefina Vazquez Mota as its candidate for the July 1 federal election, the Mexican people can stand back and assess how her public security strategy compares to those of the other two candidates: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of the left-leaning Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD); and Enrique Peña Nieto of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
Of particular interest is how any strategy will tie in with US policy, and to what extent new approaches will be informed by the aggressive tactics assumed by PAN president Felipe Calderon. We are only now entering into the heat of a six-month campaign; much can happen, and though Peña Nieto is the clear favourite at present, he has stumbled of late, and Ms. Vazquez Mota will likely get a boost from her recent win. Lopez Obrador, running third in the polls, could also see a surge if he can transfer his rural base into urban support.
Below is an assessment of the three candidates' security platforms, and what the implications might be for the Mexican people and for Mexico-US relations.
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (PRD)

Lopez Obrador has been a firm critic of the tough, militarized approach pursued by Calderon. He has promised an even application of the law, proposing improved care for victims and an emphasis on the protection of human rights. Practical suggestions include a single police command that will gradually assume security operations in areas that are now under the control of the Army and Navy, as well as a single intelligence agency tasked, in part, with tracking criminal financial networks.
The PRD leader has said that the training of this new police force will emphasize civic and moral values. Lopez Obrador has also said that he is committed to salary and benefits increases for police officers throughout the country – hardly a new suggestion in Mexican politics. All in all, he has come up with ten proposed actions, but one main theme: organized crime cannot be combated as long as, due to its absence or its own actions, the government itself is culpable in the erosion of human rights.
Lopez Obrador has also thrown down a gauntlet to the United States by claiming that as president he would firmly reject any intelligence activities by US agencies, including the introduction of arms or money. This would halt the activities of CIA operatives and agents with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA); it would also, of course, ban the use of unmanned drones.
It would also call into question the continuance of US aid. (Since 2008 the US government has contributed $1.6 billion in law enforcement aid to the Calderón administration under the Merida Initiative). Given the US government's botched "Fast and Furious" sting operation – in which guns were deliberately sold to drug operatives in Texas, only to see federal agents lose track of them – this may have popular appeal.
Enrique Peña Nieto (PRI)
Peña Nieto is popular and charismatic, and is seen as having been a competent governor of the state of Mexico (2005-2011). His stated aim is to strengthen the security apparatus – even if it means a complete reinvention of the present structure. Key to this would be ensuring that the Ministry of Public Security, for example, would have complete autonomy and be free of political interference.
Peña Nieto has stated that he would support a withdrawal of military forces from areas that have been hit hard by the war on drugs; however, the terms and conditions have not been spelled out in any detail. He has spoken of the need to maintain "order," but has suggested that the hard-line approach taken by Caldern has actually destabilized the nation.
This has led his opponents to suggest that he will let the state retreat, and allow for de facto control of certain plazas by the cartels. That said, in response to accusations made by president Calderon that the PRI might negotiate with the cartels in order to keep the peace, Peña Nieto and other PRI party officials have clearly stated that they will not engage in any dialogue with criminal organizations.
Mr. Calderon, however, is not alone in his concern. American officials are believed to have stated in private that the PRI, which ruled Mexico for 71 years until losing to the PAN's Vicente Fox in 2000, could revert to its old tactic of allowing some cartels to operate with a degree of autonomy, so long as they keep the peace. It is unlikely, perhaps even impossible, that any candidate could blatantly support this approach during the presidential campaign, but it may have some electoral appeal to a citizenry weary of the conflict.
Josefina Vazquez Mota (PAN)
Vazquez Mota has promised to continue with Calderon's highly aggressive, militarized efforts to break the cartels. During the last six years of the Calderon administration the level of engagement with Mexican and US law enforcement has reached unprecedented levels. Under Ms. Vazquez Mota this would continue, with more US aid likely to flow beyond law enforcement and into efforts at strengthening Mexico's justice system.
Programs that support CIA and drone activity would stay in place, and possibly even expand, though Ms. Vazquez Mota has equivocated with regard to the role of the military in civilian areas. Her "firm hand" includes a proposal for life imprisonment for any politician found to have been corrupted by organized crime.
What It Means
The unpopularity of the war on organized crime, which was initiated by Calderon and has resulted in over 47,000 deaths, will be a major liability for Vázquez Mota, who has promised "no truce" with the cartels. So far, the political benefit has fallen to Peña Nieto, who represents a fresh face and, he would argue, a reformed PRI. Lopez Obrador, who narrowly lost the last election against Calderon, is seen by some as a man who is too sure of himself – he staged six weeks of demonstrations after his presidential defeat which, in the end, reduced his popularity. But he has impressive name recognition, and support from a poor and rural base that, thanks to electoral reforms, now actually gets most of its votes counted.
Whatever the outcome, the United States will work with any of the three leaders. The irony is that Vazquez Mota may lose this election to Peña Nieto as a result of the unpopularity of her predecessor's security policies, yet it is highly likely that the PRI will continue the same overall course of action. If the PRD were to win, however, we could expect a chilly reception from Washington, and real anxiety that the bilateral efforts that have been made to date would be for naught. This is not to say that Lopez Obrador would capitulate to the drug cartels, but by reducing cooperation with the US, and pulling security forces out of some areas, the result could be an effective ceding of certain plazas to organized crime.
 Addendum posted by Chivis:

A center-right party, the PAN was founded in 1939 and was long considered the “loyal opposition” to Mexico’s long-ruling PRI. Though it was tolerated along with other opposition parties throughout the PRI’s 71 years in power, the PAN was never permitted to win a significant election until its first gubernatorial win in 1989. The PAN became the first party to defeat the PRI and break its strangle-hold on  the presidency  in 2000 with Vicente Fox as their candidate.  Fox, a relative party outsider with a successful career as CEO of Coca-Cola,  The PAN won again in a tight election in 2006 with the current President Felipe Calderón.
 Presently, the PAN holds eight state governorships and 28.2 percent of the seats in the Chamber of Deputies (147 out of 500) and 39.1 percent of the Senate (50 of the 128 seats).
 Formed after the devastating Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) and the period of political instability that followed, the PRI was formed in an effort to prevent further violence among rival political groups.  The stability that ensued was so successful that the party dominated at all levels of government until 2000. The PRI held all state governorships until 1989, a majority in both congressional chambers until 1997, and the presidency until 2000.
Organized around broad “sectors” of society, the PRI stayed in power and kept its incorporated groups in the coalition through a combination of party discipline and government largess, and supplemented with a combination of electoral manipulation, intimidation and outright fraud, as well as ideological swings intended to reflect broader political dynamics in the country. Historically, the party has been considered nationalist, with members from the socialist left to a business elite making up its ranks.
 After two tough presidential elections (2000 and 2006), in which the PRI lost its grip on the presidency, the party has undergone a process of soul-searching and reforms in an attempt to break with its past and project an image of competent democratic leadership.  The party swept the 2009 congressional elections and now represent the largest faction in the Chamber of Deputies with 48.0 percent (240 seats) and the second largest in the Senate with 27.8 percent (33 seats). They also now have 19 state governorships, and the prospects for the 2012 presidential race seem much more promising than they did in the 2006 election
In 1986, a group of prominent left-leaning pro-reform priístas formed the Corriente Democrático (Democratic Current) within the PRI party in an effort to promote a more democratic and open party that they felt had become calcified and hierarchical. After their reforms failed to take root in the party, a number of them, including the son of former Mexican President and founder of the PRI – Lázaro Cárdenas, publically split with the PRI. President Cárdenas’s son, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, quickly became the leader of a fractured and disaffected left, and ran for President with the support of numerous parties in 1988.
Cárdenas is widely believed to have won the election, but it was marred by extensive allegations of fraud and the PRI’s candidate, Carlos Salinas de Gotari, was declared the winner.  After this experience, the parties of the left and disaffected priístas joined together to form the PRD and began the process of fielding unified candidates under the PRD banner.

The party is strongest in Central and Southern Mexico, where it holds five governorships, the mayorship of Mexico City, which it has held since Cuautémoc Cárdenas became the first directly elected mayor of the capital city in 1997, and the majority of the Mexico City Assembly. At present, there are 25 PRD senators, representing 19.5 percent of all seats, and 72 deputies, equaling 13.6 percent of the Chamber.

In federal elections until 2006, the PRD generally trailed the other two major parties. However, in that last election, candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador lost the election by just .58 percent of the popular vote. López Obrador and his supporters denounced the election as fraudulent, though the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) rejected this claim based on a partial recount and other evidence. When the IFE denied the request for a full recount, the PRD called for demonstrations in the capital and named López Obrador the “legitimate president of Mexico.”

These tactics did not appeal to all party members, leading to several years of bitter infighting. Recently, however, the major PRD figures put aside their divisions and appeared together in a united front to support their candidate for governor in the State of Mexico elections (July 3rd).
All photos and logos were added to the INSIGHT article

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  1. I don't want to see the PRI in power once again, to me they are the ones responsible for the corruption in the country. I want the PAN in power I like everything I know about this lady but if they don't win, then I hope the PRD get the presidency.

  2. Every mexican citizen knowa that if Enrique Pena Nieto gets elected the next president of Mexico, he will follow the steps of the 3 governors of Tamaulipas being investigated by SIEDO for their close connections to the Z's drug cartel. These are Manuel Cavazos Lerma, Tomas Yarrington Ruvalcaba and Eugenio Hernandez,who along with some border city majors opened the doors to this cartel to operate along the Rio Bravo, one fo these city majors were Daniel Pena Trevino, first cousin of Z40, and Ramoon Barrios Garza, both from Nuevo Laredo. When Carlos Salinas De Gortari came back from his exile in France, he tried to join the PRI again, but the president of PRI said: NO WAY! He was tryiing to join the PRI a second time so he could run in the elections for Governor of the state of Nuevo Leon, thank God the PRI stayed firm in its negative. So the only way to stay safe in Mexico was to help Enrique Pena Nieto to win Los Pinos ( Mexico's White House)So if Enrique Pena Nieto becomes the next president of Mexico Carlos Salinas De Gortari will come back into the political power game, helping the drug cartels stay strong. It is known by every citizen of Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas that Carlos Salinas De Gortari is financing the electoral campaign of Enrique Pena Nieto. If he becomes the next president: May God have mercy of Mexico. Thanks. Concerned citizen.

  3. Nuevo Laredo, Tamps., city majors with connections with the Z's are: Daniel Pena Trevino, living in Laredo, Texas,and first cousin of Miguel Trevino Morales Z40. Ramon Garza Barrios,with residence addresses in Laredo , Texas and Florida, where he owns a pent-house, he is a close friend of Daniel Pena Trevino and Z40.

    1. They were the first to run from nuevo laredo and they were the ones that left nuevo laredo like how it is. The american government should send them with all there family back to mexico

  4. Why didn't Calderon try attacking the border narcopoliticians, narcolaundering businesses, Narcojudges , build more jails, start changing laws etc., build after school programs, in his term and when the time is right and they are prepared, the next administration, or even the one after that, can thin out the overcrowded narco population?

  5. Any of these 3 are better than Newt Gingrich!

  6. I don't want no z's that's for sure!!

  7. Pos k sea el k sea menos la pinche vieja puta esa k seguie con plan d calderon... K dejen trabajar tal y como antes y k los carteles k no sigan las reglas k el gobierno les d el peso duro d la ley... Si cagas mucho el palo tu cartel sera el k sera el d la campaña ganar... Destruirte tu cartel xno keer jugar dentro d las reglas, y k viva Mexicooooooo...









  9. So whats the news? Liberals are always soft on law enforcement,the PRI has historically turned a blind eye (and always had its hand out). How can Mexican citizens support Calderons efforts and in the same breath want the PRI? This is pure Bull Shit sounds like Media spin. Anybody with skin in the game in Mexico wants Calderons reforms to CONTINUE, Mexico needs to evolve, grow up,become responsible business to prosper. Ignorant,poor,peasants may be sempathetic BUT allowing them to direct the Focus of govt is a disaster, systematic distruction of a country, just look at the USA.

  10. Let me preface what I am going to write by stating that I am a "Gringo" who has been spending the winter months in Mexico for the past 20 years. I have developed a love for Mexico and the Mexican people. Most of my fondest memories over the past 20 years have been the time I have spent in Mexico.

    I have observed closely the events in Mexico over the past 10 years and it is sad and depressing to see what this peaceful, tranquil country has become. At one time the cartels were simply concerned with moving drugs from Mexico and South America to the U.S. drug market. People were safe and secure in their homes, pueblos, and cities and were unaffected by this criminal activity. Now there is a hugh "business" in providing drugs to addicts in all of the "plazas" throughout Mexico, extortion, kidnapping, and strongarm robbery throughout virtually every part of the country.

    For those who think that they can reach some sort of accomodation with the criminal cartels, they are simply dreaming. These criminals will continue their drug trafficing, kidnapping, extortion, and robberies until they are simply institutionalized or killed by local, State, Federal, and Military forces. President Calderon has been doing what the Office of the President should do--that is, combat criminals and protect the population of the country.

    Mexico should request, and accept, any and all aid and assistance which can be provided by the United States and the rest of the world. With enough money, weapons, training, and intelligence, the cartels CAN be defeated and eliminated. No one is suggesting that foreign troops enter Mexico. With enough assistance, the Mexican police and armed forces can do the job. A good example is the outstanding performance of the Mexican Marines when they engage the cartels. The cartels are not now, and will never be, a match for a well-trained, well-led, police and military force.

    God go with you Mexico. The task ahead will be most difficult, but I have faith that you will prevail in the end. You always have.

  11. I have a Question for the Mexican citizens that have posted comments. I think all are Mexican except the person with the comment about Ginrich, and BTW we Americans better start caring what happens in Mexican politics, as it doesn't take a genius to figure how it affects the US. It is no laughing matter.

    As for 5:24 comment, I could not agree more, and I think one of the greatest mistakes of Calderon is that he did not take over the municipalities along the frontera. They are all in bed with one cartel or the other, in my city it is Zs, but the "presidente" (mayor) police, media etc are controlled by narcos.

    Also the educational system is dismal. The worse scores in the Americas and the bottom scores of all PISA countries. The 55-65% impoverished are not given a sound basic education through HS which creates NINIs. The NINI have no employment opportunity so gravitate to the narco life. I read an astounding figure of 250K NINIs are in cartels. I am writing an article about the NINIs, education, and narco recruitment.

    I have studied the parties and candidates for a year. Josefina Vasquez is very, very bright lady and is respected. I hope she wins, but it will be tough. and PRI has not changed. Their campaign of a new PRI free of corruption and promising transparency was a joke especially since their leader Bert Moreira had to resign in disgrace over the Coahuila missing money scandal. My prediction is he will be back after the election, there will be a bogus investigation, remember his brother is the new Governor of Coahuila and Pena his pal, he will be found innocent and go back into the political arena. Such is the way of Mex and I believe the deal he cut to take the fall.

    my question: why do Mexicans take the money and prizes in exchange for a vote? Mexicans can look in the mirror to see a primary cause of the corruption. Why do they vote a person like Pena in? and embrace corrupt PRI once again? Pena is less than intelligent, so IMO he will be nothing more than a puppet. Why does Mexico love the guy? don't they look beyond the pretty faces of him and his novel star wife? I

    please tell me....Paz, Chivis

    1. Back in the mid 60s and early 70s labor unions like CTM forced workers to join the union, otherwise you wouldn't be able to get a job. Once you belonged to the CTM union you were forced to vote for PRI, if you refused they would fire you, and again you couldn't get a job until you joined the CTM union again. Besides you had to pay 25% of your weekly salary to the union. Either that or you and your family starved to death. Today labor unions affiliated to PRI force workers to vote for their candidate, and if peolple refuses you know what is going to happen to some of them.

    2. I asked this before, where is cnn? Where is the coverage. Why dont they and the rest of the world care? Syria syria syria..libya libya libya. What about the mexican war coverage? It cant only be about oil, right? (or wrong) why isnt Wolf Blitzer in veracruz reporting???

  12. Why does'nt the U.S. start hunting down these cowards that are on this side of the Rio Bravo. I'm more than sure they are laundarying dirty money for those murders.

  13. If you thought the presidential candidates from our good ol USA were bad, of which I think our pickings are slim, Mexico has it worse.

    Nieto is a pretty boy who feels entitled to the Presidency because hes relied on his looks for just about everything but he is incompetent who doesn't even know what a kilo of tortillas goes for.

    Lopez is a leftist who looks corrupt and will say anything to convince the poor majority to elect him because that is where his voting base is at. Lopez will be reckless and unfit to govern Mexico.

    The lady, c'mon give me a break. If she is the PANS candidate then they should automatically concede defeat. I don't mind a capable women running a country but she is not the one. This lady is in over his head.

    You also got darkhorse Cordero who said he would capture Chapster. This midget talk is bigger than his bite. Obviously he has no plan to combat the drug war if one of his platforms is capturing Chapo. I guess he thinks people will buy his bullcrap and vote for him.

    It looks like Mexico is in for another six years of poor leadership one way or another. Maybe this explains why outlaws run beserk, poor leadership at the top will filter all the way down as it has for decades.

  14. ***sigh***

    The current presidential hopefuls are the same old thing, at the moment someone like Zedillo is needed, someone who will think first and then act second.

    Let's see Nieto is the aijado of Salinas de Gortari, yes the same Salinas who took billions and stashed them in Swiss bank accounts, some of that money from El Narco, even his own family has admitted it at points in time.
    His candidacy is the let's go back to the good old days of the PRI.

    I lived during the latter half of the PRI, the days weren't that great really, no one really wants to return to that.

    Next we have Vazquez Mota being put by the PAN , in a last vain ditch attempt to win via the "historic" label like Fox with the fact she is a woman, she will continue with the current policies that have worked so well, the same policies which are probably driving Mexico towards a low level civil war in the coming decade.

    Next we have Obrador , a man of the establishment although he tries to brand himself as an outsider. His stance on El Narco isn't very clear at all. He is at heart a status qou candidate, if he wasn't Carlos Slim wouldn't have bank rolled him.

    As always none of them really talk about the way forward for this ravaged country. Improve education, invest in infrastructure and worry about Mexico first. Not whether some meth head in rural Missouri is getting his hit or not it means nothing for Mexico or Mexicans living in Mexico.


  15. B you know the answers to all that ..

    PAN was out to tame and control..not really destroy or end the trafic..the money is too great..but i really do hope they kill the pinche leytra..if PAN prevails ..and they should..they have had 6 years to build a warchest the Z is done..but if PRI gets back ...NOOOO!!!!

    my opinion anyway

  16. Chivis Me February 8, 2012 4:31 PM I will not vote for that MF or his political party. I don't want the PRI in power anymore they are still working with the narcos.

  17. fitting

  18. Because Chivas in my opinion I think that Mexicans are obsessed with the novelas and stupid naco tv shows such as Ernesto Chavana & the naco channel milenio en NL the programes are muy bajo & the people don't watch enough serious issues such as news, documentaries, this is not helping the situation in Mexico. I am not Mexican or American but my wife is Mexican & I lived & worked in Mexico for 2 years, love the country but the education system is not the best they could do do much more for the schools but they don't all the people are interested in are these novelas this is why Peña Nieto will win more about style over substance Btw I feel for Calderon

  19. People told me when I lived in Mexico mi amigos that Mexico was nice 5/6 years ago no violence etc... But I used to say no listen mira the problems were there it's just the previous govts, didn't try to stop it so these cartels grew stronger, & now we see the problem Mexico faces & Calderon gets the blame for trying to stamp out this disease! Love the website keep up the good work Chivas & friends, Paz

    1. I feel you bro, just like Obama here in the US, blamed for all the bullshit Bush jr. created and now all of a sudden its his doing, poor chap just wan'ts to right the ship and them republicans in congress won't play ball, fucking shame both countries is looking in bad shape for the forseeable future.

    2. Obama got the presidency at the worst possible time, when America was fucked at the start of the recession after Bush fked it up with all the millions/billions he poured into the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan & now Obama gets the blame some ppl are just sooooo stupid to see something do fkin obvious! Majority of politicians are the same be it in USA, Mexico, Europe, Asia, Africa they're all corrupt lying twats, but you have to feel for Calderon trying to make Mexico better by confronting these animals, peace bro

  20. My grandpa said he'd never vote for th communistic liberal Lopez obrador

  21. Lol and probably true, all r better then ginrich , I agree we as "murricans" need to pay more attention to our neighbors politics .I live on the border and we are starting to see the spillover lately .plaza bosses (junior cardenas)hiding here were peaceful enough, prob not wanting the attention .its the younger wanna bes with something to prove that have caused the most problems.

  22. Que gane Josefina! Hopefully Josefina wins the presidential election. It will not be easy but stay strong.

  23. February 8, 2012 6:57 PM You do understand what is going on whit this criminals. We can not let them work freely, to them is all about money and power and they will always want more.
    The help we get from the U.S. is well appreciated. I'm against foreign troops because I believe this is our problem and we have to learn how to fix it.

    I want the PAN in power once again.

    February 8, 2012 6:42 PM Eres un pendejo y definitivamente tienes caca en la cabeza, tu piensas que la violencia fue por la llegada de el presidente Calderon, pero se te olvida que el incremento de violencia viene desde 1993 en adelante.
    El presidente Felipe Calderon se fue tras los criminales no por que tan solo traficaran drogas, sino por que desde el 2001, ahora también las venden en el país, participan en secuestros, robos, extorsiones, prostíbulos, trafico de blancas, trafico de menores, piratería, corrupción y muchos otros crimines, en otras palabras se estaban apoderando del país.
    Abre los ojos y deja de decir pendejadas el gobierno es el que debe de ayudar al pueblo y no a los criminales por eso necesitamos al PAN para que nos limpie del crimen organizado y la corrupción.

  24. @ 7:22-great historical overview, but it is just that.. mostly history other wise PAN could not have ruled over the past 6 years. and low turn out should favor this theory
    @7:55 and the stunning fact Mexicans don't read. Of corse in school or newspapers but not quality, classics or recreational, in a country with few homes w/internet I could not believe it. and theyt are the soap opera king of the world.
    @7:42 high five to you my friend... :)
    @7:31 exactly
    @Brito I would rather have the control than a deal with the devil. that is what got us where we are today. As the gov pointed to routes and said use those and be quiet about it. what did they care? Moving shit to the US didn't hurt Mexico...right? But then the devil became big and powerful and unimagineable amounts of money, money is power and can buy just about anything...
    and here we are. & I have been critical of Calderon, but I acknowledge his many sucesses and I feel he, himself was not in collusion with any cartel and is well intentioned.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Mexico with a passion. But being in NE Mex for 8 years has been a source of frustration. People vote for condidates and then tell me, "he is with Zs". or the fact they won't speak about narcos, and accept status quo "what can i do". Mexico needs to look in the mirror for heroes instead waiting for Superman.
    Thanks everyone....Paz, Chivis

    1. Chivas when I said about the fact a lot of Mexican ppl are obsessed with novelas & don't have a huge culture of reading like other cultures, I'm speaking from my experiences living in Monterrey & working for la SEP. And in Mexico you cannot buy newspapers in tiendas como abarrotes, local tiendas unlike here in Europe, my point is the key to helping the people is through education, as the better educated the people are such as noticias, proper periódicos, a decent education at school then it's a huge start, it's also getting out of this culture where ppl look upon a cartel as a football team I'll choose this one I'll choose that one ppl need to realise they're all the same just puro malditos destroying Mexico, saludos Chivas

    2. Where is cnn guy here....yea my mexican wife will read 300 people magazines before she picks up a newspaper lol :) its all novelas....

  25. In this article, big errors i immediately noticed about things I know about called into question the things I didnt know...
    First, Fast and Furious weapons were sold not just in Texas, but mostly in the SAC Phoenix AOR of the ATF. In fact, it was a BATF whistleblower that brought this thing to Congress.
    Second, there are more than just CIA and DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration, not Agency) operatives in Mexico. Almost every American Federal law enforcement agency has a presence in Mexico. The article implies that with the election of the PRD candidate, only the DEA and CIA will be tossed out.
    Thats all for now. lIke I said, the entire credibility of this article was called into question when shoddy mistakes are readily identified.

  26. PAN Cartel de los Sapos aka CDS
    PRI BeltranLeyva / Carrillo Fuentes
    PRD highest bidder

    True talk.

  27. Hate to admit it bust PRI has the best approch & more peacefull , they all negotiate with narcos but PRI gives power to the state , PAN gives control to just 1 when they're country is starving this is the reason why there is so many sicarios running crazy they just trying to get something to eat.

  28. to the guy who is asking where cnn and news coverage is at. They will not cover it. It is american politics. If things are bad in Mexico then it gives more power to the republicans who want tougher imigration laws. So if you are democrat then you will keep it quiet. You can't go anti imigration because you lose the imigrant vote. You can't let the truth be known. Check out they cover news from mexico sometimes.

    1. So cnn is pretty much a democratic outfit...? I dont know, seems more like chivis said the average white up north type just dont seem to be interested. Those are my type people and I can tell you they are kind of cluless. Although my wife is mexican so naturaly im more interested. But cnn has no excuse, do you see anything at all on their main webpage?????

  29. @Feb 8 11:34

    I would hardly call omissions or lack of further detail "Big errors" those were not the point in chief, but rather the etc.

    nothing was mistated, your argument that the author did not expand in detail therefore the entire article is in error is weak and in error itself. However, if you want to complain to the author link here:

  30. Ariva Pena nieto viva que viva

  31. The US government takes care of all citizens from birth on. They over look the dope addicts and by making drugs illegal they are harming a group of people they should protect
    IF YOU CANT BEAT THEM JOIN THEM: the US has the largest drug companies in the world. If all addicts sign a waiver of all claims they should be allowed to buy all synthetic drugs at little over their real cost from select drugists selling good clean druga that have the same effect as herion, cocaine, etc. The small profit could be used for rehablitation progams and everyone profits. The drug cartels would be out of business. Anon


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