Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Massive (750 lbs) San Jose Meth Bust Tied to Mexican Cartel

SAN JOSE (KCBS) – Three San Jose residents charged in connection with one of the largest methamphetamine seizures in U.S. history have ties to a Mexican drug trafficking organization, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
Last week, the DEA confiscated more than 750 pounds of meth in a San Jose raid with a street value of over $34 million.
“It’s a crushing blow to the cartels that market the meth,” said George W. Grayson, author of, Mexico: Narco-Violence and a Failed State?
He said the cartels are increasingly enlarging their meth exports as they diversify their array of products.
Suspects Alberto Rodriguez, Carlos Aguilar, and Liliana Lopez were each being held on $2 million bail.
Their apartment off of Snell Ave. was actually found by Palo Alto Police detectives who had gone there as part of an investigation into stolen iPads.

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  1. "they could spend thirty years in prison"
    LET'S FIGURE: fifty thousand per year times three gives us one hundred fifty thousand a year to house these three felons times thirty years gives us about four and a half million dollars and including inflation with the usual government cost overruns it will be well over six million.

    Where do they get that money?

    The "DRUG WAR" is a taxpayer ripoff scam.

  2. Thats how it always happens!Some dumb-ass gangbanger or tweaker does something petty & stupid & ends up getting everyone else busted!These 3 get the Tripple Dummy Trophy!

    1. If more people speak up about these cowards that come and set up shop in towns and basically hold everyone hostage there won't be so much crime, drugs or violence. We as a people must rise up and take a stand and speak up!!

  3. There was a drug bust worth over $100M that had happened just two years ago and about 20 miles from San Jose.

  4. Don't break the law while your breaking the law...

  5. If not before Mr. George W. Grayson just outed himself as being on the crime industry's payroll (prisons, law-enforcement, guns, security etc) by such a blatantly false statement as:
    “It’s a crushing blow to the cartels that market the meth”
    750lbs wont make a dent in the supply of meth and no bust ever will because D E M A N D is there. Americans want the drugs and will always get them. The solution:
    L E G A L I Z E I T !!!

    1. The answer is not legalization but decriminalization!...huge difference

    2. legalize meth your a fucken idiot

  6. They were caught as police were investigating a stolen ipod.
    Yeah, sure they did. DEA operation!

  7. "A crushing blow"? Oh come on, what pap. The media continues to buy in to the whole stupid idea that this drug war can be won and that each seizure represents "a crushing blow" to whatever cartel owned it. To them it's just a cost of doing business and life goes on. The mainstream media in the US is worthless peddling whatever lies the government feeds them. GO TO HELL, WASHINGTON!

  8. come on legalize crowd go ahead and cheerlead. how would it go something like a chicken in every pot and a pot in every mouth. meth for every mother and don't worry if you don't have enough money cause you can always sell your child.
    "Mother 'repeatedly sold daughter, 6, for sex in return for drugs'
    By Rachel Quigley
    Last updated at 10:02 PM on 5th March 2012
    A mother was arrested after police received a tip-off she was selling sex with her six-year-old daughter to strangers in return for drugs."

  9. El Chapo a de estar bien encabronado!

    1. No, Los Templarios compita!!!

    2. That's bull someone snitch!!!

  10. Roreguiz,Lopez,Agular? Could they be Mexican,dealing drugs in the US? The US drug market is dominated today with Mexicans. Pourover is a insane politically generated notion.For the last 40 years Mexicans have been perfecting,fine tuning the drug business and ALL THAT GOES WITH IT. Those who do not realize this are completley out of touch. Gang banger Mexicans are proud of their drug connections, So what is the response Amnisty, and Legalize then WHAT NEXT?? UNLIMITED LONE STAR CARD LIMITS?? What about those of us that follow the rules?

  11. hundred fifty thousand a year to house these three felons, lol what are you gonna feed them? filet mignon?

  12. Hey do u have any news of what happened in piedras negras coahuila today at around 5am??????

  13. Sure it's a crushing blow for the week until......they cook some more, and import the same amount or more again soon.

  14. Hopefully they get killed in prison quick!!

    1. Negative. They will make more connections with Prison gangs.

    2. Most likely u will die 1st MF Never Wish Death on No1!!
      Less My Family!!

  15. This happened right down the street from me ! Its hard to believe it happened so close ..I guess we made history ...

    1. Shut up idiot "I guess we made history". Like your proud of that shit idiot. U weren't even part of it and if u had been ud be a bigger idiot.

  16. @ Anon March 7:48AM PIEDRAS NEGRAS

    Around 8PM last night twitter and libre sites lit up about a huge shootout and that both 1 and 2 bridge, road to acuna were closed. but conflciting reports of it being by the authorities and then by the criminlas. ambulances were prevented from reaching vitims.

    I don't know exactly how many are killed but at least 9 police were shot, and 4 army vehicles and a tank destroyed in some way.

    The shooting was by a girls softball tournament and when it brokeout it caused mass hysteria

    It is reported that members of GATE also sustained losses.

    Thats all I know right now. My staff were going to PN today to the shelter but cancelled. I will try and get info together later and create a post that hopefully will provide you with better info...Paz, Chivis

  17. Their from Los caballeros templarios,!

  18. Chivis ur awesome thanks!! Know I'm having second thoughts about going over there this weekend, but Ooo well I'll probebly end up going and I'll be on the look out for good pics or videos for bb thanks again!!

  19. A "a crushing blow to the cartels that market the meth”C,mon man,did you see how much of this shit got caught in Mexico?Tons of it in barrels.A crushing blow?I wonder if even middle US believe that statement?Have you seen how easy this shit is to make?Every single day,tons of pre-cursor chemicals coming into certain Mexican ports.As soon as people figure it out,you'll have cottage industries springing up.Now we got mobile cooking.In the back of a van,then take off.Massive blow,is that straight up lying,or do they want to believe that?

  20. @ 11:40am - (herez a repost from blogger on those 15 tons ur talking about)

    Meth has been a lucrative side job for many cartels. However, moreso now. And only now, has meth production become just as, if not more, important to cartels than the old products of marijauana and perico. The Milenio (Valencias) both in Michoacan and Colima cartels were at the forefront of agreements under the old guard of the 90s of Guero Palma, Caro Quintero's and Chapo's & Mayo's Mafia de Sinaloa, better known in the new millenium as the CDS. But, in Michoacan, production of meth never stopped - just like marijuana plantations and avocados. The difference was that the US was the major provider during the 90s, even early 00's some might argue. In Mexico, La Familia took over, then Zetas, then Caballeros, and now Sinaloa (major manufacturing wise). As so meth production is a very important part of power Chapo yields. And it will only continue to grow. While powder shipments have been marginally disrupted in South America's take down of major gangs, and with the introduction of poppy field eradication (with US intelligence) efforts well underway, Meth seems to stand as the equally lucrative product of the Millenial teens. But more than lucrative, is it's new rumor in the narco-economy world. From streets of Puerto Penasco to Mazatlan, to Huetamo Michoachan, down to Panama, the word is Chapo & Mayo, are intending on 'punishing' the US with... Meth. An influx of Meth with lower prices, utilizing old stash cities and routes and plazas, has been set in motion. Production has kicked up from 40% of Sinaloa shipments, to close to 80% this past January. Demand is equally the same. But unlike other Mexican narco products, the more Meth there is the more users, use it. Is it possible - well, With Meth, Chapo has been able to take down whole crime syndicates, like the AFOs. TJ's network was weakened when some if it prolific members became, meth heads. Chapo understands the dynamics behind this move, that is, mostly to divert he attention from him, to a more dangerous problem - a US Meth problem. If it's true, it's part of the genius behind the CDS commitment to survival. It's the price the US pays for betraying the pseudo-deals made with the CDS - some of which have been made public fast and furiously. And J, before you ask, where the word comes from - they are the same sources that warned of Chapo's intent on going after the Carrillo's in Navolato Sinaloa last year - which prompted the creation of the new Juarez Cartel under Carrillo's family. And it was the same source that called out BLs joining Zetas months before they showed up in Sinaloa and Sonora. At any rate, meth production is being boosted - and I would imagine this summer will be 'hell to pay' in Mexican border cities. Thanks for reading and good night.

  21. Millions in drugs and they still Ipads?? sounds like someone snithced and the only cover story they could come up with is this stupid one come on give the narcos some crrdit after all if they are smart enough to smuggle it past the mexican army , past the custom people at the border then past the state highway police then they loose it all for stolen Ipads really dudes??? come on

  22. LOL,why do I have to get mentioned in there? Which of the Arellano Felix turned into meth heads? It's not totally far fetched, but I've never heard it, or seen it. El Tigrillo was known for doing a lot of coke and alcohol, going on binges, never heard meth, but maybe it's true. I doubt any of the current leadership is into it. I read rumors on here about Tony Tormenta doing a lot of meth before his death.

    The report sounds legit, I don't know about some of the punishing the US conspiracy stuff, but maybe, who knows.

  23. J ,take it easy bro,don't get a hard on cause someone mentioned you,look i mentioned you.
    Punishing the US?Watch out people,we got another Alexander the Great.Chapo doesn't think tactics,Chapo thinks strategies Napoleon like,and he is going to punish all the world with his meth.
    The great Khan has nothing on this dude.Maybe the Watchers will burn his ass?Dayum.

  24. That's how we do in san jose the capital of crank playas.north side san jose plazas

    1. Another pendejo in the US who probably don't have a decent job and is kissing the asses of foo's he wished he was. What a fuken disgrace. Look at the way he talks, what a pendejo. In silicon valley probably cleaning restrooms and slanging a few dimes a day. Idiot could had gotten an education in the US and make some cash the ligit way but turned to be a low life. True definition of a pendejo. I hope you read this "playa".

  25. carlos aguilar es inocente solo estaba de visita sin saber nada



  27. At anon March 7, 2012 10:02 PM,Yeah,we see how you do it alright!!Well as of today we will rename it "The Idiot Capital"!How the fuck are you gonna be stealing "Anything" when you have that much dope stashed away?You should be ashamed to even claim San Jose right now,especially with all those dumb-ass tweakers you have inhabiting your city!!Thats why Nortenos/Busters are becoming extinct...their going the way of the Dodo bird!!!

  28. Cmon fellas da ipod deal was an excuse to cover up a dea investigation, its kinda like wen dope carriers get pulled over with a stash of dope supposedely becuz of a broken headlight, dis is their way of covering it up! Good job dea,we dnt need any tweaker theives on streets ripping off kids bikes

  29. March 7
    @11:40AM I would postpone for a couple weeks, usually they come, hit, retreat but one never knows and that road to Acuna has had a narcoblockade 3 times in as many months. As for fotos, we appreciate the stuff we get from folks on the ground, BUT security first please becareful!

    11:47: "crushing Blow", yeah well I cringed at that superlative statement by by buddy George. I thought :jeeze george are you high my firend"? no, not even close to crushing blow but a bad day for Chapo no matter how rich the bastard is.

    12:40 Great history overview, thanks! I have no doubt this is Chapos. They stepped in last year to take over Meth from LFM evvidenced by the huge narcolabs and the amt of precursor busts they are making attributing to him. Production of meth has/is moving to Guate, as he stages precursor from asia in Mexico and moves it to Guate where he can cook it almost out in the open without interference. But remember Zs pretty much control Guate so look for a nasty conflict over the drug market (meth) there.....Paz, Chivis

  30. @ March 8, 2012 12:33 AM .Preach man preach.
    These CRANKS got nearly half a ton of Meth stashed.So,oooo,keep your noses clean,don't walk on a crack in the pavement...."Na,i really want an ipad,pair of tights new nickers,and a packet of cigarettes,i know,first chance i get i,ll steal them"
    "That's how we do in san jose the capital of crank playas.north side san jose plazas"
    Is that how you do it hermano?Your ass is sacked,canned,finished,gone,nada.
    Dayum,see what happens when chippin out,some of that shit.

  31. March 8, 2012 2:13 PM.Whatever you may feel about selling drugs or whatever.It is never the "easy way"that's media talk by upper middle class journalists who don't know shit."He could have got an education"Really?Is it that easy?

  32. @ anon March 8, 2012 5:37 PM,Dude,seriously?Do you really think any drug dealer in his half ass right mind would want to do business with these Idiots?If you have any common sense you would avoid these morons just like you would try to avoid an STD!!

  33. all a bunch of idiots!


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