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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mexican Army bags 7 bad guys in Nuevo Laredo

By Chris Covert

A total of seven armed suspects were killed in a gunfight near Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas with a unit of the Mexican Army, according to Mexican news accounts.

Reports are unclear when the gun battle took place.

The army unit was apparently on road patrol on Mexico Federal highway 2 at about Kilometer 17 when it came under small arms fire.  Army return fire killed seven.  Four other armed suspects were detained following the gunfight.

Soldiers in the aftermath seized seven rifles, 47 weapons magazines  and 947 rounds of ammunition and two vehicles.

A total of six armed suspects were killed in a running gunfight between Mexican Army forces and presumed shooters with the Los Zetas criminal group March 13th in western Nuevo Laredo.  That battle led to the capture of a Los Zetas leader Carlos Alejandro Guiterrez Escobedo AKA El Fabiruchis.  Alejandro Guiterrez was the putative replacement for another Los Zetas boss, Geraldo Guerra Valdez AKA El Guerra, who was killed in Nuevo Laredo March 6th along with 12 other armed suspects in a gun battle with a Mexican Army patrol.

Another gunfight between armed suspects and security forces in Nuevo Laredo took place last Saturday, according to Twitter postings  and one Mexican press account, but those encounters have been so far unconfirmed.

A total of 20 armed suspects have been killed by Mexican Army troops in and around Nuevo Laredo since March 6th.

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for


  1. Is that so? Hopefully, Z40 doesnt comeback with a surprize.

  2. Como patitos en la feria. Damn narcos don't. U get it? Next pendejos in line. El otro ejercito? De que de pendejos? Hasta parece ke ni las manos meten.

  3. con tiempo esta plaza va ser de los golfos..... y la jente estupida de nuevo laredo se les va llevar verga ........el coss

  4. Super Duper,Good Show Military!! Now get up to PIEDRAS and avenge the police woman killed a few weeks ago!

  5. Yes, one boss is caught and another 5 come in. But in the case with los zetas, it has worked to make them less organised. Los zeta use to be a dangerous well oiled military machine - now they are just like anyother cartel.

    1. Yeah! The plaza boss gets his punk ass killed by the Marines, and the halcon eating a Maruchan noodle soup in the closest corner gets promoted to plaza boss, so he can get his ass killed protecting his boss el cuarenta, who in fact has never been seen participating in any gunfight against the Mexican Army or Marines. But not to worry, he has about 200 drug addicts ready to die for his yellow ass.

  6. nothing more dangerous than a man with nothing left to lose. the citizens will not stay coward forever and when they rise up cartel will wish that they were killed with bullets but alas they are not allowed firearms.

  7. @12:10 AM

    Pues no que el Coss ya no es CDG pendejos pinches golfas ya ni saben que pedo en su Cartel jajaja No que El Coss se le voltio a la Familia Cardenas y por eso andan en pleito los R's y Metros?

    Nuevo Laredo no es como las demas plazas pendejo de prueba ahi le dejamos el descuartizado hace dias con una un narco mensaje wey sigan mandando mas gente y veran como a la otra los muertitos van a salir mas humillados!!!!

    Al Guerra lo puso alguien y no el 40 alguien mas que tambien lo anda buscando el Gobierno....En Todos los Carteles Existen traciones a si es la Mafia!!!!

    Nuevo Laredo-Monterrey-Sinaloa

    1. Nuevo Laredo y todo tamaulipas es de la gente. Y todos como tu pendejo Z se van a matar los unos con los otros. Matamoros,Rio Bravo, Reynosa, Miguel Aleman Y La mugre y asquerosa ciudad de nuevo laredo pertenezen a la gente q trabaja honestamente. Y chingen a su madre los golfos, Z , familia Michoacana, Chapoos, etc etc etc... Arriba la gente honesta y trabajadora le cale a quien le cale. Y si no les gusta soy tejano y con cualquier pendejo de estos me topo. Verde hasta la muerte y defendiendo my pais.... The Great US OF A.....

    2. no shit sherlock

  8. el kemado lo puso guey

  9. March 23, 2012 4:31 AM

  10. pinches ratazz getting their asses kicked again jaja kill them all


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