Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 21st Mayhem in Monterrey: 13 die

By Chris Covert

Six unidentified individuals were shot to death in three separate shootings in Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon Saturday, according to Mexican news accounts.

Armed suspects travelling aboard several vehicles burst into a residence near the intersection of calle Cuarta Oriente and Luis Donaldo Colosio in San Gilberto colony in Santa Catarina, a suburb of Monterrey. 

Two men and a woman were killed at the scene, while a fourth victim was found a short distance away also shot to death.

Reports say two other people were shot, presumably by the same armed group, one near the intersection of calles San Juan del Rio and San German, and another on Calle San Juan.

Sales of drugs are suspected in the shootings.

Seven other individuals were murdered or found dead in and around Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.
  • Two unidentified men were shot to death in Juarez, Nuevo Leon late Friday night.  The victims were attacked near the intersection of calles San Ángel and Natalia in La Trinidad colony.  Several spent shell casings for AR-15 assault rifles were found at the scene.
  • Three city workers for Cadereyta Jimenez municipality were shot to death Friday morning as they were working on water pipes.  The shooting took place at around 1100 hrs near the intersection of Cadereyta-Allende highway at the seven kilometer marker near the village of El Castillo.
  • Two unidentified men in their 20s were fond shot to death.  The victims were found on the Santiago-San Mateo Road at the 15 kilometer marker, outside the Dos Hermanos ranch.  They had been beaten before being shot.
  • An unidentified man was detained following a shooting and a pursuit in Monterrey Friday evening.  A Fuerza Civil patrol attempted to stop the suspect who was driving a Jeep Patriot SUV near the intersection of avenidas Ocampo and Pino Suarez.  The subsequent pursuit damaged seven vehicles mostly by gunfire, before the pursuit ended.
Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for

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  1. Hey what part of cdg is in monterrey metros or rojos

  2. Who's fightting monterrey plaza zetas and cdg or cds?

  3. Area metropolitana

  4. (Reply) April 22, 2012 3:46 AM

    This is all speculation, but it makes sense to conclude that Los Metros are the ones fighting in Monterrey. Los Rojos are limited to certain areas in Tamaulipas, and the infighting left Los Metros with more operative capacity.

  5. Does anyone know the total numher of murders in the monterrey area this year seems its more then juarez

  6. So the war between the Zetas and CDG in Nuevo Leon has been almost for 2 years and the CDG can't Accomplish there task lol and i know the CDS are helping them in Nuevo Leon against the Zetas, The Zetas has contacts with the Nuevo Leon Government inside and outside prison.........

    Fuck CDG Nuevo Leon it's for Regios ;)

  7. Both Rojos & Metros are in MTY they just conduct there business in different parts of MTY but South MTY mostly belongs mostly to CDG now

  8. Monterry another Juarez in the making.

  9. @ April 22, 2012 3:46 AM

    Metro 32 (Salinas) and C1 (Cortes) are in charge of Nuevo Leon.

    The infighting was (or is) between the X (Costilla), W (XW, Wicho) and Rojos (R1) vs. Metros (M4) and X20 (Panteras/Jaguares, many groups). X20 and allies want to remove Costilla from power for murdering M3 (through R1). Reynosa has been cleaned of R's, the frontera chiqua has been pacified but R1 apparently still operates there, with less troops since many deserted him for the Metros. X8 El Shaggy (brother of X18 comandante Guerra) controls San Fernando which has been cleared of Zetas, supported by CDS who have come on the request of Costilla. Comandante Sierra (leader of the plaza of Tampico and the kalimanes) remains loyal to Costilla. I think.

    1. I thought metros were costillas people and rojos r1 people ?

  10. So, is at an amiable relationship, a non aggression pact, or still continued fighting? Who holds Matamorros? Isn't Wicho in federal custody in the US, after he was pushed out of his plaza? Thanks for information.

  11. April 23, 2012 9:58 PM .
    Thanks for your input hermano.
    I think J may be right,didn't Wicho run to the border,when the shit got real naughty and basically give himself over to the feds,i can't remember but someone else was with him?
    As for R1,there has been many rumor about him,including getting killed,but i kinda doubt that one.X20 Pelon,has stepped into the M3 role for sure,he is well respected and been there all the time.

  12. Lordbaldur .
    Good post dude,thanks for clearing things up a little bit.It still is confused most of the time,and new alignments happen and then flip again.Man,you get confused,by the X,XW,the Ms,Rs,you know what i mean.

  13. Since cardenas and costilla are down, x-20 is up or what?


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