Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

‘El Chapo’, El Mayo and 22 Members of Sinaloa Cartel Indicted in Texas

EL PASO, Texas — Federal officials unsealed a new federal indictment Tuesday against Mexico’s most-wanted drug boss Joaquin Guzman Loera, known as “El Chapo,” leader of the Sinaloa cartel and one of the world’s richest men.
El Mayo & Chapo

The 14-count indictment was returned April 11, but federal officials announced it Tuesday in El Paso. The 28-page indictment names Guzman and “co-leader of the cartel "El Mayo" aka Ismael Zambada Garcia, along with 22 other men. It alleges they were involved in the operations and management of the cartel, which they say has moved thousands of kilograms of cocaine and marijuana into the U.S. and used the profits to wage war against their rivals and the Mexican government.
The indictment targets the infrastructure of the Sinaloa Cartel, officials said. Although Guzman and Zambada have been indicted elsewhere in the U.S., this indictment focuses on their operations in the El Paso area, Ciudad Juarez and the Mexican state of Chihuahua.
 “There are several assassins and hit-squad leaders, this is a blow to their infrastructure” said Joseph Arabit, special agent in charge of the El Paso division of DEA.

The indictment details the cell structure of the Sinaloa Cartel in Chihuahua and names their top lieutenants and several of their alleged assassins. Authorities said a number of those indicted are in Mexican custody and that they will seek their extradition but could not specify which members are currently detained. One of those indicted is cartel lieutenant Jose Antonio Torres Marrufo, arrested in Mexico last February.
Top photo is Torres Marrufo bottom photo is Juarez weapon room belonging to Torres

 “This indictment has been years in the making, the focus is to dismantle the cartel by focusing on their upper echelon,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge of the El Paso Division Mark Morgan.

Morgan said federal agents started working on the indictment back in 2000, at the time when Guzman escaped from a Mexican prison.

Authorities say the Sinaloa cartel’s efforts in recent years to control lucrative smuggling routes through Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, across the border from El Paso, have unleashed waves of violence.
The U.S. has previously offered a $5 million reward leading to Guzman’s capture.
This was not Guzman’s first U.S. indictment. He was previously indicted in, Arizona, San Diego and he and Zambada Garcia aka “Mayo,” both named in the El Paso indictment, were also indicted previously in Chicago and Brooklyn. This latest indictment includes two incidents in which U.S. residents were killed on cartel orders of Torres Marrufo.

*Torres Marrufo allegedly coordinated cocaine and marijuana shipments through Juarez to the U.S., according to the indictment. In September 2009, he ordered a team to kidnap someone in Horizon City, Texas, who had lost a 670-pound load of marijuana to law enforcement in Sierra Blanca. The person was taken to Juarez, tortured and killed. His mutilated body was found later in Juarez.
In May 2010, Torres Marrufo had a groom kidnapped from his wedding in Juarez along with his brother and uncle, according to the indictment. The three were tortured and killed. Police found their bodies days later in the bed of a pickup in Juarez. A fourth person was killed in the kidnapping.

If convicted, the defendants face sentences of up to life in a federal prison. Both Guzman and Zambada Garcia are charged with at least one count of murder that could result in the death penalty.

Associated Press writer Christopher Sherman in McAllen, Texas contributed to this report.

Copy of Indictment-(Thanks Mano) link here
Other defendants named in the indictment:
German (Last Name Unknown) aka "Paisa," "German Olivares";
Mario Nunez-Meza aka "Mayito," "M-10"
Amado Nunez-Meza aka "Flaco," "M-11," "El Flais"
Jose Antonio Torres Marrufo aka "Jaguar," "Tonin," Catorce," "14," "Tono," "El Uno";
Gabino Salas-Valenciano aka "El Ingeniero"
Sergio Garduno-Escobedo aka "Coma";
David Sanchez-Hernandez aka "Christian";
Ivan Sanchez-Hernandez
Jesus Rodrigo Fierro-Ramirez aka "Huichi," "Pena";
Arturo Lozano-Mendez aka "Garza";
Mario De La O Lopez aka "Flaco";
Arturo Shows Urquidi aka "Chous"
Salvador Valdez aka "Robles"
Daniel Franco Lopez aka "Micha," "Neon," "Fer";
Luis Arellano-Romero aka "Bichi," Bichy," "Helio";
Fernando Arellano-Romero aka "Rayo," "24," "Gamma," "Blue Demon";
Mario Alberto Iglesias-Villegas aka "Dos," "El 2," "Delta," "Parka," "Grim Reaper," "Daniel Cuellar Anchondo," "Delfin";
Adrian Avila-Ramirez aka "Bam Bam," "Tacuba," "El 19";
Valentin Saenz De La Cruz aka "El Valle," "Lic";
Emigdio Martinez, Jr. aka "Millo";
Carlos Flores aka "Buffalo," "Charly"; and,
Jose (Last Name Unknown) aka "Toca," "Tocayo," "Pachi".
*Additional information about the kidnappings/torture read Buggs previous post HERE
*El Paso Times Article HERE

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  1. El Paso FBI&DEA don't fuck around they're on his ass now forsure!!%

    1. Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera is not going to get caught, if he managed to escape once from prison he can manage to escape once more. We the people always see him, yet the government "act" like they dont but they see him often. When he taxes them, haha.

  2. Joaquin El Chapo Guzman isnt anymore crooked then our politicians here, so whos going to indict them. At least he helps his people, Raza unida - a toda madre o un desmadre. *uck the fbi & dea we shootem over here in LA and sinaloa

  3. They have been after chapo for more then 10 years and the DEA has offered 5 million dollars for mayo and chapo for more then 7 years.Its to funny how the first poster seems all excited that they now have indictments in el paso.Im sure he thinks the FBI and the DEA are team america:world police hahaha like yeh dude im sure with that now el mayo and chapo are going to get caught this week hahahahaha.....haa

  4. They have been on guzmans ass for so many years now and they dont do shit ill believe it when i see it

  5. Big deal, they've had this info for ever...what are they gonna do about it?

  6. Why am I not having any luck finding this indictment on PACER? When searching for Guzman-Loera, Joaquin and Guzman, Joaquin it shows the previous ones from IL and such but no recent one in TX. Only one in TX is from 2001 and you can't access the docket.

  7. Does anyone notice El Chapo always looks like a different person in each photo? The one when he's in prison, he looks almost like a smart, sharp guy, then there's the ones of him with his military vest where he looks like the typical Mexican rancher holding a gun, then there's the bloated fat version of him where he looks a bit crazy.....odd! Someone I know met his son at a party a few years ago. These cartel guys are widely accepted by much of Mexico's public.

    1. Have you ever heard of plastic surgery? He obviously gets facial reconstruction so he will be less noticeable to the government, although the government won't dare to touch him unless they have a death wish.

  8. Excuse the language, but this "drug war" is nothing but a filthy fucking joke.

  9. @John

    Me either..maybe in a day or two?

  10. texas is gonna murder their ass jajajajaja

  11. Chapos lovers navy seals le van a pegar un levanton remember bin ladin under the sea under the sea navy seals

  12. lol US Gov is a joke

  13. So when these guys are caught there'll be no more marijuana in the U.S.? Wow - it may have taken 70 years, 50,000 lives and a trillion dollars but it'll be worth it to be able to protect ourselves from the "harms" of marijuana! Wait - whataya mean there'll still be marijuana here?!!

    1. LOL you're an idiot. I'm pro legalizing weed but you are forgetting that other drugs they cross over are bad for society like cocaine, crystal meth, and ecstasy. It's a tough probably unwinable war but that still doesn't mean you should just roll over and let them keep banking and killing innocent people and letting them get away with it.

    2. He's being sarcastic IDIOT

  14. Well, at least the feds are acknowledging who's in charge of Juárez.

  15. If Seal Team Six was given the go ahead to kill Chapo and knew his location Chapo and his security detail would be dead. Chapo and his mercenaries could never hold off the elite Seals with stealth attack chopper support. It's the Mexicans govt who constantly let's him get away. problem is Mexico would never allow the gringos to capture Chapo. The US should do it anyway, what could Mexico do about it??

    1. Haha listen to what u just said "if they knew his location" well no shit..if they knew where he was Mexican authorities wouldve already captured him already without the help of your beloved "team 6"

  16. @Chivis: Hmm yes maybe, but I wonder where this reporter got the indictment? I suppose he may just have a LEO source.

    @April 24, 2012 9:24 PM: The problem is the 2nd part after receiving this imaginary "Go" order: knowing his location. I think if they knew his location that the Mexican Special Forces or whoever their equivalent Navy SEAL/Delta Force unit is, could handle it on their own.

    I don't believe Chapo travels with upwards of 300+ people like they say, as a "security ring," and I don't believe he is in the mountains. They said the same two things of UBL (bin Laden) and I knew that was not the case as well. It would be way too high-profile to have that many people around as a form of "protection", it is the opposite of low profile. He is likely living in a city somewhere, in my opinion.

    And "What could Mexico do about it?" Are you joking? This isn't about some kind of macho-man showing them who is boss type thing. Do you know how much we depend on Mexican labor, products, and farm produce? Or Mexican oil more importantly! Despite what the majority of Americans think, Mexico provides us more oil than Saudi Arabia or any other Middle Eastern country does. We get 11% of our oil from Mexico, which is tied with Canada as the top 2 foreign sources the USA consumes.

    So the Mexicans could do a lot if they felt their sovereignty had been violated by the US launching a similar "covert strike" as they did with UBL. Many Mexicans feel VERY strongly about USA "boots on the ground" in their country -- dating back to the Mexican-American War and many other issues over the years.

  17. John...

    Mano of forum gave the link, I just posted it on my post above.

    A/B Chapo, I think the 300 persons alluded to were the amount of high level gov people said to be his halcones and informants...Paz, Chivis

  18. Nice to see a US Attorney's Office with some balls - Hint Laura Duffy!

  19. These new charges bring the "death penalty" to the table for both Mayo & chapo. Now it means if chapo is arrested again, there is a chance he will not be extradited to the U.S. because of the death penalty.


  20. Ok the navy seals got osama bin laden because the guy is an idiot. Chapo is smarter than that guy, chapo is surrounded between 300-600 people protecting him. As soon as they notice cars trucks helicopters that don't belong to them they will move location fast. There was a report saying that the Mexican government was really closed to chapo 2 hours away from him hahahaha. His security perimeter moved him with out a hassel. 2 hours away hahahah. This last time try were closed to him was 24 hours come on that's not even closed to catching CHAPO

  21. talk about a bad joke 5 million??? he would give you that much just to wake him up in the morning with hot coffee LOL if the use is serius they should make it 50 million or 100 million they are going to find that much or more in the first stash house he gives up fucking so called war on drugs is a joke.

  22. @2/24 7:15PM,
    The popular photo of the midget (Chapo) your referring to during his incarceration was taken like over 12 years ago! Hence, he looks younger and more fit or not so fat! Remember he escaped back in 2001. The bloated/fat photos of him are more accurate of what he looks like today. He's obviously a lot older and wealthier, so one could expect he eats like a pig and is as lazy as one too! As far as being "crazy" that's a foregone conclusion...

  23. When I saw the video i saw fear in their faces when they were speaking!!!!!!!

  24. Everyone talks about how bad ass SEALs are. They killed Bin Laden un armed. Then taken out by orders of there Commander in Chief aka Obama. They can come to Mexico any time but I a sure you. Not even with the SEALs holding Calderons d**k will you take out el Senor Guzman Loera.

  25. An indictment in El Paso doesn't surprise me but one in Brooklyn? That's fucked up.

  26. Make the bounty 50 million and see what happens....... Most likely caught within a month.The problem is collecting the money.They would slowly torture the individual and his whole one is that dumb.....

  27. look here all of you low life scums......We havent bothered looking for El chapo because we havent had time. Our resources are some place else. However, we will find him when its his time. Look at what happened in iraq and afghanistan. Do no under estimate our reach.........we can hear you and see you.

    Att: six guns

    1. You haven't bothered because you know you will fail. You and me both know you will never catch him, dozens of people are more than willing to sacrifice their lives in order for El Chapo to get away, and best believe you will have to go through The most sick minded sicarios you have ever imagined.

  28. You can keep running..... All paths eventually lead to a prison cell in the USA!!

  29. Hahaha el chapo will never be caught he's loved in Mexico despite all the violence, plus what does the us care what he's doing they should worry about fixing the deficit in the us instead of offering money they know they can't pay........fucking gringos

    Viva el chapo and all of Mexico ups to all the oriole getting money no matter what!!!!!!

  30. Puro sinaloa biejones al que no le paresca nomas digan pa torarles ... badiraguato sinaloa fierro


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