Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, May 24, 2012

10 wounded in attack in Nuevo Laredo

By Chris Covert

A third day of attacks against several targets  in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas took place including a firebomb attack on Tamaulipas state police agents, and one attack on a local night club, according to several Mexican news sources.

According to a report posted on the website of the leftist Proceso news weekly, Thursday's attacks included a firebomb attack at the Hotel Santa Cecilia on Avenida Reforma early Thursday morning at around 0730 hrs local time, which police agents for the Tamaulipas state Secretaria Seguridad Publica (SSP) are using for quarters.

Previous Mexican wire dispatches said the hotel was occupied by a detachment of the Polica Federal and that several PF agents were wounded in the attack.

A total of eight state police agents were wounded and another two civilians were hurt as well.  The vehicle used was a Chevrolet pickup truck.  Damage to he hotel's facade was reported as well.

Several news reports say a car bomb following by small arms fire characterized the attack, however, not even Los Zetas can get their hands on high grade or military grade explosives.  Previous attacks which have been described as car bombs, were likely vehicles which fuel tanks were detonated by a hand grenade.  Grenades, both hand grenades and the launched 40mm variety are in widespread use by the drug cartels.

According to the Proceso report, Thursday morning's attack were preceded by other attacks.
  • Monday, a gaming establishment operating illegally, the Amazon, was firebomb attacked.
  • Tuesday two nightclubs, the Zebra and the Dubai were attacked, although press reports have not characterized the nature of those attacks.
Four hours prior to the attack on the Hotel Santa Cecilia, another nightclub, the  Maranho was attacked by firebomb.  Reports have also indicated that around the same time as the first attack, several roadblocks were put up by local criminal gangs, which is a tactic used to deny and delay security forces access to area cartel shooters are operating.

An American English language press report attribute some of these attacks to Los Zetas, who have been locked in a deadly dual with an alliance of the Sinaloa and Gulf Cartels.  Attacks made mostly on innocents, are photographed along with narcomantas or painted messages, with threats against rival cartels.

Los Zetas are under increasing pressure from their rivals in their home turf.  Multiple murders over the last two months in Nuevo Laredo and elsewhere by both sides have taken place, though nearly all the victims had no connection with the drug cartels.

Mass murders  in both Cadereyta, Nuevo Leon and in Jalisco state by Los Zetas operatives have been among the responses by the group to Sinaloa Cartel incursions into their home territory.

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for
© Copyright 2012 by Chris Covert
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  1. its been gettin crazy last week they killed 1 guy and took four others they were later found and who ever killed the dressed them with bulletproof vest but they werent involved they were only costumers only 1 was a seller at the punto . but its messed up cause they are out there with no protectionadthier taking anyone around

  2. The owner of The Amazon is Omar Trevino Morales, and the Zebra and the Dubai belong to family members of the Trevino Morales family. A horse race track belonging to Miguel Trevino Morales was set on fire two weeks ago. Also 4 days ago Mexican Marines and Mexican Army riflemen killed eight zeta associates traveling in a convoy in the corner of Obregon Ave and Bolivar St. Nobody reported on this but was on the front pages of the Laredo Times,

  3. Why do you have to include leftists?

  4. Calderon is such a pansy candy ass. They need to cordon off the city, declare martial law, and go house to house killing anyone who even knows the letter Z. What does it take to respond with total complete annihilating force? It's the half measures that prolong this thing.

  5. Can we have permision to reprint on our FB page. Brewster County Sheriff's Office.

  6. Completely false about the car bombs - while many of the ones that occured have been accelerants ignited with grenades, the cartels are also known to have considerable quantities of tovex - a plastic explosive used in mining.

    It's also not unreasonable to think that the cartels - which have managed to get their hands on RPG's and other heavy duty ordinance - might be able to get their hands on military grade explosives from corrupt elements of Central American militaries, for example.

  7. I can't see why cartels wouldn't be able to get explosives. Billions buys anything.

  8. I refuse to call them cartels..what they are and should be identified as TERRORISTS.

  9. "The owner of The Amazon is Omar Trevino Morales"
    Thanks for that man.I was thinking it didn't make any sense,English paper saying it was Z attacks?
    Mention Z and you sell papers.That does make more sense what you saying.This is the kind of shit they should be doin all the time.They can find out who owns what,and hit it.None of that picking innocents up.So who do ye think this one is?
    CDG/CDS,Diablo shit?Isn't it about time,the big bad cartels hit each other instead of using innocent people to make their point.
    Thanks for the heads up man,that shit you say makes all sense.Saludos.

  10. Can we have permision to reprint on our FB page. Brewster County Sheriff's Office.

    You have permission. You just include the copyright notice with the article.

    Completely false about the car bombs - while many of the ones that occured have been accelerants ignited with grenades, the cartels are also known to have considerable quantities of tovex - a plastic explosive used in mining.

    I wrote high grade explosives. Tovex is a seismic charge and as far as I know has been used only once in the Juarez car bomb July 2010.

    I have news reports that Los Zetas have gotten their hands on C4 charges, and on anti-personnel mine such as the Claymore, but no one is saying any of those as well as RPG warheads have been used in car bombs.

    Also 4 days ago Mexican Marines and Mexican Army riflemen killed eight zeta associates traveling in a convoy in the corner of Obregon Ave and Bolivar St. Nobody reported on this but was on the front pages of the Laredo Times,

    I read a reference to an encounter between cartel operatives and Mexican security forces in Ciudad Mier. Is that the same one?

    1. No, those happened in Nuevo Laredo.

  11. "Not even Zetas can get their hands on military grade explosives" I think that's complete bs. Maybe they don't want to regularly use them because of the heat it could bring but I'm rest assured that they possess them. I think that the only thing the Zetas can't get their hands on is a nuclear bomb...yet

  12. "Previous attacks which have been described as car bombs, were likely vehicles which fuel tanks were detonated by a hand grenade. Grenades, both hand grenades and the launched 40mm variety are in widespread use by the drug cartels."

    Chris - Grenades are not the best or easiest way to blow up a vehicle. In fact, you are never guaranteed the vehicle will actually 'blow up' like in the movies (I've seen one hit by a tossed or fired grenade where all that happened was the grenade ruptured the gas tank & set the pickup on fire, but no explosion). On the other hand, the Juárez cartel & Los Zetas do use Tovex, a readily-available water gel explosive commonly used in mining. It comes in tubes & you adjust the force of the blast based on how many you use. The most powerful 'car bomb' set off so far (in Juárez in 2010) apparently used Tovex.

  13. On the other hand, the Juárez cartel & Los Zetas do use Tovex, a readily-available water gel explosive commonly used in mining. It comes in tubes & you adjust the force of the blast based on how many you use. The most powerful 'car bomb' set off so far (in Juárez in 2010) apparently used Tovex.

    My point is that of all the car bombings I have read since July, 2010, around the time I started writing Mexican Drug War news, only one, the Juarez car bomb reportedly used any kind of explosive. As such, I do not consider Tovex to be high grade explosive, certainly not military grade. The high grade explosives that Los Zetas have, going by what some have been caught with include RPG rounds. Mexican security forces have seized small blocks of C4, presumably pilfered from Guatemalan or Honduran military stores.

    But none of those have been reported used by any drug gang that I have read. If you have a different reports, you can contact me through the site's email and let me know. Enlighten me.

    We do know now that none of those classes of explosives have been used by the Zetas in any of their car bombs, that have been reported to date.

    The bombing of the Nuevo Laredo cop shop earlier this month, the vehicle used came out in remarkably good shape for having high grade explosives. I think it was a rigged gas bomb detonated by a grenade, or by a cell phone. Just a guess.

    The bit of protest that Zetas have explosives but do not want to bring heat on them is fatuous. What do you call attacking a state's police force? If Los Zetas have high grade explosives they would have used them, all of them by now.

  14. There are no absolutes in war. With enough motivation, high grade explosives can be obtained. There may be some that is being held by the bad guys now. Who did they seize the C-4 from? Schoolboys?

  15. @may 25 2012 1210 pm it was peru st where those 8 were killed and last thursday the contra killed one guy frm the punto and took 4 others they were found in an empty house dead beaten and shot and dressed likes sicarios and were innocents that were probaly scoring thier fix. so its dangerous to around these dudes too.but they dnt stop .puntos are still up and running

  16. these dudes wont high grades explosives why brings to much heat they dnt that type heat.its a battle for turf or really for the right to use the river to cross dope if it were to get to that point noone is gonna cross that river anymore.

  17. breaking news:car homb just exploded en la zona de nuevo Laredo message or something was left at the scene all Anglo truck drivers be careful and avoid this place at all cost!!!!!

  18. The car bomb en la zona exploded in front of the strip club called "Danash." My understanding is that it obliterated the vehicle and one person ended up getting burned very badly. Stay away from this place. I have been in this bar and on some nights it is packed with SUV driving Zetas. I was also walking to a bar downtime about a month ago and soldiers pinned a truck down right in front of this bar and shot and killed 4 Zetas. Nuevo Laredo is getting worse every day.

    1. Agree I been there to its nice from the inside looks high class for a zona joint nice chiks to I work at a warehouse in Laredo TX and all truck drivers like going,I keep telling them not to go but they dont listen they take a convoy of teuck drivers from the 13 mile marker and takes them over there its all dirty bZzzzz if,u know,wat I mean I used to frequent la zona papa gallos Tamiko 123 place was packed woth tourists was hreat night,life,the teuck drivers that go,over there tell me they have guides and can only visit certain clubs and cant wander alone scary shit last time I went I saw 4 SUVs blindadas and the meseros and catrines told me not to look or,go in their direction thank God I was with a xouple of Anglo truckers I took over there I was their guide I dont thi.k they want to kill white folks in nuevo,Laredo to much heat will reign ipon them if I would of been with Mexicans I could of been a story on bbeat this experience scared the shit out of me fuck la zona I wont ever go again!!!!!

    2. You are right, I used to work at the Pilot truck stop, and the guys taking anglo driver to la zona roja ( red light district) are always parked in front of the Flying J . But there are always mexican drivers that with the little English they speak advice the drivers not to go. I think these guys that run the convoy from Laredo, Tx to La Zona either pay the Zetas a percentage or worked for the zetas as halconez in Laredo, Texas.

  19. Yes, I have heard about these truckers taking people over to la zona. Regarding the shooting at the bar I mentioned earler, it was on April 14th. A convoy of soldiers was following a pick up truck with four zetas in it. The Zetas stupidly opened fire on the soldiers. The soldiers rammed their pickup from behind and pinned it in front of the door to a popular downtown bar called "La Montera." About 10 soldiers opened up on the occupants of the truck with machine gun fire....literally riddling the truck with bullets and killing the four quickly. Its pretty wild to actually see something like this. I didnt see the shooting but saw the aftermath...about 30 soldiers surrounding the place with cordite all over the place and the four slumped over dead in the truck. This stuff is real. Luckily, no bystanders were killed.

  20. wow, is it even safe to go to Boystown anymore? Are the girl working there forced to work there or are they independent sex workers?


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