Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, May 28, 2012

Bad guys attack cop shop in Jalisco state

By Chris Covert

As many as 40 armed suspects attacked the facade of the police station and city hall in San Cristobal de la Barranca municipality in extreme northern Jalisco state Sunday morning, according to Mexican news reports.

A report on the website of El Sol de Zacatecas news daily said that the suspects arrived aboard ten pickup trucks at about 0600 hrs, dismounted and then proceeded to fire on the police station.  The firing last five minutes.

The suspects then left board their vehicles in the direction of the nearby village of La Lobera.  The attack left no one hurt.  About 500 spent shell casing from AR-15 and AK-47 rifles were found at the scene.

San Cristobal de la Barranca is on the mountain highway Mexico Federal Highway 23 which connects Guadalajara, the capital of Jalisco state in the south with Teul de Gonzalez Ortega in Zacatecas state in the north.

The area since at least 2011 has been a scene of an intense and deadly competition between Los Zetas, and La Valencia Drug Cartel and Carteles Unidos, both of which are aligned with the Sinaloa Cartel.

That competition has led to large scale armed encounters between the groups, the bloodiest of which was an unconfirmed gunfight in San Cristobal de la Barranca municipality, which led to as many as 20 dead a year ago.

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for

© Copyright 2012 by Chris Covert
You must obtain permission to reprint this article.

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  1. La Valencia or Los Valencia?? they actually are aligned with Los Zetas, they are the leader of EL Cartel del Milenio.

  2. modern countries like uk usa france italy etc even china japan korea wouldnt allow this kind of atrocities to take place greatest quote give me liberty calderon or give me death calderon pick 1 of 2 evils

    1. Except for Korea the rest of this countries have committed attrocities like this or worse in other countries.

    2. I think he meant modern times.

  3. That was one of the most moronic hits ever.

  4. Poor police, you just can't win if you work for one drug gang then the new gang in town shoots your station house up. Can't win for loosing, What to do??

  5. I would spank the bad guys hard. If you let this slip then you get more of it..

  6. "40 armed men, 10 vehicle convoy, 500+ rounds expended"... That is the very definition of a failed state.
    It's obvious that the Mexican government has lost control due to top to bottom coruption.
    Disband the Police and place the military under foreign/international control.
    Declare matial law and allow the military (led by an international coalition)to establish control.
    Then start rooting out coruption and establish a new government.
    The world is already in a precarious financial state, the last thing we need is Mexico imploding and de-stabilizing the US.
    A collapsed Mexico could set off a depression and/or global war.

    1. Which nation is going to run the new show?

  7. Gee wow this never happens in The U S were u a participant on the Game Show are u smarter than a Five year Old... Because Ur Not

  8. Los valencia aka Milenio are allied with zetas, la famaila, and la resistencia. They are currently fighting an unsuccessful war against CDJNG/cartel de sinaloa. Carteles unidos is a thing of the past and no longer exists.


  9. The cartels are the same politicians. All the laws passed are to protect themselves and made to destroy the innocent.
    Mexico needs outside help, politicians are protecting the capos. United Nations should be charge, it's all messed up now. The political party PRI are the same Zetas. Everyone knows it, but cannot do nothing, the innocent have no weapons to defend their love ones, and the sicarios and drug lords have more weapons than any police group.
    Mexico is in deep shit, way to late to make it better, it just cannot get any worse than it already is.

  10. "That was one of the most moronic hits ever."

    When someone says this it's usually CT behind it. Next best guess is Z.
    Can't imagine what this guys think they'll achieve...

  11. "A collapsed Mexico could set off a depression and/or global war."

    Yeah, right. You know, you're lucky if you hear anything about this events in Europe.
    Mexico is just a place where you went to spend holidays before. Not anymore, be happy with you narco glorifying culture, we still have places to go. :)

  12. You dont want UN involved, the USA won't send in any troops..they may do some classified special ops, but that won't be enough. The people will begin to rebel against the cartels/gov't. Only a revolution will fix this, not any outside help.

  13. Mexico needs the death penalty!!!!!!

    1. Are u kidding me everyday the death penalty seems too take place every fucking day there in hell hole Mexico

  14. I agree death penalty,but the people should have an option to vote for NATO.....maybe they would,or maybe they just want to wait a little more and then revolt.

  15. 11:28 now is not the time to post your ignorance!! Nobody is laughing at calderon,he should receive the noble peace prize..but I guarantee that somewhere, somebody is laughing at you right now.

  16. The cartels are so bloodthirsty that they are committing self degrading acts and may not realize it. Attacking an adobe structure ' en force' or dumping large numbers of innocents does not achieve any meaningful goal. If I put my fist through a wall, would you be afraid of me? Not necessarily . The wall doesn't hit back. These losers are misguided. The attack could happen in any rural place with little resistance. The government response is what is more telling.

    1. When I was growing up narcos where idiolized. These are the same men that have, in my opinion been provoked by the government. Mexico has long lived by corruption, calderon desicion to change the culture in mexico has proven to be a failure. k vivan los narcos

  17. Well said,,Calderon has been nothing but a waste of time and LIFES in Mexico.

  18. One of the biggest problems in Mexico is the lack of any type of education which has made a large part of the population very ignorant and shallow and narrow minded, thus they are unable to see all of the good things Calderon has done and they are unable to to see that to stop attacking the cartels now will spell complete doom for Mexico. That is exactly what the cartels are hoping for and they are playing the ignorant of Mexico like an old fiddle... It is very frustrating to watch...

    1. Lack of education? Are you sure Einstein??

    2. Yes LACK of Education.. If you live in Mexico you should know that a very low % of the students get better than a high school education.. I know because I get to work with many people that are from Mexico and cant even spell their name.. I dont say it in a bad way because most of this people are hard working people who only want to better their situation. We can love our country as much as we want but even if it is sad to say it Mexico is, was and unfortunetly will be corrupt for yrs to come. Especially with Peña-Nieto as the President. My own personal opinion is give the lady a chance I think that she can do a good job. Mexico needs a Female President to transform this great country into its full potential. We need to stop being mediocre..

    3. " I get to work with people from Mexico"; that's probably in the USA right? you do realize that the ones that can spell their name, have no reason for coming to work with you, they are living fine in Mexico. mostly the poor, uneducated Mexicans come to the states

  19. It just amazes me that y'all still don't understand that these police stations are nothing more, nothing less than cartel cells. They aren't police officers protecting the citizens. They are criminals worse than there attackers in many cases. Wake up.

    Death penalty my ass. Mexico cannot afford to prosecute nor incarcerate 5 % of their arrests. They let them go in 3 to 6 weeks. Prosecuting a death penalty case costs more than they spend on 100 inmates prosecutions. All you John Wayne death penalty chanters need to go back to something you understand such as Guns and Ammo Magazine. This site is about trends in crime and what is going on with the cartels. We are tired of hearing your Military 101 and Criminology 101 blurbs. They are since-less without merit and show how little you know about the subject. Guns and Ammo needs you !!!!!

    Bye-bye :-P

    1. "sinceless" eh? So this is a trend in your opinion? How old are you?

  20. "About 500 spent shell casing from AR-15 and AK-47 rifles were found at the scene."

    Does Mexico even know what a "fingerprint" is? I am sure that there are many well written articles on Google that they could refer to and then check those casings and guess what? Maybe, just maybe they will find prints of whom ever did this crime...

    Here is a link

  21. The whole thing has lost all meaning, what message are they sending? Is there a message? Should we even care?

  22. In rural Mexico, everybody in the community knows everything about everyone else. The problem arises with rampant corruption. People are afraid to report to cops that may be aligned with the killers. Provide a competent authority and the. See will be easy to crack. Find one suspect and persuade him to lead you to the rest. The other thing that would help is the Death Penalty. LOL!!

  23. The world is laughing at Mexico? So when 9-11 happen was the world laughing pendejo? When people were jumping of buildings, I wasn't laughing or anybody in mi block in Mexico,, we felt anger and sadness but no, no laughs. CALDERO HAS THE HUEVOTES OF A TORO, CABRONES. VIVA LA NUEVA REVOLUCION PERROS!!!

  24. 7.51 yes yes some 1 somewhere is laughing at me i agree to that hoewever im not in public domain so i dont care calderon is world and third backward countries having picnic with calderon and his gov

  25. "Which nation is going to run the new show?"

    That is a good question. Let me propose a plan which may save Mexico. First, put the Germans in charge of all police and military. They know how to kick ass and take names better than anyone else. Then, put the British in charge of all government administration. They are good at this. Now, if you are going to put all of these Europeans into Mexico, they have to be fed something other than tacos and beans. Let's put the French in charge of all food services for the entire country. No matter what you think about the French, their food is to die for! The Italians, the poor Italians, what can they do to help. They have proven time and again that since the fall of the Roman Empire, their military can't kick shit off their own shoes. Guess we'll have to put them in charge of animal control and street sweeping. Finally, let's let the Russian KGB be in charge of all clandestine operations where they ferret out all of the bad guys and "remove" them permanently.

    Just a "lighter" side to all the morbid comments I read here. The truth is, there probably isn't a solution for Mexico's problems in the foreseeable future. Such a pity.

    1. Haha, so funny but accurate on the countries talents (I'm Canadian/English background)


  26. As long as the dead are "bad guys"..who cares,because after all this is over,those bad people are still going to be around,if we don't kill them now!

  27. The death penalty for shooting at a defenseless wall makes total sense! Sure it does! Only the most vile of the vile would do that. More than likely, it was out of frustration because those police are already being paid for by a rival.

  28. "It just amazes me that y'all still don't understand that these police stations are nothing more, nothing less than cartel cells"
    Bye-bye :-P .
    Brother you sound pissed off and fed up,man some just don't get it.Crminality,i mean.Criminality,sounds funny me saying it.
    Anyway,just the way it is for now,see the video where the Mexican cops askin for a bribe off the US dude biking round Latin America?That dude is riding round Mexico with an Ipod,SatNav,and Cell phone on open view on his handle bars?If he doesn't get a grimy situation,Mexico can't be that bad.
    Shit man,that dude get ragged all over the US.
    There are just places you don't flaunt your shit.Don't get me wrong he looks like a nice dude and i hope nothing happens to him.

  29. "The world is laughing at Mexico"?
    Man,don't take that shit personally,imma white dude,and i aint laughing at nothing goin on in Mexico.Hermano,there are idiots in every race,just sayin shit for the sake of it.I want the best for Mexico and her decent people,i understand it can be a hard life,but not every person on here is a clown.Take no notice of any of that shit.

    Yeya mayne,take no notice of dick-heads.No-one is laughing at Mexico.A lot of people want the best for her people including most white and US.
    And Senore Calderon has got big balls,he tried man,at least he did that.At least he thought this is bullshit,all this cartel shit has gotta go.
    Killing anyone they feel like?That shit aint gonna fly cabrones.

  31. WTF.....Mexico can take care of itself....We don't need anybody else in charge.We have untold amounts of natural resources...e.g. natural gas,petrolium
    ,copper,ect....The problem is management!!!!!!Fix the root and the tree Will grow....

    I agree..who else has the stones to do what he is doing?? NO it or not he is doing something while everyone else is to scared to do. It's easier to look the other way.. He isnt.

  33. 3:43 it looks like somebody fixed the roots and we know what trees you like to what I want you to do is to go outside and wave the white flag and tell everybody you want to be the first to surrender to the coalition forces.

  34. when i wrote that mexico is laughing stock i never meant the great heroic not to mention beautifullll women mexican citizens i meant the sheety government calderon and his crooooonies crooks etc

  35. Y que sigA la mata dando

  36. "beautifullll women mexican citizens"
    Ey man,if you Mexican,i get it.I thought you was a silly motherfucker just sayin shit to piss people off.Fuck all dat racist shit you see on here from Mexican and US carnks.
    Saludos mayne

  37. May 31, 2012 3:21 PM
    "uneducated Mexicans come to the states"
    So waht is your point?
    May 31, 2012 1:42 PM .
    Is a Mexican i guess,he is just stating a fact.He is not being derogatory or insulting,he is just stating facts.
    A lot of people cannot read or write,and it doesn't mean shit in their scheme of things,i would rather have a job and earn money than be able to read and write.That is not going to keep you from starving in their situation.

  38. Calderas huevotes de toro lol por dios ni ague os de perro llega sl guey del caldeRON

  39. Chicago is as violent as most of these mexican cities and perhaps even more violent. Society loves violence, brutality, bloodshed, etc., never judge what u about. Mexico is safe as long as ur not involved in da biz. Tourist r welcomed wit open arms as long as their is RESPECT.

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