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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mexican Daily Obtains Video of Cartel Murders

The perpetrators shot video and still photos of the torture, murder and dismemberment of four Mexican navy personnel and a female civilian who were found dead last month in the Gulf coast state of Veracruz, capital daily Milenio said Wednesday.

The material appeared on a Blackberry confiscated from 16-year-old Romeo Dominguez Velez, who was arrested along with another teenager on April 23, the same day the five bodies were discovered on a country road, the newspaper said.

Sources in the Navy Department contacted by Efe refused to confirm or deny any part of the story, including the deaths of the navy personnel.

Milenio identified the military victims as a non-commissioned officer and three enlisted men based in Boca del Rio, adjacent to Veracruz city.

The four men went missing on April 17 while taking a course at the Veracruz State Police Academy in Xalapa, the state’s capital.

The navy men and a civilian woman with no apparent ties to the other victims were found dead inside an overturned car near Xalapa.

All five bore signs of torture and one was partially dismembered, the newspaper said.

The Blackberry seized from Romeo Dominguez Velez contained 40 photographs and a 1-minute video, Milenio said, without disclosing how it obtained access to the material.

In the video, a badly beaten man asks one of the criminals to untie him and give him “a chance” to save his life, while one of the photos shows a teenage boy with a power saw in his hand next to a body whose legs are severed at the knee.

Another photo depicts a teen laughing as he holds one of the female victim’s severed fingers in his mouth, Milenio said.

Veracruz has been plagued by a turf war between rival drug cartels that has sent the state’s murder rate skyrocketing.

Residents of Veracruz city were stunned last Sept. 20 by the discovery of 35 bodies dumped on a busy thoroughfare. A week later, 32 bodies were found at three drug-gang “safe houses” in the Veracruz-Boca del Rio metro area.

The Gulf, Los Zetas and relatively new Jalisco Nueva Generacion cartels, as well as breakaway members of the once-powerful La Familia Michoacana organization, are fueling the violence in Veracruz, which is Mexico’s third-most populous state and a key drug-trafficking corridor to the United States, officials say.

Source: EFE, Milenio


  1. For all the Zeta cheerleaders out there. You guys are nothing but the lowest scum you can find on the earth.

  2. Matenlos a todos juntos asta con los niños

  3. JFK..........Mexico,the country is beeing mutilated by animals like this.Maybee they should start with a big bounty on every coward in the drug cartels ?

  4. This is just mental, Mexico is doomed. Satan owns it now. Burn the place down

    1. @2.24 Go do it yourself dude. Get to the Mexican border, cover yourself in petrol, set yourself on fire, then go charging into Satans Kingdom yelling DEVILS to burn it all down. God (and Twitter) will take care of the rest.

  5. Q bueno putos pinche marinelas corruptas,lloren cabrones por q ni su CHAPUTAS lo ustedes marinos matan igual a los zetas.eso les pasa x levantar INOCENTES en LAREDO x ordernes de su chapo guzman,y haciendo lo pasar x ZETAS todo se pagar cabrones.Y LOS Q ME HECHEN MADRES CHINGEN A SU MADRE,LA MARINA ES MAS CORRUPTA Q LA CHINGADA.....Q BUENO CABRONES ES LO QUE LES PASAR X TRAICIONEROS A MEXICO.SIGAN TONANDO ORDERNES DEL CHAPO Y SEGUIRAN MURIENDO COMO PERROS.Y?NO SALGAN CON LA JALADA Q POBRES MARINOS SI NI LOS CONOSEN

    1. Cállate halcon de mierda! Los marinos en Nuevo Laredo, no levantan inocentes, y cuando levantan halconcuachas como tú son sus pinches madres las que andan cerrando los puentes y quejándose pues saben que sé les acabó la chiche. Si tan chingon eres por que no van y sé quejan tú o tú amo la cuarenta con los marinos. Yo vivo en la mirador y jamás he visto a tú patroncito de mierda en un topon, y cuando las estacas pinchurrientas les toca la de malas caen como patitos en la feria, y luego ahi andan sus jefas llore y llore. Aqui andan los guachos y marinos en las calles del rancho por que no sales y sé los dices a ellos. Yo por eso vivo en paz pero cuando los militares les parten su mausser a cualquier cartel les doy gracias a Diosito por cuidarlos para que acaben con las CUACHAZZZZZZZZ, SAPOS , GOLFAS o lo que caiga.

  6. disgusting little savages. I hope the burn in hell

  7. I know I know...blame it on the USA's drug consumption and guns. It's time Mexico figures out what has gone wrong in their society and I don't take poverty as the excuse. Many poorer countries without these issues.

  8. Hateful Beasts. They give Mexicans a bad name. They give humans a bad name.

  9. .
    Those idiots deserve THE SAME TREATMENT they put the Marines and that Woman through. How many Mexicans are having such death wishes?

    Can it be said that a Wish is a form of Praying? (praying for something to materialize, to happen).

  10. Zetas better run and hide, cause the marinas are coming for revenge! Round up the zetas and give them to matazetas for interrogation!!! And it is not going to be pretty!!!

  11. The Aztecs of old Mexico
    also did VERY gruesome things
    to their captives.

    1. Oh give up on that ''Aztec barbarity in the blood'' bullshit. When a Mexican of spanish descent commits an atrocity I never once hear mention of the genocidal cruelty of the conquistadors.

  12. Dayum,fuck knows how you gonna straighten all this out.Mexico is fucked up beyond words.You cant run around killing whoever you want.All of our different country's have violence and political corruption.But this is on a whole different level,look at other countries news worthy stories?
    Right on here you see the end result of these rats,decent people having to leave their home,land taken,homes taken,and there is no-one they can turn to.How the fuck do you solve this?
    Is this partly cultural?Even in some parts of Australia there is a sense of outlaw,its so fuckin big.But then again,you don't see the organized acts of crazy brutality,and then you see a lot of Mexicans with a seeming pride in it?Fucked up,its ruining Mexico.But if that's the way the majority feel?Who knows.

  13. Putos zetas... La Gente Nueva va acabar con cada uno de esos Putos ....

  14. Argh, Mexico should just ask for USAs help on dealing with this problem. These guys are scum of the earth with pathetic "jobs". Mexico needs more real men to stand up for this country and have a revolution.

    1. Yes, America needs to get involved in another war especially with the amazing success in the middle east. Why do people assume the US getting involved in anything helps? The cartels will corrupt the US military just like they did to the Mexicans. Until America doesn't want drugs, this violence will continue. There's too much money to be made by these scum bags

    2. I dont care who wants drugs or who dont want drugs theres no excuse for tells alot about a persons character.i grew up dirt poor and was born in oakland ca(thats a fucked up place) but i knew better than that shit and ive done some crazy things

  15. mexico will allow these little zeta animals to be out by the time they are 23... just like el ponchis.

  16. this vid made me cry... poor country

  17. The Zeta tells the Marine "You're going to die, you know". And the Marine just says "I know". Imagine what was going through his mind.

  18. I am sorry but seeing stuff like this makes me want to support the making of a huge parking lot where Mexico is now...

  19. @11:26 AM and 9:13 AM

    Two more history buffs improving our knowledge of US AND Mexican history. We have so many well-educated history experts commenting for our reading pleasure and revealing their big brains at the same time.

    9:13 AM says the Aztecs also did cruel things to their captives. And your point is...?

    11:26 AM informs us that the Indians killed Custer at the Little Big Horn because he did cruel things to them. And here all these years I thought it was because the Indians didn't want white people on their land. But maybe the point is that white people can be cruel also?

    In any case, I'm grateful that these two commenters raise such profound lessons from the past.

  20. Todos los Zetas son uno pobretones que se mueren por manejar una troca semi nueva, aunque sea robada. Cabrones malnacidos..

  21. Animals. A 12 year old tortured? Por que?

  22. Why is America being blamed for Mexico's
    woes..? If it wasn't for American Consumers both (drugs) and Factory goods
    this country would've been on the Balls
    it's ass years ago..! Columbia fed and still feeds the US drug market and their
    not killing and torturing the populace?
    Mexico has been a cesspool for over a hundred years and always blames the Gringos but they seem to forget that when they owned half of the southwest
    U.S. they were murdering and torturing
    Americans at will. Well mi amigo's the balls in our court now..! and if these scum bag cartels think that their going to be running shit here like they do there their not watching the "Military
    Channel"..!! Another thing the 15,16 &
    17 year olds that murdered these Mexican marines won't even do two years
    unlike if they pulled that shit here.
    nowadays these teenage murderer's in the states go into prison as"Tight Ends and come out Wide Receivers"

    1. It's ALWAYS Americas fault, didn't you know? We are the worst people on the planet. All the people we hang in public, all the grenade attacks, all the cops, government officials and military we kill. America is a terrible place. NOT! Long live the USA!

  23. Amazing, looks like a normal kid you'd see at a skatepark or something except he's wielding a chainsaw and cutting peoples limbs off while laughing. The sad thing is these kids are running rampant all over Mexico. Imagine hearing them fire up the chainsaw while you are tied up, absolutely horrific. Something needs to be done, this is unacceptable...

  24. Hijos de su puta madre cuidensen voy por ustedes hijos de su perra madre asi le voy a hacer a cada uno pinche putos ojo por ojo putos att matazetas

    1. Fierro pariente att gente nueva

  25. whether you are mexican or american, wether you like it or not, sooner or later US will invade Mexico, all this mess is part of the plan. US owes money to China big time, and there is no way in hell they can pay, so what they are doing is controling all the drugs routes to send all the drugs they can to China, they went to colombia to kill Escobar and never went back, now they control all the opium production in Afghanistan, and for the stupid mexicans well, chapo is already doing bussines in Australia (he is in CHINA TOO?????) maybe he is snitching on chinese narcos, thats why he got green light to do whatever he wants, and the zetas were triained by who?, they were suposed to make big money and still they started kidnapings and extortions by orders of cia, and the rest of the stupid cartels followed, the first beheadings were done by kaibiles (was a common practice in guatemala during civil war)becuase at first not even the original zetas had balls to do that, and again the others cartels followed, all this idiots don't know shit, they just kill because SOMEBODY order that, what a stupid mexicans


  26. thats it im going in to la marina to help my mexican friend , this video is discusting , they should get the same treatment , arale ya se armo

  27. esos pinches chamacos no valen pa' pura verga, de seguro ni el pinche culo se saben limpiar por que los topas uno contra uno y se cagan en los calzones.

  28. Name one other poorer country that has less violence son. Poverty is the number one reason. But u wouldnt know anything about that. Youre family is starving no clothes a shitty job and no hope, shit in those conditions anyone woulde say fuck it if someone told u to merk someone for some money. Its either die of hunger with no fight or make as much money as possible and count youre loses when u take a bullet, but knowing u were able to provide for youre family. I know of no other "poorer" country that has less violence issues. Look at africa, middle east, eastern europe south asia ,south america every one of these countries provinces etc. Has had or is still dealing with issues of extreem violence due to drugs or worse "religion". So u cant say just mexico is so fucked up and no other country has that level of violence. Poverty is a mother fucker, if u have ever expirienced it u woulde know how it feels to weigh youre life in one hand and an empty stomach, stomachs in the other.

    1. I rather be poor hard working and eat beans than to kill for a peso. People do this crap because their lazy and Its an easy buck. Own a peso or be slave to too pesos.

    2. Someone is always making excuses for these assholes. These idiots didn't get involved to feed their families. Throughout the sects of these low lifes this behavior is glorified. I guarantee they feel no remorse and are bragging about it at this moment. I wonder, if they had beaten and chopped up someone in your family to " feed their family" would you still not blame them. Wow way to.many idiots in the world

  29. Fuck that makes me mad! Fuckin cowards. Hope someone does that to them. Pieces of shit. Fuckin corrupted ass politicians don't do shit to change all this crap in Mexico. Fuck them to.

  30. All we have to do is put aside our pride and mochisimo and just for a while, and say, "Neighbor, it has now become crucial and critical, two countries together is what it will take to abate these cartels. Consider lending us a hand. We need "the 6". We need 6 seal teams. We need the 36. Send us the 36 before they kill who know who next and video tapes it." Let's consider it! If you really care for Mexico, you'll do what it takes to help it.

  31. Colombia was one of the worst ofenders when it came to killin, where do u think the colombian neck tie came from? In the 80's escobar used car bombs,killed politicians soldiers agents and yes civilians. The cocain wars in south florida. The battles against the kali cartel. Mexico in history was traficking booze during prohibition along with the italians , and marijuana do to the increase in usage in a predominantly white america. When world war two erupted the united states payed farmers in sinaloa and durango to grow the poppies that were used for moraphine to give to wounded soldiers. When the u.s closed the carribean route, the trafick had no other way but to come through mainland mexico. Then reagans war on drugs made shit worse. Now the u.s has to use the same criminals that they are trying to "capture" to help them get out of debt. And lets not forget mexico's fucked up ex presidents who just gave away mexicos mineral and land rights to the gringos. So in a way yes america is to blame. Dont forget fast and furious. Guns dont just get up and walk to mexico themselves. It takes a greedy cold hearted american to sell guns to people who u know ae going to kill people innocent or not.

  32. We all know the answers to solving dis crime spree!!! Its us mexicans who chose not to do anything about it,if u want to blame anybody blame mexican government and blame us mexicans who yr after yr decided to look da other way wen it came to corruption and drug dealing!!!! Listen im not a young kid who dsnt know wats really going on im a man who has a keen understanding of wats right and wrong and so does 80 percent of people reading bb!!! Mexico needs the death penalty but polticians on da take block it!!! Hers something to think about could intectuals on a higher level, hatched a plan to use cds and corrupt mex officials to make a war so devastating in mex dat every drug dealing organiztion would be forced to come out and be known , and at the same time force a outside countries to finally come in and help!!! Dis would mean all cartels would be taken down, all, just something to think about, becuz after all cds and other cartels aint da smartest in da world!!!!

  33. I really was against military intervention Mexico. I'm a Mexican American and served several years in the US Army in a PIR. Today seeing this video has totally changed my mind. Our neighbors need help bad. To bad they are either too proud or too stupid to ask for it. I think President Obama and Congress should bring our troops from Afghanistan and Irak secure our border and do something to help Mexico. A secure Mexico means a secure USA.

  34. God bless these brave mexican marines. I'm sick to my stomach that this type of carnage can be done from one human to another. Fuck you zetas hijos de su perra madre ke los pario. It will take American and real Mexicans to wipe out these sub humans. America doesn't need to invade mexico. All we need is volunteers from both countries to put themselves at risk, these fuckers are using guerrilla tactics and terrorists tactics, so what we need is special forces from both countries to kill hunt them down and kill them. God bless America and god bless Mexico. Solamente unidos vamos acabar con esta escoria.

  35. Well How did the Zetas knew the location of this Marines???? It seems that there Marine-Zetas infiltrated it seems that someone was a close friend form those Marines and yes it was another corrupt Marine infiltrated in the Zetas Cartel

    The PROBLEM is that the Mexican Government has a lot of there own people working for the Zetas and CDS but a lot of people don't know that shit....

    1. Marines were training in a state police academy. Talk is that someone in the police academy sold them out.

  36. It really doesn't bother me when I see these type of vidoes when pieces of shit are doing it to each other. But it brakes my heart when the good guys are the ones getting killed and tortured..... I kept my self from crying but this shit isn't neccesary. Just shoot them in the head and just get it over with so least they don't suffer. Van apagar por lo ke han echo, esto no se les ase los hijos de Mexico...... Vivacity la marina hijos de su puta madres.... Por estos tres valientes marinos keep nos quitaron la semar les va matar 400 perros de los zetas. Este video deberia ser visto Por todo mexico entero y tambien en los estados unidos... Vamos semar y sedena acaben con ellos.... viva el ejercitomexicano y marina armada de mexico entero

  37. My heart goes out to the families of those lost.what a fucked up place. To the families who had to know based on this I am sorry and god bless you.

  38. it wouldnt be a bad idea if america helped mexico out but come on you think it would just be out of being nieghbors yeah right.americas greed would kill more innocent people for thier cause.and i have family ,friends that are americans .whites ,blacks, and mexians so i am not blaming the people rather i blame for allowing the flow of money and guns and you cant deny that

  39. For all those dumb asses that say that mexico should allow the usa to help; usa or not, it won't make a diiference. usa presence won't do shit.

  40. Not that it makes a difference but these werent even riflemen they were mechanic that probably joined the marines to serve their country and learn a trade since motorcycle are so popular in mex so they probably have never hurt nobody killed z even tho if fury did it be a hood thing and I'm sure the ones that ratted them out were cops it say they were at a police station taking courses trying to better themselves with a real job god bless them and they'r familia peace Loks

  41. .

    What I'm posting here tonight will help you understand WHY some people are murdered in Mexico by drug cartels. Those who are following Narco News web sites wonder 'why' people are being murdered and what I post here gives you one vista among other possible reasons for the occurrence of assassinations, ACTS OF EXTREME LOVELESSNESS and 'ACTS OF E.X.T.R.E.M.E. S.E.L.F.I.S.H.N.E.S.S.

    I was at another blog site earlier tonight and someone wrote a message I thought other people might want to know about. The blogger seems to be connected to the Sinaloa cartel, Chapo's cartel. The Blog News article has this title:

    'Incrementan a 18 los cuerpos hallados en Jalisco' and the blogger wrote this:

    "Son gente del Chapo la que cayó nos duele los 5 jefes y el contador querido mucho por la gente de la clave nueva.

    Esto no se va a quedar asi, todo aquel que compre droga con zetas, beltranes, carrillos, o cualquiera otro grupo de mierda morira y tambien subiremos su video al internet, si te vas a drogar que sea con el chapo sino sabes tu destino

    Comando Antrax

    Viva el Chapo y amigos Marinos."

    = My approximate translation (next line down)=

    "Those who were taken down (murdered) they are Chapo's people ... we are hurting (emotionally, Chapo's clan have lost some of their own cartel members).

    "Things are not going to continue like this: 'those who buy drugs from' the Zetas cartel , Beltranes cartel, Carrillos cartel, or other cartels ('dirt' as expressed by the blogger I'm quoting) [competition] THEY WILL DIE and we will upload (video and / or photos) of our assassinations (the Sinaloa's assassinations).

    "If you are going to get drugged it has to be OUR drugs or else YOU KNOW YOUR DESTINATION (death to you in other words)!!"

    "Commando Antrax

    "Long live Chapo and 'Marine' friends"

    Before the blogger I have just finished quoting wrote his comment someone else was commenting on the Historia's b. site 'news article' saying that 'innocent' people had been murdered.

    Final comments of mine:

    ¿AND THIS IS YEAR 2012 !!!

    If all of the BILLIONAIRES of THIS world STARTED WORKING TOGETHER TO GIVE BACK A DECENT PORTION OF THE MONEY (money they will never take to their grave!) SUCH BILLIONAIRES COULD H.E.L.P. set this world up for a BETTER FUTURE FOR MANY !!:

    Come on you S.u.p.e.r. R.i.c.h., DIG INTO THOSE BIG GIGANTIC POCKETS OF YOURS AND SHARE WITH T.H.O.S.E W.h.o. NEED IT Most and ... 'HELLO Chapo Guzmán' - (hint!!)

    ............. Hello 'Chapo Guzmán' ..............

  42. i dnt understand why all the puntos are still pumping dope like nothings up. they need to pick up all these dudes in n.l. and show thier power over them

  43. Mexico necesita pena de muerte. Estos cabrones no le temen al crimen porque no aye castigo por sus echos. Muy susios. Me daba lastima con el video del Zeta que fue castrado, degoyado y destasado pero dispues de mirar este video y como mataron a los pobres marinos me da gusto mirar que agan garras a los zetas. Maten a los zetas pedaso por pedaso.

  44. Those Marines were corrupt they deserved to die for traitors!!!!

    Viva Mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!

  45. All the cartel heads are protected by right wing governors! The cartels are the right wing death squads!
    The capitalist oligarchy want and need the drug cartels.
    If it were leftist guerillas doing one tenth of this sheet the mexican and american capitalist oligarchy would be going nuts.
    As long as the mexican oligarchies wealth is not threatened the cartels will be allowed to exist!

  46. everyone gets upset about this...true,so do i...but who is to blame???one person...chapo country is suffering because of this one perso,el chapo.his greed is what has caused this. never had this ocurred in mexico...until chapo invaded other peoples territory.we all know now that not even with governmente help has the sinaloa cartel beenn able to win,that alone is pathetic.want this to stop,then every cartel needs to go back to their area and end of story...chapo is never going to win. on the contrary,he continues to lose ground,even in culiacan...

    1. Pinche vato pendejo,and the ones who think like you!!!!!....mister fucken knowitall..!!!....The fucken Zetas (and all the wannabe Z out there)..there has always thugs and lowlifes in Mexico,but when the Zetas came into the picture they recruited all these dumb idiot lowlife drug addicts,because a real DTO would never recruit them,until now that they need them as stupid soldiers to fight and die in the front lines.

    2. Poor zeta little man you are wrong zetas are loosing or lost almost all plazas veracruz lost cd victoria loosing nuevo laredo there main plaza where they started washing cars and polishing shoes almost lost

  47. How can that many people be killed in Mexico they have some kinda death penalty just not the one we use too.

  48. The death penalty never saved any lives folks still getting killed every day in the states with the death penalty

  49. .
    Response to "May 10, 2012 10:34 PM" message.

    Best not to enter that type of conclusion my friend. And also, my understanding thus far is that the 4 tortured marines were targeted without justification. Those who murdered the marines, look at what they do with their hands, they simply love to kill, their minds are not sober and they'll go after anybody because for them it's entertainment and being in a position of power FEEDS THEIR LITTLE INFANTILE UNDEVELOPED puny little minds.

    Again, please don't generalize and assume that marines only exist to serve cartels. Most soldiers are very dedicated soldiers of Mexico trying to protect its citizens and the sovereignty of Mexico: they deserve much praise and appreciation, they risk their lives every day.

  50. Why doesnt the marins send there man to the ranches and roads on hidalgo couhila and you can find alot a dirt bags the only thing is that they have alot of halcones

  51. The sad reality is these teenagers are a product of their environment. It's not hard to conceive the level of cruelty they are willing to administer to their victims, when they have been exposed to such events...all the time! The "minds of the very young" are very easily influenced. Of course I have absolutely no sympathy for these twisted and demented young adults, who will probably never make it passed thirty! To say they should know the difference between right and wrong is a forgone conclusion and is not the issue. The issue here is, when you give these young turds the sense of power and control over life and death, well to them it's intoxicating, as the drugs they are no doubt abusing! Like a lot of criminals...they don't realize the damage (evil) they have done til there caught and have time to reflect on their actions as they rot in jail!

  52. Want to stop the killing? It is real simple, although it could be too late.

    The reason why these bloody crimes are not reported in USA is because the American people would demand an end to the prohibition laws.

    The drug prohibition laws are about control, and not about drug abuse. Even if a million more Mexicans are murdered, Uncle Sam will not relinquish control until forced to by popular demand in the USA.

    The American federal government is essentially a criminal enterprise and like all mafias it controls through violence and killing.

  53. It seems that this particular act of brutality has shaken a lot of people,and so it should.As for making generalizations about whether they were corrupt,how doe's anyone on here know?So please don't say that,they may have been young men trying to help Mexico,some of the good people who know right from wrong.At least they were trying,at least they were not blaming someone else,these young dudes didn't even get the chance to progress in life and work.
    God speed to the young Marines.R.I.P ,D.E.P

  54. I am angry, and horrified of these murders - and sick of a country that insists that if you are found murdered, that you probably deserved it some how. There are TOO many innocent victims that die in complete terror. And what about the perpetrators? These murderers were someone's children once (and are still are very young). So how were they raised? Morals? I don't care how poor someone is-- if you are raised with love, compassion, empathy, and amount of money or threats will lead you to gleefully laugh while torturing and killing people. Instead of waiting for a weak and corrupt government to govern-- people need to manage their own families. I am not saying it would be easy; but I KNOW it's not impossible. Safeguard your child's SOUL so that no matter what happens, they shall remain blameless. To me, that is the bigger problem than all the murders and cartels and poverty. It's the crumbling of the moral fabric and civility of a society. God help Mexico and the poor victims of these senseless acts of terror.

  55. Acabo de leer lo que escribió un bloggero comentando acerca de la pérdida de los 4 marinos. A mí, vale la pena leer su mensaje emocional e intenso:

    "Ayer vi un video en donde unos zetas
    torturan y asesinan a 4 marinos, eso paso en el estado de Veracruz, es un video lamentable pues se muestra la barbarie y bestialidad que el hombre puede albergar en su alma,esas personas tienen podrida el alma y son peor que Hienas,

    Pero no quiero comentar con ustedes hacerca de esos MALNACIDOS, sino de los Marinos que alli perdieron la vida de manera cruel, pero no indigna, en uno de los videos un asqueroso le pregunta a uno de los Marinos -que se le nota fatigado y semi inconsiente seguramente por la tortura que recibio antes- Eres Marino?-el responde si soy!, y le pide al mismo tiempo que le desate, el imbecil zeta le vuelve a preguntar que si es Marino, y el de nuevo responde- si soy!, por tercera vez el retrasado le vuelve a preguntar al Hombre que si es Marino y este de nuevo responde con voz debil pero muy firme-SI SOY!!, enseguida el rata le pregunta al marino que cuantos tlacuaches habia matado a lo que el Marino responde-Ninguno señor, ninguno!! (y era verdad pues los 4 eran Marinos administrativos, marinos de oficina, no de operaciones y en activo) luego el simio zeta le pregunta que si sabe que se va a morir a lo que el Marino responde -SI LO SE!- Este Marino valiente en ningun momento mintio en ningun momento se acobardo, en ningun momento nego su futuro por ser Marino e incluso en ningun momento le falto el respeto al tarado ese que le interrogaba, se le ve que era un Hombre cabal de vocacion y honor por eso era Marino.

    A la fecha tengo entendido que ya agarraron a los asesinos (espero que se los haya cargado la chingada por cierto) y es lamentable saber que entre ellos habia ratas de 12 a 16 años de edad, en fin.

    Muchos dicen, sobre todo los politicos, que
    esta guerra contra el narcotrafico en Mexico ha fracasado, pero mi opinion es opuesta pues si yo reconociera que ha fracasado, estaria menospreciando el valor de estos que se la rifan por mi y por ti, Militares, Federales, Estatales Y hasta Municipales (desde luego me refiero a los honestos) esta guerra no ha fracasado para mi pues puedo ahora ver que hay Mexicanos dispuestos a defender la Nacion y a los que estamos atados de manos y no podemos entrarle a partirle la puta madre de esos estupidos, es de reconocer a esos jovenes que hacen su trabajo y lo hacen muy bien, ellos son Mexicanos de verdad, no como millones que solo sentados en la comodidad de casita o en el extranjero, dicen puras pendejadas sin guardar respeto por estos Oficiales que estan en la lucha y que incluso han muerto, pido que oren al creador por estos que se la rifan por nosotros, que los guarde de todo mal, que los reciba en sus brazos cuando mueran. y que tenga piedad de sus Madres, Esposas e Hijos que aun se quedan en este Mundo Miserable, HONOR Y GLORIA PARA ESTOS VALIENTES, MEXICO NO LOS OLVIDARA, SIEMPRE LES RECORDARA Y DARA GRACIAS POR SU INCALCULABLE VALOR Y SERVICIO

    Ojala que este agradecimiento pueda ser leido
    por Militares, Federales, Estalales Y municipales


  56. " I know of no other "poorer" country that has less violence issues. " 4:31 pm (re: Mexico)

    Poverty is a factor in violence vs peace within countries, no doubt. But the statement above is not accurate. According to GDP stats from 2010, Mexico is #123 on the poor country index. Many, if not a majority of those 122 countries that are poorer than Mexico have less violence(and FAR FAR less mass beheadings!). In fact, some of the most peaceful countries are FAR poorer than Mexico can ever dream. Bhutan, Madagascar, Costa Rica and one of the most peaceful countries is Uruguay and it is just slighter poorer than Mexico.

    1. The land mass of Mexico surpasses that of the 122 countries of course there would be less.

  57. When will the UN charge Mex DTO with crimes against humanity? The atrocities in Mexico are on the same scale as the Balkans Wars and modern conflicts in Africa and Asia.

  58. Watch whats goin down after the 9th of june..!
    Their will be alot of Bloging and BB will be talking about it for the whole summer as well
    as all the other Narco Sites..!! No B.S. and
    remember where you heard it 1St mi amigos.

  59. i would like for someone to translate this my respects for fallen soldiers i pray for thiers families . that they get peace at mind. and i thank them for trying to help to mexico and trying to gives us a better place to live in. someone else wrote this but its true thatsoldier never once disrespected and with a brave heart accepted that he was about to that really hit me pretty hard cause how many people are really willing to die .everyone talks bad aout mexico but if that does shut you up about being proud of our mexico .you see theres people that love this country ad are willig to die for it

    Pero no quiero comentar con ustedes hacerca de esos MALNACIDOS, sino de los Marinos que alli perdieron la vida de manera cruel, pero no indigna, en uno de los videos un asqueroso le pregunta a uno de los Marinos -que se le nota fatigado y semi inconsiente seguramente por la tortura que recibio antes- Eres Marino?-el responde si soy!, y le pide al mismo tiempo que le desate, el imbecil zeta le vuelve a preguntar que si es Marino, y el de nuevo responde- si soy!, por tercera vez el retrasado le vuelve a preguntar al Hombre que si es Marino y este de nuevo responde con voz debil pero muy firme-SI SOY!!, enseguida el rata le pregunta al marino que cuantos tlacuaches habia matado a lo que el Marino responde-Ninguno señor, ninguno!! (y era verdad pues los 4 eran Marinos administrativos, marinos de oficina, no de operaciones y en activo) luego el simio zeta le pregunta que si sabe que se va a morir a lo que el Marino responde -SI LO SE!- Este Marino valiente en ningun momento mintio en ningun momento se acobardo, en ningun momento nego su futuro por ser Marino e incluso en ningun momento le falto el respeto al tarado ese que le interrogaba, se le ve que era un Hombre cabal de vocacion y honor por eso era Marino.

  60. May 11, 2012 12:35 PM .
    What are you referring to hermano?
    Give us a little more amigo?Or then again maybe you cannot.Ten cuidado senore.

    1. Usted Siempre como muy chismosillo,esta bien.solamente asi se saben las cosas...

  61. Recently there's been the reenactment of the 5 de mayo, but from all the battles Mexico has had with the Spanish the Americans & the French the worst & most surreal is the one with their own citizens. Killing marines in such a brutal way the killers may be teenagers on paper but they're as cold as any adult it's not normal an adult being able to do this but a teenager, they should be tried as an adult and given the same punishment. Evil, cold b@st@rds do the same to their mums and dads and brothers and sisters, abuelas & abuelos & see how they like it, because I believe the majority of people like these pieces of shit their families know more or less what their children & husbands, fathers etc are up to.

  62. .

    Mssage for "May 11, 2012 2:54 PM"

    ("What are you referring to hermano?
    Give us a little more amigo?Or then again maybe you cannot. Ten cuidado senore")

    He's referring to the message I posted here earlier this afternoon, comment number 67. Look for:

    "May 11, 2012 10:47 AM"

  63. Boa noite a tudos

    ¿A quién diriges tu mensaje señor? "May 11, 2012 6:16 PM"


  64. I do not know why they even bother to waste the time arresting these sorry people. Just shoot them on site and let them rot...kill or be killed in messyco, the country has fallen and just when you think it can't get worse...they are about to elect a corrupt president into office and show everyone what hell on earth really is. I pray for Mexico and it's people, and at this point, God really is their only hope...

  65. I was refering to,
    "Watch whats goin down after the 9th of june"..!
    If he sees this ?

  66. .
    . . . Responding to --> "May 12, 2012 4:31 PM:
    (I was referring to, "Watch what's
    goin down after the 9th of june"..!
    If he sees this ?)

    When I first saw your comment the first thing that came to mind was "MILITARY OUTSIDE OF MEXICO IS GOING TO ENTER MEXICO ON June 9th"

    I've been trying to find info on that possibility, of foreign troupes entering Mexico and all that I have found is that Mexico will not let that happen and, that the large population of Mexico would make it an extremely big task demanding a tremendous amount of foreign military power, soldiers: ¿DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY COMMENTS ON THIS entry of foreign troupes into Mexico?

  67. May 10 3:16/ you're a fucking idiot if you believe that. First off the kaibalis are sick mofos, but the beheadings by cartels was kicked off by la familia michoacana in 2006 when they came out as a new cartel. They threw 5 heads into a night club that started what we see now. And as far as the us invading Mexico good luck were in the us look who's the minority in the states get your shit straight!!!!

  68. For
    May 12, 2012 11:41 PM

    Are you on a power trip or what?!

  69. Anybody that thinks the U.S. wouldn't be able to stand up to these people, doesn't realize how much we spend on defense (an absurd amount that should be decreased). We will/could wipe the slate clean easily, we might make some enemies in the civilian population but the current day cartels would be gone (only to be replaced once we left but that's besides the point). We spend more on defense in a month than the cartels have in their total budget (though they do dwarf our current anti-drug budget). Not to mention how many mexican-americans would freely volunteer for intelligence operations, including the infiltration of these drug fueled, poorly controlled organizations. It's all a matter of time and when they begin to fuck with us. It will eventually end, whether the U.S. gets involved or not.

  70. "The land mass of Mexico surpasses that of the 122 countries of course there would be less."

    Wrong again, if you are referring to poverty rates. The rate is based on GDP per/capita. So it's all relative.


  72. I think the death penalty would be a blow to the cartels but would not end the drug trafficking.. If they would adopt the death penalty it would have to be swift and not prolonged like here in the states. Lets face it there will always be drugs and as long as there is drugs there will be drug dealers. But with the leverage of the death penalty it would go back to operating under the radar. Not good but a fact of life..

  73. All I can say is God will deal with them.. what comes around goes around

  74. Does anybody know where one could go to see the vid and/or photos?


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