Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mexican Marines detain local Los Zetas security chief

By Chris Covert

A local Los Zetas security chief was detained Wednesday by a Mexican Naval Infantry detail in Xalapa, Veracruz, according to a news release posted on the website of the Secretaria de Marina (SEMAR), the controlling agency for the Mexican Navy.

The unit was dispatched to a location in Animas colony based on an anonymous complaint of shots fired.  The suspect, identified as Luis Alberto Perez Casanova AKA Casanova, was aboard a sedan, and attempted to flee the area as soon as he observed the marine unit.  The road unit blocked his attempt to flee, then detained him.

Marines seized one rifle, three handguns, 15 weapons magazines, 242 rounds of ammunition, two fragmentation grenades, 16 kilograms of marijuana, a quantity of cocaine divided for retail sale, communications equipment, the sedan, and miscellaneous contraband.

Perez Casanova is said to be the security chief for the central region of Veracruz, specifically in Xalapa.

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for

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  1. Im just throwin this out there but I think the mexican army n police have a bunch of confiscated guns and dope enough so they can catch a dumb bandido like this guy and set him up in front of tha cameras with all that shit to sell a good bust. I hope they really did get all that shit off this guy but it trips me out when they present these dudes like its tha first round of tha NFL draft

  2. Security Chief? Look at this scroungy peon, t5he article tries to give this criminal credability,they deserve none, just another wart on societys ass!

  3. Xalapa is a cool place

  4. Covert post more info on Thomas Gisby gunned down in Nuevo Vallarta,Mexico alot of talk about Canadian police in Mexico due to violence escalating in Cananda since the presence of Los Aztecas Ms13 in Canada

  5. I hope they find out which Texas gun show he bought those frags at.

    1. Post of the year right here. Like arms smugglers ignore a billion dollar market and fast and furious caused these woes to begin with .

  6. Give that man a sandwich.

  7. Where did they find this raggity mothafucker at?In a dumpster,tryin to find his maruchan soup?Security Chief?Boy oh boy,Zetas aint picky at all,are they?

  8. shoot this POS pinches Zeta

  9. Covert post more info on Thomas Gisby gunned down in Nuevo Vallarta,Mexico alot of talk about Canadian police in Mexico due to violence escalating in Cananda since the presence of Los Aztecas Ms13 in Canada

    I'll look into it, but I can't promise anything.

  10. maruchan anyone?

  11. Cocaine divided up for retail sale? I thought only Americans bought drugs. WTF?

    1. Every nation has its drug useres . The US just has most its population on drugs

    2. They do,they're buying it down here when they come on vacation.They don't take a vacation from snorting,they want it all the time.!!

  12. Security Chief? This guy will offer to provide security for your car while you go inside a business.

  13. That is funny shit if they were to ask anyone. What criminal gang do you think this meth head belongs too??

    99.5 would answer zetas!!! hahahahaha!


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