Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, May 28, 2012

MEXICO: The Killing of Innocents, by Cartels, Police, Military and Death Squads

By Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

On New Year’s Day of this year, I wrote an article for Borderland Beat and titled it “A Closer Look: Who Were The 35 Slaughtered in Veracruz?” I wanted to bring to readers the probability that the dead were not criminals, but rather they were victims chosen randomly to create a macabre display so monstrous it would shock and terrorize citizens and grasp the attention of the world press.

It was September 2011, in Beautiful Boca del Rio, Veracruz.  Amid rush hour traffic, adjacent to the World Trade Center and Plaza of the Americas, there just before an overpass laid a gruesome sight; 35 bloody, bounded, nude or semi nude corpses had been thrown to the pavement of Adolfo Ruiz Blvd. 

The victims all bore signs of extreme torture.  “Branded” with paint messages on each of their bodies the words “POR Z” (for Zetas.), The majority had died of asphyxiation, a few by blunt trauma and one by gunshot to the head.
The gunmen displayed two banners declaring the dead were of the Los Zetas cartel, one banner read:
(Former Attorney General of Veracruz)
Within hours, and much too hasty for the comfort of those who are familiar with the interworking’s of an investigation, the Veracruz Attorney General Renaldo Escobar Perez announced  most of the bodies had been identified and all had connections to organized crime, further all had criminal records for serious crimes,  including kidnapping, murder, and drug trafficking.
The governor of Veracruz, Javier Duarte wasted no time reaching out via social networks, Twitter and Facebook declaring the same as his attorney general.  Irony was not lost on the fact that Duarte, a PRI Party Governor, had previously threatened to imprison anyone who sends out erroneous info via Twitter or any social network. 

Months later the truth would be revealed, that in fact none of the dead had ties to organized crime and almost none had criminal records of serious crimes.  Six had records of minor violations, such as fighting or stealing, and one was suspected of a serious crime which had no link to organized crime.
Jose Cuitlahuac Salinas Martinez, then Deputy Regional of PGR, now the head of the organized crime division of SIEDO, quietly waited until the investigation was complete before reporting with respect to the victims,  “not of organized crime”, and “most without criminal history”.

In an interview by Joaquin Lopez Doriga,  Salinas Martínez,   reiterated    twice the fact that the dead were not found to have cartel connections.  Lopez Doriga pressed further by asking, “Both Governor Duarte and the then Procurator of Justice stated that the deceased 35 had a criminal records, do you corroborate that?".
Salinas Martinez skillfully pirouetted around the fact that both the Governor and the Attorney General were either liars, or at best  mistaken, as he carefully answered,  “In  regards to the statements by the then Attorney General  and Governor,  I cannot say anything because I don't know about that, but in what it corresponds to the file that I had at my disposal, it  is another perspective, for let’s say something in this regard, it’s another version…” answered Salinas Martine

Subsequently, Renaldo Escobar would resign, and the entire police force of Boca del Rio would be fired for corruption, the Marina (Navy) would fill in the policing duties of the municipality.

Incredibly, few in the global press have made corrections to the identity of the victims, that in truth among the dead were housewives, students, and a highly decorated police officer.  For the most part the dead were good, hardworking, regular citizens; innocents used as props.  Even on this date if one looks at the news accounts  for the massacre, it remains attributed as a criminal on criminal crime and the dead were of the Los Zetas cartel.
The January post was well received, but a fair amount of readers balked at the notion, believing the words of executioner’s banner rather than the Federal Agency and the families of the victims.  

Innocents, (civilian) being used by narcos to send a message is not a new theory, however as crimes became executed in greater numbers, and the increased intensity of horror, people bravely came forth crying out for justice for their murdered loved ones, falsely accused of being narcos. Whereas the question of innocents being used by cartels has always been spoken about, at this point in time people are no longer rejecting the idea but coming to terms of its reality.

The Veracruz 35 and Chapala, and it is suspected that the Guadalajara's, Jalisco, Nuevo Laredo, and Nuevo Leon recent mass killings were of innocents.   

Additionally, there are the blogger murders. The first of the three executions were of a female and male couple, kidnapped, tortured and left hanging on a bridge in Nuevo Laredo. Next came the execution of a woman named Maria Elizabeth Macías, ( "La Nena de Laredo) her tortured, decapitated body was left near a monument in the center of a roundabout. Her decapitated head posed a top a computer keyboard.
A fourth victim ”blogger” named "Rascatripas" was a 35-year-old man was killed and left on the same roundabout as Nena.  By narco messages left at the scene, Los Zetas took responsibility for the executions, declaring that the four were narco reporting on blogs After it became apparent that the first two killed were not connected to a blog or news source reporting narco news, one could be assured that Zetas would strike again.

That is when “Nena” was killed.  It was confirmed that she was a contributor to Nuevo Laredo en Vivo, a citizens forum created for citizens to share information of narco activities.
With the last of the four, Rascatripas, was a message stating the man was a reporter for Nuevo Laredo en Vivo, nonetheless the blog via twitter rejected that notion, Nuevo Laredo Vivo (Nuevo Laredo Live) reported that the man killed is "not one of our collaborators," but "a scapegoat" whose murder serves to send a message of fear.  In summation, 3 of the 4 have not proven to have a connection to a narco news blog.
Another high profile example is the Chapala, Jalisco massacre. On May 9 of this year 18 people were found murdered and dismembered. The massacre is the work of the Zetas allied cartel Milenio Cartel. Immediately the word was the victims were not cartel connected but were innocents.
The story did not stop there. First it was reported that the death total was to be higher, by 14.  14 kidnapped children were held in a guarded safe house in Tala. By incredible fate the sicario was late to the execution. Just late enough for the guards to become so high on drugs they passed out.
This offered the victims an opportunity to escape, all but two left through a window.12 boys left immediately leaving behind two that were imprisoned by fear. The decision to stay turned out to be a deadly one, as the two fearful boys were found one day later murdered and dismembered among the 18 killed.
On May 12ththe General Attorney of Justice of the State of Jalisco reported on the capture of the mastermind of the massacre of the 18 on May 9th. He was identified as, Juan Carlos Antonio Mercado, aka El Chato, the Chief of plaza of the Los Zetas cartel in Tala, Jalisco.
“Chato” pointed out that the 12 kidnapped who managed to escape from a safe house from his command, are “innocents” with no criminal ties.
“Randomly” Chato answered when asked how people were selected for execution. “People were going to be tortured and dismembered, to then be thrown to the Arcos de Millennium, my boss chose victims, he said who, then I kidnapped", he would point out one and say “that one”, explained Chato.
Nuevo Laredo, on May fourth a total of 23 bodies were found, nine hanging off a bridge, with Zetas taking responsibility,  then hours later fourteen dismembered "Zetas" with Chapo Guzman leader of the Sinaloa cartel taking responsibility.  State authorities in a news conference stated the dead were regular citizens, not narcos. 
On May 13th, 49 dismembered bodies were abandoned in Nuevo León, next to the bodies a banner signed by los zetas, the banner identified the dead as criminals.
Days later dozens of banners signed by Los Zetas, disclaimed responsibility. Reports on leading Mexican newspapers claimed justice is finally realized as the executioners were members of the Gulf cartel and who concocted a plan that Los Zetas would be blamed. 
Eight  members of the Gulf cartel were detained including a person using the moniker “El Loco”.  The information was announced by SEDENA agency. Ultimately, "El Loco" was apprehended and identified by SEIDO (agency Specialized Investigation of Organized Crime) in the perp presentation as a leader of the Los Zetas cartel. The entire scenario created confusion and mistrust of the federal agencies that appear not to have been collaborating with one another.
The SEDENA agency indicated that though most victims were decapitated, not all, and those with heads had facial features consistent with Central America or “Southern Mexico”, and suspected to be, at least in part, innocents. For their part SEIDO has not issued a statement about the issue.
Reported in Milenio News Agency; before the discovery of the 49 butchered bodies, it was presumed, and gaining strength  in recent months, that the evidence is clear that in many massacres innocent people have been represented as criminals by drug traffickerers.


                 “Randomly” Chato answered when asked how people were selected for execution. “
The above video is a recording of  “El Chato”, below is the video dialog, translated into English.

Police: What is you're name?
El Chato: Juan Carlos Antonio Mercado
Police: What is you're alias?
El Chato: "El Chato" (Meaning flat faced...)
Police: Who do you work for?
El Chato: Cartel Millennium
Police: How many people did you participate in kidnapping?
El Chato: 16
Police: Where were you holding them captive?
El Chato: In a house in Tala (Jalisco)
Police: You were in charge of the operation, what did you do and how much were you paid?
El Chato: 7,500 pesos a week... (About 600 U.S. dollars...)
Police: For how long?
El Chato: Since mid April. We kidnapped them and were going to leave the bodies in the arcos de millennium, but we couldn't because it was full of police and they were on to us, we couldn't leave the bodies there...
Police: How did you choose the victim's?
El Chato: Randomly...
Police: So they are innocent people?
El Chato: Yes...
Police: What was the purpose of this?
El Chato: To send a message, I don't know...
Police: What message?
El Chato: I don't know, a message for the government I think...
Police: Who were you doing this for?
El Chato: Fernando, he was the one that tortured them...
Police: You only kidnapped them or what else did you do?
El Chato: I kidnapped them, Fernando tortured them...
Police: What time of day did you kidnap them and what type of person did you kidnap?
El Chato: I would just get the order from Fernando, Fernando would come with me, he would just say "get that person", and we would get them...
Police: Fernando is a ZETA?
El Chato: YES...
Police: What is his code?
El Chato: R2...
Police: What is your code?
El Chato: R8
Police: What does the "R" stand for?
El Chato: I don't know, they just told me I am "R8"...
Police: Who told you?
El Chato: Fernando...
Police: Do you work for any other cartel's?
El Chato: No...
Police: Who is directly in charge of you?
El Chato: Fernando...
Police: What is his alias?
El Chato: R2...
Police: Regarding the people in Tala,  when did you kidnap them and how are they related to the 18 bodies found in Chapala?
El Chato: We just fucked them up, Fernando got phone numbers from the people in Chapala...
Police: You were going to dismember them also?
El Chato: I think so...
Police: When did you kidnap the people that were killed in... (I don't know the name of this town...)
El Chato: At the end of April...
Police: We have heard of a "Cuota", was there a certain number of people you had to kidnap?
El Chato: First they told me 10 then later 15...
Police: Did you participate in the kidnapping of the 3 waiters from the restaurant in Chapala?
El Chato: No...
Police: Did you participate in the killing of the two young men?
El Chato: No, Fernando killed them, Fernando chose the victim's...
Police: Why? What physical characteristics did the people have? (what type of people)?
El Chato: I don't know, he just told me get this person or that person...
Police: How many people work for you?
El Chato: Seven...
Police: Are you sorry for what you did?
El Chato: Yes...
Police: When were you going to kill the 12 people that were found alive or what was the plan?
El Chato: Supposedly the 10th of May (Mothers Day in Mexico...)
Police: Why?
El Chato: I don't know...
Police: Did you take out money from an ATM with a victim's bank card?
El Chato: That's right...
Police: You were with others?
El Chato: Yes, "El Moco" (Booger...)
Police: El Moco works for you?
El Chato: We work together...
Police: How much did you take out of the ATM?
El Chato: 3,000 pesos (About 250 U,S. dollars...)
Police: What were you going to do with the money?
El Chato: I gave 1,500 to the guero... (Guero means light skinned person...)

Narco execution is not the only threat to the people of Mexico.  A new report from the U.S. State Department reveals that Mexican police and the military have "engaged in unlawful killings, forced disappearances, and instances of physical abuse and torture".  The report findings are that the Mexican government is killing and torturing their people and covering the horrendous acts by altering records and being deceitful by safeguarding  the truth from the public.

In late 2010, the respected Mexican News Agency El Universal published an article titled “Social Cleansing Not Drugwar”.  The article detailed the determination of a small group of Mexican Senators and their effort to force CISEN (intelligence branch) to release documents and a report that contained evidence of “Comando Negro”,  Black Commando death squads, also called “grupos de limpieza”, Social Cleansing  Squads.  
In September 2010, the Senate formally asked the Center for Investigation and National Security (CISEN) for detailed reports about the existence of these groups, whom it called "death squads" because it is believed they may be responsible for a large number  of  murders officially recognized in this war against the drug cartels, and for thousands of unsolved disappearances.

"These groups operate outside the law with the knowledge and complicity of the Mexican State," said Senator Ricardo Monreal Avila, parliamentary coordinator of the Labour Party  and the leader of the group who sponsored  the request for information from Cisen.  It is thought that thousands of Army deserters, both soldiers and officers, and police officers fired for corruption make up these groups. They are "trained paramilitaries," says the Senator.

Under the guise of authority the squads wear police uniforms, carry badges and drive patrol cars.  In the article Universal asserts “ No accounting is given to what actually occurs, but if revealed we would see that there are not 28,000 murders, as the government insists, but more than 40,000.  (These represent 2010 numbers). 

Wikileaks Cable:

2009 U.S. State Department cable, later released by Wikileaks, hinted at darker forces at work: paramilitary death squads.

"City and state government officials have argued that there exists no evidence of a vigilante movement in Ciudad Juarez and that the messages by the CCJ (Juarez Citizen Command) are a hoax. A consulate contact in the press, however, suggests that the CCJ is a real self-defense group comprised of eight former 'Zetas' hired by four Juarez business owners (including 1998 PRI mayoral candidate Eleno Villaba)."

The cable went on to describe how the Zetas — a cartel that operates largely along the Gulf of Mexico — obtained their weapons. "According to the contact, the former Zetas paid a visit on local military commanders when they arrived in Juarez in September 2008, and purchased previously seized weapons from the army garrison. According to the contact, the former Zetas pledged not to target the army, and made themselves available to the army for extrajudicial operations."
In the book “El Sicario”, authored by Molly Molloy and Charles Bowden, Molloy in her introduction wrote about the Universal article and the death squads. The victims of these groups are the “malandros” or bad guys, gays, riffraff, all the elements of society that they deem human garbage. Below is an excerpt from the book;
The Universal article should have been an international bombshell, but the truth is the article was ignored not only by the Mexican press, but by the international press. Maybe it is not an eyebrow raising fact that the Mexican press ignored the article, but it is an outrage that the international press considered it unimportant and ignored the courageous article.

Perhaps that should be remembered when being critical with respect to the Mexican press coverage of the Drugwar.

To read the State Department Report LINK HERE

English Translated Version of "Social Cleansing, Not Drugwar" Universal Article HERE

Further Information on the US State Department Report, by Chris Covert HERE
Chato Interview translated on Borderland Beat Forum, found on "Chivos" post

To DD Of Borderland Beat Forum...muchas gracias mi amigo (for the cable information)

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  1. Tortue and kill this fuck head seriously dismember him he is guilty as charged and deserves the same fate his victims got or worse oooo Mexico why why why!!!!

  2. Allot of killings being attributed to a "drug war" has nothing at all to do with drugs... However I do believe that Chapo, Mayo, Azul, Coss, Lazca, Z40 and 42 ALL are responsible for the majority of killings and it is they that need to be exterminated... They should be the number one priority targets at all times! Killing the low level members does nothing but raise the death toll numbers, they are replaced the very same day they are killed!

    As long as Mexico continues to give those pieces of shit power over the entire country, its police and military then nothing is ever going to change! Mexico has been bullshitting the entire world and its very easy to see that they have allowed Chapo, Mayo, Azul, Coss, Lazca, Z40 and 42 to remain free and remain alive giving them free reign to terrorize the country, I believe it is because the entire government of Mexico is a criminal enterprise and they are in bed with the cartels and they always have been. I believe they make up stories of "almost" capturing them just to placate the U.S. to be able to keep receiving the millions of dollars in aid, they are playing the U.S. and it wouldnt surprise me at all if the cartels are getting a cut of the monies sent in aid to Mexico from the U.S.

    There just is no other logical or believable reason that those mentioned have been able to remain alive and free for so long, its all bullshit... Saying that they "just can not find them" is complete bullshit and it doesnt hold water anymore...

    The cartels have been molding and shaping Mexico for decades while the PRI was in power... The criminal element is so deeply rooted... They continue to shape and mold by killing off those that they see may be a problem for them in the future, they are doing to Mexico what Mexico should be doing to them! The criminal cartels have it so that Mexicans can not own firearms, they have it so there is no death penalty and they have made sure that Mexico has a weak judicial and prison system...

    They have used economics to control the entire population keeping the majority living in poverty within a mineral rich country! It is the criminal narco cartels that have had the upper hand in Mexico for decades and it has all been done by design!

    Until there is either outside intervention or an internal military coupe and drastic military force used to take back control from the narco criminals things are going to continue to get worse... The criminal narco cartels and their political criminal wing known as the PRI are drooling just chomping at the bit with these upcoming elections in sight...

    It is a sad reality that Mexico is a failed narco state run by a bunch of corrupt criminals, plain and simple...

    (My opinion of course...)-CHIVO

    1. You or anyone else for that matter could Not Have put this problem
      In better prospective. Chivo you have Hit The Nail on the Head...!

  3. A couple of months ago, a friend who does a lot of security contracting for government agencies asked me to comment on an article. A reporter (Australian, I believe)claimed that a proposed loop between Juarez and New Mexico through the desert west of Juarez should not be built until the area was searched for bodies. The reporter referred to rumors that the narcos had left bodies there and that the government knew or should know about them. I responded that, in my opinion , it was almost certain that there were bodies there because the cops, the military and the narcos all use torture and murder to further their agendas, and they all use the desert to dispose of the bodies. I grew up in a small village in the Valle de Juarez and finding bodies in the desert was, if not routine, was certainly not news. Many of the bodies were dead reporters, but we attributed most of the bodies to suspects who had pissed off the police. But that was when the PRI controlled the violence.

  4. “El Chato” is not a member of Los Zetas he is a member of the Cartel Millennium. He worked for "Fernando" who is from the Los Zetas...-CHIVO

  5. I have always said who is the real powers in Mexico! Who are the real greedy weirdos! Not the delusional psycopaths, chapo, lazcano, trevino, costilla, but, rather, the super rich oligarchs who really control mexico! Number one is carlos slim! Which cartel has tried to ecxtort him! He is the wealthiest man in the world! Never have they, rather carlos slim and the oligarchs and the cartels and their government brothers prey on ordinary mexicans!
    For that to continue the ordinary mexican must be without weapons and always kidnapped by fear! No revolution! No means of defending your families lie! Always remaing the slave to the wolves!

  6. San Fernando Migrant Massacre 72 Tortured And Slaughtered
    San Fernando Bus Massacres 193 Tortured And Slaughtered
    Taxo 56 Tortured And Slaughtered
    Monterrey 51 Tortured And Slaughtered
    Monterrey Casino Royale Fire 61 Burned Alive
    Mexican Marina Torture Killing Videos
    Torreon News Paper Fire Attack
    Nuevo Laredo News Paper Attack
    Veracruz 35 Tortured And Murdered Then Dumped In The Street
    Apodaca Prison 44 Tortured And Murdered 30 Zetas Escape
    Peten, Guatamala Massacre 27 Tortured And Beheaded
    Nuevo Laredo's Colosio Bridge Torture And Hanging 9
    Jalisco 18 Innocent Tortured And Slaughtered
    Cadereyta 49 Innocent Tortured And Slaughtered

    Just imagine all of the horrific crimes committed that nobody knows about!

    1. I can assure you that even if you multipled these numbers by 10 you would still be just a fraction of the True numbers of souls
      that have been murdered!

  7. As a Mexican/Canadian i am just disgusted by the level of violence and criminality in Mexico it is so bad i just dont understand the mentality right beside Usa and Canada yet has an economy the size of Canada and security as bad as the middle east maybe worse it is just horrible i am sick to think of my mom retiring down there

  8. i already posted this comment this thurday will mark 2 two weeks of this incident . here in nuevo laredo at one of the puntos a seller was killed shot twice once in the face and once in the chest .4 others were taken but were not involved in the selling of drugs maybe consumers they were found 2 days later in an emmpty house beaten and shot .but dead of course, and were dressed with bullet proove vest to make them look like sicarios.but were not that at all. so yeah jus being at the wrong place at the wrong could get u caught up. so becareful outthere they r taking innocent and using them as a way of showing power.

  9. So do you have links or sources of the info were these vics were found and proven to be non cartel related vics??(The 35 from Boca del Rio, Veracruz)

    Cause just by not having priors does not mean they were new recruits, halcones etc etc. please post the links and how credible the source is.
    Thank you

  10. Its a Sad thing whats happening in Mexico today, this so called " war on drugs" is far by lost. Why dont they Just legalize drugs in the US, americans getting high on mexican dope while mexicans getting killed by US weapons.

  11. Any hard man out there with a will and a genuine concern could possiblty organize himself and some young men into a cohesive group who are willing to use extreme violence to defend themselves and others.I am not talking bullshit acting the part,i am talking serious men with a will and a drive and the energy to train and keep themselves in shape.It most definitely can be done.For a start arm yourself,talk to your friends,you know the various different characters of men,the hard men,the foolish men,the idiots,the men you cannot trust,the ones you would not bring into something like this.Not everyone can go to extreme violence in the blink of an eye.As there seems to be no cohesive law and order for the decent people,police yourself and defend yourself.How many of these murders are not even investigated?How many police care?I would not end up in an umarked grave,or in a huge dump of dismembered corpses just to make a statement for these rats.No way,i would rather go out trying to kill some of them and be killed in the process.Arm yourselves people,arm against these poxy mutts who kidnap anyone they feel no threat from.Why don't they kidnap other cartel members and gunmen?Because it is human nature to take the weak and unarmed.

  12. 2:18-- Your friend is stating what the senators stated...however they attributed the killings as of the commandos of which cartels also participates in those type of killings. Chih, Durango, Coahuila and Zacatecas have thousands of bodies buried in clandestine fosas. we will never know the scope of executions.

    @2:32 thanks for taking the time to create the list of killings. Specifically I meant to highlight the cartel killings in which they use innocents as props. People accept that there are killings of innocents such as the migrants, but only recently accepted that cartels are using citizens as props. you have proof that they are with cartels? please provide that.

    Myself I stand with the Federal PGR investigation, the records of the people killed, their personal history as provided by outraged love ones. See the boy in top photo? 14 years old, a HS student that raised chickens for income. He told his Buela he would be right back, ne needed food for the chickens. He left and witnesses saw municipal police putting him in a patrol car. Next time anyone saw him was in the gruesome carnage in BDR.

    You seem to declare a person guilty until proven innocent. you seem to believe what killers write on a banner.

    of course that is your prerogative...and what narcos count on....Paz, Chivis

    1. Chivis. You you call Peaple liars on the public forum!you have never met this person and know nothing of what happened to them but they are lieing.i saw what you did to a few Peaple on the forum a year or two expect everyone to take what you say as the gossipel truth portray yourself as a humanitarian doing all these nice things in Mexico,and maybe you are,maybe not.but if I question what you write I'm not gonna call you a liar on the have been a part of running some good Peaple off the forum and maybe some not so good Peaple .are you better than others?

  13. One of the best reads on this site lately. Thanks for translating it all. America is taking notes.

  14. End prohibition of drugs, encourage community policing with subsidized arming of volunteers by gov't who pledge to only defend citizens from organized crime, and most importantly allow a neutral third party to come in, follow the money, seize all cartel funded or related assets, and try all conspirators for war crimes in a foreign multinational court.

  15. I have no idea why some poor sap getting done work and walking down the street gets not only kidnapped but tortured to death. If they need bodies then just shoot him, why the severe torture? Do they believe that they can fool society into thinking that they were narcos? I mean people are first missing, then appear dead, then are identified by families. There is a major societal problem with desensitation in Mexico. Theres simply to many narco soldiers willing to go beyond repulsive means.

  16. all the stuff about taking it to them sounds good , but would u b willing . i live here i lookout my front door and theres people selling and buying dope.people missing frm our nieghborhood you its easy.take yourself to the projects yes the ghetto and see how it is cause that the kind of takeover this is with no police.yeah its easy to talk but living it aint

  17. @4:29 what are you exactly speaking of? The governor and atty general I believe did intentionally lie, or best case scenario mistaken. I stand by that. as far as anyone accepting what I present. we should all do research no matter who is speaking.

  18. "So do you have links or sources of the info were these vics were found and proven to be non cartel related vics??(The 35 from Boca del Rio, Veracruz)"
    It has been generally accepted that most of these people were indeed innocent.Do you still believe that these cartel dogs take other cartel dogs?Do you believe that they willingly go and look for other men with AKs and ARs?Of course you don't.
    From his own mouth this guy in this article is telling you they were all innocent,he did not know any of them,and neither did his boss who ordered it.There is absolutely no doubt at all anymore that innocent people are being kidnapped,held,and then murdered.As Chivis above said"See the boy in top photo? 14 years old, a HS student that raised chickens for income"That is a fact,not conjecture,not wishful thinking but a fact.They took a 14 year old boy,still a child really,and then horribly suffocated this child.Then these bastards said he was a Zeta member?Don't make silly pronouncements and queries when you already know the truth.CARTELS KIDNAP,HOLD,AND HORRIBLY KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE. FACT !

  19. .
    I've never been one for violence, but when I read about what dirty bastards like El Chato & Fernando are doing to other people with one following order to snatch innocent people off the streets and the other one TERRORIZING and then murdering butchering a victim ... I start to think of what should be done to LOVELESS B.A.S.T.A.R.D.S. like them: WHY CAN'T WE GIVEN THEM WHAT THEY GAVE TO THE VICTIMS?!

    By the way Chivis and other hard working writers of Borderland Beat, you guys are doing SUPER FANTASTIKO WORK so beautifully written with tons of details, fotos, videos, research, time-consuming translations from Spanish to English!! Anyone who tries to do for just one day what our Borderland Beat Writers do DAILY will realize it's not just anybody who can do the work they do. I tried translations and it soon got to me.

    ATT: Señor Sensiblero, bloggero

  20. Pretty dangerous when a jury of one examines the alleged evidence in private and announces their findings as facts. I think public trials and juries of twelve while not perfect are better. Now, let's apply this same logic to "journalism."

  21. Wow, that's a terrible situation. Very good article. Well done.

  22. On the bodies that were dumped with the sign that said "here lies el ferras" if any of you know who el ferras is he is one of the most watched youtube videos from mexico. He admitted to stabbing a man to dead on camera and later went on to be voted king of his prison. He escaped from prison a while back before the bodies were found. Alot of people thought he was among the bodies but he was later found in his home along with a kidnapped victim.



    ....3. THE ECONOMY





    1. What in the hell are you talking about friend?

    2. He's talking about an agenda of major depopulation at the hans of an elite group of people who control the world on a grand scale, see Agenda 21 pdf, sustainable development United Nations papers, a totally controlled society via implementation of Agenda 21.

      Where the blogger messed up is to tie together in some way a connection between the mass murdering in Mexico with the writing he posted but there is truth in what he posted. How much control over the earth would you have if you owned $350 trillion dollars? See Rothschilds fortune of $350 trillion dollars & secret society agendas


    3. Coo koo just a little?

  24. Chivis, great article. It seems that the only thing us living in the USA can do is write about the senseless crimes that are happening in Mexico. Maybe we can show the world what is happening to all innocent people that are caught it the middle of this greed driven, senseless war. When is enough going to be enough?




  26. these mass random killings provide no advantage to any cartel. makes me think that the PRI is trying to shock the people into wanting to end the drug war. i think they are pulling the strings on these mass's almost election time. another purpose for the PRi would be that if Pena Nieto wins, they can stop these mass murders and claim that they are doing something

  27. Chivis,
    Another great article... As for the immature, butt hurt, jealous haters... Well they just want attention and to cause problems so they throw verbal stones stating out and out lies about you but we are to smart for them and see right through their pettiness... If they did half the work you do for people they wouldnt have time to spew forth their nonesense... Keep up the great work...-CHIVO

  28. I read your original Veracruz article, and this is a continuation of the outstanding reporting on this site. This is a complex, shadowy subject. It's difficult to piece credible sources together into a cohesive whole, but you do as good a job as anybody.

    Screw the Pulitzer committee. Apparently the New York Times or Washington Post doesn't have the guts to cover Mexico right now. Respect.

  29. yeah Buelita,

    Great job on this article and good structure. As always, you always give us informative and interesting articles. Your reports have balls.

    Haters will always hate.

  30. What disturbs me most in the pictures is the young woman laying down dead as a doornail. She looks like she was beautiful before she was killed. I bet she had dreams and aspirations and things she wanted to do with family or her partner maybe kids even and its all taken away just because some lowlife coked up punk and his gang of assholes wanted to send a message.

    Its sickening it really is. I hope those who did this die like the scum they are.

    So sad.

  31. In war many more civilians are killed than soldiers. They are easy prey.

  32. CHIVIS.
    Thanks for the translation for the non speakers.
    I,m trying to learn and getting there,but it is hard going sometimes,especially video,as opposed to the written word.Anyway,that was a good touch and a very good idea.I was talking to Grillonautas about this very thing,but as you know,the time it would take to put a translation to these videos,it is to time consuming(But some of them merit it)Anyway thanks again for taking the time,,credit where credit is due.

  33. One of the best articles on the situation thanks for posting it, I have often wondered why we are never really told the identity and perhaps a bit of the life story of the victims

    1. Because when you humanize the victims, the government gets pressure from public to actually solve problem or at least stop lying. The Mexican gov't is the absolute quintessential model for systemic corruption. They downplay casualty figures, lie about victims' involvement, don't investigate incidents, and manage to make even the most twisted first world politician look pure as the driven snow.

  34. @ 11:37AM

    ALL the credit goes to "La Verga" of Borderland Beat Forum for translating the Chato Vid. We have some incredible contributors at BB forum. The thing is it was not even her post, it was Chivo's she just stepped in and helped out.

    I can say traslating vids are very difficult, contending with accents (every reagion has one) etc. i just completed a 9 min vid and it took days.....paz, chivis
    BTW my friends have had grat success with rosetta stone

  35. I bet chato didn't answer I don't know when SEDENA was talking to him.

  36. @1:43

    @1:23 thank you for your generous are absolutely correct about missing was the stories of the victims. I have material that i intended to include, but at the last minute I thought it would detract from focusing on the issue. However people have written to me and asked if I would consider writing a series of articles including one personalizing the victims including fotos and bio's. I am thinking of doing another part and adding that material...

    Thank you both for taking time to read the article...paz, chivis

  37. Sorry, not sure why that comment was allowed, I do not allow anyone to demean contributors, if you can do better, send me an email and I will allow you to post till heart content, otherwise, if you are not happy here, no one is forcing you to stay.

  38. Without the contributors here a lot of us would be in the dark about Mexico's current state. Thank you to people like Buggs and Chivis we are able to get some actual in depth reporting in English. As Americans if you don't care, or think so little of this that you only care to leave a snide remark now and again, you need to take a long look in the mirror and if that doesn't work, slap yourself. This is our back yard and a reservoir of resources, and most importantly our neighbor. Where does this self righteous, apathetic attitude come from? It's so cowardly.

  39. gracia a la verga for translating lol keep up the good work chivis

  40. Great job chivis awsome work, I commented a while back on the limpeza social issue and I guess you heard me, thanks for the info and for shining a light on a dark part of not just mexico but of human nature, this can be compared to the horrific crimes of the nazi party, I hope with the elections comes real change to beautiful mexico

  41. The guy was murdering and torturing masses for $600 a week?!? Why is the government spending millions trying to find and eliminate these evil losers...when apparently you can buy them for pretty cheap. Just out pay the cartels since they are not paying much nowadays.

  42. Great article...well put together. What I still don't get is how the cartels find so many willing executioners in Mexico. Are they being raised with morals? How do you convince even the poorest person to torture and dismember ANY human being, let alone innocents? How does that shift occur? I am shocked when there is a video of a masked girl in daylight near a park trying to cut off an old living man's head (while he sits kneeling compliantly). That could be her father, grandfather, uncle. Who raised these monsters? Where is the fight in the victims? What the hell is going on Mexico. I've been there a dozen times and thought I knew you people but it's like a crazy alter- world now.

  43. May 30, 2012 10:45 AM .
    No man,it is you who don't understand.They are human beings.Some can be violent with no problem.
    All over the world,there are human beings who do violence,our soldiers do brutal violence nearly every day,yet that is different,that is lawful violence?Guess what,it aint never going away.
    We are a violent race,face it,i don't understand when people are so shocked at violence,it is part of our nature.A lot of people say bullshit its a choice,to an extent it is.But i can make a choice to hurt someone,whereas another person can not,that does not mean we couldn't interact with each and become friends.Violence most of the time is impersonal,doesn't matter,sad but true,it doesn't matter,just getting caught matters.

  44. are WRONG in your justifications. You need help if you sincerely believe what you write. None of this stuff is normal among CIVILIZED people.

  45. "You need help if you sincerely believe what you write. None of this stuff is normal among CIVILIZED people"
    Brother i,m the one who wrote that and it is true for me.That is sincerely how i feel and am.But,it still dosen't take away from the fact that it is normal behavior.I know what is right and wrong,we don't go around as humans looking to hurt someone for nothing,but sometimes words are not enough.You see i said we are different,we fuction just the same way,have jobs,but yes,it is very easy to hurt someone and even worse,it is just the way you are no more no less,anyway,no insults are needed i am just trying to explain something.That humans are by nature violent.

  46. May 30, 2012 2:41 PM .
    By the way i believe you are wrong,and idealistic.

  47. It is time for the people to rise up and overthrow the gov't of Mexico and exterminate the criminal element. Be it political, military or local police.
    A powerful fighting force would be needed with guerrilla fighters embedded with trained snipers backed by tanks, heavy artillery and helicopters. Drones could be used to pinpoint and eliminate threats on the ground.
    spies would be dealt with quickly and judiciously.
    Extreme prejudice unfortunately would be the order of the day.

  48. lol "la verga" mejor digan el compa pene, sounds better no?? sin ofender/with out offending anyone

  49. The picture of the dead boy alone breaks my heart! His final moments...unthinkable. All of the victims. Where's the humanity? God help Mexico.

  50. could someone like che guevarra or fidel castro come to the rescue of these people

  51. Chapo is to strong he's unstoppable

  52. el chato was told what to say, hahahaaha ay mexico porfavor!

  53. @ 9:24AM

    as it does mine. It was that photo that made me want to know more, he looked so innocent. It is a photo that was seldom used....Paz, Chivis

  54. @ 4:32AM

    Yes, I agree. There have been many discussions in forum as to the definition literal, colloquial, or came down to three and neither,is very mannerly. thank you..I made a change..thanks

  55. "The Mexican government is killing and torturing their people and covering the horrendous acts by altering records and being deceitful by safeguarding the truth from the public." - or they say it was the [fill in the blank] cartel who did's always been that way.

  56. PLain & SimpLy put .. MoFo's like these need to have their face Dented In. For a start ...
    Concerned American.


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