Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, May 4, 2012

Nine bodies found hanging off Nuevo Laredo bridge

The bodies of four women and five men were found hanging off a bridge in the Mexican border city of Nuevo Laredo with an apparent message from a drug gang, an army official said Friday.
The bodies showed signs of beating and torture and "we believe they were members of a criminal gang," the official said, declining to be named.
Photographs showed the bodies strung, with their hands tied, along a wide road bridge in the border city in northeast Mexico, across from Laredo, Texas, in a typical sign of score-settling between drug gangs.
A large banner hung nearby with a message alluding to gang disputes.
There were scenes of panic as road users first saw the bodies, which police reports said had been strung up early Friday.
Nuevo Laredo, the main road trade crossing from Mexico into the United States, is regularly the scene of vicious disputes between the Zetas drug gang -- set up by ex-army officers-turned-hitmen in the 1990s -- and their former employers the Gulf cartel, now believed to be allied to the Sinaloa cartel of billionaire fugitive Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.
Mexico has seen a rise in violence blamed for more than 50,000 deaths since the start of a nationwide military crackdown on organized crime in December 2006.

Narco Banner Text:

“Pinches golfas, así me los voy a ir acabando a todos los pendejos que mandes a calentar la plaza. Les voy a ir poniendo en su madre, en algo la tienen que cagar, y ahí le vamos a poner en su madre al pinche gringo, ahí está todo puto poniendo carros bomba y el pinche Juanito Carrizales todo puto porque le mate al pinche joto del Tubi que estaba llore y llore como vieja parturienta y el pinche metro 4 ahí andabas pidiéndole chicle al comandante Lazcano cuando te traía a puros vergazos, el R1 en Reynosa puto y ahora ahí andas de pinche mitotero, pero está bueno, ahí está tu pinche gente, los otros se me pelaron, pero ahí me los voy a chingar, al rato caen puto. Ahora ahí nos vemos bola de parapatras puto”

Fucking (Golfas)whores, this is how Im going to finish off every fucker you send to heat up the plaza. You have to fuck up sometime and thats when Im gonna put you in your place. Thats when we are going to fuck up "El Gringo" that keeps setting off car bombs, Juanito Carrizales that keeps crying like a bitch because I killed that fucker "El Tubi",  "El Metro 4" who asked Comandante Lazcano for mercy when he was kicking the shit out of him, "El R1" in Reynosa, now youre pitching a fit, thats ok, I left you your guys, the others got away, but Ill get them. Sooner or later. See you around fuckers.

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  1. Truly sad the situation mexico finds it self in.
    The people need to raise up and fight back.
    A police state maybe needed
    to help the people who are trying to eat live work and attend school

    Que desmadre


  2. They treat humans like they are Pinatas in Nuevo Laredo!

  3. Welcome to Mexico

  4. (lost for words)

  5. Who is this now,GN,MataZ,and the victims,some halcones,and friends?Another bunch of people,supposed Z?Heating the square and all that shit.Kill people,who cares who they are,or what they did,as long as it brings attention to someones territory.This shit is complete madness,what has happened in Mexico?This type of behavior hasn't only just surfaced out of nowhere?Man,something radical needs to be done.
    Something akin to taking full control with radical measures for transgressors.This is going into complete lunacy,everyday another atrocity.

  6. That would take a very long time to hang 9 bodies off a bridge. No police? No witnesses? At a public underpass...? I love the statement that "they were involved in criminal activity". Like officials care or have a clue. And if they do have a clue, it's only because they're involved. I suppose if someone did see, who are they going to report it to? Depressing. What I truly don't understand is that even with abject poverty, and no opportunities do people's ordinary children so easily turn into cold blooded killers. Who commits these atrocities (and dismemberments, el guiso etc).Both the victims and THE MURDERERS are/were someone's children. Aren't parents raising their own children to have morals/empathy/compassion? Where they are taught to live by a set of standards regardless of their situation. It can't be impossible to make your child gang/cartel proof, can it? There are many poor nations where this level of violence does not occur with so many willing participants. Peace has to start within the home. The hunters soon become the hunted in Mexico anyway, but none of it makes anything right.


    2. Lost for words

  7. .
    ¿ Has anyone ever heard of the movie series TWILIGHT ZONE ? That's what Mexico has become, "an inescapable Living Hell"

    Looking at the foto above, I see one of this century's greatest Tragedies occurring on this planet today. I can imagine how their parents, family and family relatives will be feeling when they find out that one or more of their children are in the photo you've posted to document the horror show.

    Those who get involved in crime in Mexico are heading for prison or more likely and very soon, a Cold Grave.

    Unless another country is asked to enter Mexico to clean up the corruption that Mexico is ENTANGLED IN Mexico will get more and more violent and the numbers of deaths PER DAY will increment. The guns must be stopped from entering the country and the guns already in Mexico must be confiscated and destroyed. It will mean chocking the streets with trustable soldiers to search for weapons and going from house to house to search the premises for weapons. If what I say seems ridiculous LET ANOTHER DAY PASS with Mexico's Current Corrupt system intact and you know what you will once again see tomorrow, and the next day, and the next ...


    1. R u kidding? House to house searches for weapons? Thats some of the problem. The only ones who have guns r the criminals the average working law abiding citizen needs to be able to bear arms less home invasions and kidnappings if the crook thinks theres a chance that they might get their ass shot first. Not a foolproof plan but plenty of criminals in the u.s have lost their lives trying to commit a crime only to be gunned down by an average law abiding citizen

    2. Invading citizens homes and confiscating guns is no answer to the violence. Criminals will never give up their guns. Any guns that might be in the possession of law abiding citizens are needed by those citizens for protection. Governments confiscate citizens weapons then what will surely follow is mass murder and genocide.

    3. What you have in Mexico is a cultural problem that is aggravated by a large population of drug addicts in the States and a bunch of criminals in Mexico that were astute students of US special operators and of other US criminals. Look up Murder Incorporated.. the first modern Mafia hit squad, all the sicarios did was take their playbook and make it their own. I don't need to mention the Zetas. This is a perfect storm in Mexico and one Mexico will not easily get out of. you all just elected a socialist president that will try to appease the cartels probably. Violence and who-knows-who dealmaking instead of an adherence to a rule of law are so ingrained in Mexican culture that they will be very hard to root out. And "that country" that will be impressed to come in and try to clean things up? we know who that country is and no thank you.. we have enough to do and re-fighting another Vietnam on our southern border is something we simply cannot do, there is no military solution to this problem.

  8. This the right wing police state response with its death squads to the leftist rise in Chiapis in the 1990s and early 2000s!
    The ruling rich keep preying on the average mexcian and allow the cartels to prey on the average mexican too, as long as stay apolitical and kill the leftists!
    Have you not noticed the very vocal and strong leftist movement is no more!!!!!

  9. Who are the pinatas haha are they zetas

  10. To the losers that ever write "ha ha" or "ja ja" to any of these kinds of pictures, or to the other loser that wants to paint this as a left vs right issue...I say: shut the hell up. Please cease to exist.

    1. I don't think jajaja or hahaha or hehehe etc mean people are in praise of theses horrific events.

      I am pretty sure you are off base here with your view of reality of people.

      We people handle things differently for many reasons. Just like there is a good chance that you are handling this horror that makes you feel ill and in turn helps you act like you are now.

      What sets a person apart from others is how they change themselves and grow. Hopefully everyone alive learns to grow in a positive way.

      Don't you think so?


  11. May 4, 2012 12:58 PM .
    Yup,pretty insightful,but for the average unconcerned citizen who don't think about it much,meaningless.The best weapon a politician has is public apathy.Most communities in almost every country are so fed up party politics,the phony sentiments,the one law for them,another for us.
    The most corrupt people on this planet right now are undoubtedly politicians.And there is nothing or no one to censure them in any way.
    We need something else in this age of global communications that would take us nearer to true democracy in every individual country.Surely the majority have a right to vote on important decisions?How easy would this be nowadays?The elite 5% with all the wealth,this shit needs sweeping out.

  12. it does not take very long to have 9 bodies strung up and placed off a bridge. Ropes were already attached probably, tie it to the railing and toss off. Took probably 5 minutes. Police were probably there watching as they did it. Mexican Army and Marines are to wide spread to make a impact, they need to increase by 500% the amount there to do anything. But then again there is corruption, abuse, and other issues. There is no hope unless drug demand goes down, which it wont. So expect this for at least another 30 more years. Minimum. I agree that its tragic and sad to see, but it is the law of the land ( or lack there of)

    1. Agreed dude. This situation may turn worse but what is more than apparent is at its stage currently, it ain't getting any better unless a huge increase in police/ military presence with weaponry is mounted.
      Two things need to happen. 1. Increases personal. 2. Find the factories/labs and fire bomb em. No arrests. Shoot everyone on site not wearing uniform. Happens once. Happens twice. Happens 3 times.....they'll get shit scared. Mexico looks bad globally as the govt is aiding this. Who fucken wants to visit mexico? For what? This is what they're known for now.

    2. Sorry mexico is already sold out and any terrorists has easy travels through the country. Same heat as meddle east and now just as dangerous.. Are ruling class playing Risk?? Seems like it. If you want depopulation why worry about mexico, its doing a good job of that itself.

  13. forget this shit..who cares..


    it is not like Mexico is right next door or something...or any of the monsters who do this kind of thing can just cross the secure US border..right?

    1. So.true. Middle east.middle east.they tell is info wats happening.thousands or millions miles away who.Care aboutnthose.dam arabs im tired who cares about another blown up mosque we have.terrorists across this border than can easliy come.across.that little the rio.grande wow 23 executed and hanged i the hung people.truly terrifying i.don t.even see that in the arab states something is happenig.that our media

  14. BB,thanks for the translation so quickly.
    So the dead are CDG,i am always surprised when Lazcano allows his name to be published.You notice the way they publicize the CDG names?
    Just to make sure everyone knows who they are.
    Is that meant to be funny calling him "El Tubi"?
    El Tubi was killed in Nuevo Laredo after being transferred from Puente Grande,he was CDS.
    So the Ms and Rs must be playing with each other again?So R1 finally got Reynosa?

    1. Stop spreading lies r1 is dead . El tubi helped los zetas then got into a fight with them. El canicon was his compadre then he turn on tubis and killed much of his family . They say el canicon used to live in dallas but killed some guys really bad so he had to go to nuevo laredo. Tubis nephew responded for the nine hanging and killed 14 zetas

    2. Where is the proof r1 is,dead i believe it would of made big news

    3. The zetas killed many Family members of el tubi, is ambrosio carrizales "nene" one of them?

  15. Does our Drugwarexpert still think you're safe when you blend in??

  16. The Police don't and won't stop this murder fiasco that has become common place in Mexico and the Government seems
    not to care or even give a shit even when it's their own people. So when a few of us advocate "Private Mercenaries"
    such as Executive Outcome or Blackwater
    the Private Elite in 80% of Mexico will back Private Para militarys just like in Columbia. Problem here is 1/2 of the recruits in the para military outfits
    will come from the disenfranchised
    cartels that end up out of buisiness
    or at the bottom of the heap as well as
    21st Century Leftists. Mi Amigos the
    Mexican Revolution really never ended
    it just layed dormant for 90 years and it's coming back with a vengence..!I'm
    afraid we haven't seen anything of whats to come.

    1. when you say "us" do you mean your a private military contractor? If so who do you work for? Blackwaters was renamed and was bought out, I know a good amount in this field its my career

  17. Good thing there is not spillover into the USA. Thanks Mr. Nepolitano!

    I think the Mexicans should continue to trust in their own government that it will protect them and keep them safe. Don't worry about protecting yourself or your own families or taking your INDIVIDUAL obligation for a just society seriously. The government will take care of you.

  18. They got 9 of ours...but we have 23 of them!! Perroz zetaz valen verga puro CDG.

    1. Xxx=m3, your an example of someone who was taken off your mothers tit too early.

    2. Pienches z's

  19. They got 9 of ours...but we have 23 of them!! Perroz zetaz valen verga puro CDG.

    1. No dirias lo mismo si tu fueras uno de los colgados. Si se van a matar apurenle gueyes.
      U wouldn't be saying that if u were one them hanging. If u r going to kill eachother hurry up guey.

    2. All of you will soon find out our response to the killings of our 9 fallen CDG warriors BB show em the 14 decapitated Z we got today.

  20. The spillover is already over here, ya estamos aqui!!!!!

  21. @May 4, 2012 3:42 PM What you got 23 innocent animals to kill? Your no better than the zetas hope all of you kill each other.

  22. CDG hijos de puta!!! Aqui el R53 reportando desde Laredo aqui estamos I no nos vamos!! Victoria pronto va a ser de nosotros Como ven perros mugrosoZ! Aqui su padre el que les dio vida los va quebrar!!!! ATTE: C.DEL.G. R53 I un 111 pa todo el cdg I Los R's....

    1. Aver.compa.dice.aki.arriba.en un comentario ke.el.R1 esta muerto tu ke.sabes sobre.esto senor R53???

    2. Y que estas haciendo escondido en Laredo.

  23. To the one who posted the following I will add my few words. First, the blogger's message seen above:

    " Good thing there is not spillover into the USA. Thanks Mr. Nepolitano!

    I think the Mexicans should continue to trust in their own government that it will protect them and keep them safe. Don't worry about protecting yourself or your own families or taking your INDIVIDUAL obligation for a just society seriously. The government will take care of you.
    May 4, 2012 3:00 PM"

    My quick comment:
    "THANKS ' Fast & Furious!!' "

    Fast & Furious permitted guns to flow freely into Mexico and was a USA freebee thanks to Eric Holdren: ¿AND WHERE WAS 'Janet Nepolitano?' Don't come and tell me the right hand didn't know what the left hand was doing!! She was made aware of Fast & Furious.

    Your Other Message was "Your Mexicans government will Protect You And Keep You Safe."

    Every Mexican who reads that part of your message is going to give you a mouthful in response, YOU HAVEN'T A CLUE as to the true reality of Mexico. ¿ How many cartels are fighting one another? and those criminals have infiltrated the governmental agencies and as well, one cartel's members infiltrates another cartel to act as informants. And there is also mafia. With something like 50,000 deaths so far YOU SAY THAT THE MEXICAN PEOPLE SHOULD CONTINUE WAITING FOR THEIR GOVERNMENT TO FIX THE PROBLEM?!!

    Your WORDS do not bring comfort to Mexico!!! AND YOU ARE TOTALLY OUT OF TOUCH WITH THEIR REALITY.

    I'd like to know what type work you do in the USA, ¿do you work for government, are you into Secret Operations? I do not trust you.


  24. "Has anyone ever heard of the movie series TWILIGHT ZONE ? That's what Mexico has become, "an inescapable Living Hell"

    Caused by USA prohibition laws.

    When enough troops come home from the middle east there will be an invasion of Mexico for sure.

  25. May 4, 2012 3:25 PM .
    Man,who is spreading lies?Here is a boss of a plaza,maybe 40,mentioning R1 in relation to Reynosa,i think he would know more than any of us if R1 was dead,what do you think?And as for the El Tubi we are talking about,he is dead.
    Xxx=m3 .Your not talkin about the 23 in Sinaloa are you?Or a different 23?

    1. El Tubi was killed during a prison fight in Nuevo Laredo about 3 years ago. Whoever wrote that banner doesn't know shit, he is just running his head.

    2. No the 23 in response to this. Youll see soon

  26. Calderon and carlos slim and obama all this evil is your doing! Rot in hell you evil slime!

  27. He was being sarcastic u idiot

  28. Ovemex that's some real good work. I like the way you do your reports, to bad Smurf is no longer whit BB, he was also one of the best.

    Gerardo, Buggs and J are also real good, thanks for you hard work.

  29. El 40 matando inocentes o su propia gente? Los Z's son los únicos que usan mujeres, les dicen panteras.

  30. !! ATTE: C.DEL.G. R53 I un 111 pa todo el cdg I Los R's....
    Senore,be cool.
    This shit doesn't involve a lot on here,mean no disrepect,we just flappin our gums that all.
    You will have to go hard to take all of Victor.
    Anyway,we appreciate you postin on here,and helpin to clear shit up.Ten cuidado snr.

  31. Fast and furious let the guns in, I believe there are inspections on both sides so your fucking corrupt aswell Senior blaming it on that, if the Mexican gov wanted to stop that they wouldve have caught the guns.... But because they new ff was happening and are getting paid to shut there fucking mouths and look the other way the guns flowed in.! So shut the fuck up and vote for your people already.!

  32. And you think Mexico does not NEED to be invaded, taken over and run by people OTHER than Mexicans? Problem is nobody wants the place!!

  33. I'd like to see every fucking Zeta's head chopped off and put on pikes along the highway as a decoration. ALL those fuckers need to die. Cordon off the city and kill every last one of them.

  34. Mi comandante R-1 no esta muerto mis compas anda bien pilas con nuestra gente i los 80!!! ATTE:cdgr53

  35. I think that only the people of Mexico will only take so much before the tides turn, I think that I the mex gov would ask for help instead of blaming that would be the first step.! It's not a finger pointing game it's peoples lives and freedom on the line fuck the cartels and start a justice system and get the economy going but people gotta take a stand sometime how long that takes is up to the people of mex.

  36. And this is 21st century civilization?

  37. there was atotal of 23 dead and as for the drug demand in the u.s.a thatll never end its to much of a buisness just like illegal entry of the u.s. immigration is probaly the top buisness there right.what so sad is the u.s.a sold all those guns to cartels and now people are telling the citizens of mexico to defend themselves what pieces they are .why dnt yall try sending us the people responsible for prosicution . when that ice agent yall were for extradiction .and dnt think it hasnt spilt over i kno many of cases murders that have happen in the u.s.a do to drugs that yall keep consuming fucking dope fiends

  38. Mexico has seen a rise in violence blamed for more than 50,000 deaths since the start of a nationwide military crackdown on organized crime in December 2006.

    I called Bullshit on that with mexico shitty history on keeping records we all know its around 100,000 or 150,000

    Do they even count the people who are kidnapped, or missing, they dont even have an accurate number on how many people cross into the us

  39. The total dead is 23, 9 hanging and 14 decapitated in plastic bags in multiple locations.


    Suman 23 muertos en Nuevo Laredo, entre colgados y decapitados

    Nueve cuerpos fueron hallados colgados de un puente; otros 14 aparecieron decapitados en Nuevo Laredo, norte de México.

    here is the video..

    Paz, Chivis

  40. @May 4, 2012 4:45 PM
    I see there is no concept of sarcasm in Mexico.

  41. someone said some of los tejas are back in nl and thats why hell is breaking lose

    1. Unless they're Zombies

      Last time I checked they were exterminated along with "EL BORRADO" their leader.

      What's next Los Chachos and Negros are back?

      Please man, unless some new crew is using that extinct crews name



      Here check it out: VERY INTERESTING "EL 40" was part of "Los Tejas" at one point.


    3. crews exterminated by the "Z In Nuevo Laredo" were Los Ortiz Medina, Los Hermanos Flores, Los Chachos, Los Tejas all pf themm bounded together to fight the Z but were crushed


    4. He was the one that washed there cars and the one they send for tortillas

    5. Los Texas were formed by Arturo Martinez, he hoy out of prison last year, after serving almost 20 years in prison for killing a federal police commander. He is now working for el Chapo Guzman. By the way.just check El Judas de los Zetas on you tube.

  42. For Y'all that don't know, there is no Municipal Police Force in Nuevo Laredo. The Local Police Force was disbanded many months ago due to corruption & has never been reinstated. The phrase plato or plomo/silver or lead is very prevalent all over Mexico to Local Police Forces. Ie plata-dinero/mordida-bribe to cooperate & look the other way or a bullet, you will be dead if you don't cooperate is common to the Local Municipal Police Forces all over Mexico. Which ever Cartel controls the city/town/area etc. ie Reynosa is controlled by the Gulf Cartel & Nuevo Laredo is controlled by Los Zetas Cartel. The Local Police Force is in in the pocket of which ever Cartel Controls that city/town/area. Nuevo Laredo has the Mexican Military, State Police & Federal Police to fight crime in Nuevo Laredo.

  43. Mexico=FAIL Mexico's greatest problem? Mexicans. Who can fix it? Someone besides a Mexican. Who is getting screwed the most? Americans who are addicted to drugs supplied by Mexico. (You see what I just did? I reversed the blame!) In about six months from now I am going to grow tired of the continued fluff campaign to stop the violence. You either go in and fix it, or you have what we see today and what we will see tomorrow. Nada. You can't fix there goes Mexico's hope.

  44. R1 esta vivo y por Reynosa para los ContraZ 18 al medio anda bien pilas y mas fuerte que ayer

  45. only the nine have been comfirmed of who they r but the others no word yet

    1. Can anyone tell me how do i find out if my son was on of these people hanging from this bridge? Very long story but this is what his fathers family claims need to know please help

  46. Damn,how do u take advantage and overpower 9ppl?and no one witness,then again they are to scared to guess is the army or cops.???fuck that im going out with a fight.evil shit.

  47. Damn, its getting crazy in Nuevo Laredo. It will only get worse.

  48. Xxx=m3
    You are a sad sad case. You know nothing of what it means to be human.

    If you are NOT a man despite being male. I am sure these words I write are probably even hard for you to read, much less even understand the meaning of them.

    You have no concept of a good life. All you know is the filth of an existence that is less then an animal know.

    A dog has a greater sense of self worth then you feel towards yourself. This is why you CLING to others just like you.

    You hold onto hate and hate drives you into further hate until your life is gone and wasted.

    Don't you remember your earliest years of life. Life was different. I bet that child you were back then would be sad and fearful of the current you. In fact I know he would be. It is a shame that you can't see that former self of innocence. If you could, I might just be the one thing that could lead you back to a life worth living.


  49. arm all the people in mexico ,legalize cannabis

  50. i am not sure what ,to say form local self defence units /decrminalize cannabis world wide teach humanity the locals should protect there towns so much could be done to fight this madnes peace through strength and compasion where is the leadership

  51. 😡😱🔫😭💣 😡 arriva el cartel del golfo!!! Donde todo se contrala I nadie entra Nuevo Laredo i Victoria seran nuestro pronto!!!

  52. Good, they're killing each other now. That's what the useless mexican government wants. "We can't deal with em, so let'em kill each other".

  53. To: "When you say US"...! Yes I did work for Blackwater USA which is now called XE Company but am now affiliated with a
    company called A.G.I. (Armor Group Int.) if you
    are in this field; as you say you are, need I say more?? Or do you have a better idea?? If so
    by all means enlighten us!!!

  54. If the ruling mexican elites wanted to destroy these cartels if they could.
    Carlos slim and his fellow mexican oligarchs have 90% of mexico's wealth. Why don't the cartels go after this money. The cartels know if they go after the oligarchs they will be crushed.
    So, why do the oligarchs allow the cartels to survive. The oligarchs are afraid if the cartels are destroyed the Left will rise again in Mexico. A Leftist controlled Mexico would strip the oligarchs of their wealth.
    This is the oligarchs and american oligrachs worst nightmare. As long as cartels are preying on the same people that the oligarchs prey on and the oligarchs still enjoy massive theft from the mexican peons, the cartels will be allowed to survive.
    If the cartel goes after the oligarchs money it will mean all out war for the total control of Mexico.

    1. I been telling people that mexican top govrement and illuminatis have alot to do with this big mess that has infested all the great rich northeren states of mexico, Sooner or later ppl will open there eyes and see its not just drug cartels causing all this

    2. I been telling people that mexican top govrement and illuminatis have alot to do with this big mess that has infested all the great rich northeren states of mexico, Sooner or later ppl will open there eyes and see its not just drug cartels causing all this

  55. "Mexico the place you thought you knew "

  56. Anonymous said...

    If the ruling mexican elites wanted to destroy these cartels if they could.
    Carlos slim and his fellow mexican oligarchs have 90% of mexico's wealth. Why don't the cartels go after this money. The cartels know if they go after the oligarchs they will be crushed.
    So, why do the oligarchs allow the cartels to survive. The oligarchs are afraid if the cartels are destroyed the Left will rise again in Mexico. A Leftist controlled Mexico would strip the oligarchs of their wealth.
    This is the oligarchs and american oligrachs worst nightmare. As long as cartels are preying on the same people that the oligarchs prey on and the oligarchs still enjoy massive theft from the mexican peons, the cartels will be allowed to survive.
    If the cartel goes after the oligarchs money it will mean all out war for the total control of Mexico.
    May 5, 2012 9:35 AM

    this made so much sense that i just wanted to see it posted again..AMEN

    1. Am glad more people are discovering this why do you think the worst places are in northeren mexico, they want the empresarios scared an have a bad economy,

  57. That picture of the bridge would make a nice postcard.!!

  58. We need another President in the US. Someone that care about our country. Obama could care less that all the mess is spilling over and that Calderon is in on this too. They are buddies. $$$$$$$ I'm sure Some big Cartel leader is protecting Calderon from getting killed. I can't believe he's lasted all these years alive. Is Obama getting a cut from mexicos drug money? Remember Fast and Furious!!!! It all starts from up above in the White House. We should go into Mexico and wipe all the cartels and the zetas. Crazy devilish people who are going to rot in hell. I know our US Navy Seals, our army will do a good exterminating all the ones that are evil . Too many innocent people are also getting killed. they can't even speak out because then they are a target. They wont let them bare arms to protect themselves. Lets take over mexico and own the country. Mexicos President will never be able to have control. His mexican army guys and police staff are all corrupted. People like governors and mayors that were against drugs got killed. A few right underneath Calderon were killed because they were against drugs. You just don't know in their country anymore. I'm sure Calderon has alot to do with this. He seems like a corrupted president. Voting time is here, we need changes and starting with a better president.

  59. Mexico needs a socialist revolution!


  60. The cartels can take whoever they want. If their not affraid of the cops or the army i dont think some stupid family can do shit.

  61. If one/tenth of the violence, drug trafficking, murder and mayhem that has been perpetrated on Mexican citizens and american citizens had been from a leftist insugency, America would've sent 10s of billion of $$$ and a new military pact between Mexico and America. On every night on every news channel this leftist threat to Mexico and America would be the top of the news. As it is now very little is reported of the Mexican Cartel problems plaughing Mexico and North America. As it is now the rich get richer and more police and judges are hired and more prisons are built to house the hundreds of thousands new prisoners each year. Right-wing police state is good if you are at the top!!

  62. Arribbbbbbba mexico cabrones

  63. As a homebuilder in the Phoenix area, I have worked with Mexicans for a number of years. Their work ethic,etc. is to be admired.I have never smelled body odor, they bathe, shave, get hair cuts regularly, etc. Exemplarly!

    I have also learned that:

    1. They are an extremely proud people, but full of false pride at the same time.

    2. They are very thin-skinned and easily insulted. They are quick to fight to protect their "honor" ("machismo").

    Before anyone dismisses any of what I have said, contemplate how these characteristics factor into the cartel violence.

  64. ....may 5, 1:38 PM...

    ....The illuminati is famous for playing one group against another...To bad people fall for the bait and the evidence is clear...
    ....Killing 2 birds with one stone...eliminate people, make money....Brave new world...


  65. Anonymous said...

    Calderon and carlos slim and obama all this evil is your doing! Rot in hell you evil slime!

    and lets add..the international money men who are funding los Zetas and others ..

    to destabilize Mexico to the point that the citizenry will accept a police state

    "we will abuse them with such violence that they will be glad to accept us as masters long as there is peace in the end"

    in the end the drug business will be just another manifestation of the corporation

    the local boys are being pitted against each other

    "you can always hire one half of the poor to make war on the other half , for the benefit of the rich"

    welcome to the new world order Mexico

  66. U.S army and navy seals have also killed people and if you want to bring hell and heaven with the shall not kill into this well then the u.s army killers and navy seal government controlled hitmen are also going to hell.So save your team america:world police bullcrap.We know mexicos army win the battles with the cartel sicarios,but its not easy and more truthfully impossible to totally exterminate the cartel drug traffickers that blend in with innocent civilians.They are like the taliban there not an army of a state they bring urban guerrilla warfare to the table which is why the u.s hasn't really been able to exterminated the taliban or other terrorist groups.The same goes for mexico's army fighting the cartels in urban warfare they wont be exterminated by any army.

  67. @May 5, 2012 2:07 PM -Take your Socialist Bullshit and stay in Chiapas.Socialism has done more to destroy the world economies then any form of government,even more then Capitalism.
    Mexico needs honest politicians and to get rid of corruption,not Socialist Dictators!

  68. i still say arturo martinez has aot to do with this

    1. Los tejas are long. Gone understand

    2. Last week there was a quinceanera in Laredo, Tx., and there were some of Arturos cousins talking about his comeback to Nuevo Laredo.

  69. .
    What does it mean to be STUPID?

    Zeta King:
    You killed some of our guys and now we are going to get revenge!!

    El Chapo King:
    You killed some of our guys and now we are going to get revenge!!

    Cartel de Juarez:
    You killed some of our guys and now we are going to get revenge!!

    REVENGE, REVENGE, REVENGE, REVENGE, as we have seen occurring between the people of Israel and Palestine the REVENGE NEVER ENDS and it is as though Hidden Hands have been Leading ORDINARY U.N.S.U.S.P.E.C.T.I.N.G. CITIZENS INTO A BATTLEFIELD 'That Is Meant To DESTROY AS MANY HUMAN BEINGS AS POSSIBLE' w.i.t.h.o.u.t. a r.e.s.o.l.u.t.i.o.n. IN SIGHT!!

    I See an INTENTIONAL WAR against ordinary people BENEFITING el Chapo and other LEGENDARY FIGURES Who Are N.e.v.e.r. DESTROYED.

    I also see A EUGENICS OPERATION going on in Mexico and it is not happening by chance!!!

    When we ask a few people to represent us and to be The Governing Agency of our country WE HAVE IN FACT HANDED A TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF P.O.W.E.R. to a 'few' people who 'could' take advantage of the power we have handed them AND YOU ALL KNOW VERY WELL THAT DICTATORS HAVE BEEN HANDED HUMUNGOUS POWERS BECAUSE WE WANTED A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PEOPLE IN OUR COUNTRY WHO WOULD PROTECT US FORM H.A.R.M.

    Can other bloggers continue with the idea I have introduced here tonight?, we need to look at this type material

  70. More info etc.

  71. Eugenics? Illuminati? Socialist revolution? Or the 100% insane rant:
    "As long as cartels are preying on the same people that the oligarchs prey on and the oligarchs still enjoy massive theft from the mexican peons, the cartels will be allowed to survive." what??!! That is the stupidest thing I've read in a while. And that's saying a lot.

    What is going on with these comments? Is it all one conspiracy theory loving communist nut job, or has this blog gained a new crazy following?

  72. Yes US army and Navy seals have killed people bad and innocent. But we went into Iraq for the right reasons. The big snake Saddam and his sons were very evil and had control of everyone and tortured and took lives when he felt like it. Now he and his sons are history. I'm just saying that inorder to clean up mexico, you start with the main druglords and Zetas. We send drones or navy seals to spy and know where these leaders live and bomb them. You have to start from the top first. There will always be a next leader to step up and take over. but same thing, it will eventually die down. There will be less innocent people dieing because the drug lords will be too busy protecting themselves. US will need permission from the Mexican but I really doubt it that they will ever approve of us taking over. Thats why we should just invade Mexico and own that country. Clean House out there. Mexican families that have not committed crime sHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO BARE ARMS AND PROTECT THEMSELVES. Police, government, armies in Mexico are all corrupted. They will always be until someone else takes over. Lets start with biting off the big snakes head first.

  73. Capitalist oligarchy initiated the Vietnam war to fight communism. 60k dead and 1million maimed and the rich got richer and none of their sons died in the war.
    So, how does the ruling capitalist elite thank the middle class for their sons blood , they send all the well-paying middle class jobs to COMMUNIST China.
    So don`t say how great and benevolent capitalism is for a country. America is a shadow of its former economic might!
    The goal of the mexican oligarchs is to maintain power while continuing to siphon wealth from the underclasses and these psycopaths do not care how many must die to maintain this status!!! It`s the mexican oligarchs that really have the power in Mexico. The cartels as always are allowed to exist.

  74. Just think of this for a minute, what IF Chapo already OWNs Calderon? What if they have been working together from way back like he was doing with Fox? Chapo learned a long time ago one of the most important things is to have the president in your pocket what ever it takes...

  75. Todos dicen que se levante Mexico y las armas Güeyes quien las va a suplir los Gringos esto seria un suicidio para USA y si los policias estan trabajando (confirmado)para los carteles nada mas Imaginense pelear en contra de los Narcos,los policias,los federales,la marina,los soldados y todos los+ que salgan seria una güerra bien dispareja y estos tendian mas ventaja porque a toda la poblacion la matarian a donde quiera que vayan, acusandolos de apoyar la causa y buscar mil pretextos para solventar su mendigo vicio la proliferacion de armas es masiva tanto como las drogas siempre se gana en los dos negocios y toda la poblacion sale perdiendo por que nadien da su brazo a torcer y EUA nunca lo hara y los Narcos menos.esto es un problema mas grande del que muchos se imaginan...!

  76. The bigger issue is how does a group get that much time to hang that many bodies from a bridge enroute to an airport and no one notices to call in and report it? lol what a mess Mexico is.

  77. 9:04--you are a complete moron. Go smoke some more pot so the your brain is completely fried, or better yet...go fly to North Korea and live the life of the socialist utopian dream. I'd suggest reading actual history books, but I don't think you could comprehend them.

  78. Message for "May 6, 2012 12:22 AM"

    Have you seen this video? -->

    "Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed! Red Alert!!"

    And hoe many comes were given free flow into Mexico via the USA and Fast & Furious?

    Before I mentioned the word 'Eugenics' last night I was remembering writings I had found online. Bloggers don't come here to write a documentary, we generally write short messages here.

    As for the message you wrote me, if it's not too much to ask, "Say It DON'T SPRAY IT and insult to death."

  79. What you all see, and have an opinion on, is the unleashing of satanic activity in the lives of those who have yielded themselves to demonic influences.Using free will & choice people makes decisions every day on how they will live their lives & on how they will respond to any set of circumstances that are brought their way.
    There is no help & no hope that is everlasting to fix this problem save the healing & delivering power of Jesus Christ the King of Kings & the Lord Of Lords. When men recognize, acknowledge & receive Jesus as their Saviour then the power of God will be released into these situations & that which is wrought of God will over overcome the evil that pervades at the moment. I pray for the people of Mexico. God Bless you that do right.

    1. I'm a Christian, but God helps those who help themselves. Shocking images like this can wound the pure of heart, but actions like this are nothing new. In fact the medieval nature of this shit is what makes it so shocking. I take a less literal pov on the Bible than most, especially the old testament, but God is watching us all, and all these souls who have a minute to think before they go all think the same thought you can bet: "God help me".

  80. Message for "May 6, 2012 12:22 AM"

    Have you seen this video? -->

    "Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed! Red Alert!!"

    And how many guns were given free flow into Mexico via the USA and Fast & Furious?

    Before I mentioned the word 'Eugenics' last night I was remembering writings I had found online. Bloggers don't come here to write a documentary, we generally write short messages here.

    1. Ur smart brother but do u recall like last year the goverment posted some shit about big brother watching this website ? >=[

  81. Sicarios on BB? Lmfao xD

  82. Anti-Christ lives in Mexico? Even if they stop the cartels in Mexico, isnt there drugs coming in from Russia, Europe, Canada, China, etc?

  83. .

    You've all heard the song that Sting wrote?

    Every breath you take
    Every move you make
    Every bond you break
    Every step you take
    I'll be watching you

    Every single day
    Every word you say
    Every game you play
    Every night you stay
    I'll be watching you

    O can't you see
    You belong to me
    How my poor heart aches with every step you take

    Every move you make
    Every vow you break
    Every smile you fake
    Every claim you stake
    I'll be watching you

    Since you've gone I been lost without a trace
    I dream at night I can only see your face
    I look around but it's you I can't replace
    I feel so cold and I long for your embrace
    I keep crying baby, baby please

    Every move you make
    Every vow you break
    Every smile you fake
    Every claim you stake
    I'll be watching you"
    . . . . . .

    For those who have religious dedication, may God be with you.

    In the Bible it says that we were made in God's Image. I'm no God and I've never met that Creator BUT CREATION EXISTS and it IS breath taking when you leave the negative state of mind and attitude out, when you quiet your mind to feel more fully alive.

    Regarding the song by Sting, what we do know for certain is that We Do KNOW Right from Wrong BECAUSE we were born with A CONSCIENCE and 'though it can be put to sleep 'which is what makes Violence Possible, WHAT WE DO IN LIFE Is Being Recorded BY OUR CONSCIENCE: how will it feel when we die and our conscience AWAKENS?!! -->>

    Every move you make
    Every vow you break
    Every smile you fake
    Every claim you stake
    I'll be watching you", ==

    = "I am YOUR Conscience!!, I will make you feel what you deserve to feel, be careful in WHAT YOU decide to do with your life, try to follow the Golden rule: Treat Others The same way you WANT To Be Treated!"

  84. I live in Chicago.
    Why does this never make it onto the news here?

  85. This is a blog for news and info on the situation occurring in Mexico.So please,all you bible bangers please stop with your call to pray.
    Why are we even still talking about religion?
    It is now 2012,god in any form has been proven to not exist!
    It would seem that these particular people were of the CDG,and we all know that the CDG play just as dirty as anyone.When you finish reading this,along comes the retaliation,and a van full of headless bodies?Shit man,this aint ending any time soon.

  86. They would never dare do this is America.

    1. They already are u dumbfuck....muy chingon este wey!!

  87. .
    Message 'written by' -> May 8, 2012 6:01 AM < -:

    "This is a b.l.o.g. 'for' News and Info on the situation occurring in Mexico, a blog for 'news' and 'info' on the situation occurring in Mexico so please, all you bible bangers please stop with your call to pray "

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    In other words, your message is "If you do not say something that I can TOLERATE S.H.U.T. UP b.lo.g.g.e..r!!".


    How many of us 'Bloggers' would be at this web site if we were NOT e.x.t.r.e.m.e.l.y. upset with the Manifestation of violence & DESTRUCTION of HUMAN LIFE in Mexico daily? ¿You COMMUNICATE INTOLERANCE Towards Some Of The Bloggers of Mexico to Shut Up if they Ask or Pray For DIVINE INTERVENTION?!


  88. There is nothing but chaos and confusion in Mexico! No DTO is winning or gaining...there are a lot more innocent victims than cartel members being killed here! Everytime a DTO posts a macabre scene of multiple murders of rival cartel members there is always a quick response of more murders on display! I willing to bet the majority of the victims are "victims of circumstance" (wrong place at the wrong time)! I wouldn't put much faith in the messages that are left's pure bullshit and very inaccurate! It's like all of sudden any given cartel can "round up" multiple rival members, at will...when it's convenient to do so, to make it appear like the cartel is gaining ground in that plaza!

  89. I just really wonder why the Kinko's clerk didn't get a little suspicious when the order for the banner came in..... :O

  90. as long as the united states government keeps relyin on money that is made by drugs being crossed over the border this problem will always exist and it will only get worst. It´s not that people don´t know why or where all the money comes from it´s just that they don´t care, why is it that this issue has´nt been dealt with oh i know petrolyem is alot more important, right? Who cares if a couple of mexicans die to make our country rich, right?

  91. I was just in Nuevo Laredo recently. We do have hope and a way out of this:

    “Truth is lacking, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. The LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no justice” ~ Isaiah 59:15

    It’s time for all Americans, especially American Christians and the American Church, to harness our fear, organize, and work together to create a new government that will protect and serve the American People - all of us - and be rid forever of the “government” we have suffered under for many, many years now, which, instead of protecting and serving the American People, are murdering and terrorizing us, the Mexican peoples, and peoples around the world.

    The world, and more importantly God, are waiting for us to stand up to and against the evil that controls our nation and to begin building a just society and a just and legitimate government.

    See: Facebook page for Summer of Justice – 2013 – DC -

    See: Summer of Justice – 2013 – DC  Philosophy and Plan of Action -

    See: Verano de Justicia - Filosofía y Plan de Acción: El verano de Justicia – 2013 – DC -

    See: Facebook page for Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad -

    See: Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad -

  92. Well... as long as you guys keep feeding australia Caronas I'm happy.

  93. nothing better to do?

  94. I went mexico and they looked at us like we were rich so they said to give them all are money that was for are family but thank god that the border patrol came and took them away and he said god bless me that y'all and me wont killed like

  95. This happened a long time ago though. It's sad that Mexico has gotten that bad. I loved crossing to Nuevo Laredo just to eat Mexican food every other week. Now I barley cross the bridge every other year.

  96. I'm extremely impressed with your writing talents as neatly as with the structure in your blog.
    Is this a paid theme or did you customize it your self?
    Anyway keep up the nice quality writing, it is uncommon to look a
    great blog like this one these days..

  97. I need to know how to find out if my son was one of these men

  98. Please someone tell me how o find out if my son was one of these people


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