Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, May 21, 2012

Presenting El Loco: Z40 and Lazca Ordered Slaughter

Chivis Martinez for  Borderland Beat

Last week it was the Mexican agency  SEDENA who reported the NL massacre was the work of  CDG.
One could see a hedging in the major news sources of Mexico over the weekend.  Expressions such as "reportedly of CDG"  then shifting to "of a criinal organization".  For their part Universal presented at the end of last week the possibility that the captured "Loco" was perhaps "Loko"  the criminal reported killed in 2011. 
Today it is SIEDO, another federal agency,  who in their presentation declared the following:
Cadereyta• May 21, 2012 - 7:10 am During the presentation of Jesus Elizondo Daniel Ramirez, Brigadier General Edgar Villegas Meléndez Ruiz explained that "El Loco" was ordered to dump the bodies in the central plaza of Cadereyta.

The killing of 49 people in Cadereyta, Nuevo Leon, was ordered by the  leader of Los Zetas and the second in command of the criminal organization, Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano "The Lazca" and Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, "The Z40" with the intention of blaming the criminal organizations operating in the area of the country to create a climate of instability in the region, as reported by the deputy chief of staff operating the Ministry of Defence, Brigadier General Edgar Villegas Ruiz Melendez.
In presenting Jesus Elizondo Daniel Ramirez "El Loco", who is one of those allegedly responsible for the implementation of the 49 people whose bodies were dismembered and dumped in the town of San Juan, the General said that it was reported that the order of his superiors to leave the bodies in the plaza  of the town of Cadereyta.
While reading a statement on the premises of the SIEDO, the military said that "El Loco" also stated that this action was endorsed by the head of the Zetas in Nuevo Leon, known as "El Morro" so they had to coordinate with a guy nicknamed "El Camaron" (the shrimp)  because it was going to deliver the bodies to be dumped on the main square along with a manta.
"This was part of a strategy to blame for such acts antagonistic to criminal organizations, it could be augmented by placing mantas around the country, disputing of such facts to cause confusion in the authorities and public opinion.
"Likewise, said a representative of "Camaron" "known as" El Bocinas" as quoted in the village of Los Herreras,  he was hired to attain 30 to 49 bodies, which were transported by several trucks.
Due to the likely consequences that would trigger an event of this nature against him and contrary to their heads, "El Loco" and his companions left the bodies where they were later located by the authorities and not in the plaza.
Also as part of the maneuver ordered by "The Lazca" and Treviño Morales, "Los Zetas" was a  broadcast over the Internet a video where there are details of the event, where "El Bocinas" in charge of filming and who is listening to signals to those who participated.
Meanwhile the Attorney General's Office requested the detainment of  "El Loco" for 40 days, on charges of organized crime, against health, violation of the General Law on Firearms and Explosives, as well as resource operations illegal proceeds.It is noteworthy that the detainee was assured a rifle 7.62 mm caliber, 10 thousand dollars in cash and various envelopes containing marijuana.
This reporter is frustrated and not entirely convinced of the "facts" , could this truly be the historical account? Yes.  Could it be a ploy to complete the investigation in a matter of days because of the upcoming election?  Yes.  Could it be CDG twisted facts as planned if apprehended?  Isn't there easier ways for Zs to disrupt plazas? Definitely.  I am just not convinced completely of any scenario at this moment. 
Sources used for this post: Milenio and El Diario

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  1. nuevo leon.. is that contested turf or Z or cdg?
    if its z than its just like you said chivis,arent there easier ways to heatup a plaza?and if it is zeta turf why bring fire into their own backyard?
    this story is gonna remain like the casino fire story,probably weeks till the true facts are revealed


  2. Lol @ the labels. What next, 'Torcido' for the criminals and for the military 'Chingones'?

  3. I agree. The "truth" will come out in subsequent actions that will occur in the near future. Great reporting. Looking forward to your upcoming write-up.

  4. If a Mexican candidate wants to win the Mexican Election; he or she needs to say that they are going to kill and exterminate every Zeta out there. These guys are nothing but scum, they don't deserve anything else that a hole where they can decompose..
    "As honor a tu patria chingate un zeta"

  5. The method to z40 and lazca insanity!
    If loco was CDG he certainly would not have put his name on the mants!
    And very quickly the denial mantas surfaced from z40 and lazca with details of the mantas(which were not released publicly) at the caderyta masscre scene.
    And z40 and lazca have become utterly insane! Too many years of brutality, and murder and mayhem and betrayals and parania which ultimately leads to total insanity! Remember they were trained and groomed to be brutal mass killers not savvy drug traffickers and you can see this by how the zeta cartel operates.

  6. When you look into this F--ken Punks eyes; you can tell he has an I.Q. of 4
    and I'm giving him 3 points..! So basicly what your saying is & correct me if I'm wrong: is that he was told too "Find" some bodies (even innocents)kill
    them and dump the bodies in "Public"..!
    If that's the case heaven help Mexico.

  7. Damn this shits deep none of which makes sense or is set in stone it can be anyone's ball game who's to blame? Mexico is going to hell slowly ive been in the states since i was 4 and have never been back. Ive been wanting to visit my birthplace but seeing shit like this is sad and kinda influential in not wanting togo back home. Innocent people die regularly, it's not even people who deserve ti die.Not all some deserve to get murked but some are hard working people who get picked up over meeting a quota if bodies, shits sad and fucked up..

  8. Just saying but i thought about the different PSYOPs technics and it stuck into me mind that this guy maybe lies and he belongs to los Golfos in the reality! We ll see how the things will be passing!

  9. te va llevar la verga puto.... ya estoy hasta la madre te pendejadas en cadereyta. vayanse a chingar su madre a otra parte. pinches bola de lacras. el cdg y los zetas se los van a cargar a verga poco a poco. se la pelan con los marinos, fuerza civil y policia federal. nomas se la pasan con pendejadas... ponganse a jalar... ya se creen scarface todos los pendejos!!

  10. ha ha ha... ¿quizá? :

    El chapo ya dio la orden de que culparán a los zetas por esta masacre. Aca todos sabemos que fueron los del golfo y los de sinaloa para inculpar a los zetas, si ya habian agarrado a unos del golfo que habian confesado los hechos. incluso en la grabación se escucha a los asesinos con su inconfundible acento chinola. ni pedo donde manda capitan no gobierna m,arinero. el chapo ya dio la orden y se cumple... los asesinos son los zetas ha ha ha. ojalá ya que agarren al lazca y al z40 sigan los chinolas que mataron a esos inocentes.


  11. what a counter attack by CDG give up one of their guys make him self responsible for the actions and say he is from the rival cartel Z's it takes some big balls to do some s#!*t like that! el loko is a dead man but at least they wont kill his family.... for now!!!!

  12. Z40 and Lazca are the equivalent to the shit on a Homo's dick!

  13. it's sad to think that the two people detaining him are on a rival's payroll

  14. Just an observation: Those guys don't look like the mexican military, Im thinking maybe the US is letting them borrow a few special ops guys?

  15. Of course, loco was told to sign the manta, for, 40 and laca planned to turn him into the authorities. Why! Now that loco is in custody they figure that there will be no more arrests, but the fear of 40 and laca will be ever more heightened!

  16. Military in Mexico does not worry about human rights in thier interogations, water boarding, electric shock or a good beating to make him tell the truth. It was surely done by the Zetas

  17. OK, Mexico! Now go and get the dirty rotten bastards! Moverse con rapidez, ejecutar tu asno apagado!

  18. those soldiers are from usa, there just playing it off that there from mexico

    1. You think we dont have badass looking soldiers or what punk

    2. Are u serious ? u can tell there northeren mexicans probably from sonora/sinaloa, your use to seen the solados wich are usually darker and shorter because alot of them come from southeren states.

    3. Even if usa troops were involved which their not, they wouldnt parade the perps out in Mexican uniforms. Not everything is a conspiracy coverup.

    4. Lol. Lame. I agree. Any country can have bad ass soldiers. Actual or just looking it. Some people are just lost in a moment of pride of their country and feel that they must be us soldiers.

      I am myself from the US and had once felt that blind pride. It's a pride most found in ones younger years. Not as much as you get older and more "worldly".

  19. So I don't get it. You were very much convinced that it was CDG when the authorities of Cadereyta reported it as CDG doing it. Also when Los Zetas put up that fake manta you were saying that it was more credible since Cadereyta authorities had arrest 8 CDG members who were possibly the responsible ones of the massacre.Yet now that SEDENA cleared it up and this guy confessed. So you are looking for further details?? Don't get it.

  20. Once again I get better coverage from Borderland Beat than any alleged mainstream news.

    The whitewash & misinformattion offered by the leading newspapers over the last week has been mindboggling. They are either complacent or complicit. Either one is dangerous.

    I hope more authorities & citizens start asking why the media got it so wrong.

    I think we got a glimpse at who might be bought off by the scumbag zetas.

  21. Yo quisiera saber quienes son lo muertos? Gente inocente?

    I will like to know if the death peple are innocent or not?

  22. That's so weird. Lozcano never puts his name on mantas. And the manta doesn't look like a manta los z have used before. Something doesnt seem right. I guess only they know the truth.

  23. Is loco a zeta of CDG? Well it'd be one stupid or brave motherfucker to work for CDG & say he did it and was ordered to by Lazcano y 40, after all if he was CDG and he did this he'd surely know that he'd be killed by the zetas pretty quickly. #2 zetas have history of mass murders like this so it probably points to being a zeta not CDG, something funny but it all seems to be a zeta at the minute. #### p.s. anyone know why there was an attempted riot at the penal in cadereyta tonight I'm hearing this happened about 7pm Mexican time, but the federal forces stopped it before it became a full scale riot, new prisoner arrived? Peace from Europe!

  24. Fuck american army we dont need dem we gott brave warrios mexico solo necesita activar a los meros chingones para ir por esos perros y veran que rapido cayen y putos zeta a les va la gente nueva, matazetas, caballeros, cds, cdg y todos los q odian a esos putos a adios a su juego putos lokos mentales yea we r brave guerreros

    1. I fully agree except for the rude delivery... And yes I live in the USA. but Mexico has men in service to be proud of. Lots of them.


      P.S. I also didn't understand the words written in Spanish. I was commenting on the very first couple of sentences.

    2. lmfao, ah yea yall do. if Mexico had mero mero chingones they would have already called them in to take care of this before it got out of control like it has, n even if they do exist they probably work for one of the cartels alrea! Open your eyes vato the mex gov cant do shit! USA USA!!!

  25. i dnt see anyone doing what some think who in the right mind would take the blame and be with the opposition.and let it be announced publicly theres noway. but either way thats a deadman walking.

  26. The government in nuevo leon tried to blame the golf cartel orders of Miguel Trevino . But they didn't plan that the military would get el loco so every went to the dump. That's why they caught some cartel people and were the ones that they were going to blame.

  27. ZETA "Fernando R8" was responsible for all the torture and killings of the innocent people in Jalisco, he used "El Chato" from Cartel Millennium and another scum bag "El Moco " a.k.a. "Booger"

  28. So "The Zetas" are responsible for not only the 49 but also all the deaths in Jalisco!

    They are also responsible for the CASINO FIRE and all the BUS KIDNAPPINGS and MURDERS!
    The Marina TORTURE KILLINGS! Havent they terrorized mexico ENOUGH?

    When is Mexico going to step up and EXTERMINATE the bastards? How many more INNOCENT good people have to be tortured and slaughtered before they get off their asses and do something that has drastic positive results?

    DEATH to ALL ZETAS by any means necessary!

  29. In addition to declaring war on the cartels Calderon should also have made an attempt to clean up and reorganize the corrupt government (federal, judicial & legislative). It clearly shows they have been thoroughly compromised by the cartels. They can’t even issue a clear & honest statement. Every issue & arrest is bogged down by confusion with no resolutions & no accountability.

    Forty nine people murdered and Loko is being charged with everything but murder...and is that a smile I see on his face??...Disgusting truly disgusting...

  30. My money is on the Z's for being responsible of the 49, as the Zeta solution for everything seems to be murder.

    Rivals heating up the plaza? Solution? Kill

    Too much pressure from the military? Kill

    Finances being squeezed? Kill

    Flush with cash? Kill

    Receive bad publicity? Kill

    In need of publicity? Kill

    The list of possible scenarios goes on-and-on, with the Z's solution always being carnage.

    I understand the other cartels commit atrocities, as well. But, they seem to have a few other solutions in their toolbox, to deal with the various scenarios that a [criminal] enterprise encounters.

    However, every tool in the Z-box seems to serve only one purpose ... carnage.

  31. Why couldn't it be a CDS designed set-up? I mean after all they're in an alliance with CDG and they did proclaim their intent to take Nuevo Laredo. Does not CDS have the strongest ties to the Army and police? Seems to me if you bring heat to Monterrey it opens up Nuevo Laredo.

  32. Yo quisiera saber quienes son lo muertos? Gente inocente?

    I will like to know if the death peple are innocent or not?
    May 21, 2012 6:07 PM

    Not known as of yet. However, SEDENA reported early that not all had been decapitated and those faces appeared Central American or Southern Mx. I would say most are probably innocents. I am translating an article about the death of innocents, maybe post tomorrow..Paz, Chivis

  33. Ratting out on your bosses El Lazca and kid i guess according to the Zetas criminal organization you are "fired"...punishment might come next.

  34. Los Herreras N.L el bocinas sounds familiar, i thought this dude had died awhile back


  35. This story does not make sense.
    If the Zetas wanted to blame it on CDG, why did they not do so from the start?--rather than claim responsibility initially then retract a few days later. Also, days ago, there were media reports that 8 CDG members were arrested in connection with the massacre. Now we must believe these statements by a guy called 'El Loko.' The banner at the crime scene was out of character with usual Zetas banners, and secondly, CDG has more to gain from this act than does Zetas. It's possible that 'El Loko' has a grudge with the Zetas leadership. Perhaps some reporters are making things up and passing it to the public under the employ of a cartel. No wonder reporters are getting whacked!

    1. Look,I know you desperatly are vouching for your Idols, Zetas but it was them

  36. Los unicos comentarios mas pendejos aqui que el del que dice que el chapo ''ordeno culpar a los zetas'' de la masacre, es sin duda el par de pendejos que dice que los soldados esos son estadounidenses, where the fuck you get that stuff? we are having a serious conversation here.

    Ademas, lean bien las noticias, los CDG detenidos en Cadereyta confesaron haber cometido 17 asesinatos, pero en ningun momento afirmaron que esos crimenes eran parte de los 49. Por la confucion y la zona de la detencion ustedes interpretaron que habian confesado la masacre, cosa que no hicieron. Ya no se rompan la cabeza, el Loco es Zeta, el crimen lo hicieron los Zetas con la intencion de culpar al CDG creando toda una confucion y que pareciera lo contrario (CDG culpar a los Zs. No hay mas.

  37. If the mexican government eliminated the zeta cartel, 2/3 of the violence would end in Mexico. And about 90% of the violence towards innocent people would as well. Wake up President Calderon!! Quit being a puppet for the Americans. They want chaos here. Why? It makes it that much more justified when they enter Mexico like Iraq and Afghanistan!

    1. Hahaha... Dude, you crack me up with your funny way of thinking.
      I knew you would show up and speak about your weird word.

    2. You know his correct America just meddling in other country's like Vietnam irak is the same or you can say worst then it was before

  38. El loco serms to be smiling, ¿ does he know something we don't yet know, is he supported by THOSE we Depend On who are supposed to be PROTECTING THE INNOCENT CIVILIANS of Mexico?

  39. Good job for getting this piece of shit

  40. isnt it odd that normally the soldiers wear ski masks? These guys gotta be US soldiers, for sure

    1. Its by choice to wear them dummy. Its not a standard. Ive seen them plenty of times without it before

    2. To hide identity from cartels. No to hide nationality. It is to protect them. They are Mexican.

  41. Afghanistan still got alot of heroin to sell to the world market.they say 90% comes from over there,say 7 from asias triangle and 3 from mx...
    Whos runnin the dope game in afghanistan??? most knew karzai's brother was a big time wholesaler.. hes dead now... taliban executed any and all drug traffickers when they were in charge pre 2001.. those clowns dont even allow people to have a music tape in their car... SO AGAIN I ASK WHO RUNS THE DOPE IN AFGHANISTAN?
    cia always needs black money. government dont want taxpays paying for wetwork so whats the alternative?money thats OFF THE BOOks.maybe when the funds over there dry up they will try n take the coke trade for themselves too

  42. Chivis:
    I am having a moment where I feel that I should state that what you do for us here who follow BB is an amazing this.

    I hope that you find some kind of peace in your day to day life through all of this hard to digest events that happen around you.

    There are millions of Mexican citizen that don't know anything about BB but should. You are if nothing else the eyes and ears of us outside of Mexicos borders. It's important that we know what's going on. We have to educate others around us so we can push for our local leaders to act in was that can help even if it's small.

    I have said words of thanks before to you and I am sure I will say them again some day on here to you. I just wish I could help more then I have.

    But please find time to tend to your joys. Life is short and precious even if so many cruel people out there don't understand it.


  43. "In addition to declaring war on the cartels Calderon should also have made an attempt to clean up and reorganize the corrupt government (federal, judicial & legislative). It clearly shows they have been thoroughly compromised by the cartels. They can’t even issue a clear & honest statement. Every issue & arrest is bogged down by confusion with no resolutions & no accountability.

    Forty nine people murdered and Loko is being charged with everything but murder...and is that a smile I see on his face??...Disgusting truly disgusting..."

    This is the smartest comment here. The horror and corruption will never end unless the Mexican government can clean up the authorities and the judiciary system.

    This fuck was arrested in the connection of 49 murders, oh give em 40 days that'll teach him a lesson. 40 days for 49 murders...

  44. What is the value of life anymore? Killing innocent ppl to send a "message" is barbaric. I hope ppl like el loco get what they deserve

  45. @ May 21, 2012 6:43 PM Anonymous said...

    "Fuck american army we dont need dem we gott brave warrios mexico solo necesita activar a los meros chingones para ir por esos perros y veran que rapido cayen ....blah, blah, etc.,etc."

    OK, great. Estamos esperando.....Anytime now...What's the holdup?

  46. I remember, and correct me if im wrong, an article like a year ago on bb mentioning el loko as a zeta boss responsible for tossing a couple of chopped of heads in a small town east of monterrey. The heads belonged to police officers. The article mentioned spray paint of the name el loko all over that town and there was also a picture of a crashed nissan i believe.

    Couldnt it be the authorities picked up this guy el loko and tortured him into making an confession so that this case could be closed? Helping the real purps cdg/cds?

  47. I would advocate getting the culprits in this case by any means possible and using extreme predjudice. Generally though, I do not like to differentiate between the cartels. Get them all, post haste. Don't debate which turd stinks worst. Flush them all as fast as possible, then flush again just to make sure.

  48. @ May 22, 2012 8:16 AM

    Look, why are you still trying to blame real cartels with what these terrorist did?? The bullshit manta that the terrorist group los zetas put up to try and disclaim their fault, how did they know of the content in it?? It was not made public but yet they knew of it's text, elaborate on that.

  49. Everybody knows in security networks over the world than mexicans and colombians are top warriors. Respect and cheers from europe

  50. "Wake up President Calderon!! Quit being a puppet for the Americans. They want chaos here. Why? It makes it that much more justified when they enter Mexico like Iraq and Afghanistan"
    "ITS ALL THE FAULT OF THE USA"don't forget to take your medication!It will make you feel better.

  51. Imagine how great it would be if they caught Lazcano's bitch ass..

  52. Gotta say those 2 mexican soldiers look badass especially with their fx-05 rifles. (fire serpent)

  53. what they should do to these drug dealers they have is be head them on tv and their families and they will run and hide and start turning each other in. that will fix them guarenteed, they are not afraid of going to jail so u must make them afraid of the consequences and their families lives!

  54. This are MEXICAN soldiers, not Americanos...what is it with you Americans trying to take credit and be hero for everything in the world ??? And if there is a 1.% chance these were American soldados...they would actually be Mexican American/Chicano soldiers.

  55. Pendejetes dejen de chingar ala gente topensen con la maña putos traidores que El diablo salio del infierno a levantar cabezas y entregarselas al Rey de Reyes...tamaulipas El infierno para zetas

  56. Anyone else think "el Loco" looks has a slight resemblance to "Mack" from "It's always sunny in Philadelphia"? lol

  57. ok so if CDG/CDS had nothing to do with it y havent they came out with a "narcomanta" disclaiming or actually blaming los zetas or something against los Zetas for the murders... i smell BS CGD/CDS r behind it with the goverment on there payroll nd Loko better hope his family members r long gone from Monterey

  58. Haa...haaa ... CxDxG members here found with drugs guns an clandestine grave sites..
    They never said Nothing else.. hey CxDxG aint no choir boyz but this isnt there work...
    This place dont know shit... i' ve been looking an yallz info is all fukd up..
    CxDxG is strong an will alwayz have their presence know in Tamaulipas ...
    Puro CxDxG ...
    Atte: él yayo

  59. May 22, 2012 9:39 PM

    'Anyone else think "el Loco" looks has a slight resemblance to "Mack" from "It's always sunny in Philadelphia"? lol'

    Como se dice Ronald McDonald en Espanol? Rona MaDono? Except this pathetic inutil detoured his entire drive thru lane to get executed.

    Slight resemblance to Rob McElhenney but nothing remotely funny about this baboso.

  60. Ey man,it was supposed to be CDG?
    Then how the fuck did the Z know what was in the video,before anyone else had even heard about it?
    The shit about the Golfas,Golfos?

  61. Atte: él yayo .
    Senore,this is why we want to hear from players.
    Not clowns flappin their gums about this and that.
    So hermano,you educate a little,just a little,i don't want no one gettin murked for shit they might put up in here.Tell it like it is,to all the people who want to know the score for reals.
    Anyway senore,ten cuidado.

  62. Matamoros tamaulipas no entran Los traidores zetas aqui valen verga siempre sera la cuna del CARTELxDELxGOLFO tamaulipas. Siempre fiel a Los Que mueren en la raya dedicasion a pablo zamaripa a.k.a la jaiba del Refugio por la playa Bagdad y El pompin y tiburon y hernan arismendi

  63. This world is not evil,it's mankind alone. My prayers go out to my Mexico innocent families,and the corruption will never is the root of all EVIL and soon this will end.In the meantime ,may God be with Mexico..not since Hitler has there been so much death in vain over Drugs and money and power.. No wonder God brought Sodom and Gomorrah and he will end all wars again..Be Ready for your creator-no one can hide with God


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