Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

They Lived Because the Executioner was Delayed

Posted in the Borderland Beat Forum by _The Magician_

"We don't often read about happy ending stories here. This is the story of the 13 kids that were gonna be killed in Jalisco but managed to escape. Translating is a pain in the ass but thought this story was worthy of me taking the time to translate. "
There were maybe ten or twelve, maybe less, they weren't calmed enough to count each other, they were on the farm for several days, subjected to beatings, torture, listening to the warning that they had already bought the saw to cut their heads off "how nice it will be to see their skulls hanging from the Ameca Bridge," they said over and over again, terrorizing the children, all young, all workers who studied and no more criminals than having dranked a beer on the main square, and having been surprised by the Municipal Police, arrested and fined.

They were terrified and would be killed on May 8, but for their fortune  the executioner did not show up, delayed by something he was not able to try out the new chain saw the criminals had bought. Whenever they could they would beat them. All in one room, barefoot because the first thing the narcos do is take away their shoes so they can not escape, of course they hid the shoes.

 Without eating, because they gave them nothing, and were beaten if they asked for food, plus they shouted that they need not eat because they were going to die.

that day the executioner did not show up, may be he was delayed, perhaps he would come until the next day, but suddenly one of them, who worked as a policeman in Ameca, told the others "go!" He had just seen their captors, three or four, which were layed on the floor under the influence of drugs, completely lost, unconscious and still.

 The same policeman managed to open a window and saved the lives of everyone, but there were two more, two gay boys, who stayed, they were afraid and did not leave. The next day the two were found dead, the criminals showed no mercy , they discharged in the two boys all the rage, because the others had escaped. But at least they did not behead them or cut them into pieces.

That day the policeman from Ameca opened the window all thirteen, started running barefoot through the hill,they didn't care if they were stepping on stones or thorns, even pieces of glass that could cut their bare feet, some bleeding, but all kept on, helping each other as if they had known each other all their life. At that time they were brothers, they were parents and children, they were everything.

 There was a moment when  cloud of dust along the roadway warned them of a car coming at high speed. They hid in bushes beside the road and saw a truck pass in a hurry. In it were the gunmen, their guardians, who were looking for them. Fortunately they did not see.

they continued from Ahuisculco, Tala delegation to a nearby village where they began to call door to door, but nothing. As soon as they saw them, the inhabitants of the farms would close and secured from inside, they would lock windows and doors for them not to enter  by force.

There were several negative, some even violent that they threw in another time, kind people, but the violence of recent years has made anyone to tremble with fear at the sight in his front door to a stranger, now ten, twelve or thirteen, calling for help, saying they were persecuted, that they wanted wanted to kill them.

But a pious soul who opened the door gave them food they ate very desperately, she got them sandals, old shoes and what ever she could find, most likely an angel converted as a housewife who brought them back to life.

They were able to notify the police. One of them had good relations with Civil Protection personnel, so he contacted his friend and he mobilized  the state authorities ... most of them, the survivors, they will not live in Mexico any longer, they are so young that they deserve to live and travel to another place, where there is peace, where they can have tranquility, where their  life is not threatened, because the criminals kept with them all their documents, they know who they are, where they live.

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  1. Is this in ameca jalisco? Whats the name of the small town?

  2. Thanks for traveling all the way from the forum with this good story, Magician. You guys are smart back there and don't swear in every sentence and insult everyone. Was one of the captors the "Midget" who fell into a drug induced nap that aided their escape? The policeman better hide, but in different times would get a medal.

  3. YES!! glad they got away but sad the 2 stayed and payed the price :( if only they would had tried they would had made it!

    Man this makes me soooo fuckin angry at lowlife narcos why the fuck would they take pleasure out of hurting and then killing innocent youngsters?? there's no honor in such things only cowards do this.

  4. I wish I had a rifle with a suppressor on it. I would get my ghillie suit on, find a hide site along the river and start hunting. Teach those worthless POS what it's like to be on the receiving end of brutality.

  5. Magic deserves many kudos for taking the time to translate this and post on forum. Understand this is what we realize, that it is happening with the mass murder displays. often innocents...not narcos. Add to the mix the largely ignored by the world press, the El Universal published an accusation of death squads permitted by the state to conduct "Limpieza Social" -Social cleaning.

    thank you for noticing that forum people have manners. Forum folks are very smart, well read, sincerely interested in Mexico and contribute generously to forum; breaking news, often translated. Once in a while it can get heated, but usually a reminder from me or Buggs coming in to "take the trash out" stops the crap. when it gets bad here i always run back home to forum.. Paz, Chivis

  6. what's the source of this info?

  7. Mexico needs the death penalty but it will never be imposed because the Mexican government is made up of narco criminals... The top leaders of the cartels run Mexico and they have for decades, everything else is just a facade...

  8. source is La Policiaca

  9. May 16, 2012 7:41 PM what's stopping you dude? You can go out and get a silencer and then go hunting.

  10. Thank you Magician for this story. Sad that one happy story must balance so much misery but such are the days we live in. This warmed my heart, true survivors. Thank you.

  11. Great news man. These guys that kill little kids should be castrated with a butter knife.

  12. These guys shoulde have grabbed the weapons, killed the guys that were passed out, ambushed the truck of gaurdians, and if any were left alive after the ambush, do the same thing to them and torture and kill those cowardly fucks

  13. Anyone catch why they wanted to kill children? WTF?????

  14. This is a nice FAIRY TALE..
    It says 13 kids but miraculously there is USA Policeman to save the day..

    1. Where does it say USA police man??

  15. Wonderful story. The narcos are nothing but criminal gangsters who do what they please in their fucked up brains.

  16. You got down great job
    Mexico is So beautiful yet do fucked

  17. Chivis where would I find any thing on that limpieza social, that sounds like straight up genocide and I think people should know about it

  18. I don't get it, was the policeman one of the captors who had a change of heart, or did he just appear by chance and see them?

  19. @ May 17, 2012 12:38 AM

    "This is a nice FAIRY TALE..
    It says 13 kids but miraculously there is USA Policeman to save the day..

    The story says policeman from Ameca, as in Ameca, Jalisco, not policeman from America. jajajajajajajajaja.....jajajajaja....jajajaja !!

  20. This sounds like pure fiction...

    1. This happend foreal I have family over there

  21. "This is a nice FAIRY TALE..
    It says 13 kids but miraculously there is USA Policeman to save the day..

    Wrong, the policeman is from Ameca, Mexico not America.

  22. Before you fire off a stupid comment think just for a second. Not America!

    Ameca (Nahuatl: Amecatl "string of water") is a city and municipality, in Jalisco in central-western Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 685.73 km². The city is bisected by the Ameca River which drains to the Pacific Ocean near Puerto Vallarta.

    You know many cops are killed for any number of reasons in Mexico daily

    They get abducted just like anyone else.

  23. Thanks for the post. I had made a comment a while back requesting stories about how life is for the innocent people living among the chaos. The scum seem to be the highlight so much that they are glorified.

  24. It was the cartel del milenio/zetas that did this in return for what nueva generacion is doing in Tamaulipas

  25. Alright enough is enough...why doesn't MX soldiers just start shooting these low lifes on sight? That's how the old west was won...shoot first, ask questions later. When are the people of Mexico going to stand up and fight back, full force? Good people in Mexico outnumber the bad guys 100 to 1. Surely they can unite and defeat....they've done it before...I pray for Mexico and it's people, and I despise the narcos. They have a rough life ahead of them in hell (the narcos that is). Thank God the children escaped to live another day.

  26. In this video they talk of 12 people that got away and were found alive... Is it the ones talked about in this story?

  27. Thank you 1000 times for translating this, a gripping story!

  28. it is unclear. it looks like they were un attended, & untied themselves? OR did someone find them by chance? its unclear. why did the 2 other boys stay? that is also strange.

  29. please let el chapo go hes a good man with a good heart and do you think he would sit and gossip about you people you took advantage of him and that was wrong and he is very smart he knew hes was bieng set up but gave you a chance any way and know your speaking bad about him please let him go


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