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Thursday, June 7, 2012

14 dismembered bodies left in front of Ciudad Mante City Hall

Encuentran 14 cuerpos descuartizados frente a presidencia municipal de Ciudad Mante, Tamaulipas

by Sergio Chapa/KGBT

Authorities are investigating a gruesome discovery south of the border where 14 dismembered bodies were left with a message for a Zetas drug cartel leader.
It all happened on Thursday afternoon just outside the City Hall for Ciudad Mante, a town of 115,000 people located just 280 miles south of Brownsville.
Witnesses turned to the #Mante hashtag on Twitter to share information about what happened.
The witnesses reported that the 14 dismembered bodies were left in front of the 'Presidencia Municipal' or City Hall for Ciudad Mante.
According to witnesses, the bodies were left with a 'narcobanner' or message for a Zetas drug cartel leader.
Action 4 News spoke to the Tamaulipas Attorney General's Office (PGJE) about the incident.
PGJE officials said they did not any official information to release at this time.
Note from Ovemex: It has been reported that at 3 pm a man driving a Emmsa Company truck, pulled up in front of city hall, got out, opened up the back doors, left a handwritten message, and walked a way. It has been mentioned the message was addressed to Z-40 and signed by "El Chapo" Guzman...More to Follow.

Update: It is being reported at this time the victims were 11 men and 3 women.

Additional Sources:


  1. I used to think when something like this happened that it was good, finally someone taking the fight to the zetas giving them a taste of there own medicine. Then you realize that more often than not the people left decapitated with narco mantas are innocent people, people picked randomly to serve a the purpose of striking fear in the opposing cartels but how will something like this cause fear if your not killing the rivals. Id be more worried if i was in a cartel and shown a bunch of my guys dead and tortured in the street these if i saw a bunch of people i didn't know. That's why they continue because they hardly show each other up like their supposed to

    1. Your right why can't they get sum real rivals

    2. Yup very true

    3. Actually the assholes that pick up people randomly are the zetas and their allies, don't assume shit. I know, I know you all are most likely zetilla cheer leadrs and all. Yet the zetillas and friends are confessed and confirmed to be the ones that atack inocent by standers.


  3. I am in mante right now. It is a ghost town. The dead dudes maybe were not hardcore zetas, but they did have some affiliation with them. There is so much that goes down that is not reported. Stay the fuck away from this town. God help us. There are kidnappers everywhere.

  4. El rey de reyes is god himself. Everyone else is nothing

    1. El Rey is Dio's himself..??? You'll Burn In Hell mi amigo just for saying shit
      like that; You Piece of Shit..! What kind of a Pendejo are you.??

    2. ^ dude are you dumb? He/she isn't talking about el Rey de reyes that is with cdg

  5. When will this end ? And CHAPO started it by doing this in Nuevo Laredo with those 14 innocent people. Chapo: NO ONE is afraid of you anymore.

    1. Wtf?? Hey zetilla your lords zetillas are the ones who started these random " levantones " and are continuing, along with extorcion, rape, kidnapping, and
      Terrorism of innocents get it straight zetilla cheerleader.

  6. Intimidating civilians is part of the objective. Remember elections in 3 weeks. Are Zetas still allies with PRI?

  7. Grab one rival and torture then murder him. Cut him up like a rubik's cube and pin a note on him. I will fear you. If you kill a gazillion unarmed inocent people and torture them needlessly and I will only feel sorry for you. If your path to the top of a cartel is based on killing innocents then you deserve a grizzly death and a prompt meeting with Satan.

  8. This is a terror campaign!! Its not a real drug war, its a farse and its worthy of Satan plans himself.

  9. its true to many innocents are dying and for what

  10. Borderbeat why dont you report about the 7 chopped up confirmed members of cds that were left in culiacan!?

    1. Sorry to burst your bubble zetilla! But. Them " 7 chopped up confirmed members of cds " that you claim is false. In reality They were all from Guasave, Sinaloa were they were
      " levantados" ( taken ) Then transported to Culiacan. Beltranez did it to try and claim they were CDS.

    2. Uhm ok Chapito wouldn't u think this is the same shit cds or CDG probably pick up this dudes from some other random town nd for the 7 killed Guasave is CDS controled nd got dropped off in Culiacan which is another cds supposenly controled place but fuck it no matter who those it

  11. Meanwhile in Reynosa there are rumors about infighting between the CDG, resulting in the apparent execution of commander m75, ordered by the top bosses. Thats the word on the street.

  12. @anon 10:15pm

    Amigo...I have seen your comments and I understand you, man....I can only say, This is not a full time or even a part time "job" for any of us on here..We are not paid, we do what we can with the time that we be honest, we sacrifice other things to do what we do..

    If you have the info and/or can translate it, send it and we'll put in on the board here. If you have it and cant translate it, send me the link, I'm hoping to have a couple hours off work tomorrow and I'll do it.

    Take no offense, me out, if you can.

    Saludos y Paz


    1. You damn right i will help you out!!! I live in Mexico,we're so sick of chapos' greed! Its his fault mexico is the way it is! Let me send you the link...

    2. 11:02pm shot the fuck up! You dump ass kisser the zetas are the ones that have mexico like this.atleast el chapo is economy.zetas just work for lazcano and 40 when have you seen a will dress zeta?

    3. These cartels are all a different side of the same turd!!!


    4. You guys at Borderland Beat do a great job and are appreciated. Keep up the good work.

  13. Get it straight people the only ones killing the innocent are the basterd zetas

  14. @ 11:02pm Estoy aqui tambien, compa!

    Send me the link, or even better..obviously you speak Spanish and English and are good at translating..become a BB contributor! send us your info y you can be reporting asap!

    Saludos Amigo!

  15. Does anyone know if ambrosio carrizalez which is cousin to el tubi, is dead??

  16. mexico you corrupt incompetent people the only feared army is suppose to be the army not the cartels here in the usa we have 100,000 gang members but they cant do shit once the police swat Homeland security FBI come in their neighbor hood

  17. 11:25 pm who cares about carrizalez, did he owe u $, let these men do their jobs, and stop comadreando,...this is serious news..

  18. Listen to yourselves, f***in douchebags. That brainwashed by narco corridos, f***in fantasy songs about the glamorous life of the drug dealing cowboys, wake up, both sides slaughter innocents, both sides kill females, Both rape and plunder and extort, Both pick on poor farmers and both recruit KIDS and OLD PEOPLE to be lookouts, both WOULD SELL DRUGS TO 4 YEAR OLDS IF THEY THOUGHT THERE WAS PROFIT TO BE HAD. quit being nut-huggers. Get out of fantasy land cause the bloods filling the streets of mexico and all dumbasses can do is say "MY teams better than yours" IGNORANT BAF00000000000ns.

    Baggy cbf with morons anymore. they dont listen.........

  19. @ june7 11:33 stop kissing chapo's culo he is not a good person. He is just as greedy and evil as the other cartels all the cartels should be eliminated.

  20. Yes!!! waste your time arguing over WHich team is better, Dont actually do anything productive with your life just sit online and give lazcano and chapo e-blowjbs, Its not a soccer game, The only difference between chapo's peeps and Lazcanos is THE NAME OF THE CARTEL. brainwashed idiots.

  21. Repeat after me...

    ALL Cartels are a different side of the SAME TURD!!

  22. Chapo has haters even on this site he admits it powerful rich people are always gonna have jealous haters but like how they say for chapo for every 100 enemies and haters he has theres 1,000 friends on his side remember he's fighting the zetas would u all prefer him not killing zetas

    1. How many zetas has HE killed FRIEND? Stop repeatong what you hear be a man don't repeat what you hear. And stop kissing ass he's never gonna like you. Or talk to you or even acknowledge you. Viva mexico libre de ratas

    2. So I guess the Zetas adore and acknowledge you right zetilla?? I mean since you are so hurt about his comment about killing zetas and shit.
      Well I Say kill all those low level crap zetas

  23. I am a leo and totally agree with you guys saying that all cartels are the same. These guys are just in it for the profit regardless of who is in the way

  24. Coahilla next!!
    The box is getting smaller!!!

  25. Please everyone,stop attacking the cartel cheerleaders.the have enough problems.they can't help themselves.they don't have jobs they are not in school,they they will never be productive Mexican citizens.they need heroes too!!

  26. Only when the local Mexican people take up arms and protect their local villages, towns, an cities will the cartels be broken. The police and army alone cannot do this....they need the local populace behind them.

    If 10 SUV's full of cartel druggie came into a city in USA or Canada the local population would get their guns and form a militia numbering in the 1,000' long do you think the cartels would stay in a town or city if the local people were armed and organized. That is why it is so important for the local people to have firearms....Mexico needs to let local people buy guys and if they can't afford it, then the govt can supply them with guns. Only then will Mexico arise from the horrors of the drug cartels.

    1. Sorry to say but that won't work, sure they will get the cartel members out but how long until they themselves turn into what they set out to get rid off , everyone can easily get power hungry and form their own cartel

  27. Coahuila esta lleno de zetas...

  28. Now this is something we don't have in the US. Why do you think that is?

  29. Chivis check this out,

  30. 10:03

    Your right, whether it is true or not, isn't that what LFM set out to do.

  31. It's kind of scary that the last 2 articles are about violence in Mante and Victoria. I lived in a small town between those 2 cities last summer and it seemed relatively calm. I am planning on going back at the end of the summer for a couple of months but I am begining to wonder if it's a good idea. I am American and I am white as can be and my spanish isn't the best, I stick out like a sore thumb....will this make me and my family a target? My kids are half Mexican but don't speak spanish either. My personal policy on going to Mexico was "Don't live in fear, if you aren't involved in anything bad nothing bad will happen to you" But now I'm worried about getting my family caught in a mess of violence. It's so sad to see such a beautiful place turn as ugly as it has. It's a shame. I try to stay out of the polotics of it as much as possible, but hey, the US uses the military to "keep peace" all over the world....why not in Mexico too? Just saying...

    1. The USA likes drug money

    2. Dude. Keep put. Stay safe. Don't get any regrets.

  32. I have made a list of the pro's and cons of visiting Mexico. I have some pretty cool reasons in the pro' column. Nothing can offset the one item in the 'con' column. Getting kidnapped, extorted, tortured, robbed and quartered like a side of beef holds a lot of weight on my decision. Unfortunately I can not visit Mexico until further notice : (

  33. 2:50 p.m. : There's no way I'd even take a chance on getting caught up in the randomness of the savagry that's taking place in Mexico. You're right...what a shame. The country is entirely screwed and until a new Presidente " looks the other way" as policy, it will NEVER stop. 250 years of corruptness can't be turned around in 6. Stay home and hit the US Gulf Coast !

  34. Why don't they send the army to the ranches by couhila hidalgo you can find a lot of zetas and halcones

  35. June 8, 2012 2:50 PM Dude, my wife works in San Antonio with many Mexicans. The Mexicans don't want to go back to Mexico to visit! What does that tell you?

  36. Really sad, what's happening in Mexico. Your family's life's are not worth the risk brother, stay on this side for now and wait and hope that one day soon this crazyness stops so we who have ties in that once beatiful country can return and visit family and friends.

  37. I commented earlier regarding visiting tamaulipas between Victoria and Mante....I just want to say that it's easy to think about not going there to visit if it were just to see some parents, siblings, or cousins....but the reason I travel there is because my husband is there waiting out the immigration process. I have 2 young boys who desperately need their father in their lives and I need my husband in mine. It's sad that I have to worry about my safety when trying to keep my family united until we can return to the US together. This just sucks all the way around. This drug war harms the lives of people who aren't even involved in crime, from the innocents who are caught in the crossfire to the people who can't live normal lives due to fear for their safety. I wish I could say that I was persuaded to stay in the US and not go there but I still think going again is an option...

    1. I too am white and i stick out also, i moved to mexico to be with my husband after he got deported. I know exactly how you feel. I thought about it long and hard before I made the move and I can honestly say i do not regret it. Families belong together. Have you ever considered moving to a border city? That is what we have done and it has been relatively calm here in Acuña

    2. I too am white and i stick out also, i moved to mexico to be with my husband after he got deported. I know exactly how you feel. I thought about it long and hard before I made the move and I can honestly say i do not regret it. Families belong together. Have you ever considered moving to a border city? That is what we have done and it has been relatively calm here in Acuña

  38. La gente que dice que no fuera a México tiene que crecer un par de huevos. Yo disfruto cada día, en donde sea...solo hay que ponerse abusado. Gueyes miedosos.

  39. You guys can hack each other to peices all you want,just keep the dos equis on ice for me, Thanhs I'll be there soon!!!

  40. We used to visit our family in Mexico, now we can't even go.. its been 2 yrs since the last time we went.. Mexico was a beautiful place to visit and vacation there... But the GREEDY cartels ruined that for everyone... Now its just NON-SENSE killings.. its sad to see this beautiful country go into a 3rd world country fast

  41. If I was your husband I would tell you to stay here (in the US). It's not worth your getting killed or kidnapped along with your children. Even if there is a 90% chance you'll be ok, is it worth risking the 10% chance you won't be? If you are willing to accept your death as an option then go.

  42. They are Satans henchmen!! They deserve the same or worse. Listen people, I dont care what ANY OF YOU MIGHT SAY TO ME.
    I know a person who works at the CISEN, he says this: WE KNOW WHERE THEY ARE, WHO THEY ARE, AND HOW MANY OF THEM. But!! Thats not the plan!!
    This is a terror campaign in order to deprive people of guns, liberty and prepare Mexico for the PRD/Socialism.
    People will be so sick of PAN and PRI that they would prefer Socialism (PRD) instead.
    Its all carried out (plan) together with the CIA and other US departments of security/police.
    BTW: guns are going to be completely outlawed in Mexico soon. MARK MY WORDS!!!!

  43. June 8, 2012 12:48 AM
    Anonymous said...

    These cartels are all a different side of the same turd!!!

    dude you said it all.

  44. Are you people serious? My family of 5 has been to Guerrero to visit relatives more times than I can count since Calderón took office. We'll be there again in July, right after the election. Succumbing to fear is tantamount to relinquishing ones liberty, inferring in turn, unworthiness of any security one may believe they enjoy.

    1. Its the gringos over exaggerating .. even tho they have most likely never been to Mexico. The majority of the people who get killed are some how involved with organized crime, there are innocents from time to time but for the most part they are involved some how with organized crime. Halcones are just as much part of a cartel as sicarios. People always say why they go for the halcones first, that would be cause you have to start from the bottom and work your way up!! Just like cjng did in Veracruz, and just because someone doesn't have a criminal record does not mean they are not involved in organized crime so don't even give me that crap.

    2. That's very true

  45. I'm a Norte American living in Mexico. The US taught me to stand united against terrorism. If I don't practice that here in Mexico then I am a lousy representative of my native country.

  46. June 9, 2012 12:26 AM No, it's not the gringos exaggerating. The Mexicans who live in the US don't want to go. Their relatives tell them not to come. And btw, I've been to Mexico many times and I speak fluent Spanish, GUEY!

  47. @ june 8 2:50 pm u sound like if you're writing to Dear Abby do u really need someone to tell you not to take your kids to a warzone?

  48. El Rey De Reyes es el señor X18 Comantande Guerra who works for el Coss but takes orders from Diablo, R1 & El Chapo

  49. Viva English Zeta's, why aint u published my comments regarding Lasca's reach far beyond Mexico & America BB?! Do u think I'm chattin shit lad?! Cuz believe me, I aint-ya get me son?! atte El English

  50. El Chapo wouldn't dare step towardz England as Lasca and his boyz are already here-trust!!

    1. Please do tell.. What are you talking about? This Guy is over seas? Do u have any other info? I think chapo Guzman is on u.s. Soil. Somewhere in California or Arizona.. Where most of his suckups stay. And of course protected by the govt.its just my theory.

  51. Acuna I could see. It's largely escaped the narco wars. Nuevo Progreso as well.

  52. El Rey De Reyes es el señor X18 Comantande Guerra?War Commander?Man this shit gets confusing,X20 got a hard on for Coss and R1? But he X Groupo?X8 hermano of War still operating too,who cool with Coss R1?Wicho in US jug?Dayummmm,forget about it.
    "Viva English Zeta's"? Get the fuck outta here.
    This proves how sad some of you people are,fuckin unbelievable,you pushin weight dude,viva english z?Man,are you trippin?Clown.

  53. Fucks up with all the sob stories?My husband is in Mexico?So fuckin what.

  54. June 8, 2012 7:49 PM

    Guasave is Chapo Isidro BL controled. So these were from them easier to kill and dump and bone out like it happened.

  55. Thank God I live in the USA!!!. Mejico is bien _ucked up.


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