Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, June 22, 2012

GORDO-GATE: Arrest Mixup- Not Chapos Son- Mexico Pointing Finger at U.S. and US Pointing back-DNA Testing

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

Latest update
Mother of man arrested says her son is an American born in Los Angeles...DNA being tested, Mexico says the information of identity came from the U.S.

While the U.S. says the information came from Mexico...Both are reportedly testing DNA independently.  The person arrested is Felix Beltran Leon the leader of a cell under the command of the son of "El Chapo" in Jalisco.

The Federal Attorney General's Office reports:
On 21 June elements of the Secretary of Navy presented  two people, one of which was identified as Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar, therefore, the public prosecutor of the Federation launched an investigation following PGR / SIEDO / UEIARV / 051/2012, for his alleged responsibility in the crimes of organized crime, possession of firearms for exclusive use of the Army, Navy and Air Force, and operations.   .
After performing the necessary tests to know their identity, has been determined that those presented are Felix Beltran Beltran Leon and Kevin Daniel Rios, 23 and 19 years of age, respectively. The men are half brothers.
Read additional update information at the bottom of this post.
In the video below is  the attorney and  mother of the man misidentified as a son of El Chapo.  Elodia is the name of the mother..  The attorney offers proof of the mistaken identity by displaying photos & documents.

Yesterday this reporter posted a photo of a person said to be Jesus  the son of Chapo Guzman.  Reporting the presentation would be within hours.  After the presentation and viewing the photos, in my opinion the people in my early photo and that at the presentation looked strikingly different.  Thinking I had mistakenly posted a photo that was not in reality that of Jesus Guzman, I removed it from the post and posted new presentation photos. 
Later in the day, rumors flew  that in fact questioned if the man was in fact Jesus Guzman.  Today the attorney representing the Guzman Family announced they would present a news conference to reject the notion that the man arrested is El Chapos son.
It is hard to believe as true that the federal agencies and the Marina could make such an error, so hopefully the attorney's will present a video of the true person or some iron clad proof that it is not the man presented.

At 11AM this morning, the family lawyer of Guzman Loera is holding  a press conference to deny the arrest of Alfredo Guzman Salazar as being the son of El Chapo.
A man who was introduced yesterday as the alleged son of "El Chapo" Guzman is not the son of the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, says the family.  By means of an email sent to several media outlets,  family lawyers announced there would be a news conference  at 11 AM in Sanborn's Plaza Pavilion in Guadalajara, Jalisco.
The  sender of the mail, which was read by Carmen Aristegui on MVS Radio, reads: "From: Jesus Alfredo Guzman
"Gentlemen communicators, (press)  this Friday June 22 at 11 am we expect the presence of representatives of the media to raise awareness of important issues relating to detention of an individual who federal authorities say  is part of Guzman Loera family.We'll show them otherwise.  

                                 (Beltran's attorney displaying photos at news conference)
                                                  Below is video of transfer
Lawyers and family members Guzman Loera, I call for the press to be at the conference at 11 am at the Plaza Pavilion Sanborn coffee. " Grupo Reforma reported that the lawyer Jesús Alfredo Guzman, Heriberto Rangel Mendez, said the arrested man is  actually Felix Beltran Leon  who bears no relationship to the Sinaloa cartel leader but  his nickname is "El Gordo."
Yesterday evening, the Marina of Mexico arrested Alfredo Guzman Salazar, whom he introduced as the alleged son of Joaquin Guzman Loera, however, according to another version says that the subject would be really presented Felix Beltran Leon, who is engaged in buying and selling cars in Guadalajara. For its part, the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) applauded yesterday as a "tremendous victory" the arrest of Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar.
Another related fact is that Mexico has plans to extradite to the U.S. Jesus Guzman, pending the person arrested is in fact the son of Chapo.

UPDATE: Man arrested is an American born in Los Angeles, family charges the government with planting weapons: 

Guadalajara, Jalisco,; the attorney  and family of the arrested man identified as the son of the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, assure that he is not  the son of "El Chapo" Guzmán.  They  are working gathering  documents such as birth certificate and official credentials to prove the identity of the young man arrested by  Semar.  They contend the man is  Félix Beltrán Leon and not Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar.
In an interview with Radio Formula, Veronica Guerrero, the León Beltrán family lawyer said that the arrest of Felix was "mere confusion" and they will lodge an appeal.
He explained that in addition to presenting official documents to prove the true identity of his client  they would  resort to a DNA test.
Elodia Leon, who claims to be the mother of León Beltrán, meanwhile, said that his son was born on October 8, 1988 in Los Angeles, California and is married to Karla Giovanni Pacheco and the couple has lived in Guadalajara for two years.  She is quoted as saying “ my son has no connection to the Sinaloa cartel.
The attorney for the man arrested had arrived to the conference, but said she needed to wait for the family before answering questions.  The family is 7 hours late and reporters have begun to leave feeling that no one is arriving. 
This puts another spin on the story, that  perhaps it was not the attorney for the Guzman family that was staging the news conference after all.  It was from the man the Beltran family is referring to as Felix.
Or so it would seem.
The Mexican navy identified him as Alfredo Guzman Salazar, saying he is believed to be the son of Sinaloa Cartel head Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, as well as a rising operator in the international drug trafficking organization.

"There is total confusion," said his lawyer Veronica Guerrero said, "... which is having a serious effect on their personal and family situation."
The Mexican Attorney General's Office issued a statement Friday saying its information came from the U.S.
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration said the information came from Mexico.
Both say they're checking DNA.

"The Mexican Navy and Mexican law enforcement have said this is El Chapo's son and that's is who  was captured,".  said DEA spokesman Rusty Payne, noting that the DEA is working separately to confirm the man's identity.
Pacheco showed The Associated Press what she said were her husband's voting credential and driver's license. The man arrested bears only slight resemblance to a photograph of Guzman's son recently issued by the U.S. Treasury Department.
Elodia Beltran appeared with Guerrero at a press conference Friday saying she is the mother of the detained man.
"He's never been arrested," she said. "This is a real injustice."
Pacheco said the couple and their 1-year-old were sleeping in their home in Zapopan, a suburb of the western city of Guadalajara, when marines kicked in the door and arrested her husband and his half-brother, 19-year-old Kevin Daniel Beltran Rios.
Authorities identified Beltran Rios as an alleged member of the Sinaloa Cartel.
The men were found with a grenade launcher and four grenades, two assault rifles, two pistols and $135,000 in cash, the navy said. Pacheco said there were no drugs or guns, but the family did have the cash because of a recent home sale.
Another lawyer, Heriberto Rangel Mendez, said the government planted the weapons.
Zapopan has been the scene of much drug violence and arrests. It's where Guzman's other son, Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar, also known as "El Chapito," was detained on money laundering charges in 2005, and where top Sinaloa lieutenant, Ignacio "Nacho" Coronel, was killed in a 2010 shootout with Mexican army.
Pacheco said her husband works at Autos Pacheco, a used car dealership that gunmen attacked in May, killing one man. The target was a customer looking at cars, not the business, Pacheco said, though media reports said the dealership owner was killed.
"We've never had any links to drug traffickers," Pacheco said. "He's not the person they say he is.

NOTE:  It was in the afternoon that reports from the attorney representing Beltran, that Beltran had been born in Los Angeles, this supposedly from the mother, and Beltrans father born in Durango.  Subsequently, in the late afternoon a few reports were that it was the arrested man born in Durango.  I really don't know and frankly no longer care about this merry go round. 

I find it interesting that Mexico gave no mention of the US being involved with the capture of "El Chapos's son", yet the tide whipped fast once Chapo's "son" became Felix Beltran, when at that time Mexico was quick to blame the US, and stated that it was DEA that lead the arrest by the information they gave to Mexico.

And interesting again is the family declaring the weapons planted BUT the 135K in cash was theirs.

I am not buying it.  Why would the DEA then congratulate Mexico after the arrest?  The entire scenario is best described as the Keystone Cops in a pit of revolving "truth" and a landslide of incompetence,  on both sides the border.

Sources: Milenio, Informador, Vanguardia

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  1. They all look totally different after they are arrested.

  2. The older picture is from 8 or 9 years ago when he was 17 or 18... The recent pictures are current and he is now 26 years old, he went through puberty and you know they eat like pigs so he gained some weight... Look at the facial festures very closely and I think that it is him...-CHIVO

    Here is my post about it on the forum;

  3. Can you imagine the legal team Chapo has put together for him and his family for if and when they do capture him/them? I bet he has the very best lawyers that money can buy both in Mexico and the United States...-CHIVO

  4. Dont you think this dude if he isnt Chapos son would have said so in front of the reporters? I mean he knew they were all saying he was Chapos son and if he was not then he would have said so while all the reporters were taking pictures of him, sure they tell them to shut up and be quite but I have seen people at those showings say all kinds of things, just look at that one dude, what did they call him? The king of the carnival or what ever he was, supposedly he escaped a while back and then they said that his body was one of the 35 dumped in the under pass in Veracruz, I cant think of his name right now but he damn near told his life story during his perp walk...

  5. Maybe just as this looks to be faked, having no video and showing no cuts, nose in not covered so she can breath and the blood color and flow looks all wrong, maybe shes going into witness protection and they want the cartels to think she is dead?

    Maybe they are doing something similar with saying they captured Chapos son and not wanting to perp walk his real son they used a stand in?

    Nothing would surprise me anymore happening in Mexico...

  6. This is hauntingly similar to the arrest of the original Jesus.

  7. Chapo to son: SURPRISE!!!! YOU'RE ADOPTED!!!!

  8. This just got way more interesting. If it's not Chapos son, egg on their face for sure.
    He just wouldn't seem like he is Chapos son, Chapos kids have to more security around them, I mean the goverment is chasing them, the contras would like to take them out. Can't wait till they clear it all up.

  9. It's pretty stupid for Chapo to even make a comment or reach out via an attorney to deny his son has been captured! For one thing, the attorney (what a dumbass) is making himself a target for Chapo's enemies! Second, by responding to the event Chapo is leaving himself exposed because the various "intelligence" branches can start tracking this attorney's attempts to communicate with Chapo's people or Chapo himself! To me, this is just not a smart move by Chapo...and it's really just a matter of time before he his caught or killed, be it by the gov't or his enemies!

  10. He is probably related to El Chapo but wont admit it for safety

  11. May just be a publicity sstunt

  12. Hahahah I knew it hahahah stupid idiots find out 100% first who you arrest and then present. Now all of them are going to be critizize and specially Calderon. If it was chapo son he would have had more bodyguards duuuuhh

  13. LOL, typical south of the border police work at its finest!

  14. Es "El Gordo" de Jesus Maria

  15. Look at the ears of both individuals, the supposed photo at 18 yrs and the suspect under arrest. Also, compare to the shape of the ears of the verified mugshot of Chapo Guzman and the shape of the brother's ears. I don't think the guy under arrest is Chapo's son. BTW, that's why mug shots always include the ears, because they are just as unique as any other feature and are hard to disguise.

    1. The lips on mug shot are smaller and the arches on eyebrows are different also. Why was chapo so quick to say its not his son? His son could have been a ghost.

  16. Well im sure DEA is celebrating now lol chapo is too powerful

  17. Hahaha Well of course we should believe "Chapo's lawyer". Hahaha

    These guys throw nicknames around like dirty socks and they use 3-5 names in various combinations and these two were caught with a boatload of arms and ammunition and the Mexicans got the info from the DEA.

    Marisela is already covering her ass by saying the DEA gave them the info.

    But, why would this lawyer come flying out of the woodwork to dispute the identity? Call a press conference, etc. If it's not Chapo's kid why would Chapo give a shit? If it is his kid, yes, he would be disputing the ID and try to get the kid released asap because if the ID is confirmed - the kid is toast.

    Time will tell. I'm betting it is Chapo's kid.

  18. Another episode of great blunders and confusing shit from mexico. The governments on both sides of the border were breaking their arms patting themselves on the back and slapping each others asses. Chapo is a hell of a guy sending his lawyers to save this kid when he didn't have to. The poor smoe was getting butt banged all night and its not even right guy. Or is it?

    1. If it aint him why say anything? Chapo would of stayed quiet and let him take the fall. And in broke ass Mexico people dont carry 300 gs and grenades if they aint bosses. The kid turned hin self in because he thinks his daddy is invincible.

  19. Ah now come the experts, hoping against hope that it's not Chapo's son.

    It is a trick to try to get this kid released BECAUSE he is going to be extradited and extradition to the US is the one thing all these assholes fear.

    Chapo is really putting the pressure on everyone. The AG is already blaming the US. She's afraid. They are all afraid. They had to act on the DEA info but now the Mexicans all want a reason to release this kid because Chapo is pissed off. It is his kid. He was caught with 100s of 1,000s of dollars and pesos IN CASH.

    1. It was a check!

    2. Chapo made a deal with the feds along with mayo and vicentillo. They should of added the whole family. Hahaha. Ypu know what they say about dealing with the devil.... DON'T

  20. This guy was probably paid a huge amount of money to play along. Chapo probably found out they were hunting that particular son and he sent in dummy? You know Chapo has people on both sides of the country to give him intelligence. I know it seems out there but so has the whole narco game these days.

  21. Maybe he had plastic surgery?

  22. (Maury) Chapo Guzman the DNA test is negative.. your not the father..


  24. Another expert in visual identification.

  25. Why would Chapo care if it was just some random guy? He'd probably be happy if somebody else went to prison, his son would be able to hide the rest of his life and everyone would think he's locked up. It doesn't look like the same dude. But than again I can look at a photo of myself from 8 years ago and well... my nose is bigger and my eyebrows are bushier and my lower jaw is wider.

  26. may i humbly suggest a DNA test to the Mexican authorities?

  27. That's his son! First, plastic surgery is a great way to confuse people, the nose in the last picture is similar to the current pic, eyebrow are similar, mouth can be easily operated, as any other part of the body.

    Now, if this guy is not the son of Chapo, why not just offer him mmmm... Let's say 100 million to say confirm the identity and keep the lie? That will leave enough time for the real guy to change his face completely and get a jail free pass...

    So why would Chapo deny an opportunity to just LOL at the governments for their stupidity?
    Why to bother with lawyers testimony and shit?

    He is a son or very close to him!

  28. frist of all, noone that is a lawbiding citizen in Mexico carries around $150K in cas, a grenade launcher, 2 grenades, assault rifles...that's him...extradite him, DNA him, Im sure the DEA got the afterbirth from Chapos young wife when she gave birth in California...

  29. Not him...look at arch in eyebrows...

  30. I told you guys that's not him that's Felix.....

  31. Its posible he altered his face like they always do and hes hard to recognize and we have the same situation as victor emilio cazares. I personaly cant decide its a close match of features but I am leaning that its not his son.

  32. PGR comprobado no es el hijo del chapo

  33. heck i dont resemble my father.....uh not good!

  34. nice trick.....make a story...wait for the chatter...and boom you find your target, haven't these people learned already that all communications today are digital all they need is a sample and wait for a match to come up and after that they have all the data they want. They will have your source and will connect that source to all sorts of contacts you had, be it calls, texts, pictures and even locations. That's modern communications for you, call it your own life tracking device (your phone), ask those dead fucks in the middle east how well it worked for them.

  35. It is not his son. I saw him in Nashville with Elvis.

  36. Confirma la DEA: detenido no es el hijo de “El Chapo”
    MÉXICO, D.F. (apro).- Funcionarios de la Agencia Antidrogas de Estados Unidos (DEA, por sus siglas en inglés) confirmaron a apro que el joven detenido por la Secretaría de Marina “no es el hijo de Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán.
    Las fuentes, que hablaron bajo la condición del anonimato, explicaron que el detenido no es Jesús Alfredo Guzmán Salazar sino que realmente se trata de uno de los operadores del hijo de El Chapo en el estado de Jalisco.
    La DEA aclaró que la confusión surgió a raíz de que varios de sus informantes en México les proporcionaron datos que señalaban al joven detenido por la Marina como el hijo del líder del cártel de Sinaloa.
    Frente a toda la confusión y para aclarar la identidad de los detenidos, la DEA consultó a otros informantes en México “que sí conocen y trabajan” con el hijo de El Chapo y éstos les aclararon que la persona capturada por la Marina mexicana no es Jesús Alfredo Guzmán Salazar.

  37. Vicente zambada snitched! !!!!!!!!

  38. Seems to me someone would have saved a little DNA from when one of Chapo's other sons was killed. There's also DNA from the two little babies Chapo fathered. Test it against the DNA from this lame ass gordo and see if there's a match. Damn, do I have to do everything?

  39. So this kid buys and sells cars in Guadalajara and has no ties to Chapo? Why does he have stacks of cash? Why is he in possession of grenade launchers and other military weapons? Explain that.

    Like someone said, why would Chapo even give a fuck if they arrested the wrong kid?


    "The spokesman said the two men had been seized along with four firearms, four grenades, multiple IDs and about $135,000 in U.S. cash"


  41. I am not sure about all this. WHy didn't the big guy just blurt out "I am not Jesus" or something. that would have been so cool. the atty representing him sure doe not look like the slick type one would expect for a son of Chapos.

    they sure don't appear to be the same guy based on the photos, but as Chivo pints out he was only 17 at the time of the photo and 26 now, and weight can really change looks. but a feature by feature comparative they look different. even the shape of ears, I hope they do a DNA so this will not become folklore...

    as for the US stance, they issued a statement saying essentially it is up to the Mexicna government to investigate. Which leads me to wonder how the US would confirm an ID...what do they have to compare, and that should be shared with the Mexican government.

    The fact that it appears that the family of the man named Felix did not show for tthe conference, only the atty, is curious.

    ...Paz, Chivis

  42. I have 2 problems with those disputing that it is Chapo's son. #1 - how else are these two preppy looking pansies gonna have guns and drugs in the gritty underworld of Mexican cartels? #2 if it were not his son, then he would let the misinformation ride. I recommend that the DEA and the Federales share a ride over to Chapo's mountain lair (babe lair) and swab him for a DNA sample. Swab the perp and Fed-Ex it to the lab. Better yet, send it by courier (drug courier) if it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.

  43. paz the mother of felix was at the press confrence with the attorney keep up the good work chivis saludos

  44. Being extradited to the us would be a luxury for these guys look how sweet it went for the arrellano guy

  45. "Marisela is already covering her ass by saying the DEA gave them the info."

    They said DEA gave them the intel right after the capture, way before Guzman's lawyer started saying it was not the right person. DEA gives la secreteria de marina the intel and they make the arrest, who will take the blame in case this is not actually Alfredo Guzman?

  46. Even if it's not alfredo Guzman, I'm still sure the kids are CDS/CDJNG members. You would think chapo's kid would have a decent security detail be more armed.

  47. Chapo is too powerful for Mexico. The govt is going to give his son back. Just watch.

  48. My source says yes this is El Chapos son.

  49. according to the sinaloa newspaper riodoce the DEA confirmed with their confidential informants that "do work with Alfredo Guzman" that the man arrested is not him. They believe this guy was working for Alfredo and the informants that gave the info to the DEA believed he was the son of el chapo. Very confusing indeed-El Cosala

  50. Anyone know which of Chapos son holds the highest rank in the Cartel?

  51. Its not his son... The dudes family just spoke out to the media... Check!

  52. Maybe happen the same to usa with osama bin laden supposly they had kill him.. in less than 48hrs he was under the sea bull shit yall think we stupid FU

  53. If I were Chapo I would pay that guy to say he was my son to take the heat off his real son

  54. Chiviz, it's enough that Chapo had twins in the US, I totally believe that those twins DNA is taken.
    You can get very close to 100% identification comparing those two.

  55. They claim that young man presented is not the son of El Chapo Guzman
    Friday, June 22, 2012

    As reported earlier yesterday, the Mexican authorities bragged and shouted from the rooftops they captured the son of El Chapo Guzman, identifying the young man as Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar.

    But yesterday, doubts began to emerge, as many people pointed out that the young man from Sinaloa presented was not really the son of El Chapo.Were the authorities lying?, Did they only want fabricate a bust?, It was big news and electoral value for obvious reasons.

    In addition only enough to compare the images that the authorities had dealt before submitting the boy was not the same as the one in the presentation of the Attorney General's Office.

    The news sparked controversy, as in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, family and the boy's lawyer filed yesterday, gave a press conference where he said that the young man was not named Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar and was much less son of El Chapo.

    The boy's family said he is actually Felix Beltran Leon, the boy's mother said he did not know Joaquin Guzman Loera and had no relationship of any kind with the Sinaloa cartel.

    The lawyer and the mother of Felix had family photographs, as well identification of the boy who was born in Durango, and had lived in Sinaloa with his family, but last he had moved to Jalisco because he had married a woman identified as Karla Pacheco.

    Mrs. Elodia Leon Vega, was very specific in the history of his son, said her husband Hilario Beltran is the father of Felix. All are from Canelas, Durango, but for many years they moved to the city of Culiacan, Sinaloa, where he lived quietly for two years but her son had married and gone to live in Zapopan, Jalisco.

    The lawyer, Veronica Guerrero accused the SEMAR, of lying and said she had DNA tests had presented the birth certificate of Felix, his driver's license, among other things that prove that the authorities were wrong.

    Felix was captured by confusion, so said his lawyer, who also said he will attend a Federal judge to file for protection.

    Mrs. Felix said Elodia's half brother Kevin Daniel Beltran Rios, another young man who was presented yesterday in Mexico City.

    Meanwhile officials of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) confirmed that the young man arrested and brought yesterday is not the son of El Chapo Guzman. They mentioned that it was all a misunderstanding, that the detainee is one of the operators of Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar.

    Now what will the Mexican authorities do ?, Remember we're a few days ffrom voting.

  56. His posture states it all. Any man born in power would bear the attitude, confidence, and lean of a boss. This was caused to generate mass confusion and loss of trust in government before elections.

  57. The look on his face says different. Looks like he knows he is in deep crap. LOL. Oh well another one bites the dust or will his daddy pay people off to have him released...hmmmmmm. Well it is in Mexico. I see that happening.

    Mexico = CORRUPTION at its finest. ja ja ja what a shame and black eye.

  58. "Sorry bros this is not Alfredito i said it since the beginning. Alfredito is not even in Jalisco right now but make no mistake this guy always hangs around the Guzman Salazar they came close but not close enough. Alfredito and Ivan are surrounded by a big detail of security especially since they have been included recently in the United States of America's blacklist"


  59. Two things:

    One: How common is the last name Beltran?

    Two: @June22, 10:26, the article says Felix Beltran Leon's mother claims her son was born in Durango. But up in the main post it says mom claims Felix was born in Los Angeles, US. Hmmmmm....


  60. I just noticed that the two suspects in the video are taller than the Marinas that are escorting them. Don't the Mexican Marines have a height requirement over six feet? They must be 6'3" at least. Odd when your father barely breaks five feet tall.

    1. There are short white people also,idiot.

  61. @June 22, 2012 8:42 PM no they wont. if they do everybody will know they will release him and it would bring alot of attention to the government and it would be widespread news.

  62. most mexican Americans are in fact mexicans through and through. mexico is a society of corruption! and its slowly creeping through the border towns. find a border town and read their local news archives. non of the main stream media ever want to touch it. but its a reality of every American living near mexico.

  63. And meanwhile Guzman Loera is laughing his ass off somewhere on Los Angeles

  64. It's like this Chapo knew the gov was gunning for his son so what did he do? He replaced his son with a boggy and gave him cash to make it seem more real and since not everyone in Mexico or anywhere I would think carries 135gs they army would believe he was the son a big tyma with all that cash? So now he reduced the heat on his real son and by now his son is somewhere else,

  65. @10:02
    Re: DNA of Chapo's twins. Yes, that is a good point, however the babies are protected by US laws and the constitution of certain rights. No party can collect DNA without the written permission of the person or the parent/guardian or minor children. It could be taken by court order, with shown cause, and that is where your point becomes interesting. hmmmm?

    To 10:26PM and 9:42
    Thanks but if you have been checking the post you will find that I have been updating it immediately with each new report from both sides the border.

    Our reports on this story is detailed with facts from both sides the border, press release, videos and photos....Paz, Chivis

  66. $135,000 dollars and $295,000 pesos is a lot of money to be driving around whit as innocent people + weapons. I think they are criminals.

  67. There u go US as involved Mexico is , look at what USA did they just remember how much money they loose and said sorry with their hands wide open they probably apologized to el Tio and he probably gave them a raise WOW open ur eyes people this man is untouchable and we all know that so good lock!!!!!! ATT: que les valga verga PTS jajajajajajajajaj

  68. Marina requirement was 5,11,but its been discontinued as you may have noticed.

  69. Mexican Marines ?
    1.80 meters tall (5’11”). They are a bigger and deadlier version of your average Army grunt, and they’re stone-cold killers to boot.
    Any takers ?

  70. Everybody keeps talking about the money and the guns and the grenades n saying ;YEEHH!! they are mos def guilty, Like ya'll never heard of a setup/ frame up.... DID ANYONE HERE SEE THEM IN POSSESSION OF THE GUNS OR THE MONEY?? stop using that to justify jumping on the ''lynch these guys'' bandwagon. There was a few of us who could see from the photo's it wasn't who they were claiming... The media do make mistakes but its the mob mentality of the public that make them so easy to fool into believing pure B.S

  71. I. Think that this whole circus. Was perhaps ochestrated by the gringos to clear pena nieto's way to the presidency. By ridiculazing pan's credibility

    1. That's it! Everybody, we have a genius political mind among us! Yes, the Americans are so concerned with Mexico that they have yet to mention any stories of consequence in a single media outlet. The sad truth is the only thing that gets the attention of the American media are bridge hangings and horse ownership.

  72. It's like watching the case of the drug lords son, you are NOT the father.

  73. If this is not Chapos son then why would they go thru the trouble of trying to proof media wrong??? That's his son.. he just doesn't want the rival cartels to get him or have him send to the US for trial... Come on both US and Mexico are full of shit.. Chapos lawyers had the conference too.. come on

  74. You got the Mexicans getting racist again,its the gringos,you got bleeding heart US citizens saying yes you right?What the fuck is the US supposed to do?
    If it would have been him the US would still have been wrong in Mexican eyes."What are the gringos doing here"
    You would have had bleeding heart US ctizens"You can't do that,in Mexico"The US cannot win,and its no wonder they really don't want to get involved in any of this.Whatever they do,they will always be the hated gringo?And for what.Am i telling the truth or am i wrong?I would love to be wrong,but sadly.

  75. Ok sorry for being naive but can someone explain to me what she means by gordo-gate?

  76. To me the guns and weapons were just added if he is a car sales man he might of had 5000 may be 10000
    But the goverment added some more money and weapons as a political ploy now the poor kid will have to pay.

  77. Its simply the converse of heating up the plaza, only this time its DEA, eavesdropping on the electronic correspondence generated by the disclosure that Chapo's son was captured,and watching and tracking the swithchboard light up,heating up Los Mafiosas plazas

  78. There's another story on the Spanish site were the government admits they fucked up this guy here is not chapos kid.

  79. i went to school with chapo's son in guadalajara. this guy they arrested is definitely NOT him at all.

  80. Baggy...
    The mother says the weapons were a frame up but the money is that of the family (jeje)

    TO hte reader not knowing what GATE means at the end of a word. Since the Watergate scandal named for the Watergate hotel, writers have used the addition of gate to flag a great scandal. Today, any public scandal, real or exaggerated, can be identified as such by attaching the suffix -gate to the word. Nanny-gate, Iran-contra-gate, and Travel-gate are examples.

    Never apologize for sincerely asking a question....paz, chivis

  81. PS...

    The attorney in her "parking lot conference" said the mother disclosed Felix was born in LA.

    As for Beltran, very common name. I have several cousins with the last name Beltran...none named Felix. These two Beltrans are brothers...paz, chivis

  82. Baggy-Why is it so hard for you to believe that this guy is involved in narco activity? Do you know any more about it than anyone else? What do you know?

    Or you're just angry because others seem to want him to be a narco? If they don't come up with some proof then they must release him after 40 days, right?

    So even if he has done nothing he gets to spend 40+ days in jail.

  83. So its been 40 days and still nothing? Is he or is he not el chapo son? I don't understand why they just don't do a DNA test and get it over with. ( A dan test can be performed in days)

  84. I PRAY ITS NOT HIM I HOPE CHAPO JR IS SOMEWHRERE on a yatch with his dad eating lobster and porterhouse steaks drinking the finest wine and smoking the best kush living life to the fullest and to be honest chapo isint a bad guy and i think he should be given chance to pay his taxes an be a free man hes not a murderer like the crazy zetas an contras first it was auturo beltran then la barbie now yall messing with another good guy aka CHAPO


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