Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Gordo-Gate: DEA Asked Detainees To Pretend Being Relatives of El Chapo, Until The Election Concludes

Borderland Beat

Inside the offices of Specialized Investigation of Organized Crime (SIEDO) Personnel of the Drug Enforcement Administration Agency (DEA) offered the brothers Felix and Kevin Beltran,  to accept the role of a relationship with Joaquin El Chapo Guzman  Loera, leader of Sinaloa Cartel, and they would set them free after the elections, according to the lawyer Juan Heriberto Rangel Mendez, defense counselor of the two young men arrested by Marine/Army Secretariat (SEMAR) last Thursday in Zapopan, Jalisco.
The litigant said “the offering happened during Thursday night before the detainees gave their ministerial declaration. DEA approached them when we were not there to defend them.”
“First, they tell Felix to accept being son of El Chapo and that his situation could be resolved  after the elections. They wanted him to sign the statements given by SIEDO. Then he told them that he was not going to sign anything, and fortunately he didn’t.”
Beltran Brothers
“The DEA insisted: ‘Accept this, sign your statement and the we make the clarification that you are not the son’; then after he convinced them that he was not going to do it, they told him ‘we want you to blame the people that we tell you to and you are free right now”, but he didn’t agreed either, so says the attorney.
“Obviously, they couldn’t convinced him of anything, and Felix refers that another DEA agent appeared, a bald one, and asked him to turn around and to take his shirt off and then the agent added: ‘no he’s not it, Gordo, has a scare”.  (Chapo’s son bears a scar)  
How did you know it was a DEA agent?
Because they said that both agents were blonde, tall and they spoke English. Felix said that the words in Spanish were mispronounced and when Felix didn’t agreed they spoke between them in English.
When did the detainees tell you these things?
Midnight, almost at 1:00 o’clock of Saturday, which was the time when I was allowed to meet them. I saw that they were not beaten or abused, and then they told me that the DEA agents were with them and proposed the role playing.
Meanwhile, SIEDO will keep the brothers Kevin and Felix Beltran under arrest during the following 40 hours, although it is confirmed  that Felix is not the son of Joaquin El Chapo Guzman.

PGR will continue with the integration of the preliminary investigation PGR/SIEDO/UEIARV/051/2012, for the probable responsibility in the offenses of organized crime, possession of a fire arm, exclusive of the Army and Air Force, and operations with illicit resources.
The above due to the authorization of arrest given to the PGR by a federal judge, in order for the Federal Public Ministry determine the origin of four fire guns, four grenades, 135 thousand dollars and 295 thousand pesos.
The officials of the Secretariat of Marines that detained the suspects last Thursday in Zapopan, Jalisco, then transferred the men to SIEDO.

Source: Jornada

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  1. Looks like a lot of people are guilty

  2. Come on Chivis, this story is childish. Be Chapos son until after the elections? Nothing, not even the arrest of Chapo himself will change people's vote.

  3. Please can we finlly bring one of these crooked ass dea or any other american plitican under arest

  4. Until our election or the Mexican?

  5. I cant believe this. really?>

  6. sounds like what we might do; only we don't put the head in a box

  7. That's complete bullshit! I don't believe a word of it! Why would the DEA want these guys to pose as high targets in the CDS (and one being Chapo's son). Especially, when El Gordo is roaming around free! No..the DEA does not operate that way in a foreign country, Mexican authorities were running the show, I do believe that is was the DEA, who pointed it our they had the wrong guy(s). This article is trying to accuse the American govt and the PAN of some sort of political scandal..bullshit!

    1. Thats funny because DEA congratulated the Mexicans for this bs. DEA is the most crooked agency in the world why defend them?

      -Mi Shilon Prieto

    2. It's the u.s.a the country who ordered a hit on the twin towers to justify a war over oil. The u.s.a who is waging wars against plants using lies and propaganda. Come on of course it was them along side with the Mexican government. They been lien to all of us for a really long time now.

  8. Lol and people were just talking about the corrupt federal police that got killed in the mexico city air port. I m sure the above piece of pie is going to taste sour to them. Although they should know american federal agencys have always had corruption especially in the 80's with the C.I.A involved in the distribution of crack in the epic crack epidemic. They say that the D.E.A even had deals with the sinaloa cartel a few years back and had regular meetings with top cartel operatives including el mayos son Vicente.

  9. Chivis, do you have the original Jornada link avaialable?

  10. Its a bunch of bullshit. I doubt that dea would tell them to lie. It feels like ,maybe the pri is using this to make the pan look bad. I dont know but something doesnt smell right.

  11. This is the way that americanos work, metiendo las narices en todas partes mientras en su country everybody is buying shiett to be happy, they need to go back to usa and clean their own mierda and then come back when they have nothing to hide on usa. Bunch of idiots trying to look like a perfect country without problems.

  12. Reality IS better than fiction. This Mexican/US drug war plays better than any Hollywood flick and it has all that it's needed to make it as such like murder, greed, drugs and lies.

  13. They dont want the PRI to win and stop the drug war idiots. hilary clinton wants this


  15. "Chapos son till after the election"Then again it is Mexico,so it could be lies,bullshit,lawyer speak,anti US garbage again,,,whatever,take your pick.
    Please leave the US out of this mess,please.These story's don't help either,they could say anything they wanted and some people give it credence as legitimate news.Should be a bit more discerning about what is posted.Then again why,you can post almost anything.

  16. @ 1:31

    Well I translated it and had it in draft for two days. Two elements convinced me to post it, it was in Jornada and Riodoce...not in some rag, these are two respected news sources, secondly I had presented the story as it unfolded and though I may not be convinced I felt the need to give all aspects of the story and felt it would be unfair not to present it all....Paz, Chivis

    As for the link:

  17. Lol the DEA decided to send down 2 tall blondes who spoke terrible Spanish to handle this important assignment? No Spanish speaking agents were available in Mexico? Sounds believable

    1. All the Spanish speaking agents are in Texas or Chicago.

  18. La Jornada is a leftist publication that is against Calderon's war on the cartels,this story is B.S.

  19. I'm a journalist. The US wanted to help the PAN win the election because they are the best friends of the Obama admin in Mexico - they give the US everything it wants in terms of image, trade, buying arms, the privatization of the oil industry; everything. The US govt has been secretly hoping that the PAN would turn shit around in this election. A lot of people thought that Calderon would bring in El Chapo to boost the PAN's electoral hopes (a la Osama Bin Laden) but it hasn't happened because Chapo, as we all know, is too powerful. It looks like the PRI will win the election on Sunday and the US will have to do business with them. No biggie - successive US governments supported the PRI from the early '40s to the 1990s... even when they were doing business with narco.

  20. Hahaha sorry people,but all evidence is.pointing to this.

    The DEA is corrupt.

    No really???
    Im sure no one even though of that.

  21. Gordo got fat eating tacos and ironing all that money. Not a wrinkle on those stacks. Guns straight out the box, poor kid was set up. Of course to many people think that government agents that make deals with dope dealers and live a lie to blend in know when to stop lying.

  22. Two familiAs splitting after long time partnership due to one side paying with pain while the other doing ok

  23. Right ! Who benefits from a story like this and how? You are just doing the dirty work for the PRI and the your eyes and write productive information. At least see some proof before you let these people use you ( There NEVER will be any because this is about Mexico, you should know how it works here). Gee, and I thought this place had some smarts, and some smart writers who were really smart...need to take more of these articles with a GRAIN of Salt.

  24. LOL I bet they did catch them an then chapo paid everyone some good $$$ an they the did the look a like switch hahaha Mexico an even our government are corrupt

  25. Yeah right this is propaganda

  26. I believe this 100%,
    just what makes you Murricans believe that an institution made of men is not corrupt or prone to gaffes? Enough of the holier than thou Bull Shit!

  27. dunno.... what does the dea (and us) have to gain by chapito being captured? nothing... something isnt right.

  28. Normally this would be shocking but nothing surprises me these days

  29. Now do American as understand why Mexico and don't like us law enforcement in Mexico. Because abuse they the worst of the worst.
    they have a agenda behind Mexico's drug war. And im surpirse.the CIA didn't m wake them confess to something.they didn't do.
    But as we see on the comments idiots.still.can't believe their beloved law.enforcement officers arrived more currupted then mexican.officials

  30. Haaa haaaaa haaa ...

  31. Oh yeah you can trust a lawyer to tell you the truth. Especially when she is trying to divert attention from her client's real story AND trying to make a big splash in the media for herself AND when she knows mexicans will believe anything negative about the big, bad US, DEA, FBI, etc. They're terrified of government agencies that actually function.

  32. hahahhaha to the idiots tha believe the DEA and ICE and and lest not we forget ATF that they dont lie and make shit up wake the fuck up the american government is the number one use and destroyer of not only families and lifes but entire countries look ar Irak, Afganistan,Colombia,Mexico ,Panama they sue the dictatarors as there puppets and as long as they serve the amerrican interest they are cool and acceptable but once they start turning on them they crush them like trash ( noriega,hussien) and many others
    wake the fuck up they are as corrrupt as the system lets them and makes them

  33. So the DEA begged him to sign and say he was the son and he defiantly said NO. LOL-
    If you beleive any of this I have some land I want to sell you or a bridge if your interested.

  34. This is very hard to believe. Those who do believe this are blind fools.

  35. June 27, 2012 12:08 PM .
    "hahahhaha to the idiots tha believe the DEA and ICE and and lest not we forget ATF that they dont lie and make shit up wake the fuck up"
    You wouldn't be Mexican by any chance would you?
    Anti US bullshit=Mexican hating again.

  36. I have seen DEA agents, and NEVER have I seen one blonde, nor couldn't speak almost Perfect Spanish. Those that work in Mexico that are NOT native speakers of Spanish ALWAYS are accompanied by at least one that does speak fluently. Remember when the agent was killed returning to Monterrey, the one that lived was a native speaker, but the other was NOT blonde,. Blonde men stick out in Mexico and other latin countries, so not a good choice for an undercover agent. Now we have 2 Blondes and DEA, and Poor Spanish speakers in Mexico. But, hey, this is the truth, because it came from these arrested guys, and everyone knows that in Mexico, those arrested are 90% innocent, because that is how many go free. You Really gotta be DUMB to believe the way this was presented.BTW, the very obvious way to tell there were Americans there was to see that they had No guns, and EVERYONE else had LOTS. These are trees...look for the forest.

  37. No entiendo lo liveraran despues de las elecciones y el dinero? Y las armas? Ya no es delito portar armas esclusivas de el ejercito? No entiendo,si es inocente la marina solo busco alguien para sembrarle armas y dinero o si. Es el gordo real mente el cartel ya lo arreglo

  38. @9:47 PM Of course, just ask the shooter on the grassy knoll. hahaha Another conspiracy fan who has been smoking too much mexican shit weed.

  39. "Of course, just ask the shooter on the grassy knoll. hahaha Another conspiracy fan who has been smoking too much mexican shit weed"
    What you trying to say,that conspiracy theory's are usually nuts?I am now 132 years old,and that is fact not conspiracy or conjecture,in fact i also helped George Bush jnr,set the whole twin towers job.Of course everyone knows it was an inside job,we can't fool all those clever people all the time.You know, the one's that spot the conspiracy's.

  40. "It's the u.s.a the country who ordered a hit on the twin towers to justify a war over oil"
    Yes,i also believe,that George Bush,murdered 1000s of his own people and destroyed the twin towers.I also believe that we didn't make it to the moon,that we invented AIDS,that we planned all this Mexican drug war,we also have aliens in hanger 19,and that i am not sitting here writing this bullshit,,,oh i also believe that the USA is to blame for every ill that befalls the world because it is all planned by the new world order and the Illuminati,i know this for a fact because i am in the illuminatiblahblahblati.

  41. I know,why don't we just blame the US for everything ?
    Like Mexicans beheading other Mexicans,how can we blame the"gringos"for that?H,mmmmm,let us think ?
    We'll come up with something,don't worry.

  42. @10:48 AM Take your medication. Then you can think straight. Maybe.

  43. DEA have already done this multiple times throughout history in Guatemala, El Salvadore, Colombia and Ecuador kidnapping and arresting people then telling them what to say on camera for leniency.

    All praise to Bolivia who kicked out the DEA years ago after they were tired of their criminal antics.


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