Borderland Beat
Organized crime is engineering increasingly sophisticated equipment and armaments, their ability to use improvisation is impressive, for example, the unusual armored vehicles that are used to protect drug shipments. With crude materials such as steel plates and railway tracks, "narco engineering" has created real monsters, unbeatable with conventional weapons. Their place of origin is from Tamaulipas, however its use appears to extend to other entities, such as Zacatecas and Sinaloa.

June 14, 2012
These units are result of the "Militarization of organized crime driven by Los Zetas", says proceso's Guadalupe Contreras-Correa, a researcher at the University of Texas at Brownsville , and explains: "The Zetas were formed from elements of the Mexican army’s elite groups and were trained by foreign advisors in highly specialized weapons handling and counter-insurgency tactics."

An officer of the eighth military zone explains that the criminals changed the the suspension so that it could support up to 30 tons of weight. They would as the Officer indicated, cover the engine, the cabin and the back with at least one inch thick steel plates. The original supports were replaced by pieces of railroad rails.
The military emphasizes that the armor of these “monsters” can withstand attacks with AK47 and AR15 assault rifles and even .50 caliber and 40 mm grenades.

During 2010, it was common to see monsters circulating through the traditional trafficking routes that branch from the municipality of San Fernando . This town is located in the Gulf of Mexico, 120 kilometers south of the border with United States .
"The monsters are used only to monitor and protect the transfer of drugs carried out in rural areas of Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, as protection from rival groups", the military emphasizes, and stresses that until now the narcos have not used such vehicles to combat the army or the Federal forces.
The existence of monsters dates from the first months of 2010, after the split between the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas, former armed branch of that organization.
"Rupture had been brewing for some time, since Los Zetas expanded so rapidly. As they controlled important squares, which made the leadership of Los Zetas decide that it was time for more independence from their former partners," says researcher Guadalupe Contreras-Correa.

The only way to destroy the monsters is to attack them with 20 mm anti-tank grenades, adds military source.
In the past three years the military zone VIII has seized in Tamaulipas, more than 120 armored vehicles. These include six that are considered "real monsters," because they weigh more than 30 tons and can accommodate more than 20 gunmen.
Mad Maxico
DeleteIf we all had all the money in the world wouldn't we come up with shit like this to beat our enemies in war. I know i would throw money into weapons and making regular cars into tanks. Whatever gives u an upper hand right people???
ReplyDeleteThe fifth from the bottom photo has nothing to do with the cartels, it's a big-rig truck that is in Russia, not Mexico.
I really don't get can see these things from the Fuckin moon and nobody reports it?
ReplyDeleteReport it? To who? To police??, you cant fix the mexico situation just reporting this trucks, we must attack the root cause, money, if mexico produces a lot of tons of drugs, its because the cartels are able to sell, with a high margin of profit! Where are they selling his drugs?? #anyidea? Without this large amount of money they cant do anything,..
DeleteSo here's basically how it goes... You start out working as a halcone ay some gas station or taco stand.and next thing you know the boss has some real work for you. So you sniff a couple band of dope and he tells you to get in the back of of one of these things!!! Dont forget to say goodbye .
ReplyDeleteInteresting read, thanks a lot!
ReplyDeleteUmm. Where are the bullet proof shields for the TIRES? 1 bullet to the front tire that's it you're done.
ReplyDeletetires full of slime ..or foam..that seals on puncture
ReplyDelete.50 cal and assault weapon amo will tear up those slime or foan would seal any damage
DeleteThose things are "death traps!" Against small arms from other DTO's ...maybe, but you come up against military personnel that are well prepared for the encounter and it's game over!
ReplyDeleteSnipers???...really???....i highly doubt that whoever gets in the back of these "monsters" are qualified to be called snipers...shit bags sure but not snipers...just saying.
ReplyDeleteSpike strips!!!
ReplyDeleteKill the driver,then weld the back door shut with everyone in it and leave....they might get the message.
ReplyDeleteI'm not trying to glorify cartels, but these are beast.
ReplyDeleteI want to see trucks go force on force against another. The one with the flame thrower wins. Oops I just gave away my idea : o
ReplyDeleteHahaha yeh i wanna see those trucks go up against each other it would be like an epic demolition derby lol
ReplyDeletethese piece of shit "monstruos" are just that!! Ridiculous pieces of crap!!!
ReplyDeletemad max type stuff but i seriously dnt see these going to far
These narcos must have a lot of free time in their hands to build these "beasts" the Mexican military should check all the small towns that's where these Car & Driver models are made....wonder if the warranty covers
ReplyDeleteConcrete or steel run flats
ReplyDeleteSirian fighters are using too...UHMm!
ReplyDeleteDumbest shit I've seen. These big hunks of junk will only kill whoever drives or rides in them. Slow , heavy and very easy to spot . Why not just make a tank or apc ? This is ridic !
ReplyDeleteM2 mounted on your vehicles instead of those HK21s with .50 cal Armor Piercing Explosive Incendiary-169 round. Go ahead and use that combo Mexico. You're welcome.