For a while there has been rumors of a division within the Zetas leaderhip, primarily Trevino Z-40 and Lazca, and as is the case, such rumos many times are hard to confirm but I found interesting a post by _The Magician_ in the Borderland Beat Forum,
Source: Proceso
Security Federal Sources confirm what some narcobanners hung in northern states suggested since early last month: Los Zetas, the extremely violent group of thugs who became the Gulf Cartel, faces a break in the dome. Its two main leaders, the Z-40 and the Lazca apparently are engaged in a complicated web of betrayals, experts, predicts a new and more serious bloodshed in the country.
On the morning of June 1st a group of young hung a large banner in the Garden Independence in the Historic Center of Zacatecas. Almost four teenagers while they climbed the stairs of a pedestrian bridge across the busy avenue Felix U. Gomez, the center of Monterrey, to place the same narcomensaje in the center had a large photograph of Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, El Lazca. Around the image of Lazca were seven other lords smaller mushrooms that have been killed or captured, including Jesus Enrique Rejon Aguilar, El you baby, Jaime Gonzalez Duran, The Hummer, Arturo Guzmán Decena, Z-1, and Raul Lucio Hernández Lettuce, The Lucky.
In those days was also uploaded to the video portal Youtube a run with the following warning: "Pay attention cartels in Mexico and other countries, this is the story of a person who has betrayed fellow teaming up with federal and deliver them and their plan is a leader of Los Zetas. " With that warning starts the video they called "the true story of Z-40", referring to Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, who along with The Lazca has control of Los Zetas, the group that operated until 2009 as the armed wing Cartel Gulf to serve Osiel Cardenas Guillen, now imprisoned in the United States.
Then another video: "New run of Los Zetas", which tells of the treachery alleged to have committed the "New Judas" as identified Treviño Morales, against some members of that organization.
On June 7 the same message with the photo of the center Lazca appeared before the municipal president of Ciudad Mante, Tamaulipas. But this time was placed at the door of a truck inside which there were 14 mutilated corpses. Click here to view. These messages and events such as the dismemberment of 49 bodies that were abandoned early on May 13 in Cadereyta, reveal a new division in one of the most powerful and diversified in the Republic, which could be a prelude to a new bathroom of blood. "Z-40" vs. "The Lazca" Security sources confirmed the federal government that it is split between Los Zetas and believe that the struggle is for leadership. Treviño Morales mentioned can even betray and to deliver to the Lazca, the only of the military elite still in the organization.
Other Army deserters who created the Zetas at the beginning of Vicente Fox have been killed or imprisoned. "The Z-40 has been betrayed and has been putting people Lazca" say the officials, who add that Lazcano has been moving between Europe and Central America. I recently was located in Costa Rica, where he arrived from Germany. Lazcano has lost a lot of people you trust and that has forced him to retreat, although the recent arrest of Jose Trevino Morales, brother of the Z-40, which may favor, they say. Jose Trevino was arrested on June 12 in the U.S., accused of laundering money for his brother. The research in this country has to do only with the cell of Los Zetas by Treviño Morales and does not involve the entire criminal organization.
The Z-40, who has been located between Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Aguascalientes, could make even more violent cartel that if he can remain in control, it has distinguished himself as an impulsive operator, say the sources. News of the zeta division are not new. Since April last year the Texas firm Stratfor intelligence realized versions in this regard: "Stratfor has heard rumors of a split between the leader of Los Zetas, Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, El Lazca, and number three in the organization, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, Z-40. But we have not been possible to confirm this and determine if the leaders wear side was affected or caused by that division. " Versions were not there.
In June last year it was reported that Lazcano was killed in a clash with the army in Matamoros. The Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA) denied it. Narcomensaje The narcobanners that appeared in Zacatecas, Monterrey and Ciudad Mante began last June with a warning: "This goes for all of us who are near the boss Lazcano and Z-40". The authors of the text used the name of Guzmán Decena, Z-1, the soldier who founded Los Zetas and died in Matamoros in November 2002 in a clash with army excompañeros.
The appeal was to ask whether Heriberto Lazcano catch some z's heads are accidents or have been betrayals. The casualties have been with the Army or the Navy. But most have fallen into the hands of the Federal Police (PF). In the narcobanners is said that the detention of Germain Torres Jimenez, El Tatanka was "understandable to remove the heat of the U.S. government." This is because in December 2008 that was responsible for the kidnapping and murder of former agent Felix Batista FBI in Saltillo.
Then ask who gave it: Lazcano o Z-40? After being captured in Poza Rica, Veracruz, El Tatanka confessed to the PF who had left the Plaza Saltillo because he knew that members of his group wanted to eliminate it. Another of the names on the covers is to Efrain Teodoro Torres, La Chispa or Z-14, who died in the attack on March 3, 2007 in Villarin, Veracruz, where he held a horse race. His name came back to light by the arrest of the brother of the Z-40 for among those accused of laundering money for Miguel Angel Trevino, the U.S. Justice Francisco Colorado Cessa included, this in fact where he died on Z-14.
The narcobanners say that after killing his left Torres' family in the street. " There is also the name of Enrique Reyes, Rex or Z-12, arrested in June 2007 in Hidalgo by the military. "His dream was to marry you relied on the location of your wedding and putting betrayed her wedding day," says narcomensaje also question whether the Lucky it has captured the Navy when he was alone, even though "he was very careful in their safety. " Was "chance or treason?". The narcomensajes also note that Miguel Angel Trevino walked along with Daniel Perez, El Cachetes, when he was arrested in Guatemala in April 2008. "It was the second in command of yours as he fought and 40 other.
Coincidence or treason? ". They also say that the head zeta in Reynosa, Jaime Duran, The Hummer, he "interfered to 40 for that outlines more than him." Also refer exmilitar the arrest of another group's founder, The you baby, and Alberto Jose Gonzalez Xalate, El Paisa, stopped by the PF in April 2012 in Saltillo while riding in a car with his wife and three children. "He was a good friend of yours and looked after your finances and personal interests blues accident that also found him walking in a car alone with your family!"
The message ends with the phrase: "Draw conclusions ... the majority were stopped by the blues and is as easy as giving a phone number and you ganchan. "The only people who were reported to 40 you mentioned ... are all chance or treason? With whom we are safer with Lazcano or 40. " Also in video The narcovideos are more explicit: they say that "Judas" Los Zetas is Miguel Angel Trevino. We engage in a series of intrigues and murders of the same peer group and warn Lazcano that the Z-40 "knows no loyalty."
"There is a saying that is very true, or you have to trust your shadow. That you bring to one side knows no loyalty ... and you to trust your shadow, you know where you'll end up, "says" The new run of Los Zetas. " "There I leave you to remember what the Sierra de Victoria, San Luis and San Fernando, remember and make memory, you dropped the whole government and almost did not manage to," he adds.
Media versions circulating in Nuevo Leon police say Los Zetas and are divided into two camps, one of which is negotiating with disaffected groups of the Gulf Cartel to form a group and leave the Z-40. And note that Heriberto Lazcano has much time away from the main action. One of the facts that demonstrate the division of the group occurred early on May 13, when Jesus Elizondo Ramirez, El Loco, Zeta leader in Cadereyta, disobeyed the orders of the Z-40.
Captured by the military on 18 May in the town of Guadalupe, confessed that he "was ordered to Heriberto Lazcano and Miguel Angel Trevino and the head of the criminal organization in that entity, which is known as El Morro, to be coordinated with a guy nicknamed El Camarón and leave in the main square of Cadereyta bodies was going to deliver such person, together with a blanket that incriminated as responsible for the killing, "says a statement from the Department of Defense.
Elizondo told Ramirez that a representative of Camarón, José Ricardo Barajas Lopez, The Speaker, who escaped the prison of Apodaca, quoted in the village of Los Herrera, where he met with 30 gunmen who gave him the 49 bodies, "which were transported in several trucks, including a truck. " "Because of the likely consequences that would trigger an event of this nature against" El Loco violated the orders of their commanders and decided to "leave the bodies where they were later located by the authorities and not in the central square of the municipality, as he said. "
In this version, the morning of May 13 The Speaker is responsible for recording the action with his cell phone and then the video was uploaded to Youtube, but it lasted a few hours on the network. In his confessions to the military, Elizondo Ramirez confirmed that the Z-40 was in Guatemala when he was arrested the Cachetes.
The statement of the Department of Defense states that Elizondo "further noted that in March 2008 was part of a group of assassins led by Treviño Morales, who raided the department of Zacapa in Guatemala to expand control of the organization that country, registering several clashes with local groups where he died Guatemalan drug trafficker Juan Jose Leon Radon, aka Juancho Leon. "
Two days after the 49 bodies appeared, the group is splitting tens of narcobanners placed in Ciudad Valles, then finally in Monterrey and Zacatecas, which denies being behind the killing of Cadereyta. "The Zeta Group disclaims all 49 quartered in Nuevo Leon and ask them (the authorities) that chequen well, do good work as it should. Not because they go and pull a truck with bodies with a message that the Zetas were going to stop doing their job, "noted the narcomensaje.
Another of the facts showing the divisions Zetas also happened in Monterrey, when state police arrested Juan Francisco Treviño Chavez, El Quico, nephew of Treviño Morales.
Treviño Chavez was arrested along with his cousin Jesus Chavez Garcia afternoon June 12 at a mall in Monterrey by members of the State Investigation Agency (IEA). Treviño Chavez, 31, was in charge of the plaza of Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey reached to reorganize the group is still with them. Police sources reported that his capture was due to an anonymous tip that alerted members of the AEI, a corporation that never stops drug dealers of that caliber.
After capturing the fact kept secret for two days until a leak to the media brought to light the case. Treviño Chavez was the second family of Treviño Morales arrested that day: the U.S. government had already captured the younger brother of the Z-40.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
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» "Los Zetas" are Divided, the Infighting, Narcoreportaje
"Los Zetas" are Divided, the Infighting, Narcoreportaje
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JAJAJAJA..YESSSS!!!!..good ..zetaz against zetas..big win for everybody else
ReplyDeleteHow's MTY?
DeleteSounds like 40 is still snitching.
ReplyDeleteNo mamen BB este reportage lo han posteado como 5 veces en el blog del narco ES SOLO PROPAGANDA PARA MEDIATICA PARA DIVIDIR LOS ZETAZ .
ReplyDeleteBB tu informacion deve ser mas relevante NO DE CHISMES
No seas pendejo esta nota la saco "la policiaca "y NO el blog del narco y esto si es neta por que aca en zacatecas se escucha los rumores porparte de los alconez que anda de mamones hijos de su puta madre hay ta la chinga que les pusieron en villanueva los carteles unidos a los mugrozoz como dise el dicho "cuando el rio suena piedras lleva"o no
ReplyDeleteThe source of this report is Proceso Magazine, the report name is '' La Z se divide''y este ''reportage'' no ha sido publicado en tantas ocaciones porque salio en la edicion de esta semana. La informacion, los rumores, ya se han dado.
ReplyDeleteNo creo que exista un problma tan grave entre ellos como para dividirse,pero definitivamente han tenido buenos desacuerdos y eso ha llevado a los rumores de una ruptura.
True this is old news and has been proven as false.
ReplyDeleteWhat's your source??
DeleteThe only ting correct about this report BB is da fact dat Lasca IS in Europe, England too be exact. He aint hiding out here, he be buzy re-organising the English Strong-Arm of the Zeta'z-the North-West branch, and da Assassin Snypa'z from Manchester & da Sickest Sicario'z from Liverpool-best believe dat shit pussy-holes, Viva English Z
ReplyDeleteEurope is gay and also broke as fuck!! Have fun!!!
Delete@July 17, 2012 8:44 AM
Jeez ya no es plasa mugrienta ya es c.u tienea poko tienpo que se las kitaron a horas estan peliando Zacatecas fresnillo y mas pueblos aledanos a Zacatecas que es la plaza prinsipal y neta jente los zetas estan divididos y arriva Zacatecas fibre de tardan en sacar videos de los "mugroZoz" Que levantaron los carteles unidos...
DeleteAscribing the banners to an infight is just about as reatarded as propaganda gets.
ReplyDeleteThink about it, when Gulf Cartel it was a direct claims of betrayal, straight forward.
Now these two supposedly rupture and all you get is innuendo and bullshit beating around the bush....?
If it is true then wait for some chopped off heads then cheer, otherwise its business as usual.
This did happen to the Sinaloa Cartel and you saw the outcome of the fracture, first a the Federation fell apart, then as Durango factions and other internal fights became evident to the fact.
When the Zeta factions start going to war then one can be for sure, for now its just propaganda from the contras aimed at destabilizing, nothing new.
For me this is a weak atempt by officials to dismantle "Los Zetas" or "la Compania" with phsycological jargen! the Zetas are well trained in the art of disiplin and loyalty to the chain of comand. With out a chain of comand there will be anarchy within the group and they are to dang! smart to allow that. The Zetas are deafeating there cartel counterparts and are a threat to Sinaloas dominance of the drug trade. The Zetas obviously know how to respect and work if they are asociated with the Beltran Leyva's and Carillo Fuentes. Because Alfredo Beltran Leyva "el Mochomo" and Arturo" El Botas Blancas" his brother would of called it off long time ago. This is another attempt to rid of Los Zetas with phsycology
ReplyDeleteThey're nothing but a bunch of drug addicts and cheap ass killers, nothing about training or military discipline, every time they make contact with the Marines or Army Infantry soldiers get their asses kicked and killed big time. 15 zetass killed, 17.wounded and plenty of them capture, Comandanta Ardilla's ass shot to pieces, and they're well trained? The other 25+ captured snitching big time, what happened to their bullshit code of.conduct, in case they had any?
DeleteWhat a stupid fuck. He didn't have nothing washing cars now he wants all
ReplyDeleteLazcano is already dead. Z40 dumped him in Coahilla in april. That's why there is no sightings or word from him.
ReplyDeleteBy the incredible illegilble translation, I would say it originated in Google translator.
ReplyDeleteAnyone thats been in England knows that is THE WORST FUKEN PLACE TO HIDE!!Lazca is not stupid enough to go to a Country that is so closely monitored. I was there two month ago and they have cameras in every corner. To top it off they run your face through dozens of databases to see if you are wanted or not. Lazca would get picked by Interpol in a matter of days. I would say South America. Argentina maybe Brazil.. But not England!!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, this rumor has been running for a while. THere is a video, where the Golfos decapitate a couple of Zetas and they say in the end "Lazca, we will take you back as long as you come and say you are sorry for the whole mess." I am guessing Z40 and Z42 are the ones doing all the stupid shit.
Very true. I lived In the UK for years. It's street cameras profile everyone and a Mexican sticks out like a red siren! I only met two Mexicans the whole time I was there. This is bad PR on their part. It isn't easy to confuse Mexicans, so I guess whatever this is, it worked.
DeleteLazca needs to lose Trevino in a desert and regain control over the z and restructure the whole Compania back in the orig way it was run!
ReplyDeleteReal old story,with no basis in fact.It is all conjecture,and as such you can say anything you like.
ReplyDeleteThe videos are well known,and also old,so,the point being?Mention the Z,and you get a lot of mileage.
Everyone knows it.
July 17, 2012 10:58 AM .
UK has the most cameras in Europe.
Cameras up the ass,step out your door and the motherfuckers can follow you.Idiots don't realize that cameras do not prevent crime.Is a fuckin camera gonna jump off the wall and stop a mugging?Its all bullshit to keep an eye on us,and make policing easier,it depends on the seriousness of the crime as well.
40 is a killer not a snitch if you dont know that has the power cause he kills then you are crazy 40 is the hands on and lazca is the money man if they were at war we would know 40 kill ten or more every mission
ReplyDeleteThe word is the hells angels are going to open a chapter in nuevo laredo to facilitate drug trafficking from mexico.
ReplyDeleteThey will have the zetas working for them or annihilate them.
While the hells angels are badass and tough as hell I'm sure, the zetas have hundreds of millions in liquid cash and drugs as well as thousands of recruits running around with coke in their nose, hate in their hearts, weapons in their hands, and most importantly nothing to lose and no sense of mercy. Anyone who has ever tasted combat knows it doesn't take an expert or proven killer to pull a trigger...and everyone knows that knowing the battle field is a big advantage. The zetas would be fighting a defensive battle with the local government and numbers on their side. I don't think 81 are that careless to go into Laredo and take the Zetas head on.
DeleteThats bullshit. Hells Angels hate Mexicans.Maybe the Mongols make more sense.Quit talking just to talk!!!!
DeleteThe Hell's Angels got there asses handed to them by The Mexican Mafia prison gang in Cali. They would get choped and diced up quick by The Z. No constest lol.
DeleteHells angels take out zetas, or make zetas work for them? Damb peoples stupidity kills me. First of all hells angels are a joke compared to the zetas. The cops and feds control hells angels. They may have a rep, but if u haven't noticed the government cant even stop the zetas, let alone a bunch of crackers on trikes. Plus i woulde love to see the hells angels step foot in colombia to negotiate wholesale purchase, those dudes woulde come back with a nice new neck tie. Everyone in the us drug trade works for the mexicans. Hate it or love it. Its the truth. Try to disprove me.
DeleteThere no better place too hide then the us get surgery go too new york or fl or stlouis him from fl andhalf of my community is half undocumented aliens and ice has not been seen since I move here in 1999 that mothafucka probley syay next me
ReplyDeletethis is very ery incorect there are disagreement in marriage and friendship but not even close to dividing this seems like a chapo stragedy i bet my life on it ok going back to the party bros
ReplyDeleteThe most ironic thing out of all this, is that every last one of these scum are backstabbers and snitches. From the top Z3, Z40 to the halcones.
ReplyDeleteThe myth of brotherhood, honor, friendship, respect, and loyalty is just that...a MYTH.
Gangs, Cartels, the worst kind of pyramid scheme there is.
Every man must walk alone in life.
Just remember that you pieces of scum when that dull blade is ripping through your flesh.
Besides England being a horrible place to hide, what you said was the biggest piece of good wisdom I have heard yet. Blood ties are the best chance any cartel has to lasting the long haul. But a family is larger and harder to hide from authorities then when your running crime solo.
DeleteIn my strong but yet humble opinion.
source is Proceso and Lapoliciaca
ReplyDeleteSanta josefina que el cantante canta MAL ! ... ja ja ja ... ;-)
it was just a matter of time the lazca vs 40. We all knew it was coming but didnt know when. Thats gona get good...This is where beltran leyva seperates from zetas and brings lasca or 40 with him, which i think its gona be 40 on bl side. Rumor has it that mochomo will be out soon too. Its also a matter of time they get chapo or mayo, but hopefully they go at it against each other too. Looks like bl is gona run out gulf cartel out of tamaulipas pretty soon.
ReplyDelete@ Tyrone
ReplyDeleteDo you know anything about El Chapos people in Nuevo Laredo? Have you heard anything about that?
Tyrone are you for other cartels?. Ot seems your hatred for the zetas has turned you into a cds/cdg cheerleader. Don't worry son when another cartels takes over they too will be like the zetas...
DeleteIf you live it you dont speak it. if speak it you dont know it.
Deleteel chiludo
Damn you BURNED him, hahahaha.
DeleteOk yall remember that el M3 was going to click up with zetas right? Well it was el Z-40 & M3 which Z-40 & Metros have click up already but they haven't made it public "La Compañia" once again. El M3 was going to turn in El Coss to Z-40 before El Coss found out & send out R1 to kill M3 to show el Coss he R1 wasn't planning to betray him Coss & the whole plot fell apart but Z-40 was going to turn in Z-3 to M-3 but nothing happen according to plan. Fuk it there I said it soon a bigger Cartel War is going to happen. CDG-CDS vs Z vs BL-La Compañia. Yes Betran Leyvas against Z they bearly started this dispute the tregua will soon be broken BL ain't happy how Z manage there work because they don't respect innocent's.... -X-
ReplyDeleteI never comment but what your saying about the Beltran having trouble with the zetas because of how they work is not the first time I hear this like 2 weeks ago they told me the same thing. And now that you write it I felt goose bumps because I heard it the same way
DeleteSounds like they should make a novela out of it.
DeleteBl will never control tamaulipas u can forget about that cdg is to strong on their home front pinches pendejos
ReplyDeletejajajaja so your saying IDK nothing even tho I belong to one of those groups lol u kidding me verda pinche pendejo. Remember BL used to control Nuevo Laredo & Nuevo Leon que no. CDG pretty much has a real good grip on Tamaulipas they ain't going down with out a hardcore fight & BL has no plans on controling any new plazas out side of Sinaloa right now all they want to do is fight CDS till el Chapo is death -X-
Deletenope nothing on chapos people in nl and to the dude that said the hells angels were coming to laredo be forreal those dude dont a have a chance here. reason is they like meth .heroin and meth are contras merchandise .your not allowed to push those two drugs here .plus hells angels are dirty bikers they wont the fist check point. your a trip.
Interesting, no meth or heroin sales are allowed in Nuevo Laredo?
ReplyDeletesr. lazcano should just get rid of trevino bring the zetas back to who they really were trevino has messed it up
ReplyDeleteWho wrote this article ? doesn't make any sense..did a 3 yr old retard right it ?
ReplyDeleteUhhhh i hope you mean Write ans not right.
DeleteFirst let me say that this is one of the most important news sites on the web. That said, I think some editing is in order. A lot of unfamiliar types may take the info offered with a grain of salt given the poor editing. I realize translating is a nightmare and I would rather have something than nothing, but some editing may just send bb to a new level of exposure...which we all know would be great for both America and Mexico in the long run. We can't afford to ignore these issues and America needs to know what is happening down south.
ReplyDeleteThe hells angels in nuevo Laredo jajaja boy u on serious meth they will stick out like a sore thumb and be annihialated instantly thats why cdg Coss and r1s faction CDs old tejas members tubis brother and close associates and even some nuevo Laredo zetas are turning against the zs thats how they are infiltrating n.laredo not by mistake and not to mention chapo buying millitary in tamaulipas all this intelligence is gathering to put amajor hit on the zs we are just seeing a little of the inftration the zetas are stunned and freaked out how they have infiltrated nuevo Laredo cuz the zs had nuevo Laredo diced like ham or turkey so a bigger war like never seen will hit nuevo Laredo soon att el mexicano gabacho seal ranger mossad agent!!!!
ReplyDeleteThey said that yesterday they killed or capture the only guy making money for them zetas he was in charge of crossing the drug for them they called him MAYITO. JAJA
DeleteStupid fucking asshole mossad is the best intelligence agency in the worl from Israel u dont know wat ur talkin about why do I have to explain myself to,idiots u dont know about this war stay safe with,mommy in the us whe im in tamaulipas getting shit done
DeleteWhen is el mochomo scheduled to be released? What year?
ReplyDeleteStupid is judging a nation by one dumb asses opinion.
ReplyDeleteHey folks...the original source is Proceso as Buggs has added above. here is the link:
if that does not work for you, send an email to me at my email address listed on my profile, found here on main page. Clik on my reporter name. I have the Proceso 1863 in doc and will send to you. Please give us a little understanding, we don't always have tme to make things perfect...thank you!...Paz, Chivis
ReplyDeletethis is not old news BTW it is in Proceso's latest edition
Z-40 X CDS X BL > El Brad Pitt + CDS X CDG squared - Z3 = I'm fuckin lost.
ReplyDeleteMe to brother.
DeleteWill a 240 z beat a z40
Delete@ July 18, 2012 2:54 AM
ReplyDeleteNot bad, not bad. You just needed to add some brackets to follow the order of operations math rules, but according to your logic I finally figured out who Z-40 is.
Z-40 = (CDS X BL > El Brad Pitt) + (CDS X CDG squared) - Z3 divided by (I'm fuckin lost)= (retarded car washer)
lmao. good comment
Dont forget the Zetas are trained in misinformation... u bet Lazca is in England and where ever gun control laws have disarmed the populace.
ReplyDeletewho cares, this will change nothing.
ReplyDeleteFor info on whats goin on in Tamp. go to great site lots of info its all in spanish though
ReplyDeletei'm noones cheerleaderi jus knno whaats in my surroundings
Just wait till El JT gets out of prison in 2013, entonces si se la van a pelar los contras.
ReplyDeleteWTF! Who came up with the idea/notion that Z3 is hiding out in England? First, he doesn't speak's a fact, Z40 does but Z3 does not! Z3 is safe and secure in Monterrey...where the powers at be are in his pocket! Z3 has always kept a very low profile and operates/instructs capos indirectly! Don't be confused..Z3 is an "OG" Zeta well trained and disciplined. Z40 is reckless and bold and enjoys conflict! It's not hard to believe that Z40 wants the top spot but he can not compete with Z3's control and influence over top gov't officials!
ReplyDeleteZ40 speaks english? Bullshit, the kick his ass out.of elementary school, didn't make it but to third grade. The school was in La Colonia Mirador, he then became a car washer for Los Texas. Unless when he was at the Dallas County Jail, Lew Sterret Detention Building some big old convict made him his girl and thought him how to speak english.
Delete"Dont forget the Zetas are trained in misinformation... u bet Lazca is in England and where ever gun control laws have disarmed the populace"
ReplyDeleteIf guns were readily available in the UK,the murder rate would triple,that is a fact.Why,because it is so easy to shoot someone,impersonal,spur of the moment.With a knife,club,bar,you got to get real messy and work at it a little,more personal.Why you think UK has low murder rate.We are humans,we fuckin love it,on the sly.Sorry all you bleeding hearts,but there are people who can do extreme violence very easy,scarily easy.We are all different,some are quiet,intelligent,spiritual,non-violent,that is why we are interesting,anyway
♠ lí┬σ bRí┬σ ♠ said...hiding in England..pretty funny..yeah he would blend right in...besides i don't think his country ass is ready for the sophisticated eurofag criminals...
ReplyDeleteYou Mexican?Ye,your comment figures,fuckin whining losers,always hating on everyone.
No he ain't Mexican. He's a a wannabe regiomontano
DeleteJuly 18, 2012 4:17 PM
ReplyDelete"Hells angels take out zetas, or make zetas work for them"
Oh man,please,do you take shit like that serious?
You must be as thick as him.Why don't you be a negotiator between Z and HH,make sure you get your hair cut in a mullet,and piss on your jeans.Maybe get a tat on your ass,and a nipple ring,you look cool,really.
El jt getting out soon! Lmao what the fuck Is he going to do. Ill be laughing if he gets shot dead the minute he steps out of jail.
ReplyDeleteHaha we'll see, shits been heating up in sinaloa cuz el chapo isidro is out to get el chavo felix.
ReplyDelete"El jt getting out soon! Lmao what the fuck Is he going to do. Ill be laughing if he gets shot dead the minute he steps out of jail"
ReplyDeleteYeya mayne,same thing with Mochomo.Everyone sayin he comin out soon,so fuckin what,he be lucky if his ass dont get topped,man shit changes when you outta sight.
Google translated from mundo narco lol
ReplyDeleteThere have been reports about a split between Z-40 and El Lazca for years. It this was the case, why hasn't this split grown wide open????? It sounds like disinformation intended to put a wedge between the Zeta leaders. It seems to the that Z-40 is more the man of action, out on the frontlines, while Lazca is the strategic thinker high up, observing and commanding above the fray.
ReplyDelete..@July 18 3;51 PM. Bro. Black Heart. You've been warned, and you totally understand THE choices that you've made..
ReplyDelete..Theres no un-solved mysteries, and no man on earth can OUT-SMART GOD, REMEMBER THAT!!!
.."@July 18 3;51 PM. Bro. Black Heart. You've been warned, and you totally understand THE choices that you've made"..?
ReplyDeleteWhy black heart brother?No,just a human heart,just a man.We are all different as human beings,different temperaments,different thinking,,,you beleive.
No,not black heart,human heart.
..@July 18 3;51 PM. Bro. Black Heart. You've been warned, and you totally understand THE choices that you've made..
ReplyDeleteDoes that mean that you hate me?You dont know me,i am just being real and honest,i dont like hypocrisy.
I dont hate you brother.
ReplyDeleteI like your Theory Cocaine.In.America
"This is because in December 2008 that was responsible for the kidnapping and murder of former agent Felix Batista FBI in Saltillo."
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody have incontrovertible proof, other than rumor, the he was an FBI agent? The erroneous reporting by both the U.S. and Mexican media the he was either DEA or FBI may have contributed to his kidnapping.