Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"El Taliban" Challenges Z40, Z-40 Responds with 14 Executions

Borderland Beat
A new twist in drug violence has been seen in Mexico after a recent surge in fighting and executions that has reached the state of San Luis Potosi, a Mexican state that in the past has not seen such a high percentage of drug crime in comparison to other states, but is a place that is known to be dominated by a group of Los Zetas that conducts drug trafficking and other crimes. 

On August 9 authorities made the discovery of 14 bodies that had been tortured and eventually executed were found in a van in the town of San Luis Potosi. The same day in the afternoon an intense shootout was reported in the same municipality, near the Monterrey Technological School, that left three suspected sicarios dead and sent chaos among the panicked community. 

But more important is what the narco bloody conflict would reveal; a man who had been abducted to be executed along with the 14 bodies found inside of the van with plates from the state of Coahuila, but who was found alive by soldiers in a state of shock, gagged, hands tied behind his back and with visible signs of having been beaten, this according to a report sent by Notinfomex. 

The man who was later interrogated in a hospital in the city of Potosi, said that he managed to escaped during the slaughter of the victims who had all been traveling in the van, managed to survive by pretending to be dead and seized the right moment to flee when the murderers were carrying fuel to go hide in the mountains. 

As expected, the man would be questioned by members of the military, same military group that days later would reveal that the man and the group of men with him that were killed belonged to Los Zetas, and that his executors were also Zetas. 

The man also revealed that Z50 or "Taliban", a top leader of the criminal group Los Zetas had challenged the second in command of Los Zetas, Miguel Treviño Morales, "Z40", and this was the reason the war started in order to take control of the Plaza of San Luis Potosi, resulting in the execution of 14 people by order of the command of Miguel Trevino against the personnel of the Taliban. 

Presumably, previous intelligence reports had indicated that the trend of Trevino is of opportunistic and capable of betraying anyone, it was the reason after alleged abuse on his part, "Z50" dared to challenge him, even spoke of a bad relationship between Trevino and the top capo Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, alias "El Lazca" or "El Verdugo." 

In regards to Lazcano, it is not yet known exactly where he stands in these circumstances, however reports indicate that he has broken within the organization, and if this is eventually confirmed, it would be a huge blow to the criminal organization that has been considered one of the bloodiest in world, as his separation from the organization makes Los Zetas vulnerable to their enemies and also against the Mexican law enforcement and military. 

Thus, a new rift between the organization often called "La Compania", arises from differences between organization leaders, the same as it happened in February 2010 when rift between leaders caused a war between the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas, who initially were allies and were part of the same organization, but the breakup unleashed a bloody war mainly in the state of Tamaulipas, that resulted in converting many border towns into "ghost towns." 

The federal government turned on all alerts 
Given the recent events and the new information from the surviving sicario, the federal government sent its highest alert on the bloody war that is likely to break loose between the two leaders of the criminal organization (Los Zetas), an organization that has its roots in high-ranking elements of the military. 

Knowing that "Taliban" is boss of the organization in Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi and part of Guanajuato, it is expected that a war struggle for control of drug trafficking turf will unleash as it already has in San Luis Potosi. 

The federal government reported today that it will deploy 15,000 troops and Federal Police to in San Luis Potosi, Nuevo Leon, Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Michoacan, Coahuila and Tamaulipas, this in response to the surge of violence that has been taking place for about six years that is hitting Mexico very hard. 

Knowing that Ivan Velazquez Caballero, or "Taliban" is as vicious as Treviño Morales, it is expected that Velazquez will try to avenge the death of his 14 sicarios unleashing a bloody war.

Source: Notinfomex

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  1. Hope they kill each other off.

  2. Im sure CDG is celebrating this lol does anyone know if the taliban is going to CDG side?

  3. I agree. Nothing wrong here when they turned on each other

  4. Yea they say he made a deal with los metros from The Gulf Cartel its weird that Z40 didn't cut them up in pieces but Lazcano hasn't picked a side yet Z40 or Z50 but didn't Lazcano order the hit on El Sammy who was close to Z50 but either way hope they cut each other throats out along with there sicarios

    1. El Sammy was close to z40. And about lazca I think his dead already

  5. Ya el taliban is with cdg now

  6. Was Taliban killed in the battle in san luis potosi?

    1. No he is stil going strong with his brother

  7. Target z40 hear me loud and clear its a matter of time before some of his sicarios either abandon him or turn on him watch and see hes paranoid now who can he trust ive said this before and ill say it again lazcano has more zetas loyal to him vs z40 sweet nightmares z40 there coming for you walking dead man advice to zetas under 40 abandon him now or be slaughtered in the same fate .

  8. Pig scum dogs, kill each other. All putrid scum of the earth who should not be allowed to waste the air supply to breath. They need to be put down like rabid dogs and their entire families too. Every asset, money and property seized and given to all the poor in Mexico. God has no mercy for cartel trash.

  9. Z 50 probably wasnt feeling his rank in the structure. When you exceed higher,your partner can turn aside. Therefore, Z40 has more morale.

  10. fuck los zetas! fuck all other cartels child killers!!!

  11. HAHAHAJAJA what's wrong zzzzz can't get along n play nice with each other? Beginning of the end...get ya popcorn ready!!!

  12. In Sinaloa Z40 & Z50 and Z3 were the ones supporting Beltran Leyvas by sending in sicarios,wonder who will stay in agreement,obviously Lascano butZ50 or Z40?

  13. For Gods sake this have to stop! Such a nice city full Of fear now. SomeOne have to stop them No more corruption and crime, enough!!!

  14. Dont underestimate good old Z40,he been in the game long long time(as a asian hooker would imply)long long time.thats all he knows Kill Kill and more Kill....Z50 got no hope.

  15. Well iv Read in other sites that lazca and z40 have a 1millon dollar reward For z50 alive. And 1.5mill For him dead. So this should be interesting.

  16. Maybe Lazca will take the winners side. Big blow to the organization though >:D

  17. I hope they kill thousands of Zetas.

  18. They weren't " carrying fuel" ( cargando combustible) they were getting gas ( fueling up)

    1. If you knew any English that's the way you should say it (carrying fuel)

    2. It's actually charging fuel loks

    3. Yeah maybe in the 30's

    4. Where do they say " hey I need to carry fuel?" in Australia? New Zeland? Never heard that one before

  19. word is CDS kidnapped Lazcano and now 40 and Taliban are power struggling. info will be out soon enough. Guzman Loera winning again..

    1. Holy smokes que estas fumando camarada te fuistes muy lejos con ese comentario si es xierto lo que dices debes de ser el mero mero de todos Los,narcoblogs jaja!!!!

    2. Were you hear that? I highly doubt it.. would be sick if true haba

    3. Wow...can you confirm this source? Is there a website on this?Thx

  20. In terms of cartel activity, what are your opinions on the region below S. L. Pososi like Guanajuato, Leon, Queretaro etc? It's been fairly safe up until now no?

  21. So the rumors and narcomantas about a zeta split may have some truth to them? Awesome, this is wonderful news. I feel sorry for those who have to live in these plazas, the shit's about to get real nasty.

  22. "Knowing that Ivan Velazquez Caballero, or "Taliban" is as vicious as Treviño Morales, it is expected that Velazquez will try to avenge the death of his 14 sicarios unleashing a bloody war."

    Ivan "Taliban" Velazquez Caballero..? A mexican guy with a Russian first name calling himself Taliban? Now thats just creepy.

  23. "authorities made the discovery of 14 bodies that had been tortured and eventually executed."

    Eventually executed....Jesus that sounds so bad. Having Russia on the other side of the border I have always thought russian gangster were hard to deal with. You dont want to play around with the russians too much. But compared to Mexico its not that bad at all, the russians are hard but at least they just kill you right away, BANG, dead.

  24. Traitors are traitors,no matter what sphere of life.You work with someone in a team,and then he turns and makes trouble.What do you do with someone like that.What do you think will happen to him?

  25. So much for Velasquez having cancer.Hes been dying of cancer for 20 years.

  26. We dont make deals with traitors (z) once a traitor always a traitor atte metro 20

    1. So con quien esta el talivan es Como uds entonces rojos contra metros el talivan xontra 40 y el pinche rey de Reyes r1 y su sobrino el commandante diablo qpex compa todas xontra todos okpex el Coss tu camarada ya sw fue con el chapito lo siguio el r1 parece y uds metros xon quien estan aliados con chapo talivan o van hacer putas de Las zetas otra vez para me gustaban

    2. Estas pero bien pendejo hijo el r1 lo mataron en puebla el pedo con los rojos ya se acabo las balaceras que hubo en matamoros la semana pasada fueron METROS Y CYCLONES VS XW Y SUS MEDUSAS LOS SACAMOS DE MATAMOROS POR QUE ANDAVAN QUERIENDO TOMAR LA PLAZA nosotros somos el mero CDG METROS,CYCLONES,DELTAS,GAMAS,KALIMANES,ORIONES, 199-1223 PA TODA LA RAZA DEL GOLFO


    4. Confirmado z50 iso pacto con metros CxDxG

  27. Let them duke it out. The Mexican government should stay out of it.

  28. Either the murdered zetas didn't get the memo from taliban that they were at war with trevino or some of taliban's men went with trevino and easily ambushed the dead zetas.

  29. Replies
    1. CDG means Culitos Del Golfo.


  30. Pura Bola te putos, traicioneros, se dan vuelta y se clavan. Pinches zetas jotos, por mi k se maten a la verga.

  31. I just read that Calderon just asked for American help . Navy seal team six the ones that got bin laden. This war is getting juicy.

    1. The shit is about to hit the fan. If this SEAL TEAM 6,4,,9,11,2 etc., all are going to be inserted into Mexico via HALO to hit pre-designated targets. Good by cartels, you may rot in help!

    2. And extracted by air.

    3. Where did you read this?

  32. 1.5 million reward for taliban by trevino and lazcano!
    10 million reward for trevino and lazcano by the feds.

  33. Trevino going down very soon.
    He's being isolated more and more each day.
    He's desperate and crazy and insanely paranoid.
    He has too many enemies who know his every move.
    Worm food very soon!!!!!!!!!!

  34. With all of the alleged fighting within these organizations, you wound think that disgruntled Zetas would form an alliance with disgruntled CDG & CDS members to form yet another cartel. One that would allow El Lazca more exclusive control.

  35. Viva Villa Cabrones!!August 15, 2012 at 10:05 AM

    A dead Zeta is the best Zeta. I hope they continue to kill each other. :-)

  36. "Taliban challenges Z40".. are they gonna fight one on one or send there cracked out sicarios to see, who kills the most innocent people... All u people on the cartels nuts are a bunch of ignorant fucks... Sinaloa, zetas or golfo they all kill innocents.... There's not one cartel that really respects civilians... I hope they all die like dogs.. but there pussies so theyll just turn themselfs in... Like barbie guy..


    Is the U.S. sending Seal Team Six to capture top drug cartel kingpin? American military 'plotting military operation similar to bin Laden mission'

    Read more:

    RUH ROH..lets see how the amateurs do now ..against the highly, trained paid ,professional killers of the USA

    interesting to see how this pans out

    i am giving 5 to 1 on the seals..the local boys might do pretty good with the home court advantage ...but the US war machine is pretty fierce

  38. August 15, 2012 8:25 AM ,

    Really? LOL imbecile.

  39. Any confirmation on LazCano caputured by,,,,,CDS

  40. El ondiado will take down seal team 6 with his combat knife lmao. Im praying they kill the lil pig crapoo. Then the corridos will say how he went out like a true man....... Shitting his panties

  41. Yeah el macho prieto captured lazcano, but el macho works for el mayo zambada.

  42. "Any confirmation on LazCano caputured by,,,,,CDS"
    Errr,yes,word on the street,is,,,Chapo has been cuttin raw on Lazcas pretty ass and face,fuckin rattlin him all over the place,with Chapo walkin round in high heels and stockings?It was well known that Lazca liked to dress up and bang hard on trannys,pretty little trannys who could pitch it good to Lazcas raw ass.Lazca is a freak,and go's all night,thats why Chapo has him tied up on a bed in a mini skirt.I dont think he was caught in Sinaloa,it will eventually come out,maybe even video ?If it is true and he is caught,i wonder how long Chaps will keep hold of him?Use him as bargaining power?

  43. Nothing will come out of this. A new splinter cell will probably be formed out of los z again. Same thing that happened with LFM when they left the Z.

  44. Seals? This isn`t Afganistan or Pakistan, this is Mexico, The Seals have nothing to do here, unless they are prepared for some losses they will NOT come to Mexico. Osama wasn`t running around with hundreds of sicarios around, this isn`t as easy as you think and Seals aren`t as good as many want to think, This is Call Of Duty boys.

    PS. Fuck el chapo and all the fanboys of CDS.

  45. All this shit between the Zetas CDS Gulf and Sinaloa is nothing but a game of Ping Pong. Pure
    unadulterated B.S. As long as I've been reading Borderland Beat it seems it's allways the same Movies Playing just with different Actors. When One Star get's killed another scumbag fills his place. It's like that here in the states and it's like when one Dictator in the East gets taken out another one fills in for him until it's his time..! Been like this since Biblical
    Times with the Romans!!!

  46. I read that they want to send in the seals to capture chapo but the mexican gov. Refused because the u.s was not going to trade info. With mexican gov. Onother reason why calderon refused is cause his related to chapo! Mensos

  47. I think z3 lazcano was the only smart narco ever and I'm no cheerleader but I think he made enough money for him and his kids life and left the game peace Loks ps how much would that take 100 million a billion id be cool with a 100 million I'm not to greedy

  48. Lazcano has been abducted and held by the CDS - that s a lotta bullshit! In fact as far as I can know he has left Mexico and nowadays he is the South America or even Africa spending his millions. And if he isnt there, he fucking should be or his ass will be ripped.

  49. I'm slightly confused as I know the van was stolen from Torreon and the first reports listed the victims as having been kidnapped from the Torreon/Gomez Palacio area, yet this report seems to say that wasnt the case.

  50. "And about lazca I think his dead already"

    Dead men never get caught. Put a dead man as the poster boy for your cartel while the real people that pull the narco strings (politicians, generals, businessmen) live out in the open.

  51. "Anonymous said...

    Any confirmation on LazCano caputured by,,,,,CDS
    I want to see that video...

  52. The CIA has secret chemicals to test out. Navy Seals will try it on the cartels and also use bug drones to carry the missions. The bug drones come in different sizes and each performs a task. You will see this go down very soon. El Chapo is high on the list along with key members of all cartels. Google bug drones,

    1. They will just call the exterminator or use Raid

    2. well if you know about them they aint secret right???

    3. Ever heard of whistle blowers ?

  53. they say lazcano has moved on frm the orginazation and 40 is a big ole snithch


  54. The cartel dont stand a chance against the US. They got bin laden in a military town and nobody did shit. Four flying gunships and two stealth gunships. Cmon!! They havent got him yet but when the US does the snitchaloa wont do shit! They didnt do shit when vincentillo went to snitch or mayos bro too got picked up. Nobody has ever been rescued or even fought against the US like osiel, obrego, afo or the fuckin godfather. Get off the bandwagon.

  55. @ August 14, 2012 11:49 PM
    "word is CDS kidnapped Lazcano"

    dude why you trying to spread bullshit? Lazcano has not been kidnapped at all!

    Anyway about the matter in hand, I think Los Zeta's just added another problem to their list. Now they got more guys turning against them who will no doubt go to the government or CDG with valuable information.

    But its basically good news as it will all amount to more low lives ending up dead!!

  56. "Trevino going down very soon.
    He's being isolated more and more each day.
    He's desperate and crazy and insanely paranoid.
    He has too many enemies who know his every move.
    Worm food very soon!!!!!!!!!!"

    You should have wrote the above in just one paragraph cuz it reads as if you were trying to write in free verse poetry!

  57. How do we know that these guys have kids or families? Just curious. Thanks.

  58. if its true that the u.s. wants to go after chapo its certainly not because of compasion toward of the victims or mexico . he's hit them in the pocket so long that they are mad now.well its your own people doing that. in my opinion leave him alone there worse people outthere


  59. Damm these fuck'n glorified car washers i hope you all get a diffrent type of cancer every time you breath fuckn plague. bunch of extortionist & kidnappers.

  60. Lazcano moved on? How often do these sociopaths move on from power like that? I'll believe it when I see it.

  61. Its true..Obama said : get me el chapo and hold the mayo.

  62. i like how someone said chapo probably has an "anti seal team". hahah there is no such thing, you simply cant prepare for a seal strike. once the seals are givin a targets location and the orders to strike its game over for target and his security detail.

    1. Lol "its game over man game over!!!" aliens reference sorry just had too now imagine Chapo doing that when he found out seals where coming for him

    2. Yeah but those highly trained US Seals will be worth little in la Sierra.

    3. It could turn out to be a bin laden operation or a fail operation like the Jimmy Carter Iran hostage operation where everything went wrong

    4. It went bad because of bad weather. Sand storm made the Chinook turbines flame out and it crashed.


  64. Nothing but a little spat. They will kiss and make up when the order comes. CDG does not have Lasca. He isn't even in Mexico. For that matter, neither is Chapo, Mayo, Azul or Vicente. And Z isn't splintering to CDG, CDG is all but dead. It was only 14 men, that is nothing. Chapo cheerleaders, put your pompoms downs. He isn't winning shit. PAN is gone so there he goes too. BL, CDJ, Z and TJ rule for the next 6 years. Put your pompoms down and watch CDS die a slow death. They have already abandoned lots of their people in plazas all over Mexico including Sinaloa too. Without the Federal Police and the Military, he is weak as puppy piss. They have run them all out of Chihuahua, Z, CDJ and BL are taking their production areas, and they are taking the ports in Sinaloa. The big 3 of CDS have taking there riches and are long gone leaving all their plaza bosses to play hell. No more military rescues. The military and Federal police know who their next bosses are. Those aligned with PRI.

    1. Dude shut the f up u dont kno shit so keep ur mouth close

    2. Poor little man if you don't know shit shut the fuck up. I'm from nuevo Laredo and the zetas are scared to go out . The zetas bosses took away their papers to cross to Laredo so they won't run. And about the Beltran they are having trouble with the zetas because of the way the work. And tijuana rather get paid from Sinaloa then be at war and not make money. You zeta dick lover remember their still real cartels that make money from their drugs not like zetas that leave from the poor and from the working family.stop saying shit if you don't know because their is no kissing and making up because before the fight in the zetas el talivan call z40 for backup the send people and to send them without weapons because he had guns for them and when they arrived he killed them all and it was a bus full of z40 man el morro el Pirri and some other hit man got killed


  65. admin please see if this is worth posting in forum or wherever but i feel we almost lost one of the decent guys when it was found out that one of the ff guns was almost used in an assassination plot against Julián Leyzaola.
    Mexican Drug Cartel Used "Fast and Furious" Gun in Failed Assassination Plot

    Posted on August 10, 2012
    Just when you think the news about the disastrous "Fast and Furious" gun-walking operation can't possibly get any worse, a U.S. government report has disclosed that Mexican drug cartel operatives used a firearm from the infamous scheme in a failed attempt to assassinate a high-ranking Mexican law enforcement official.

    According to a recent Daily Caller article, the gun "was seized in Tijuana in connection with a drug cartel's conspiracy to kill the police chief of Tijuana, Baja California, who later became the Juárez police chief."

    An August 6, El Paso Times article gives further details:

    The firearm was found Feb. 25, 2010, during an arrest of a criminal cell associated with Teodoro "El Teo" García Simental and Raydel "El Muletas" López Uriarte, allies of the Sinaloa cartel.

    Tijuana police said they arrested four suspects in March 2010 in connection with a failed attempt to take out Julián Leyzaola, and that the suspects allegedly confessed to conspiring to assassinate the police chief on orders from Tijuana cartel leaders.

    The firearm in question was traced back to the "Fast and Furious" operation.

  66. @Au15/5pm Yeah keep it up Good ole U S of FKN A stick ur noses into every shit...obviously lookn for another 9/11,keep it up its coming!!!

  67. @ August 15, 2012 8:58 PM

    el unico pendejo cheerleader eres tu. Hablando babadas pendejo. Obvio que te esta cojiendo el Z10, z20, Z30, z40, Z50, Z60, Z70, Z80, Z90, y todos los Zzzzzz. Pendejo. Callate!!!

  68. The top guy is a complete ingnorant who dosent know shit of what he speaks of

  69. @2:58pm stop thinking,im alive and well.

  70. When the US captures Chapo Guzman alive there will be a snow ball fight in Hell... And get off the seals nuts.. it took them 10 years to catch bin laden.. and not only that he was sick and dying already.. Chapo has military trained people... Maybe ex seals themselfs... El Bravo is suppost to be a hard core guy.. if would be cool if they caught him alive tho...

    1. "El Bravo is suppost to be a hard core guy"

      WOW! A "hard core guy" against dozens of hard core US Special Forces or even a few 100! Fuken pendejo!!! I don't give a shit if Chupapito Chapito has ex-military trained guys!!! They'll fuck his ass up and all his gay ass sicarios!!! Seriously, educate yourself and don't be a pendejo you illiterate bastard! I bet US has special forces that we don't even know about, Delta Force probably stronger than seals, were told seal team 6 put prob some hardcore shit we don't eben know about! I bet if the us wanted to a navy seal would hide in a bowl of frijoles and shoot chapo in the face!!! Haha!!! That's how skilled they are u dumb fuck!!!! Plus don't forget we got Hussain pendejo!!!

    2. @1:15AM Don't argue with them bro, the don't know anything about the US Military!

    3. El Bravo is a nice looking lady!

    4. 1:15, your the only pendejo... The US , got Hussein in a fuckig sewer hole..all this sicarios traine in the sierras .. u dumb Fuck... Because u watch discovery channel or national geography doesn't make an expert u dumb ass... Get off the navy seals Dick... U probably just finished watching Act of Valor now ur pumped up pendejo

    5. Military operatives from the USA are motivated by pride and patriotism, not money. Seals in the employ of a POS cartel boss? Not!

    6. Lol yes and.the drug on wars is actually to stop drugs right ? You Americans make me.laugh. at your idiocy

    7. Stop believing all the bullshit you hear in corridos and narco blogs.... El Bravo ain't shit anymore and la gente in culiacan know this .... Bravo has fallen so out of Guzman's favor that he has to think twice about giving him blocks on credit.. If he can't trust him with a couple keys you really think he is going to trust him with his security ... Instead Bravo spends his time in El dorado leeching of the gente ... Fantasma is actually doing a little better though he is not working security for Guzman neither .... Pero pa las cocinas salio bueno ...

  71. This is bad for the Z. El Z50 group easily made up 25% of the Z. Thats a huge chunk that splited away. El Z50 controlled alot of states for the Z. He was 3rd in the structure of the Z right below Z40. All the states that he controlled would eventually become territory of CDG and CDS if he allies himself with them. Which is most likely going to happen.

    1. Z50 was one of the smart ones that knew when to pull out of z40 grip.

  72. @ 7:29pm There is an anti-seal team, its called a Club!!!.

  73. @ 11:08pm- Wow you really know nothing. First of all it was not the SEALS looking for OBL it was the entire US government, the SEALS were sent in to capture/kill him. Not only did we do that but we did it within the city that hold Pakistans military academy. You honestly think ANYONE in Mexico, whether it be the cartels, police, or military could do anything to stop the SEALS from successfully completing their mission? Pakistan has a far superior military than that of Mexico. LOL you're an idiot.

  74. The Seal team 6 that got bladen was shot down in afghanistan, killing most of them.
    Of course, there is ploenty of new recuits to fill their boots.
    Like sicarios they bleed and die.

    1. You don't know shit! There is no plenty of recruits, only 1 out of 150 get qualified for SEAL training, and only 1 out of 30 graduate from that training. Sicarios are like cockroaches, you can find about 100 in the trash can, but they are no match for SEALS. And no one was shot down in Afghanistan, one helicopter crash landed because of.mechanical malfunctions. If you didn't go then stfu!

    2. Its reality ,soldiers just like sicarios sigh up to easily learn how to kill n stay alive longer. That's it ,you guys are like dogs if your master says sit you sit. If he says bite you bite. That's all there is ,yet people sit behind acting like a bunch of horny college cheerleaders waiting to blow as many soldiers or dogs as they can.why ? Because they don't know any better

  75. Chapo should just be happy its not the SAS coming for him. Im predicting the seal incursion goes horribly wrong .

  76. where do you retards get the supposed info that Lazcano has been caught by the CDG?

    STFU with such bullshit!!

  77. @ August 16, 6:38am
    You are obviously not educated enough to have your facts straight or stuck on a sicarios ballsack!!! Seal Team 6 DID lose a helicopter during the Bin Laren raid, but it was NOT shot down and not one single Navy Seal was shot or lost in that raid. When are these cartels going to learn that their greed and inability/unwillingness to prosper together is going to eventually be their un-doing? They are all making tons of money from the drug trade, but thats not good enough?? They now have to kill each other, kill migrant workers trying to come to the U.S., kill innocent people, wipe out families, police, and government workers. It will come back to them, if it hasnt already! The cartels need to be prepared for that split second double tap...aimed at their heads!!!

  78. Hey 9:00 AM (August 16),


    c.i.v.i.l.i.t.y. here please & thank you. Say it don't SPRAY IT !

    K Boca Sucia!!!

  79. Fuck Chapo.. Fuck the seals... All they care is themselves... No one on here knows jack shit, its just opinions.. but everyone acts like experts... Yeah they got Hussein and bin laden, so fucking what... Those countires are in worst condition now, that when they were both alive..

  80. El chapo has a 300 men army of ex special forces trained by israeli commandos ,they know the sierra very well remember the mountains is a tough terrain .These mercenaries are very well trained and armed with usa weapons. They have been preparing for these types of operations (estrategia de escape).El Chapo got doubles, 2 midgets with baseball hats that can easily confuse the navy seals also el chapo got people world wide.

    1. Israeli commandos? Then El Chapo is a stupid sob. Israeli commandos rank # 7 in the world of military special forces. #1 Russian Spetnaz, #2 US Special Forces, # 3 England SAS, #4 German Commandos, #5 Guatemalan Kaibiles, #6 French Commandos including the French Foreign Legion Commandos, #7 Israeli Commandos, #8 Honduran Commandos aka TESONES (Night Special Operations Troops) Tropas especializadas en operaciones nocturnas. Get educated! US Army Vet.( De oppresso liber) 7th SOG AIRBORNE!

    2. The mountains is a tough terrain? The US can always deployed the 10 Mountain Division out of Fort Drum, NY.

    3. STFU... Everything you hear in corridos is not true pendej0.... So supieras que el Senor se la navega mas por la ciudad que la sierra ... ya se mero se va andar pasiando con 300 gentes por culichi ... si para eso son los billetes pa los pitazos y pa cobijarse de unos buenos pinos ...

  81. Navy seals are no match for El Chapo aka El Chapulin Colorado with his Chipote Chillón, Pastillas Chiquitolina La Chicharra Paralizadora ...and his diamond AK47 . el Jefe de la Sierra cant be caught ! No contaban con mi astucia!!!!!

    1. How about dropping a couple of hydrogen bombs on key locations?

  82. Too funny! Crashed landed with RPG up its azzz! Only idiots would believfe the pentagon reports! I could list the 5million lies from the pentagon.
    If seal team 6 is so great why did america run out of iraq and are losing in afghanistan to a bunch of sandal wearing taliban with ak47s and RPGs!
    Taliban budget 5 million annually!
    American budget to fight in afghanistan is 500billion annually!

  83. The seal team will not stand a chance vs chapo way...

  84. first of all none of you pendejos saw the dead body of osama bin laden, second, the us goverment don't give a s.h.i.t. about what you want to happen, it has its own interests way diferent from yours, why do you think they don't use all your man power to STOP THE TONS OF DRUGS that stupid retard sicarios get into the country every year,

  85. Well lets see when the tean goes in, i cab see a worst Somalia ,orbay of pigs happening lol lets this fools stay they think.its invincible because,when.clearly Afghanistanhasn't.been controlled not.when.the soviets invaded with the Americans . I can't wait for.this to happen i wanna see the.embarrassement in Mexico . Keep it up ignorant cheerleader. What i find funny most of ya don't know but people who" killed " OBL which by the Way s like the 5th time he has been.killed . N some how proof never shown of this last "killed". Those seals mostly were killed ,coincidentally? I don't think so.

  86. i read lazcano has prostate cancer or real bad health issues and xxx=M3 just said r1 died in puebla. no wonder why we havent heard of him in a while.

  87. So when people were saying that Lazca and Z40 split it was actually Z50 and Z40 rumors? Or did Z50 split when they said Lazca and Z40 were more united than ever?

    1. No Lazcano and Z40 splitted, Taliban -Z50- just sided with Lazcano.

    2. Es verdad el verdugo mando an talivan por la cabeza del 40 ye se iso una alianza chingona todos xontra el apestoso traicionera y mal agredecido del 40 el lazca mando traer chingos de kaibiles sanguinarios y bien preparados se Los dio Al talivan para ke vaya por el 40 agarense ay viene el monstro!!!!! E dicho

  88. i will bet that El Z40 will eliminate El Taliban! El Z40 just two dam ruthless! this man will kill his own mother if she got in the way

  89. Want to know how powerful chapo, z40, lazcano or any of the supposed big shots are? They are so powerful not a single one of their coked up crew has captured any enemy of any importance. Not one. Not a single one. One the other hand the u.s has been plucking saddam out of a hole. Sent a couple of tomahawks up his sons assholes. Have practically dismantled the entire leadership of the terror organization responsible for /11 including double tapping Osamas skull. Shut the fuck up thinking some coked up animal named bravo or any security for these lowlifes have anything on some real proffesionally trained killers with eyes watching and guiding their every move from a network of military satellites and drones so far above these cocksuckers head all the coke in the world wouldn't get them a fraction as high. Hussein - check , Osama - check, Zarkawi - check. Meanwhile Chapo - piss poor halcons - check, z40 halcons - check, you get the point.

    1. Chapete no ha pescado no al sancho! El 40 menos!

  90. After all those years of wild rumor about Z-40 and Lazcano falling out, it turns out to be Z-40 Vs. El Taliban. Looks like Los Zetas could splint into different organizations.

  91. The seal team is.going in fight the cia lol and we all.know who really got this fight . Hilarious to see people own army brothers to fight their own army brothers . Both sides are sponsored by 1,no win in this war but money. That is it just money .all this fighting is just to.control drugs not to.stop.them. educate your self people because if ya dont later on it will be your family going yo war and it will be token late to realise stupidity allows this doublr deals to.keep happening.,n.once they go bad they army. Need facts? Start from.the contras go Afghanistan today as well as Mexico where n.who started everything. Is better go be hated for saying the truth ,rather then be cheered for being.stupid.

  92. Wooo hooo as long they slaughter each other.

  93. Bunch of dudes up in the mountains with guns don't really mean anything. If the U.S is given the OK they will go in with helicopter gunships and real special forces. The only reason the narcos been getting away lately is because Mexico military/Police forces seems to always try to capture guys or do operations without proper air support. Couple of blackhawks and apache helicopters will just take everyone out before they see it coming.

    1. I Agree but like u said couple blackhawks and apache helicopters theyll take care of them but with out an airstrike there really dont have a chance... its easy to give coordinates and hide by some bushes while they do the cleaning and walk up to claim victory....

  94. This hunt Chapo shit with Navy Seals will never happen,why?....cause we already know about it.

  95. Those navy seals are walking into a trap.. there no match with el chapo. Maybe a decoy of el chapo look alike will be killed while thems seals are getting ambushed..

  96. People stfu with the us military, our military couldnt even handle Iraq or Afghanistan, I would hate to see another hundred thound get sloughtered, and the reason they don't use air support is because those basterds carry surface to air missiles

  97. "Lol yes and.the drug on wars is actually to stop drugs right ? You Americans make me.laugh. at your idiocy"
    I know,we believe everything our government tells.Honest,we do.Sometimes i wish i was in Mexicococococococococococococ,,errr,not.

  98. August 16, 2012 6:56 PM
    "Meanwhile Chapo - piss poor halcons - check, z40 halcons - check, you get the point"
    Brother,some get it.But this isnt about how the US is the most technologically weapon advanced country in the world,and the balls to use it.
    This is about race,and hatred,and all that good shit.You talkin to a brick wall."Chapo can take on the US"Why do they even want Chapo to win?
    He is one of the ones who stops Mexico from progressing yet he is some kind of half assed hero,who can be held up as some king of anti-US bullshit ?

  99. If this works they'll kill each other off. Nice.

  100. August 16, 2012 6:56 PM .
    You wasting your breath man,i bet you get someone who actually thinks these dudes can put up a fight if it happened ?

  101. "The seal team will not stand a chance vs chapo way"
    Do you actually believe that comment,seriously?
    Oh man,i give up with some of these clowns.

    1. Common sense isn't so common amigo

      The U.S shot down a falling satellite from a boat in the middle of the ocean and have helicopters that can destroy what they want from 100miles away. No matter how well armed his troops are there no match. Idiotic to believe he has a chance to with stand a u.s attack. If they want to they could take him out in a couple of hours with good intel

  102. "EL Patron " "El Senor" " El Jefe De La Sierra" El Chapo cannot and will not be caught he is the CEO of drug smuggling. Bank of america and Wachovia and all american and european banks will continue to launder his money .He has El Fantasma and El Bravo watching his back he has a 300men army just like the Spartans all special forces assasins .

  103. Aparecen narcomantas de los caballeros tenplarios le declaran la guerra al z40 y invitan a los demas carteles a unirse y acavar con este mugrozoz que sera que ya hay tregua entre cds ct cdg cjng pero quien save con eso que el 50 el talivan le dio contra al 40 andara uniendo fuerzas con otros carteles?????

  104. August 17, 2012 9:15 AM .
    Speak on that shit some more guey,errrbody thinks Bravo goes huntin predators in the fuckin jungle.
    Frankensteins momma aint got shit on Bravo,he fucked the blob up as well.And the Phantom,
    fuckin Freddy Nightmare is shit scared of him.
    Thats how badass these dude are.

  105. "EL Patron " "El Senor" " El Jefe De La Sierra" El Chapo cannot and will not be caught he is the CEO of drug smuggling"
    Ey man,can we score some of that craik you be chongin on.We know you chongin on chaps flaps as well,but man,,,,you go girl.Chaps is your guy.

  106. I'm not American or Mexican but some of the comments here saying that a bunch of lazy, cocky, murderers could take out an elite professional unit (the navy seals in this case) is absurd, 300 dick heads vs a group of 6-12 elite marines is a joke! If the stories about the Americans wanting to send seals in & eliminate shorty are true & they get the green light to go then they'll probably make it happen, after all Chapo has been taking some big hits from Chapo isidrio & if he's good tactically then how prepared will a specialist naval team be? Get realistic people please.

  107. El fantasma literally.. cause that foo got murked a will back..


  109. why is every one talking about the seal team? instead of Z40 and Z50? Il chime in thow i believe that if Chapo gets cought alive is because thats how he wants it. About the seal team winning aginst 300 motivated sicarios they will not win! see when they tryed back then to kill Colombias Jorge enrique Briseno aka “Mono Jojoy” commander of the fearless FARC with seals they couldnt because he had thousands of troops and a personal guard of about 100 to 200 men sicarios soldiers. They did end up killing him thow in one of his underground bunkers with a missle! so Seal team 6,12 1,2,3 or whatever no but a missle yes

  110. You are really an idiot if you believe the navy seals can just roam into mexico like if they are invisible... It took them 10 years to even get close to bin laden what makes you believe that they will find chapo in a few months!!!!!!

    Think about you imbesils, the seals had to wait on the marines & the army to gather intel for them and secure the safe spots for the seals to enter... You guys have been playing too much call of duty get real all it takes is one bullet to slow us down

  111. Messege to all those that say the seals can take out el chapo wrong theyll get killed on the ground remember these cartel killers know these mountains now yeah the only way to kill sicarios are drone attacks maybe choppers but if seals alone on ground wont stand a chance just look at iraq and afganistan how many yearrs people has the us been there soldiers dying on the ground against people in beat up pick up trucks probably no education but can shoot a gun all im saying is dont ever underestimate the under dog yeah navy seals are elite but on ground alone dnt stand a chance think about it now drones do stand a chance all im saying without ariel support seals lose.

    1. The problem with these fuckers is that they watch too many movies like triple x, rampo, or the expendables? I mean the US has the 2nd best military in the world but they think that 12 elite soldiers can take on 7 cartels or however many their are!

  112. Look idiot the tactical team in America is so over rated and glorified last time I check bullets make any human bleed so that elite team versus 10,000 plus soldiers protecting chapo is not going to be easy it's going to take more than overrated seals to get this job done....arriva cds y arriva el chapo guzman

  113. La Compañia "CxDXG & Z50"/ El Nuevo Milieno/ C.D.S. "Mayos" vs. C.D.G."Coss & R1"/C.D.S. "Chapos" vs. Z-40 vs. BTL/LT/CDT/Z-3

  114. They say Chapo has a couple of helicopters for security,,,safety

  115. all i want to say is that if it takes the u.s goverment and special forces to get chapo .he's still going down in history as one bad motherfuckernever the history mafias has it come to this . cant ait to the see the movie because no matter what yall say america idolize these people

  116. I think the only way chapo Will win this fight is if the us fights them like the sicarios fight with an ak47 and a couple of granadas. No special choppers, navy boats or fancy shit like the us will try to do, butt that will never happend, the first American to get his head cut off, that's when the us will try to use every new technology they have.then it will all be over for the chapo click .! What do u guys think?

  117. Navy seals are not un beatable and chapo has over 15,000 soldiers ready to die for him...seals have no chance

    1. Estas pero bien pendejo 15000 it takes a couple of Blackhawks or a cruise missile couple of fighter jets u can run but u cant hide jaja 15000 Osama bin laden had top Pakistani officials on his payroll millions of miles away they found him imagine Mexico a place the us knows like the back of their hand pleaze if Calderon gives green light or Pena nieto its over capos will be caught faster than u can blink e dicho

    2. 15,000 only about 3 are willing to die for that punk, the other ones will leave him alone to die. The short legged critter ain't God.

  118. The seals unfortunately will not beat Chapo head on because his AK-47 is diamond incrusted and very beautiful and wonderous too look at...and while the seals are gawking transfixed at his AK-47,Chapo will just simply unload a whole bananna clip on will be a bloody mess seal arms and seal legs and seal heads everywhere.

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. @12:11 AM The seals have no interest. Don't worry your pretty head.

  121. Navy SEALs may win a tactical victory here and there, but they have no staying power in Sinaloa.
    Even if El Chapo goes, the network remains.

  122. First off people are talking about el chapo on a z40 subject. Read the little.

  123. It wouldn't be SEAL team 6, it would be Delta Force... Trust me!

    1. Either a SEAL Team or Delta Force Sector 7, which is the closest.

    2. And chuck Norris

    3. And the ' Three Amigos' !

  124. Man,i think there might be some kind of disinformation shit goin on from CDG/CDS/CT,all of them crews.They jumpin on this 40 against Taliban shit.Now we got rumors of Lazcano joining with Taliban again,and Z40,is no longer a letter just a number.Threats from supposed Guat Kaibiles sayin we got the green light on your(40)ass?Fuck is goin on?Any Mexican bros or players want to step up and speak on this shit?

  125. Informants told federal agents that Oscar Treviño has boasted that he personally has killed more than 1,000 people and his brother, Miguel, has killed more than 2,000, according to an affidavit supporting a search warrant that was executed last week in Balch Springs, Texas.,,,,,from another BB article....

  126. Yall are idiots lol, acting like stray bullets won't hit them seals they ain't hollow & them damm sicarios got clips filled with so many bullets they don't needa aim. Damm sicarios haha

  127. "that they watch too many movies like triple x, rampo, or the expendables2
    I dont think so,its a serious business killin motherfcukers.It is easier to kill someone and bury them,than to let them go.Simple as that.
    Why we got so much killin,cause it so fuckin easy.
    It aint even mindset,it just be like that pappy.
    No big deal.When you get caught,another thing.

  128. Peace Is coming but 40 needs to b whiped out by cartel, and chapo by hands of us army... This will happen trust me... Then every one goes back to there respected areas if control

  129. Z40 aint Z40 anymore,his new title is "40cents"

  130. I can take on all cartels...

  131. EL Chapo Is actually El CHucko , Chucko Norris.

  132. Navy seals do so many operations world wide and only .1 percent is on the news they kill everyday you just don't know about it fools the cartel won't fuck with US right now would be a good time though since we have a weak prez


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