Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Marisela Moreles: Violence Surge is From Zetas Split

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat
Yesterday, on the Sinaloa narco mantas I included a short paragraph about the Morales statement as I had no time to create a post.  I will expand  that story in this post…Chivis.
At a national conference yesterday, the Federal Attorney General Marisela Morales casually dropped a bombshell when was asked about the surge of violence, she stated it was due to the split in the Los Zetas between Miguel Trevino (Z40) and Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano the two leaders.  This was not an announcement made of any official status, simply answering the question in an interview.  She credited the arrests of top cartel members who shared inside information as one of the sources of information. Possibly one would be Jorge Luis Martinez Rodriguez, known as “El Taz” of the Zetas arrested on August 9th..
One would think if the government knew this as fact they would have made an official announcement about the split and it being the cause of the new surge in violence.  It brings to mind the warning Alejandro Hope, formerly of the CISEN agency, he said that reports of infighting could be a government PSYOPS campaign to inject paranoia into the cartel.
There have been signs and rumors of a split since 2011, however the split scenario most spoken of is a potential infighting between Z40 and The Taliban. 
On August 6, 2012:
Narco banners  appeared in multiple states that rejected the notion that there was trouble or a division.  The English text read:
The Zetas are not dividing.
We are more united than ever against the blowhard informants
The division is just a cheap campaign of the informants.
United Zeta
more united than ever
"Real Democracy, No Reelection" B9223601*
 A BB reader had offered this about the text:
What they mean by democracy and no re election is that they have a good leadership structure and that the main boss is lazcano and he is the one that runs them, "B-9223601 that is similar to Lazcanos signature that number is the number that was assigned to Lazcano while being a GAFE".
On August 9, 2012:
In the capital city San Luis Potosi, in the state bearing the same name, within an abandoned van, 14 bodies were discovered There would have been 15 but one would be executed man survived by playing dead and escaping when his captors stopped for fuel.
The State Attorney General,  Miguel Garcia and the SSP agency announced there was a survivor that had escaped and gave a witness account of what had occurred. 
The victim stated that when he realized what was happening, he pretended to be dead, allowing the sicarios to throw him into the van with the other bodies. When he determined there was an opportunity to escape as the gunmen stopped for fuel, he fled to the mountains where he was subsequently helped by elements of the State Police.
It was through the witness account it was learned that there was a Zetas conflict between another Zetas boss, Ivan Velazquez aka Z50 or El Taliban and Trevino.  He reported the 14 bodies were Zetas killed by Zetas. Specifically Trevino’s sicarios had killed the men in the van and the executed were men loyal to Taliban.
The issue was said to have begun from a personal conflict and that there would be intense violence during the struggle and the stakes were leadership in the states of Coahuila (Laguna Region) Zacatecas, and SLP among others.  The "Taliban" is boss of the Zetas in Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi and part of Guanajuato, it was expected that a war struggle for control of drug trafficking turf would unleash as it had in SLP.
August 22, 2012
The cartel The Knights Templar, themselves a group formed by the result of infighting in the cartel La Familia Michoacán (LFM)  The KTs are former members of LFM and now its bitter enemies.  The fighting commenced after their leader Nazario Moreno Gonzalez, aka El Chayo was killed in a shootout with police in December 10, 2010.  The specific reason for the conflict is not known but mentioned often as a possible reason it the alliance formed by LFM with the Zetas.
On the 22nd a video was released narrated by KTs leader, Servando Gomez Martinez aka “La Tuta”. He emphasized Trevino being enemy number one to Mexico because of his brutal style of leadership and harming of innocents, and called on other cartels to help in the mission to find and destroy Trevino.

August 24, 2012:

It was reported that Miguel Trevino had sucessfuly gained leadership of the Zetas.
August 27, 2012:    
Marisela Morales in the interview at the national conference (kidnapping and extortion prevention) states that the Zetas have split in a conflict between Lazcano and Trevino.  It is known that the business structure of the Zetas is split, 50% of the business is drug trafficking, the other 50% is diversifications.  Supposedly Trevino handles the drug trafficking and Lazca diversifications.  It would seem there would be a pragmatic solution in a split since in essence it has always functioned with a split of business between the two leaders.
The statement was an unusual declaration seemingly out of the air and not attached to any big event or arrest.  Why give away your intelligence?  What would be the point? And what will the government do with this information, clearly if this is the case it would explain any large deployments into the areas expected to be ground zero as the war between the Zetas capos continues.
If there is a conflict between Trevino and Lazca, where does that leave EL Taliban, and the rival cartels?  For one the Knights Templar have the all-out campaign to destroy Trevino.  Not to mention the CDG the cartel formally allied with the Zetas. And then of course El Chapo and his Sinaloa Cartel (CDS).
 Incase this is not confusing enough, yesterday narco banners appeared denouncing any notion that CDS was in any way connected to CJNG (Jalisco New Generation Gang).  This took everyone by surprise and though the banners were signed “Sinaloa” it is yet to determine if or if not they are authentic, and what is said is true.
Just like everything else.


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  1. So much misinformation how can u tell fact from fiction anymore

    1. That's the exact reason why it's done.

  2. I wonder if one of these cats tried to assassinate the other thus setting off the war. Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano is the original so Miguel Trevino (Z40) must name his new cartel or no?

  3. Does anyone have any facts about this situation at hand for the z what goes up must come down perfect example cdg they were # 1 in the early 2000s now they just have matamoros and reynosa on lock

  4. Is Lazcano alive?

  5. I am sure that Lazcano and Trevino each had plots to kill the other before the split became official.
    I wonder when a busload of american private board commentators are going to arrive to kill the cartels. Those folks are always spittin' gonna do this and I could do that and it would be so easy for the american privates.
    Dogg the Bounty Hunter could be their leader or maybe Beth.

    1. What about you! Can't you even fight for your country. I'm sure that if your family was kidnapped you wouldn't do shit about it, you only would come crying and posted what happen here in BB. We, here in the US are to busy taking care of our own problems, so we don't have time to solve yours on the mexican side. By the way, which cartel are you affiliated with?

    2. Dogg the bounty hunter would gets killed maybe even beheaded did you know dogg the bounty hunter was a biker gang member google it I think he was from ddmc

  6. I don't think that they can survive without each other! Lazca is like the president of the organization and 40 is the five star general. Lazca is the brains and also has the balls but 40 is brutal and only sees the mission at hand he lives for today and that's it 40 is today's scareface but he was a car washer not a dish washer. Mexico needs a bad guy to point their finger at and they found the bad guy, I would count this guy out just yet. Just my opinion! And yes it's just my guess y'all have a good day and be safe

  7. forum sicarios, lol

  8. **theme song** hees tha dooog, dog the bounty hunter.. Mexico edition.. haha dog and his kids, dressed in all black w cans of mace, against zeta sicarios, you'd see a new video come out immediately, "el perro de decapitan"

  9. Who knows about this for sure.Lazcano has always been very shrewd as far as identification goes.Maybe he is a business man now,no longer a hard core killer.As for Trevino,there has been threats against him by so-called Lazcano kaibiles on Spanish sites.They stating he is no longer a letter just a number,and we coming to git ye?
    Makes you wonder though all the same,given how close the two families were,the pics of them with new born children etc.But that is to do with the women,not the men.

  10. HALF the knowledge is more dangerous than NO knowledge at all..

  11. great reporting but i dont mind them killing each other off im all for it its the civilians i worrie about

  12. I wonder if the zetas split up what is the other going to call them selfs and who is actually keeping the name zeta

  13. the zetas live by the art of war. I think the might have split in the way that el z50 has left them but lascano and z40 still work together but are saying they split aswell. los zetas have always used misinformation for their gain. right ow thats what they are doing. theya remaking all of mexico believe that lascano and 240 are at war with each other but in reality the zetas that are being killed by other zetas are z50's people being taken out by lascano and z40 . these two men are not stuppied to split becuase a split would mean they would open themselves up for capture and loses off plazas plus open themselves up for attacks by rivals. think about it how many times have we seen in the past few years that theirs a rupture between them or so called deaths and all they have done is expand operations. their using this so called split to expand and but this zeta vs zeta is lascano-Z40 vs Z50.

    1. Probably theres no split at all.....the split is staged

    2. As I tried to post before DQ has a great Z split. It's on there dollar menu

  14. Hope they both die......however if z40 comes face to face with z3, z40 wont stand a chance. z3 is a trained elite soldier and knows how to handle most weapons as well as barehand combat. He probably knows to fly a chopper or jetfighter. Not siding anybody, i just really hope they both destroy each other along with all cartels around the world.

  15. It makes sense that trevino is the brains behind the drug dealing. A good drug traffciker needs a lot of smarts and that comes with expierience!
    It makes sense that Lazcano is the brains behing the extortion. Extortionist only needs guns and a weak prey. As a dumbfook soldier Lazcano only knows force.

  16. I think the theory that this is all a trick by Lazcano and Trevino is probably right. Just a trick by the Zetas, maybe to eliminate some players.

    BTW, "Puppy the Bounty Hunter" (i.e. Dog the Bounty Hunter) wouldn't last 5 mins on the streets of northern Mexico.

    1. Well, his son the puppy was in jail couple years ago on some drug charge. But Dog's wife is meaner that a pitbull, she'd scare the shit out of el Chapo, Lazcano and 40 together.

  17. "He probably knows to fly a chopper or jetfighter."

    Calmense, calmense. Wasn't he like a corporal?

    1. Right, he was a Cabo ( corporal), In the USA helicopter crew chiefs get what is called.Stick Time, pilots let you take the right seat so you get familiar with the controls and emergency procedures, so if the pilots can't fly it, the crew chief will be capable of doing a very decent emergency landing. I don't know if the same thing happens in the Mexican military.

  18. Sounds like Marisela Morales is covering up for the Z,,,,,any relation to Trevino Morales??
    Good post

  19. taliban is gonna start his own group noone will except him at the level of command he had within the zetas.they will have no trust for him until he proves himself


  20. Dog actually went into mexico and got somebody, Mexico wanted to get him for kidnapping, and with no guns pussy....

  21. Where is Cimandante Diablo in all of this? Seems like the death if his family truly crumpled him instead of the front he was trying to put up.

    1. T6 C. Diablo is in Alief, TX back in his home town his a bitch.

    2. Was the video of his family true?

  22. "In the USA helicopter crew chiefs get what is called.Stick Time"

    I was USAF and had wings as I was on a tactical medical airevac crew on a C-130, C141 and C5. I don't know about helicopters, but I guarantee you that someone that's not qualified as a pilot is not going to take the controls of these types of planes let alone a jet fighter.

    In fact, the medical crew on the C-130 didn't even have parachutes. We were trained where the axe was to chop our way out of the wreakage.

    Z-3 flying a fighter?? jajajaja...jajajajaja...let me catch my breath....jajajajaj...jajaja

    1. Yes, during the Viet Nam war crew chiefs got stick time, so in case the pilots were wounded, the crew chief could try to land the aircraft. You can't compare the Huey to a C-130, a C-141 or the C-5 Galaxy.

  23. Right now, it seems the real split is with Z-50 aka Taliban. Los Zetas seem to be falling apart from their own weight, a highly diverse far flung operation.
    As long as Z-40 holds on to Nuevo Laredo he can make huge money and still be a player. Other branches of the cartel might as well go solo, considering how much the Z is hated.
    Lazcano is the ultimate man of mystery, a criminal genius.

  24. I really hope this is true and not some propaganda shit!

    The more a cartel is disrupted internally then the more scum end up deing which equals good.

  25. Dogg is backed by the hells angels!
    Lots of easy reward money for them in mexico.
    Forget the Kaibiles going after 40, Dogg and the bikers are coming! Then lazco and the kaibiles are next!

    1. Dogg and hells angels would be wiped out in a matter of minutes

    2. Hahahahaha!!! You are joking right? That's funny.

    3. I prediction a piles of dead gringos if that happends

  26. I think there no spilt either jus the media working in the favor of cartels losing money too the zetas zetas have all the power in mexico they have people scare when they see them people talk shit but those zetas are no cartel in mexico they kill da most and they have the most tech they got communication towers the government tryin too get them before the innogeration thats why the zetas arent hunting anymore and every other carte is

  27. Maybe this is a plan of the Zetas to get little groups of rivals to come to their turf and clean them out? But only time will tell.

  28. This is a classic military-style misinformation campaign. A genuine rift would have resulted in high level captures, period.

    BTW: Literacy is dead. Innogeration? Really?

  29. Like cds, expert international drug traffickers will thrive. Myabe trevino is the next chapo!
    Thugs like lazcano will always self destruct!

    1. You mean thugs like Z40 who do the brutal killings you barely here about Lazcano Z40 is on most cartel hit least they barely talk about Lazcano just Z40,

  30. Heres my theory why are there no killings in Nuevo Ladero of Z40 guys if his fighting Lazcano and why not in other states Lazcano has complete control over I think its in a 2 way war with Lazcano and Z40 vs Z50 remember them rumors that los metros were seeking a truce with los Z maybe Lazcano and 40 didn't want that truce but El Taliban did and maid a deal with them without Lazcanos approval and why would Lazcano put a banner saying the Zs weren't spitting as him and 40 truth is they are at war but just with Z50 fraction just like los rojos and metros

    1. @10:49 we have about or the exact theory I didn't read it till just now but it does seem its Lazcano and Treviño vs El Taliban

  31. 40 & Lascano are not at war.its all a ploy to confuse the situation,thats my theory anyway.what im worried about is who's men are in the western battlefront then helping chapo isidro and mazatleco's n BLO?...hope there not EL Talibans Zeta sicario's cause it would get pretty messy up there.But if i am wrong and there is a split between the two then ZETAZ days are numbered.
    Which crew killed EL Charro?we know that then we may know more of whats really goin on here.

    1. It's said to be CDG with the help of El Taliban

  32. 40 took control no conspiracy peoples! no one knows where Lazca is except big heads. most say he resting in piss already. cuidado amigos.

  33. August 28, 2012 2:28 PM

    Zeta's have full power? bullshit dude! yeh there strong but they are not running Mexico just yet. The Sinaloa cartel is still a big force to be reckoned with as is CDG. I would say one half of Mexico seems to be run by Zeta's and their allies and another by the Sinaloa cartel and theirs. The Zeta's are gaining more power that's for sure and may end up defeating their rivals but that will be for a while yet if they even do.

    Despite the Zeta's fearsome reputation there is still a LOT of people determined to take them down!

  34. I think it's a CIA/Mexican government psy-ops and I also believe it is working.

    Is it possible that these banners that have been appearing in the last few months talking about a split could be planted by the CIA/DEA and the Mexican government? If they played their cards right and tossed around the right names, they could sow enough doubt within the Zeta organization between different factions that trust could erode, leading to paranoia, itchy trigger fingers and body counts. This could lead to betrayals and mistrust and could spiral out of control.

    If you think about it, it would not be that hard to do....given the resources and a bit of inside information.

    1. shut up with the conspiracy nonsense...everythings a conspiracy involving the cia on the internet. the zeta split is real people are dying because of it.

  35. I heard that there was a shootout in piedras yesterday n that they finally caught Celso..if anybody know anything reportense

  36. The supposed Z split between Lazcano/Treviño is a last ditch effort of the Calderon admin and its law enforcement branch to create radio traffick or some kind of noise within the Z to try and locate both Lazcano and Treviño, which if they are able to do and subsequently arrest them then this admin will not have drowned the nation in vain.

    Think about it, these guys are always a step ahead of getting caught and the Z are a serious splinter in Calderon's legacy so it is plausible that it is a gov backed operation the Z split theory but not for the reasons most think, it is an operation that plays on Mexican pride and catch someone slipping that will give the Federal forces a concrete tip on their whereabouts

  37. About half the folk think the Zetas split the other not. This argument will be settled fast. If there is a Zeta war the bodies will pile up high and fast and I'm not talking about street vender people. If not its disinformation as some have suggested.

  38. Seriously guys n gals looks like the Demise of LOS ZETAS is being played out in front of our eyes.

    1. Same scenario as LFM ,,,convince the world you dont exist,,LazCano is a ghost

  39. I just spoke to lazcano, he said to tell everyone they didnt split he just retired to start his own clothing line. "Zeta Wear" by lazca coming to malls just in time for christmas...

  40. Marisela Morales is one fine hot momma!!

  41. I have my own theory with regards to Z3. I think he's tired of living the "cartel gangsta lifestyle," and he is trying to get out all together. You have to figure he has millions of dollars stashed and is formulating an exit plan. For the most part, he has proved to be elusive and pretty much quiet! There are absolutely no recent photographs of him besides his (GAFE) mug shot and that is several years old! I doubt he's even in Mexico anymore! I doubt he cares if Trevino wants total control of the Zetas, if that is even possible! Trevino is a stooge and likes to bask in the lime light, which will probably lead to his demise (hopefully). Z3 on the other hand is probably looking down the road...knowing that the odds of making it to old age in this business aren't good!

  42. As a helicopter pilot with thousands of hours, I can tell takes more than just leisure "stick time, " to land a helicopter safely! The joker, who suggested that Z3 has any training with regards to operating aircraft (Rotorcraft or Jet) is ignorant! I don't even know why such a ridiculous absurd suggestion was even brought up! It takes hundreds of hours of training initially to operate helos and Jet aircraft is even more complex and such training is not readily available. Z3 is trained for one thing and one thing only and that is killing!

    1. Stick time in Nam wasn't leisure time. Looks strange to me if you claim to be a helicopter pilot call the aircraft a rotorcraft, when the correct name is: rotary wing aircraft. I was a door gunner on a UH 1 Huey and know what stick time is, the pilots don't try to train you as a pilot, but to teach you the basics on how to maintain air speed and how to work the cyclic, the collective and rudder pedals and how to increase or decrease rpms, and basic moves with the cyclic, how to flare it, and that's about it, they pass the knowledge just in case of an emergency. It was against regulations but you are in combat and never know when you going to need that knowledge. I knew a helicopter mechanic that learned how to fly a loh (light observation helicopter) and never went to flight school, to bad he never learned how to navigate.

    2. Don't forget the hundreds of hours in the classroom.

  43. those mantas in guadalajara are all bone no meat.

  44. War strategies. They want disinform the people and their rivals. I would not be suprised if z40 & lazca have this planned. Pretend to split, allie with other cartels then take them out. Z r know for betrayal.

  45. "I prediction a piles of dead gringos if that happends"
    Who off asshole?Not you.You just talk grimy racist shit on a keyboard you sad little man.
    Run,here come the Mexicans,fuck outta here,foolio.

  46. Is it just me or is Z40 kind of sexy?

  47. "Is it just me or is Z40 kind of sexy"?
    Is it just me,but,i hope your a girl?
    Whatever floats your boat girl.

  48. No, I think Marisela Morales is super hot!

  49. I'm pretty sure Lazcano is more attractive then that fat bitch Trevino. No homo.

  50. its just him,,,,,August 31, 2012 11:12 AM

  51. "I'm pretty sure Lazcano is more attractive then that fat bitch Trevino. No homo"No shit?
    Im getting worried about you.And him.

  52. "No, I think Marisela Morales is super hot"
    Awrrr brah,c,mon man.She looks like a refugee from Thriller.

  53. I think 40 more repectable the alot of cartel leader old and new atlest when you wonder who did the shit he will say him every obe else act like he single handely kille hundreds f people we dont know who he killed we only hear what informants say and there credibility fuckd up mexicano officials need too start investigating
    Its called video survelliance

  54. Im sure Z40 got whole graveyard full of ex-girlfriends.

  55. Lazcano for president he's got my vote

  56. why the updates been so slow lately? used to be a lot more updates every day but now its just 1.

  57. Saw on the BDN comments a couple of days ago some back and forth between Z's loyal to Treviño and Z's loyal to Taliban. The guys with Z40 were saying that Taliban's aunt had been descuartizado and brothers killed and making fun of Taliban asking how he liked that. Get your popcorn, this is going to get better!

  58. If the split up is true then all forces need to counter attack since there is a crack in their dirty cartel. Its the right time before they regain more plazas.

  59. soo many people murdered or exploited,to buy horses in oklahoma and yarrington planes?pinche zetas work like policia municipal

  60. zeta 40,is he a metro?looks like he takes RREAL good care of her eyelashes,look better than juan gabriel's


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