Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, August 13, 2012

Police Battle Zetas Cartel

Borderland Beat

One major challenge for Mexico's police when fighting drug violence is corruption - drug gangs infiltrate the very agencies that are supposed to be fighting crime.

As part of our series on Monterrey, Rachel Levin travelled to the outskirts of the city, where one police force has managed to push out the cartels.

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  1. Im glad to see people of Mexico trying to make a difference and not letting the scum take control of every bit of the beautiful country that is Mexico. Never quit fighting!

  2. 8 people killed last night in Matahuelas salon(table bar) in Monterrey

  3. Matas""""" is a sister club to infinito, el cielo y aww shit ..i can't remember the other is a popular club for working class local men...right near the Villegran "tenderloin section of Monterrey ..on the corner of Bernado Reyes and FCO Madero..the main drag for damas de la noche and such is just a couple of blocks from the Sabino Gordo that got all shot up last year...this polace getting hit is not a good sign it seemed to be apart from the troubles for all this time

  4. So the shooting at the table dance last night in Monterrey was it CDG? As they did the Sabino Gordo, all table dance clubs attract dickheads, so anyone who got killed knew the dangers these bars have with narcos esp in mty & I lived there for 2 years.

  5. Good stuff. It gives me hope for Mexico. The US, I don't know.

  6. The bar in mty was it zetas or CDG who shot it up?

  7. They presume El Gringo a CDG cell leader dead in a shootout with military troops in Reynosa

  8. Those two men are awesome people. It goes to show that they didnt buy into any bullshit corridos or the fairy tale stories of good cartels. These are real men and may god bless them and protect them.

  9. Say what you will about El Jazeera...they are one of the only broadcast news channels that show Mexico narco news long with actual reporters shooting on location.

  10. Thank God for the good guys. I admire these guys. Que nuestro Senor JesuCristo los guarde. I'm a US citizen, but my prayers go out to Mexico!

  11. Matehuala bar got shut up by the,golfos it is,a known,zeta hangout and distribution point,including prostitution

  12. These are the few men & women that understand the big picture...that Mexico must have officials serving with honor & integrity for their government to work...They are under a great peril and this personal prayer is being sent to each and every one...

    “May our FATHER in Heaven guide & protect these officers, their families & friends; and conversely may these officers continually seek HIS Jesus name, the name that is above all others...AMEN”


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