Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Coss and the Marines: A history of complicity and betrayal

Proceso by Jose Carrasco Araizaga

Translated by un vato for Borderland Beat

[Translator's note: The capture of El Coss has been written up extensively in this and other sites, so yet another story may seem excessive. However, the following story was published in Proceso's edition No. 1872, and contained a photo of El Coss on the cover, with the lead story title, "Cayo en Desgracia." (He fell in Disgrace). The day the printed edition arrived at the distributor's offices in Tampico, Tamaulipas, a group of men showed up  and bought up every copy before it hit the newsstands. The story details the relationship between El Coss and government forces. --un vato]  

The capture of El Coss, who aspired to the total domination of the Gulf Cartel, was the culmination of a long history of complicity and betrayals between the drug trafficker and the Mexican Navy. Apparently, thanks to Eduardo Costilla, government forces little by little were able to finish off  the Cardenas Guillen brothers, who were the undisputed leaders of the criminal organization. But the romance with the Navy ended suddenly when details of his perverse relationship were made public and made it unsustainable. The love ended, and Eduardo Costilla became a tasty delicacy for the end of the (Calderon) administration. 


MEXICO, D.F. (Proceso).- Jorge Eduardo Costilla Sanchez, El Coss, betrayed and was betrayed. His aspiration of becoming the supreme leader of the Gulf Cartel (CDG) by delivering the Cardenas Guillen brothers served only for officers and chiefs of the Navy to use him and protect him until he became a medal for the Mexican military and Felipe Calderon's government.

For more than two years he used the Navy (la Marina) in an attempt to retain control of the CDG, but the protection he received from the military in exchange for setting up relatives and loyalists of the Cardenas Guillen brothers decreased as his betrayals grew, betrayals for which his former allies gave him the name of "El Judas."  

The end for El Coss came on Monday, September 3, when mantas (narco banners) were hung in the municipality of Ecatepec, State of Mexico,  accusing Marine Infantry Captain Efrain Martinez Talamantes of protecting him, according to statements made to this weekly by security informants who requested anonymity.

Last February, this weekly published the story of the conditional protection (Proceso 1840) provided to Costilla Sanchez, who, in addition to the charges he faces in Mexico, is wanted by a U.S. federal court in Brownsville, Texas, charged with drug trafficking and money laundering.

Identified by the CDG itself with the code name "Sierra," the supposed protector of  El Coss and a superior code named "Aguila" were summoned by Navy commanders after the mantas were placed in the state where president-elect Enrique Pena Nieto was governor.

"Give him up or we'll come after you," was the warning, the sources said. El Coss fell on Wednesday, (September) 12, in an operation in which not a single shot was fired, in a residential zone in Tampico, the refuge he had chosen to witness the collapse of the Cardenas Guillen clan, with the help of the Navy.
"The marines betrayed him and captured him because the accusation that they were protecting him became an increasingly heavy burden for the Navy," state the informants. According to those sources, El Coss already has a successor: Mario Ramirez Trevino, aka "Mario Pelon" or "X20", from the Los Metros faction of the CDG, Costilla Sanchez allies. He is also wanted by United States authorities.

The one now standing in for the Cardenas Guillen family is another brother named Homero.

Sources claim that at the time he was arrested, El Coss was trying to reestablish relations with Miguel Angel Trevino, the executor of the CDG, but that they became a separate cartel four years ago.

The aftermath of the massive shootout that killed Tony "Tormento"
El Gordo
The Cardenas debacle
The accusations that the marines were protecting Costilla Sanchez coincided with the arrest of two members of the Cardenas Guillen clan attributed to Coss betrayals. The first detainee was Mario Cardenas Guillen, "El Gordo", the brother of Osiel and Antonio Ezequiel, who more than ten years ago strengthened the CDG by incorporating the Zetas to the cartel.
El Gordo was trying to regain the leadership of the organization after Osiel was arrested in 2003 and extradited in 2007 to the United States, where he is serving a 25 year sentence, and after Antonio Ezequiel, "Tony Tormenta", was executed by the Marines in November of 2010, supposedly with Coss's help.

Mario Cardenas Guillen, also known as "M-1", was the CDG boss in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, one of the most important cities for the organization. Arrested by marines on Monday, (September) 3, in Altamira, in the same state , he was not presented (to the media) until the next day, when the Navy itself presented him in the D.F.,  in the offices of the Office of Investigations Specializing in Organized Crime (SIEDO: Subprocuraduria de Investigacion Especializada en Delincuencia Organizada).

Prosecuted for drug trafficking, he was incarcerated from 1995 to 2007. That year, he got out of the Puente Grande, Jalisco,  maximum security prison and joined his brother Tony Tormenta  so that the CDG would remain under family control. After the execution of Antonio Ezequiel (Tony Tormenta), he assumed control of the cartel's principal plaza, where he operated.
                (Juan Gabriel Montes Sermeno)
A week after El Gordo's arrest, on Tuesday the 11th, at the SIEDO offices, the Navy also presented Juan Gabriel Montes Sermeno, his operator in the southern Tamaulipas area, who had been arrested a few days before in Guadalajara. The Navy stated that it arrested him after inspecting a suspicious vehicle. It identified him as "Gaby Montes" or "Sierra," the same code name that the CDG assigned to the purported Navy captain who was Coss's protector. Montes Sermeno was passing himself off as Jesus Angel Almaraz Guzman, a cattleman.

For the Navy, the fall of El Coss was the result of these two arrests and of "an intense job of naval intelligence". Not betrayals. Not by the drug traffickers and much less by the supposed military protectors.    

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  1. Rats, rats, rats everywhere. No loyalty amongst scum.

  2. I bet he has some dirt he wishes he could put out there. This week he complained about being tortured and being denied the right to communicate with his family. So it's going to be a lonnnnnnng time before the U.S gets their hands on him. By the the time they get him, the info he has will be irrelevant.


  3. Traicion y contrabando.....aprendan pendejos.

  4. I understand BB exists to look specifically at border trafficking interests. But, in way each of the cartels accuse the other of being far worse, but then they insist that they are sooo much better because they don't harm inocentes, I see alot of blogs by what I percieve as hypocrit black gangster thugs and white biker scums all too OFTEN! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, United States criminals are not the lesser of evils. In my opinion there are alot of hells angels hillbillies and oba-mayates jocking and chearleading ANYTHING that hurts my beautiful Mexico. So if that's you pendejo, then chinga tu madre.

  5. Yes, money gets them in bed with each other but many political assassinations come from the cartels and military lustfully playing footsie.

  6. Finally, some clarity to the issue. The Cardenas Guillen family were leaders of the Metros faction. El Coss was supported by the Rojos, who betrayed el Metro 3. Whatever you thought of el M3, he was a charismatic leader. Now it makes me wonder if El Coss really wanted to kick out the Zetas, or just yielded to the more powerful Metros faction. Either way, he's screwed. Zetas or Metros would like to take him out while in prison. He better beg to be extradited. There are reports of "cleansing" of remnants of the Rojos in Rio Bravo and Matamoros will be the final push. More slaughter to follow.

  7. U dont see this bullshit with SINALOA !!
    MAYO N CHAPO 100%

    1. "U DON'T SEE THIS BULLSHIT WITH SINALOA" HAHAHAHA .. ur comment is a joke...Chapo betrays the beltrans.. macho Prieto has Edgar Guzman killed, by accident but still.. Chapo takes out Nacho.. you can say what u want but he did.. vicente zambada gets captured and starts the snitching.. oh yeah and newest news Tachillo's Torres death was not the Beltrans , but some lady who is big in CDS.. Sinaloa is on top because all they do snitch... Puro Chapito Isidro... That's a real boss..

    2. Sinaloa is the snitch of all snitches.CBP/ INS in the El paso,tx knows that very well.Giving up CDJ members .Vicentillo Zambada esta soltando toda la sopa.Puro Valle de Juarez.

  8. If it is that easy lets begin posting this everywhere;

    "Marine Infantry Captain Efrain Martinez Talamantes is protecting Lazcano Lazcano!"

  9. @ un Vato, te avienta pa' las traducciones. Thank you !

  10. There you have it all you fake-ass gangster wannabes. Your so-called leaders are nothing but a bunch of fat-ass, out of shape, snitches! Go back to cutting and bagging that half a key, go back to walking with your pants under your ass, go back to tattooing your dumb-ass face, and throwing up those gang-signs when you know you rather be in this guy's cell giving him a hand-job. Take a look at this pile of shit, print it out and stick it on your wall and touch yourself. Go back to wet-dreaming about his mustache tickling your neck. Haha...keep stepping on our culture, on our beautiful land, and history; that's all you're good for.

  11. Chapo Guzman, the biggest snitch of them all, and the greediest.

  12. instead of a war.....they settle it the chapo way, snitch.

  13. So what was he supposedly wanting to speak to z40 about? Also if los metros and Rojos have internal issues why hasn't the zetas tried taking advantage of this by moving on the smaller faction of the CDG? My question is are the CDG really that divided or would they unite against something like that?

  14. It is pleasant to know that even the cartel leaders are driven by extreme greed that results in very unfavorable decisions by them.

  15. Man who knows anything first it was said he was aligned with chapo he and r1 were gonna be the head of the gulf and they were strong and he hated zetas now reports are he gave all the gulf up and was triing to align with z40 whos right?

  16. So is it tony tormenta or tormento?

  17. Snitching is part of the game idiots! That's way none of you jotos made it to the top!!

    1. Jotos?? Ur the only joto here.. did u make it it the top?? Are u a boss?? So I guess since ur at the top ur a RATA.. who's the real joto?? Punk

  18. i think its funny that he was protected by the navy because he was giving up people all around him, but then when they were all gone he was the only one left, so the navy took him!

  19. If he did go about his power grab as stated, why the hell would anyone stand with this &!@$?*%#. If true as alleged, he should stop snibbling and ask to be tortured some more. He knows he deserves it...that's sad...ratting cause of envy. How things have changed.

  20. So is this the famous Commandante Sierra ?
    One of the main capos of CDG ? I think there is corridos about him.Is this the dude Z40 going on about?.Who's left,Gringo,Cmdt Sierra got caught,Guerra killed,Polimenso killed,there are quite a few still going,but is this what Z40 saying.All the capable dudes gone?Metro 4 is a big player still around?No-one knows his name publicly yet.Some of our Mexican bros might know a lot more about this shit than us,specially if they Tttt-tamaulipas?

  21. AHHHH.... So, the "leaders" are out to get one another. To control the "Plazas". They must have been taught from the masters of greed. American banksters; Citi Corp, Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Etc. Etc.

  22. traduce bien es "TONY TORMENTA" no "TORMENTO" "STORM"= Torbellino= Tormenta= Tornado, = "TONY TORMENTA"

  23. Some knows where that sermeño guy is from?


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