Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Piedras Negras Violence

Borderland Beat
I reached my associates in Piedras Negras to inquire how the situation is today.  I was told all is calm, for the time being but people are in extreme fear.  Though the government advise to stay indoors as much as possible people are moving about and going to work and living their normal schedules.  I was very surprised to learn from an associate that is the chief of education for the region but based in PN, that school is in session.  She asked for permission from Saltillo to close the schools until Friday or Monday but was told most parents worked and had no place to leave their children, so schools would be better than left home alone.  Rumors say though calm today most expect great violence to erupt.  As for the apprehension of Z42 the brother of Miguel Trevino the co leader of the Zetas, that appears to have been untrue.....Paz, Chivis
Fatality of an innocent
The City of Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico was placed under martial law yesterday, Wednesday, September 26, 2012, by local and federal authorities after multiple, intense gun battles between federal and state special forces and criminal elements throughout the day continuing until the late-evening. 
According to Mexican press reports, a female in her early 30′s was killed in her automobile caught in the crossfire of an intense gun battle. Mexican authorities have not reported how many persons and officers were killed or injured in these multiple gun battles throughout the city. 
Piedras Negras residents are living in great fear for their lives staying indoors at all times as required by the martial law imposed. One Piedras Negras resident said ‘the devil is loose in Piedras Negras.’. Residents huddled with their children inside their homes listening to the loud gun battles occurring in their neighborhoods.

Another Piedras Negras resident described the situation as ‘Piedras Negras is a war zone.’ Residents are advised to stay inside their homes until further notice by authorities.
Yesterday, Wednesday, September 26th, the City of Eagle Pass International Bridge No. 2 was closed down at 10:30 a.m. after the discovery of a grenade on the American side, signaling that the violence in Piedras Negras extended into the United States. All American federal, state, and local authorities have been placed on high alert.
Since the massive prison escape of 132 prisoners from the Piedras Negras CERESO prison, there has been a massive influx of Mexican federal and state special forces in Piedras Negras to hunt and capture the escapees. To date, seven escapees have been captured or killed.
It is unknown how much longer this nightmare experience will have to be lived by the loyal and fair citizens of Piedras Negras. As one resident said ‘Pray to God that this situation passes us by without any material and collateral damage to our residents.
Video is audio
Source: EaglePassBusinessJournal Photos: Vanguardia de Coahuila

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  1. Just curious., who spread the rumor of his supposedly detention? (z42) was all this violence relate to them?(zetas)

    i been reading that that the ARMY is protecting this people (z42.z40 and lascano) are this rumors true? and the marine is just helping them elimate top lieutenants?

    1. Yes, this is true its gone down in mexico for decades. If u can afford da plaza, its urs.

    2. I just got breaking news omar trevino morales was captured z40 has gone on a offensive threating to kill and murder anybody in his way if they dont release his brother so if u live in hot spots avoid going out and be real careful!!!!!!!

    3. They ddnt capture nobody its was el comander diablo who was jst giving the army war fir the deathes of several of his men..diablo died a few weeks ago in a confrontation with the gulf cartel in zacatecas..piedras negras has no comander right now

  2. Take them all out. If they retreat,finish them. Show no mercy.

    1. Well aren't you just a tactical genius.

  3. Wouldn't surprise me since z3 is ex gafe so I'm sure he still has many friends on inside

  4. Zetas kicking things into high gear along the border. It appears they are getting ready to take over CDG border territory now that most of the leadership of the CDG are out of the way. The gates of hell are about to swing open.

  5. Hi from San Diego/Tijuana

    I continue to be amazed that a hot war just minutes over the US border does not even make our (gringo) mainstream news. There is more coverage from Pakistan.

    What is it going to take before the US wakes up? Rockets? Cannons? Tanks? Aircraft? US Nationals dead in the streets? WHITE US Nationals dead in the streets?

    My MX national collegues are terrified to travel to their families for the holidays.

    Certainly 200,000 + dead Mexicans is not enough to wake the USA's media attention.

    US Government wants to ignore the fact that MX is basically a government controlled by TCO's (or nearly so). So US media does not cover the story.

    The election was as dirty as any in history.

    The leader of 132 is missing, presumed dead. These were only students advocating fair elections.

    I love MX, I love the people, I think it is going to get much worse. I am sorry for them.

    Horray for the 2nd ammendment, here.

    1. The thing is the u s government is paid to leave them alone throug the corrupt mexican government the u s is just better at hiding it or making it le gal and that is the problem MONEY TALKS
      when i win the lotto im gonna just go down to a border state buy the city government and bring drugs over and have unlimited funds a couple million in contributions special gifts campaign expenses paid should help out :)

  6. SD/ TJ...It will take the cartels to bomb a US building in MX for the US to jump in and help them take out all cartels 100%. Until then, the people in MX will continue to suffer these atrocities unless they themselves rise up with any type of arms and start killing these MFERS!

    1. Fools there have been american citizens killed in mexico. Also let's not forget the car bomb in juarez and the us consulate workers gunned down also the soldier killed in juarez. When i was vacationing in monterrey a two year old along with his father were gunned down both white us citizens. The govt doesn't care about a bunch of dead Mexicans. Let's also not forget that obama deported in four years twice the amount of mexicans that bush did in eight. Giving the cartels an endless supply of soldiers. Elvis has left the building

    2. No my friend the reason the USA doesn't go into Mexico its cause there's no profit out of it.. What can they take to make the US richer?? Is there oil?? The US tried hiding what was going on in Mexico by trowing that KONY 2012 crap out there.. There's a war just a few miles south of us.. and the US wants to look the other way.. Mexicans cant do anything , cause cartels and cops kill innocent people .. so who are civilians gonna turn to for help?? I do hope the US steps in soon... Kill the capos.. that's a start..

    3. Actually, there are Ameican profits to be made by the continuation of the drug war in the sale of arms. America is the number 1 weapons dealer in the world.

    4. Yea infact they created this criminal underworld so they can fight them later. Mexico has alot of oil..Alot! So what do the Americans do. Weakened the Mexican government let it be run by corrupt people so in a couple years when were done with the east they would use the cartel excuse to go to Mexico and fight so we can charge them with the Bill. Or anex even more property when Mexico cant pay. Like I said they have alot of oil. It's gonna be the Taliban, al-queida buissness again. Remember we armed them.

  7. I wouldn't be surprised if they captured z42 and released him once the violence started up. They've done it before.

    1. Really? With 42 or others?

    2. Really. All da capos roll like dat in mexico.

  8. September 27, 2012 5:37 PM
    September 27, 2012 6:40 PM
    Is that what you bleeding heart US citizens want?Bombs and killings in our streets?You should be ashamed to call yourself US citizens you pathetic little suckers.Do you think anyone gives a fuck about the US?Do you think Mexico wants US personnel and troops on their soil?You fuckin idiots,use your brains before you speak,they would never allow it,even if we desired to help in Mexico.Am i telling the truth?

    1. I'm a Mexican-American and I'm also tired of Mexican Citizens blaming their war on us. I have lived in Mexico, visited many times and love my sugunda patria, but for crying out loud, STOP BLAMING THE U.S. FOR UR PROBLEMS. If they legalized drugs, guess what? Those criminals aren't going away, they will just extort more, kidnap more, and commit more crimes of profit. Blame ur corrupt politicians that have destroyed Mexico. So there is no Pancho Villa in Mexico that will rise up and defend the people? I guess not , they will just keep blaming the U.S hoping the problem goes away. It's so pathetic.

    2. @ 7:11 am reader/post..Crybaby Mexican my ass. I hope the cartels keep flooding the u.s. with dope so that every Anglo American can suffer the ravages of the drug war. white Americans want to offer there opinion . Racist bastrards I wanna see you go through what the ppl of Mexico are going through. Pansie ass ppl wouldn't last one minute let alone 6yrs...

    3. Yea and how many mexicans do you see in america walking the streets begging for money (0)!!!!!

    4. Of course U.S.A is the fucking problem because your fucking children are.the ones who does the drugs I see alot of fuvken teenagers 14 15 16 etc even your fucken parents.and your grandma with their fucken blunts smokimg like pot heads ndd of course in mexico they kill themselves to bring more drugs & us doesnt care cause. drugs give them big profit

  9. "US Nationals dead in the streets? WHITE US Nationals dead in the streets"
    You pathetic little sheep,fuckin coward"white"look what you have become.Giving us a bad name,what the fuck can"white"do about it.
    Why is it that it is always people like you who contribute to this myth,you make me sick.
    As for the US helping Mexico,they wouldn't allow it.We all know why,do cowards like you really think everyone wants to see this in Mexico?Your just a sheep,you do what you are told.

    1. @7:13 Dumb fuck, he was refering to the racist media not being racist. Learn to read.

      I live in Brooklyn NY and unless it's a white person, murder is back page news.

      I don't know why American news coverage of Mexico is so nonexistent. Seems like there's a bunch of pulitzers for someone.

  10. September 27, 2012 5:37 PM
    September 27, 2012 6:40 PM
    Look at this,fellow Americans blaming the US for not helping?Don't you feel ashamed,blaming your own countrymen for something in another country?

    1. You guys are the adictos to drugs.

      LETS say it was the other way around México had the most drug addicts in the world and the USA gangs massacred anyone to get the drugs across.

      You see my point no matter how you put it both countries are at fault.

      Dont you feel ashamed that your country has the highest numbers of weak minded ppl in the world?

    2. Jeez! No wonder cops don't like to respond to domestic violence calls. When they come down on the abusive husband, the abused wife jumps on their back!! IF you are a Mexican resident, don't get defensive about your home team cartel. Handle your business and Americans will not feel the need to comment or interfere in your domestic affairs. Don't criticize without offering a solution. People who are appalled about the liberal press and their lack of regional reporting are trying to raise awareness. Eventually, it will be widely reported in the U.S.A. After the election maybe we can speak of Mexican anarchy without having to whisper and tip toe around.

  11. if the Zetas win,this would mean they own all the plazas in NE-mex,that would mean no more extorting since they own all the plazas,plenty money for the Zetas cartel,and if they use there brain for once rather than brawn,stop harming innocents... i can only pray.(yeah i cheerlead for Zetas,so what!)

  12. Word is z42 was captured then a convoy of 40 trucks with zeta estacas went to rescue him they might succeed depends who captured him lets wait for the official sedena statement

  13. September 27, 2012 8:37 PM In a normal country the convoy of 40 trucks loaded with Zetas would have been sitting ducks for a bunch of Apache helicopters with hellfire missiles raining down on them. Then again, the military is protecting and working for the Zetas.

  14. The Mexican government is fighting this drug war with kid gloves on.
    It should make sure that all leaders, both the top and middle levels are milked of all info and then executed immediately.
    It's no damn use imprisoning them because of the simple reason that the drug gangs are in charge of the prisons!
    They can do as they please including leaving these prisons at will.
    In fact, some people think that the prisons are used as some kind of haven where they are protected.

  15. I just got done watching the video / AUDIO and thoughts came to me:

    "How many Mexicans are constantly thinking about / struggling with the idea of leaving Mexico / or want to leave Mexico without delay? Surely this is on Everybody's Mind while at the same time NOT wanting to desert HOME, FAMILY, FRIENDS, A FUTURE OF SOME KIND, PLANS OF DOING SOMETHING INTERESTING, FUN in the Homeland 'MEXICO'.

    Is there a way to invite some Mexicans to share with us what's on their minds with the rest of the world?

    As I was listening to the sound track that BB has posted for us I was trying to BE in that living space where the video was being recorded. Can you imagine trying to get a night's rest knowing that danger lurks and that hell could break loose at any time? I'd have a metal box built to protect me from being hit by flying bullets, one quarter inch metal to put my bed in so that stray bullets don't sink their teeth into me!! I'd have one built for my family too!



    1. I feel the pain and fear residents of Piedras Negras are going through. I am so saden to hear what is taking place and fear for family and friends in this city. Please consider how you address Our Lord and Savior. God has nothing to do with this. God is not war, God is not fear, God has nothing to do with evil....God gave humankind "free will" and he gave us rules (namely the 10 commandments)with the hopes that we would do what is right. Unfortunately, there are many who have chosen to do the wrong thing, to do evil things, to do the unthinkable and it's because of these people that this once wonderful city is suffering. What can we do you ask? Pray, pray that God touches the hearts of these people. Please remember that is the actions that human being take that cause great pain and hardship no matter the situation. God would never wish for us to suffer, but it is until we all....and I mean what is right our world will continue to crumble. As a parent I try to teach my children to do the right thing, to do the just thing, to act how God would want them to act, to treat other with kindness and respect as God has commanded us to do. I know that at the end of the day they will have a choice to make (free-will) but hopefully they will do the right thing having known God. The people of Piedras Negras are in my prayers.

  16. Z50 aka El Taliban was taken down by the special operative forces of Los Caballeros Templarios then handed over to La Marina. I said a few days ago we were in the stages of doing something big and that he would pay back the motherland for all his offenses to humanity and the fact that he thought everybody was going to forget because he went to Los Zetas. We are beginning to clean up and fulfill our promises.
    Viva Mexico y La Orden De Los Caballeros Templarios.
    Saludos cómpas
    El Soldado

    1. No mames, Las damas templadoras y calientes no hicieron ningun operativo especial, solo que anden repartiendo chupadas entre los de la letra y marinos.

    2. It is a start keep us posted.

    3. Another report says the gulf turned him in sedena says they were on his ass since january somebody is lieng who is it??

    4. "WE"? No mames pinche alusinado

    5. Caballeros Templarios puro hieleros pura pipa/ templar knights nothing but method-heads. Doing too much of their product.

    6. I don't cheer for any cartel but the one that's in my parents town in Michoacan respect the people and don't mess with anyone, unless of course if ur looking for trouble

    7. Ur cartel sucks.

  17. @10:49 The term liberal press is a silly thing. In the states six humungous entities are 95% of the press. You can't even think that big. What? You think they are wearing loin cloths and hugging trees? Its money, son, money. Ironically its from that press that warns you about a liberal press.

    1. I guess BB is in the 5 percentile! Since you think that a largely liberal press is a myth then you may want to read your Mexico narco updates from AP, Reuters, The NYTimes etc.. Liberalism in the press derives more from social phenomenon than from any kind of conspiracy. I base my opinion on many years of intellectual study and the variance of reporting vs. observations from the trenches. I have'nt the time or the alloted space to break it down for you, and besides, it is a little off topic. Don't call me son; respect your elders.

  18. Maybe we should find out a way to drop hellfire missiles on demand?

  19. poor lady talk about wrong place at the wrong time damn!

  20. For what it's worth they opened up the Eagle Pass border again so it must be calming down a bit.

    1. It was only closed while they cleared it of a live grenade. It was shut down again tonight (Friday) evening for another bomb threat

  21. There will be idiots clsiming Mexico is SAFE !!!

    From their protected fortresses in San Miguel de Allende !!!!!!

  22. The US can not help a country that does not want to be helped.Their government,marines,army,judges,
    all forms of law enforcement,all government officials of every level are corrupt. The poor are left with no other means to survive. Mexico lets their people starve. Mexico allows murder's, thieves, rapist's,drug dealers to rule the streets and prison's. By the way US is made up of all colors not just white.

  23. @2:29 i read ur post and am amazed at how delusional u are.then wat ur telling us is after forming an alliance and announcing it with narcomantas the ct stabbed him in the back and turned him in? Hey brah ur thoughts that the cts are a sainthood are misguided, those pieces of shit are no different than any other criminal group!!

  24. I would like to bring all my family to the US to stop thinking where they at have they been hurt? Im US citizen I feel bad that my country isnt doing nothing for my family down in MX if I had the power to take control and stop all the gun fights at least I would off tried it already we have freedom I would like to all humans in other countries have the same freedom we have

  25. I am an U.S. Citizen with U.S. Citizens children. I have to live out there because my spouse was deported. I have no choice but to travel between the two cities of Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras on a daily basis. It breaks my heart for my children to have to hear these gun shots on a daily basis and fear for their lives. If I had a choice I would not live in Piedras. I've never liked it but I tolerated living there to keep my family intact. Things are getting out of control and my kids are scared of going out and get starteled easily at a loud sound thinking they are bullets. It's ridiculus. My children are barely toddlers and should't have to be living with fear that any one of us could die from crossfire. God is my foundation and I cannot live in fear. Life goes on and I this is the deck I was delt with. I have to make the most of it and continue living as normal as possible not only for myself by for my family. I am not saying that these crossfires do not scare me because they do. I just will not let fear take my life. I will live and even if it is not in this flesh, I will live with our heavenly father.

  26. @ 8:15 PM
    Stop whining man,give us all a break .

  27. Here we go again with the blame game.And guess who's fault it is?Man,it gets old,old,old.

  28. "The US can not help a country that does not want to be helped.Their government,marines,army,judges,
    all forms of law enforcement,all government officials of every level are corrupt"
    Hey man,you can't say that?Even if it is true?
    You will be seen to be criticizing Mexico ,and we can't have that...We aint gonna accomplish nothing,look at some of the comments here and on BB generally?Sad picture of human nature.

  29. Supply and demand, every drug user in the U.S. have blood on their hands. wake up U.S. look in the mirror before you start casting stones.

  30. Special forces of CT???? Jajajajajaja what they smoke less crack than than the regular CT?? Jajaja what a joke fuck all cartels.

    1. Of course big talk over the computer

  31. First and Foremost; Mexico is a Sovereign State. We cannot invade without Full Permission from Mexican Govt., United Nations as well as the majority of the populace of Mexico not the USA.
    Also all it would take for a so called "Police
    Action" as in Korea in 1950; is a small cross border skirmish in one of the "Border Towns"
    such as Eagle Pass for the area in an around the skirmish to have a Batallion from Fort Hood to run in and clean out the perpetraters on both sides of the border but a Full scale invasion of Mexico..? Not likely at least not anytime soon. I agree the situation is bad but certainly if Mexico wanted too they could clean-up their Own Mess w/out any help from the states! Mexico is Not by any means a 3rd World Country. In some ways Mexico is alot more proggresive than the USA. Gone are the days of the US's "Walk Quietly but Carry a Big Stick" of Teddy Roosevelt mi amigos!

  32. It is easy to say what most of you guys say that let mexico handle there own problems, its easy to see from the outside but if you saw from the inside out you could have a different perseption, mexico is not the only place where violence is taking place , it can be seen all over, maybe since it has been so hard for them to resolve it it has been portrayed as bad government,what when it comes down everyone benefits , its all about the money $,even the u.s gets a piece of that fat cake, but personally living accross the border with piedras & have lived some of this in my part , it sucks that you are fearful to even think about going to mexico . Its been since august I have been in mexico, last time I went , los Gates were persuing some Sicarios, worst experience , I was actually at a Bar , on the Avenenida & Tepic , since then I think twice about going back

    So try & not being so harsh on Mexican Citizens the are just innocent people who are affected by these criminals ,

  33. MX military protects CDS in the West
    MX military protects Zetas in the East
    Because both are the richest of cartels.
    Idk about los CT though.

  34. @ el Soldado i do remember u posting something saying u had big news but couldnt say until it was true. if ur boys did catch him why didnt they make a video of cutting his head off?

  35. My heart and prayers are with all the innocents RIGHT NOW, in Piedras Negras. I just came from prayers for you once again and wish the family of the innocent women who this world lost, peace and healing. But to all these armchair warriors and soap box politicians with internet courage who blog what they, !think? on here... I have requested from God that He gives you your chance, that you seem to be begging for, that He either sends you to the front lines or brings a taste of it to you. Sadly, I hear an amazing carless and foolish tone in much of what I often see posted. Sad because those of us who have the fear of God or have been humbled into check lack your capricious and brazen tone. I guess those of us who have lost innocent loved ones and haved lived in the midst of hell know when someone is talking fake tough. Real tough is not adding to people's tears and heartache, but knowing when to offer your respects, condolances, and then shut the hell up! Basta!

  36. @10:28 as a Hispanic coming from parents from both nationalitys n that has seen both sides of the border I wouldn't blame either country's. I have seen addicts on both sides. None r better than the other. I believe Mexico is out of control that not even their worthless government can do anytime about cartels but to join. I strongly believe that only the honest Mexican people can take their country back if they pull together instead of hiding. Just saying!!

  37. at first I thought the baby narco was scared but look at it again he yawns more than once, and the other guy actually busts out laughing ala la Barbie.

    about Knights Templar doing this, about all the logic+facts= conjecture that would be the least possibility. They had nothing to do with each other. They would know nothing. and no one turned him in SEDNA says the operation to bag him was 9 months old. cartels have co financial chiefs tabliban was only co chief dor 3 areas, whereas 40 was involved with the entire organization. cartels prepare for a structure change immideately when a top member leaves, just like any business.

    I feel either a few of his "supporters" that left with him were actually moles for 40, if this happened I am sure 40 passed on his whereabouts. the other option would be CDG, but it was too soon, and the third just maybe the marina simply just did their job.

    as for the KT commenter, I could say today "something big is going down with the zetas soon" and law of averages would make me

    If KT knew where he was the would have executed him themselves. why leave him alive to escape, bribe or have a cushy time in prison buying a pretty nice accomodations? dos centavos..

    1. The one incharge of la plaza of piedras was celso he was z40 right hand down there bt when he got captured about a month ago ..z40 got mad and told el Enano to take charge n to plan the escape of the in mates from the make piedras jst like laredo tamualipas..only celso was keeping the town calm cuz of all the money he was making for now that hes behind bars z40 doesnt give a shit about piedras no more..jst sayin.

  38. i blame my next door neighbor for all this war and killing and drug use in Mexico hes a duech

  39. @4:56pm If your referring to me bout wanting the Zetas to win,i apologise bout that remark...I have been studying this cartel war for 8months now and notice it aint seem to be getting anywhere,the authority's seem to be doing really stuff all,so i believe if one side wins this war overrall then wont the bloodshed diminish? Im backing the Zetas now because they seem too be the tougher adversary.
    Im hoping the military are helping for the moment just so we can wipe out one whole side of cartels.....and then when everything has calmed down....the government with the armed forces combined can wipe out who ever is left more than likely the Zetas....that is what im hoping for anyways.....because in the End im cheerleading the honest Citizens of a once Beautiful Mexico.

  40. Ok look lets get one thing STRAIT. When we say mexico or the u.s. We are talking about govts not it's people. For those of you that are taking offense, ease up. Unles you are the ppl in charge the comment isn't about you. When i say the us doesn't give a fuck about dead mexicans i mean politicians not all ppls. And when i say mexico is fukd its because of its govt not its ppl. Chill the fuck out. Elvis has left the building

  41. Has any one notice that this time it wasn't the smurfs making arrests the Mexican Navy is getting a lot of tip offs from someone because I don't think a 9 month investigation would come to a end just around the time El Mario,El Sierra and El Coss nd Z50 joins the gulf cartel and they all got arrested my the Navy without a single shot fired...And if Z40 snitch on 50 why didn't he call in the PFP the guys in blue?

  42. .
    Hello folks, friends and countrymen / Hola amigos y compas!

    I've been hanging out here for some months reading the B B posts and the commentaries that some folks have left here for us to read / Hace unos meses que estoy aquí en el sitio B. B. leyendo las noticias de Borderland Beat y los comentarios que han dejado la gente. He aprendido muchas cosas acá.

    In this news coverage here (the title of which is "Piedras Negras Violence") I am seeing a new and super positive development, it has become a heart-mind-and soul 'Connected Community', the Blogger Communication Section of B. Beat has gotten to be more and more and very Open & Honest, ¿what more can we ask for ?!


    .Sitio 'SoundBoard'.

    - mp ;-)

  43. Soon US will take over Canada and Mexico its known as North American Union one Grand Nation One currency called the Amero when these bad guys in Mexico start doing this stuff like terrorist acts US will step in they obviously did not see Scarface enough times Remember when Frank told Tony Low Key and you last in this profession but when you flash you dont last, Everything comes to a end remember Pablo Escobar, Mexico will be a walk in the park these bad guys in Mexico like there fancy cars n trucks and nice women, they dont blow them self's up like Taliban Terrorism too bad Mexico cant fight their own battles, how come all these Wars going on Mexico doesn't send any of their own soldiers Why?? You tell me??? New currency will be called the Amero read the Internet look at Youtube even Ex Mexican Pres Fox knew and supported the NAU what do you think NAFTA is from...Wake up People! What happened to the old days of Michocan running Piedras this kind of stuff would of never happened, the Bad Guys wanted attention, Yep they got all Eyes on the Frontera now all the News media and so on...Low Key people Low Key......

  44. @ 9:12 am,maybe you should have thought about the cosaquenses of having children with an illegal alien?what did you think was gonna happen

  45. Hey elsaldado,if your who you say you are why don't you give us some proof?tell us about something specific before it happens.i mean WTF? Anybody can come up with shit like you post......In the next 4 days elsaldado will post more meaningless bullshit,does that make me a cartel member too?

  46. I have to Laugh at the BB readers that say "Legalize Drugs" and the whole dam
    problem (Cartel Violence) will go away!
    Get Real, if they legalize it they will
    definately want TAX REVENUE and it will
    start all over again with the Cartels
    bringing in "TAX" Free DRUGS. So your not
    going to stop Free Enterprize but at least
    the Big Violence will be cut down to at least to
    the 90's violence where everybody made money
    without Killing Innocents! Problem nowadays
    is that these groups are killing out of Vengence
    as much as for money.Back in the Day you shot a
    guy but "Draw and Quarter" him after you behead
    him? Never Happen!!

  47. Alot of all yall that comment here dont really know about what really going on in Piedras ! Yall have never been there or much less are from there !

    1. it sounds like ur proud of that dump.!!

  48. 9-29 2:57am your right compa todo este pedo es por la detencion de el celso que dejo un vacio en PN. aqui esta el link de cuando cayo.

    todo el desorden es por el forty two y no su carnal. De lo de celso martinez, pues nunca lo presentaron ni dieron nombre, tal vez ya lo entregaron a la DEA. Creo que es ciudadano del US.

  49. gonzales says:

    Gonzalez said...
    9-29 2:57am your right compa todo este pedo es por la detencion de el celso que dejo un vacio en PN. aqui esta el link de cuando cayo.

    todo el desorden es por el forty two y no su carnal. De lo de celso martinez, pues nunca lo presentaron ni dieron nombre, tal vez ya lo entregaron a la DEA. Creo que es ciudadano del US.

    Here is what the link says...Paz, Chivis

    Military personnel repelled an armed attack and achieves the arrest of two people in Piedras Negras, Coahuila.
    - One alleged leader of the Zetas, responsible for managing the resources of the area .
    The National Defense Secretariat through the Command of the Military Region IV and the 6 / a. Military Zone informs the public that within the framework of the Comprehensive Strategy of the Mexican state against Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime, on 27 August this year, troops of the territorial command to effect you a routine to a vehicle in the town of Piedras Negras, Coahuila., was attacked with firearms shots, so in defense of their physical and people repelled the aggression, and succeeded in arresting two people, ensuring that: -
    Two handguns.
    - Seven chargers.
    - 35 cartridges of different calibers.
    - $13.000USD. Detainees were secured and made available to the appropriate authorities. With these actions the military, continues to fight criminal organizations in all levels in both urban and rural, endorsing its commitment to bring the atmosphere of peace and tranquility that society demands and deserves. collaboration is thanked for supporting citizens in denouncing totally anonymous and confidential, criminal acts that contribute to capture members of organized crime to email and phone numbers below:

    denuncia.6zm @ Commander of the 6 / a. Military Zone Phone 4100488.

    Saltillo. 69 / o. Infantry Battalion 01 (844) 4177005.
    Torreón, Coah.33 / or. Infantry Battalion. 01 (871) 7336181.
    Cd Acuña Coahuila. Military Garrison 01 (877) 7730240.
    Piedras Negras, Coahuila. Military Garrison 01 (878) 7820032.
    Muzquiz, Coahuila. 14 / o. Motorized Cavalry Regiment. 01 (864) 6161958.

  50. 5:36 am

    Hey dumbass, Mexico has been corrupt since
    before the gasoline engine was invented, so
    you need a new theory.

  51. "white Americans want to offer there opinion . Racist bastrards"

  52. "Hey dumbass, Mexico has been corrupt since
    before the gasoline engine was invented, so
    you need a new theory"

  53. Im not from mexico and have never been there. I feel for these people living in fear and having to live the way they born and raised in the u.s. And this country is all about money we can send troops all the way to iraq but we cant step in and at least help the innocent people in mexico. Im sure there is more oil in fuckin iraq!!!!

  54. This is a bit late for the conversation, but I used to live in Piedras, and I have laid on the floor of my home with a truckload of cartel minions driving by firing automatic weapons at our neighbour's home. It is horrifying. I had a brand new baby in my arms. I actually fled that place, leaving all of my belongings behind. Something that gives me a great deal of grief, but I'd rather be alive than buried with all of my stuff. Something else that never makes the news, the amount of gun fire exchanged at the border. This was such a common sound, the only thing we ever paused for was to determine if it was close or coming towards us. If not, we kept on at whatever we were doing. That was in 2007 before all the killing started. It began getting really bad when I went back in 2009, though at that time, Piedras had calmed down considerably. Piedras has always been very tightly controllado. If you're new there, or if someone asks for something that the cartel jeffe doesn't like, you get a visit. They were nice to us once they realized we weren't DEA. But, we got cruised by cartel squad cars and interrogated by taxi drivers who worked for them until they established we weren't any trouble.
    It was scary as hell living there, but the people of Piedras are great folks.
    My son was born there and we were told he was the first gringo baby born at that hospital and people we didn't even know brought him presents and doted on him like he was going to tear down the walls and make North America a free continent.
    I would love it if that became his destiny! I would love for that to be a reality, but I don't think we'll see it for a very long time. Viva Mexico! As soon as I can, I'll be going back for good. I love the way of life, the people, everything is perfect for me!


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