Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Presentation of El Taliban, He Had an Alliance With CDG

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  

9.27.12 update:
A reader just sent in this transfer and presentation video.  It is much better than the one below, though it includes the same presentation.  Notable is the smiling guy on right, and the baby narco who can't stay awake evident by his yawning... It is good quality so you may elect to go to full screen for viewing.  Thank you once again to this reader and all of you that help us by sending in tips. I can't express how much we appreciate the help..
Paz, Chivis

From this AM:
Yesterday Taliban was captured in San Luis Potosi (read post by using hyperlink) . his presentation was this morning.  The presentation is displayed on video below, I have extracted the criticial information given by the Mexican Marina here in the video narrative for the video at the bottom.

Information from SEMAR:
The Secretary of Navy Marines managed the arrest of Ivan Velazquez Caballero (a) "El Talibán" or "the Z-50", identified as regional head of "Los Zetas" in Aguascalientes, Zacatecas, Guanajuato and Coahuila, since 2007.However, Velazquez Caballero had  challenged the second in command of "Los Zetas", Miguel TreviñoZetas", Miguel Treviño Morales aka Z-40", for control of the plaza de San Luis Potosí,  because of that dispute “Z50”  left the criminal organization and sought an alliance with the Gulf Cartel, according to information from the Secretariat of Navy SEMAR.
"The Taliban" or "the Z-50" was arrested last Wednesday, September 26, around 18: 35 hours, in the colony Tangamanga San Luis Potosí along with Manuel Antonio Guerrero, 27 years old,  originally from Monterrey, and Carlos Uriel of Santiago Hernandez, 19 years old and originally from San Luis Potosí.
The three were brought before the media today Thursday September 27.
Vice Admiral José Luis Vergara, the Navy spokesman, confirmed the capture of Velazquez Caballero who was ratified as regional head of "Los Zetas" in the cited entities of Aguascalientes, Zacatecas, Guanajuato and Coahuila.
He explained that "some sources point out that the “ Z-50 "defied Zetas  second maximum leader,  Miguel Treviño Morales, initiating a struggle to individually control the square of San Luis Potosí, by which it is presumed that this challenge resulted in  the recent execution of 14 of his supporters in San Luis Potosí, in the month of August this year".
A break between "the Z-40" and "the Z-50", separating the latter from "Los Zetas", in search of an alliance with the Gulf Cartel, according to the first investigations was given.
The capture of the "Z-50" was in follow-up to an investigation initiated last January, which showed the location of a home of this alleged criminal leader in the Tangamanga colony.
When the Marina  arrived at the site, they were surprised to three armed subjects out in front of the  property, but seeing them, they returned to the interior of the ranch.
SEMAR not only captured three suspects, they also secured 2 vehicles, a firearm long, 4 grenades,  communication equipment, $ 20,000 in cash, 4 cell phones and 12 pounds of packaged marijuana.

Velázquez Caballero, now 42 years old and born in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas,  he began his criminal career at the age of 14  in his hometown, where he stole and sold auto parts.

At age 22 was imprisoned for theft of vehicles in the La Loma prison. He was sent  to work with Heriberto Lazcano more than a  decade ago and would later become a leader of "Los Zetas".

Later, he was appointed as Chief of plaza in Nuevo Laredo and later was in charge of Monterrey, which he oversaw from Fresnillo, Zacatecas, until the year of 2007, when he had 400 people under his command.

"Z-50" was also identified as the likely co-financial operator of "Los Zetas" even before their break and was also responsible for the activities of the organization money laundering as one of his responsibilities. .

"The Taliban" aka “Z-50", along with two other detainees  were put at the disposal of the Public Ministry of the Federation affiliated to the Attorney of investagations of organized crime "SIEDO " for the corresponding investigations. 

Video below:
The capture of Velazquez Caballero, El Taliban, by the officers of Special Forces occurred yesterday at 6:35 pm, as a result of "naval intelligence job initiated since January of last year.

Taliban was alleged regional chief of the zetas in Zacatecas, Aguascalientes and parts of Guanajuato and Coahuila since 2007.
However, sources point out that Taliban defied the second maximum leader of the zetas, Miguel Trevino Morales, Z-40, which started a quarrel between them for the control of the square of San Luis Potosi, " which is presumed that, as a result of that challenge, the recent execution of 14 of his sympathizers in the capital of that state on august of this year, occurred."

That rupture caused Taliban to seek alliance with the Gulf Cartel. The video did not include the charges for Taliban. It just says that he has several previous investigations on offenses against health. (society)

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  1. hate to say it - but I agree with the opinion that this is another victory for Z40. he knows how to sell people out ... that's for sure.

    1. Once the formality of presenting them infront of the media is over well now their asses are going to get whipped by the military in their interrogation chamber...Sing Like A Canary.

  2. Isn't Z-42, Omar Trevino--Z-40's brother? If so, what would he be doing with Z-50? Doesn't seem correct. Besides, I don't think any of those guys look like Omar.

  3. Looking forward to your translation Chivis as always.

    With all the recent captures I'm wondering if these guys will all end up in US for trials and incarceration.

    I don't know if it's possible but is there any way to do follow ups in the future on some of these guys to see where they wound up/sentences ect.? It seems like after the initial capture and presentation little is heard after. I always wonder about the little guys that get arrested with the big fish. Do they wind up in Mex prison for short terms and go back to work after? Are they targeted because their identity is put out there in the presentations? I know we can't know all but it does make me curious.

    el 520

  4. Could all this be a change for the better?or are there plenty of others in line to fill there shoes?

  5. why, WHY the fuck are they wearing bulletproof vests?!!

    1. Remember what happened to Lee Harvy Owald?

    2. haha...ur point being?

  6. Ya se lo llevo la verga.. haha el chapo se rie desde europA

  7. Oh shit!! Looks like Z-40 is basking in the sun now! Wow! I'm no Zeta fan by no means but it seems the only thugs being nabbed are the ones associated with the CDG! It didn't take long for Taliban to be captured it almost seems as soon as he officially cut away from the Zetas and joined the CDG...he was caught!

  8. Chivis I don't speak spanish and so the video translations are greatly appreciated, excellent job

  9. Thats because zetas have many military paid. They are bigger have more money. Just like chapo just that chapo paid calderons presidency and fraud so most of the military has debilitated beltran afo and juarez. The real question is what will happen when he geta out amd corrupt pri gets in

  10. Cartels have a new weapon.. its better than an AK, AR15 , dimond plated hand guns, bullet proof cars, or 50 cals.. its called SNITCHING... New motto for the Mexican cartels.. " SNITCH OR DIE"

    1. You seem to forget the italian American mafias. Remember the maid guys snitching? Its all the same once it hits all of them.hard.every one starts switching.

  11. isn't it ironic...everyone associated with cdg including now "el taliban", a zeta but connected to cdg, is either dead or arrested? there has got to be more than this...someone in the mexican government sold out...only recent large arrests or deaths recently only CDG??? or is it chapo? makes one wonder how deep the corruption is even in this new administration....chapo must be in control....imo

  12. I was checking in on another websites coverage of this capture to see if I could pick out any other details. It's in Spanish so I Google translate to get the gist and I know a tiny bit of Spanglish, but here is the Google translation and another example of why BB and your translations are so needed.

    "During the operation of detention, the infants of the Navy seized two vehicles, a rifle, four grenades war, communication equipment, $ 20,000 in cash, four mobile phones and 12 kilos of marijuana packaged."

    Now can these babies be trusted with all those drugs and firepower?

    On a side note does it seem curious that this investigation has been going on since LAST January and only now after the recent split with the Z's that they just stroll on down to his place and pick him up no problem. The other article said they had his address since last January.

    el 520

    1. Infants= infantry, marine infantry to be more exact.

    2. Jajajajaja!!! Yeah man your translation is very good! Spanglish no mames!

  13. What's going to happen with Taliban's people? Are they with CDG now, or are they going to try to get back with the Zetas? Also, if they try to get back with the Zetas, would they be killed?

  14. woa, big capture, I'm sure z40 had an infiltrator among talibans men who snitched, easier for z40 to have the Mexican forces do his dirty work for him I'm not cartel fan boy, but i would rather see z40 get taken down before everyone else, interesting nonetheless...

  15. Seems to me that CDG got the intel that El Taliban had and gave him to the marina. Thats just my opinion - JR

  16. Everyone think z40 ie this and that dude is smart if you ask me he and z3 are apparently in complete control. Of authority on northern Mexico. Anyone hear boutique the thirty officers arrested this month that worke for z

  17. Chivis,whatever else believe that we appreciate the translation.You and the other contributors.


  19. 40 got scared with all the pressure to kill him and snitched. Either that or some captured CDG gave him up. Military probably thinks he has useful intel on 40 and the zz. I'm expecting some zz to fall very soon.

  20. I can't believe that a guy like this with all his bravado doesn't go down guns blazing. How does this happen that they just give up? Do all their men turn on them?

    I rather die with a gun in my hand than have a trip to SuperMax in my future. I'd prefer to take a few of my enemies with me to the next world. And I'm not even latin macho.

    Are they really cowards at heart? Or are they surrounded suddenly by such overwhelming force resistence is just instant death?

    1. Yeah right. Do you have a ps3 or xbox? This is not a video game kid.

  21. How would z40 know where he was when he had major beef with him lol.

    Funny people wana call z40 a snitch but pretty much every top cdg capo has been caught in the last like 3 weeks all from snitching lol, seems to me like cdg are the major snitches here.Stop cheerleading.

    1. Sounds like you are cheer leading for 40.

  22. " even in this new administration "

    Huh? Last time I checked Calderon is still the president of Mexico.

  23. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy are they wearing bullet proooof vests aim shoooot whyyyy did kamikazzzes wear helmets hmmmm

    1. Hey that's true wtf were kamikazes worried about safety lol but they keep these assholes alive to get the long waited treat of beating the shit out of them and terrorizing them after being threatened their whole careers

  24. maybe he ratted on himself - he'd rather take his chances in a US Pen than on the streets of SLP with 40 after him.

  25. Fyi: it's not offensives against health!! That is a literal translation . It means against society. Don't post it if you don't want to but please change it. Thank you!

  26. thank you 2:49 that is the term used in mexico. i will use both

    1. Does anyone else think its more likely that Coss ratted out Taliban to get some brownie points with the law, and perhaps try to keep a handle on his group from the inside. Taliban is a formidable leader and perhaps Coss didn't like the idea of him being in CDG while he is locked up. Pure speculation, but so is the 40 theories. Intel spoils fast in Mexico. Coss may know that he has a small window to prove to authorities he is valuable and willing to play ball. He sure as hell doesnt want to end up in a super max. El blanco gut

  27. He gave up because he will likely not get more than 10 years. The guys that have went out guns blazing are dudes that would have gotten life or damn close to life as terms for imprisonment.

  28. This worthless piece of Shit traitor is one of Mexicos worst serial Mass Murderers. He should be giving a speedy trail than taken to the Main Plaza in any border town, buried to his chest and stoned to death by the citizens that he terrorized. Round up his family and blow up their homes and kick thier flea infested kids real hard in thier upwiped asses!! Fuck him and the filty street whore who shit him out!!!

  29. response to 1:42PM...u right caldreron still prez, pri n nieto in power pulling strings, but u right...admin the same...fuk all cartel garbage need to be lined up with all their families and relatives and is no more innocent then the next.... BAM BAM BAM good night sweet prince

    1. Fuck you you know nothing you really need to think of what it means to kill some odors family. So if you go off and join up I should go kill your grandparents that worked their whole life and your infant children that don't even know what you do or your parents??? Fuck man your worse than any cartel capo you are just pure evil

  30. families and relative of all CARTEL SHIT nedd to be rounded up and executed, they are the same and profiting be the day old infants to 100 year old grandparents EXECUTE the whole blood line...VIVA MEXICO!!!!

  31. He may have split from the zetas but he'll still have a lot of dirt on the zetas, as he was third after z3 & z40 right? Plus I heard he was a boss of Nuevo León too.

    1. Exactly thats why the d.e.a applauds the capture he knows zeta camps and hideouts maybe he didnt have the man power or didnt know who to trust but know he can sing like a bird aint it funny when he got caught they almost nabbed z42 its gonna get good now gulf is on their pins and needles taliban got screwed now its the zss turn if the zss dont get hit then pena nieto made a pact with them and is guna leave everything to them !!

  32. Video:

  33. said "they received information he had a home in SLP" and went to raid it. I'm thinking zetas snitched him out. He has had that home a long time. Zetas knowing he had it and being able to get to him is two different things. CDG is solid as one group now that Cos is gone. They didn't snitch...Zetas did this out of fear. It's an old tatic of theirs.

  34. Has it occured to anyone that Taliban's own crew gave him up to prevent the CDG/CT from entering Zacatecas and SLP?

    You all are so caught up in the heavy hitter drama that you miss the details.

    Remember that when Coss made a pact with Chapo to create Carteles Unidos the Zetas had been fighting the Sinaloa invasion for years and they decided that they would not let them in so they made their stand, since they already had an alliance with BLO and had access to tons of cocaine.

    Now think about this. The Zetas under Taliban would eventually be pushed out by CDG/CT and they would be more expendible as the odd man out in this CDG/CDG/Talibanes allliance. The easiest thing would be to cut their losses short and reincorporate into the ranks of the Z. Thus, as a sign of loyalty and in exchange for their acceptance into Z they gave taliban up. Its called Ockham's Razor for all of you coming up with these ever-so intricate conspiracy theories.

    1. @7:22 It's spelled Occam's razor and I fail to see how your speculation is not in-of-itself an intricate conspiracy theory.

      How about just sharing your thoughts and ideas without being a snide dick?

  35. what a load of bullshit!!! everyone saying military been covering Z40's ass,you go back in the last few weeks been plenty zetas gettin gunned down with confrontation with military,seems to me the only cartel fighting military are the Zetas... maybe the military goin after easier targets cause they know ZETAS fight to the DEATH!!!(oh shit, am i cheerleading again,i better stop it,peoples might get upset)

    1. You got cute legs. Like your Pom Pom Just kidding. It is getting hard to express your self with out ridicule.

  36. The people on here talking about they should kill theses guys and their families are a bunch of frustrated coward at heart idiots,especially the stupid b*%@# made chump talking about children geting kicked in the ass. How the hell does someones actions mean there families deserve the punishment...and especially the children.I'm from out of L.A. and if anyone wants to arrange a little get together so we can continue discussing this topic in person, I'd be happy to long as it's not more then a few hours away,but if you're willing to come my way, that would be more then welcomed. Family is sacred, and if not involved, they are innocent.Whether it's a cartel doing it or whoever, harming innocent people,innocent family members included,is not right,especially kids.

  37. It is pretty amazing that when we see these guys being presented they never look anything like the pics we see, hardly recognize these guys. They don't look too much like the boogey man when they are caught and stuck in a bulletproof vest.

  38. A huge victory for the Z.

    If Z-40 snitched out Taliban as some here claim, well that is very smart of him.
    Why wouldn't you snitch out your #1 enemy if you could????
    It's possible Zs have some people on their side taking down their enemies left-and-right; certainly that's whats been happening, Zs enemy leaders captured every week.
    Amazing turn of events.

  39. Z-50 is an intel treasure trove they'll cut a deal in order to find out all about their money laundering ops.

  40. I always wonder why all the heavy weight ( no pun intended) narcos get caught with guys that's cant defend themselves let alone a boss why do they always have kids with them at first I thought maybe a young prodigy or cuzin but I doubt either what's the point of this why don't they get buster with some fine ass females I know these ain't no estakas either Some one want to throw in some opinions peace loks

  41. I keep getting this funny vision of these assholes burning in hell begging for water and their victims chillin with ice cold drinks in luxury and keep handing them drinks and they instantly turn to super heated steam further burning them Hahahaha hurry up El Tampon they just turned up the flames for you piss of a Marina lol jk idk if hell Is real but If it is you can bet this jackass is a prime candidate

  42. wonder what the 19 year old kid is thinking about his life now.....


  44. the young one looks so scared to not know whats going to happen, the other small guy looks to have gotten his ass whipped, taliban looks like, here we go again...

  45. The balance of power or better yet! Survival of the fittest! He was given up! Plain and simple,! He was going to be a distabilizing force that was only going to increase the violance. So, with his contacts in SEMAR, Lazca and little bitch Z40 they gave him up to control the violence. But guess who gave the ok to take Z50 out? Pene Miento!!!!! Oh, with papi Salinas de Gortari's approval!!! So guess who is going to benefit in the next admin? Las Perras Zetas!!! Good luck Mexico, you will need it!!!

    1. Oh yah peña nieto personally ordered Z50s arrest lol what an ignorant accusation. I wish I could understand how you kids come up with this stuff

    2. All I have to say is would you snitch on someone who knows almost everything of your organization?? And the money?? This is a BAD HIT for z40 I guarantee you there's alot of truckloads of cash being moved through Mexico and alot of businesses magically closing and alot of people dying do to this

  46. @3:28pm Dude please leave his mother out of this.
    I just cant understand why people bring family into this,i guarantee you his mother never in her wildest dreams would have thought Taliban would grow up and be a Capo for a cartel when she gave birth too him....the way you described it just made me sick in the gut.

    1. In case you didn't know: El Taliban is the son of Comandante Potro, look for Comandante Potro on you tube. El Potro and his sons murdered lots of innocent people with the help of El Rafita, El Rafita is a former Sinaloa cartel operative now living in Dallas, El Rafita is Taliban's brother in law. El Taliban's mother Teresa Caballero is heavily involved in money laundering. And that's the way it is.

  47. CDG has mole high in the roost.

  48. this is creepy El soldado,reckons CT turned him in to the Marinas.....what dogs,putred dogs,he thinks CT can get away with what they have done by turning in this for real or what?

  49. Knights Templars turned Taliban in too the authority's..??? is this shit for real Chivis?
    what the hells goin on down there.

  50. If I were a Mexican cop, I would have worked overtime to take El Taliban out of the game too. The other guys are probably harder to catch and no one needed them fighting it out in the streets. Maybe he got snitched on, or maybe he just did not have the same networks that had kept him safe for so long now that he was CDG? It was easy to hope that he would take out a bunch of the other Zetas, but that never would have happened without killing a bunch of people who had nothing to do with it.

  51. Focus on the issue not speculate stupidly.
    Think of this
    Thwart zetas n taliban brokebup.
    He goes to CDG which makes CDG top dog again ,with the zetas ubder 50's control n.him . 40 n lazca were basically gone because 50 knows way mote then enough.
    Now the zetas came out with narco banners saying CDG is being helped by US government to destabilize
    Yet 2 days later Taliban gets captured and the DEA comes out applauding this.
    Think of whatbijust wrote and draq your own conclusion.
    Because to me n because of thwarting research done ,i know dea cia fbi ice are the ones backing up the destabilizing of.Mexico with zeta help.
    To.cover up and make 40's statement liable or real some one big fall from CDG and to make it.perfect a agency had to applaud it.
    Think People think .
    All you guys do is talk shit about Mexicans. That's all i have yet to see real contribution. Yet all these people call Mexicans a.failure,savages and such. When clearly the comments left in this blog.proves it wrong and makes the Americans look exactly as what they hate. Specially with their history of intervention,first of was communism,then democracy ,no is terrorism,followed by narco terrorism . People wake up this is a bullshit war.

  52. The bloodline? Are you insane! I highly doubt your bloodline is pure as snow, should I wish for the death of your infant relatives? You are just as bad as they are, I pray your children and family members do not pay for your own sins. Just as all of these killers in Mexico will have to meet their makers and be judged before the eyes of God, so will you. And yes it is a sin to wish for the death of the innocent, a sin that you, and you alone, will have to pay for. If you feel so strongly about fixing the problem, you should start by fixing yourself. .

  53. Why are all the top narcos and important figures paraded around with bullet proof vests on? I have never understand why they do that? If someone was going to take them out all they have to do is shoot them in the head?

  54. Some people seem oblivious to the fact Taliban and Trevino are enemies so it makes sense why he would rat him out to the cops. Wouldn't you?

    Sucks though because Taliban would had been a good driving force to get Trevino but has now been stopped dead in his tracks.

  55. Funny how the guy to Taliban's left is smiling when he gets off the plane, but when he's presented with the bullet proof vest, he's got a black eye and no longer smiling...

  56. "All you guys do is talk shit about Mexicans. That's all i have yet to see real contribution. Yet all these people call Mexicans a.failure,savages and such"
    Oh oh,here we go again.More sniveling about the big bad US and her plans for world domination and enslavement.Yes we do,its all the Illuminati .
    Gotdayum bwoy,is you stupid.Hate and negativity is what you do best all over the place.

  57. Am pretty sure that he had more than $20000


    De que estas hablando? He rats himself out to the "green-gos" so he can get a gun? wtf ? Are you insinuating that Mexicans have no self control and would start hacking each other apart and killing each other at funerals if given dangerous instrumentality?...and then blaming it on the "green-gos?"

  59. i wonder who that kid is and what does he do that he got so close to hang with el taliban? also where did el soldado *i think thats his name* say that CT turned el taliban in?

  60. The house is empty, But they left behind the "baby gate". They knew they were gonna be hit and cleaned out before that. He turned himself in. Scared, just like our Friend Edgarito Valdez Villareal.

    "Sobre aviso, no hay engaños"
    "No se sientan ofendidos"
    "Si las aguas son violentas"
    "Pa que se meten al río"
    "En vísperas nadie muere"
    "Lo confirma así el corrido"

  61. "I have never understand why they do that? If someone was going to take them out all they have to do is shoot them in the head?"

    Good point bro'.
    Funny comment of the day.

  62. Is there gonna be interrogation videos of Coss and Taliban??

  63. Ya know, from a Machiavellian standpoint it does make a lot more sense if Tuta ratted out Taliban. Taliban knows the inner workings of the Zetas well, and proved he wasn't loyal to them. If I'm 40 or Lazcano, I want that man dead and dead quick. In custody Talibam could feasibly give up 40 and Lazca's probable locations, drug sources, launder mats etc. Tuta wants 40 gone and I'm sure the rest of the Zetas aren't on his list of favorite people. So why not? Also it could have been Coss. I really find the CDG loss of leadership lately fascinating. Has any cartel ever lost this many key guys in such a short time frame? Anyway, either 40 and Lazcano had to reroute their entire routine and course of operation if one of them did indeed rat out 50, or perhaps they are so autonomous it didn't matter. Either way it's pretty crazy. Did a reward get paid? -el blanco guy

  64. I think its pretty safe to say the americans are in mexico. just like they helped get escobar they are doing the same in Mexico. mark my words the americans are conducting operations in mexico.

  65. ....if you had a neighbor causing all this bad situation, your bound to get involved.!!! it's always the innocent who pay for what the bad apples do, and sooner or later, the whole bushel rots!!!

  66. Well too bad for this guy. He switched to he CDG and those are the same people that told armed forces where he lived. some snitch cdg or civilian pointed this guy out and got decent reward. All the beef zeta and cdg you think there wasn't some real rogue CDG whould let this fuckin guy into their alliance just like that. after all the killings in the dispute. luckily the police got him or hed have been killed VERY soon. and senor trevino didnt SNITCH on him because with the kind of beef they had i'd see cuarenta just killing him himself.


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