Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

TALIBAN: Sends a Message Z40s Days Are Numbered

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

Puebla Mexico- Municipal police confirmed that a new narco manta supposedly having a message from The Taliban formerly  of the Los Zetas Cartel appeared at apx 6AM in the morning Monday  on Highway Puebla-tehuacan.  Taliban is rumored to have jumped ship from the last letter and is now with the Gulf cartel.  This is a bit confusing perhaps readers can shed some light on the message. 

Los Zetas recently attempted to have a truce with Knights Templar, but if this manta is valid it appears they have formed an alliance with CDG.
Mantas also appeared in Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi.  Below is text translated.  This was difficult to translate.  I did not receive the lower photo until after translating, but it is in line with the message of the first reported text. 
Text of narcomanta:

                             C.D.G                                                       Caballeros Templarios
Let me make it clear that Miguel Angel Treviño and all his relatives are going to be finished soon and life will have to continue its course. You decide if you want to be part of it or end like he will end, passing a catfish on his back.( this is a saying in Spanish translated makes little sense but means finished/dead) in Rio Bravo, if you are not in our favor, we will understand that you are against us and will be part of the same fate. Think about it. It’s enough, prevent his power from dragging you, Will you risk being dragged.(?) Power is unity and we are united more each time.
Leave him alone z-40 that soon this traitor will not have who to dominate or who to betray. He is sick of power, he got confuse and for him, power was to subordinate, oppress, force, reject, marginalize, intimidate, deceive, insult, underestimate, mistreat, betray, kill and forget…
At the same time he is proud, he gets happy, he brags about it, enriches himself, ignores that the powerful is that one that having the opportunity to take the life of someone chooses not to. He wants to have the power over other people because he could never have it on himself. The makes one stupid, but he was already stupid to begin with, before given the power.
No more blood, no more robberies, kidnapping and extortions. No more suffering of citizens and their families.
That is why you should join the cause. With us, you will add and (we will) multiply. Over there you will subtract, divide and finally will be finished.

Source: Texcoco Drugs Mexico

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  1. so in other words the who;e zeta struggle is over since z50 is gone and now nobody is fighting with z40.. kinda confusing..

  2. Can anyone give me some odds on Taliban vs 40? I feel like z40 would have wider reach and be able to move around more. I don't know much about Taliban but figure he's mostly a local figure. who goes down to places like Guatemala to set up camp? z40? Lazca? or neither and they send lackeys? do z40 and Taliban have the same stomping grounds? I need info

  3. Complete crap! Now Z50 wants to say, "No more blood, no more robberies, kidnapping and extortions. No more suffering of citizens and their families". What about all the kidnapping and extortions you did to the people of Fresnillo, Jerez, Guadalupe, and the city of Zacatecas? Now you want to blame Z40, too late.

    No respect for any cartel, they all affect the common citizen.

    And a word to the wise, especially the CDG fanboys that will be cheering the joining of Z50, He who betrays once, will betray again.

    1. He was betrayed first. He's doing the logical thing. So i woulde call la letra traitors. Wouldnt u do the same if u were betrayed by youre company? I wouldnt call it betrayel, more like retaliation

  4. 11:59AM
    You are the reason I hesitated posting this in english. Yes, I altered syntax a bit so it would be readable to english readers, but I did not change the subtance. If yu read my post I said it was difficult and this is the only blog that attempted to even present an english version. the grammar was horrible and expressions that meant nothing in english. I could throw up the literal translation, bu it would have been pointless. and there was only the top foto as of 2AM when I finished the translation.

    @11:59 (below) I have always written there was not real struggle with Zs, that Lazca and 40 had no reason to be at war, but that it was plausiable with taliban/40 who hate each other. the real war will commence now as alliance form, Zs better get busy.....

    1. I am a reader of BB and often if I can't read or understand something in Spanish my husband who is 100% bilingual will translate for me. Chivis, my husband says "que le siga dando y lo que dijo sobre la manta capturo el mensaje bien. Tu no tomaste la libertad con las palabras....Talibán did."

      Gracias for all you do, Chivis!

  5. Wait what is taliban cdg now or alligned with them? And are the zetas in general have an alliance with them? I'm a bit confused
    I don't see how they can go from killing the. Fuck out of eachother to being friends, can someone shed some light please

  6. @ Chivis the grammar is hard!! Especially for non native Spanish speakers such as yourself.

  7. Yes Taliban is now with CDG

  8. @ Chivis, where does it say he's with the Gulf??

    1. It doesn't say per say that he is with the gulf cartel but you can infer it

  9. What's this, taliban calling 40 stupid? Is that the pot calling the kettle black again? These clowns couldn't was wash dishes right!! They can only rob and extort others that have an education ad that have a job....

  10. I think that banner is fake

  11. I wouldn't Trust any of these (characters) we all know that they "Sell Out" each other if it
    strengthens (their cause)in a N.Y. minute! As far as this Taliban character joining the CDG I doubt very much that he "Joined" them since to
    "Join"any cartel in Mexico; especially a group
    like the Golfo's who have been around for almost
    40 years I'm sure you have to be at least "Approved" by someone in power and presently I cannot think of anybody thats left with enough clout in what was once a powerful organization to allow a former "Zeta Honcho in" to the fold. I mean take a look around, presently they are on the Balls of their Ass so who's calling the shots..? Remember this guy's
    not called "El Taliban" because he's a Good Ole Boy that can be trusted, he allready had 14 of his people butchered by "Trevino" and his faction so how much help can he bring to the table..? Looks to me like he needs the Golfo's
    a hell af alot more than they need him and his circus of misfits.

  12. * formerly not formally

  13. Taliban is now back with CDG, his old contacts and allies. Z-50 is still Z-50 but now a top dog along with a few others at CDG.
    If you think about it, Z-50 is the succesor to a new cartel, Nueva-era CDG.
    About time someone stepped up and said enough is enough. Taliban must have alot of support right now, cause he is poised to take it to the Z-40's...

  14. Puro Zacatecas...a la verga con Z-50 y El Taliban

    1. Pinche Tacuachillo mierda,Z-50. y El Taliban son el Mismo...Pinche Indio patas meadas!!

  15. What many of our readers don't realize (or perhaps they do, sorry!) is that unlike English, there is a HUGE difference between Spanish learned at home (for us Chicanos, etc) and the Spanish spoken/written on a university level/native speakers. Translating is difficult, trying to find the correct words and attempting not to deter too much from the original text, give Chivis a break! Blog del Narco (MundoNarco) has the original manta text if any of you would like to read it in Spanish and then translate for yourself at home : ). No offense to anyone, we are trying the best with can and will continue growing and improving, thank you for the support!

    1. Complicating the issue is that the Spanish written on the narcomantas is an argot that is difficult to translate ( even by native Spanish speakers) if you do not pertain to that particular strata of society

  16. @12:58 PM I will as soon as I finish fucking your sister in the ass.

    If any of you critical idiots want to start translating articles for BB go ahead and sign up with Buggs. Otherwise, drop dead.

  17. from inference they r not w/cdg, sounds like if they r it is temporary 2 eliminate Z40 and kin. sounds brutal but taliban no saint either...mexican govt have 2 lay both open like the vermin pigs they are and present to media in body bags. only solution is both dead and relatives alike. all family part of this accepting cash, drugs and property...all need to be eliminated...only support from me is total execution and elimination of all cartel members.

  18. i wonder if this is all one big master plan from the Z to get rid of the cdg and then become a more dominant cartel in mexico

  19. It is impossible for buela's effort to be mistaken as anything other than accurate to the spirit of the banner's intent.

    Y a aquel idiota que por aqui se hace pasar como conservador de la Real Academia Española: tus comentarios son fastidiosos e inutiles. Mejor callate la boca.

    Con saludos pa los de por aqui que tienen gente en el ADX;

    ...por el ejido El Refugio en

    1. *aquí , * inútiles, * cállate , académicos no conservador

  20. Thanks Chivis! This is very interesting twist in cartel wars, all this Z-40 vs Z-50. Thanks.

  21. Will there be a story here about the 130 inmates escaped from Mexico prison to Texas?

  22. Thanks for the effort in translating. The kidnapping and robbery won't stop when Z40 expires. The army is stealing houses and has many kidnapping cells and swarms of unaffiliated thieves/killers roam the country.

  23. People, you cannot believe what you read on these mantas, nor can you believe what you read on these message boards. There are only three people that truly know that is going on and that is: Z-50, Z-40, and Z-3. EVERYONE else is in the dark one way or another and they will remain there. All we can do sadly is just sit back and watch.

  24. All these people criticizing Chivis need to go eat a dick. They criticize but never offer any translation of their own...lazy do nothings. Chivis is a brave woman who has helped Americans understand what's happening down south. -El Blanco Guy

  25. Attn Senor Taliban,

    Could you please impale Z-40s head on a windshield wiper with a rag sticking out of his mouth. That way he could go out as he came in....washing cars !! jajaja

    Also, could you force Z-42 to play Curly in a gay version of the Three Stoges before he gets his eyes poked out by Moe and then gets quartered. You can splatter him on the car that Z-40 is cleaning with his head if you wish.

    Thank you so much in advance for your assistance in this matter.





    1. simon kompa eso es la verdad. pero en todos modos, muerte a los carteles!!!


  27. El Pedo es SIMPLE, El C.D.G, Tenia CIERTO territorio, el Z50 Taliban Otro, pero al Traicionar al Z40, Le entrego Territorio y GENTE Al C.D.G, En otras palabras los SIKARIOS de ZACATECAS, Pueden o Son ZETAS, Pero cambiados de BANDO, En Otras PALABRAS, Son la MISMA CAGADA... Lo ÚNICO bueno es que Pronto Van a MATAR al Z40.

    1. Crean que lps sicarios no se sientan como pndejos? Segun todos odiando a los contras y luego mamandoles el c u l o. -twister

  28. its not real but if it was, it would be a bitchass move from taliban, which i dont believe

  29. chivis thank you for the translation, which is a major strength BB has over other sites and is a major reason english speakers come here. hey a**hole @11:59, as long as she gets the point across im happy. obviously you can read spanish so F*ck off, the english guys are happy w what she did.someone takes the time to translate and u criticize?

    also in the drug game power has alot to do w $$$. if taliban has his own contacts who move weight and he has the ability to generate $$, he can thrive and prob even switch alliances (if he can keep his head on).he obv a $$maker and his customers/clients dont disappear if he drops the brand.he can still take aton of of coke and make it into $$. that makes him valuable to whoever he works w.these guys are all about greed and will overlook alot if it means more $$$.
    it seems that the Z struggle is over. the Z is still the Z, just now wout taliban, he left and took his contacts w him

  30. At the top of the banner there is also a knights templar logo. On the right side of Taliban's face.

  31. I got a solution for the drug war... PPV fight between the cartel bosses.. Lazcano vs Chapo.. z40 vs Z 50.. macho Prieto vs los garibay.. azul and Mayo can be the judges... Get this war over with...

  32. Chivis, you can never please everybody, and the world is full of ungratefull lowlifes who fail to realize that you provide your information and insight without compensation and you do an excellent job. Thanks for your extrrdinary work.
    There are plenty of us that do appreciate you.

  33. I don't understand why you people come at Chivas so hard all the time, considering the text of the whole website, Chivas has done a great job bringing the news especially to those who can not read spanish. I appreciate the translation and understand the difficulty in presenting word by word exactly as the banners are written. Thanks again Chivas, you are doing a great job. Most of the websites out there reporting Mexico news translate so badly it is not even worth reading.

    1. Good Read Chivis,,many thanks

    2. I appreciate chivis i do not know spanish at all but i have no trouble understanding the translations.people on here who are critical of the translations probably cant read english very well nevermind spanish

  34. Football is better than Futball asshole!

  35. @ 12:21 Do you have painted on eyes?

  36. Keep doing a Great job B.B. For all of us who appreciate the info...

  37. They could call this new alliance "Happy little furry people"

  38. The banner appears real but looks like el taliban has gone on his own the banner shows the three cartel who form this new partnership taliban and cdg were the brothers from the north that la tuta spoke of in a video a few weeks ago -3030

  39. Much respect to Chivis.good job. Some people want it spoon fed. Make an effort readers on your own!!!!!

  40. yes ngato44, I'm south American,i sure as hell don't know all the Mexican slang, our regional dialects...I'm southern Cali now, atoll made sense to me..thanks chivis

  41. chingen todos ah su madre.....z40

  42. Tx for the translation!

  43. More shit comin towards Trevino. I would not like to be him right about now! every cartel seems hellbent on killin him even his own side! the government too and the people are all tired of him.

    His days are numbered I feel.

  44. the catfish on his back thing makes sense, ...leave him face down on the bottom of the Rio Bravo

  45. I still don't get it, is Lazcano still even alive? Or is it just Z-40 and Taliban? I have not heard anything about that man in a WHILE.

    1. I heard a while back that sum cubans had captured him and turned him in to the dea for the 5 million dollar reward wich they never received,so they went to the media came out in primer impacto...but who really knows wat if the government never kept stuff from us

    2. That was a big lie

    3. That was a lie nobodu captured Lazcano

  46. Someone wrote & wanted to know why I am so overly protected. His comment would have made it in but for the added personal rant. This is for you sugar boo boo, I AM THE ONE who allowed the comment in that was critical of my translation. When I returned it was no more. I don’t know who took it down.

    What readers do not see is we contributors help each other behind the scenes, and are protective of each other (Thanks Ngato) So one of the admins took it down. This sparked a couple of derogatory comments to Ngato for explaining how difficult the translation is for us non natives.

    What I will state again, this manta was a sorry piece of grammar and idioms. No one wanted to post it in English but I felt it was better to try. Last night when I received it there was only the top foto and no text available, just guesses, and all in Spanish, this made the task very, very difficult. I welcome reader editing, if what I wrote changes the essence or language intent, but if it does not, then please remember comments can lead away from the story quickly. Today a reader pointed out I used formally which should have been corrected to formerly, that was appreciated and I corrected the error, as it was an integral part of the sentence.

    Thank you very much for the support you all give to us. For you guys I will keep at it, for those who hate my can….. dang can’t say it or the boss will get pissed…so I will say as Ngato said go to a Spanish language blog and translate it yourself. …Paz, Chivis

  47. Nobody who criticizes Chivis ever does so in proper English. You'd think a bunch of non-English speaking morons would have some understanding for how difficult a second language is. Pinches ingratos son la escoria de cualquier pais en donde se encuentren.

    1. Y Tampoco saben deletrar en español

  48. Hey keep up the good work. I for one really appreciate it. Thank you

  49. BORDERLAND BEAT readers..the prison break in Piedras Negras ,Coauhilla was all Z-40...his trademark...replenish his ranks...

    1. Yea i know two of them...they are goin to war in zacatecas

  50. "Could you please impale Z-40s head on a windshield wiper with a rag sticking out of his mouth. That way he could go out as he came in....washing cars !! jajaja"

    Thanks for hilarious picture! That would be awesome ending statement. :)

  51. .

    Hola a --> 'Septiembre 18, 7:49 PM' <--

    Me llamo 'Wink Wink'. Contactame si necesitas un poco de ayuda con la tarea,


    "Cheerios has been a family favorite for years — with good reason!"


  52. Football is better than killing and extorting your neighbors!

  53. Maybe they are making it look like 50 is Gulf now to make it look like Gulf has more territory now. Or they will be their own organization. If so I'm very interested in what Taliban's cartel's name would be.

  54. Lol yea right on man!!! Soccer sucks!!! Haha shit

  55. What the hell chivis is a woman! Thats so weird

  56. Thank you chivis for your hard work. its much appreciated. Just ignore the haters!

  57. Nothing on the 17 dead in Jalisco?? Slippin on the news BB.

  58. For who ever says this war is fake. No it's not just found out z40 killed z50s dad

    1. He killed his mom, sister, nephews, nieces and uncles!

  59. taliban got nothing on z40. i do believe that lazcano and taliban could take control of el golfo, but dont think they will click up with cds or k.t. there enemies and each cartel have lost many in the cartel war between them. Just like when beltran united with zetas, the zetas wanted la barbie but they couldnt do nothing to him cuz of arturo beltran. untill his death la barbie knew he was a dead man walking, so he went into hiding. lazcano has strong and some special trained escoltas on his side that remained true to him which makes me think thats why no other cartel have gone to look for him. z40 has them all but not trained as lazcano. Z40 does have power maybe more than lazcano, may have more soldiers and connections, but lazcano has the cartel navy seals. Now taliban is just being backed up by lazcano and maybe cdg. but nothing for taliban, he wont make it against z40. Remember everybody this is what i think, everybody has different opinons thats why we make bb very interesting. thanks bb.

  60. I don't understand the hate on carwashers, yes this is a low level job but its an honest living

    1. Not carwashers it is an honest living just this particular carwasher.most carwashers dont go from washing cars to killing innocent people

  61. Trevino Morales is immortal.Some paws will die but he will survive.

  62. @ Chivis..... I learn a lot through your translations. I would like you to be able to change the wording around to make better sense but I understand why you do not. You have journalistic integrity in reporting only what is there and not what should be or could be there. Thanks to you and all the other reporters for making BB my go to source.

  63. people are a trip leave chivis alone dam. itseems the letter is shorthanded in n.l.hopefully people are starting to see that the wages they pay are not worth risking your life for.


    1. Like I said above they heading south to me bro I'm from p.n

  64. All cartels are the same.....

  65. To the person who wrote the comment and did not want it posted. Since you asked for privacy and asked that I not post the info you sent, I will respect that, but I am dying to ask one glaring question in light of what you said. the info you gave I believe it is true. Do you want me to post the question here? without using your name of course. or please send me an email so we can discuss privately because your group is the one I know so little of. Tell me what is best mode of communication. PLEASE. it will remain confidential if you wish. to send me a message go to the list on the right column click on CHIVIS and it will bring up my page with a "contact me" option. No one will see it but me. saludos...chivis

    TOO ALL:
    I received 4 versions of translating this.:)
    thanks everyone. One thing to remember is it is necessary toremain true to the bad grammar as much as possible as to present it in an authentic format. 3 of the ones sent changed it to perfection in grammar and that is not how the author "spoke". I think we are ok. If you would like to assist us in translations, you may want to volunteer to translate. Send an email to me if you are interested. and thanks so much for caring and being respectful....thank you-thank you!

  66. where did you hear 40 killed talibans dad? I mean did this just happen? if it was a while was his cousin....if it just happened can you give me a link?

    Sr. Cheerio..Buenas Noches amigo...

    1. They Told me Monday at my kids football game. And the guy that told me said he has seen a lot of zetas sicarios in Laredo Texas

  67. This does not make sense,Taliban leaving the Zetas over Z40. why would you not just kill him and be number 2,There has to be more too this. Z3 must be alive or else Taliban would of blabbed otherwise by now....seems to me like taliban wasnt ever going to get any further up the ladder being in the Zetas and the ZETAS logo stinks of extortion, kidnapping,clandestine graves,guiso's,beheadings, murder...and so on, do you blame him from leaving the franchise?
    I believe he's running from the heat,calling trevino a traitor but he should look in the mirror first.there is no evidence of trevino turning everyone in too the smurfs,its an unwritten law in the underworld in which you cannot call out someone for snitching unless you have the written proof or something of equal substance.

  68. @ all the people giving Chivis & the other BB reporters a hard time, sure sometimes the spelling & grammar could be better BUT not everything translates word for word in any language, plus a lot of these narcos speak in argot or modismos (slang) & at the end of the day even if it's not translated perfectly it's still translated enough for us to understand so grow up & stop giving Chivis & the rest shit. I lived in Mexico for 2 years and I'm from the uk where the Spanish is slightly different from Latin America just like British & American English. Peace people, keep up the good work Chivis! Saludos JP

  69. With Taliban joining, CDG will be here for another Century....and the Zetas? there not going anywhere either,the Zetas plague grows constantly,u cut a tentacle,another one grows elsewhere. have too make deals with these thugs,how much is ones life worth? how much is yours?...exactly,cut the bullshit and make the deals with the cartels. enough is enough.

  70. Is BB going to cover the inmates who escaped from the piedras negras prison yesterday

  71. All i can say to you guys is that Z-50 done fucked up big time !!!

  72. by the looks of it Z-40 is going to finish off CDG while Talivan gains CDG and CT's trust than Stabs them in the back. than Z-40 and Talivan will have complete control if those 2 rival territorys and access to Jalisco where they will finish CJNG and heavily attack Sinaloa cartel along with the help from BL and Juarez. Z-3 is the one funding Los Zetas and running the training camps. most zetas are central american gang members that is why they take there dead. i know there are millions of 18-25 year old mexicans and i dont see why they dont join the military and fight for there country instead of joining a cartel ir talking shit in here.

    1. Lol! Yeah buddy keep dreaming! !

  73. It seems difficult to believe that CDG & Los Zetas would form an alliance after such a recent split without the aid of a trusted associate or a disgruntled mediator from a larger organization looking to become the head of his own organization.

  74. is alex sosa still alive?




  76. i want to back up what is said about translating from spaninish into english...word for word is really hard...and if you include the fact that the mantas are often written in "slang" is even harder..

    be happy don't, complain...or I will start translating..and then you will REALLY cry

    1. Or you can get your family from Monterrey to help you .

  77. CDG might not be as big as they once were just marginized. Way too much dinero in the Dope game for anyone group to just cease and desist!
    what probably will happen is the same thing that happened in T.J. instead of the AFO runnin things 100% now we have a bunch of independents
    buying from AFO as well as Sinaloa and taking it across. Same corruption and graft going on!
    "Same Movie just Different Actors"! even the same Officials being Paid Off!

  78. @September 19, 2012 2:02 AM

    It was Diablo's family members who got killed in one video, yes. Different Diablo than who got captured.
    It was Zetas but who knows who of them?

    Funny how many different spoons in this soup here...

  79. E.T., check your mailbox, I sent you a link at 11:50 AM


  80. fuck piernas negras

  81. To all those Americans who believe football is better than soccer your wrong.. That's y is not international ..

  82. I know we all support chivis on her transaltions,myself included but lets get back to da matter at hand,el taliban aligning himself with the cdg and the cts means only one thing to me ,hes gonna cut a deal for ice with cts at wholesale price,establish routes from mich all da way upto to border and either share border with cdg or pay plaza fees,while exterminating his old allies. Hes establishing his own cartel and gonna make shitloads of cash.

  83. Somebody playing games again.Who placed this manta?Taliban place this with his face all over it?More propaganda,call it what you will,it keeps the pressure on Trevino,keeps his name in public,the last thing he wants.It is an easy and safe way to make trouble no doubt,whoever placed it.Real CT hate Z.

  84. So is this manta directed at the Zetas that are loyal to Z-40 to join forces against him???

  85. They posted in the forum about the escaped inmated.


  87. Z50 Video torturing a Zeta

  88. yesterday on the TV show Jeopardy, one of the categories was "Face the Nation," which entailed showing a picture of a nations leader and a small factoid to aid contestants in answering the question. Well, Felipe Calderon's picture came up and the factoid was that his presidency of Mexico would be over by 2013. Only one person tried to answer the question and they guessed Vicente Fox. I was amazed that these smart people didn't even know who Calderon is. Guess no one really gives a hoot about mexicans killing mexicans except for a few bloggers here.

  89. I just know, if they come to Texas. They will be shot dead!!!! I hope these cartels piss off the United States military, that way they can go over to Mexico and kill them all! The cartels dont stand a chance against the USA! It doesnt matter what cartel they are, thier all dead!!!

    Si no me entiendes! Le pido a dios, que comiensan pedo con los estados unidos! Para que los estados unidos viajan para mexico, y los matan a todos los pinche cartels!

    1. STFU USA hasn't defeated the Taliban what makes u think they'll beat the Cartels? How can a US soldier tell who's enemy and who's civilian?

    2. Exactly!! It's funny how some of these cartel cheerleaders think ANY cartel would even stand a chance against the US military.

  90. @ 12:52

    Intelligent comment. It is amazing how little American's know or care about Mexico. I wonder if Alex Trebek would have questioned the answer correctly.

  91. Los caballeros (la tuta) will return to their makers once again, los zetas. They are the same trash.

  92. so how much more for this madness to gets over? ........ I dont get it

  93. What the hell is the u.s gona do in mex? If cartels piss off the military the u.s can come right over and get their asses handed to them,. They cant even finish in afganistan and that war is not against the whole country just the taliban. Most of them young unexpirienced kids. The u.s has the very best in armament and still can't finish them off. So ask youreself if the u.s cant destroy the taliban who is one group, imagin going up against seven groups with the same fire power the us holds besides drones and shit and some of them trained in us and israeli tactics. The u.s invading mexico woulde also leave her defenseless against other terrorist groups. America hasnt made many friends lately

    1. The USA is NOT America. The punk ass cartels were not trained by the Israelis, where did you get that. Every soldier in the US Armed Forces is professionally trained, and yes they are inexperienced in combat until they go and fight, but right now the USA has more than one million young soldiers, active and reserves with combat experience. And last; none of the bitch ass cartels have the same armament the USA has, not even close. The USA is fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq to finish Al Qaeda, not only the Taliban, the Taliban is only a regime, a form of government. Is not only about fighting, but also about rebuilding those countries and give them a better way of life. Thanks.

    2. So youre telling me that the cartels dont have american weapons? And yes alot of x military deserters including zetas were trained by american and israeli forces. Do youre homework son!
      The cartels can get their hands on anything they want. And say what u want, the u.s has been in afganistan and iraq for how many years ? And still nothing has changed. Even with drones heavy artilary etc. And yes the taliban is all about fighting, if that wasnt the case the u.s troops woulde be home by now.

    3. The usa is not america? Its just called the united states of AMERICA. But that doesnt mean anything right? Dumd ass.

  94. How about you post about the us marines in Guatemala with free card to do w.e they want. I SSmeell INTERVENTION!

    1. Guatemala is childs play compared to mexico, wether it be in number of criminals drug enterprise and violence. Guatemala dont even come close

  95. September 19, 2012 12:24 PM
    "Z50 Video torturing a Zeta"
    Say what,which video you speaking on?Some new shit from Z50 toppin a Z?If so brah,where is it?
    Put a link up for everyone to see whats up.

  96. Ey man,if that is the quality of Z50s killers fuckin with that dude in the water,he got some out of shape men.Dude with baldy head couldn't even swing a bat properly,doesn't look strong enough to hurt anyone.I wonder if this shit is for real or what?I,m not bein bad assed or nothing but why didn't they show it all?These videos are a type of propaganda,so what is the point of this?This wasn't even particularly vicious,it looked slightly comical,with the baldy dude in his ball stranglers,lookin as though he wants to get down an dirty in the pool?Fuckin strange video.Taliban Z50,should pull this off the shelves.

  97. One question.. if a cartel boss or whatever this Taliban character is.. He already betrayed one cartel, what's gonna stop him from betraying another??? Seems like cartel members can't make up there mind about what flag to rock... What happend to loyalty??

    1. It's betray before they betray you

  98. Cuando manden al coss a los eu le va a estar haciendo los mandados a los crips y los bloods jaja se va llevar una putisa.

    1. Como estas pendejo wey! los mexicanos controlan las putas carceles en EU wey a ese vato lo van a respetar

  99. This manta is probably a propaganda campaign by CDG urging on Taliban. Who kind of fool would put his face on a criminal manta???

  100. @8:17 dude was getting drowned,almost.Must be one of the most horrible feelings,being tied up and dunked in water like that,they was playing with him beating him as well too break his concentration in breathing. There must be so much hatred between Taliban and Trevino for shit too be happening.

  101. yall being trolled

  102. Taliban is no match for z40, I mean what can a guy that went agaisnt his own cartel and changed sides do. Nobody trustes him, hes just a local figure were el 40 just got 132 prisoners on the street and has already killed a bunch of his people. talk about manpower that chapo doesnt even have. Adding to the fact that he changed sides and the gulf cartel just got beheaded and is probably about to loose tamaulipas. Hes going to get destroyed by 40 and probably is gonna want to change to chapos side and if he does chapo will snitch him out like he usually does

    1. Carteles unidos ct golfos and taliban can take out the zetas. That prison break just goes to show how desperate 40 is for man power. Cds might not have the numbers but when it comes to buisness controling polititions and influence cds has it on lock. The zetas as well have lost plenty of important players, and tamaulipas will never be takin by the zetas, not if the remainder of cdg cds have anything to say about it. Chapo will fight for that plaza at any cost. Especially now that its up for grabs

    2. The others are desperate, not 40.

  103. its probably the mexican government coming up with these sick props for the ignorant to eat up, they are behind the ethnic cleansing/population reduction (and using the drug war as the front)well them and there western friends.

  104. Its not like the U.S will invade Mexico. We will pull an Obama and drone strike the top cartel leaders. Its not like we dont know where they are. However, the end is no where near. The DEA earns alot of money off these leaders. They destroy information as soon as they get it so the US government can keep feeding them our tax dollars.

    Get used to this fellow Mexicans. I love you all but the end is no where near.

  105. I forget more and more, why do they call this guy El Taliban?? did he have dealings with taliban members sometime???

  106. the US has the strongest armed force in the history of the world, and also have the resources. saying the cartels could take on the US military exposes u as ignorant. last time i checked 40 cents wasnt launching satellite guided rockets from drones and flying in stealth helicopters. if mexico would let us we'd kill every narco in 6mo. unfortunately mexico has a largely corrupt govt and wont let us.

    1. Yeah that strongest military in the world cant even finish in the middle east with drones and stealth helicopters, marines seals and army, what have they acomplished? With all that technology the u.s military shoulde have been done by now. But no more troops to afganistan to fight terrorist groups that they just canot seem to finish off. With that being said the cartels have way better weaponry than the terrorist orginizations not to mention men who are willing to die at any moments notice. And if the u.s government knows where these guys are why dont they take them out like osama. Because the u.s goverment is the biggest cartel in the world. So ask yourself who's truly being ignorant?

    2. Six months my ass how long did it take to take down sadam and osama?

  107. whats the story about talibans dad? is that troll B.S., or legit?

  108. "I forget more and more, why do they call this guy El Taliban?? did he have dealings with taliban members sometime"
    The Taliban took their name in homage to him.He went to Afghanistan and trained 1000s of insurgents in the art of war.He also used Sun Tzu as a training manual to get the best out them.Afterwards he met Bin Laden and married one of his daughters daughters,she was only 3 at the time,but it is allowed there?Anyway he became revered and became a sort of demi god in which people started to pray and kneel before him?It was Bin Laden who financed him,hope this helps?

  109. Pinche puto z-40 espero que te chingan en unos dias. Pinche joto maricon al pleito mano a mano se que vales mierda, eres un osicon puto.

  110. Look at him....he looks fkn arab.

  111. man its unfortunate that anyone can post, cuz there really are some IGNORANT trolls on here. what have they accomplished? lets see, the taliban and al qaida are not nearly as capable of launching attacks, have significantly less man power, funds, and overall operational capability. yes they are still functional only because there are millions of young ignorants, like you, over there that believe the propaganda that their govts feeds them(also like you), that are willing to take the place of the ones who died before them. no the cartels do not have the better weaponry than the terrorists. the cartels have small arms and explosives. terorists are fundamentalists w ties to sympathetic govts who provide them w everything from intelligence to antiaircraft rockets.and did you say really say that the terrorist orgs dont have people who are willing to die at a moments notice for them?! you truly are ignorant. narcos roll over and talk the minute they're caught EVERYTIME. terrorists are begging to become martyrs, so many are begging to be strapped w explosives that there arent enough plots to use them all. but the punk narcos selling ea other out and telling on ea other are more committed huh?look pal narcos are purely about $$$ an nothing else.they kill others to enrich qaida live w nothing dirt poor so maybe one day they can kill themselves for there cause(however f'd up). NO COMPARISON!and there are entire GOVTS that sympathize and support them. its a far differnt battle than squashing some ak carrying narcos whos biggest ambition is to have a few hundred keys,gold plated .45, and a nice stolen pick up.YOU MAY LIKE TO THINK NARCOS ARE GLAMOROUS AND SUPER TOUGH, BUT THEYRE NO MORE THAN COMMON CRIMINALS W GUNS.TAKE AWAY THE GUNS AND THEY CRUMBLE EVERYTIME!

  112. El Taliban can suck Z40's dick,that what he said.

  113. y arriva el golfo!!

  114. Go back to watching football? What kind of shit is that? Your country chose to disarm your citizens and let them bums out of prison with very little time served if they go at all.if america is so bad why the hell do you guys keep coming here by the thousands and draining our system those that dont pay taxes here anyway stay the fuck in your country if we are so bad.i sure as hell will never go there with all the shit you people put up with.i do not consume the cartel products if they depended on people like me for sales they would all be on food stamps and selling cans for money

  115. They caught all the top people in cdg and the zetas except MATM, 40. He da Man!!! Z-40 time has come!!!


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