Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Titanic and El Coss

After a chase and shootout, another group of bodyguards led the Mexican marines to home that was occupied by Jorge Eduardo Costilla in Tampico, who surrendered without any resistance.

The captured of a certain Gulf cartel boss and five of the bodyguards of the Gulf Cartel leader Jorge Eduardo Costilla, El Coss, was the reasons that helped the Mexican Marines to apprehend the kingpin hours later. 

Seized and presented to the media were a lot of expensive jewelry, but also, Coss was in possession of two watches made from metal of the actual Titanic. The watches were part of a 200,012 limited edition made to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the ocean liner. According to the company that designed the watches, each piece costs $10,000 dollars. 

The Navy confessed that in addition to the bodyguards arrested in Rio Bravo, there was another key element that allowed for the fall of the capo was Mario Alberto Cárdenas Guillén, brother of Osiel that had been arrested last week. 

The confessions of the bodyguards and of Mario Alberto who is an enemy of El Coss, enabled the naval intelligence to gather enough intelligence in order to send 30 of its Special Forces to arrest the leader of the Gulf Cartel. 

Vice Admiral Jose Luis Vergara, a spokesman for the naval agency, said that at nine o'clock on Wednesday morning, military personnel sustained a showdown at Rio Bravo with five bodyguards the capo who were wearing fake uniforms of the military institution. 

Based on information provided by the suspects, at 18:15 of that same day, military forces conducted an operation on Lomas de Rosales, Tampico, which resulted in a pursuit of a vehicle that contained bodyguards belonging to El Coss. 

The suspects fled to a residence where the boss was located and was arrested without any resistance. 

The Admiral said that the bodyguards of El Coss had confronted the Mexican marines in Buenavista, a municipality of Rio Bravo. Once apprehended they were identified as the bodyguards. Authorities seized six long rifles, more than 3,500 rounds of ammunition, 140 magazines and eight bulletproof vests. 

The escorts were identified as José Lugo Torres, El José; Jorge Luis Gutiérrez Quintanilla, 'El Flaco'; Naún Vázquez Loya, El Minitoy; José Felipe Torres, El Felipe, and José Ricardo Amado Álvarez, El Junior. 

At 1815 hours on Wednesday 12 Mexican marines were conducting operations in Lomas de Rosales, in Tampico where they surprised more collaborators of El Coss. 

After a brief chase, the marines caught up with the fleeing suspects as the attempted to enter a home where Costilla Sanchez was located. 

They were all detained along with the Gulf Cartel plaza boss of Tampico, Ernesto Band Chaires, Campos. 

The men arrested at the home were Miguel Ángel Muñoz Villanueva, El Profe; Servando Antonio Cano Arzola, 'El Güero'; Juan Carlos Castañeda Rodríguez, and Jaime Alberto Corona Constante. 

There authorities seized weapons, vehicles and numerous amounts of jewelry that included the two watches.

Source: Milenio

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  1. Fourth paragraph. The word "Unable" should be "Enabled:

    The confessions of the bodyguards and of Mario Alberto who is an enemy of El Coss, ENABLED the naval intelligence to gather enough intelligence in order to send 30 of its Special Forces to arrest the leader of the Gulf Cartel.

    "enabled" or "made it possible for"



    1. Ya we know what the author meant. Congrats u know how to spell

  2. what do you mean "tired of hearing about el coss something else already" then move onto another site a**hole, this is really big news and info is still developing, would u rather read about how many lbs of weed were seized last month you douchebag? go look at porn loser

    1. Pelame la verga everyone has a right to their own opinion

  3. Coss should look at the bright side. Free room and board and a good health plan for the rest of his life.

  4. $10,000/- watches is not so expensive to be reported...there are lot more expensive watches.

  5. Titanic memorabilia? Yeah, why not? It was an event where a bunch of innocent people lost their lives. What better connection for a fat capo to connect with that vibe as he orders more watches with money he got from extorting, getting ransom and then killing some random family. Rich in paper but vacant in spirit. I pity the fat fool.

  6. "$10,000/- watches is not so expensive to be reported" bitch you cant buy a $10 watch.

  7. Costi Sanchez, thats a dope nickname.

  8. "Rich in paper but vacant in spirit. I pity the fat fool."

    Couldnt have said it any better... What an evil, useless piece of scum! He is not worth the bullet it would take to kill him so just hang him using his own shoe laces!

  9. Theieves & murderers get caught & are put into lockup BUT the biggest theieves & murderers become Politicians.

  10. 10,000.00 in the U.S.A. is not much for a watch, in somalia, mexico, honduras, guatemala, thats enough to buy you a house and then some...........

  11. Have to laugh at the comments; ya; a 10,000 dollar watch? I wouldn't want to lose it would you? mabey their are alot of million a year straight people out there reading this. Remember, until a few years ago this jerk was nothing but a crooked Municipal Matamoros cop
    who probably made 1000 pesos a month and then
    Osiel brought him in as a bodyguard at first and
    after he learned that not only was he a good
    learner but he was an excellent "Gopher" had a badge and followed instructions! Soon he climbed up the "Ass Kissing" Ladder and became a righthand man of Osiel as well as an excellent
    murderer. He also knew who could be paid off not only in the Municiapal Police but more importantly the Federales! What alot of readers don't know is that when Raul Garza was arrested
    in Matamoros by the Mexican Federales; it was
    El Coss who was sent with the bribe to the Police station by Cardenas but the D.E.A. had all the Mexican Cops Scared Shit by the pressure
    they were applying to Mexico City about certification to receive all that "Gringo" hand out. Do the math if a smuck like Costillo can run that cartel anyone can. That's why "Flores" was knocked off.

  12. Fuck. Execute this Fucking douchebag. Fat Fucking loser bitch!

  13. Goodness, who wrote this article a 12 year old? The syntax and misuse, overuse, and non-use of commas made this thing unreadable. First sentence- "The captured of a certain Gulf cartel boss and five of the bodyguards of the Gulf Cartel leader Jorge Eduardo Costilla, El Coss, was the reasons that helped the Mexican Marines to apprehend the kingpin hours later."
    Dafuq? What does that even mean?

    And the "they"s at the end of the article are so misplaced that the author makes it seem like the marines gave up after a short chase into a house.

    I mean really, if you're going to publish something online at least read it to yourself once to make sure it makes sense.

  14. cut them some slack it's been translated from spanish...


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