Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cancun Police infiltrated- 90% are on "Narcoroll"

Borderland Beat

Narco-economy and reality in the Future of the Western Hemisphere

General Anastasio García Rodríguez
Cancun • The commander of the 34th Military Zone, located in Quintana Roo, General Anastasio Garcia Rodriguez, said that the police forces of Benito Juarez (Cancun) and Solidaridad (Playa del Carmen)" are infiltrated by drug trafficking, at least 90 percent. "

The Attorney General's Office (PGR) are investigating officially at least 15 police preventive officers in the municipality of Benito Juarez (Cancun), Quintana Roo, including two managers and several department heads who are facing accusations and anonymous allegations for alleged links to criminal groups, revealed to La Jornada from ministerial and military sources. 
For this investigation there has been important collaboration of the 34th Military Zone of the Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA), by General Anastasio Garcia Rodriguez, for control of the area have detected the identity of several municipal police officers who allegedly providing protection to drug traffickers operating in Quintana Roo.
The investigation began after two anonymous calls to the Deputy Attorney Specialized Investigation of Organized Crime (Seido), in which it was alleged that police officers receive money from Cancún municipal criminal groups linked to drug trafficking and human trafficking operating tour in this region several years.
At a press conference, the military said: "Infiltration is real because (the police) are on the payroll of organized crime, we have proven that".
The general said there were first "450 agents (co-opted), then recruited 500 after that the number rose to 800, and now it can be said that whatever the number of officers who are displayed in narconóminas.

"In Cancún 14 sections of the police are infiltrated, including municipal delegations Puerto Morelos and Leona Vicario."

The military chief said the Benito Juarez municipal police began to corrupt since Francisco Velasco, El Vikingo was chief, who is currently on trial for drug ties. He was responsible for the corporation in the government of Gregorio  Sanchez, former PRD arrested for alleged ties to organized crime, but later was released.

General Garcia Rodriguez said most of the police in these regions end up cooperating with organized crime, from being threatened if they refuse bribes from drug cartels.

"One understands, because (in the world of drug trafficking) is or will enter, or put in mortal danger to your family." In short, he said, "all Benito Juarez police are infiltrated by organized crime groups."

The military also said the municipal police of Playa del Carmen is involved with organized crime, but the phenomenon is not the magnitude of Cancun. "Arguably Playa (del Carmen) is smaller."

He explained that the problem has not yet reached the other eight municipalities of the state, but warned that in Othon P. Blanco, where Chetumal, the state capital is located, continues with action to avoid  but that is also infiltrated by drug traffickers.

The statement provoked a strong response from the mayor of Benito Cancun, the PRD Ricalde Julian, who yesterday predicted he would file a complaint with the Department of Defense by the statements of the commander of the 34th Military Zone.
Julián Ricalde Magaña,
The mayor of Cancun, Julián Ricalde Magaña after listening  to  the military announcement, admits angrily, "We'll be sending a letter to the Department of Defense to see if this is a military diagnosis or a personal statement? You can not know that 90 percent of the police is infiltrated without proof."

"We never said that our police are the best in the country, I have argued that we work to improve every single day. You can't  make unsubstantiated statements, it creates confusion.
"I'll call the general, it is not the first to do, we are required to submit our complaints to the Department of Defense. The certification process involves the police state control center, to be supervised by the Federation to  reevaluate and recertify our police. This infiltration must be stopped," he added.

Ricalde said, "We must not enter into a controversy with army authorities: "We need to seriously work with the generals who have been with General Rodriguez Bucio, General Cano and now with General Manuel Herrera Morales, who are military operations, not desktop ".
Governor Roberto Borge 
Cancún, Quintana Roo -  Given the infiltration of criminal police in Cancun, Quintana Roo Governor Roberto Borge said he will review extensively the security of the entity in all corporations to ensure the stability of the population.

Interviewed after the opening of the annual meeting of the Business Council of Latin America (CEAL), the Chief Executive said the state has full confidence in the Army's decision to go to Cancun with new officers.

"We will not allow the existence of self-government threatening the social stability of this state to impose its rules on corruption," he added.

The state governor reaffirms he had full confidence in the Army's decision to go to Cancun with new elements.

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  1. Which cartel dominates Cancun Territory?

    1. False, its Zetas and Pelones.

    2. I was there for a while in playa this summer beautiful place. Idk if all police are corrupt but I did notice how easy it is to buy thing s over there not just drugs but weapons as well I think the police are just there to keep tourist in check.

    3. Chapo's territory. I have business associates in Playa who must kick up to Mr. Shorty.

    4. Actually that's Z's territory, sinaloa controls most of western mexico with the exception of tj and some parts of sonora and even sinaloa itself wich are disputed with chapo isidro and the leyvas. Z's still control most if not all the mexican east coast

  2. no shit sherlock cancun is in europe usa south america but defineltly not in mexico being fasticious lol

  3. All or Most of Mexico`s police is a joke , This Mayor is even a bigger joke

  4. Quintana Roo= Beltran Leyva,Zetas

  5. this is what they do when they want to displace people of one criminal organization loyal to one group and displace it with theirs loyal to their group. it justifies the killings (guilty or innocent)and their own criminal activities. And it prevents the honest cops from doing their jobs because they are lumped in with the bad ones.

  6. tambien les aviso que se fijen de quien es General Anastasio García Rodríguez y con quien esta vinculado. quien controla quintana roo y quien la quiere.

  7. 90% on narco payroll and other 10% are either dead or dead....

  8. It's a simple choice, cooperate or die, which would you choose? Prohibition is giving them that power.

  9. Pinche gobernador ojete.. if the shoe fits, motherfucker..


  10. "cooperate or die" so when someone tells you "hey you better kidnap this little girl and ask for ransom, then when they give you the money, kill her anyway" you'd say yes? Id rather be killed on the spot then have any part of what these narco cops do.

    1. Hahahaha yeah.. right.. of course you've never been in that situation .. talk is cheap

    2. Not only will they harm you, but family and friends too..

    3. They have a saying plomo oh plate
      Lead or silver. You either cooperate or be showered on bullets. they pay you better than the real police. A poor officer who has to feed his family will say yes as any other poor person says yes. This is happening only cuz of prohibition. Your not in that situation you dont know..

  11. Wow!! I am so not surprised that these jerks are deserting their country. They are scum. WORSE THAN ZETAS because at least zetas have not sworn to the country to protect against wrong doing. These assholes have absolutely NO self worth. But it does run in our Latino blood to want to be feared and respected. Our whole culture is built around it. So no wonder shits so bad everyone wants to be a boss immediately, throw these guys off the tallest building in the country with 200 ponds of added weight

    1. when you enter yourself into the military or police in any country,you are pledging your life to the service of your countrymen,you may leave the service but as you take your training with you your country keeps your pledge,your compromise,your honor. You do not owe anything to any general,oficer,not even to the president of the republic to take arms against your fellow countrymen,much less any other criminal action.In any case the it is up to even the most unimportant public servant to serve and not to commit any act of treason or corruption and if you do...

  12. General Rodriguez appears to be tired and worn down from all the havoc & ruin that crime has caused his country. His eyes reflect a deep sadness...

    May God rescue and strengthen the peoples of Mexico...

  13. I think that Baja California Sur (Cabo San Lucas, La Paz) is probably a better resort area. True, no pyramids, but BCS is safe and has beautiful mountains, beaches and lots of neat cacti to look at! And the people there are proud to tell you that their state is one of safest and most prosperous in the nation. BCS, I love you!

  14. I've done coke in was garbage ! A guy sold it to me while a cop was pretty much right there.

    1. I drank coke cola nothin to brag about. ............ hurting.

  15. Not to be confused with the army seizing houses, running kidnapping cells, dope dealing, murdering journalists, and basically working like pimps for a few insanely rich bastards at the top of the food chain.

  16. The general is snitching... so maybe hes on Snitchaloas payroll

  17. If you know a cop is dirty, " take him out"you can't have him driving around in his police car looking For victims.just run up and shoot him. And if you
    Can't get a gun use a hunting knife. Practice your move on a watermelon until you are ready to strike.

    1. Wat did the watermelon do to you?
      :-P 3L CH@P0 W33ZY™

    2. Watermelon killer - priceless!

  18. We have read often enough about the offer from the cartels to law enforcers.
    Lead or gold?
    So, it's not surprising that what the general said is factual.
    The whole drug war should be fought on a radically different angle.
    Remember how Castro of Cuba handled the Mafia gangs immediately after the Cuban Revolution?
    He had them caught and lined up against the wall and finished off immediately!!!
    Prior to that, these gangs were having the run of the country with chummy government officials, just like what's going on in Mexico now.
    Even after the revolution, some Mafia leaders thought that they can still influence the Castro government.
    Big mistake!
    They ended up being lined up against the nearest wall and finished off!!
    That's how Cuba got rid of these pests.

  19. Thanks for that advice, 6:31 PM-Dirty cops are bad, but there has to be another way to slice the watermelon

  20. Why am I not suprised? Anyone explain

  21. Haha good one Havana whats up whats up keep those stories coming I wanna here z40 head on a platter.

  22. "Its all part of the plan"

    ~ The Joker

  23. I find it ironic the judgements being passed on the Cancun and Playa del Carmen police by uninformed gringos. Almost 90% of the tourists in Quintana Roo are Americans so who do you think is buying....uninformed gringos who dont care that their dollars are corrupting public servants and funding the weapons that the criminals threaten the police with. So many that comment herein have NO CLUE about plomo o plato and they dont really care as long as they can get their stepped on coke from the taxis and bell boys while vacationing in Cancun.

  24. They need to have better pay,the money taken from the drug raids should be used to pay the military a higher wage.

  25. If the Knights Templars are such good little chaps why are the indigenous people of Michoacan defending there turf from them,they are extorting and killing the indians....La Tuta is a real piece of work and a piece of shit just like the MataZetas extorting and killing innocents in Jalisco.

  26. Awesome, intersesting post, Thank you Havana.

  27. "Cancun police infiltrated-90 per cent are on Narcoroll"


    As if something's going to be done about it in the long run.

    Mexico's gov't has been CASTRATED. No balls, no initiative, NO REAL POWER. The cartels OWN THE GOVERNMENT.

  28. Z-50 is so full of bullshit he dont know when the truth ends and the lies start:
    He says he never really left CDG
    All the violence in SLP is Z-40's doing
    He says he never aligned with the Knights Templers.

    This is from the guy that was hanging up Mantas months and months ago stating Z-40 is the snitch.
    Sounds to me like this guy is the Mole not 40!!!

  29. when i was visting cancun years ago we could buyy and drug we wanted at the local liquor store across from the hotel.. didnt even have to ask.. i knew someone was being paid off then

  30. about a month ago the ex chief of police in cozumel was executed together with his wife, he choose lead.......they say he was a good guy who actualy managed to put some scum were they belong....never saw nothing about it in BB.

  31. Cancun is a shithole! Actually all of Eastern Mexico is cause it's near Texas!!, Baja or PUerto V all the way!!!

  32. "about a month ago the ex chief of police in cozumel was executed together with his wife, he choose lead"
    This not the case. This former officer shot his wife and then killed himself. He may have been involved in the drug trade but he executed himself.

  33. Of course the mayors upset by these allegations he's probably corrupt too

  34. My family owns a condo in Puerto Morelos and I love the town. The municipal police generally do not speak to us and there is a small army detachment there that keeps to themselves. It could be that they only mess with the locals, but I was surprised to see Puerto Morelos in this article.

  35. Chivis-I want to hear more from the watermelonhat even got a rise out of L'il Havana who talks more in the foum and is really funny!

  36. Man - watermelon man!

  37. NO!! Corruption in Mexico??!! How can it be? How is it possible? jajajajaja

    If you need anything from any public agency in Mexico, you are in a world of trouble. Especially if you need anything from the police, courts, prosecutor's office, judges...

    They are not into helping anyone but themselves. They are into collecting other peoples money and property and they mean to take it all.

  38. Havana It's nice to see your sense of humor , I almost feel bad for the watermelon....getting back to the story, if the general is correct and 90% are in the payroll then the mayor and governor are just as filthy!!!

  39. Give it a rest with the watermelon shit you suckholes.Havana jjajajajajajaj,sheeeiiittt.
    God save us from mice and sycophants

  40. any cartels that extort deserve a hellfire missile from a predator drone. El chapo doesn't extort business owners


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