Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, October 8, 2012

Presentation of "Ardilla" - the Squirrel - Salvador Alfonso Martinez Escobedo, "Ardilla"

Borderland Beat
Navy spokesman, José Luis Vergara, confirmed that the death of American David Hartley in 2011  attributed to "Ardilla" as well as a commander of the Ministerial Police Rolando Flores

The Navy presented Salvador Alfonso Martínez Escobedo, "Ardilla", alleged regional commander of Los Zetas in Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and Coahuila, considered responsible for more than 320 executions, including those of the narcofosas of San Fernando, Tamaulipas, and the "release" of than 280 inmates in the last two years.

During their presentation in the la Subprocuraduría de Investigación Especializada (SIEDO), Martinez Escobedo spent time 'mugging" to mass media 
The zeta leader, arrested on October 6 in Nuevo Laredo, hours after an attack on Marines in the city, had been imprisoned in Veracruz in 2008, but was released by a group of assassins, reappearing  the same year in the dispute for the places of Durango and Chihuahua.
Martinez Escobedo, 31 years of age, is held responsible for killing with his own hands 50 people in several States of the country, as well as the recent "release" of 131 inmates of the criminal of Piedras Negras and the 151 prisoners of prison again Laredo, so far largest evasion in criminal in the country.

They secured five rifles, 2 pistols, two grenades, 2 thousand cartridges, two vehicles and a diverse array of radio and communications equipment  
 "Ardilla" originated in Nuevo Laredo with five accomplices Carlos Martínez Benavides, Eduardo Alvizu Martínez, Javier Arturo Dueñas Méndez, Baudilio Manuel Villarreal González y Francisco Manuel Obregón Fernández.
The Navy said that Martinez Escobedo is linked to the death of 72 undocumented workers found in August of 2010 in San Fernando, as well as with the more than 200 corpses that months later were found in the same locality.


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    1. The nazis looked like a bunch of pussies too. So do the hajjis that skin you alive if they capture you in Afghanistan. Don't let the looks of these men fool you. They will torture and kill you with no remorse while looking like pussies before, during and after they're done. Then go have some tacos afterwards.

  2. Hes a jumpy little motherfucker,someone shoulda told him to sit still like a good little squirrel.
    Fuckin state of him,ye man,any prick can fire a gun,and any prick can kill,lets be real.But its who they killin.Now lets see him get turned out in jug by a pack of aids infested fuckers who cut raw all over his little fag ass.He cute aint he?

  3. I don't believe the Mexican government about ANYTHING.

    Look at the two suspects they caught over the border patrol murder that later was due to friendly fire.

  4. I hope during his future interrogations that someone wipes that smug ass look off his face. Looks like he thinks he's up their excepting some award.

    Sad to see some little squirrel faced midget fuck like this with the power to take hundreds of innocent lives. In a country where the innocent live in fear with no means by which to protect themselves the dregs of society flourish.


  5. Orale puto aser puñetas a dime a la penitencia en U.S.A

  6. this guy was cocky up there smiling, laughing, and even putting up his thumb. he probably knows theyll bust him out of jail like they did before or even live good in prison

  7. commander of the Ministerial Police Rolando Flores no wayyy jose corrupt cop again i refuse to believe this goodness gracious

  8. Hard to believe such a little guy can become a mass murderer. About time he got busted.

  9. this piece of trash shit is a leader of some homie made up gang john gotti bannano gambino luchese and any other gang on this earth must be laughing their arses off this piece of shit my dead mnexican jumping bean looks more like a gangsta than garbage in the pictures

  10. I'll bet Taliban gave him up. This guy might give up Z-40...if his family is kept safe by US authorities

  11. The look of these chumps says it all. Living off pases and follies. Zetas recruit the bottom of the barrel, aint no doubt about it.

  12. Puro Z cabrones.....

    1. Muy pronto va a agarrar al Z40

    2. @el squirrel deja de decir babosadas...z son un asco..Siguen perdiendo plazas y gente cada semana..cancun y Zacatecas se les esta acabando

  13. Okay it seems the government is making arrests left and right the only thing ot fix repeat offenders is to kill all narcos caught.

  14. That buy looks like he's a real wacko

  15. I guess this is an answer to the ojo por ojo, sobrino por sobrino theory.

    You see, PRI and the MaruchneZ were never equal. It was a supply/demand relationship born out of necesity and greed. MaruchaneZ needed government protection in order to operate. PRI/Government needed blood money to operate...cough, cough, I mean line pockets. PRI/Govt. sold their own people out when they accepted this deal and lookie what we got.

    Back on the ojo por ojo theory. MaruchaneZ need to keep that relationship going in order to survive and buy microwave sopas for its ranks of GAFE trained halcones and never in the military psychopathic killers.

    PRI/Government needs to grow some and ween themselves off the corruption teet for long enough to get rid of these drains on society.

    I hope all the proud Mexicans aren't in Texas driving around with a big 100% ORGULLO MEXICANO bumpersticker on their car. Hagan algo por favor.

    1. for reals im Chicano but wen i see mexicans in the US i get mad wen they have 100% Mexican Pride like really?? go do sumptin bout its situation right?? if they live here in the USA they should be happy they live in a good country, and respect it. and never fly a mexican flag over here pinches paisas

    2. I agree %100. I'm Mexican living in the states and I hate those ignorants with their flags not knowing that waving a flag in a foreign country its a sign of conquer. That is not the case of course but the idiots do not know.... But also let me tell you that there is a huge amount of chicanos that never being in Mexico but they feel so proud to be mexicans. And they do the same thing. They wave mexican flags, they call themselfs mexicans, etc... And they discriminate against real mexicans. They got this twisted mentality. They call themselfs mexicans, but they don't like mexicans. Alot of them do not speak spanish and the ones that does are to embarrass of that.... somos todos una bola de pendejos my friend. No brown pride ni que la chingada.

      Atte: Agapito Pelaez

    3. Hell yea i see that shit all the time they pretend to not speak spanish when u kno they do, just talkin down on mexicans all the time,instead of helpin they just puttin down the raza...honestly why do yall chicanos do that... yall might not have been born in mexico but um ya still mexicans or wat do yall circle on a job applications caucasians haha fags

    4. The chicano "gangasta" culture mirrors the American "nigga" culture. There is no "homie" or "G" attitude in Mexico with these guys. Same race different ways completely. Going for bad is not common. Chicano "G's" are laughed at. If you're not familiar with the culture difference, igorant statements are expected.
      Again I said chicano "gangsta" culture. Not all chicanos. Remember to be proud of our people in Mexico and defend them when we should.
      The Mexican badasses of organized crime do wear suits as do the Italian, Jewish and Irish organized crime crews. In Mexico they don't call the leader "Godfather" like for example the Italians do.These Mexican organized crime figures call him "Señor Presidente." Mr. President.

    5. @ 7:30 PM You tell me what do you circle in an application? I bet you don't circle ' Native American' , or your are going to tell your ancestors came to the good old USA in the Mayflower?

    6. That's what I call a productive comment! No matter what Hispanics,chicanos, Mexicans,paisas etc we should all be proud of our roots and who we are as a race.
      every race has the right to be proud of their country no matter what type of turmoil it finds itself in. For my Mexicanos fly them flags and be proud!
      May god be with everyone in Mexico.

  16. goofy looking motherfucker.... they should just shoot him right between the eyes


    FAlCON LAKE connection

  18. its not that they look scary,its the fact that they look like they just dont give a fk,look at them....there know where near Sinaloa,so they know there gonna get it easy inside,like it or not peoples they gonna be running the buddy no one will be cutting raw on there asses, unless they extradite them too sinaloa they will own whatever prison they get put in too.

  19. My Buddy Havana.

    Good job. Over 300 murders is unbelievable. Thank GOD that he is captured, at least for now. Funny how this guy does look like a squirrel.


  20. He's a squirelly looking guy aww I Want to feed the lil squirrel lol , why does eveybody judge these guys by there appearance you guys feel all tough critizing them but I bet if they had you pulled over in a rural road for questioning you'd be shitting bricks.

  21. How true is it that the killed z3 in a shoot out? Does anyone have any facts?

  22. its says when he escaped in 2008 dat he tried to fight for da plaza in durango and chihuahua.i guess he got his asses kicked out da plaza by CDS kuz there aint zetas in durango and chihuahua haha

  23. they already caught the leader of sf plaza and the mastermind. this is more bullshit from mexican't. these are BB'S about it all when it first went down, no squirrels taked about then

  24. Hi AJ, thank you, mi amigo- and thanks everyone for your comments! I appreciate your comments-especially when they are civil. The rotten ones make me, well, feel rotten like the comment.
    On to a bigger fish - at last - El Lazca

    1. Then Z40 all the way to Calderon!

  25. I like the good old days when every criminal had a moniker related to his appearance. All of that z-40 and x-15 crap sounds weak. As for the scary comment: I would not be afraid to face them in a fair fight. Unfortunately. they don't fight fair.

    1. There is no fair in fighting. If anything sounds weak...

  26. This guy is a (Real Rodent) hence the nombre "Ardilla" should be "Raton" cuz he looks more like a Raton! Problem I have is I thought "El Kilo" was the Brains behind that massacre?? I mean what do you beleive when it comes second hand from Mexican Authority's. I venture to say that with "Lazca" DEAD and alot of the real "Workers" being picked up, then it's just a matter of time that 40's Shot and Killed and Chapo has the whole Ball of Wax since Omar
    Trevino is laying Low; Taliban is incarcerated
    so who picks up the reigns?? Going to be very interesting to see what 2013 brings in!

  27. "for reals im Chicano but wen i see mexicans in the US i get mad wen they have 100% Mexican Pride"
    Saludos hermano thats real talk,that is some lame ass shit.Claiming somewhere else,whats up with that?You can be proud to be both.Not the us against them shit.What would we do without some of them Chicano oldies?Man,they are some naughty ass sounds.Lame shit claiming somewhere else.

    1. I hope he is just young and one day will see that he is of our people and learn and embrace the Mexican culture.

  28. My Buddy Havana.
    Good job. Over 300 murders is unbelievable. Thank GOD that he is captured, at least for now. Funny how this guy does look like a squirrel.Just some constructive criticism lol,he was Lazcas right hand apparently maybe you could have mentioned it,but whats that anyway?


  29. October 8, 2012 9:28 PM
    "why does eveybody judge these guys by there appearance you guys feel all tough critizing them but I bet if they had you pulled over in a rural road for questioning you'd be shitting bricks"
    What do you expect us to do asshole,praise him for his good looks?We not all as pussy as you.
    Hes a rat motherfucker who deserves to get tapped all night by someone like you.Is that tough enough talk old boy?Lets all hear it for Zeta cheerleaders .

    1. U wow what a great response you mad bro?

    2. Agreed. It's not appearance that's makes you. It's intelligence and cruelty that got him his position.
      In Afghanistan after a firefight we'd have Taliban fighters in custody who looked weak. They would fight in flip flops or boots with no laces. Skinny and lookijg like the average pussy made person with no heart. Ask any grunt who has seen the same. They look weak but are intelligent, cruel and know how to fight. Don't judge appearance.

  30. Atte: Agapito Pelaez
    Saludos senore.Mr Pelaez.
    You think for yourself,a proud Mexican-American,This person knows,you can be both.
    There does not have to be any animosity to either?

  31. You guys are all missing the point. What he was really doing with his thumbs was saying "El Lazca esta pa' alla....Lazca's in THAT direction....!!!"

  32. Ohhhh...and he was smiling because they promised him a nice reward if he snitched. 2.5 millones pesos en moneda nacional (de Etiopia)...should of read the fine print pendejo !!

  33. the judas (z40) gave him up just to save his sorry ass, that's what gonna happen to the rest of the zetas, you think z40 cares about you because he gives you a maruchan soup, he doesn't give a s@#%t about you idiots

  34. @ 2:47 PM
    you think z40 cares about you because he gives you a maruchan soup???
    The soup he gave me had char su in it,smoked pork,know what i mean sailor?

  35. This crew dont giva a fuk.

  36. @12:39 PURO ZETAZ %100 yeah lets hear it jimbob.

  37. Hang him from the nearest phone pole - then shoot whoever comes to cut the body down. That would be justice.

    What's wrong with those marines? Why don't they smack him in the head and tell him to square that shit away?

  38. This is the horrible killer "Ardilla", lol. WOW scary looking dude.

  39. "I hope he is just young and one day will see that he is of our people and learn and embrace the Mexican culture"
    No he is a human first,fuck all that claiming race shit,thats Racist.your probably in the US,another one talking your shit.Lets be real.Mexicans are the most racist people on here.Of our people,what a crock of shit that is.
    Are you claiming Mexico from the US,while you hating on the US?lAME SHIT.You got a long way to go hermano,oh no im not,im not our people.

  40. MexicoUnido
    "For my Mexicanos fly them flags and be proud!
    May god be with everyone in Mexico"
    Go tell that to the cartel players not us.


  41. For all my white people around the world be proud of your race,we are a productive people....
    Err,,,,is it ok for me to say that?

  42. Hating people that are racist makes me racist?

  43. these putoz might look not so bad ass...BUT..let me say..these guys would fuck up a whole crew of american style thug nigga compton or some Mexico ..they don't play is for real

  44. This is how Lazcano was killed right here.
    Commandante Ardilla,guess who showed the way to his boss,he was close to Lazcano and dealt with him regularly

  45. yeah looks can be decieving, usually they have been brought up in tough enviornments, but usually as with most, without their crew they are usually pretty timid, but since there are so many hangers on just about everywhere they go, so they are never without their crew just by proxy, regardless this guy will have to pay for all the horrors and misery he has caused, for sure, that is just a physical and metaphysical fact, as much as the pendulum swings one way, it will surely swing back to the direction from whence it came...

  46. Looks like this Assholes may have been Salvatruchas wannabees except Salvatruchas accept DEATH and this guys had to Opened their Mouth to avoid any Torture from the Federals so that was the Case Lazcano was tracked down and Ambused thanks to his own Zeta associates that's Bullshit, in this Life NEVER Trust NO One for your own Safety except Your Father Jesus Christ. amen


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