Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, November 3, 2012

9 die in Reynosa shootouts

By Chris Covert

A total of nine unidentified shooters  were killed and three armed suspects were detained in a series of shootouts between rival drug gangs and Mexican security forces early Saturday morning in the northern Mexican city of Reynosa, according to Mexican news accounts.

Foto: El Diario de Coahuila
According to a news item posted on the website of Excelsior news daily, the initial gunfight took place between drug gangs on the Reynosa-Monterrey highway at the southern entrance to the city at about 0600 hrs Saturday morning.  Four drug gang shooters were killed in that gunfight.

A subsequent confrontation took place in the Villa Florida colony with no one reported hurt.

Subsequently still, gunfights took place in the barrios Unidad Obrera, Granjas, Cumbres, Vista Hermosa, as well as Zona Centro of Reynosa.  A total of five shooters were reportedly killed in that series of gunfights.

Later, drug gang members blocked several major thoroughfares in the city, using hijacked heavy vehicles.

According to an account published on the website of El Universal news daily, among the streets affected by the roadblocking  campaign included Bulevar Hidalgo, the  highway to Monterrey and streets in Balcones and Villas del Roble colonies.

An undisclosed number of weapons and munitions were seized by Mexican security forces.

A video of the aftermath posted on by Excelsior:

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for

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  1. Zetas making a push for control of the Texas border. Shits hitting the fan. If they get control of Reynosa and Matamoros, they will become very powerful and a hella lot richer. Not a good turn of events. Time to flatten z40s ass real quick. God help the folks along the border.

    1. your talkin out ur ass thinking they are making a entrance forty sent them on a suicide mission to take heat off n.laredo n black rocks its not wat u xontrol but who u kno thats why cdg will always have it on lock

  2. Anyone know who was fighting who,normally it would be Zetas Vs CDG but now?
    Damn,not much left of the buildings.

  3. It would be nice if they could wipe each other out completely, but I would bet that if there was nuclear armageddon down there, these assholes and cockroaches would be the only survivors.
    Imagine what Mexico could be without the corruption and these devils, all that beauty and natural resources.
    Why does it seem that there are so many down there that think that only they count, from the top all the way down ?? I know there are nasties everywhere but very few places with this type of wholesale slaughter of their own countrymen and disregard for the plight of the general population.

    Never gonna end.

  4. Hope the Zetas take Reynosa....

  5. Oh AJ,half the zetas have jumped ship to CDG, meaning?there all the fuckin same!!!! wake up.

  6. According to Proceso, Los Zetas managed to get into Reynosa through the highways leading to Río Bravo and Monterrey. If this is true, then Los Zetas may have some growing presence near Valle Hermoso and in southern Matamoros, since making it through Río Bravo requires going through these areas.

  7. 9 dead and prob 10 missing

  8. Now that's a translation... no fuss, no muss; just the facts, ma'am.

    Good job, whoever you are....

  9. apparently cdg were expecting a push into reynosa by the zetas for weeks as theyve been stopping ppl throughout the city in the wee hours asking for id and where they were going. if you were from outside reynosa or werent believable in what you were doing, you were taken. some reports of collusion between cdg and local police in trying to keep rivals out...ex, police driving right by armed civilians (cdg) who were interregating ppl coming into city. things were tense but few incidents to disturb the gen calm...til yesterday a.m.

    interestingly side note: in trying to get to one side of reynosa to the other yesterday morning, was told by taxistas/halcones that it was impossible with the bloqueos and tried to get us to believe that the police put them in place to hem in the bad guys so they could catch them! jajaja after a while they told us it was safe and agreed to take us.

  10. "A subsequent confrontation took place in the Villa Florida colony with no one reported hurt."

    I have a friend who lives in Villa Florida near the house that was totally pulverized. My friend told me yesterday that they had several blocks roped off and that there were "muchos muertos." The first hand account kind of contradicts the version I'm reading here on the internet. Hmmmmmm....wonder who to believe???

  11. You forgot to that Fez(Fuerzas Especiales Zeta) were after Mario Pelon X20

    1. (Fuerzas especiales zetas? Please quit dreaming, they ain't shit!

  12. They are wearing U.S. Marine Corps camouflage. The only difference between the real deal and these wannabees is EVERYTHING! All the sicarios want is a few good men- in prison. LOL!

  13. There was a big shootout in colonia los robles,Reynosa at 6am saturday morning.....three women were taken alive but the forensic wagons showed up to pick up the dead....said they were zetas....the raid on the home was carried out by special federalies,,,not army or marinas..Ive never seen that type of federalies before....said they were a newly formed division..different uniforms and vehicles??????


  15. "Hope the Zetas take Reynosa...."

    Hope the CDG captures your pathetic hell bound ass, burn you alive, then post the video on youtube so I can laugh while I play it over and over and over.

  16. Death to the Zetas.. chapo is coming for you 40.

    Chapo Best Quote to Z40 = "Mess with the best then die like the rest"

    Why am I supporting Sinaloa over Zetas its simple. Zetas kill innocent people.. even bloggers apparently. Sinaloa focuses on trafficking drugs and not kidnapping and extortion.

    If zetas think they will control everyone through sheer intimidation they've got another thing coming because the people of Mexico hate them worse than the bubonic plague.

    1. Mess with the best, like the rest

      Is a reference to the marine corps you sinaloa dick sucker, get your shit straight.

      Sinaloa, muthafucka plz..... buncha snitch ass greedy homos.

    2. @12:24
      CDS doesn't kill innocent people in Sinaloa strong holds. Okay not 100% sure. It's more likely they do though. But outside they kill like the Zetas. M1 killed innocent young men, no? Gente Nueva killed innocent people in Bars and Clubs in Chihuahua, no? It's just that they concentrate more on trafficking drugs than other crimes, unlike the Zetas. As far as we know CDS might be killing an innocent person a day. But we all know they are all garbage in the end.

  17. CDG got a tip of a zetas safe-house in Villa Florida, they did storm the house, kill most of the zetas inside, that were really well armed and defend themselves, they got beaten, executed except for one, that got tortured and gave info on other zetas safe-houses, that the reason CDG was storming houses along the city. No infighting between CDG, thats the word on the street.
    Its a shame what is happening in Mexico.

  18. if zetas were straight with out bs jst down to buisnes they haf alot more power but is not like that so kill them bastards.TODO POR UN MEXICO MEJOR

    1. The only reason Zetas have power, is because of "bs".

  19. "Anonymous said...

    Death to the Zetas.. chapo is coming for you 40.

    Chapo Best Quote to Z40 = "Mess with the best then die like the rest"

    Why am I supporting Sinaloa over Zetas its simple. Zetas kill innocent people.. even bloggers apparently. Sinaloa focuses on trafficking drugs and not kidnapping and extortion.

    If zetas think they will control everyone through sheer intimidation they've got another thing coming because the people of Mexico hate them worse than the bubonic plague.
    November 4, 2012 12:24 PM "
    You support a cartel because your are emotionally stunted and desire a father figure in your life, you may even have homosexual tendencies so you nut hug onto Chap and the CDS cartel because you see them as your dominant master. You can get therapy for that in the US!

  20. C.D.G. Is just mad cause they know they are going to get smush if they arent already.. Chapo has players that extort,so i dont know why are there still imbecils that camt figure it out.

  21. @11:43am I hope the Zetas take Reynosa.

    1. I can see it is that time of year. Fantasy Cartel games. Who is going to win this year. Sad thing it isn't Mexicos people.

  22. over 40 dead according to residents frm reynosa....

  23. yeah 9gunmen and 31 soldiers....

    1. So you think that those guatemalan starving dogs beat the marines? You must be high on spice asshole.

  24. you know what I hate the most about reading up on this stuff..the people who post ridiculous people cheering for the drug lords..seriously..come live in Reynosa and see how much you like having to be home before a certain much you love to see your loved one detained and beaten by these people..not knowing if they're going to let them go or take them with them..or having a 5 family members kidnapped for 14 days..seriously you should be praying to God that neither one wins and this all goes away - not who has control over a place - better a life without drugs, the violence, and the stupidity that comes with..SHAME ON ALL OF YOU who are cheering for these criminals..grow a pair..this is not a life..

  25. damn... Its getting hot in Reyno!!! : /

  26. Mexicans, stop fiddling narcocorridos while Tlalnepantla burns. Manos a la obra !!

    This crap has gone too far.

    How would you like the 2nd guy from the left to stop you at a narco-blockade to have the power over your life or death depending on your answers and the logic [sic] in his brain [sic].

  27. Oh ENa
    go write a novel

  28. I miss the old shootouts when the Zetas starting catching media attention! Those were the good ol days.

  29. i was bein sarcastic dude,calm down.(909)


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