Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Accused of Rape: Man Executed and Hanged on ACA Bridge With Narco Message

Borderland Beat

A man executed with a shot to the head, was hanged on a bridge on the Autopista del Sol, Cuernavaca-Acapulco at Km 346 +200, towards the port of Acapulco

Authorities were alerted by motorists circulating at an early hour on the Highway of the Sol.. Preventive police arrived to the scene  with the ministerial prosecutor to record the facts and seek the services of forensic medical personnel and experts to initiate appropriate investigations and remove  the body hanging from the bridge. The bridge connects to Sabaniña village, just outside the port of Acapulco.


The body had a card containing a message which read:
“This happened to me for raping young girls, and is also going to happen to YOU Victor Garcia, Jose Garcia and Javier Garcia"
The body of the deceased was identified as Lamberto Carmen Flores, by his CURP card which was found in his wallet.  (CURP is a federal ID similar to Social Security)

On different parts of his body were tattoos, mostly pertaining to Santa Muerte.  Also observed was a single  9 mm bullet hole in the front part of his head. A cap found near by, apparently slipped from his head, also displayed a bullet hole, that aligned with the head bullet hole. His hands were bound with rope behind his back.

The body was taken to the Forensic Medical Service facilities instead, where his family  claimed it, and  gave their statements to the prosecutor.
Source: Narco Mexico Drugs Gangs

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  1. Great but what happen to the story about the two bloggers??????????

  2. good job and this is how the lacras who rape shall end ......guero

  3. Good ridden scum bag.

  4. damn!!now that is what i call street justice,pinche rapists,says me,mightymouse,orale!

  5. The narcos are so noble.. oh man there taking care of socities trash... Not... Whoever did this to this man belongs up there too.. there probably just as bad as he was..

    1. Why do you call narcos trash?? The sicarios are trash narcos are legitimate business men and women international. Also these people who do this are community protectors. They are not involved in the narco business not all states have them but they keep the narcos from taking advantage of the citizens and are also armed to the teeth. The only so called narcos that double as community police are the knights. All others can care less of rapists unles it effects there families. Just a few facts for you

    2. Seems unusual for me That someone cares what happens to rapist, good Job get rid of them!

  6. Well done whoever did this,at least you acted,actions speak louder than words.Who got a problem with this?C,mon,i,m sure there is someone?
    "what if he didn't do it"?What if there is absolutely no doubt he did do it?Toughen up,rapists don't deserve any pity,if we ran around doing this to every woman we wanted,all our women would not be able to move outside the door.Hang em high

  7. 12:57 PM
    "The narcos are so noble.. oh man there taking care of socities trash... Not"
    Oh shit,here's the first one.Who gives a shit who strung him up?Its one less rapist piece of shit who will never terrorize women and girls again.Do you people think he is gonna stop?He gets his little kicks from doing that shit.Well he aint gonna do it no more,that's the the bottom line!

  8. Cant trust anything coming from Mexican politicians, police or cartels. Ironic how this man is labeled as a rapist... but a threat to another cartel member is made? Two birds with one stone??? Rapists get it worst, live beheadings, not the easy way out of a shot to the head and absolutely no torture marks. This was cartel beef, I feel bad for you gulliable fools.

  9. Are you going to trust their word that this was a rapist? How many innocent victims are killed by the cartels who the government claims are "criminals"? Whatever you may feel the appropriate justice for a crime may be, do not blindly accept the accusation.

    1. Why does it matter, he just one in a very much bigger picture almost insignificant.

  10. You guys are idiots for taking a narco-banner at face value. Creating an atmosphere of approval was probably the intended goal of calling this guy a rapist. How can we really know what this man did to be killed? Why do you people rush blindly to trust the drug cartels as judge, jury and executioner. Anyone could have written the sign, and the drug cartels are run by rapists and murderers, it's not really typical for a cartel to give a shit about rape, only money and power. Use your brains!

    1. Oh shut tha F up prick! If we say hes a rapist then thats what he is nerdorama!!! Lol!!!

  11. One of the big arguments against the death penalty is that the authorities might (and probably have)convict and execute an innocent man.
    Now these upstanding protectors of the community narcos get to be judge, jury and executioners and people are giving it yahoo ??

    I pray that he was guilty (although I have heard of a few women crying rape to get even for being scorned etc. Anyone else heard of such a thing?)

  12. estoy de acuerdo esto que les pase alos violadores y matand gente innocente

  13. he's biting his tongue.

  14. @ 2:54 He has the saint of death tattoos on him. That's enough for me. I'm glad he's dead.

  15. Tattoos of Santa Muerte ? Well there it is.. He can now be with his beloved Saint

  16. 2:54 PM
    "You guys are idiots for taking a narco-banner at face value. Creating an atmosphere of approval was probably the intended goal of calling this guy a rapist"
    You know what,your right,i apologize.
    Its not like we have rapists all over the world is it?
    Maybe your the one that is wrong?Take it at face value,he was a dirty rapist.Sicarios dont need to invent reasons to kill?They do it anyway without anyone's approval or for ratings?"Use our brains"

  17. Cartel killers dont need approval to kill?
    They could care less,he was killed for being a rapist.Look there,it tells you"we killed him for raping girls"what is so hard to believe?Oh i get it,its the"judge,jury,executioner"that bothers peoples delicate sensibilities,me,i say fuck him.

  18. Fantastic. Can't wait for the next 2!

  19. Agreed eye for an eye I'd. Do the same thing to this scum bag chi- town baby. Let mexico return to the days of old where women meant something they were so cherished like your mother and young sister I'd. Protect them with my life.

  20. Hey im all for it even it is of face value if thats all we can go on so be it let this scum bag rotten if indeed he is a rapist im glad somebody in mexico is still taking matters in their own hands and handling justice their own way for the people to see this is what happens to people that would even attempt to commit crimes the ZETAS are also known to do this as well their time is coming to an end hope they rott too glad to see people taking care off buisness street justice is what I say.

  21. I think a big problem in Mexico is individuals deciding to take matters into their own hands. You know, deciding that they need money or other things regardless of how to do it or who it effects.

    Seriously, you can't have justice in a society where individuals are allowed to step outside the bounds of the law because they feel like it.

    1. Hey in a civil society you are correct but in a society where law enforcement maybe corrupt what other choices do you have. To bring these crimes to the attention of the law and have nothing being done will drive individuals to take matters in there own hands certain crimes have their limits till you use preventive measures such is the case to prevent from this occurring to show this will happen to those individuals who attempt to commit these crimes and if so so be it you cannot always trust the law to do the right at least now you kno there's one less rapist to worry about,satisfaction indeed.

  22. If cartels don't need approval or justification, why are they always putting out the banners blamming everyone else for crimes against the "normal people" like kidnapping (we just traffic narcotics). They may operate outside the law, but they aren't totally oblivious to public opinion.

  23. Do we know what cartel did it?

  24. If it where rape I can imagine all the men would have been rounded up and collectively killed from the social structure around, unnoticed,quietly! Names were named a message was sent not to the innocent people of the area, they allway's know who ****ed up and has to watch out. Another point is, the named are on the run now if they are rapist, I wouldn't want that!

  25. Bla Bla Bla; I'm latin and have lived in both Central America as well as Mexico and promiscuity
    starts at 13,14 and 15 and you do not have to be raped to become pregnant but it helps with the family to say you were raped as far as taking heat from Dear Old Dad! I'm not condoning Rape by any means but let's be honest here. I'm willing to bet that you'd get murdered in mexico alot quicker for stealing someone's car or possesions
    far quicker than for stealing little Teresa's
    Virginity. It's common knowledge that you can get killed for dealing dope that you've stolen or sold on someone's turf quicker than for stealing your buddies wife.So,Let's be honest and admit there is more to this story!

  26. just keep it on your side of the river RANCH RESCUE TEXAS

  27. Blah Blah this Blah blah that....i aint seen shit that proves this dude is any rapist.

  28. For the average person who has to see this type of thing like a dead person hanging bloody has to be a nightmare, children seeing this especially. This overt violence is the thing that is terrifying Mexico. For the first responders who have to see decapitated bodies and parts, what about the sanity of these poor people? The true policemen, paramedics and coroners are the real heros here who have to see this daily. They have the real courage to keep on moving forward. Most of us have never seen this type of brutality and I hope and pray I never do.

  29. The tatts r enough to know where he stands in the case of good vs evil. Good rinse i hope el diablo has something special waiting for u on the other side esoeciallly since you adored him soo much while living.

  30. I would think that Victor Garcia, Jose Garcia and Javier Garcia should get the fuck out of dodge. If they are diddling little girls then I hope they also find a "short drop and a sudden stop" like this guy.

  31. I love how society holds women and girls in such high priority, that no one ever seems to give a shit about boys... Absolutely pathetic. This is NOT the way God wants us to live! I don't care what that man did, torture is not necessary!


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