Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, November 2, 2012

Beltran Leyva Cartel Boss Arrested in Mexico City

Borderland Beat

A suspected Beltran Leyva drug cartel boss who handled operations in the southern Mexican state of Guerrero was arrested by the Federal Police in Mexico City, the Public Safety Secretariat said Thursday.

Aldo Ramos de la Cruz, “suspected of being responsible for running logistics for the shipment and distribution of drugs from the state of Tamaulipas” to the United States, was detained on Wednesday, the secretariat said in a statement.

Ramos de la Cruz was in charge of the cartel’s business in Acapulco, a port city in Guerrero.

He is a close associate of Hector Beltran Leyva, known as “El H” and considered the top leader of the criminal organization, the secretariat said.

Ramos de la Cruz was arrested along with Leobardo Ortegon Vazquez, 26, a suspected informant who was in charge of the cartel boss’s personal security, the Public Safety Secretariat said.

The two men were arrested in the Granjas Coapa section of the Federal District, thanks to “intelligence reports,” the secretariat said.

The arrests of Jose Alberto Quiroz Perez on Sept. 5 and Carlos Arturo Torres Medina a month later led to Ramos de la Cruz, who is suspected of handling “the planting and harvest of marijuana and poppies in the mountains of Guerrero state,” the secretariat said.

An AK-47 assault rifle, ammunition, cell phones, marijuana and a BMW seized from the suspects were turned over to the federal Attorney General’s Office.

The criminal organization created by brothers Arturo, Mario Alberto, Carlos, Alfredo and Hector Beltran Leyva smuggles cocaine, marijuana and heroin, and has lucrative sidelines in people trafficking, money laundering, extortion, kidnapping, contract killings and arms smuggling.

The Beltran Leyva cartel has been weakened by the killings and arrests of several of its leaders, as well as infighting.

The Beltran Leyva cartel arose as a splinter group of the Sinaloa drug cartel, Mexico’s oldest and most powerful drug trafficking organization, in 2008.

The criminal organization was led by Arturo Beltran Leyva, who died in a shootout with marines at a luxury condo in Cuernavaca, the capital of Morelos state, on Dec. 16, 2009.

Two weeks after Arturo was killed, Carlos Beltran Leyva was arrested in Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa state, where he was going by the alias of Carlos Gamez.

Hector Beltran Leyva took over control of the cartel after Arturo’s death, but he had to battle a rival faction led by Edgar Valdez Villarreal for control of the organization.

Valdez Villarreal, known as “La Barbie,” was arrested by the Federal Police on Aug. 30, 2010.

Source: EFE

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  1. Hope the BLO gets strong enough to wipe CDS off the map.....

    1. Why!?!? Why can't we wish for these men to be at peace and move their drugs like in the 90's. there's nothing wrong with moving drugs, they aren't forcing them down anyone's throats. It's all supply and demand. Even rx pills are being abused, I have a broken back and I have to be randomly drug tested by my MD to make sure I'm taking them correctly or not selling them!! WITH A BROKEN BACK! Why? Because people here in America are starving for a high, and we have to pay the price. I do not think it should be legal, but it should be relaxed and shooting up beautiful countries with rich culture to look like a good guy isn't going to fix it. There will be drugs in 3012 4012 5012 there will always be drugs and there only getting more potent

  2. Sorry buddy beltran weak the only person making this organization look strong is chapo Isidro battling CDS either than that their weak you take Isidro out and beltran would be the size of Tijuana.

  3. Have to wait and see......i guess.

  4. los beltran leyva traen a al chapito isidro y a chuy y nacho gonzales,a samuel lizarraga ontiveros alias el tortillero d la clikona d los mazatlecos,y pues tambien mucha gente fiel al mochomo y al botas blancas por todo el norte de sinaloa

  5. I've always admired a lot bout him.if what I read is true Arturo was probably. The LAST true Don o the Mexican drug organizations.surprised to see his cartel del pacifico sur group still going in 2012.

  6. This all has to do with the 3 Maria's incident, tres Letras are stepping on their toes Beltranes ..may the peace b with all

  7. 11;13pm and to the others///cause chapo is to greedy. the beltran are strong. rumor has it that their united with caf. mochomo is still represnting and chapo isidro esta pesado el vato, he almost whacked out all the antrrax... now los antrax are just a bunch of kids or druged out fools like m1 was.

  8. No more illegal drugs for the world. Destroy all these cartel fucktards.

  9. It says the oldest drug trafficking organization is the CDS when Juarez and CDG are older c'mon chivis ??? ;)

    1. The U.S. gov is older. LOL! Just a joke for the conspiracy crowd.

  10. 1:06PM ok..actually, technically it is CDG. True the drug business did not begin with them until prohibition was over but by the late 60s it was full fledge drug cartel. Juarez was not far behind....CDS wasn't formed until late 80s when padrino went to prison, tho he divided terrirtories he still ran the plazas until he was transferred to Max prison. I could be off a little on years but that sounds about right.

  11. Chapo Guzman controls Mexico dummies. When Peña nieto steps in, everyone here will eat their words. Yes el Chapo is greedy but fuck he was born in a orange crate and he's dead whether he kills 3 or 300,000. You guys are in denial. But the most evil is the USA And Mexican governments that conspire with him. Anyone who uses drugs in America that come from Mexico is to blame for financing the drug cartels. By the way who has the $ to by tons of drugs? Not someone in a "trap house".

  12. Fucktards isn't even a word. It sounds as ridiculous and retarded as the person who made it up. I agree with the Guy who takes pills. There's always gonna be demand for drugs and someone out there is going to have the balls to sell it to them. As long as there's hunger there will also be the apatite for drugs.........moron.

  13. If all this stupid cartell worked like senor Amado carillo Fuentes did back in the day this wouldnt be happening, and Mexico well be one of the most powerfull countrys in the hole world thats why u.s wants all this ppl out of the picture.cuz they know they already strong but can get stronger and thats not a good thing for them. drug traffickin wasnt a problem for Mexico like now,but it was for the u.s it has always been.

  14. I agree "fucktards" sound stupid,im the anon who first used "dumbass" here....and now everyone's using it!! Is there anyway of taxing people who use my word?

    1. Dumbass is your word?? Haha wow... You are a dumbass, since this word has been used by everyone in the world

  15. I think drug trafficing and everything else was fine before rap music. The crips, bloods and rap music come along and everything gets fucked up. Pena Nieto needs to start a war on rap music.

  16. Esos weyes son puras punetas

  17. Arriva ELCAFMX!!!!...Saludos al Los Beltran-Leyva!....

    Muerte al CHAPUTO y al MIADO!....

  18. BLO started all of this mess in Mexico, the Beltran brothers are greedy idiots.. Arturo was killed because he thought he was untouchable and could do anything he wanted. (special forces of Arturo) What a clown. He was always coked out wich is actually uncommon for capos.. El H is hiding and literally cant go outside to see sun. BLO is a joke.

    1. If you don't know who starter all the mess in Mexico don't talk out your ass... FYI Chapo and CDS started the war.. get your facts straight

    2. If BLO was a joke then tell me why Chapito isidro kicks the CDS ass all over sinaloa?? Fuck the antrax , Chapo isidro is feared by antrax bitches..

  19. 7:59 ur one of few person that see the reality that goes on in mex and u.s. i dnt know why most of this ppl blame the mexicans in most of the time they cant see the ttruth when they got there head up there ass.they think cuz they can spell or they have a high education they'r allways right lmfao. they cant handle the truth. i hope u keep sharing ur bad ass comments.TODO PARA UN MEXICO MEJOR

  20. Arturo Beltran Leyva waz the last DON! He establish guide lines for his troops no stealing, no kidnapping of inocents,especialy no rape or he would have your head on a stick literally! his troops were one of the most feared in fact his brother el Mochomo was in charge of chapo guzmans security that says something i think!

    1. ABL had two of his main lieutenants who were actually brothers "El borrado" and "El Chaguin" tortured and killed for disobeying his orders not to kidnapp and extort. He also told La Famila Michoacana to go fuck themselves during a meeting when they tried to make a pact with him for control of Estado de Mexico and el DF, because he wanted all kidnapping and extortion halted but LFM said that was one of their main money makers so they weren't gonna stop doing it. So he told them that Beltran-Leyva's were no kidnappers and extortionist, and to go fuck themselves and went to war with them for control of Mexico state and Mexico city. Too bad after he died his cartel didn't follow his guidelines.

  21. Puro Chapo Guzman!!!! Los demas carteles no son nada.

  22. well i first used it here haha i guess iam bit of a dumbass at times,but shortly after i used it here it kept appearing after not by me,just like adolescent Zebra,dude gotta hav a laugh now and then even at myself...first here dumbass not in the world,see u are a dumbass at times too.

  23. Not in denial.....nothing lasts forever nutthugger.


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