Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Calderon’s Pursuit of Developed Nation Status and Why it is Denied

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat
 Corruption, The Drugwar, Impunity and Inequality are Primary Factors
While addressing the US Chamber of Commerce last spring, Mexican President Felipe Calderon pitched the strength of the Mexican economy which he says experienced a growth rate of 1.5% CDP per year over the past two decades. It is his position that Mexico should leave the list of developing nations and join the ranks of developed countries.
The Good News
A recent study reveals a fast growing middle class, rate of birth is now within the numbers of developed nations dropping from 7.2 in the 60s to an average now of 2.3.  United States has an average of 2.3.  Another plus is that Mexico’s system of higher education (university) is expanding. Worth noting however is that this has been achieved in the private sector. Schools such as Tec Milenio, offers  a more affordable education and has expanded to 40 satellite campuses across the country.  Additionally, infrastructure is increasing at a commendable rate.
Nogocios, a business publication reports that 100k students graduate with engineering degrees each year.
Modernization of railway and harbor infrastructure has increased 175% since Calderon has been in office.
Indicators are in place that the Mexican economy will experience consistent growth as it forges into the near future. 
An article published in Foreign Policy suggest that the global community will do well shifting its focus toward the TIMBI nations.  “M” being Mexico.  The article goes on to predict the TIMBI nations will outpace BRICS in short time.  The Mexican economy should be as large as Russia and Spain by 2020 and larger than Italy by the year 2030.
The Bad News
Looking beyond economic indicators policy makers warn that the positive economic outlook must be in context of  how it applies to the nation as a whole.. According to The Economist, Mexico’s teachers union, composed of 1.2 million members, is the most powerful union in the country and has been cited as a determinate political force.
Critics say the union is to blame for Mexico’s dysfunctional educational system, a casualty of hard-fought and expensive legal battles that have been staged to protect out-of-touch, ineffective teachers. It is imperative that Mexican policymakers develop a system of laws and regulations capable of addressing the needs of workers as well as the general public in becoming a functional economy.
Economy does not make a developed nation alone.  The most damaging factors that has affected Mexico’s pursuit of Developed Nation status are corruption, the drugwar, and inequality.  In a nation in which  law and order is so absent that the solving of crimes are in the single digit percentile, with a corrupt system of justice, rampant corruption in politics, an education system that excludes 60% of its children, and a gross lack of security for its citizens, it is clear that Mexico has its work cut out for them.
In addition to poor test scores, international inspectors uncovered gross corruption in the international educational testing in Mexico.  Among the finding were “certain” children were to remain home during the testing.  Other school submitted the tests of female students foregoing male students.  Selected schools bypassed and even with tampering Mexico’s scores were at or near the bottom.  It is no wonder that the Calderon government ordered the test scores destroyed.

Mexican teachers do not have to be certified and when only one third passed proficiency tests the union deemed that acceptable citing, "you don't have to know how to do something to teach it".

There is no parity in public education.  Impoverished children may or may not receive an education.  Sometimes a travelling teacher or videos teachers sub for a live person.  Rural schools have a huge and rapid turn over as teacher are to stay at the school during the week, however without facilities to sleep, cook, or bathe teachers soon leave.  The  education is suppose to be free, but there is no such thing there are charges that in effect exclude impoverished children the beginning of a life of marginalization.

La Tuta's ID, click on to enlarge
To those that say, Mexico cannot afford to do better, if that is the case, and I do not agree, but less say it is the case, then divide equally and budget for what can be afforded.  That aside, Mexico can afford better, get rid of the teachers union, a union that pays funds to any teacher no matter the circumstance, La Tuta, leader of Knights Templar, was paid a salary until last year even though he had not stepped into a classroom in a decade and was a wanted criminal.

Tax structure in Mexico is almost non existent, one must be established from go, with this in place funds for a sound educational and health system can be established.
Below are points as published in the Washington Hemisphere Report.
Dysfunctional Public Education
Mexico’s education system, which consistently receives low ratings by international indicators, must also endure reforms. According to a Reuters report by Anahi Rama, 5 percent of Mexico’s GDP goes to education. While this allocation is proportional to those made by other developing countries, corruption renders much of this input largely ineffective. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in comparing education across 65 industrialized countries, ranked Mexico 46th in reading, 49th in mathematics, and 51st in science.

While 10 percent of U.S. students are able to complete the advanced math section of the OECD’s International Student Assessment exam, only 0.07 percent of Mexican students are able to do the same. Aside from low scores, graduation rates in Mexico pale in comparison to those in the United States. According to Reuters, Mexican public schools graduate only about 45 percent of secondary school students, while nearly 75 percent of U.S. high school students graduate.

Although Mexico’s constitution guarantees access to education for all citizens, it hardly guarantees quality. A skilled labor force is imperative to sustain Mexico’s economic growth, and while post-secondary education in Mexico looks to be on the rise, primary and secondary education still requires vast improvements. If Mexico is to secure a large, skilled labor force, salvaging public education will prove an essential policy initiative within the coming years.
PISA Scores 2011 (click to enlarge)
Income Inequality
Currently, Mexico’s income inequality is among the worst in the world. According to an OECD report published in 2008, Mexico ranks second in economic inequality among the 34 OECD nations, experiencing a level of disparity slightly less than that of Chile. The average income of the wealthiest 10 percent of Mexicans was around 26 times higher than the average income of the poorest 10 percent of Mexicans. Moreover, what is considered “middle class” in Mexico is certainly not comparable to the middle class in the United States, as Mexico’s middle class receives relatively low wages. For example, as noted by the Washington Post, Mexicans working for U.S. auto companies earn about 10 percent of what their American counterparts make.
Adding to the gap in income distribution is the propensity of top income earners to monopolize the economy; 40 percent of Mexican businesses remain “uncompetitive,” ultimately antithetical to the functioning of a market economy. For example, Tellcell, the telecommunications conglomerate owned by the world’s richest man, Carlos Slim, now finds itself in a legal battle after facing anti-trust allegations, a common feature of Mexican business environment.
In light of persistent cartel violence, security arguably remains the most important concern for the majority of Mexicans. Mexico has been entirely unsuccessful at controlling violence within its borders, failing repeatedly to combat the cartels. The drug-related death toll, which has climbed above 50,000 since 2006, can be ascribed to the decision to militarize efforts to combat the drug cartels, made by former President Vicente Fox and sustained by Calderón’s administration. The militarization of Mexican security efforts has also resulted in mounting human rights violations.
According to the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), the number of complaints against  the military has mounted dramatically, from 182 in 2006 to 1,230 in 2008, of which only 37 have seen daylight in the justice system. Underlying problems include the immense financial resources the drug cartels are capable of consigning to the struggle (estimated to be between USD 30 billion and 50 billion), lack of alternative employment, and the ineffective collaboration between Mexican and American drug policy. Regional heads of state have argued for alternative drug policies, such as decriminalization, even if they may not align with Washington’s heavy-handed approach to the drug trade.
Latin American nations recently demonstrated increased solidarity in pushing alternative policy solutions at the Sixth Summit of the Americas. Whether they be less militarized approaches to combating the drug trade or decriminalization, Mexico needs to heed the advice of its neighbors and remedy its failing militarized approach.
Photo Credit: Reuters top-Mier residents forced out by narcos, rendering the city a ghost town.Chivis Martinez Bottom   Mier refugees listen to my speech at the shelter in Miguel Aleman, we were thrown out when we refused to leave donations.  From the parking lot we distributed the supplies.  Refugees then told us the Mayors family abused them and kept the donations
Likewise, Mexico needs to address its failure to uphold the rule of law, as widespread corruption still prevails in many sectors of public life, including the police force and gubernatorial offices. In Mexico, government and corruption seem to be synonymous. Transparency International’s Bribe Payers Index concluded that, in 2010, an estimated USD 2.5 billion in bribes were paid to police officials throughout Mexico. Importantly, the chain of corruption does not end at the local level. Julio César Godoy Toscano, a congressman with ties to the notorious La Familia cartel, was caught with USD 2 million in his bank account from “unknown sources.”
As previously mentioned, Mexican businesses also participate in rampant corruption, not only to co-opt labor unions but also to influence public figures. In a Transparency International study analyzing 28 economies in which firms were most likely to bribe officials, Mexico ranked third behind China and Russia. Few were surprised when Wal-Mart was accused of bribing local officials to win land contracts and gain permission to open stores early. Although the Calderón administration has made some efforts to fight corruption, they have proved insufficient, and the lack of transparency and accountability plaguing Mexican governance requires considerable redress.
Ousted from PRI leadership by charges of gross corruption
As Mexico marches down the road to developed-nation status, several factors will critically hinder Mexico’s progress unless promptly addressed. Rather than focusing solely on improving traditional economic indicators, such as GDP, Mexico’s government should pursue policies that will provide a foundation for more equitable, transparent, and sustainable economic development.

Sources used to compose this post: Washington report on the Hemisphere; Council on Hemispheric Affairs, PISA, UNOC, Human Rights Watch; Justice in Mexico Project Trans Border Institute Report "Armed with Impunity", The Economist

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  1. Hi chives or paz i'm having very hard time seeing any news that blog del narco have on there site but you don't have here at bb i wish i could speak Spanish so i don't have to look around for cartel narco site in English
    what im trying to ask you is if you could get some news from blog del narco and translate them here in English im sure you will have a very high traffic on this site also alotta people would appreciate that
    there are about over 100000 thousands of Mexicon who don't know a word of Spanish like me but we are fascinated by narco
    thank you

  2. Hola Amigo...

    BDN is also Mundo (same people) they compile all their stories from other publications, including from BB. Even my original written posts, sans credit.

    With us, either we write original posts which requires research, or translate which requires an abundance of time. It is a difficult task, I get slammed sometimes and for sure I am not the best but I hope I get the heart of the story across with clarity.

    We can not just copy and paste like a BDN, because we target english readers. Also we have only 7 slots on front page and few readers go on to second page. If we see someone just posted a story or the slots are all new we hold back as a courtesy and give our fellow reporters time on mainpage.

    All that said. We this month ave 80-100K views perday with a high of 154K. That means our comments have taken an increase 3 fold, and we read each one though that is getting difficult.

    We all at least read spanish and we hunt down the stories that give a good variety in posts that relate to the drugwar that includes topics that are as this one, because we have many readers that think larger than dead bodies, they want to know about Mexico, its people, its politics, its social structure, its economy and how that is affected by this tragic war...

    Thanks for your thoughtful comment....Paz, Chivis

    1. And this is why i keep reading BB, i don't even bother going to blog del narco or mundo, (even though spanish is my primary languaje) their reporting is very plain, simple and not very insightful, you guys are doing a phenomenal job in keeping us informed by digging into other other social issues that go in hand with the drug underworld and not just reporting on X amount of dead people found in X place of mexico. Keep up the good work! Roko

  3. Thanks Chivis. I had no idea the education system was so poor, those are some pitiful PISA scores. I remember once you spoke of Chapo being illiterate and the traveling teacher stopped coming to his village when he was 8 years, or somthing like that. He obviously is brilliant, with an education he most likely taken a different path. You are correct there are those who want information to attain a clear picture of what Mexico is about. The nation has the ability to be an economic powerhouse, like India or China.

  4. When millions of your citizens are fleeing your country, it's probably a good sign your country isn't developed and your leadership is awful. The only people who should be surprised by this are the Mexicans who have too much pride.

  5. The big problem with mexico are its people.

    1. The big problem with you is you are a little bitch.

    2. @4:27 way to have constructive dialog.

    3. You know very well that I'm right but you do not have the balls to acmit it

  6. Mexico, Mexico, So far from god too close to the United Estatez

  7. 12:10 and 2:18 fuck mexico,the ppl is the go u.s. the same u.s. that invades and terrorize other countries or "give them freedom" lmafo at least the shit that is happening it stays in mexico pendejo so yea i guess go u.s. fucking ignorant

  8. The only positive I can see there is the reduction of birth rate to 2.3. Unless the number is fake.

  9. How come mexico has no olympic team (cause everybody that can jump, swim, and run is already over here)just a joke. t(-__-t)

  10. I would rather go to an underdeveloped country in the most desolate African region than step one foot into Mexico. All of the Mexican economy is narco blood money! Mexico needs to see their country to America and we will show you how to run it like civilized human beings! The Devil has possessed Mexico and its people and to the Mexican people its all a game! They dont care if they still have dirt floors in their card board homes and unpaved roads!

    1. Take your ignorant ass to africa then... mexico is a country rich in resources, culture, and hard working honest people. Obviously, corrupt politicians and crooked motherfuckers always fuck shit up for everyone so people do what theu can... who the fuck are you to say that mexicans have cardboard houses and like dirt floors?? I'm the first generation of my family born in good old boy Usa, and I bet my lineage is already better off than your shit suck family.. narco news makes for interesting cool scary shit, but don't get confused you dickless fuck; mexico is no africa.

    2. Mexico is the SAME as Africa.

    3. Mexico has no lions. Mexico has no africans. Mexico has no Serengeti. Mexico has no wildebeasts. Mexico has dope, guns, and honest citizens caught in between.

      Mexico does not equal Africa, you shit suck...

  11. @4:41 You have no idea what you are talking about. Mexico is violent, corrupt, and has a systemic disease in the economy's dependance on organized crime.
    Africa is very similar, except without any real economy controlled by the native populace. You are much safer in Mexico. It's amazing to me how people tend to lose their ability to think critically when confronted with issues like these.
    The USA doesn't want Mexico as a commonwealth. We want Mexico to accommodate our needs for manufacturing, cheap labor, and other goods and services. That mentality is what is allowing this monster to grow. America doesn't need to own Mexico, we need to monitor our own business practices, and vet our partners in commerce better. There will always be crime, and our prohibition of drugs is a huge contributor to the crime and violence.
    Bottom line is, Mexico needs to regain its sense of national pride and sense of civic duty. America needs to take accountability for its wrongs during the rise of drug violence. The finger pointing and jingoistic mud slinging must stop. And as humans, we need to be compassionate to those from which there is nothing to gain...because they are humans just like us.
    -El Blanco Guy

  12. Paints a terrible picture of greed and disregard for people in mexico by its own people.

  13. 1.5 CDP per year increase is good but, not when it reflects increased drug profits and the regular labor force is being extorted. Sorry presidente Calderone, do not pass 'go', do not Collect two hundred dollars.........

  14. the same ppl put there parents in nursing homes cuz they get in there least in mexico we keep our parents till they die thats what I call true love for a human being and u once u got what u wanted for ur parents u turn them around and give them a boot in the ass lol. i guess yea satan has taken controlled of us mexicans we r so evil and u r perfect living in a clean house and paved roads. pendejo

    1. Mira pinche frigol mugroso, educate your moms ass pendego.

  15. A comment and observation about the eldery. You state at least Mexicans take care of their elderly. I was surprised to find the opposite. Homes for the elderly is a great need in Mx. Many causes one being the generations of new seem to move away, including to the US. When one spouse dies the other is left alone, sometimes very ill. It is terribly sad to visit one of the rare homes and speak to the people, they are so lonely and have no visitors as their family members live very far. Also many old folk are just not cared for by families. I know you will argue differently, I was shocked to discover this, but it is what I know. Mexicans in the US do indeed take care of their parents and uncles and aunts. It is the culture in the US. I have purchase medicines, heaters, food for many eldery folks all alone.

  16. 6:05and 6:06 we need more ppl like u on bb it fucking pisses me off that ppl jst talk out of there asses jst cuz they got 1 saludos para ustedes y k dios los vendiga. PARA UN MEXICO MEJOR

  17. @ Chivis....

    With all do respect you're being unfair with posting certain comments. The first comment posted is obviously written by some redneck. So when I chose to respond in defense to my country and it's people you chose not to post. All I ask is that you be fair in posting comments because we get alot of negative, ignorant, and racist comments posted about Mexico so naturally I'm gonna defend my country and pride!


  18. No my friend you are ignorant and don't want to see reality!

  19. pls 90% of the white familys i know do it jst cuz they dnt wana take care of them there "too busy" im gona guess u r not born and raise in mexico thats y u think u know
    what goes on in mexico.i have seen nephews,inlaws taking care of ther loved ones. and what i'v seen in the u.s. is alot of lonley old ppl and it makes me sad to see them like that literalmente sry I cant spell the word looking for some1 to shere love with idk if u red what u know but i understand ur point of view and I respect that.

  20. perdona si te contradije de lo de los eldery pero hay veses qur vivirlo es mejor que leerlo.y disculpa k no escriba bien el ingles pero es mi segunda lengua

  21. orale @ 6:05 I don't ever even want to fly over Africa.

  22. 7:45..I cannot speak for all of Mexico when I speak of the elderly. I only have worked in 11 states. And mostly along the frontera. But it was shocking to find this issue as I have. I know with indigenous community it is not so, in those communities they are greatly revered. I have to be truthful in my experiences and share with people. I think much of it has to do with the children that leave small villages and frontera states to establish a new life in the US. It was an issue that I personally had never thought of as one that is inherent to the migration of family members.

    I don't mean to offend after all it is my culture, but if we expect people to realize clarity as to how Mexico is today, we cannot pick and choose truth.

  23. I hope you don't mind me asking Chivis if you wrote this report or if you have a link to a main source.

  24. I am not talking about "white families" why does it always have to be "us and them"? we were talking only Mexico. I stnad by it. I have been in more Mexican homes than the over whelming majority of mexicans nationals. Most of my work is shrouded in tragedy. I see the forgotten children and old people. I may not have been born in Mexico, but in my decade there I have witnessed that there are segments of the population that are deemed attrition. Impoverished people, disabled children and adults, and the eldery. Don't walk around with blinders. If you do not see what I see, maybe you need to try and reach out to those in need.

  25. it is verry truth chivis but they do it out of nesesidad that they leave there love ones but we all the have difernt points of view but thanks for giving us all this infotmation te lo agradesco y god bless.TODO POR UN MEXICO MEJOR

  26. Sad state of affairs...Narco gangs have made Mexico worse than a lot of developing countries...President Calderon should stop his rantings of a developed nation and all Mexican politicians should be ashamed of the mess they have created in Mexico.

  27. someone asked what sources i used and reports. I just realized my damn hyperlinks are missing. I will try to get them up tomorrow, until then see the list at bottom where SOURCE is in bold. the bottom half is Hemisphere report direct text exception being my example of how far corruption reaches with my personal story of Mier Refugees. It was an eye opener, my entire team was crying.

    the top portion is composed of info from all the sources and my personal knowledge from working with the educational systems of mexico, both federal and state. Its a complex system that provides school in either the state or federal system simply by logistics. they both present in most cities over 200k population. its really a mess someday I will write about it so those of you who are interested can see hw easy it would be to make changes that would be powerful enhancement. gotta ax the teachers union and get rid of their leader "hitler in a skirt"

  28. The Lokpal Act should lay down an objective and transparent criteria such as competence, experience, qualification etc for the selection of candidates for appointment to the Lokpal.

  29. Citizens from a devoloped country dnt flee from it, and we mexicans are responsible for the way mexico has been shaped.we have accepted corruption and lawlessness and yet cant band together to change mexico.we mexicans talks about change but thats alll we do talk. Why, becuz if we act the government kills us and blames it on the narcos. We have nobody to blame but ourselves. The government is corrupt,law enforcement ineffective, and the average citizen is just content with its way of life. The author is this post is mexican,im very proud of my heritage and culture, but disappointed in my country!!

    1. @351 am....

      Don't generalize; the very fact that most of my parents relatives decided to stay and are successful in mexico, while mine decided to leave and have successful children in the US proves you wrong. Corruption rooted as deeply as mexicos is difficult to change; luis donaldo colosio is an example of this... when the laws in mexico prohibit a citizen from owning a firearm as a means of self defense, it creates a mindset completely different than that of say american citizens, who cite the 2nd amendment better than a bible verse. It affects the masses... the average citizen is not content with its way of life, the fact that people leave or stay and take up arms proves this; I don't see your ass crossing a hot desert for your family, or down those chiapas folks trying to make a change.... when you generalize such topics, you show ignorance just like the dumbass who said all mexicans have cardboard houses... who are you to judge people put in positions by corruption, lack of education and jobs that I'm sure you havent been in judging by your argument? Go to africa with that other moron.... el 605

    2. Exactly! Finally someone gets it.

  30. 3:51 amen to that.this is what most of the ppl dnt see.jst like the killing in tlatelolco when they killed all those students cuz they were tired of the bs goverment we got
    CHIVIS if u can post something about that so ppl see the other side of the coin. 09_2_1986 is the date this happend. i wouldnt blame our ppl cuz the only thing they well have to do is anothey revolution and that means more blood

  31. Altho its a very touching sentiment, I dont judge an entire country based on how they treat the elderly. What if I were to draw conclusions based on how mexicans treat dogs? From my experience Mexicans treat their dogs very poorly, even abusively. But it would not be fair to judge a country by that. I could judge mexico based on how they treat each other, a la beheadings, but even that would not be representative. The truth is, some people live like Chivis, some people live like Lazca, and most of us, well most of us fall squarely in the middle

  32. "Mexico and it's people are beautiful I should know I live here so don't come contaminate us with your presence"
    be real homs,theres no need for the grimy state of mind,you be hangin on the down low in the trap house my monga just like me,thats real tawk straight like dat.
    I be stepping on the down low,and aint afaid who speak on it?So any homie homs wanna come take a poke on my backdoor cuttin raw and nasty step on up reppin my hood all day...

  33. "ignorant, and racist comments posted about Mexico so naturally I'm gonna defend my country and pride!
    You fuckin liar.Where are the racist comments against Mexicans?You mean all the"gringo,whiteboy,white family's,whiteman"do you mean racist like that?You fuckin hypocrite yours is the nationalistic negative attitude that is stopping Mexico.Have you ever even mixed with"white people"what the fuck would you know?We can see from your comments that you are another negative,jingoistic Mexican,even Mexicans get called names from other Mexicans if they tell the truth and show Mexico in a negative light.This is not about race,yet you always bring it down to that level.Who is racist again,check the comments its all in black and white you liar.Go to BDN and rant all you want and call racist names all you want!

  34. Chac-mool is another racist trouble causer.
    Pathetic loser

  35. "Par de jotos, veansen,ustedes,mismos pinches gringos mugrosos y corruptos y despues podran criticar el vecino pinches putos. Long live Mexico"
    Blow it out your self pitying ass you fucking whiner"Its all the fault of the gringo"boo hoo hoo.
    Long live everywhere there aint whining bitter losers.You people can talk all you like.Tey don't listen and grow up.

  36. Why would we ever want to help people like those commenting on here?Would you help someone who behaved like this in your everyday life?Of course you wouldn't,you would have nothing to do with someone like that.Mexicans hate us?Fact or fiction?
    It is unbelievably negative the things they say!

  37. Cagle's Golden Eagle with a bullet in its chest is hilarious!

    This is the kind of article I love to read: policy, policy policy!!

    Its a little schizophrenic, tho.

    The complaints don't match the policy being espoused, wished for or complained about. It sounds alot like a news junkie that hasn't gotten to figuring out what the difference is between fox news, the rest of the media and then compare all of that knowledge to real world: it's obvious when someone can read the newspapers, yet, have few ideas about what it takes to legislate the correct policy solutions. So how can there be an adequate policy proposal if the essence of the problem escapes the legislator?

    We can rail against teachers and their sindicatos, then say income inequality is rampant. So, who do you think negotiates for the teachers? THE SYNDICATES! ...or what? You want for teachers (solidly in the Mexican middle class) to be superlative teachers, have all their certifications, do wonders with their students, then also enter into individual negotiations for their salary and benefits? So...when do they sleep and have families? We don't do that in the (oh, so exemplary) schools in the United States.

    We can say the quality of the ed sys sucks (most definitely agree; especially for the schools where most of the soldiers in the narco wars are coming from). So what is the solution? Fuck the teachers syndicate and fire the teachers that don't meet your standards? Then what? Meritorious pay based on the proficiency reflected by student test scores, you say (a US Conservative's solution to the problem)? Under who's standard of merit will we be working from? So what if you're teaching kids that are rocks? Shouldn't that standard be negotiated? After all, isn't this the main point of the market based salary system that (political conservatives say) will solve all problems?

    So, who's going to want to go to the rural schools and the schools on the lower rung of society (THAT ARE EVERYWHERE IN MEXICO, BTW)? NOBODY!! So...just pay the teachers that you want to teach in the rural and working class schools a bonus for their service in those "less desirable" posts, right? And who's gonna negotiate what the fair salary is for rural teachers now that you're gotten rid of the pesky sindicatos? How much can these communities afford, anyway?

    Tough, ain't it?

    The market is what every US conservative wants as a solution to everything!!! Yet, as you can see, this is just the tIp of the iceberg that will open the whole can of worms.

    I feel that security is the number 1 priority in the country, right now. The country is being extorted by a bunch of people that make working, playing and enjoying a regular life a dangerous affair. These people make it impossible to debate about the solutions to these problems.

    If I were king of Mexico, I would dedicate myself to building a more effective and fairer judicial system (fairer to both: the responsibilities that a government has to the society it protects, and to the rights of the accused). Starting with the building a a judicial bureaucracy of Judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, wardens, and (safe and secure) prisons.

    You can tackle a whole bunch of problems if you just give the people security.

    In the context Mexico finds itself in today, education is a luxury. Security is not.

  38. I know I love-love the cartoon.

    ABout the nasty comments. Please understand the radical comments do not represent the opinion of the Mexican majority of Americans! Don't jusge by what you read here. We don't post all comments but need to represent how some feel on both sides the fense. I cringe with the radical hateful americans write comments, most that i cannot publish, and again cringe when Mexicanos do the same against US. You are lucky you don't see what we toss out.

    I the simplistic words of the late Rodney King.."can't we all just along?"

  39. Don't come on here bad mouthing my country and I wont call you a dumbass... its pretty simple... I'm the first to say mexico has serious national security issues, I'm the first to say corruption has plagued mexico...
    And also, I'm the first to say blogs such as this one are badass and interesting and show the awesome, damn near macabre feats human beings are capable of... it makes for a badass read and its interesting stuff but don't GENERALIZE motherfuckers.... if you only know mexico as a fucking tourist and from what you read here, well gavachos if yall don't wanna hear what raza (some of us, mexican american equally proud to represent in the US) have to say when it comes to competent arguments formed here, then gone the fuck on somewhere and cry about it there.

  40. @3:56PM

    thank you for your thoughtful comment. I absolutely agree with you, oicture me in the corner, head down, tail betwen the legs...just like our coker spaniel when she decided she wanted to poop on the hardwood floor instead of going outside to do her duty.

    I messed up on this post. In trying to illustrate a lack of security and corruption I added my personal, sad story of Mier that was a tragic example of both. But I did not put it in proper context and hurried. I stand corrected and will pull it out for a better flow.

    I was very ill yesterday so was not at the computer but will fix it now...paz, chivis

  41. There is a ne group that wants Moreira to run for Saltillo mayor as their candidate. Does anyone have info on the group?

    He began his political career as the mayor of saltillo

  42. "Please understand the radical comments do not represent the opinion of the Mexican majority of Americans"
    Chivis i understand what you are trying to do,i would love to believe that Mexicans don't hate us.I have no ill will against Mexicans,quite the opposite,but from what you see and hear they are racist even to indigenous Mexicans?If we descend to race every time we get absolutely no-where.It is so frustrating.Take a person as you find them,not a race of people...No,its just words,it won't change.

  43. You white folks can wine all you want and yes I have lived and socialized with gringos! Did I hit a nerve? hahaha Look I said I don't have nothing agaisnt the US or it's people ( I have family who are US citizens born n raised) but I don't like some of the ignorant comments some people post on here! Did you catch that or do I need to be more clear? Just like your defending yourself and country against my comments I do the same so no need to get upset my friends but thanks for the feedback at least I know your paying attention!


  44. you should have left your personal story in chivis. it was a wonderful addition to this post.

  45. I don't read that comment as a negative critique on the story. It is a different viewpoint that, someone might find, enhances the conversation.

  46. Chac-mool
    "You white folks can wine all you want"
    You call it feedback.EVERYONE ELSE CALLS IT ANTI RACISM !

  47. Chac-mool the racist gang banger is back with more words of wisdom.Go to BDN,you'll feel more at home there,you can whine and be as racist as you want.

  48. "I have lived and socialized with gringos"
    Err ye alright we believe you.See ya on the"down low"

  49. People like Chac mool dung are turning BB into another BlogDN.Why do they come here to instigate racist bullshit,why don't the racists Mexican and US go away and leave the rest of us alone to talk coherently instead of hysterical idiotic race arguments like his?RACIST LOSERS GO AWAY

  50. Chac-mool
    I aint white,but i still don't want to listen to your racist bullshit.Do you like it?So why do you do it to other people?

  51. I am praying for the people of Mexico for change.... To end the cartels greed for money... and murder. I have personally seen and experienced what drugs have done to families on both sides of the fence and its tragic... the devil has got a hold on people and I pray to God to have mercy on the people this has effected. And please stop with the racist comments we are all human beings, noone is better than anyone else. Have some understanding and be thankful for the things that u have. Much love everyone. God Bless You All


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