Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Former Mayor of Tiquicheo, Michoacan, Murdered


Translated by Vato for Borderland Beat from Proceso

MEXICO, D.F. -- The former mayor of Tiquicheo, Michoacan, Maria Santos Gorrostieta Salazar, 36 years old, was found dead Thursday morning in a vacant property in the Cuitzeo municipality (county).

Previously, Gorrostieta had suffered two attacks. one on October 15, 2009, when she was ambushed along with her husband, Jose Sanchez, who died in the attack. She was wounded in the incident.

The other attack took place in January, 2010, when, after taking part in a public event in Altamirano City, Guerrero, she was attacked and wounded by individuals who were carrying assault rifles.

On that occasion, she, two of her collaborators and a female journalist were wounded.

Gorrostieta Salazar was the municipal president  of Tiquicheo from 2006 to 2012. Although she was a member of the PRI party when she attained the office, she later  joined the PRD party.
Her injuries from 2009  murder attempt -bottom photo Siglo Viente-
Before finishing her term, she requested permission to run for representative. However, she was unsuccessful and decided to return to the mayor's office.

The body of the former mayor was found Thursday, November 15, in an area known as El Chupadero, at around 8:00 in the morning.

The body remained unidentified in the medical examiner's office (Semefo) until 2100 hrs (9:00 p.m.) on Friday, when her relatives went to the Michoacan Department of Justice (Procuraduria General de Justicia).

The body showed stab wounds, injuries to the back of the head and abrasions on the knees, which leads authorities to assume she was dragged, according to a report from that agency.

Until now, authorities lack any indication as to the possible motive and the identity of the executioners.  
Click to enlarge

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  1. This was a little heartbreaking last night, when i read it, it got me a little more then usual. I remember reading her story in 2010 on BB. They should take these people out of the country/'s not a real solution, I just didn't want to see her die..and why kill her? for what? it's all so senseless and arbitrary...

  2. This so saddens me,as the first attempt did. Every life is precious, add yet another name to the growing list of the innocent victims in Mexico. My condolences to her family and those she tried to help. May the killers rot in HELL. Your neighbor in Texas

  3. I agree, J. It is heartbreaking. There were several related stories published then (at the time of the second attack) and now. Nothing I could find indicated that she was involved in any criminal activity. In fact, the opposite was true; she appeared to be trying to do a good job for her people. She was 36 years old, widowed mother of three, but she pissed off some manly men who must have felt threatened enough to attack her repeatedly until they got her.-- un vato

  4. Que Descanse En Paz.

    Much more should be made of the killing of those who are not afraid to die fighting against narcos.

    Seems as though it is in the news then gone in the blink of the eye. I would like to hear leaders speak about her heroism, and her life of doing what she could in confronting the issue of narco violence. We need examples!

    I am picky when declaring one a hero. I don't see a hero as one that runs. As other so called brave women.

    Maria Santos Gorrostieta Salazar is a hero.


    1. Heyyy chivis what do you know about cjng in michoacan are they still there fightting cts? And is it true that they are no longer with sinaloa cartel

  5. "Much more should be made of the killing of those who are not afraid to die fighting against narcos."

    You have got that so right Chivis.
    This was a very sad loss of a good woman. May God carry her soul in His arms.

    Whatever happened to the man in the factory who was fighing back? Do you remember that story? You wrote it a few weeks ago. Did he survive??

    Carry on the excellent work Chivis. Don't let them come for you.

    1. 5:56 p.m. I applaud you Chvis and all at BB who work tirelessly to educate us. With so many journalists having been kidnapped and or murdered, it further proves your dedication and courage. As someone who lives in the US but spent alot of time in Mexico, my heart bleeds for the victims of this ongoing tragedy. Godspeed to BB and all the victims from this war. Viva Mexico!!!

  6. "Maria Santos Gorrostieta Salazar is a hero.


    No better words. DEP Senora.

  7. And those who murder, DO THEY CHANGE ANYTHING IN MEXICO? Do they have to kill a certain number of people to change things to suit THEIR NEEDS? Are they getting ahead by killing and killing and killing?!

    What did they really gain by taking that woman's life?? TELL ME!

    What a bunch of BRAIN DEAD D..ks

  8. Damn....she was Gorgeous too.

  9. Killing women? Thats real brave, cowards.

  10. How come it so long to kill her? Was she gangster? Man, she had Frankenstein scars. Maybe the collaborators mentioned were from a different power source. So, in realty everyone knows who killed her but the effective reporters have been kill, eh? Maybe not.

  11. I totally agree Chivis. This woman wasn't afraid and she loved her country and her people. She understood that she could and probably would be killed but that didn't stop her from living her life and trying to serve her country. Her life should be celebrated. She is a hero. She could have sold out her country and still probably been alive but what kind of life is that? Her choice was live like a coward or die
    like a hero. She had more "balls" than many men do.
    What a tough guy, killing an un-armed woman. They should make a corrido about that guy, call it
    "La Gran Panocha"

    1. 6:41well said bro.. like Zapata said "Better to die on your feet, then to live on your knees'.. people like her should have corridos made for.. not those damn cowards who murder kids and women... All cartels murder innocents , not one cartel is a super heroe like the corridos say.. if there was more people like her in Mexico , Mexico would be a better country.. VIVA MEXICO LIBRE!!

  12. Where are the gay ass CT cheerleaders like soldado??? ??? ??? ???

  13. Nothing matters to a man that orders a hit or the man that carries it out except the money that can be gained from it. And she just wanted to take care of her people. This is the first im hearing if her but truly she was superwoman

  14. She had more balls than a bunch of man, she was brave. Shameless motherfuckers that kill her.
    I know of a motherfucker whow is fron there that migh have been capable to so something like that "El michoacano" Samuel Aguilera. alguien sabe que paso con ese perro?

  15. Thats really to read.. Fucken scavengers willing to kill any one it wouldn't surprise me if these scum bags be killing todlers

  16. A Hall Of Fame should be dedicated to such heroes and heroines!!!
    It's indeed fascinating that there are still people who will risk their lives in a country where one wrong word regarding the cartel will mean getting killed.
    Or sometimes, not even that!!
    That's why those who think that legalising the sale of marijuana or other illegal drugs will stop the killing must be kidding themselves!
    Don't forget that as long as there are drugs, other than marijuana, which are highly addictive, the individual cartel will want to take over the whole market for itself because it will have a captive market.
    It is inevitable that the government must go all out to wipe out the cartels.
    Or the cartels will wipe out the government!
    The choice is yours!!!!

    1. 8:33. I agree with much of what you said,especially about pot. Look at CA., anyone can get a prescription for pot and it is so abused. When I had cancer I was given medical pot, it made me paranoid and useless Thank God I stopped smoking it and have many years now cancer free.
      People can say all day long it is not addictive, that's crazy. Look at all the rappers. As for Mexico having a choice, I beg to differ. With the level of corruption in the gov't., these innocent people are left to try and protect themselves. The loss of yet another honest hero doesn't help matters either.

  17. I don't know about you, but if someone tried to assassinate me and i survived the first time, I would be always armed, when I'm going in and out of any place, I would always have my gun on my hand were people cant see it, and looking over my back and i would never, ever let anyone kidnapped me at gun point they would have to gun me down right there on the spot

  18. Who ever did this, was it worth it? R u personally better off for killing a symbol of a better future for all mexicans? Is the heart of a cartel stronger then the heart of a country screaming for peace? r.i.p. Lady of hope

  19. What I'd like to do is to find out WHO killed her AND THEN TO SHOVE THE 'SONS OF THE DEVIL' INTO HER COFFIN, 'AS CLOSE TO THEIR TARGET' AS POSSIBLE IN ORDER THAT THE MEMORY OF W.H.A.T. THEY DID TO HER M.A.K.E.S. THE M.U.R.D.E.R.E.R.S. S.U.F.F.E.R. << FOREVER >> and without ever being able to recover from what they knew, before they took her life, WAS E.V.I.L.:


    "CONSCIENCE, MAKE THE DEVIL'S WORKERS S.U.F.F.E.R. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,

    ............... A.M.E.N.!! . . . . . . .

  20. The Mexican media do what the criminals want them to do and they do not want heros made of people they execute. That is why there is never any follow-up reporting done on anything to do with criminal activity.

    The Mexican media could turn this lady's death into a cause celebre if they had the balls or were not already in the criminals pocket. They could splash stories and pictures about her all over the front page every other day for a month. People would get riled up and make demands of the police and the politicians. But, the other media, the criminals, Carlos Slim, the police, etc. would go after any news media that did that to make them stop.

    Once again folks, too many Mexicans are making too much money with the status quo. They do not want anything to change, so nothing will change. Oh lots of people get pissed off and outraged about it, they have their little demonstrations (Sicilia) but nothing much changes. Why? Too many Mexicans are making too much money the way things are.

  21. there is nothing worst than a coward with power.die pinche basuras. TODO POR UN MEXICO MEJOR

  22. Caballeros tamaleros ke bajo an caido ahora asta mujeres matan desgraciados...bola de c....lones...asi seran hombres bola de p..tos

  23. Por eso no hay hombres en Mexico, porque verdadera Mujeres como esta hay muy pocas en Mexico, la mayoria de las Viejas son lo comun puras corcholatas que han procreado los cobardes/narcos que se pasan como hombres de estos dias en Mexico.

    This is why Mexico has no real men, because real WOMEN like her are rare if none at all, the majority of the female doormats are but common bottle caps that you discard way before you finish your beer and those corcholatas have only served to bring to this world this cowards/narcos who parade themselves as men this days.

    So como dice mi abula, recoge las corcholatas y las vachices, as sus hijos y nietos que no pueden controlar as sus viejas y hijos.

    Like my grandma says, pickup your bottle caps and cigarrett butts, when she would referred to the sons and nephews who couldn't control their wife and kids.

  24. Mexico needs to quit blaming the U.S and get its own shit together.

    1. Agree Mexicans need to open there eyes and take responsibility for what there super heroe narcos and dirty politicians are doing.. "well we kill each other , cause the USA are drug addicts"... You kill each other cause your idiots. Hard working Mexicans need to stand up... Enough is enough ..

  25. When u enter the world of law enforcement there is no descrimination. Man or woman, both play the game. And that Marisol Garcia vacated her post a long time ago because of the threats. when u r with the PRI u stay! Por Vida!

  26. Lastima que un par de ovarios mostro mas huevos........para que los hombres Mexicanos miren que es tener un par.

    Aver si ahora les dan vergunza, bola de cabrones maricones.

  27. The map needs updating.

  28. I don't want to sound like a dick, but when she got those scars she was riding in a bullet proof car. It got hit 50 cal rounds. The company that made it even had on display to show the quality of their work, this wasn't your ordinary blindaje. The 50 cal rounds eventually pieced through but the armoured vehicle held up long enough for her to survive.

    One has to wonder how did her little pueblo got the money to buy that armoured car. Before your start calling people heros an heroines make sure you know what you are talking about, and not just go on your first impressions or emotions.

    A little story for you guys.

    maria santos, comenzó como sirvienta en una casa en un pueblo donde conoció a un hombre con poder que la hizo su esposa, le dio educación y poder, le compro un titulo de medicina y la metió a la política, ya en la política conoció a un hombre con mas poder aun, el hombre con poder de todo Michoacán y se hicieron amantes o una de las amantes favoritas. un día santos le dijo a los escoltas de su esposo que se fueran a una situación al cerro y el esposo se quedo solo y santos le dijo que tenían una junta en un pueblo, cuando llegaron al pueblo, al punto donde se iban a ver no había nadie, solo un sicario que disparo a la camioneta de los esposos; matando al esposo y dejandola a ella viva, no tardo ni 10 min en q un helicóptero llego a recogerla. cuando publicaron la noticia dijeron que ella había recibido balazos en muchas partes del cuerpo pero q por milagro sobre vivió. cuando le preguntas al doctor que la curo dijo que solo un dejo tenia herida de bala.
    después vivía con tanto miedo que cuando salía a la calle se ponía a los hijos enfrente en su camioneta y los abrazaba y decía que así no le iban hacer daño, que amorosa madre no!
    se caso de nuevo con uno menos capas pero le canso y ya se iban a dejar
    hace poco ¨rumores dicen, q el hombre con poder decía: ya me canso esa p vieja¨
    bueno el segundo intento fue el q culmino.
    ya ven no todo es lo que parece y menos lo que nos dicen a diario los que están mas arriba y así es todo.
    despierten a la verdadera realidad.

    Have fun translating.

  29. Was she really a hero? Looks n sounds more like a martyr. Maybe she just didn't care after so many attempts and the loss of her husband.if I was her I WOULD HAVE CARED n relocated with my kids(which was the only parent they had left)our of the country it somewhere. Kids fine first.being considered a hero a very distant 2nd.

  30. @8:33 It was when the government set there goals on eliminating the cartels once and for all which sparked the Violence ten-fold,now that they have set the wheels rolling its gonna be a bloody fight to the bitter end and of course expect more deaths of innocents.
    But your right MX has to exterminate the cartels.

  31. This woman deserves to have a medal minted in her honor. I also expect many other kinds of well deserved national honors.

    It is a sad day ... Mexico can't afford to forget her.

    Mexico Watcher

    Non bastava quello che gli avevano fatto già in precedenza per ben due volte!!!
    Dovevano ucciderla questa bellissima ragazza coraggiosa e forte e, chiaramente anche bellissima.
    Le mie più sentite condoglianze alla famiglia.
    Questi mafiosi di merda che siano maledetti!!!!!

  33. What a bunch if shitbags. special place in hell Fo those mofos

  34. CT are hugging each others nuts...Where are the Knights Templar bastards? Allowing innocents to be murdered!!...So called protectors of society bullshit from Knights Templar bastards...All narcos are scumbags.

  35. How do you scare people any more than they already are, when the country is already in shock? Three attacks. Obviously she had bigger juevos than the guys who killed her. Real tough guys down there in Mexico. Real tough. When will the Mexican government let the people arm themselves and take back their country? This is why the US has never been invaded. In WW2, the head Japanese General had a ground assault already in place. When the Emperor herd of this he told him that it is impossible to invade a country who's people are armed to the teeth. "A gun behind every blade of grass" was the way he put it. Do you think these assholes would try half this crap if the people had the ability to shoot back? How do you defend your children from these people when you have nothing? It's fine for the wealthy and those in power who can afford bodyguards, but the average Mexican is an easy target.

    1. "This is why the US has never been invaded" Right, so the Mexican who was Pancho Villa didnt count??

      He invaded with his troops took whatever he wanted killed who ever he wanted and left.The US never caught up to him.

  36. Thank you for those comments of concern about our safety. Myself I am in US undergoing treatment and surgeries for a serious illness, I will not be able to return to Mx for apx 4 mos. My office has never closed and it is my staff I worry for. We have endured now 2 shootouts on and around our property and another close by. We do have a safety plan, mostly for travelling and getting around town. I made many mistakes in the past for ignorance. Now I am paranoid. Only one of my staff knows I write for BB. She figured it out.
    I have had problems with narcos this past year, serious enough I may have to leave the town I am in, but hope to stay in Coahuila.

    @@:06AM She is a hero by her actions after the first two events.

    Y Chismes Rey, se sabe todos los chismes;
    As for amor car, does that make a person less of anything? Bought a degree? Please...give me a break, oh yes she is culpable that is why they wanted to kill her. Not one publication worth their salt said the things you have, nor hinted of improprieties, yet a fool on a blog knows what no one else does.
    Go to BDN, they welcome your fairy tales there.

    1. My prayers are with you,your family and all at BB. PLEASE STAY SAFE AND GODSPEED. You all are heroes to me. God bless Mexico.Your friend in Texas.

  37. For the asshole @ November 18, 2012 12:12 AM who wrote the horseshit above.

    How do you explain her wounds in those pictures, imbecile ? Are you saying that she orchestrated the shootout that killed her husband just to come across as a hero or a martyr ? I mean, look at you posting bullshit like you were there, soiling her memory just because you have access to a computer. Regardless, she was murdered by cowards who specialize on killing women and children, there's no glory in that, only a fuking coward chismoso like you believes your tall tales. So que chingas a tu puta perra madre, pendejo! Have fun translating ...

  38. Mr. Chismes @ 1:37 simply took a comment from an anonymous post in Proceso and posted it here as fact. Such courageous anonymous chismosos will come out now that their target is dead and cannot defend herself. -- un vato

  39. Whatever all the comments people are saying,she was a woman killed by a bitch ass man.She had more to fear than people posting here,real dangers,so lets not start giving out medals to poster's?As for wounds being superficial or any of that shit,if you look closely i think the woman has a colostomy bag?Could be wrong,but that certainly aint superficial?But like the majority here i didn't know the lady,whatever way you look at it Mexican men got a fuckin lot to answer for.

  40. Vato I am an English only reader. English articles I can get all day long, but the articles you and Chivis translate for us are those I would never have an opportunity to read. Thank you

  41. I left an emotional message here last night that I can't even bare to read today, I can really get upset and fill a page with large letters, dots to emphasize the anger or points I was trying to make: like others I just do not accept murder as a way to deal with other human beings. What Mexican criminals have done is crossed the line where business matters are involved getting so f... desperate to go as far as murdering the competition and / or getting even with others and killing people they hate. No doubt there are also gun slingers who love to shoot guns because they're either out of their minds or looking for a sadistic thrill, to see someone begging for their lives and then pull the trigger even when the target is an innocent person.

    I have a question: if Gorrostieta Salazar knew her life was in danger why didn't she make arrangements to get out of harm's way? Could she not have gotten out of Mexico altogether, immigrate to a safer country, apply for a work visa, things like that? If it was possible for her to go to a safer place and she didn't do it then once again I tend to get very angry because I like other folks wanted her to live and have a good life and now she's gone.

    Where in the hell is this God that people have prayed to for centuries?!! Está de vacaciones?!!, Is this God on permanent vacation or what?!

  42. Yes the same Knights Templar who vow not to hurt innocents, women, etc. what fuckery it all is, I hope when tuta goes down his falls deep. They only vow to hurt government officials, whatever, they will anyone and everyone. Knights Templar will be eradicated just like LFM.

  43. Caballeros templarios matan mujeres y ninos pin..ches narcos arrastrados pongansen a trabajar bola de indios ke bien bravos, pos si nomas ,con los indefensos...hijos de la china dicho.

  44. R.I.P .....she's my ant ... ..we will always love her.... I hope they get them motherfucker ... Anais DOminguez Salazar ....

  45. Michoacan, is controled by Caballeros Templarios!! No hit would of happened without them knowing!! Which leaves that these Bastards, Putos!! had to do something with this hit!! pinche maricas!! first those culos put banners all over the state,including out of state about their propaganda Bullshit!!! and now a hit on a Woman Alcalde!! Ke culeros!!! I Hope these assholes go down one by one!! HAS PATRIA DALE 10-10 a un MArica Templario!!!
    Thanks BB for informing US about this trajic situation!!!! descanza en paz MAria, lla estas con tu esposo!! mis muchos pesames

  46. Repudio total a muerte de la Dra. Santos, he estado en shock desde la lamentable y terrible noticia. No a la impunidad!

  47. Chivis, please note: All those pendejos that are calling us "You Mexicans", please don't comment if you don't know what you are talking about!! Here in the U.S. a lot of things happen MASS Shooting's, Pedofiles, Sicko Maniacs, and the Great Majority are Gringos, but you don't see me putting Rednecks or Gringos!! Do you??? so lay off the you Mexicans Cabrones......

  48. @ 8:11

    I completely agree that the term "You Mexicans" is racist, so is "you white people" and we get both.

    as for the US having a lot of violence, we have violence of course, and corruption, and lawbreakers. every country does. But ....

    In Mexico I speak to 9 year olds seeing a decapitated body when playing with friends, or stepping out her door to a dismembered body in Tamps. You will be hard pressed finding a child and speaking to them about those crimes in the US.

    and in Mexico I have dozens of children n video speaking about the horror they have seen in their every day life.

    US murders are often people that know eachother, in fact only 1 of 4 murders are stranger murders. Not so in Mexico.

    US now has a homicide rate that is very low, 4.2 per 100k. that is darn good in a nation our size....Paz, Chivis

  49. Life, thanks to society, has no value. Only those with morals and a conscience care and value life. But those individuals don't play this game. RIP morals, honor, respect, integrity, honesty and common sense.

  50. La Tuta & Knights of Templar are the worst of all narco gang bangers in Mexico and they all need to be killed...La Tuta the bastard puta will soon get killed by the military...Viva Mexico.and

  51. fuck the mexican government.

    america, what the fuck are you doing you need to help your neighbours!

    get the fuck out and help mexico!!!

  52. So sad but usually when someone like this woman is killed and after two unfailed attempts it's because she must have been affecting in someway one of the local cartels in this case it would either be La Familia Michoacana or Los Caballeros Templarios. The same thing happened to a politician in Boca Del Rio, Veracruz Nayeli Reyes Santos a few years back. In that case she was getting in Los Zetas business and they ended up being kidnapping and mutilating by her leaving a narco message saying it happened for getting into they're business. But trust me she wasn't killed simply for no reason she had to have done something that pissed one of the cartels off. So sad but true!


  53. "I left an emotional message here last night that I can't even bare to read today"
    Im sorry,but you can bleat all you want with the rest on here.At least this woman really did face danger,unlike 99% of people here,this woman was living it!I wonder if you people get this concerned when a poor cousin,poor uncle,distant relative is in hospital or dying?I work in the public sector and the more i see of human nature the more i am disgusted by their hypocrisy,just like here.
    People are ready to take praise and plaudits,when in reality they are in no danger at all?This woman faced real danger,whatever the facts are,we have people ever so hurt over individuals they did not know,you are not this concerned over family members?

  54. Pretty misanthropic and misogynistic people if we are honest enough to say it.Very argumentative,jingoistic,racist,from a neutral standpoint?But alas,we cannot speak the truth no more?We have a thing called political correctness which conceals distasteful truths beneath a veneer of hypocrisy.

  55. What is this happy horseshit about the term "mexicans"?? What's wrong with that? This is a blog about serious shit going on in mexico and time is taken to address one thing pointed out by one overly sensitive shit stain taking offense to something? But we here at bb are so busy so overwhelmed so busy oh my god we're so busy... wow. Mexicans are from Mexico what is wrong with the word mexicans? Don't give me this hispanic and latino bullshit. I for one like mexican. I prefer it. It carries weight goddamit, it means something. Not watered down like latino and hispanic. Mexican american is fantastic also. I don't know where latin is, and euro dog trash = hispanic, made up by pussy footers. And Why would you say "white people" is racist? They are white people. Now you say wetback or cracker, well theres a problem. Glad we could take the time to address it, busy busy bb. And FUCK CT bunch of bitch ass women murderers.

  56. "I for one like mexican. I prefer it. It carries weight goddamit, it means something"
    Its good to see some people still have common sense.
    I saw that comment yesterday and commented but it never got posted.One of the mods"I completely agree that the term "You Mexicans" is racist"?
    If someone is born in Mexico,they are Mexican,are you people for real?What is racist about that?
    If we all bow down to this kind of shit,everyone will be terrified to say anything that resembles the truth.We all know what is racist,and that is not,the idiot who whined about it was looking for an argument and response from some mods,and he got it.Ridiculous political correctness again.

  57. It would seem as though CT are being held responsible for this?Who knows if she did do something?But did it really merit the attacks that were made on her and which eventually killed her?
    As a poster above said,there is usually a reason,but to try and kill her a few times,,,,what did she possibly do to antagonize them this much?
    Imagine if her crime was not bowing down to their demands?Imagine if they killed her for that,because she would not play their game?Remember the poor mayor who was pulled over in his car and politely spoken to by CT or LF?Cant remember exactly which one,but that mayor did not have any choice in the matter.Imagine if they are genuine good people trying to help decent Mexicans?That is the real tragedy?

  58. "Don't give me this hispanic and latino bullshit"
    Its the same kind of political bullshit as"African American,Irish American,Italian American"bullshit words to hit people over the head.Everyone wants to get to the USA so bad,then turn around and say this kind of shit?We all come from somewhere,we can all say of which heritage we are,but making a big racial deal out of it?Usually the ones shouting about these things have got the problems with race.

  59. After the first attack she should have gotten her ass out of Mexico. Better to flip burgers and wait for asylum in the US than die on the side of the road in Mich. Why did she stay is a good question.

  60. The other gangbanger cartels fight and confront the Mexican Army but CT gangbanger worthless clowns always run away from the Mexican Army like the Cowards they are and only attack innocent unarmed civilians....CT are cowards and as best can classified as narco banner painters...La Tuta(puta) will be killed by the Mexican Army or Z40.

  61. checele a la polecia.y al joto de penia joto so puro culeros espero que encuentren a los jotos que matoaron a esta senorita que no dejo cajer la bandera mexican .putos jotones ala verga maricones mata mujeres no valen dick

  62. They need to add Maria along with Maricela Escobedo to that list of Heroines of Mexico. Mary DIDN'T run to flip burgers in safety. Maricela brought attention to the dysfunctional justice system and got a bullet in her head right in front of the governor's palace for her efforts. Both of these women knew the risks they faced and didn't cower. Heroines....

  63. @9:25am what run to a foreign land? she lived and breathed Mexico....she knew she had a duty to help guide mexico towards a better future and seems she gave heart and soul for her beliefs....tragically finally her life.

  64. @ November 20, 2012 9:25 AM

    Aren't you the same people that are saying the mexican people should stand up and fight against these monsters? And now when you see the reality to what happens to people that do such a thing you say run. The truth is you run a big risk when you stand up against the cartels because they control and have alot of power in Mexico and they're NO gangbangers! To the idiot calling them gangbangers don't get them confused homeboy. Gangbangers sell drugs at street level and are small time to the cartels! I'm not glorifying the cartels but just trying to point out how big they really are so that people think twice before making or giving advice on what Mexico should do to eliminate these people. That's why instead of going against the current and risk death it's alot easier in Mexico to shut up and go with the flow! This woman probably didn't deserve to die like Eduardo Moreira in Acuña but thats the reality of things in Mexico!


  65. @ November 21, 2012 8:23 AM
    "Aren't you the same people"
    Aren't you the same person always being racist?
    Our old friend chac-racist is back with his anti US bullshit again?This guy is so full of shit,he doesn't know whether he comin or goin,he probably comin,is this the dude who said he was on the"down low"We don't need to know that dude,know what we mean?

  66. The truth is you run a big risk when you stand up against the cartels because they control and have alot of power in Mexico and they're NO gangbangers,i would like to see all you Americans stand up and fight,the way you always say about us.Why do you always say that,the big bad USA,gonna fix everything on the planet,why dont you send your troops in to fix it?Your great troops.


  67. @November 21, 2012 8:23AM....If you and your narco gangbangers are "not gangbangers" then what do you stupid punks think you all are?" Educated, sophisticated corporate honchos ", stupid CT gangbanger joker.

  68. “It is because it's prohibited. See, if you look at the drug war from a purely economic point of view, the role of the government is to protect the drug cartel. That's literally true.”

    ― Milton Friedman

  69. I wonder - will the thugs really just throw in the towel if drugs get legalized? And start working 9-5 in decent, legal professions? What stops them from maintaining their monopoly by bombing pharmacies selling legal drugs, and killing off all the people involved in a legal drug commerse? Also, I can't help comparing Maria Santos Gorrostieta and other heroines like Anna Politkovskaya and Malala Yousufzai with Mr Julian Assange, who is hiding in the London embassy of a South American banana republic dictatorship, and thus betraying his friends who will lose the bail money they put up.

  70. I wonder - will the thugs really just throw in the towel if drugs get legalized? And start working 9-5 in decent, legal professions? What stops them from maintaining their monopoly by bombing pharmacies selling legal drugs, and killing off all the people involved in a legal drug commerse?

    Also, I can't help comparing Maria Santos Gorrostieta and other heroines like Anna Politkovskaya and Malala Yousufzai with Mr Julian Assange, who is hiding in the London embassy of a South American banana republic dictatorship, and thus betraying his friends who will lose the bail money they put up.

  71. Thank the Americans, if it were not for American money and greed, and self indulgence, there wouldn't be such a large cartel power in Mexico.


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