Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Knights say "Adios" to President Calderon

Borderland Beat

The criminal group Los Caballeros Templarios (Knights of Templar) said their goodbyes to the six year President Felipe Calderon of Mexico through narcomantas placed in at least three states. 

In Guanajuato, the messages were put on the pedestrian bridges of Apaseo El Grande, Tarandacuao, Uriangato, Coroneo, Acámbaro y Villagrán. 

The criminal organization expressed their disagreement against the fight the federal government brought against organized crime. 

"Message for Sr. Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa:

Sr. President we want to tell you through these mantas, since we have only this resource to communicate with each other, that we were never in agreement with the way you treated us. Your intentions might have been good but not the way you did it. However with all the pain and wounds that are still present, we want to tell you that we learned a lot, because at the same time, we, as  rebellious countrymen or very heroic ones, we recognize that we also caused damage to PFP (Federal Police), very much deserved. We as countrymen or a brotherhood wanted to respect you, but you never looked our way. In a cool manner it would have been different for Michoacan, if you, with your title and authority, that you showed, if you might have treated your country with love and true justice. Before all and everything we apologize and since we are not going to have you anymore in December as our president, we hope for you, your family, and cabinet that it will go like Vicente Fernandez said (in his song)... "I wish it will go beautiful for you" -- CTGM-Caballero Templarios Guardia Michoacana "

In Moreilia, Michoacan, the mantas appeared with the same message, seemingly also were circulated by fliers.

Meanwhile,  in Guerrero the messages were placed on pedestrian bridges in Zihuatanejo de Azueta y Petatlán. 

Federal security, state and municipal performed walks in that area region of  the state to detect more messages

PGR Offers Reward for Pablo Mondragón Peña “El Pollo” and other Knights Templar

PGR informed, Thursday, November 14  that persons will awarded up to three million pesos for the the information leading to the identification, location and apprehension of alleged perpetrators of organized crime, the Knights Templar, for crimes against health (drug trafficking), crimes of extorsion and those resulting.  Persons will be rewarded up to five million pesos  for the identification leading to location and apprehension of Pablo Mondragón Peña, alias “El Pollo” or “Alfredo," for crime against health, extortion and crimes that resulted to the detriment of entrepreneurs in Michoacán and Guanajuato.

"On July 26, 2012, the Special Unit for Crimes of kidnapping (UEIDS) Attorney Generals Office Specialized Investigation of Organized Crime (SEIDO), initiated an investigation on charges of organized crime, against health and extortion committed against businesses in the states of Michoacan and Guanajuato," says the PGR document.

"From the steps taken to clarify the crimes referred, we have identified the involvement of members of the criminal organization calling itself the Knights Templar, led by Pablo Mondragón Peña".

The agreement, published Thursday in the Official Journal of the Federation detailing offered five million pesos to the person or persons who provide viable information leading to the location or apprehension of Pablo Mondragón Peña.

The agreement states that the information will be received at the offices of the PGR located in Paseo de la Reforma No. 75, Ground Floor, Guerrero, in the Federal District, and the email address .

Also phone calls will be received at phone numbers (55) 53-46-15-44 and (55) 53-46-00-00, extension 4748, in Mexico City and in the 01-800-831-31- 96, from anywhere in the country.
SourcesReforma, Terra, Milenio

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  1. CT's are idiots especially for apologizing to Calderon after in other words saying he did a shitty job as president.

  2. Viva Los Caballeros Templarios!
    Guardia de Michoacan
    El Soldado

    1. Estas muy mal compa como te sientes cuando te mandan a matar innocentes?? Alli so te da orgullo o no?

    2. este "Soldado" es un idiota. viva Mexico y que se chingen los carteles.

  3. Good Post!
    Calderons Out and ,,CT is still In

  4. These guys are fucking retarded. From their goofy outfits to their idiotic banners, they are nothing more than a bunch of hacks. When you boil it all down, they are just a bunch of drug smugglers with guns, and that is it. All of the cartels are the exact same. Same goals, same structure, same tactics, same product, same ways and means, same everting. They are all like chocolate cake. The exact same, just decorated differently on the outside.

  5. The CT are completely looney. They believe this Robin Hood crap?

  6. That sounds loco. As if someone has been smoking way too much mj. I'm sooooo sure he will be missed by every cartel. LOL. May God bless the innocents in Mexico. Your neighber in Texas. I am greatful for those at BB, who works so hard to bring us timely stories. Thanks to all.

  7. This DTO may be the wackiest and hypocritical in all of the organized crime groups in Mexico. Still totally bad, bad to the core no matter what they spout.

  8. Manta sounds like a threat to me. Hope he doesn't plan on moving back to Michoacan. I wonder what kind of security detail he will have once he is out of office? Pray for him and his family. He fought fire with fire.

  9. Fuck you and the Z, Sinaloa cartels are just fucked up scum.....dont dare to tell the people that you are defending the mexicans. Fuck you....and thank you for terrorizing a once peaceful mexico. You should sing goodbye to yourself.

  10. they should of dedicated the song "LAS GOLONDRINAS" instead


  11. Can you say attention whores.. haha.. knights Templar you just my day..

  12. Looks like they are still upset they got their toy helmets taken away.

  13. How totally "nuts" is that? I have to admit they make me laugh more than other cartels. Calderon responded with his own narcomanta

  14. With the rewards, maybe a few more wlll be rounded up. They gotta do lots of drugs, they reay seem gone-just imagine doing this. I don't see a threat in this really. Good one

  15. Fuken confused loonatics. This is why I come to BB, not to inform myself or somehow make a diference, only come here for entertainment like this. Its almost surreal, like if calderon gives a fuck and he's gonna respond, "thanks, I wish you luck as we'll". Haha! Fuken unbeliavable! Pinches michoanos haciendole la barba a calseron lambiendole el trazero.

  16. Guess what caballeros cagados, el ejercito y marina are still going to hunt you down regardless of Calderon being out or not.

  17. I liked this story because it shows how crazy this cartel is. They are just off. Really off

  18. These knights are some Corny Mother Fuckers!

  19. this is the wakest cartel ever cartel members are criminals nt robin hoods these pallasos need to lay of the meth. fags!

  20. Dilusion is an enevitable symptom for tweakers. Knights then Robin Hood and next the Lone Ranger!

  21. I like what that other anon said days ago about know one taking the knights seriously and thats the only reason they still

  22. Ct just lost the little n I mean little respect some peopale might of still had had for u .CT are weak pathetic and dumb.

  23. It`s amazing to see that they use plastic and tape almost as a standard method, tape and plastic will leave so much evidence behind, it will be covered with hair and fingerprints and other things from those who handled it. It`s like a giftbag to police saying "I left all this evidence for you to pick thru, you`re welcome". But I guess they just don`t have to worry about things like leaving evidence.

  24. What ever happened with them knowing were z40 was did they ever try n go get him or at least snitch him out. or were they sitting around one day smoking meth n playing dressup n think hey lets go put up a manta saying we know were z40 is. fuckin midevil times rejects.
    notorious m.e.x.

  25. Heyy what do you guys know about cjng in michoacan are they still there or no more

    1. I have family that live in the border of jalisco and michoacan. They told me that los michoacanos are winning the war.

    2. This is the thing, when CJNG first came out with their video saying they were going into michoacan and going to kill El Profe,Kike,Tio even Chayo blah blah blah everybody grabbed their pom poms and started cheering!lol Then it turned out that the leader of CJNG was from michoacan and CDS no longer had their back so their popularity dropped. The truth is Chapo told Mencho they were cool as long as Mencho didn't go into Michoacan and fuck up relations with don Chayo but greedy ass Mencho started going in and killing innocent people "CT" remember the pregnant girl that got killed along with some men? Well guess who killed her? Menchos people.And if you ask why was Mencho mad At the CT it's because he was from Los Valencia that got booted out of Michoacan by LFM. So to answer your question no CJNG is done in mMichoacan

  26. Message to Felipe Calderon From Cartel de Sinaloa....Thank you for everything, for protecting me when The U.S was close to capturing me. I had a great time at ur party's and the times we went out to have dinner with my wife and your wife. El bravo says thank you for letting him go the day he got capture by the marina, thanks to you, you didnt allow the media to speak. mochomo and vicentillo aint my problem, i paid you to protect me not them. I ratted out a couple of my high ranking members cause they were doing good in profit and i was afraid of them taking me down. I wish you the best in life, CDS, Chapo Guzman...LOL

  27. The only way you can put the CT and meth in the same sentence is by saying that they are responsible for more than half of meth smuggled into the U.S! Real CT members are forbidden to consume meth,it's in the book of codes. So ridicule all you want, these guys are for real. No one on this blog has the balls to go to Michoacan and laugh and make stupid remarks like the ones you post lol. Shit theyll find you in the Sierra with one of those "toy swords" driven though your chest. So next time your cousin,bro,sis,uncle,aunt or mom are hitting the pipe remember about the CT I promise you won't laugh......

  28. @8:11pm First of all METH sux Second of all you Suck and third of all Knights Templars Sux.
    what happened with knowing where Z-40 is?
    what happened in looking after the people,when they kidnap and extort and murder innocents aswell.
    CT can go suck 40's dick,they say they know where he is!!!

  29. gone are the days when drugs used to be fun, now every time you do something that comes from mexico, you start to think about how many people died. and the quality. bleh. hows come mexican drugs are so shitty, i mean the heroin isnt even heroin. its more like codiene but brown and sticky . just a total buzzkill...

  30. "its more like codiene but brown and sticky . just a total buzzkill"
    That market has been blown apart by the huge poppy blight.Now Mexico is becoming the 2nd biggest opium producer,there is no golden triangle anymore.You get caught anywhere in Asia with it and you in major shit,im talkin possible death,,,world wide shortage.Sellers are having a hard time gettin decent shit anywhere,shy high price for anything good,seems like a lot of drug market has took a turn for the worse?Except green?


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