Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lazca: No Body No Death

By Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

No Body No Death
There was no body, though the government announced the tyrant dead.  They backed their claim with a few photos and firsthand accounts of eye witnesses.  The nation’s president weighed in “Scientific evidence proves he is dead” continuing he said  “we photographed the corpse, he has been 100% identified, it is unequivocally him”.
President Filipe Calderon?
Nope, it is Osama Bin Laden, and President Barack Obama.
About his decision not to release the death photos Obama said this on 60 Minutes; "We've done DNA sampling and testing. So there's no doubt we killed Osama bin Laden,” "And I think Americans and people around the world are glad that he's gone. But we don't need to spike the football."
Mitchell A leading forensic expert in the country told the Free Press that confirming Bin Laden's identity, which couldn't be done by DNA alone, was "very much a classic forensic case."
"A little bit of DNA, facial recognition, eyewitness testimony -- it all came together”, he said in response to the question is a body needed for identification.
Holland, the former DNA technical leader at the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory said the DNA may have been the clincher but wasn’t enough on its own for a positive ID. 
First Photo says Obama: "Let me get this straight you can't find the body of Lazca?... hahaha"
 Second photo Calderon says "Maybe it is next to the body of Bin Laden..."
Why is DNA not enough? 

First and foremost there was no known DNA sampling of OBL.  Secondly. there was no way to obtain a sample of OBL's parents.
Holland elaborated by explaining there was no DNA for comparison from OBL parents, and that is the optimal testing for identification.  Siblings will not be a perfect match and some siblings can have few matching strains.  In a case where there is DNA but no body,   DNA testing between siblings will result in clarification of sibling relationship, and nothing more.  Holland says DNA plus photo recognition, fingerprints, and witness accounts is the most optimal identification when there is no body.
Greater credential’s one will not find than those of Holland.  It was he who identified the remains of the Vietnam Unknown Solider, Lieutenant  Michael Blassie, and the last Russian Czar Nicholas Romanov.
Another prestigious forensic expert is Dr. Cyril Wecht, (photo at left) who has been the president of both the American Academy of Forensic Science and the American College of Legal Medicine, and currently heads the board of trustees of the American Board of Legal Medicine, has gone on record stating, ”Working through siblings, you can only go so far ...” .  He stressed that scars or dental impressions would go towards identification if lacking all other elements.
Dr. Holland stressed the point that he does in fact believe that it is OBL killed and whose body was buried at sea.  He based that conclusion on the sibling DNA in conjunction with photo recognition testing and eye witness account.
What about El Lazca?
This week an article was published in the Saltillo newspaper Zocalo with the provocative Tittle “El Lazca, No Body, No Certainty”.  The article was picked up by narco blogs but not by mainstream media.  Zocalo is a Coahuila Newspaper, often rumored to be directed by cartels, namely the Zetas, and heavily in support the PRI party.
If the article was written 3 decades ago perhaps it would be substantive to a point.  Mexican newspapers are written for Mexicans, and Mexico is a developing nation where the majority of its people are not educated to the facts of forensics and declaration of death sans body. “Unnamed sources” is the lowest denominator of proof and reality.  With that being established,  Zocalo reported this:
At the same time, the PGR points out “ the genetic analyzes of the father of "El Lazca" were made by the experts of the institution; however, expert service workers of the Attorney Office assured to this newspaper that they do not carry out the study of DNA of the progenitor of Lazcano, nor are they holding the samples taken in Coahuila, they only have the result of the autopsy, the corpse’s photographs and fingerprints”.
"Until we see the body, no one in the world can prove scientifically that the fingerprints submitted, is evidence that the deceased was Lazcano. Nor can they actually prove that the samples were taken from the exhibited corpse. There is no way of checking, even if they have exhumed the remains of the drug dealer's father. If the government says otherwise, they are lying, said forensic experts who requested anonymity”.
Click on any photo for enlargement
The emphasis on “only” is editing as was the underlined text.  Point being, only an autopsy, fingerprints and photos, keep in mind the words of leading forensic scientists about OBL. The fact that PGR took custody of the sampling rather than leaving the evidence with Coahuila is a huge plus in credibility.
Zocalo continues with its novela:
“On Wednesday 17, in a news conference, Jose Cuitláhuac Salinas, head of the now renamed Deputy Attorney Specialized in Investigation of Organized Crime (SEIDO) reported that it was impossible to locate the brothers of the drug trafficker to extract DNA samples, so the PGR requested the exhumation of the remains of the parents of Lazcano Lazcano, buried in the cemetery of El Tezontle, Hidalgo”.
This part of the report is curious if not absurd:
What is the most likely thing that could’ve happened?
“If we don’t have the complete evidence we fall in speculation, thinking that Heriberto Lazcano might now be a protected witness”.
"Lazcano might have made an agreement to enter the witness protection program in the United States. What good does the evidence do if it is doubtful if they were planted or supplanted? Lazcano himself could have given all the elements: his fingerprints, his blood, his DNA. So the only reliable test that would have is the body and it does not appear, "said an expert in criminology and forensic science who asks to remain anonymous.
So there you go folks!  Mystery solved
They also question the exhumation, as well as suggesting a body double and concludes that an unnamed expert says the fingerprints were conducted in a “tricky way”
According to The Zocalo, State and federal agencies conspired with the government of the United States to stage Lazca’s death so that he will enjoy a life in the US and abroad in the witness protection program.  Many comments and questions come to mind, but let’s begin with this;
The fact is that Lazca was in Sabinas (Progreso) for months, beginning last spring.  This BB reporter was advised last June not to include the Sabinas CAM school in the invitations to a prom in Acuña, as violence could break out at any time due to a premier narco leader now living there.  People knew he was there, his girlfriend’s family lives there, and a rumor, not confirmed but would explain a lot if true, says the Garcia funeral parlor was owned by the brother of Lazca’s Girlfriend.

"Bert" Moreira the former governor of Coahuila and brother of the current governor is not one I usually turn to for truth in reporting, however with that disclaimer intact I will say that he has stated in recent interviews that Lazca was living in Progreso and allowed to roam freely as in other citizen often without guards.
Why would state agencies and federal agencies conspire, especially since they don’t even like each much, if there existed this amazing conspiracy why have a state agency involved at all? Then we move to the extraordinarily ludicrous notion it was the United States and Mexico that conspired to fake his death.
If there is a conspiracy why not say there is DNA on file of Lazca?
Why not say they had a full set of fingerprints on file?
Why not say they had familial DNA on file?
In other words why not make it a whole lot tidier? There is no reason why the US would place a mass murderer on the streets of the US to work his horror on the citizens of the US.  No reason. 
There exists a far greater reason for the controversy.  Zetas want the questioning of Lazca's death.  They want to cause confusion especially within their rivals CDG and CDS.  This allows time to regroup.
So let’s take another look at what the experts surmise is the only method of identification:
Best method of identification in the event there is no corpse
1.    DNA match between child and parent
2.    Finger print match or palm
3.    Photographs
4.    Autopsy
5.    Facial photo recognition or reconstruction
6.    Eye witnesses verification
By these  accepted standards and protocols of leading forensics experts, by all the evidence set forth there is not a doubt that if there exists a Lazca DNA parental match that he is in fact dead.  
However using the same protocols is Osama Bin Laden  in fact alive and well, and possibly  in the United States of America in the Witness Protection Program?  ( Facetiously asked)


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  1. Zocalo is not much better than a zeta rag.
    If Calderon was in on faking the death it would seem that would have occurred BEFORE the election.

  2. I really do hate to say it...But.... I told you so... CHIVO...

  3. and the conspiracies continue lol

  4. Heriberto Lazcano was tracked and killed by U.S. agents disguised as Mexican marines . The United States government has the body of Lazcano . The American intel comunity is doing its best by providing misinformation to cover up its involvement .

    1. Good conspierecy theory!

    2. no this is true according to a dea agent. z40 put him up so they can lower his brothers sentence in us.. the operation was the exact same one that killed osama..


  5. "And he would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids"

  6. like i posted before theres more to this story but the main thing is that lazca is alive in baja sur ive posted before theres 3 scenerious ive heard here in san antonio texas that in one of the senerious los zetas were changing stragedy cause el taliban has alot of intell on los zetas and taliban gave it to cds and cdg and when they fucked the shit out of taliban cdg and cds pulled up their zipper and turned him in to keep his people and routes los zetas are going to be a dominant cartel in mexico cds there days are numbered

    1. You're from San Antonio??? Damn the schools must really suck there because your spelling is really bad.

    2. So is this person's grammar.

  7. Nice job laying it out chivis. So the universal protocol says the best confirmation is DNA match of parents. I thought Mexico threatened to exhume the parents to bring the brothers out to prevent it. But it looks as though they really wanted the parents all along. Interesting.

    Osama Lives! Reported spotted on the Santa Monica Pier. I told him he needs to shave the beard its a dead give away.

  8. has anyone seen obama o lazca on the street lately or even a tape? they are both back into the ecosystem providing food for worms and algae.

  9. chivo you never said this at all. you need to get out and breathe fresh air.

    chivis is correct, that is protocol and many bodies have been Identified in this way, not to mention persons convicted of murder without bodies. same thing. to think that there is this huge plan and he is alive is ignorant, with EPN perhaps, but not Calderon and it is correct calerson had much more to gain to conspire a fake death before the election.
    and Zocalo? Is that your proof chivito?
    Dumb ass.

  10. Joe Lara I've heard the same rumors as you stated its all over south Texas there is also a rumor it was all caught on video by a drone flying over head . It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out . But people are saying there was us involvement in this .

  11. Here we go again. I also want to say that Tupac is still alive, and so is Biggie. Thug life!

  12. Tupac, Biggie, Amado, Amados Doc who F him up, Elvis, and for good measure James Brown.

  13. You really need to change the name from borderlandbeat to:


    your spinning your own wheels and it is getting absurd at this point. If he is dead good. If not he is where he was last month, last year, last decade.

  14. Sasqwatch flew a ufo into the twin towers and the chupacabra blew up the building in Ok city.

  15. Breaking news. Lazca is still alive. My grandma just saw him at the mercado buying adult diapers. This is double confirmation that he is in fact alive and but has cancer and will soon be dead.

  16. "If the article was written 3 decades ago perhaps it would be substantive to a point."

    Great point and well reasoned article.


  17. Jimmy hoffa is also alive


    Lazca was just spotted at a Ruby Tuesdays in Alabama. He was accompanied by a heavy set man wearing a velvet jumpsuit. The men quickly departed after finishing off their Fork-Tender Ribs which the heavy set man was said to have finished off 8 plates of. THe two walked out the door and were met by a person who appeared to be their chauffeur. THe chauffeur appeared to be a Muslim man roughly 6'8" tall with a thick grey and white beard. The three were seen joining a 4th black male individual at a liqueur / bootleg mix tape roadside bungalow. The Black man was bald and had what appeared to be a thug life tattoo across his abdomen. The four were last seen leaving the town at roughly 88mph in what appeared to be a modified delorian.

  19. No chinguen, si insiten que Lazca no ha muerto, entonces incluyan también a Bruce Lee, y Pedro Infante. No han Muerto, todavía viven!!


  20. To the reader sending a comment questioning my analysis of Mexico being a developing nation. I will not research for you; you can find the information in Spanish as well, lts there just for you.

    Not all developing nations are within the same criteria nor are they alike. Mexico has greater development than many countries it is no Bangladesh, but it remains a developing country. The Narcowar and its violence plus its diversities such as fuel theft has hampered Mexico development. is well established as a developing nation 2/3 of citizens live in poverty, 80% of people are literate in prime areas, outside those areas it drops to 15-20%, education is the worse in the Americas and among the It worse in the world, check pisa scores. there is not system of law and order and no security for its citizens. Health care is woeful except for the upper middle class and wealthy.

    it is rich in natural resources but lack the knowledge or technology to capitalize on those resources such as deep water oil. It is not condescending to refer to Mexico as a developing country, it is a fact.

    That aside, why is it that Mexico nationals look for any element that can be twisted to a negative? Not all citizens, but it is there and well apparent. I could not even post your ridiculous comment because you could not refrain from displaying your immaturity and ignorance and name calling. But there is your answer. Now go research it yourself.

    For the record, I said Mexico did a good job in the ID of Lazca, and even greater than protocol and better than the US with OBL...

    1. So Chivis how are you going to vote for Romney if you are " on the ground" in Mexico?

    2. The same way the rest of us Americans living in MX vote, by mail, absentee or go across the damn bridge, pendejo! Btw, how do you know who Chivis or anyone else is voting for?

    3. People who vote for Obama are not fully satisfied by getting screwed, they want to be completely fu**ed by Obama twice over.....jajaja.

  21. soooo is hitler alive living in bolivia?
    tupac in jamaica..biggie apperantly Lazca was fond of africa so he prolly there smokin a joint with dave chappelle

  22. Has anyone ever wondered if Lazca was an undercover informant that was ready to leave the game and now they have to find a way to cover up his dissapearance?

  23. He is dead as Dillinger. The Zetas ultra violence was seen by the U.S. Government as akin to what transpired throughout South Central & East L.A. What happend was genertions of youth where poisened with Death Row Records, and many other mediums of the 'Gang Bang' culture, that infected the entire US population.

    Face it. The U.S. has infiltrated every last cartel, and starting with the "worst" they are dismantling them, on there terms.

    This time next year, we will be discussing conspiricy theories in regards to Chapo's death.

    Which is the norm for all high level clandestine assasination victims.

  24. "Sasqwatch flew a ufo into the twin towers and the chupacabra blew up the building in Ok city."

    Hey, I don't mind if you f*** with el Lazca. An I don't care if you give cr** to Al Qaeda. But don't go pi**in all over the chupacabras, man. Those things are real!!!

  25. so he is the whitey bolger of mexican drug cartels

  26. Has anybody seen DB Cooper lately?

  27. I told u he still alive I bet u he gona b working for CDs hahahaha wacha cucaracha

  28. "Osama been laidin" the ocean who is top terrorist of "Al CIAda".

  29. You Christians are weird. You believe a story made up by man to control the population but don't believe a man got his ass shot all to shit and died.

  30. Chivis I like your post the best you put a lot of thought into you post and really make me question so the z may not be as stupid as I thought

  31. This comment had me laughing so hard tears were rolling down my face...there is but one for this rant PRICLESS.

    The pendejo does not even realize that he just proved my point. This is what we get when we state facts that are not demeaning but simply fact. This is why Mexico stays in the shit tank for 80% of its people. Because some of the very people who should promote and demand change, write this in black and white for your evening entertainment,

    keep in mind he is pissed because I called Mexico a developing nation obviously he does not know what that means and thinks it is derogatory remark:

    "dude go munch on ur weener eres un pendejo stop ur dumb ur so caught up with this stories one of these days it will be us talking about chivis who used to blog his ass off on b.b about nunthing so in the end he is nunthing but a pendejo dude no ganas nada besides u only opiniate cuz truth to ur bs their aightnt nun u like read sum shit then twist it to suit ur needs.... all this under developed mexico estas mas pendejo que la chingada mexico has got sum of the richest people in the world.... its the people mijo ur government thats fucked up post that no dont post it read it and swallow it."

    OK, me Chivis again...since I happen to speak a little "penedejo" I will translate:

    Sir consume your penis. You seem very diligent in your search for information, but one day it will be one of your readers that will speak of Chivis and how committed he was to write about nothing, and ultimately will accomplish nothing (sorry he seems to veer from pendejo it is difficult to understand this part)

    (Now to the gist) Mexico is far from being a developing country; after all we exceed the standards of a developing country as we have some of the wealthiest people in the world.

    We have billionaires that make their riches trafficking drugs, extorting people, kidnapping, fuel theft, intellectual marketing theft. And we have others also, those are the people who hold monopolies free to charge exorbitant fees and prices to Mexicans, but that does not matter, what matters is…........we are NOT a developing nation.

  32. Jhonny cash is ALIVE!!!!

  33. Guys, everyone knows that Lazca faked his own death, and has or is currently going through a sex reassignment surgery in the Netherlands. My primo told me he heard that from his nieghbor's cousins friend in Mexico. It must be true. Now he can get out of the game and really fuck chapo

  34. People are really going overboard with this stuff I mean stuff about his double being shot and then him in witness protection in America. Some people probably think that's not even a real dead body but an alive actor playing dead!

    People get a grip! he's dead. End of story. No more of these stupid idea's and silly conspiracy's.

  35. OMFG Chivis that is some funny shit JaJaJaJa

  36. So you are saying that because there was no DNA ( that we know of) taken from Osama Bin Laden's parents then that can only mean that he must be alive? Brilliant logic there Chivis, Bravo.

  37. what a stupid question 8:56PM Americans can vote by mail from any place in the world. They also have email ballots. Snap out of it.

  38. Even if he faked his own death it doesnt change anything he would still have to be in hiding somewhere. He wouldnt be able to go in public.

  39. 9:09PM you are kidding ...right? you deducted that from the article? Go back and read again...slowly. of course I am not questioning that I was using standards in application. a comparative that Mexico had more evidence by far than the US and OBL.

    as for the developing nation status, I don't want this to become the topic I encourage you to research it. Calderon mad an attempt in June to claim the devloped status but it was rejected. Though the economy is on a good escaltion and I think if it can curb its corruption...a big if..when they do that they will become a economic powerhouse. But it is not simply about economics, which BTW calderon admitted that there are 60% of mexicans in poverty at the same time as stating there are now 55% people in middle class. not true. While Mexico’s economic outlook is promising, several impediments still stand in the way of Mexico becoming a first-tier developed nation, including a good balance between collective action and business interests, income inequality, security issues, government corruption, education, health and other social issues.

  40. Why are we even talking about Osama bin Laden???

    1. Because you American sheep believe all the lies that your government tells you

  41. U guys r all pendejo..rasca is alive he razcandome Los huevos rite now

  42. lazca is alive...why did they still his body? dna got lost!Lazca aint in no protection program, that fool is a killer and a cartel boss that is going to good for him right now. witnesses saw a comando armado going for lazcas body. They made millions in horse racing all over the world. heavy hitters like politicians, governments were involved in it. they made an agreement some way some how. Texas is the most powerful state in the u.s for politics. Zetas power is in texas and if the money is good then the republicans are good. As far as tupac, his music says it all, look up cnn news under tupac shakur, that dude is in cuba.

  43. You tell 'em Chivis, I'd listen to your educated and intelligent assessment before listening to any of these immature jaihouse lawyers.

  44. Has anyone heard the CIA agent who got fired for taking pics with Osama in a Dubai hospital and telling family and friends Osama was a personal friend AFTER HE WAS "killed" I'm not a theorist but this guy was fired and had pics that were taken down because security threat!? Idk

    1. Hahaha....Well after all its known as "Al CIAda".

  45. Lazca is dead. Why the conspiracy theory? No new stories to publish? Dont tell me Bin Laden is an informant as well.

  46. So if Lazca faked it....The Adolescent Zebra must of too,there probably both hiding together under the same mattress...getn it orn..hehe.

  47. Soy El. Lazca. Putos y todavia vivo pero. En el infernio ...y soy mas peligroso ...att.comadante..3...49.72.14.c.v

  48. And yes CDS is no different to Los Zetas.

    1. LEAN EN TIERRA DEL NARCO "" el verdadero chapo guzman"""

  49. Everybody is wrong I really have a friend that was @ Z`s service and he switch to be a CDG just right after the Lazcas death was confirm by another boss why he did that just because like he said there is nobody that can kill me now because the main man is death and the other bosses have to proved that all of their people is loyal to them we are a lot of comandantes that deserted to joint the CDG that`s the reason why nobody had heard about eliminations thru scicarios nothing in the days after lazcas killing "If the article was written 3 decades ago by Zocalo perhaps it would it be like this" Aspirante a Z decia llamrse el lazca y se lo llevo el rio Bravo.

  50. @11:14 "So if Lazca faked it."

    rite so he got some random puta who looks like him to die for him just so everyone thinks he's dead? LOL

  51. I think we are giving this dead piece of shit way too much attention. Nothing to see here folks, move along....

  52. Lol...Al CIAda....Osama oops Obama & Hilarious Cunton faked Osama's death...Osama is CIA and alive.

  53. "U guys r all pendejo..rasca is alive he razcandome Los huevos rite now"

    jajajaja. You must be Japanese. I never thought of it, but that's how someone from Japan would pronounce Lazca. There's no L sound in their language and they substitute it with the R sound in their alphabets (Hiragana and katakana). When I was there in the Air Force they used to tell me things like "Take a reft at the right" (Take a left at the light), "Air Force? Are you a pirate? (Are you a pilot?) and "Remember to vote on erection day."

    If Razca is arive, he's not in Japan. He'd get tired of people asking to scratch him on various parts of their bodies, especially if he had the sex change operation mentioned earlier and changed his [her] name to Rosa Mileña. Pobre inmundo, mejor ser muerto.

  54. Man imagine when chapo dies...... Everybody is gana fight his body... LoL


  55. I'd Love to get all you F--ken Assholes in ONE ROOM so you's all can slap the shit outta each other as your all running your mouths about conspiracy this and conspiracy that..! Your all a bunch of of kids. Everyone has to put his two cents in and all the Bull Shit together doesn't
    add up to a Fucken Nickel's worth of True Knowledge!! I'd believe more from the Globe or Star magazine then the comments I read here!

  56. Even Al Qaida said that Bin Laden is dead. So why is it even an issue?

    1. Al CIAda says what the CIA tells it to say, stupid American sheep.

  57. "why is it that Mexico nationals look for any element that can be twisted to a negative"
    Even Chivis gets frustrated by the negative nationalism that gets displayed every time you mention something detrimental or non flattering to Mexico?It is unbelievably non productive,it descends into argument then insults.
    People here are commenting and having an opinion,it is not personal or against Mexicans or Mexico.
    Please try and listen and think,instead of jumping straight to insults and the us against them argument?It is so frustrating,we all know every country has problems,it is not country against country,really its not?

  58. November 1, 2012 8:11 PM
    "You Christians are weird"? Your weird,,,,
    What Christians are you talking about?Is everyone here a christian?What are you going on about?
    I haven't seen no comments about religion here?
    Mr,i believe Lazca is as extinct as the wooly mammoth,didn't you see the zebra sitting on top of him?

  59. Chivis,if you get frustrated,imagine what the"Anglos"feel?We are just being you know what?
    Imagine you getting accused of that all the time?
    This is exactly the attitude that is holding Mexico back.I don't know why you bothered to answer,it is completely irrational thinking,and it happens way to much?

  60. Yea sure. There are always conspiracy theories. Elvis is realy on a long vacation also. So we can let this cock roach "be in hiding" , "realy not dead" as long as he quits his attrocities against the good people of the world I an satisfied.
    Mexico is killing people at a wholesale rate and some still want to believe they are faking deaths. Get real!

  61. Mexico has great potential,but Mexicans live there?
    They have to get past a lot of negativity and grow up?

    1. They need to begin by learning to put trash in a trash can, and then they can move forward from there.

  62. What difference does it make if lazca or osama are dead? Who cares? What difference does it make to anyone?

    Reading these comments I am reminded that the real danger is the multitudes of stupid, ignorant people in the world

    So 50K to 100K people have died in Mexico? How many millions were murdered in Africa (Sudan, Uganda, etc.) this century? How many millions were murdered in Biafra, Cambodia last century?

    How many innocent people have died at the hands of the Chinese government in the last 20 years? Anyone have any idea? Anyone have any perspective?

    1. I couldnt agree.more
      But the fact and reality most "americans " the so called world leaders, democracy founders and intelligent people are showing us what is reallt behind that.mask. those comments done by them are so arrogant stupid. The worst part is they are still living in wonderland. I hate saying this but i cant wait until the reverse harm done not only to mexico but tje world comes back to us
      Then probably americans will finally wake upand see the shitty backyard they have as a home thibking life is wonderfull.

    2. How many Lybyians have been murdered by USA supported Al CIAda rebel thugs? NOT REPORTED!!!!!

  63. I find it funny no one talks about usa fuck ups like OBL body. Always attack the mexicans. I always enjoy how is easirr to turb a blind eye then accepting the truth

    1. Laughing as I write this, U.S.A.'s fuck ups? How about Mexico's fuck up, as in a FAILED state?! I always enjoy how it's easier to TURN a blind eye rather than accepting the TRUTH.

  64. El basca ta muerto....y arriba toda la orilla...condado de estrella.

  65. @ 2:47
    You need to get off that crack homie!

  66. "Because you American sheep believe all the lies that your government tells you"

    Why not, pendejo? Every day they print more money. We spend it. We're lovin' it!!!

    1. @penjo brainless make NO sense...awwww asshole living in a dream or just simply stoned to be coherent....hahaha.

  67. Allot of these comments look like they are written by a 5 year old... Ignorance has found a home...

    "No body, No death!"

  68. Allot? Don't you mean a lot? That's two words bro.

  69. Osama's father is dead. I have no clue where his Syrian mother is, so his siblings were the best possible shot.

  70. TO ALL those fuckers knocking on the good old US of A.... fuck off. This is the greatest country on earth putos... con o sin osama, obama, Bush, Reagan or Romney... you disagree?

    Why has there been a mass exodus of my fellow mexicans over to the US? Because of the opportunities negated to them in mexico found on the greatest place on earth... fucking sorry ass excuse of a shitty mexican government... theres nothing wrong with my paisas, nothing wrong with the countries resources; just shitty corrupt leaders for the past 100 or so years... can't blame narcos for trying to make a buck.

    So don't hate on the US; leave it if its that bad. If you hate it and don't live here, don't come over, go have sex with yourself, elsewhere.

  71. What in the actual hell? Is this a full moon again or what? Would you posters knock off your incessant harping about chivas, it is really getting tiresome and makes you look very uneducated and quite honestly socially retarded. She is reporting the news and giving her opinion like we all do here. It would be great if you negative people could all learn to spell and piece together a full sentence, seriously get a grip. This is not about the US vs Mexico, it's about the destruction of the people by the cartels who are trying to live a normal safe existance IN Mexico. Without this website translation literally would be out of reach for us in the states. Buggs and Chivas have the patience of saints to deal with such petty drama daily. We are all guests here on someone elses dime so play nice. You get mad if they post something a day late, you get mad if they post something you don't like, you can't have it both ways. You csn bet Buggs and the others have not quit their "day" jobs to keep this website running. Alot of time is put into this endeavor. APPRECIATE IT!

  72. thank you 8:23 I appreciate the support. and also the others. I was telling a friend today I wonder if I am wasting my time. You should see the comments that don't make the cut. They are horrible and racist from both sides the border.

    I wonder why everything in life has to be a sporting event. Teams. Us and them. The US need to realize this war directly affects them, in scores of ways and we need to be a part of the solution, it will never go away, but it can be controlled to a degree that does not compromise a system of law and order.

    I was upset that after 4 debates not even a whisper about the war next door in which 100K people were slaughtered it demonstrated how far we have to go simply to inform.

    And Mexicans. Wise up, look at the big picture, be smart and realize that no other nation will come to your aid, and at the present Americans don't know what you are going through, what exists. and if they don't know they will never be motivated to help. and if they visit a blog and read the shit that some of you sling about Americans do you think that will encourage a reader to want to know more?

    Put your big boy pants on and think of your future and the future of your children. Don't you want better?...there are assholes in every nation. That is a fact. Paz and Good night everyone..Chivis

  73. The reader who speaks "Pendejo" says he was typing fast that is why his grammar is so bad. SO he tried again..I read one sentence and it is worse than yesterdays...jajaja..

    Please try and not write in pendejo language, you are welcomed to write in Spanish if you think that will help, and you can send me an email. Obviously you are trying very hard to tell me something.....

  74. What? typing fast causes stupidity? I must slow down I sure don't want to began communicating in pendejo. the translation is hysterical, I printed it and passed it around at my office, everyone enjoyed it immensely, and I picked up new followers for you in the process.

  75. Not a single TATTOO??? Is that right? These guys always have tattoos somwhere!!!
    That would be a VERY good way to identify somebody.

  76. Living in the states it is very disapointing to see how carefully worded the government deals with Mexico. Mainstream media rarely if at all tels the truth about what is really happening, yes they report about a cartel leader being caught or huge amounts of money or drugs being seized, but the true photos of suffering, I do not see in the Times or network news and if they do show it, it is downplayed. Forums with expats also downplay the danger as if you are not involved in the biz you have no reason to fear. That is totally incorrect as many innocent people are kidnapped, robbed and killed daily, mexicans, americans, canadians whoever whatever happens to cross paths at the time. I do not feel americans are being told the whole truth as mexicans are not either in the form of censored news. Although I live close to the border I feel very disconnected with Mexico and no longer feel it is a option to cross over like I have always done without some type of reprisal happening. It is not about being paranoid, it is about the reality of what is happening.

  77. U guys make fun of ppl that cant spell try writing in spanish see how much fun ill have with ur comment pendejo

  78. Come on Chivis give me a break with the "Americans don't realize what Mexicans are going through". Please.

    Americans (actually you mean white Americans) know what is happening in Mexico because they access all forms of news media. Not only the major mainstream media, all media. You seem to infer that if Americans knew what is going on in Mexico they would suddenly rise up and demand that the US government solve Mexico's problems.

    Americans don't know which Mexican to trust. Mexicans don't know which Mexican to trust. Never have.

  79. "TO ALL those fuckers knocking on the good old US of A.... fuck off. This is the greatest country on earth putos... con o sin osama, obama, Bush, Reagan or Romney... you disagree""theres nothing wrong with my paisas, nothing wrong with the countries resources"
    Oh shit.i found my brother from another mother?
    Saludos and be cool my man,this motherfucker is for you.Tener cuidado in your language out of respecto for you my man.

  80. What I interept what Chivas is saying about americans don't know what the mexicans are going thru, first off I am a american and if I did not make a effort and seek out information about what mexicans are going thru I would not know, the average american does not know what is happening, mainly because if you see the news here it will gloss over the decapitation and extreme violence, god forbid they report something going in a tourist area which is happening daily and offend them so they won't travel over. Well for myself please offend me because I appreciate knowing the truth about what is happening there and Chivas is 100 percent correct in stating americans don't know. They are either in denial or think it does not apply to them. If I listened to the reports here in the states I would be somewhere in San Luis Potosi with my head up my ass thinking oh it can't happen to me, um yes it can. Thanks Chivas for your spot on ACCURATE reporting.

  81. You can be sure Lazca is dead when the next in line takes his place. We did not need Lazca to develop intelligence on the Zetas cartel. We have informants inside the cartel that have been well paid and promised US citizenship for their cooperation. End of story.

  82. "Americans don't know which Mexican to trust. Mexicans don't know which Mexican to trust. Never have"
    Add to that the simple fact of how much they hate us as"gringos"and you can't blame Americans for being slightly ambivalent about their plight.You cannot even try to point anything out without the"look how many murders you have"argument starting to surface.
    Yes we know"every"country got problems with murder,but we might say Mexico's is slightly different.Or we might not if we are talking to a Mexican national,it doesn't matter as long as we stay well away from each other,it never ends.

  83. "RESPETO not respecto gringo"
    I coudn't give a fuck what it is mexican.
    I was tryin to be nice as well.Bitch ass haters

    1. Thanks for being nice.. don't worry about the haters...

  84. Respecto sounds better though,here let me put it in a sentence: How dairoh you be sor latar forer dienner you bastedo of a husbendo,you havetty nor Respecto for you wifey mamamia!!! see,u like?

  85. November 7, 2012 1:58 AM
    "Respecto sounds better though,here let me put it in a sentence"
    Oh yeah,now i get it.Now i can speak fluent Spanish thanks dude,for all that help,i mean that most sincerely .
    "mamamia"thats a killer?

  86. "Thanks for being nice.. don't worry about the haters"
    No problem man.At least some of us can talk rationally.


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