Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Aztecas ambush Juarez police; 15 gunmen arrested

El Diario December 8, 2012

15 Suspects of Los Aztecas were arrested for the attack., two are ages 14 and 15
Translated by un vato for Borderland Beat

Ciudad Juarez.-- Agents of the Municipal Public Security Secretariat (SSPM) were attacked with gunfire yesterday by members of the "Los Aztecas" gang -- armed branch of the "La Linea"-- in what was the first attack against the agency since January, and led to the arrest of 15 individuals who had an arsenal in their possession.

Three police officers were wounded, one of them is in a delicate medical condition because he was shot in the face. The spokesperson for SSPM, Adrian Sanchez Contreras,  revealed that the patrol officer -- 32 years old and assigned to the South District -- lost some skin from his face and that's why they cannot tell how many times he was shot.

The ambush happened at 10:40 a.m. and started on Oscar Flores Sanchez Avenue at Centeno Street, Colonia La Cuesta, where the suspects began following the officers and sprayed them with bullets when they got to the intersection with Montes Himalaya.

Witnesses to the incident said that the police agents in patrol unit P-680 were attacked by a convoy of gunmen, but managed to defend themselves. Area residents reported hearing bursts of gunfire from the gunmen's weapons, but also heard shots from the police agents who defended themselves.

After wounding the patrol officers, the aggressors fled. The patrol unit was left adrift because its passengers were wounded.

Impacts from the bullets could be seen on the rear window of the patrol vehicle, as well as bloodstains on the door and the seats of the unit.

The city police officers asked for help from central (headquarters) and, in response, local elements and personnel from the State Attorney General (FGE; Fiscalia General del Estado), which controlled all the city police units, went to their aid.

After this first incident, after the reinforcements arrived, city police as well as ministerial, they obtained information from witnesses and implemented a strong operation to search for the attackers; agents combed the Independencia II and Revolucion Mexicana neighborhoods.

Police elements managed to locate the vehicles that were involved in the confrontation thanks to an anonymous tip that was provided to the Emergency Center and Immediate Response (CERI; Centro de Emergencia y Respuesta Inmediata) 066, which provided information about the presence of armed persons in Colonia Independencia I, informed SSPM spokesperson, Adrian Sanchez Contreras.

The operation took the police to the intersection of Salvador Allende and Carlos Amador Fonseca streets in Colonia Mexico 68, where they found an SUV that was used in the attack.
 The vehicle has a bullet hole, the rear windows broken and the rearmost seats turned around to face to the rear, from where it is presumed the suspects fired, since there were assault rifle bullet casings
Witnesses said that four individuals with tattoos and shaved haircuts got out of a black 2001 Tahoe, license plates 379-SAT-8, three carrying long weapons and one with a pistol, and were picked up by others who were in an older model white pickup.

After an intensive search, in which a third uniformed officer was wounded by bullet fragments, they detained Juan Miguel Mozo, 28 years old, identified as the leader of the organization; Marco Antonio Zamarron, 34 years old; Ricardo Delgado Rodrigues, 30 years old; Julian Ruiz Garcia, 27; Hector Oliva Reyes, 29; Ruben Alejandro Rosales, 37; Victor Ulises Quintana, 18; Francisco Fernando Montejano, 19; Ivan Isael Cazares, 27; Adrian Alberto Garcia, 21; Alejandro Inocencio Rosales, 27; Manolo Salazar Mondragon, 28; and Nancy Nohemi Casas Lopez, 21 years old.

[translator's note: list of seized weapons omitted. --un vato] 


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  1. Puros malnacidos. I hate Aztecas, they are nothing but Tecatos..

  2. The Juarez cartel is down to slobby street gang members in 12 year old SUVs now. They ran away tail between their legs from a carload of wounded cops. A couple years ago, they would have finished them off. The Juarez Cartel exists only in Juarez now. They are completely surrounded by the mini-me's gang. Vicente Carrillo Fuentes must have retired with his billions and moved to Indonesia, or somewhere else relatively safe. They control nothing in Mexico anymore.

    1. If you knew anything about chihuhua youd know chapo is losing plazas and the killing of police will continue.. Theyres a clean up and now more than ever la linea will attack everyone that still has ties to chapo, the federales and military is out, only police are left so they are gonna die like flies

  3. todos con la cara inchada, no lo dudo que les metieron una bola de chingasos a esos cabrones

  4. Yeah....well fuck CDS,Hope la linea,aztecas,juarez cartel take it all back!!!! fuck CDS .

    1. CDs rifa y siguira rifando mas que esos putos!

    2. Steven Rodriguez your super extremly gaaaaay.."CDS RIFA" .. get the Fuck out of here.. stop listing to corridos you little chavala...

    3. Cual pinche sinaloa puto, se van a salir ala verga de todo chihuhua que la linea manda y si no pudieron sin ayuda de la dea y del gobierno aora menos q entro el pri, empiesa un cambio en chihuhua y sinaloa va para bajo

  5. 15 'gunmen' arrested = 15 SAVAGES

  6. I swear one of these days,one of those individuals in the mugshots gonna be hanging out for a fix and load one of the assault rifles and fkn go rambo!!!
    they dont even look handcuffed,guns right next to them,full mags next to that.....i just hope there is 50 soldiers behind the camera armed.

  7. Pura pinche linea, y que chingen a su madre todos los jotos ardidos que no les guste

    1. Las Malinches creen que pertenecen a la linea y ni casa han de tener. Pura linea pero de mierda.

  8. Los aztecas y la linea estan regresando pa tumbar al chapo y alos que los protegen, los compotas del leyzaola.. al chapo se le acabo su tiempo y aora es tierra de nadie

  9. why dont u put up the Rodolfo Torre Cantú story of meeting with Lazca?

  10. I think that juarez cops are the ones hanging...LOL

    You will find out about this, a few days late as always.

    There is shit going on in Juarez that you people dont understand, nor will you, unless you truly get into understanding thenitty gritty of juarezsocial relations and its internal politics.

    There were accords reached and the attempted murder of these cops was to clean out those helping out the competition, but since leyzaola is the comp, he went head hunting or more like witch hunting, arresting a couple real henchmen and stringing along a dozen kids for publicity, and the result is a retaliation for the same publicity to also make the police look bad that they arent invulnerable and 3 cops are dead about half a dozen injured and more to come. Same scenario that occurred in january 2012 that led all police corporation to seek refuge in motels...LOL

    stay tuned

  11. It's obvious la linea/ Juarez cartel are finished! This is their best attack against municipales? They didn't even kill anyone!! So lets go I'm ready for all the chapo-haters to do like they always do and just deny all facts. It's obvious Chapo has won the state of Chihuahua! I'm just stating facts. Of course there are some smaller plazas where there have conflict, but Chapo is moving the weight through Juarez, NOT la linea. But I get a good laugh at everyone who claims how strong la linea is.

    1. No seas wey la linea ya se quedo con juarez el chapo no pudo

  12. I was under the impression that "La Linea" was out of business as well as El Viceroy..! but obviously they got some new "Young Turks" riding
    it out thru to the End. Sinaloa will mop up these young guys quick and that "Lil Trol" (El Chapo) will be in bed the the PRI just as before! Just another mexican Novella (As the World Turns)..! Ho Hum !!!

  13. aztecas might not look like much, but even chapo & calderon together couldnt take these guys out.

  14. AZTECAS killing corrupt police....good job.

  15. Estan pendejos todos! Estos gueyes no son Aztecas! Los Aztecas son de aka del norte, son pelones tatuados y esos cabrones no andan con estas mamadas. En Juarez La Linea todabia controla la cuidad pero afuera es donde andan los chapos. Se meten y se agarran a chingasos con la gente. La unica manerra que el chaputo controlara el estado es si mata a todo el pinche estado. Estos gueyes los levanto la ley y los madrio para que aguevo se confesarron a estas acusasiones. Los chaputo ya se andan matando entre ellos mismos porque son los del M10, los del salguiero, y los de la linea. Los de el M10 y la linea no tiene bronka pero los M10 y salguiero si. Este pinche chaputo nomas entro a cagar la pinche verga aqui en Chihuas y en Durango. Pero ya valio madre entre ellos mismo. FELIZ NAVIDAD!!!

  16. these guys are defenently not aztecas, these were picked up by the police and forced to confess for this crime. I predict there will be more dead municipales pretty soon.

  17. tan pendejos los policias de leyzaola si piensan que van a controlas juarez y todo el estado.. el pendejo de leyzaola ya no tiene ayuda del gobierno aora que entro el pri, van a caer mas municipales porq la linea va ir contodo, el chapo ya perdio en juarez aunque no lo quieran creer aora van a retomar y matar a todos los culos que protegieron a sinaloa que todo chihuhua es de la linea y la gente de chihuhua no de los marranos de sinaloa

  18. Los Ms are with Beltran Leyvas and Carillo Fuentes,they broke away from CDS but M 10 already had beef with El Flaco Salguiero( the leader of GN, gente Nueva chapos ppl)because el Flacos people were killing and heating up Durango (M10 plaza) so now thats hes not part of CDS he wants the Salguiero plaza since M10 and M11 are both in charge of plazas and have been for years without problems,these guys have alot of power and people in Durango and Chihuahua.

  19. I hear the military are coming back to juarez.


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