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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Four Zetas Killed while Trying to Steal Plaza Boss El Pokemon's Body

Borderland Beat

In a statement issued near midnight on Friday, the state government reported that a group of men attacked soldiers guarding the amphitheater where the body of the suspected plaza leader was held.

Elements of the armed forces shot to death four suspected criminals when they attacked the military in an attempt to steal the body of Ángel Enrique Uscanga Marín, alias El Pokemon , identified as the leader of the criminal group Los Zetas in the region of Cordoba, in the state of Veracruz.
On Thursday 27 December, soldiers working as part of the Coordinated Operation Safe Veracruz, faced off with a cell of organized crime in the Congregation on 2o de noviembre,  of the same city.

It was reported that operations had killed five suspected gunmen but it wasn't until Friday afternoon that the Attorney General of the State of Veracruz verified that among the dead was the plaza chief  of Los Zetas.

In the statement issued near midnight on Friday, the state government reported that a group of men attacked the soldiers guarding the amphitheater where the body of the plaza leader lay.

The members of the order repelled the attack and shot dead four gunmen who fired from a vehicle against the military installation which contained the bodies of the five criminals killed on Thursday.

Elements assigned to the coordinated program "Veracruz Seguro" established a security perimeter around the area to protect civilians. Ministerial authorities arrived on the scene, who testified the facts.
At the scene they secured vehicles, weapons and a grenade, which were made available to the appropriate authority.
It is known that in May of this 2012, Ángel Enrique Uscanga Marín, El Pokemon was arrested in the town of Amatlán de los Reyes for the crime of theft of motor vehicles, however, he was released..


  1. The Pokemon, where da fuck do they get these daft names from LOL

  2. Less roaches in Mexico a lot more to go

  3. You should add up the number of dead in the healine for us like Chris Convert does and you would get as many visitors to your stories. It is 9. Convert is a veteran, so pay attention to him, Vanna. Just saying is all. Without numbers, readers are cheated and may read something of light significance not usually a problem on Bb. Just saying is all.

  4. For the morons that praise these imbeciles as being "bad asses"... As soon as they face a capable fighting force, they get taken out. These assholes are only good against, women, babies or people that are tied up, otherwise they're worthless human feces.

  5. I'm guessing the cartel members are running out of names? El Pokemon?

  6. @9:28
    Which war was 'Convert ' in? Anyone know? Maybe Vanna or Chiver or Vago might?

    1. 11:02 Desert Storm if i'm not mistaken, and you meant Vargo? Didn't you?

  7. "You should add up the number of dead in the healine for us like Chris Convert does"
    C,mon man,are you havin a laugh,the story is there and we can read the results ourselves.Your bitching about incidentals,pointing out minutiae,basically fuckin nothing.These people are doing this for nothing,so stop whining for fucks sake.Fuck is the matter with people?

  8. Calderons War on Drugs is really a war against the poor.

  9. El Pokomon was young just a 20 year old who probably thought he'd live forever. Thug life isn't known for longevity.

  10. Seems like a suicide mission to me. They would have needed armed vehicles and more heavily trained and armed fighters not just four guys out joyriding with guns.

  11. Straight retards right here you see what drugs do two you?

  12. why is this on here? the catchy name? seems much to do about nothing and a guy already posted it on forum yesterday.

  13. Does anyone know why they steal bodies, the risk vs reward baffles me.

  14. I added this story to show that Los Zetas don't always have success stealing bodies as they did so brazenly with El Lazca's body, and to also show that the mexican military is often "on their toes" ready to do their job well as they were here. Kudos to them. That is why I posted this story. Nothing to do with the name.

  15. @12:23-We like to hear about plaza bosses getting killed, and military sucesses against cartels especially the Zzzzzs. And who cares if it was in the forum yesterday or a week ago anyway. It isn't like everyone goes there or something just because you do.

  16. Why die for the body of a dead man, dont they give it to the family anyway?

  17. At least they had a go,unlike other gutless cartels the Zetas just dont give a fuck bout anything but there own,they know there already dead this is what makes them different.

  18. Z-40 used halcones and came for Lazca BEFORE he was ID'd and did it like SWAT in the morning with a small convoy. These turds are 4 coke bingers who were most likely bottom tier rats their bosses send to the meat grinder to rescue 5. Ha ha, use your brain next time.

  19. These guys weren't thinking and they paid the price-soooooo what! Even god would probably say they were nohing more than horrid Zetas-rotten roaches.

  20. should of had a better plan boy's...barret 50cal down the road top of building pickem off one by one while 2 in vehicle go in for raid and 2 on foot with full auto's in hand...and let loose on those guards.

  21. For the 4th comment down talking about how these guys are only good for women and babies and not capable of fighting an adequate military force you are wrong and dumb. These guys would string you up in a heartbeat and obviously have some credibility as they regularly off trained police men and marines

    1. STFU narco bitch, if these people had any balls they would not need to kiddnapp civilians And shoot their enemies in the back.

  22. Sure are a lot of woman lately we see presented to the public. These people always look so ragged and tore up, not looking anywhere near the way you would think so called cartel members would dress or look, which is just a sterotype we have anyway. The true stacks of money are not with these people, they are the throwaways in society that no one cares about and the lure of 200 bucks is a big deal. When you have people that get busted for whatever crimes, it is amazing the risk they take for crumbs. That is the sad part to be so desperate.

  23. 8:08 no the guy who posted 4th down is absolutely right. Ever notice whenever they try to take on the military they get owned something like 2 dead marines to 13 or something dead narco's? usually starts by them opening fire on a army convoy.

    Your right they would string anyone up as long as they are weaker than them and unarmed. They are cowards who only thrive on killing the weak and innocent and then claim they are members of a rival cartel! The original Zeta's are all long gone also most of them are high on god knows what so that would certainly not help anyone's fighting ability.

  24. The original zetas were special forces I can understand military tradition of picking up fallen comrades.i can understand stealing Lazcano z3 body he was the leader. However all the original Z special forces are dead or in prison , zetas leaders are non military and pokemon was not really a big boss why attempt to steal his body?

    1. He was a fuzzy little rat looking mother fucker with a lighting bolt on his back! You don't see too many of those around. That's why they wanted him back!

  25. According to other blogs, nobody tried to steal pokemon's body. It was a mechanic and three other people coming from ixhuatlan to fix a tire when they got involved in a accident and tried to get away from it, but it just happened to be on ave 5th where the funerary was. They were going too fast that could not stop at checkpoint and where killed by military, who place arms nearby and claimed that they were trying to steal pokemon's body

  26. aqui esta la nota de periodico:


    Córdoba, Ver.- Una balacera registrada ayer por la noche en las inmediaciones de la avenida 5 entre calles 6 y 8 de la colonia San José justo enfrente de la funeraria Vélez, donde se resguardan los cuerpos de cinco presuntos delincuentes, dejó como saldo cuatro personas muertas, sin que hasta el cierre de la edición se halla podido confirmar los hechos verdaderos debido al fuerte perímetro militar establecido en ocho manzanas alrededor del anfiteatro.

    Mientras testigos que caminaban sobre la avenida 5 y calle 4, informaron que un choque ocurrido en esa intercepción causó que un taxista junto con pasajeros al tratar de huir del accidente vial, incursionara dentro de la zona resguardada por militares, no atendiendo las indicaciones de alto que le hicieron al chofer ocasionando que estos dispararan en su contra.

    Por otro lado la versión oficial de los hechos, indicó que los sujetos que viajaban a bordo de un automóvil habían agredido a los elementos castrenses, con disparos lo que originó que en defensa de su integridad repelieran la agresión.

    Y es que en informes consultados, se logro conocer que aproximadamente a las 21:00 horas, un vehículo de alquiler cuyo número se desconoce, al circular a velocidad inmoderada sobre la avenida 5, chocó contra un motociclista al cual proyectó contra el pavimento.

    Tras el percance, el conductor de la mencionada unidad en lugar de detenerse para brindar ayuda, presuntamente imprimió mayor velocidad para darse a la fuga y sin percatarse que metros adelante se encontraban varias unidades de reacción rápida del Ejército Mexicano, éste no hizo caso a las indicaciones de alto lo que provocó que los soldados comenzaran a disparan al presumir que las personas que viajaban en el auto eran presuntos delincuentes.

    Cabe mencionar que luego de ocurridos los hechos donde la balacera se prolongara por varios minutos, se pudo apreciar un impresionante despliegue por parte de elementos de la Secretaria de la Defensa Nacional, Secretaría de Marina Armada de México así como de la -SSPE-, lo cual causó pánico entre vecinos, peatones que caminaban por el lugar así como los automovilistas que circulaban sobre la avenida 5 y calle 4.

  27. Wot u on bout,there still 8 original zetas out there!!! fkn shit talkers!!

    1. Who? Neither 40 or 42 are orginal zetas. At most there were 30, others say the first were only 13. There might be 1 or 2 left. Prob none active.

  28. in nuevo laredo the lowest level zetas make 300 pesos everyday.but they get paid twice amonth.

    1. Wow, thats what you call rags to rags.

  29. true dude i made mistake....i do some research again....i take that shit i wrote back,sorry.

  30. @9:19am nah dude seen some fit cops amongst them.

  31. 300 pesos a day,is that good income?

    1. That's about a little less than $23 a day which is good for Mx standards.... However that is highly-highly unlikely! The lower tiers get bought with a quick buck or fix....That sort of pay is equal to the monthly bribes for Mx police officers......(officers, not higher ranks)

  32. I said 8,but in the BB forums they state 11....Originals still goin hard.

  33. z40 stole lazca's dinero and his body!
    Instead of letting lazca be entombed in the mauselium he had built, where he would be glorified as the greatest zeta leader, trevino threw his body in the desert to be eaten by animals and insects! Now z40 is the greatest zeta leader and lazca is just another dead zeta!

  34. Suicidal muthafuckers!! Them zetas crazy as hell real talk!

  35. True i thought that El Chuta, El Mellado , El Tlapa, El Cuje, El Vera, El Chocotorro, El Guerra, and Eduardo Estrada Gonzalez and Prisciliano Ibarra Yepis were all out and about as well. Original Zetas. Any info? Do they take orders from El 40 seeing since they were all originals? Where and wat are their operations or plaza's that they control, never hear anything about them.

  36. As far as most know,there was 14 bumped to 31/32 original Zetas.Then there is a second wave,whereby they kept the Z designation cause that's what they started out as.One of the latest old school(2 wave) one was"Ruben Acosta Ibarra"caught in Nov 12.Boss of Piedras Negras,don't forget they were supposed to have recruited Guatemalan soldiers,and ex military,who knows?A lot have the Z designation from tradition,but now there cant be more than 5 or so still going,El Mellado Z9,is supposed to be CDG?
    Z2 El Kelin,still alive,jail,google ye noodle


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