Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Los Zetas crew in Nuevo Leon admits to 22 murders

By Chris Covert

Five armed suspects suspected in the deaths if 22 individuals were detained by Nuevo Leon state ministerial agents and a unit of the Agencia Estatal de Investigaciones (AEI), according to a Mexican news accounts.

The detainees were identified as  Ezau Alejandro Saldaña Olvera, Carlos Arturo Bazaldua Escalante, Jesus Guadalupe Frías Mendoza o Hesus Alejandro Drias Lozano, Mario Vazquez Ramirez and Francisco Javier Sanchez Robles.

According to a news item posted on the website of Milenio news daily, the five suspects were operating as halcones, or lookouts for the Los Zetas drug cartel in Anahuac municipality in Nuevo Leon state.

Quoting the Nuevo Leon state  Director de Comunicacion Social del Gobierno del Estado, Jorge Domene Zambrano, the five detainees had been operating in Anahuac municipality between April and August of 2012. 

In total only four complaints had been filed against the crew.  Three of the detainees were placed under arrest on a road leading to Monclova, Coahuila this month.  Information developed from that arrest led to the other two members of the local gang.

In addition to the 22 allegedly killed, the crew also committed kidnappings and carjackings in the area, and were employed as hitmen.  Among the victims were individuals who had denounced members of the crew, relatives of enemies and operatives of rival local gangs.

Among the cases  allegedly involving the crew include:
  • An April, 2012 cases of a hit on a woman and her daughter who had gone to the police about the crew.
  • An April, 2012 case of hit on an unidentified female who was a relative of an individuals who had denounced one of the crew to the local police.
  • A June, 2012 carjacking victim.
  • A June, 2012 kill order against an unidentified individual.
  • A June 2012 hit against a drug dealer and his son.
  • A July, 2012 hit against a female acquaintance of one of the crew's leaders.
  • A July 2012 hit against a mechanic accused of stealing money from the crew.
  • A July 2012 hit on a female who was living in ejido Los Rodriguez.
  • An August hit on a male member of a rival gang.
  • Two men were killed because they had posted photos of escapees of the Apodaca prison break last February.
  • Two men who were abducted from 20 de Noviembre colony.
  • Six others who were identified as relatives of a former crew member known only as Z50.
According to the report, 17 of the 22 murder victims had been incinerated while the other five were buried in various places in and around the municipality.

Anahuac municipality is on Nuevo Leon Highway 1, about 40 kilometers southwest of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas and about 15 kilomters west of the Tamaulipas-Nuevo Leon state border.

Contraband seized in the investigation included five vehicles and communications equipment.

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for

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  1. Not one murder against a rival cartel here in nuevo Leon,fuckin scumbag ready to fuckin play.I hate beating up halcones,they are not worth it but I think I might have to start.if anyone knows of any scum zetas in the area,plz post it..

    1. Shut you idiot! Que pendejo! So damn obvious you live in the u.s... NUEVO LEON is full of zetas! Any drug spot,ZETAS! Go you punk,as soon as you see a real zeta yoy gonna shit on yourself stupid lil kid! Hajahaha

  2. Wow they roasted six of Z-50's relatives... thats cruelty in its purest form.

  3. Z-50 was known to frequent Anauhac alot and one point under his control. Guess Z- 40 took it to him extra hard. Family and all...

  4. So arrest the cops who gave the killers the info on who was giving info the the police.
    The authorities interrogating them must know.
    Going to the police or politicians is signing your and your family death warrant.
    And these animals are are flooding america.
    NRA are right!

  5. fucking zetas i hope they do the same to your wife kids,and parents fuck them then kill the infront of you cuase you guys are,ass holes

  6. Everyone and evryones family is at risk in mexico, except for Carlos slim and few ruling oligarchs.
    I believe Chapo`s daughter wanted to go to america to be safe. No cartel family member feels safe in mexico. Kidnapping and death can come at any moment. One day chapo will be dead and z40 and the other cartel leaders and their families will be killed.

  7. Anyime they get zeta killers everyone is all against them but when they get someone of chapo that are murderers everyone stays quiet, all a bunch of nuthuggers

  8. In other words as I read it, if you go to the police and issue a complaint, the police then hand that complaint to the cartels.

  9. Why even arrest these fuckers? Just give them each a bullet or a good blow to the head killing them.

  10. Bunch of pussies killing women amd relatives.Maybe the government should post the addresses of the a holes so revenge could be taken.

    An eye for an eye.

  11. December 27, 2012 11:49 PM
    "Not one murder against a rival cartel here in nuevo Leon"
    Tellin ye man,its good that shit like this gets known to everyone,to show what fuckin skanky little rats they are.Look how many women they killed,look how many were basically innocent,carjack victim,women,daughters,their only crime was being a relative?And,as dude above saying not one"legitimate"cartel player,its to easy for them to do this,picking up women and killing them.Here's your big bad"sicarios"kidnapping and killing women and their daughters,no wonder everyone hates these fuckin dogs,people can't even live their lives with these scurrying rats and bums.Grupo Zetaz in all its glory?

  12. For all you slow motherfuckers,this is what they do,day in,day out.Imagine how many family's are searching or paying ransoms for family and relatives that are already dead and buried or burned,but the hope that they are still alive keeps them paying.How many people disappear without any word,such as the carjack victim? How many family's do not report it when it happens?
    Even if you work long hard hours of work,you could get a bum,kidnap one of your family just cause you work hard to earn money they want to bum off you.
    For all the cheerleaders this is what they do.

    1. Pendejos!!! Cds does the same shit!!! If a person is involved with narco business,they mess up,they also put at risk their family. Cds also kills women,children and that shit. Part of the drug business,point blank. Just to get you chapo nuthuggers even hotter...yoy see the zetas only continue to grow!!! Now they control ovet half of mexico!!! So damn cds,im glad your people keep getting killed,remember are the greedy coward that started this shit,so...more power to the zetas!!!

  13. Im here in what they call their territory,and me and my fam will never pay them shit..its difficult to do shit back to them on my own,but believe me,im trying.they killed my neibors son just cause she came out on the local news,mentioning how difficult it was to be a vendor in the streets here.they gave her a bag with her son in pieces inside..I will gladly risk my life to take atleast 10 more of them scum buckets to hell with me..

  14. for ALL the cheerleaders this is what they all do, all the cartels,ALL OF THEM!!!!!...

  15. @7:43am so true,when miss sinaloa got gunned down that pick-up they were in was car jacked and they killed the occupants.

  16. atleast they dont bullshit like CDG does and then blame there bad deeds on the Zetas,they been doin that for long time now.....ask anyone from Reynosa.

  17. Who are these Zeta cheerleaders? Zetas are like a goddamm plague - like a cancer that kills its host. They are the most hated cartel for a reason. If I could press a button and make every Zeta and their families die instantly I wouldn't even think twice about pressing it.

  18. Like I said before the government can't control their people from accepting bribes and robbing folks. What makes you think a cartel leader has any control over his crash dummies? Seriously get over it CHAPO'S boys are pieces of shit too!

  19. They never learn,its Mexican shit.Look,you can tell the difference,US people see them all as equal.They all do the same shit.But you got people getting angry cause someone mentions Z or CDS,weird shit.Im from Juarez so i shout for the Carrillo Fuentes,im from Sinaloa so i shout for CDS?And were gettin called idiots and pendejos,fuck outta here.I thought they were all no good,but ey,what do i know?

  20. wot u mean no rival,cant u read.


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