Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Z40 Denies Executing the 4 Hanging Men in Saltillo

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Early morning yesterday in the Coahuila capital of Saltillo,  4 men were found hanging from the Serape Bridge.
Rumors spread that narco messages were found with the bodies and the vehicle with Texas license plates said to be connected to the killings.  Unofficial reports said that the messages were signed by Z40 leader of the Los Zetas cartel and that he took responsibility for the killings.
At a press conference later in the day the PGJE spokesman was asked about the rumors and although he did not confirm the rumor he also did not reject the notion.
Today in four points of the city narco mantas (banners) were displayed not only off the very same bridge the bodies were found hanging, but at three others.
The messages were the same, all signed by Z40, and claiming that the killings were not the action of the Zetas, and claims that at least two of the dead worked for him. 
Manta Text:

"A quien corresponda: El Grupo de Los Zetas nos deslindamos de los cuatro colgados que aparecieron el viernes 7 de diciembre con la leyenda, adjudicándonos de esos cuatro, dos son trabajadores de nosotros, que son el Javy y el Stich, quienes laboraban como halcones y el martes 4 de diciembre los levantaron los militares y aparecieron colgados. Así que para que se hacen pendejos el General y el Coronel".

Chequen con su personal. Esa gente no tenía nada de relación con Rubén Moreira, así que no tengo porque andar dejando gente ajena colgada con recados.
 Atte Z40.",

Rough Translation:

"To Whom It May Concern: The Zetas group disclaim the four people hung that appeared Friday December 7th with the message. We declare that out of those four, two where in fact workers of ours. They were El Javy and El Stich.
They worked as halcones and on Tuesday the 4th of December they were picked up by the military and later appeared hung. So why is the General and the Coronal playing dumb? Check your personnel. These people had no relation with Rubén Moreira, so there is no reason for me to be leaving other people hung with messages.
Atte Z40."
[Note: Rubén Moreira is the current governor of the Northeast state of Coahuila.]

Thanks to "777" for forwarding the manta text as it appeared in El Heraldo de Saltillo


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  1. if only two of them worked for him,wot of the other two,hope they were not innocent just kidnapped to be killed just for the shock and awe.

  2. i wonder why z40 is trying so hard to seem civilized now adays...with the mantas from acouple of days ago and now this one...

  3. Does anyone know whats happening in Nuevo Laredo, has the violence calmed down?

  4. how the heck these halcones get picked off so easily?

  5. About the two Zetas, 40 said "at least two were his" could have been all four and probably are.

  6. As for N. Laredo...two confirmed granadazos (grenades) tonight, one either at, or by Moes's Bar

    and two more in Matamoros one very close to the synthetic ice skating are in the park where the Christmas activities were going on and hundreds of children were.

    I have not heard if anyone was hurt, these were just confirmed

  7. Remember that ALL the Mexican states that were governed by the political party PRI(Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Coahuila, etc...) became the WORST in organized crime killings. They did that after they lost the presidency in 2000 so that mexico would turn into HELL ON EARTH. That's their everyday practice to cause mayhem and the people will forget their corruption and criminal past and want the PRI back to save Mexico. Well, not elected by the people but they're back in power. The government word now is to end the violence. Miguel Trevino knows what that means for him if he does not listen and that's the reason he wants nothing to do with those killed. However, the PRI started something in 2000 that was immoral, illegal and flat out a coward move. You can't play with the life of millions just to gain political power that you lost in the 1st place do to the criminals that pretend to be politicians. But sadly they won't be able to turn off the killings as easy as they intentionally turned the killings on.

  8. All a bunch games. Nobody knows who all is playing or what outcome the main puppet masters hope for. Odd but, the Vietnam was mission accoplished. The plan was to create buffer zones around vietnam to stop the spread of communizm . Any scholar that understood it knows. What is the big plan in mexico ? The country is destablilizing. Is it just happening or is somone turning the screws ?
    I look for a communist movement to take hold eventually.

  9. With all due respect, the narco banners and crime scene confessions could be written by anyone. These guys need to make videos... like Tuta, to leave no doubt to what they claim. Then the people can decide, mantas are primitive.

    1. No, slaughtering your countrymen is primitive.

  10. @7:38pm probably because they were not his doing, its fact now that there is thugs using the Zetas name to do what they want to innocents.
    The Zetas gettin attacked from all sides,and they lost alot of men through that split i would say.

  11. Manta Text:

    "A quien corresponda: El Grupo de Los Zetas nos deslindamos de los cuatro colgados que aparecieron el viernes 7 de diciembre con la leyenda, adjudicándonos de esos cuatro, dos son trabajadores de nosotros, que son el Javy y el Stich, quienes laboraban como halcones y el martes 4 de diciembre los levantaron los militares y aparecieron colgados. Así que para que se hacen pendejos el General y el Coronel".
    Chequen con su personal. Esa gente no tenía nada de relación con Rubén Moreira, así que no tengo porque andar dejando gente ajena colgada con recados. Atte Z40.",

    Rough Transaltion:

    "To Whom It May Concern: The Zetas group disclaim the four people hung that appeared Friday December 7th with the message. We declare that out of those four, two where in fact workers of ours. They were El Javy and El Stich. They worked as halcones and on Tuesday the 4th of December they were picked up by the military and later appeared hung. So why is the General and the Coronal playing dumb? Check your personnel. These people had no relation with Rubén Moreira, so there is no reason for me to be leaving other people hung with messages. Atte Z40."



    1. Saben por que por que le estan calentado la sopa al 40 mas mas y mas presion asta que salga el culo mas accusaciones mas mentiras un juego sucio todo para la captura o abatimiento del puerco de nuevo lardo att:esquadra de murte

  12. 777..
    wow where did you find the text? great job. Thanks so much..Chivis

  13. just saw the link.. when it broke only el norte/reforma had the story and broke it but no text...thanks again

  14. These guys should really look into getting a Twitter account, or maybe a podcast. Hey, it's Mexico. Everything else is backwards.

  15. Its calm in nuevo Laredo because all the zetas are hiding.everybody is looking to kill zetas.I beleave. the solders probly did kill them 4 zetas.but nobody cards if you killzetas.

    1. ^^^^
      40 would claim the four ,if he was responsible
      Good Post

  16. "they were picked up by the military and later appeared hung."

    Shit that country scares me. :|

  17. Some of z40 relatives here in nuebo laredo claim that their uncle has change, they are tellng everyone that he has found God and that he is willing to bring peace to this town, they also claim that he has seen the light and wants to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior. He wants to make a truce with the military and federales.

  18. GOT THIS STORY FROM ANOTHER BLOG...KINDLY TRANSLATE IT FOR THE ENGLISH READERS.... ALERTA A LOS PROPIETARIOS DE VEHÍCULOS DE TRANSPORTE DE PASAJEROS (TAXIS), se ha detectado en ésta Ciudad a grupos de la delincuencia organizada que RENTAN los vehículos para conocer la Ciudad y posibles blancos, más tarde manera amistosa le prestan dinero a sus propietarios para que poco a poco se vayan quedando con sus unidades y permiso.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -El día de ayer cerca de las 6 de la tarde 3 hombres fueron asesinados a balazos en la colonia Chapultepec en la ciudad de Culiacán cuando circulaban a bordo de dos camionetas por el boulevard Diego Valadéz.

    Uno de los occisos fue identificado como José Leonardo Gurrola Quiroz, quien tenía órdenes de aprehensión, el resto de ellos aún no han sido identificados.

    Cuando llegaron al lugar de los hechos efectivos policiacos encontraron al interior de una de las camionetas una pistola de las llamadas mata policias mientras que en la otra se encontraron equipos de comunicación y dinero en efectivo.hector hernandez at 19:19

  19. sounds like it is very personal between z40 and ruben moreira. a nasty split in their criminal matrimony.

  20. Who is Ruben moreria?

    1. If u don't know who's Ruben Moreira,u need to GTF out of this site...and if u don't know what GTF means(get the fuck) out of here!!

  21. You're welcome Chivis. Glad I could help!


  22. @December 9, 2012 8:45 AM

    And then I woke up. =D

  23. @ 11:13AM

    Ruben Moreira is the current governor of the state of Coahuila. He is brother of Humberto Moreira, the former governor of the same Northeast state of Mexico. Humberto resigned to make a successful run for federal chairmanship of the powerful PRI party. He was in line to be the presidential candidate in 6 years, however was forced to resign in disgrace after improprieties of missing Coahuila funds and falsification of loan documents were discovered.

    The once close brothers had a falling out which intensified after the recent death of Humberto's son Eduardo "Lalo' Moreira in Acuña, Coahuila. The killing was ordered by Z40 leader of the Zetas. Zs and Humberto is suspected of having a working agreement when he was governor.

    To know more use the search tool and search for any of these names to see past articles...
    Paz Chivis

    1. Thanks chivis. You refreshed my memory. I appreciate your ability to carry on a conversation unlike the jerk at 12:39 dec 9th

    2. 5 50 you mean dumbass

  24. "Anonymous said...

    i wonder why z40 is trying so hard to seem civilized now adays...with the mantas from acouple of days ago and now this one...
    December 8, 2012 7:38 PM"
    FEAR! He is scared to death of his own shadow... he is a walking dead man and he knows it...


  26. @ 9:47 here is the first part

    Alert to the owners of passenger transportation (taxis), it has been detected in this city, groups of organized crime that rent vehicles to get to know the city and possible targets, later in a friendly gesture they lend money to the owners so that little by little they keep the vehicles and the permit (a license that allows them to work as cab drivers).

  27. @6:10AM... Very interesting that would be quite a trip and makes sense given recent communications... crazier people have made similar jumps... check out General Butt Naked in Liberia... going from a cannibal who with his soldiers ate children and drank their blood before battle for strength... now a preacher... 40's up there with throwing people in oil drums and lighting a match... but this ain't East Africa... don't see anybody letting 40 walk from the Govt to the Sinaloa sicarios... there is too much heat in latin blood for anybody to forgive and forget his sins...

  28. Sorry that was West Africa...

  29. z40 is asking god for help ? I think that comes in the next life. This one has traveled down a path that wont be forgotten by many.
    There wa a war lord in lyberia that called himself GENERAL BUTT NAKED . After be resposible for 10,000 murders. he went to one of those crazy courts in Lyberia and got pardoned. Only problem is , it dont mater if he is free , those 10,000 peoples family members didnt pardon him. God may have forgiven him (I doubt it) but many men will never.
    Butt Naked is scared and hiding. z40 better hide or meet his reward with jesus

  30. December 9,2012 8:45am This post was pure comedy. I had a good laugh seriously the post talks about z40 seeing the light and finding god whats next z40 thinking he some sort of prophet like that nut job el chayo from la familia michocana hahaha. Another theory for z40 wanting to be saved is that he believes the mayan calendar ending thus bringing the end of the world. If you look at it that way it kind of makes sence with December 21 the suppose end of the world closing in. I for one will be getting presents on Christmas lol.

  31. Hey @6:10 am I didnt see you post about butt naked until after I submitted mine. You know about him . That was wild over there. General Mesquito (named because of the deadly malaria) and General Mesquito Spray alway fighting each others gangs.
    It just goes to show how severe violence and money can give morons power.
    Look at what a loser Hitler was and howmuch power he gained.
    It is up to the good people of the world to prevaile

  32. Z40 needs to be crucified for 1 month in the zocalo of nuevo leon. Then he will have found religion.

  33. Isn't christianity great. Kill 1000's in a horific and manner and confess your sins and all is good.
    What a phony man-made farce!!!

    1. I have never met an actual atheist on their deathbed and i have worked in the medical field

  34. Z40, weakness in your world will only result in more aggression from your enemies and supposed friends!
    For z40 death is imminent!!!

  35. Cocaine and murder and the constant stress from the possibility of being murdered at any moment drives you stone-cold looney tunes!

  36. Look at pictures of Miguel Trevino!
    Does that look like a guy who gives a fuck?Does that look like a guy who is scared?People would like to believe that shit,but he knows exactly what hes in,and what may happen to him.

  37. the wicked flee, when none pursueth

    proverbs 28:1

  38. How come nothing on here about what's going down in Nuevo Laredo? The time for retribution has come and the Zetas have nowhere to hide.

  39. @4:17pm unless your at least of demi-god stature, death is imminent for all of us.

  40. I just pray the other two were not innocent, cause if this is true bout the military doin this then thats fkn off-tap.

  41. If indeed it is true thatZ-40 turned BORB AGAIN CHRISTIAN. Im gonna be VW very paranoid in December 21st.yst saying ....,........,,..........

  42. id say, probably most likely nothing is going to happen on the 21st

  43. 2:19 PM
    "Look at what a loser Hitler was and howmuch power he gained"
    A man who came from nothing,lead a country out of economic collapse,conquered a huge part of western Europe(then went insane)but he was a loser?
    You really need to read more history,we know now it is politically incorrect to even mention him,but seriously,if he was a loser what does that make 90% of readers on here and in general?
    A portrait of an iron will to power to succeed in what you apply yourself to?We have to say,dude went completely of his wig with power,the roman emperor syndrome?But,apart from that,he was the milk of human kindness,a pal,a,ok,a swell guy,,,,,,err.

  44. wayne said
    "I appreciate your ability to carry on a conversation unlike the jerk at 12:39 dec 9th"
    Dude,not everyone is like that,you know there are always smart asses,just keep reading you'll be up up to speed soon enough.What Chivis said is basically all,except to say,after the son Lalo was killed,Lazcano was killed a few days later?Coincidence?Who knows,it was the Z who killed the son though,maybe just coincidence?

    1. I am certain it wasn't a coincidence. I find the story of Lazcano being the guy who ordered the hit on Lalo strange, instead of Z40



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