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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

El Chapo's Wicked Web Weaved-Tentacles Revealed

Borderland Beat
Mexico City (January 14, 2013). - The tentacles of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman's network infiltrated deep into to the Armed Forces, the PF, and PGR during the six year administration of Felipe Calderón. 

Judicial records to which Reforma had access detailed that the Sinaloa Cartel acquired grenades and training from a marine captain identified as Ramiro Campos Lomelí, currently in prison. 

The same Ramiro Campos Lomeli gave up a partner when he was arrested in April 2012 after being appointed by Esteban Luis Amezcua as cartel middleman.

"Amezcua asked me to get about six 40 caliber grenades (and in order to get them) I was looking for a fellow marine with the rank of First Mate,"he testified. 

Presumably the captain charged 36,000 pesos in exchange for giving the weapons to "Rosario," who was representing the interests of "El Chapo." In addition the marine also received 5000 cartridges for an AR-15 from the Army, according to a criminal case filed in the Tenth Court in Criminal Matters DF.

Upon being arrested, "Rosario" said that the organization got guns from the PF in February 2012. In addition, the PGR knows that cartel intermediaries agreed to SEIDO investigations against collaborators  of "El Chapo."

Chapos' public relations team informed

A PR team from the Sinaloa Cartel managed to buy a ton of cocaine stored in a PGR, holding facility, acquired grenades from the Secretary of Navy, cartridges from the Army and information on investigations from SEIDO.

Judicial records to which REFORMA had access detailed confessions of a military person, a lawyer and two protected witnesses, who claim that this team might have paid $250,000 for the investigation against Juan Carlos Moreno Flores, "El Calentura", alleged operator of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman in Guerrero. 

Sinaloa Cartel's team of "publicrelationistas" told of having knocked on the doors of Army officials at various levels, even tried in 2012 to meet with General Germán Jiménez, then commander of the Tenth Military Zone in Durango, to stop the persecution of Cabrera Sarabia clan linked to "El Chapo" which controlled the country's northwest, according to the criminal case 57/2012 of the Tenth District Federal Court District of criminal matters in DF. 

They only managed to meet a General named Castillo, assigned to the same zone. According to testimony, although they got drunk, they did not reach General Jimenez, who was released on February 1, 2012, amid an escalation of violence in the State. 

Nothing had reached the ears of the PGR but for a woman linked to the organization of the Beltran Leyva who suffered the kidnapping of some relatives. First, she spoke with rivals of the Sinaloa Cartel to locate her loved ones and in exchange for favors.

Along the way she recorded telephone conversations then offered these recording later to the PGR to inform on the Cabrera Sarabia. The woman became the protected witness "Libre" when the clan was crumbling.

The search for relatives starts
Andrés Vázquez Vela y Judas Fabián Vázquez Cisneros were last seen on March 11, 2011. Presumably they were kidnapped on la Avenida Felipe Pescador in the capital of Durango. One was uncle and the other a  cousin of the woman identified as "Rosario", who since 2008 has been located by the FBI as an operator of the Beltran Leyva cartel in Nogales, Sonora, where she charged fees of 1,500 dollars for each illegal immigrant who crossed the border. 

According to her statement to the authorities, "Rosario" mobilized to locate family members, but did not go to the authorities but to the state of Durango, but instead she went to the jail to interview a criminal, who in turn got her the Blackberry PIN  of Luis Alberto Cabrera Sarabia, "Don Beto." 

Rosario said that in July 2011 she met on a farm with "Don Beto" and she asked for help to locate her relatives.

"Pay attention because the state authorities found a narcofosa in a house in Fraccionamiento Las Fuentes. Tell your family to do a DNA test, possibly your families are among the bodies," said regional chief Sinaloa Cartel. 

Cabrera questioned what "Rosario" would be willing to do in exchange and she answered him with what ever was necessary. 
At that moment, "Don Beto" told her that there was a shortage of 40 gauge grenades, known as "deodorants." "Get me "deodorants" and let's see how much of a fucker you are because those things you do not get easily," said Don Beto." 

On August 6, 2011, the Attorney General of Durango reported finding a clandestine grave in Durango, where they found the family of "Rosario." 

They offer support and weapons 
"Rosario", known as the Beltran Leyva operator, traveled to Mexico City in search of contacts that would help her get 40 caliber grenades.

According to her statement to the authorities, at a party held in Colonia Nápoles, (where soccer player Cuauhtemoc Blanco was), and there she met Ana Bertha Trujillo, a publicist of artists who in the past represented Ninel Conde. 

Rosario Said that Trujillo presented her to Luis Esteban Amezcua Bernal a lawyer and owner of an advertising company and a recording studio, but also claimed to be an official of Cisen and used a "badge" from the Secretariat Marina. 

According to Rosario's declaration Amezcua said, in the criminal case 57/2012 of the Tenth District Court in criminal matters DF that July night, Trujillo said to Amezcua, "I'm going to introduce you to someone who knows very heavy people" and presented him with "Rosario". 

Amezcua was in need of money for a transplant and Rosario sought grenades. Their needs were mutual.

From his experience as a lawyer, Amezcua had defended before a military trial, marine Captain Ramiro Campos Lomelí with whom earlier he had made ​​deals to get weapons. 

When last April 28 he was arrested, Campos did not dispute the allegations. Even told that he charged 36,000 pesos for six grenades and accompanied Amezcua to give them to "Rosario." Seeing their efficiency, she invited them Durango for a visit to Cabrera Sarabia. 

"Rosario  presented Campos to Cabrera Sarabia. At that time, he stood offering his services as well as the service to train their people in weapons and explosives because he (Campos) was a Marine Captain," said Amezcua.

The record refers that Campos also managed to get 5000 rounds for an AR-15 rifle from the Army, that which he sold (to drug traffickers) for $ 3,000, and an AK-47 rifle of polycarbonate for which they gave him 28,000 pesos. 

"My girlfriend and I went to pick up the 5000 cartridges at the Military Camp and apparently there was a lieutenant who gave him (Campos Lomelí) the cartridges," said a broker or intermediary of drug traffickers, who is a now protected witness with identified only as "X". 

Back then "Rosario" had a boyfriend named Victor Omar Martinez Farrera, who worked for a law firm as tax lawyer who accordingly told authorities he helped her buy weapons, because he had a friend named Alexander with contacts in the Federal Police, who provided him with a stock of weapons for which they paid a million pesos.

They set eyes on the confiscated drugs
The protected witness identified as "X", who accompanied the Beltran Lleyva operator "Rosario" in various transactions told authorities that after observing the ease with which they procured government weapons they decided to buy drugs seized by the PGR. 
"My girlfriend, Esteban Amezcua I went to collect $ 350,000 from North Central, as this money was sent by Felipe Cabrera in order to buy what Amezcua had offered the organization and consisted of buying from PGR warehouse  a ton of cocaine, 20 drums of 'monkeys' and 60 buckets of ephedrine, without Amezcua mentioning  who would be  the PGR contact in that operation," related the witness according to the criminal case 57/2012 of the Tenth District Court in criminal matters in the Federal District. 

However, the activity of the operators took a turn on September 18, 2011 , when the army detained in DF, José Carlos Moreno Flores, "El Calentura", representing "El Chapo" in Guerrero, which intensified military operations in Durango and Sinaloa. 

At that time,"Rosario" told to the authorities, Cabrera Sarabia asked for the research information obtained against "La Calentura" and to contact the General Germán Jiménez, commander of the Tenth Military Zone in Durango, in order to offer him money to cancel operations against the organization. 
Rosario recalls that through a woman named Marisol Herrera they managed to get an appointment with a General named Castillo, assigned to the same military zone, who thought would lead to General Jiménez. "occurred between 15 and 16 of October 2011 in one of the battalions of the Military Zone of Cinco de Mayo in Durango. "Including that meeting lasted until the wee hours of the morning because we begin to drink alcoholic beverages," says "Rosario", despite the meeting she could not meet the area commander.


  1. I didn't realize that the PGR acts as a store! Resells 'deodorants' cocaine, and munitions! Come on- curb the corruption or all else is an expense of wasted time, energy and nothing will get better! Or is that the point?

    1. A PGR store named Illicit Contraband... Hajajaja! You got this right @5:59 AM- how and when are they gonna try to turn this shit around and do they even really wanna do that?

  2. I bet more of this recycling goes on-more than we can even imagine and what do ya wager it happens with an awful lot more ease than this. What is impressive is that they bothered to untangle this mess and look at it closely and the investigation didn't end up as 'inconclusive.'

  3. I wonder if Calderon is going to make a sign out of the weapons his military gave the cartels "NO MORE WEAPONS" like the one he made for the U.S. What a hypocrite!

  4. Havana- Wow. Yet another outstanding but TERRIFYING article. I am so outraged at the level of freaking GREED AND CORRUPTION IN ALL LEVELS OF THE MEXICAN GOVT., I could scream. What the HELL hope do the Mexican people have with "THE GOOD GUYS BEING THE BAD GUYS?". I have known there was corruption but this takes it over the freaking top. Granted there must be some moral, non-corrupt members in the govt.but how many. My heart breaks for the people in Mexico and my prayers are with them. God bless the innocents. And, thanks for always giving us the truth, no matter how painful. Texas Grandma.

  5. So much is so wrong in Mexico. I can't imagine how it can ever be cleaned up, or function at least semi-respectfully? It makes me so disgusted. Hey, thanks for the translation Havana.

  6. Thank god for articles like this!! Finally we get a peek into some of these other dealings. Very telling. Love it. Good job

  7. There is no place in the world where Chapo has more power than in Mexico. His money and influence buy him protection through the very top levels of govt and military. Look for much of the same going forward with the new Nieto administration. Chapo is smart. He
    pays big money to important people in strategic places and in return, his enemies get the brunt of the military's wrath. If he leaves the country he may be safe for a while, but eventually he will be caught like he was in Guatemala before. He will stay in Mexico where he can benefit from a system of corruption and payoffs

    1. El Chapo has plenty of power in Bolivia, Columbia, and Guatemala, Spain, indonesia, parts of Africa and on and on.

  8. so the govt seizes drugs than sells them back hahahahahahaha damn......

  9. No wonder the weapons they find are from the U.S..cause America imports them to the military,which in turn sell them to criminals,which whom are seized in crime scene..and America gets wooo- peeee..they can cancel the gun banning issue..cause I'm a gun enthusiasts and now the prices for rifles are double the price thanks to these fuckers..

  10. bro this isnt power this is his demise it reminds me of deathrow records when they were at the top on the word got out how they were financed then the inner workings and the people responsible then you know there names its just a matter of time i guess el chapo has lost all political support tick tock tick tock!!!!!

  11. Del CDG: Cae. Mario Pelon x20 Ayer. Lo matron la marina.

    Reportando de Matamoros

    1. PTA Madre wei pinche CDS andan de maricones o ke?

  12. That was a good post. it made me wonder and ponder. I think there aren't any honest people anymore in Mexico just those who feel they are justified taking advantage of others cause that is what they consantly witness. How can that ever stop? It is the onging circle of hate and deceit times ten.

  13. Que triste ver toda la corrupción que existe en México. Gracias Havana por la traducción.

  14. and somehow corruption is a surprise? anything can flow to where there is enough money to buy it.

  15. So basically the PGR is like the Nevada
    Gun show No I'd No background check.
    just cold hard cash.
    -Reno Nevada.

    1. PGR is like one stop amenity shopping for criminals. All you have to be is 100% narco

  16. So that is where the US tax payers money is going to help the supposed fight of war on drugs. If they cannot come here and get it the US government will just send it to Mexico to help the drug cartels and government officials wallets fatter. Why do they not just pay it to employ more patrols on the USA and help the economy in the USA? Don't just give it away for nothing. The US government can be so stupid and out of control with tax payers money.

  17. And somehow...a gendarmerie is going to turn all of this around?

  18. Chapo is quite good manager.He should write book about drug cartel managment.

  19. Who cares about el chapo everytime i read an article about the zetas there is at least one civilian killed who has nothing to do with drug trafficking. If el chapo is merely trafficking and paying officials big deal. Most mexicans can stand it and Americans are more lenient but when you start killing innocent people like the zetas then pretty soon everyones your enemy. Which is why everyone is trying to kill the zetas at this point. They don't just want them dead because they are rivals they want them dead because they dont play the game right.

    Even the New York mob knew to leave innocent people out of it. Once you start killing innocent people your crime group is in trouble.

    1. @ January 15, 2013. 3:35PM...Bastard El Chapo nuthuggers like you should be killed to make Mexico a better place...All drug cartels are extortonist, kidnappers, rapist & murderers.

  20. No, corruption is no surprise, but tales of buying ammunition, drugs, grenades from a PGR confiscation bodega, and a marine training a Chapo cell is beyond normal bad corruption we usually read about, way beyond, no? It was a good read.

  21. If there were no drugs in,the us then less people would be in prison that means less police the private prisons wud lose money there wud be less keep up the drug traficking in mexico and keep up the drug use in the us

  22. They have to get this weasel they call chapo,cause he has vast amounts of cash he can bribe anyone just about.....this is what makes CDS more dangerous than any other cartel.
    He is a murderous scum,he does his dirty business behind everyones back so the peoples of mexico a blind to it,and anyone that knows either gets snitched on or simply "disapeared".
    this is just the tip of the iceberg,the Calderon sure alot those fkrs were on the obvious.
    I been arguing with people on here bout this months ago,called me a dumbass....
    who's the dumbass now?
    CDS is the worst of them all,the zetas are on a path to self destruction...but CDS needs to be eliminated once and for all,they have caused so much death and misery and know one seems to see that,they caused every war just about in mexico.

  23. The U.S needs the cartels to keep on rolling,or 1000s of jobs wouldnt be needed..from dea,fbi,doj,ice to prisons, border patrols,local police,judges,district attorney..cuy all the drugs out and the united states will be owned by China in less the 5 years..

    1. My thoughts exactly just what I was going to say without the flow of drugs theres no need for agencys like DEA ICE CUSTOMS and so fourth the flow of drugs are the job creaters for these agencys its all politics folks America plays a vital role in the flow of drugs trafficking as well as arms trafficking . Remember this has been gng on forever and america cant get a grip on this they let it happen and they combat it as well its a cycle folks . Do I condone it of coarse not its not just cartels its america too.

  24. The Mexican government is the biggest cartel of all thats why if you don't pay the plaza they replace you. Calderon figured this out like De Gortari but he wanted el chapo run it all. When I went to chihuas in 06 word was that if it did'nt work out for him in the gulf that he was gonna expand to Juarez. You see the Carrillos are from sinaloa too. El Azul was already there and the plan was to lower the prices and move more shit. The beef started because they already were moving tons so why lower the price if nobody cared right? Then they blind sided JC by buying they're people about a year before they started the war. Cops, PGR, Army, and whoever they needed on they're side. When el PRI was in office before in the 90's it was divided and everyone had they're plaza. If you brought attention from the gringos you had to pay the piper if you fucked up. El PAN fucked up when they let their guard down and took a shit. And here we are. Yeah the goverment gets in bed with the highest bidder. Right now its chapo next month or year maybe someone else unless the gringos really want you then you're prison ass.

  25. I think this article has promise, but as it is written, it is impossible to follow. I just can't understand what and when things are happening. Isn't there a way to clean up this so the englishy is readable and makes sense. Thanks.

  26. read the book drug lord by terrence poppa its always been the same... the book tells the story of pablo acosta who was born in texas and grew to be one of the biggest drug trafickers of the 1980s the teacher of amado carrillo fuentes the lord of the skys with the help of our great currupt govt. i for a change pray things will soon change....

  27. Hunt him down....just like in those old movies when they hunting werewolfs....he has caused so much destruction in mexico...he needs to be killed.

  28. "Durango Governor and his Mafia" on Forum,it doesn't sound scripted at all...not one bit!!!
    I feel sorry for those people,they didnt have to die but this shows us how CDS does there business with officials....corruption is so ripe in Mexico.

  29. Where's all the dorks who cry about the U.S.'s guns being responsible for all the shootings and shit in Mexico? I sure hope they read this..... crooked ass mexican government is a fucking joke!!! Calderon was actually trying to fight crime?? Yea right, give me a break with that shit..... fantastic, scary post Havana!

  30. @3:35pm Dude stop preaching that CDS dont harm innocents,they do kill innocents...when they get in there way they kill em....they do it sneaky without the headlines.
    They are the opposite of the zetas tactics where Los Zetas use shock and awe,CDS use under the radar tactics which is smarter way of doin business i guess....but yes they murder innocents.
    There is plenty of evidence that they do evil deeds dude,look for them before you praise.

  31. TheBiggest drug dealer is the DEA,
    Congress outlaws weeds to keep the Pharma Cartel rich.

  32. @ 6:58 I am a translator and as far as I can see the translation is accurate, which is the most important thing, what it lacks is a sense of comfort with the English language, which can only be achieved by paraphrasing sentences here and there and squeezing the essence out of the subject matter.Which is what Chivis does so well, it's different but it is accurate.
    Vato, and Havana, who are also super translators,translate closer to sentence to sentence, giving the article a more static feel.
    If Havana paraphrased more it probably would be easier for you to understand.If I was to give some advice to Havana it would be to have to Margaritas plus a shot tequila while translating If you read the article in Spanish, I assure you it would drive you even crazier and you would be totally lost.

  33. Great story havana hey America, Europe Central america are the biggest buyers of drugs and as so long as the flow of drugs exist everyone gets paid officials politicians agencys customs and so on so why stop it they ask .

  34. @5:16pm I would join the Zetas,try my best to work myself up to the top to be plaza boss and then clean the name of my plaza,thats right immediate stop too all extortion,kidnappings,anything that may harm innocents i will cease, if i was plaza boss...cause there is no way in a million years would i join CDS while Chapo is still alive,he started the bloodshed,fk him and CDS.
    The Zetas were born from his(chapo's)war and that is why they behave as such.

    1. Yeah harming innocent women and children people that have no involvement ok you say you wanna become plaza boss theyll make you kill innocent people theyre ruthless its not what you want so keep dreaming , you being a zeta jeopardizes you getting killed by your own or rivals so thing again my friend .

  35. What is this Zeta vs CDS fan boy bullshit??? Who kills innocents who doesnt, who kidnaps who doesnt... man please... if you are naive enough to think neither do either considering that line of work, then you are fucking retarded. If you wanna split hairs distinguishing each crime have a blast... but I'm here to tell you, shitbag cartels all do wicked shit. Period. Fucking cheerleaders....

  36. Dude i know they all dont behave as such,and i wont thing again my friend....i would clean it up even if i die trying....the zetas need leaders like me good leadership strong leadership smart leadership.

  37. Join the Zetaz bro! People don't realize that when he went to the gulf to take over from Osiel that CDS killed alot of innocent people too!! If you are suspected or related you are taken out. Why don't people see this shit! In Juarez the junior high kids that were killed or the whole family from Creel Chihuahua and the guys who got busted in the capital of chihuas that were extorting people. The people who join the Zetaz, BLO, Linea were all effected so they join cartels against him. People don't have a choice most of the time because the want revenge. Look at that guy who was killed for his truck by that beauty whore miss snitchloa. There's nothing worse then a person who does'nt have a price and nothing to lose. He opened pandoras box of bullshit for his war. In Mexico he's hated over here people believe the corridos but you dont even hear those over there is whats funny. Join to get whoever you want bro because at the end of the day they are all CRIMINAL gangs.

  38. Us have the guns we have the drus just don't f wet us yu give us the Guns fhets

  39. "the zetas need leaders like me good leadership strong leadership smart leadership"
    I knew it,its fuckin hilarious.Look at these comments?
    Not trying to be mean,but sheeit"i would rather join Z,CDS"Now that is hilarious,you aint even 14,you grown ass men talkin like this?It is funny,,,

  40. January 17, 2013 at 9:49 PM
    "Us have the guns we have the drus just don't f wet us yu give us the Guns fhets"
    Err,,,run that by me again,without the lisp?

  41. Its not just cartels its america too huh? Mexico is a fucking narco state, run by dogs who do anything for a treat... till that changes, nothing will. The US isnt perfect, I'm know the US has had its fair share of fuck ups, but I know for a fact millions of mexicans fled mexico and found much better lives here than in mexico, and stayed here and had kids here. What does that mean?? Joke ass mexican government, I tell ya.

  42. @10:24am being hypothetical dude....meaning if i was there....i would.
    I know sounds that ridicules i may be 14,but i aint im an adult...u dont know me dude,if u did you wouldnt be laughn like you are,we would be good friends you would respect me as i would you as long as your the same,these cartels need good people to run the show so as too be a good role model,there are kids lookin up to these bosses and most these fuckers aint fit to be one, plain and simple....look wots happened,Mexico has gone to shit because of wrong decision making by these so called bosses...fkn GREED fkn CHAPO!!!


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