Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

M4 Reported Killed

Borderland Beat

Yesterday this was reported but I held the story back to get further information.  Since readers  have asked about it I have decided to post what little there is.  I really am not sure of its validity however this is what was reported on KNVO Noticias 48  who broke the story. ..Paz, Chivis

Unofficial reports state that in the clashes yesterday  between the boundaries of the cities of Matamoros and Reynosa, Hector Salgado alias Metro 4′ was killed.  “Metro 4 or M4 was/is a  member of the high command of the criminal organization the Gulf Cartel. The M4 is a native of Matamoros Tamaulipas, son of a customs agent in the area.
The apparent death of  Hector Salgado alias M4 (Metro) occurred in the early hours of January 15

At 2: 20 am on 15 January there was a situation of risk by fracc. Valle Vergel summits and San José.

There commenced a confrontation between armed civilians vs. armed civilians (organized criminals)

At 3: 30 the person known as  M4 was taken to the operating room at the Hospital after entering  wounded.  He allegedly died during the intervention.
While in the street there were reports of convoys comprising  scores of vehicles belonging to the CDG patrolling the streets of Reynosa. 
While people in the streets spread 2 versions... . choose yours
1.-Zetas had entered  Reynosa  resulting in the clash.
2.-There had been internal conflict/split between CDG (word on the street says the nicknames are such as Tachas, Cortez Salinas, Wero (perhaps the gringo)
Apparently the second of the divided organization aboard would be of  Mario Pelon aka 20X
As soon as violence was heard a safety alert from civilians, the decent people who care, through networks which more or less said:
SAFETY ALERT REYNOSA, Based on incoming xxxxx, we expect high risk situations, to INCREASE AWARENESS AND AVOID TRANSIT IF possible.
 UPDATE:  INSIGHT CRIME is running the story but interestingly they have reported tht their sources in Mexico have confirmed the story as true.  Link to that post here
Meny Times

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  1. God damn, look at that bullet proof door annd window, guess he shoulda stayed inside the truck

  2. Hope so !!! One less GOLFA on this earth...

  3. @3:49 you got it and so would @3:47 if he took the time to read the NY Post detailed story and not just the first shortened version of it. The Ny Post is funny and very readable.

  4. By the looks of the pic,he looks young....anyone know the age of M-4?
    That door looks like an entrance to a gas chamber.
    Matamoros is a CDG stronghold as i thought Reynosa too....Clashes with who?

  5. more detailed story

  6. If it weren't for Miguel angel Felix gallardo no body would have any territory look it up on the real Sinaloa has been running the show also they where the first drug traffickers in Mexico everyone else is just bitters if you don't believe me look it up Medellin two Sinaloa will always be the connection.

    1. Tha fuck that have to do with this story?

    2. Haha! No shit!!! WTF does this have to do with the story pendejo???!!!

    3. And the ones who started first was Golfos during the prohibition pendejo chinaloa.

    4. This has two de with everything he's saying if it weren't for Miguel none of these people would have these territory's

    5. Lol may you should read the headline m4 killed has nothing to do with those snitches down in sinaloa now if we we're talking about who tells the most shit sinaloans have been snitching since the beginning

    6. Jaja el golfo? Look it up dumbass look at all the documentrys that have two do with drug wars in Mexico Los golfos didn't traffic till the 70s get it straight this has been happening since the 1800s when there was Chinese immagratiion in sinaloa when they needed opuim in world war 2 they got it from sinaloa while el golfo was making there pennys bringing booze shows that you no so much Look it up Baboso si y chinola orgulloso

  7. The word here in reynosa is that he was working with the zetas he had security houses were zetas would stay when they arrived in reynosa cdg found out and took him out I have family that works for cdg here in reynosa that's the word for now well see if I was right

    1. If ur family DOES work for CDG soon they'll have their deaths coming too. Sorry my friend, ur family's days are numbered. Tic-toc-tic-toc-tic-toc...

    2. Just come to Austin tx where the cartels all get along jajajajajaja it's all about money on this side

    3. 6:33 am. Who are you??? The way you tell it, AUSTIN IS A SAFE HAVEN FOR ALL THE DRUG DEALING SCUM ON THE PLANET. As for it's all about the money, that's a freaking fact always. If you are such a freaking expert and able to laugh about this crap, YOU FREAKING NEED TO GET YOUR SCARY ASS ARRESTED. Freaking cheerleading cartel lovers make me furious. Get a real freaking job or go back to wherever your crazy ass comes from. Just stating the facts. Texas Grandma, who you better pray you don't run into me there. I confidently carry a legal 9mm. And, it's for scum like you.

    4. and I carry an illegal .308..that is for pendejos like ur moth with my texas grandma,im from laredo..pinche pendejo..

  8. Word on the street in Matamoros says its bullshit.
    And the clashes were CDG vs Government (Marina,PFP,PE, and Army)
    Matamoros Resident (NOT a Cartel Cheeleader)

    1. Not cartel a cheerleader my friends like I said I could be wrong data the word here in reynosa not matamoros colonia aquiles weiii cerca del calabazo

  9. Who killed him? why isnt there good facts and story behind him

  10. Cartel Del Golfo and Los Pelones have joined forces in Cancun and the Riviera Maya to take control of the plaza from Los Zetas!

    1. Bullshit the pelones are in deep with Zetas they control all of that region there's no reason to jump ship plus there hasn't been murders lately in yhat area so stop trying to spread a rumor!

  11. sorry...there is no other info, that I can find.
    Two reasons why I posted is readers writing and asking for the story but more so that 2 citizen reporter blogs in Tamps has the story and they are very reliable.

    My sense is that if we do not hear a confirmation from the government by Friday it is bogus. HOWEVER this is PRI government back in power and they hold info close to the vest. I just don't know how EPN will be about perp walks and announcements.

  12. @ 5:21pm jan 16
    What the hell do you mean that it looks like the entrance to a gas chamber..What the fuck?..can't you see that it's a fucking bullet proof truck?..where do you see gas chambers or propane gas tanks or what?..What a dum ass..fucking ignorant the way chivis,good for you for posting even if its bogus or're just trying to satisfy the readers request for more info...ATTE:choré jasso.

  13. What happened to R1 of CDG? I read a manta that said he was killed but zero info....anyone have any input? A sister of mine from matamoros says this M4 was killed by la marina.

    1. R-1 was killed after he killed M-3 he was just used for that purpose.

    2. Looked like a domino demise effect for cdg after this event. DGO al millon. R.I.P. Nachito. CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?

  14. You almost got me with the "Sylvia Bonita" ..jajaja you made me laugh.

    Sorry can't post it, but try again with out so much flavor.... :)

    1. I tried honey bunny! I'm a sales rep so sometimes I have to sweet talk to get some of my ways but you're too clever! I'm sorry for the foul language, I just had to back up a fellow blogger being offended by the idiot who talked so much crap about the gas chamber thing! Can I at least say that he's an illiterate bastard? ;)

  15. @11:44pm no shit its a fortified truck,what i was meaning was i never seen anything like this before on a pickup,like it looks like an iron door with complete sealing,dude your the ignorant..... carrying on like an imbecile swearing at me and stuff,i said it looks...not is!!! it looks menacing is all....sorry for not being on the same interlectual stature as you senor asswipe.

  16. Was M4 the brother of M3? Any body know what happened to R1 and to Commandante Diablo (from the videos) ?

    1. M3 is ir was Samuel flores borrego..M4 is David salgado..different last names,not related..

    2. R1 was killed and Diablo was caught it's somewhere here in the blog look for it!

  17. I agree with texas abuela

  18. ITS OFFICIAL!!!!!Arturo Beltran Leyva and Amado Carillo Fuentes are behind the attacks! Word on the street is M4 owed lots of money to Pablo Escobar So Pablo had him killed! the amount owed by M4 is belived to be in the sum of $3.62 cents. Beltran and Carillo were reported have ben seen in a bar the night before the murder with Samuel Flores Borrego and Tony Cardenas Gullen. There is conclusive evidence that Valentin Elizalde was performing there for them including the likes of Sergio Vega, El Halcon de la Sierra and even Chalino Sanchez. Officials have manny leads as to what went on in that meeting some say that they were planning a Brizilian wax and peticure! The Zetas have not ben implicated in this as they have ben ruled out due to a national Zeta's BBQ picnic at a local park in Guatemala. Police also reported that within minutes of the gun battle Ignacio "Nacho" Coronell was seen fleeing the seen in a spaceship! thats it for now this is Nazario Moreno for CBS news

  19. "The word here in reynosa is that he was working with the zetas he had security houses were zetas would stay"
    Remember the rumors about that?But,i kinda doubt it.
    There was the manta from 40,"Las Metras keep hiding"?where he was threatening M4,Lino,Gringo,"i am going after you"telling the leaders and guards of these guys to come over to him?
    Either his own side or Z killed him?

  20. Metros was a group started in Reynosa just like the Caimanes, Rojos, Escorpions, XW, XX ect just like their was an M3 and M4 their were also other like M1 M2 and so on that were killed or captured a while back now the main reason for M4 dead must have something to do with the reestructure of the CDG since Metros and Rojos are still in conflict they are trying to clean the CDG from internal conflicts with M3 dead their is a big possibility that M4 did some dirty work for the Zetas either way Mario Pelon Ramirez x-20 is doing a great job another issue was Chapo dident like Metro so is kinda hard to believe he was killed in a gunshot with the Mexican Marines M4 dead was set up in my opinion

  21. For what its worth.

    I left the Matamoros Bus station yesterday afternoon to go South, I saw two armed (BLACK uniform)patroling the area. I´m guessing Policia federal agents.

    Nothing out of the ordinary,things were normal.

    Saludos from Mexico

  22. zetas keep expanding its inevitable in my town there friendly no extorsion just a good pathway and cool down spot . I wish I could drive to mexico safely with my truck

  23. I think choré jasso is off his medication

    1. que chingaos tienes pendejo estupido punetas pobre vale verga sin cheque borracho bien malias....chapete, bañate so you can cool

    2. You mean "chorro asshole"?

    3. no pendejo los jasso de la colonia victoria nvo laredo, gonna get your IP address puto..

    4. so you can see who's gonna be the asshole..

  24. "What happened to R1 of CDG? I read a manta that said he was killed but zero info"
    A manta left by Z40,matter-of-factly stated he was dead,and that is all you hear about him.If you think about it,after all the shit he kicked off with M3,some of M3s crew would have went on a mission to kill his ass no matter what.Looks as though bad-ass R1 dead.

  25. These idiots are going to burn in hell just for a few pesos and a few stinky whores boooooo....


    1. Your from Houston. You are probably both. That's gross

    2. Just another low life with his pants around his ankles.

  27. delgado not salgado. just fyi

  28. Hope it was version one,cause i know the zetas dont do half the shit everyone makes out they do...

    1. Thats true in my town when i went i walk by them an dont even say shit they been there for years,, its kinda of pathetic if you think how the goverment and other cartels try framing them really bad

  29. @12:55pm dude,how long they been in your town?
    You say there friendly,you mean polite courteous and stuff like that or they just dont bother people and keep right away from innocents totally?
    Pls give more info...

  30. CDG are not that bad down here in matamoros they won't take money from you, they will stop you and ask you questions if you seem misterious but they will not mess with you just for doing it they are actually trying to clean the cartel from all that extensions dirty stuff I hope you all liked the information that I left behind about the Metro 4

  31. For all those that think they know but dont know shit el commandante R1 is alive and well and still at it with what he does best..... He is the one SPEAKING in certain videos that have been in circulation for a fiew months now.........

  32. @ 4:02 well im from zacatecas south of jerez about 30 minutes well they first stopped by in 2007 where el ostion first stopped looked at the land and liked it to settle guys in the area and help move around there stuff . well now they are all over my town and all towns surrounding it . but the strange thing is that they are all not extorsioning the town or killing or making it bad . when they pass by theyll stop at stores in about 20 to 30 trucks and ask hey guys have u guys seen the guachos or federales and we will tell them the truth and we are like yeah they just passed or no they havent passed and theyll be like take care . when i say stores its little huts like 10 by 10 room with beer candy and some fruits in the ranches . one time my uncle had to take 2 zetas to the hospital and change there clothes becuse they flipped over in front of my uncles house and they told him to remove there clothing and give them some clothe that would make them look like civilans and take them to go get help at the hospital , he took them and dropped them off 2 were dead already they flew out the truck so my uncle took them to the hospital and when he got back somone had took the flipped over hummer and 2 bodys and guns and grenades that were on the ground. anyways there is alot of stories like this that we have lived to see the zetas are not that bad here but we worry when el chapos comes to try and take over . chapos people get slaughtered then they take them away from here . thats when the zetas move in trucks of 30 to 40 the end the zetas gave my uncle 4 thousand dollars in an envelope and said the boss wanted him to keep it my uncle was so scared and said no thank you but the forced him to take the money and said U DONT UNDERSTAND I CANT RETURN WITH THIS MONEY MY ORDERS ARE TO LEAVE THE MONEY WITH U. so my uncle kept the money opened it 2 weeks later to find inside 4 thousand dollars

  33. I knoow this is off subject
    Has anyone looked into Jenni Riveras plane targeted by an EMP

  34. I never heard of un m4 until now. Why is it that i didnt even know that there was an m4 but now that he got killed everyone gives a shit?

  35. @12:17pm dude you keep us informed,we need people like dont sound like you lying.
    keep on the down low...stay safe...hush...shhhh.
    keep biting that pillow....

  36. @January 17, 2013 at 12:17 PM

    Thanks! Finally someone gives real info here in comments too. Thanks again!


  38. "If ur family DOES work for CDG soon they'll have their deaths coming too"
    How do we know what they do,not everyone who works for cartels aint runnin round killin people,they may be minding shit,cars,dope,run houses,sell fake shit,street vendor,who knows,just makin a livin,yeah,its got out of hand now,,would you do it to make a living if there was absolutely nothing else?

  39. @ January 17, 2013 at 12:17 PM
    Ahhh you forgot to mention ABL was with BLT and CBS.
    They definitely had something in the works,but that meet was broke up by the paid stripper,she wouldn't come across,so people started gettin mad.If it wasn't for the presence of El Grandes Bolas it would have been deadly.M4,M3,Polimenso,M7,Negro Josue,they were all paid to tell jokes and entertain the guests,but they got a bit angry that no one thought they were funny?Word on the street is that a new group has sprung up called Payasos Mortíferas?Its gonna get ugly with these guys.

  40. January 17, 2013 at 12:48 PM
    "You all sound like fucking retards fighting over the internet cap lock his ass panochas .. starr county"
    Its called sharing information big balls,that's what this blog is all about.....You got a point though.

    1. Kool man thanks ther are alot of cartels in starr once in usa its all about $ whish I could post pic of the truck full of weed busted by law

  41. "He is the one SPEAKING in certain videos that have been in circulation for a fiew months now"
    Them videos are from 2 or more years ago with R1 supposed to be the boss talkin in them,the one who is rippin the Zs.How do you know he still alive?The players would know,especially the higher ups,but people on here,,,who knows,its the clever thing to do.
    With the whole world wanting your ass.

    1. Wat do you think Players dont know how to use computers,, ?

  42. January 17, 2013 at 1:54 PM
    HustleTown in Tampico,c,mon man,speak on some shit?
    Whats up with your crew,everything cool?And what do you say on this here?You aint dry snitchin,this cat is dead,so it don't matter no more.Throw something out here,its what its for?Or you gonna bail?

  43. Tachas, Cortez Salinas, Gringo,and many more commandates these were all with Pelon,so it can't be them who were fighting each other?

  44. Where's m1? El flako?

  45. January 17, 2013 at 6:51 PM
    Anonymous said...

    For all those that think they know but dont know shit el commandante R1 is alive and well and still at it with what he does best..... He is the one SPEAKING in certain videos that have been in circulation for a fiew months now.........
    What videos?? Its been pretty quiet as of late. Links please

  46. INSIGHT CRIME SOURCES CONFIRMED yesterday he is dead. They are much more reliable than stratfor.

  47. January 18, 2013 at 10:30 AM
    "What videos?? Its been pretty quiet as of late. Links please"
    Ye man,type in R1 in search function here on BB,it is the top one with translations.
    The Z mention Cuarenta/40 and Lazcano and a few others.Bear in mind these videos are not months old,1 to 2 years at least.You may have seen this video and didn't realize it was supposed to be R1
    Now if everyone was as helpful as me,,,not everyone realizes BB has many of these,culled from all over

  48. Like I said before he was working with zetas "Comandante Paco" from La Ribereña took his place

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. This off topic but i think this is funny la barbie kick jenni rivera

    Rivera, 43, reportedly worked alongside notorious drug kingpin Edgar Valdez Villarreal, or “El Barbie,” who once brutally kicked the singer as a humiliating prank

    1. La barbie kicked jenni cause he was jealous , that she was better dressed than him...

  51. "chivis y da Fuck do you approve other comments that are fuckin retarded but dnt approve mine which is real info Shame on you"

    Yesterday I became very ill I did not return to moderate until an hr ago. Perhaps other mods did not like your ignorant comments. But I did see where you sent one calling us fags etc simply because you comments were not posted.

    Do you honestly think any of us will post your comments? This is not BDN...stay there and do not stray here.

  52. You have 1 to many "killed" in your title...

  53. Great job! Kill all those cockroaches! One down and only about one million to go... Keep up the great work! DEATH = THE FINAL SOLUTION!

  54. January 18, 2013 at 10:45 AM
    Anonymous said...

    January 18, 2013 at 10:30 AM
    "What videos?? Its been pretty quiet as of late. Links please"
    Ye man,type in R1 in search function here on BB,it is the top one with translations.
    The Z mention Cuarenta/40 and Lazcano and a few others.Bear in mind these videos are not months old,1 to 2 years at least.You may have seen this video and didn't realize it was supposed to be R1
    Now if everyone was as helpful as me,,,not everyone realizes BB has many of these,culled from all over
    thats an old ass video from years ago bro. thats nothing new from a few months ago.

  55. @8:39pm Thanks dude,i get sick of all this bullshit with everyone hatin on the zetas,when i know all the cartels do it.....meaning it all depends on that specific cell....whether they want to extort or not,or whether they have to for survival.
    A Cell or two from every cartel have been caught extorting legit businesses and kidnappings of innocents.
    So i know not every plaza boss condones it in the zetas,just like plaza bosses from other cartels.
    My friend just hope u gave me the honest truth and hope your not another "Reynosa" from forum.
    thanks dude,stay safe....i mean it.

  56. at 3:56 I dont like any cartel but I like to stay informed its true what u said they all have bad cells out there but I would like to see the old mexico out there again

  57. Zetas don't die they multiply!!!! It all depends who runs the show Zetas are structured well at least they were. Too many loose cannons now... Have given a bad name..But one thing for they're the Craziest of all...Nvo.Laredo Tamps. Represent!!!! Bitch ass sinaloas..golfas deserve to get smoke..traitors..thank " el coss" for that!!!

    1. And there he goes talking shet until they kill your family then you goin to be crying like a little bitch

  58. No one can get the IP address of eanyone on Blogger. I can't, Buggs can't, and readers sure can't. It is anonymous, which has its drawbacks. But I think Buggs is right is setting it up that way...

    1. Once again Chivis, thanks for putting that out there. As, I am always going to say exactly what I think, it's a relief for me to read it. It is horrifying to me that you all at BB, don't know who the HELL makes direct psycho threats and comments to you all. Sorry to hear you are sick. Please get well soon and stay safe. As aways, Texas Grandma.

  59. R anda vivo y coliando creen que con las ganas que le traiba la letra, los metros, o el gobierno no habieran aparecido videos de el. R anda en el sur pero no creo que vuelva al CDG muchos traidores adentro del CDG aunque todabia tiene muchisisima gente adentro.
    Y los metros son letra no se para que le pegan al massiso

  60. R1 was alive in march 2012 and still with CDG.we dont have any proof after that. R1 didnt kill m3 that was comandante witcho,thats why he tried running to the U.S and turned himself in

  61. For all u idiots who asked for my proof here it is: I keep hearing that el R1 is dead and he hasnt had any videos out for 2 yrs now or so well heres "only" 3 of them as i wont reveal them "all". 1)the video that surfaced here on june 30,2012 DRUG CARTEL RIVALS BEHEAD ZETAS ON CAMERA, EL R1 is the one speaking and interrogating. 2)video-El mugrosito de los ZETA de monclova,coahuila, entro a tamaulipas, el R1 is the one speaking and interrogating as that video was also shot over the summer.3)video-THE SAVAGERY OF EL DIABLO, el R1 is the one that begins to speak at 8:17 in the video. Thats just a little taste of what i know and there are more videos of him as he is NOT DEAD like many think thats why i put this out there to begin with for all that think they know but dont know shit. STAY TUNED..... ATTE: EL MAGICO......

    1. Tienes rason este wey el rey de reyes es el r1 okpex y esta con el chapo entonces so heres the news metros have turned back into zetas thats why the gulf is cleaning them out if u want proof of el r1 go to th video of the zetas with the letter z on their black shirts four of them that is r1 fact now go to 8.17 of savagery of el diablo is that the same voice judge for ur selfs 40 was lieng el r1 is alive

  62. @ 10:35 Im in Austin and you never hear the word Catel , here its prison gangs , maybe they work for them down the line but Austin is a small town I worked in several of the strip clubs here and if there were Cartel members here you would know maybe SA or Dallas but most drugs pass through Austin the tango Blast the tex synd the mm the Ab Bandidos those are the sources around Austin

  63. EL MAGICO......
    Brother you starting to make a believer,he doesn't look nothing like the picture everyone has seen anymore does he,but why would he be runnin round puttin himself on offer like that?
    Putting himself in jeopardy to be killed or caught by a routine patrol,roadblock,other crew?
    If it is him,he either a hard core loony tune,or he wants to do it himself?You don't have to put to much out here,you know how much you can,but if you know shit,you gonna be popular on here man tellin ye.Saludos an keep yo head down Magic

  64. @ 6:34 PM
    Is this why M4 been killed,cause the Metros are with the Z now?So it was Rojos or someone of that side?When they make this move?Metros/Z fightin against the other side of CDG?Crazy.

  65. January 19, 2013 at 6:34 PM
    "all that think they know but dont know shit"
    Don't fuckin bail on us,i just been checking that shit,2n vid you talkin about is the the young buck who is Z,he calls the interrogator commandate and the commandates voice is definitely the same as the early ones"Sad reality Of Zetas"black Ts,where they all shittin bricks.Brother you aint no wack attack.Saludos an post when you can,cuidate

  66. EL MAGICO......
    Dont go bailin on us,post when you can.

  67. @January 17, 2013 at 8:39 PM
    "well im from zacatecas south of jerez about 30 minutes"
    Thanks for your input man,keep postin up in here with what you want to,interesting shit hearing it from the people who see it day in day out on the real,take care bro you and your family,saludos.

  68. 6:34 PM
    Dude,is that r1 at 12.43 the hefty guy who says dogs or something like that(perros)?He looks like a boss,the way he tells dude to throw the cabeza away.Dude who throws the head away looks a bit pissed off at his compañero for takin to long on the taxi driver.Thats a bad ass crew,i didn't realize how many and how much they were loaded up.How many of these still doin what they do and how many been murked up to now i wonder

  69. Well i hope u guys all see what im saying is TRUE and I will just go ahead and also inform u all that el R1 is EL REY DE REYES and el commandante diablo is his main sicario and also relative. I read the above comments and el R1 is one smart clever hardcore gangster who will not abandon his home turf of tamaulipas and STILL has many high ranking officials on his payroll in tamaulipas and he branched off from the leadership of CDG and started running his own show with el commandante diablo and EL COSS as they teamed up with EL CHAPO who gave them huge backing in their war against the zetas with el R1 now being the main operator of this group after EL COSS went down. Thats why in his latest videos el R1 does very little mentioning of CDG as he has branched off on his own and has a handful of hideouts along the border with rio bravo being his main hotspot where he is catching MANY rivals there and also there are more videos with him and el commandante diablo that very fiew have seen and know about. This R1 guy is no joke and not easy to go against. He's been in the game a long time now and has escaped many operations to capture him due to his connections with officials who offer protection.STAY TUNED........ BIEN PILAS.....ATTE:EL MAGICO.......

  70. Estan pendejos Los Metros y Groupo X no y nunca van aser peace with Z. The reason they fight Rojos against Metro is because Metro have never Like El Chapos people which R1 is now under El Chapo payroll. Mayos people get more respect from Groupo X del CDG. M4 got kill in a fight against Z. CDG La Compañia puro para arriva a la verga kon la nueva federacion...... 100-19 al Las 3 siglas 18-3-2 para los putos mugrozoz ---------CenCal

    1. U saying cdg y arriba la compania meaning together so ur part of the golfo that branched out to the zetas o explica bien esa mamada compa por que no le entendi ni vergas wey

  71. @6:20pm Dude...why did you guys start the fight with the Zetas? You guys all together were a force to be reckoned with....what happened?

    i here all this shit in the media,but i wanna hear it from someone who is in on the know,thank you.

  72. R1 is R1. comandante rey de reyes was a sicario under metro tres.he and diablo teamed up nothing to do with R1. el coss would never have a pact with chapo in a million years. do you think chapo would allow him to be caught??? coss and mario were the old school bosses at war with each other,not business anymore. while they were busy fighting the new CDG was formed,they are more about business and
    and now want more drug corridors as coss was happy with what he had. diablo is still out there,he is under orders to carry on his work without videos as the public started to see diablo as just as bad as the zetas.he lost his public support

  73. Magic ,
    I told you,you would be popular didn't i?
    Now look what you started,just jokin man,,at least we talking about real shit and not just rippin each other.All these comments are the type we need to try and get some understanding about who is still rollin and who they with.Whats happened with CDG,Metros,Rojos,XWs,commandates.
    Thats another question,how many commandates are left,Mellao,Lino,Negro Josue,M7,Flander,Panochitas,Puma,Rayo,Chuco, Tachas,,,and a few more,,Polimenso,Sierra dead?
    Anyone want to speak on this,what yall know and think,,Magic what you say wey?

  74. Metros turn el Coss in because coss had betrayed Mario Cardenas & El Comandante Sierra it is say it was the order from el chapo so he could control Tamaulipas since he was part of el chapos crew. La compañia CDG & La Compañia Z are two whole different Cartels since the split. All these beef started when El R1 had to share more then half of the plaza of Reynosa to M3 which it had been a agreement that Royos would only control Reynosa & Metros Matamoros & Lobos Laredo when El señor De La O was still the main Boss. R1 was mad & that's when part of the beef started. There's more shit to this but I can't talk more then what the people know already....... CENCAL CDG GRUPO X & METROS Y CYCLONES bien 18 al medio

  75. "R1 is R1" mira pendejo,pa que sepas, el R1 "IS" EL REY DE REYES and is the mentor of el commandante diablo and also it is and was M3's people going to war with EL COSS and el R1 with his rojos after the death of M3 so for u to think that a sicario under M3 would team up with commandante diablo really shows that u have shit for brains... and the alliance with EL CHAPO u said wouldnt happen in a million years is CURRENT with EL R1 leading the charge.Part of the reason for the internal war inside CDG was the fact that this group being led by coss and r1 gave the green light to el chapo's men to enter tamaulipas to stage war and el coss and r1 were able to form a strong alliance with him and trust me el coss was caught under different circumstances that chapo had nothing to do with which also goes to show how strong el R1 is as many have fallen and he manages to move on and still has many men within cdg that have remained loyal to him and also very fiew know that he has an extremely close relationship with enrique plancarte solis "la chiva" head of the C T..... pa que sepas pendejo.......STAY TUNED....BIEN PILAS.....ATTE:EL MAJICO..........

  76. why would R1 change his name? if i were a zeta i would fear R1 rather than "rey de reyes" who knowone has heard of. does not make any sense does it?

  77. my friend
    El diablo and REY DE REYES were sighning mantas in ciudad Victoria 2010 telling the public it was safe to come out at night it also had CDG at the bottom.
    METRO 3 was not even dead when these mantas were hung. R1 was R1 and making his own videos while they were in victoria,this was long before diablo was famous for his own videos:ATTE shit for brains

  78. CENCAL ,
    Speak on what you think is cool,don't want no-one getting shit because of what is said on here,most of the names of commandates are out there so it aint dry snitchin on no one.M4 get topped by Z was any Metros with them?MAJICO,,are the Rojos stronger would you say,and is Pelon still in Reynosa and are they the offical CDG?If Metros Rojos see each other is it bang on site?Who is líder máximo of CDG now if there is one?The shit they done to each other was the worst thing they ever did,all the bosses and others goin down,Pelon and R1 have got to be smart motherfuckers,look at some of the ones who went down.

  79. Pendejos El rey de Reyes es el puto de R1 & after R1 kill M3 that's when the whole Ms & Rs war started. Dyablo works for el Puto de Chapo under R1 command. They where ones CDG but metros don't consider him Golfo no more even tho R1 bitch ass mouth still has the guts to say his from CDG even tho his Chapo man now: Atte CenCal

  80. mira culero,u are way WRONG and for reasons which u may know or maybe not since u have shit for brains but i CANT give exact details just clues like ive been but they just caught another diablo from cdg that WASNT EL COMMANDANTE DIABLO who IS a protege of EL R1!!!!!!!!!!trust that what im saying is VERYYYYY TRUEEEEEE pendejo and by the way el R1 hasnt even said he is R1 in the videos i mentioned before but yet it IS HIM so please dont DOUBT ANYTHING i say.....STAY TUNED.....BIEN PILAS.......ATTE:EL MAJICO

  81. El Diablo that was capture is a different Diablo no duh stupid shit I knew the actual Diablo traidor. A la verga kon el puto de R1 y Diablo muy pronto esos dos pendejos van estar muertos asi komo Su hermano jajaja once I almost got him capture when bravo 17 was still out but r1 got lucky next time he wont -CenCal

  82. magico my friend
    R1 didnt say he was R1 in the videos but when the bodys of the people in the videos turn up with a message "keep sending your shit people,come out and fight pussies comandante R1" might mean R1 had something to do with it!! my point is R1 IS NOT REY DE REYES. R1 was still with CDG and in reynosa in march 2012. DIABLO and REY DE REYES operate in cuidad victoria. ask anyone,they were there in 2010 i saw the manta. diablo had drawn a devil next to his name and a crown for REY DE REYES then C.D.G at the bottom.
    EL MAGICO so when did R1 join diablo then??
    come with just dont give current and personal info out. FUCK YOUR CLUES. come back with some real facts
    ATTE shit for brains

  83. January 22, 2013 at 8:30 PM
    EL MAJICO,,,
    CenCal,,,and you shit for brains,,,here we go with the grimy shit,its like a fuckin detective story,"whos the real deal,who knows the score"the arguin had to start didn't it.Instead of talkin about certain things lets start talkin greasy to motherfuckers who we will never meet and act like fuckin rambo with a hard on.We were talkin about r1,Diablo,Rey de Reyes...Cencal,MAJICO,both sayin who Rey de Reyes is,and i also see on Mex things Diablo is r1 relation,primo,or some shit?People stop buyin into this argument shit,or we get shit done.We aint lookin to get no one fucked,we just talkin about things that we can,oh man fuck this shit imma a motherfuckin gringo what do i know,im on one,,be cool hermanos

  84. so the ZETAZ team that killed diablos family also killed R1 s family aswell?? LOL i dont think so. im sure the the ZETAZ would of mentioned that fact!! or do we ALL now know which side of diablos family R1 from do we???
    PLEASE TELL el magico LOL

  85. you are correct.i did not start the insults. my friend in usa you will find the people acting all cartel member are not. there are some who post on these sites but not like EL magico,thats your clue.its the little bits of info from annoymous users to look out for!!
    if i see info that is not correct it sould be made known,its so people like you dont get fooled. ATTE shit for brains

  86. "shit for brains":
    mira culero, i cant give the details u r looking for u should know why no matter how fuckin stupid u r!! just think for a second why i CANT!!! however there ARE videos where they come out and say it as ive mentioned before about the OTHER videos that Fiew have seen and know about!! u are extremely misinformed crying like a lil bitch wanting EXACT details like if everybody was as fuckin stupid as u seem to be and go shove that 2010 victoria manta in ur fuckin ass as it shows very little and u have no fuckin clue how things REALLY are. please admit that u DO know who juan REYES mejia gonzalez is? please admit that u DO know that el R1 and commandante diablo are RELATED? Do u have any names from those in that manta u talking about or u just going off aliases??? A LOT of these gangsters have MORE than "ONE" alias in which they go by or which other people call them just look up several gangsters and SEE the different names u will see for EACH one... EXAMPLE#1):heriberto lazcano lazcano:z-3, el lazca,el verdugo,el licenciado,etc... EXAMPLE#2):juan reyes mejia gonzalez:el quique,el R1,"EL REY DE REYES"..... pa que sepas pendejo culero!!!!! STAY TUNED....BIEN PILAS.....ATTE:EL MAJICO

  87. EL MAJICO,,,CenCal,,,shit for brains,,,,,
    Have you heard that sound by Mista Enek,El Camu-Bien Marihunao?
    Shit,hit that up on YT,MexicoCity123 channel,he CDG?Im tellin ye listen to it,killer sound,,,fuckin gringo tellin ye about Mexican sounds?Thats crazy shit.I bet you heard it anyway?Smooth shit for blazin hermano tellin ye.Anyway stop that boolshit arguin and lets talk,we all down aint we?

  88. I might belong or might not belong to a crimal organization but I sure will tell you that its not that hard to find info if you look for it C1, Diablo has a FB believe it or not R1 & Coss, El Sr 900, El Wero, Bravo 17 even had one before this whole shit when down I live in Cali but I am well connected when with the 3 siglas-XX La Compañia rifa

    1. I'm from Louisiana...would love to meet you,January 23,2012 at 8:36pm...REAL TALK

  89. January 23, 2013 at 8:36 PM
    3 siglas-XX La Compañia rifa,we all just talkin.
    Brother i dont want no one gettin hassle from what we say on here,theres street fuckers in every race and we all know the score big balls business,anyway we just talkin shit,,what might be goin on?As you say about pages,/FuerzasEspecialesMX was naughty but that shit gone down?Fucks happened to CxDxG|Facebook,i aint got that shit,fuckin hate FB,i just went to see the pictures of players.Dude put a link up for that shit Diablo an that?Saludos

    1. Dude wtf are you saying? You always post comments that make no sense.. you sound like a bozo

  90. my friends
    el magico,show some sound like a 15 year old with your insults(not very CDG)
    CENCAL does not use abuse or cry when questioned!
    Lets stop fighting as our friend in USA said.
    MAGICO el diablo=hugo padilla of tampico
    rey de reyes is david reyes of matamoros
    both were sicarios working under METRO TRES
    diablo was a zeta before osiel was arrested
    ATTE shit for brains

  91. MAGICO
    you say R1 never said he was R1 in his gulf cartel videos and questioned how the poster new it was R1.
    now you are saying R1(REY DE REYES) is in videos with DIABLO saying who they are. JA JA JA JA

    what nonsense you speak

  92. Whose next in line after Metero 4 for the meteros?

  93. next in line for m4? who knows,it does not matter.
    the CDG are done now, since there is no top boss anymore the commandantes tried to run it themselves. they can not they fight each other.
    when they are finished whatever is left over will go to chapo and ask him to come and stop the zetas taking everything.CDG will be sinaloa in 2 years.chapo is just waiting to be asked by CDG,governors,mayors ect.. he will have like T.J
    and the zetas will stop trying to take it and stick to there plazas. 2 years

  94. you guys all make me laugh how u think u know the most its like little kids really! im an 87 year old man and get a kick out of how i can just say things true or not true and look how people react ive done it before on other subjects just to see people act like they know it all when nobody does. be cool guys apolgies if anyone offended. ATTE:EL MAJICO

  95. CDG should never have backstabbed Los Zetas.. sign of weakness is what it was.....fkn weakness on there they got Chapo the barking dog there to take over eventually..Cartel Dead Golfo!!

  96. never answered my question?

  97. not sure if this is true or rumor but found it in a blog. La Verdad
    wait R1 from Aleman is coming back with his people, whoever said he was dead is well dead wrong.. his compadres from Roma hooked him up with el Chapo and El Mayo.. expect Miguel Aleman, Camargo, Roma, and Rio Grande people to become the new bosses soon... this guy M4 was a tool, no one big is now CDG,, no structure, alot of shit is going to break loose, all this Sinaloa people in the valley from Mexico City just sitting back waiting they been here for 2 years now.. it shall get interestesting sooner than later.

  98. thanks for the post. chapo will give R1 the power and the plazas he did not get with CDG. R1 is clever,he knew CDG were done


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