Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mexico's attorney general admits lack of evidence against generals

El Diario (1-22-2013)

Translated by un vato for Borderland Beat

Distrito Federal (Reforma).-- In an unprecedented action, Mexico's Attorney General (PGR: Procuraduria General de la Republica) admitted before a federal judge that the office has no evidence that verifies the statements made by protected witnesses that accused General Tomas Angeles Dauahare of protecting the Beltran Leyva cartel.

This disclosure was also communicated to the five other generals that were charged in the same case.
This past January 15, the agency headed by Jesus Murillo Karam admitted in an unprecedented manner that it was unable to corroborate the statements by "Jennifer" and Sergio Villarreal, "El Grande", in the investigation that led to the incarceration of the Division general, according to court documents.

"With respect to defendant Tomas Angeles Dauahare, the depositions (statements) of the collaborating protected witnesses have not been corroborated by any probative means, except for the fact that the accused was a public servant in the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena: Secretaria de Defensa Nacional), without having any proof to date to confirm the statements by 'Jennifer' and 'Mateo'", says the court document numbered DGCPPAMDO/707/2013 from the PGR.

This document was delivered to Raul Valerio Ramirez, third district court judge of Federal Criminal Proceedings  in Toluca, who just yesterday provided it to General Angeles and the other accused military men.

The PGR admitted this after the General's defense lawyer, Ricardo Sanchez Retana, asked the court to order the SEIDO (special organized crime prosecutions unit) to disclose whether or not it had confirmed statements made by these two collaborating witnesses who had incriminated the military officer (of involvement) with the narco.

On Thursday, Angeles requested that his case be closed (dismissed) and sentencing issued based on the statements by the protected witnesses, declining to cross-examine them before a judge. It is expected that this Tuesday the court will order dismissal of the prosecution initiated against Angeles on organized crime charges.

"Jennifer" and "Mateo", code name for "El Grande", stated on several occasions that Angeles Dauahare helped Edgar Valdez Villarreal, "La Barbie", obtain military protection while unloading aircraft with cocaine in the Cancun, Toluca and Cuernavaca airports.

For the General's defense lawyer, Ricardo Sanchez, the fact that the PGR admits that there is no evidence that corroborates the accusations of drug trafficking from protected witnesses is good news and validates his idea that the Division General should have never been prosecuted.

Just last Thursday, a federal tribunal sitting in Guanajuato affirmed the formal order of imprisonment issued against General Angeles Dauahare and the other accused military officers.

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  1. Well thats good news...we dont want good men getting charged do we.


  3. why would any other outcome be expected?

  4. General Tomas Angeles Dauahare was on an at large PRI legislative slate when he was charged by then PAN PGR Morales, but later a PRI procuraduria determines there's no evidence a few months later.

    Funny how that works.

  5. How sweet, a confession of lack of evidence. The poor generals, I cry for them. Never mind the sea of of poverty. The world over the bald monkey is so innocent, the truth so easily spoke.

    Who can prove houses are being stolen by the military? Heads is the streets, bodies hung from bridges, so what. These fine men are slandered. A crime!

  6. Ya of course they're innocent..

  7. The problem is that if you accuse these men. They are probably in with other big government people. If they go down so starts the domino effect. These guys are not alone in what they do. They have lots of help and it could bring down most of the government if you take down the top people. They obviously have people working directly under them to get things to happen. They cannot do everything by themselves. Police, Mayors, Governors, army, federal police, State police and more are under them and are part of it. It is a network and these guys hand down the directives to the lowers to help the Narco's. You want to bring down all of Mexico. Well you cannot find these guys guilty. Nobody in government it seems is ever found guilty in Mexico. You see charges. Then the charges disappear or you never hear about it again. They can have massive houses and lots of money that are impossible to attain on their wages. But that doe's not matter either. They can say they won the lottery or anything they want to get out of anything.

  8. AND, the Good People in Mexico continue to suffer because of all the payasos in the executive, legislative and judicial branches in Mexico. You really have to live in Mexico among the people to understand what is happining in this country, otherwise you would never believe it. How sad. Only a revolution has a chance to help the poor, and then there would be a Fidel leading it. :(

  9. disgusting country... and embarassment

    1. You mean disgusting government right??

      Because i can say the US is disgusting Country but i will only sound stupid.
      And theres proof invading weaker Countries only for resources haha thats disgusting,preying on the weak thats what the world thinks of the US,they are selfish and nosy.Why dont they prey on China? All they do is kiss Chinas ass.They think that they are popular but travel out of your Country and get a taste of reality.They could easily be the most hated for what they have done and the millions of innocent casualties throughout the world.Yeah im telling you what most people from the USA decides to ignore.

      BUT i dont think the Country is disgusting,the government,yes,but the Majority people are not.

  10. I wrote the post at 10:31 and I know enough to get me in trouble. But I would never say anything that would lead to everyone I know being killed. I am an American living in Mexico and if knew everything I know it would make your stomach turn. You are right the good people are suffering because of a government that is out of control.

    Reminds me of the show the time machine. Where the people were kept well and bred for the warlock's to eat. At a siren the people would automatically come in and form a line. They would select who would be taken for food. They did not fight back.

    People that unite in rebellion are killed, such as human rights activists. Newspapers are silenced and reporters killed. They cannot report the truth. About 92% of the people here will not call the police in an emergency. That speaks volumes. My friend came to visit a week ago after a 2 year hiatus. He was a afraid to come back and visit family. He finally did it. That afternoon on his first day back, he was in Pharmacia Gaudalupe Hidalgo on the corner of Ave de Las Americas and Ave Ortiz Mena. The pharmacy and everyone in it were robbed at gunpoint. He lost $700. They called the police and in two days not one officer even showed to take a report. Doe's that tell you anything? I am guessing the police were involved. That is the Warlock treatment I am talking about. People are hit by free lance criminals and government criminals. They cannot win. Can you imagine not showing up for an armed robbery.

  11. The Sad part is, These men were Charged over lies by drug lords. What kind of evidence is that? Im sure if the Taliban were doing the same you Murricans would jump to have your Generals thrown to the wolves correct?

  12. There you have it just when I felt my Spidey sense tingling for the side of the good!

  13. Oh so this is Mexico's first, honest procurador general? Noooooooooooooooooo way get out of here... what a crock of shit. Fucking joke ass Mexican government...

  14. people, get a grip, the ONLY EVIDENCE was the words of two narcos. that IS ALL. no evidence other than from their stanking mouth.

  15. Yeah just remember who came and saved everyones ass in WW2.....ok it took a while and and took a few bombs at Pearl Harbour but stiff shit,the yanks stopped the japs dead in there tracks to world domination with germany....and no im not an americano.
    Im glad my country is allied with the yanks,not many country's that have gone out of there way to help other country's,and the world would be alot worse without them...have some respect.
    I mean the people and there Government of USA.

    1. Yeah just remember that almost half of those casualties were civilians.But i guess your right it doesn't matter how many innocents die as long as the US comes on top.Lets go to another country kill as many of them as we can and make it appear as if we are helping USA! USA! USA! Ha its a good strategy but everything is paid eventually.Why do you think no one in Mexico wants their piece of shit army,marines, or seals because they have a great reputation for killing innocents. Please U.S do everyone a favor and stay the fuc out of Mexico.It's an honest advice,this time it may backfire.It wont be overseas

      If you didnt get the message from those DEA agents that have been killed

    2. WTF are u talking about?? It's time for you're medication buddy.. read the article before you start yapping them lips or key board..

  16. PRI, PAN, REPUBLICANS, DEMOCRATS ,USA or MEXICO govermnet its all the same.. Majority of politics are dirty crooks.. worst than drug lords... All the hard working people of both countries need to stand up, enough is enough.. Mexico cartels are killing each other like dogs.. The USA has at least one drug addict for every family... I'm not saying I'm right , its just my opinion..


  18. To 8:53...Man, you make no sense at all on this topic...please reread it.

  19. Bashing the US are? Hahahahahaha.... So now we are talking wars and such huh? And talking about bullying other countries and shit, yes? Not only is this place a haven for internet narcos and cartel cheerleaders, apparently we have historians and political scientists among us. I'm referring to the people making comments of course, not the people who run this badass site and do some work..... But as far as the US being just as crooked as Mexico, get the fuck out of here. That's not even a plausible argument. More efficient at being crooked yes, but not as crooked, not even in the same fucking galaxy. Oh you disagree? Then tell me why millions of mexicans have fled to the US where millions of mexicans have had families flourish and prosper, and accomplish goals that never would have been possible in a country where the government is a fucking JOKE. I say "fled", because when people risk death crossing a motherfucking desert, or riding in insanse heat in the back of an overcrowded goddamn 18 wheeler for days, or drowning in a freezing ass river just to make it to the US, yes, that qualifies as fleeing. The mexican government does not give a flying fuck about its people. A dog that does tricks for a treat, that is the mexican government. A dog that demands other dogs do what it itself is unwilling to do, that is the mexican government. Of course I'm not referring to its people, its culture, or its history, and if you didnt know that you are a fucking moron. But how can so many millions of mexicans stand being governed by such a small percentage of incredibly sold out, joke ass pieces of shit who whore out its country, its companies, its professional careers and resources to foreigners??? How can it stand to see its people destroy itself, all by narcos who under any other circumstances and with opportunities would have made incredible, legitimate businessmen??? I'll you why, because that system is designed so that an uneducated, illiterate ranchero never knows what it feels like to have a billion dollar empire... dont ask why the US doesnt fix its consumption problem. Ask why the Mexican government doesnt truly HANDLE its own FUCKING PROBLEMS. Dont give me that tan lejos de dios, tan cerca de los estados unidos bullshit... at least once people make it here, they can get a fucking job and feed a fucking family.


    1. "More efficient at being crooked yes,but not as crooked,not even in the same galaxy."hahaha that was the best part hahs. I would easily continue this argument with you but you managed to contradict yourself,so therefor I wont.

  20. thats a bunch of bullshit he should get charged and then tortured to get to the ones incharge of messing up mexico!!!

  21. @M
    I don't know why you bother,it is plain old hatred,bitterness,plus a good portion of racism thrown in.Lets just stay the fuck out of Mexico and we are all happier that way.Leave them to it,as they say,fix our own problems,never mind Mexico,they are all anti US anyway,sad but true.stay away from Mexico and its problems.People who fly in and out of Mexico can be ever so understanding about its problems,they can afford to be.Imagine if the US turned into another Mexico?They wouldn't be as understanding then.But hey im white,im just a racist.Their not?

  22. @552 if you think I contradicted myself you didn't understand what the fuck it is that I was saying.. which is sad, considering it is just the use of common goddamn sense. Both are crooked, one is a fuckload worse, facts on this very site support this... I'm sure that went over your head too though, and who gives a fuck. I like how you used the word "therefore" ....... That was pretty goddamn funny.

  23. This general was framed, mexicos system is fucked they will arrest you for a rumor.


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